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Englishfor AdvancedStudies

r3.:. .E .3 €" * .1.4.3.
"3..1* €.
Revieur Foundin the hriting
of Errors Cunmonly
A b i li t y S e c t i o n
Sincey,ouneedonly recognizeerrors in grammar anduqagefor thi.s part of
the exam,this section of the boqk will review those errors most cormonly
presbntedin the test and teach you what to look for. Weassijmethat a candidate
is fani'liar with,.basicararnmar,
andwewi'i1 concentrateon errgr recognitonbarcd
on that knovr'ledge.
I, veg-lgge;s
1. Errors in Verb Tense

Checkif the correct verb tense has beenused in the sentence.

INCORRECT: 'rilhenI came, horne,the children still didn't finish dinnsr.

f f i f i R E C T : W h e n I c a m €' h o m e ' t h e c h j . l d r e n s t i 1 l h e d @ d d i n n e r .

As we ate clinner, the phon€rang.
CCRRECT: As we werc_eatingdinner, tlre phonerang.

In REPORTED check that thr: ru'le of sequenceof tenses has been


She promiserd
INCORRECT: she will come.
ffiECT: She promiseidshe UgUl! come,-"

She said she doesn't knowhis phonenumber.

COfiRECT: She slrd she dfftl!_XrcW his phonenumber,

She claimeri she has never been thgre.
COBFIECT: She clainred phe f_a{-neysclisen there.

2, Errorsi in Tensefri:rmation

Check jf the tense has been formeclcorrectly. Knrx the past participle of
irregular verbs ,,, 1,
INCORRECT:He throwed rt out of the window. \x-(
CfIRRECT: He thrqw jt out of the wlndow.

Having just drank somewater, I wasn't th'irsty.

CORRECT: l{aving just drunk somewater, I wagn't thirsty,

3. Errors in Sublect-VerbAgreement

Ch e cki f t he subj ec t o1 'the v er b is si ng ul ar o r p lu r al . Q oe st he ve r b agr ee i n


Multi pl e su bj ec t wil l l r e co nn ec tr : d
b y n or d AN D:
Ted, ,John ,an d I ar e g oi ng .
If a singular-sufiect is-separated by s qomma phrase' it
frqn an accompanyi,ng
r e m a i n ss i n g u ' l a r : - )

The brider,together with the groomand her parents, is receilling at the


IruffiR€eT: There iu tnenyr&&$,)rls
ffiRHffi: lh;, ., een'",ihti'ip yr:u,
iher6 C,{g$1@{i}:.rqeggf,L6",wi,:;r
i een,t i:clp yotr,
,Si. b3,iris r"r.ifeovters,at th# Farty_
ffiSnE[T: (Wf"*Liey$i,qe6c*rnp.sntsd p!, r,js "*rrfe, et th6 Fel.Ty.
'' - *3r4-€
,r +.+E*g-j
fNffiRFf;T: F4is"tna*iidr:' *f s*',ngr*l 'tEhni}ueges and tnc s-#ia1"gr*i** rnakehim a
ssugflt af.fei-disrn*r ;**st
#Offi[18C1': U:"9*ryzgfgXr]f ssverui iarguagss er-r"$
:ihe soe.iatr Sr€iee$nrgbe_*)him
s{}Ughtaf.fer C.inR,Er*
' t''
4. .:i*nal S€ntgficei:;
Hrr'or;*i n {hd:,#i +t <
: -+ \ i\t' ' ":'il
, t-l r/ j
- '

i '' '
. l '
t ' , : I ," , "
In *gndjtj*na] r;enten*es,tho w,*ndt i ,'qi ,
,.,r;*ii be fmi le+vcdhy the wrtJsr
l*l I *r FqlUI.d"

Fi*r'o i1r€ ii;* e;pr"re,Jt r:OriqJi.t

ic.iia"l fcr-rs:

If I $+ ::gt; fi €n I r q' j* ilgo t t t. *r r . ,, ., .

