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Exam questions for the course “English Literature of the 17th-18th century

Module 3

39. Sentimentality as a cultural trend in Britain at the end of the 18 th century.

40. Sterne’s”The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman” as a sentimental novel.
41. The concept of a sentimental wanderer in Sterne’s fiction. (The Sentimental Journey)
42. The problem “love and/as morality” as treated in O.Goldsmith’s “The Vicar of
43. What it meant to be naïve in O.Goldsmith’s “The Vicar of Wakefield”
44.Robert Burns’ poetry: Man and Nature as a leading motive.
45 Burns’ love poetry: based on one story or on many?
46.A wanderer as Burns’ main focus in different kinds of his verse ( 2 examples, please)
47.Burns’ efforts to change the traditional lyrical genres;( give 2 examples, please)
48 R. Sheridan’s “The School for Scandal” on the morality of aristocracy of his time.
49. The generation conflict in “Tom Jones” and “The School for Scandal
50*.Satire and sentimentality in “The School for Scandal”.
51*.The function of the word play in “The School for Scandal”.
52.The early Gothic novel in English literature: main features of content and form.
53.*The concept of History in “The Castle of Otranto”.
54*. Female characters in “The Castle of Otranto”.

Enlightenment in American Literature

55.B.Franklin’s “Autobiography” as a typical story of a young man of the 18th c.
56.B.Franklin’s “Autobiography” and the formation of an American Dream
57 *Franklin as a social and political figure ( “Autobiography”)
58* Philip Freneau as a poet of Independence ( A Political Litany; To the Brave Americans;
The American Soldier)
59. Ph.Freneau’s philosophy of nature (The Wild Honey-Suckle) Freneau’s and Burns’ nature
60*.Philip Freneau on the place of Poetry and a poet in American life of his time (To an
Teacher’s comments for student’s self-control
39.What reasons might we find for such ethical shift there back in the 18th c in the collective conscience
of British society which was actively building - relying on Reason and Rationality – successful economy
of an urban kind; science; commerce, colonial empire and a relatively stable internal policy ( with the
exception of Ireland, of course)?
40. Think of irony and parody (as key instruments of emotional response) in the novel, especially in
representation of time, place and characters.
43. To be naïve was an equivalent of a virtue at the times of Enlightenment .Goldsmith might use this
principle as a resource of a comedy, a reason for tragedy or a way to morality. Give examples based on
the text, please (at least 2)
47. Prove the point on poet’s treatment of a ballad, a sonnet, a song, an epigram (2 examples are enough).
49. Have a look at the treatment of wisdom of the older generation in both texts. And at the way Sheridan
and Fielding showed the young as apt and ready for action. .
52. What aspects of “The Castle of Otranto” were the markers of its author’s conflict with the rationality
in 18th century outlook?
53. Horace Walpole was a fan of the Middle Ages – did he try to revive a chivalry novel? Give your
“pro’s” and “contra’s” in your answer.
54. Female characters in MidAges were treated as ideal beauties and sometimes as tragic victims.
What did H. Walpole change in it?

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