Reality Shows: Myth1: Anyone Can Get Onto A Reality TV Show

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Agrupamento de Escolas de Ponte de Lima

Escola Secundária de Ponte de Lima

Ano Letivo 2019/2020

Name_________________________________________ no_______ Class 10º L

Worksheet nº11

Reality Shows
Myth1: anyone can get onto a reality TV show

Fact: One in six British teens believe they’ll be famous; 10,000 people applied for the
las Big Brother show with the largest number of hopefuls being between 18 and 24
years old - but the chances of winning a place on a Big Brother style show are one in
30 million. Sarah Lowe, 19, auditioned for the x Factor (a pop star show): “I’ve had
singing lessons since I was six, so I thought I had a chance. Sadly, I ended up being
judged only on what I wore.”

Myth2: appearing on reality TV is a good way to get on in life

Fact: More than one in ten teenagers aged 16 to 19 would drop out of school to
appear on reality TV and the same number think it’s a great way to earn money
without having skills. But is that realistic or disastrous? “Reality TV can make you
famous for 15 minutes but it’s unrealistic to expect that to carry on,“ says Ron
Bracey, a clinical psychologist.

Myth3: reality shows are great fun for those who appear on them

Fact: “You’ve likely to have all your negative features magnified,” explains Ron Bracey.
“For every viewer who likes you, there are five who don’t.” After her life was exposed
to the world on The Osbournes, Kelly Osbourne blamed the pressures of reality TV
fame: “The whole world was discussing how to talk, what to eat, who I hang out with”,
she says.

A. Read the text and decide if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE. Justify (T/F) with sentences from the text
1. Sixty per cent of the British teens will be celebrities…………………

2. Reality TV will only make you famous for a short time. …………….

3. As a participant you will probably be more hated than loved by the audience.

Agrupamento de Escolas de Ponte de Lima
Escola Secundária de Ponte de Lima
Ano Letivo 2019/2020

4. After being a participant in a reality show everyone has an opinion about your life.

B. What do these expressions mean? Choose the correct option:

1. “ the chances (…) are one in 30 million”

a) There are not many chances b) There are 30 million chances

2. “a good way to get on in life”

a) A good way to go abroad b) A good way to succeed

3. “without having skills”

a) Having no competence b) Having resources


A. Match these multi-word verbs from the text with the right meaning

1. Get into a) take part in an audition

2. Apply for b) continues
3. Audition for c) enter, participate
4. End up d) go out with friends
5. Drop out e) to be facing an unexpected situation
6. Carry on f) quit
7. Hand out with g) make a formal request


There are so many REALITY SHOWS on TV at the moment, do you remember the name of any of these shows? And
the names of the winners? Would you like to participate in any of them?
Do you think the TALENT SHOWS are better than REALITY SHOWS? Do you watch any TALENT SHOW? Would you
participate in a TALENT SHOW?
Write a text with your opinion on these topics


Agrupamento de Escolas de Ponte de Lima
Escola Secundária de Ponte de Lima
Ano Letivo 2019/2020

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