If I S_ruii:i,na, : UrU|:l rji, it ircrw"
PA$T: i f I fqs*i"i'redt j me .i,"114-! lq:@e- de:ie I r .v-estsrdal,
'l Senterreegus-irrgtheewci-ejl; !vh*n, €s sc:r ai, th€ moiticntu,ste" r ar€ fo{-ffl€fi
i ke future eondit i r*ni;ls; AalvubAbus*
{ w"i"ll t,,*il ilim ir, see hi,t,
I w i l l T + l i i i r n w r , : U ,i $ r : - . . i .

The -vt*rb t€ L1,tr''*r I 1 '\,/€ire'

ar.,!qt; a['.,i]e:.{i-
3i rn il.le F}r8$dnt eosrdjt jona] :

i f t r t i €r r * y o i r " i e ; r i . , r : d n , id r : t i - , a t .
$ h e w c r * i i l r ' t s a y s o . t s i r €, + ; g g - o * r ;+J - g .

fwrE; isll sent*rif6rs centain-rfrg ' rf , lrc ccnl:!rir,lnarls,"t. "uihen,,,f " *pp*ars .in
T n * [ t 6 & n l n E c . l w i t * t h e r , . i . r ,* i i t . , t a x e t h a f . ; . . u r e :

I d*n't krrcnr:L_{:
n* $j"Lj*ig tiiei c. t J r.rn'i i,lri{ vst"rether
h* wj: I be ther€}, }
IMffiffiEeT: I f I wr:u'lo have l..r"riy,rri, ' 1, yqr g$n€,
I ysd,ul.Ji.r ii,: "
ffiRREeT: i f ha{ kpegl, I wc,r.l'i(iri' t havi-, gone.

:Hff5qT: You wo*idrr'i he sr--,t-ji-ed .ir y0u w€F,)ir.t gr.-,ln*t* bs{: ss late.
*tr{FiEer: y':u wcur{ir;'t bs E':,t.ii-ed ;;'
iou {titi_,.__ga ttr bsd st : la te ,
ihffifrECT: i-:all nlg the nemsfli ,v*r.,r
wi'tl _..j*thrr*lil.
trffiffiECT: Cal"l mts'lrle niryrnentyor; g-*.! hr:rns"

IFCO{1R€criWs es}u'idgo tCI the re,ach if lt id&.sri,"i:-s*t"r{,t"

tiL*'{l-tbul: W* eou'ii1gCI1fl'thg heraehif rt rver*ir",.$S lr,;t"

5. Errors in Exprass.ions
of Des.ire
Unfulfi i led desirersare expressed
by,the fomi"'__ had hoped that
w oul d ( or ccul d, o r m i gh t) do

I haclhopedthat ,t g>g5l.nassth€ exam.'\ ) , , , ! , . \ t

ydth "wish'lare formedas follovs:
I wi sh I Knrryhi m ,
I wish you EolJ.l_d(would) comg. ' r/o y-
wjsh he haclgc[Le. (or qoujcl hav.ecomE,Sluld have cdfo, flrisht have
t.loTE:As in conditionglE"the .verb to be' will ALWAy$appearas ,wero' in the
present: I urishshefwglls)hare,.- sh& is'"4f,k*c .
1r<r€wt ,t,1
IMDRREOT:i. wish I heilrd that etory about him before I met him.
CORRECT: i wish I leJXheaf.q(or coufd.havb heArd or Wuld,hdve h.€ard)ttrat
story about'h.irnneifore I met-ilim'.-
IN$RRECT;$he wishes llou wili be on time. 1 M\h^^r
CORRECT: Sihewishes :/ou could (or ryou,ld)be on t jme.

6. Errors 'in Verbs Fol lowecttry VERBWffiDS

The foliowing l'is't cons'istsof worclsanti expressionsthat are follorred by

a VERB ( tha i nf j nj t j ve wi th ou t t he , 't o. ') :

ask pr e fe r requirement
demand recoffnsnd sugg€st
desire reconmendation suggestion
i ns 'i st urga
" \ ' r.'

Ii{OOFRECT:'$he ignored the doctor's rgcomm*ndation

that she stops srnoking.
ffiRECT: Sih€ignored the doctor's that she glgp smoking.
II.IffiRRECT: It i$ essen.ial,r,.r r*@-H
COfiRECT: It is ossential tl.rat you 6eron time.
- lru
II.ICORFIECT:Ftesuggestedthat we met at the
OOFIRECT: He suggesterJ that we mept at the train.
7. E r r o r in Negative Ifllperatjve$ r. , , ; l

hlote the two forms for negative imperatives:

a. Flease dqnj.t do tfrar.

b. d you p lease rrot de that ,
-i -

hrouldyou please don't smrkehere,
CORRECT: F,leasgdo1l'! Smokelrere.

Wouldyou Flease no'!:s;DoiJB

8. jve dgreemerrt
Errors in Af f irmative and Nargat or Verbs
Note tl"retwo cc,rrect fgpps;for aff irmat.ivea1;reement:

o, l-an an A,rnerican
b, 'is
I an!an Americananclg;h-e
---_\7 f,6
d, llarv I i l{qg Bach and so dqeg John.
. b. llary ,1i ke$ Bach and ,&ihndoes..tgg,

a. Ny father ron't be ':herre a.ndmyrnoth-sr- won't gtthqL.

b. t{y fathei' uon't: b,\:7
nffiell!ill mvmoth€r.
the tii:m andshe hasnt neither.
INCORRECT: l: haven'tsieen
CORRECT: I haven't s,een the l''irmar-'ld
she haEn't.ei(Fir.
haven't s;s€nthe fi'im and *f,z-
ndTA*. rari sh€,
o Errors of Inf irrilives or (Serunds of Verbs
in the Ccrrrplement

$ o mev erbs mayherfol " lowetlby ei th er an in fi ni ti ve o r a g sr u nd :

I swjnuninsl
rrt night. 9aw-z""',nu;vV
I love to sw.iual: night. \

Other tzerbs, hom)v€rrmoy r'3euire either rlne,or th€ other folidiomatic

roasonsi Fol1owingis a lrst of the morecommonly used verbs in this catagory:
Verbs regu'ir'ing an It'tFlNITIVE:

iqr6€ fai 1 intend promise

riecj de hope I earn refuse
oxpect want pl an
Verbs requ'ir'ing a GERIJND:

admit dony quit

a'te enjoy regret
avoid f ri sk
consider pract r cEl stop
Phrases requ'iring a GEfIUND:

approve clf ijo nclt mrnd r.eepon

be bet te r < >ff forgert about look forwa,rdto
can 't h e' lp insist on think about
count on rlet througl'r t h' in k of

II,{GCIIRECTI:i 'lntend learn'ing Frenchnext gomestgr.

COFRECT: i 'intend t! -'1,gqr|i Frericfinext sem€ster. I
tc, srroke,voJ^'iltryduJ
If{COtfrECT: I have$tCIppec
COfiRFCT: .I havestopped _stngKug.,<,tluof,-r{vJ
,ttears lookirrg for*ar.d to sor you,
CORRECT: Weare looking forward to g.€€jngyou,
'10, Errors in Verbs B eq uir ing HOW
in the, Compl€rfisnt

TheverbslKtsw, , anc, Sl'otll equire the woroplbefors an

infrn'it'ive'in t

IIWRRECI': Shtakno$,sto drive.

/ .t7
O0RRECT: She knorrshqU to clrjve.

I will teach you to sew,
CORRECT: I will teach you hgd to sew.

11. E r r o r s i n T a gE n d j F g s

C h ec kfor three things irr tergen or n gs :

a, Do€stn€ ending us€rthe samqpsrsgn as the sentenc€v€fb?

b, Doesthe ending u$€'the sameterrgeiis the sentencov6rb?
c, If the srantence verb js positjve, i* the ending nogative; if the gsntence
v er bris ne ga t' iv E,is the en di ngp os 'i ti ve ?

iJ'q nice here, jgtt'J*i-lt

It i.s!:! nice hare, ifruit?
Sh.esepHhpFrench, doebnL sfipt
r:rench, @gs,she?
Ihev"l-l .be here tqnngrrevi,
Thfrv.,won'tbe herp tomorrow,Ul_ll_Jl[SJ?

1 , ' n ) r i q h t .i r e n ' t I ?
iollo l-qhsul-fi11--us't
Le[:g,see, ehe]l_!g?
l.CITE:If thefe ig'a cont."ttion 'in the ssntefic€vgrb,,makesure you knofi
what the corrtractionstandsfor: \ !'

INC$RRECT:She's been tlrere before, jsn't she?

C0RfIECT: ghe's ifre.glliirers before, hasr:ljl*-$hg?
Yclu'rJrather go yoi,rr5s]f, har:n't you? ''
CQRHECT: KUj rather go )our$o1f, vvgq]dnf t yotr?

12, Error.sjn idlir:unnt"ic

Followingare tt few cotunc,flly
used idionratic vgrb expressions. l,lotico
whetherthey are follored by a verb word, a p,ar+icip,le,:an jnftniii"e,tor:-u
gen'lnd. Mannrizoa sempleof eachto checkyourn:;elf whenchoosingan an$€r:
f__1 V.j
a. lmusthave\(done)-meaning",it -is a lc,gricalco,rctugion,,
l<- J
They're1ate. Theynrust_hflyg miqf$t the bus.
Thers'snl an$$rer,r[einflst nave.${nsout.
r--., \t
b. l h a d b e t t e r l ' ( O o ) - m e a n i n g ' a d v . i s i i b J e "
It's getting co1d. you haLbeJtgj:-"t.i,"[g
your coat.
He stil l ras a fevsr. tte
HB ilao bettgr,{16},
ifrd-ffiTffil;-4fr}-oo so ouf yet.
out ve?_
- j_J,
c, used tol (dot*lneaning"was 1n the of do,ingin the past"

When1 rvorkedon a farm, I Uqqdto_ggt-up at 4,80 in the morning.

d. to be us;ej t

to eet lJs,?d.}a

!o, bacorE rlsed tb

Ths noise doesn't Vi,v.ry
us€clto stuliyfng with the radio clrr,,
In Ar ne ric ,a
you ''l 'l roh on iy En gl is h a l' l d ay lo ng "
ing "force somec,r"e
to do
ing "causesomec'reto do
"al]ow som€crr€
to do"
My m ot ha rmadem e lg ke m y tr t 'i le sr s r er w it h m 6 to th e rnovies.
teachrlr la9 uejtf ilp an essay irrstead of taking trr gxam.
Ld \crmoattyfdallle
lv"Yv. -
\*l$e ushe,r didn't lql, us coilg iliiunt.i l, the intermjsi.ton.
::'] i
Lo)t8L4-ff , r.rourd :n,f1,T,,
ra,ther-m€an1['s ;':'l
v1 I .
lr . r
.- .- ! -

to her myself.
K to her myser'lf
But i the prefilr€ncois fcr som$oneother than the subject to do the
use th6' | i L.. . t " r

to h0[.


1. Errorsi in PronounSubject-Object

eheck i'f a Bponounis the zuBJECT

cif a verh or preposit,ien,
Il,l0OffiECT:Al] of us-Fred, Jane, Alice, and me-werelate.
CORRECT: Al'l of us-Fred, ,lan€r A1ice, and l-were late. i' '''"

Howcould she b'lameyou and F,efor the accident?
CORRECT: Hrarv blame you and l"uinfor the accident?.' :'
cou'ltJshe -__*
2. Error$ with WFtoanclWl-iOf't

When iil cjoubt ab'out correctness of W{o/ttvHof'|,try subst i tuting the

s ubj ec t/obj ec t' of a si nr pl erprono unt o cl ar i fy t ne m e ah 'i ns ;

I don' t knowwho/wlror!
Sarah nreant.
Try s ub st itut jng hel hi m ; t he n r e ar r a ng eth e c 'l au sei n i ts pr o p€r or der :

hqlhju Sarahmeant/

hbwit is clear thilt the pronounis the object of the ver.bmsant, so whcnr
is ca]lgd for,

COfiRECT: I don't knowwhOrn

Sarah meant.

There waga d'iscuss'ionas to who/wlrom

was bettar su'ited.
T ry su b sti tu ti ng she /h er :

Shg was,better suited / bef was bet:ter suited

Here the prenounis the subject of the verrbsujted.

C0RRECT: There was a discussion as to whowas better suitsd,

3, Errors of pronounSubject-VerbAgreement

Check'jf the prqfloun and its verb agree in numb€r. Remsmb€r

that the
fol lowing are[_slfrguTEfl

anyone ei t he r nei ther what

anyth'ing everyone nQ,,ono whatever
each everythi ng noth'ittg whogrter

both many sgvera'f othors

f ,AW

IIII@RRECT:John i s a[rsant, but a few of the clasis is herE.

CORRECT: John 'is ab$snt, but a few erf the clag,sare here.

Everyonecn the project have to cone tc, the nreeting.

CORRECT; EverYgnecn the project-has to cometo the meeting.

fithgr of thosa dressesare sujtab'le fr:rr the party.

@RRECT: Either of those dres.sesiq sritable 1'or the party.
II\COFRECT:Neither themare exp er t sr r n ,t he su b; ec t.
CORflECT: lleitberbt them is gn expert on the suirject,

and take a
I,{O T E:Th e t' orm s " e' ' ithe r.., or " an d " ne it he r ,. .l to t" ' ar6 singular 'inmedi
singu'lar vgrb. .
For reasorlsof dictionn howeverr f th€ noun j atel Y
f inds 'it
precedirlgtherverb is; frlural , u$e 6 piural ,verb, An Eng'li sh sPeaker
di ff i cu l t to pr ono u{ rcr$ Sin gu lar ver b a 1' te ra pl ur a 1 a s 'i n " '- . th eY is co m in gn
even thouglr"they" 'is prreceded tly "Neither her nq:r .,

\;-rrb. E i the r hi s pa rent sor hg '1 Sbr j ng 'i ngr t .

" Eithor rhoo1.$,s-pa.rentF.?ro bring'ing,it.
ir t F

Neither his par'arrtsnor hr>vvasthers.

he nr:r h:s pe.r:ej1l{SWs
Ne'ither^ there.

4, Errors of Possestiivs
Check'if possess:vepronoJn$agree in person and number.

INCORRECT:lf any on er :a1l s, ta' < ethe ir na m e.

CORRECT: tf anvogl r;al1s, taixe his nalne.

INffiRRECT: Those of uri whocara ,shouldwrite to th€'ir congrassman'

CffiRECT: Those cf ur; who care ,shouJd our congr€ssman
write tc q- '

If,€OfiRECT:lsomeof you wi I I have tcr conne' i n therir owncars.

C0ffiECT: lSomeof yorl wi I I have to conrtei n yQ!,|Io!{n cars.

5, after the Verb TO BE

Errors in Pronourrs
,.1 . J

TO BE i s an in tr 'l ns iti ve verb ar r d.will alvrals be fol:lowedby a subject

pronoun, 5'bJ'
cirol^-'i^fzV'l-k rl''rJ'i
It must have been her at tne door.
ffiRECT: It must l^rarebeen she at t h E ooor.

l t l f f i R R E G Tt :r w i s h I w e r e h i m!
6RRECT: Iwishlwere he! i. 1

He didn't l<nowthat rt was m e w h o d i d
C0RRECT: Ho didrt't knowthat. it was I who di rJ t.

r'L't '\
6, Errors in position of. Relative Pronouns

A r el ati ve prono unr ef er s t o th e w or d p r ac ed 'i ng 'i t. If th e m ea ni ngi s

unc16ar, tfte Brronoqn is in the wrqngpos.ii:ion, i
II|CQRRECT: fie could park right in front o1' the d., which wasvery conven'ient.

q ot the doo r w hi ch w asc on ve ni en t,t he "w hi ch " is i ll og ic al in thi s

S i nc e i t w a* n
position. in order to ';orrect the sentrlnca, it is necsssary to rewrite it

SRFIECT: His being a'l'jouredto park right 'irr front of the door was very
IN @R R E C T: ' r . : ''
T he tr af fi dw as vrr y he av y, \h r c| 'm a dem e la te , ,. "l "
CQRRECT: I was late trecauseof the hea.'ryiraff ic, \ ':"':
The heavy traff jc nrademe late.

7, E rro rs in Paralle ljs m of I m pe r :; cn a'prj o no un s

In fo rms us 'i ng 'i mper sonapr'l on ou ns ,us e er j th er " on e. .. on e' s/ hj s o r he r " o r

"yo u ., .y ou r,"

INCORRECT:Oneshould tilke your duties :reriously.

CORfIECT: Oneshould tirke ono's/ hjs or: her duties ser'iously.
Ytq shou ld t;lk e yo ur du ti es se r io us 'l y.
Oneshould have their blood pressure checkedregu'lariy.
CORRECT: Ore should h.ave^one's/hjsor her blood pressuro checkedn)gularly'
You should fraveyput biood pressure check:edrogularly.

\-,,@ Adjective and AdverbErrors

j 1, Errors in the Use of Adjnctives anclAdverbs

Checki'i a word npdifier is an ADVIIRB,Makesure the correct form has

been used.

describes a noun and fn$w6rs the qusst'ion, what kind?

She is a good cook. (Wnatkind of cook?)

descritrer;either a verb or an adjective and answersthe question'


She is a gcrcdcook. (Whatk"indof cook?)

This exerc'iseis rclAtivelv !1asv, (Hovleasy?)
' 1,,
./ .. ,i "', '.'t .'i l
i,, ,, ,, )t
. I \
1 !

by addirrg-ly to, the adjective.
Most adverlrsare fornt,gcl


Adj ec l:i ve Adv'erb

6Ar'y erar'1y
f as1: fast
gqpd we 'l i
harti hard (hard'}yneansalnrostnot)
latg late (x(tgJ m6ansrecsntly)


II.€OfiRECT: I sure w jsl r I w er e ri( r hi

ffiffiECT: I surely wish i wererichl (
,, +r\ I
I}SORRECT:The youngrnanwrites lcad. \
ffiRECT: The youngrnanwrites Uadly.

I}.IC!fiREOT:He's real ,;oodteacher,

COffiECT: He's a regll1 good teacher,

2, Errors of Adjectives with Verbs of $ense

The fo1)ov'ingverhs of senseare intransil:'i,*'eand are describedby


be l oc k srne'il taste
feel seem gound
fr i, ' "
j ' \
She looked very we11,
trRRECI,: She loo]<edver! aqrd.

MT E : "H e i s w el l " 'i s a' ls o corr€rctin th e r n ea nj ntof] "He is hea'lthY"or in

describ'inga person's wel-j-ba'ing

INmffiECT: The furd tastes delic;ious1y.

COFIRECT: The food tastes del i c:i.out.

lllQTE: Whenthe aboveverbs arer used as transitivr; verhs, modifYthemwith an

adverb, as usual: $he tasted t.hersoup,
- 11 -

3. Errors in Comparatives

a. $imilar comparison

She,is as prgtty as her sister,

ADVERB: He works as ha-[d as his father,

b, Uomparative(of two things)

She is orettieq than her sistsr.

She is mor€beautiful than hr sister.
She 'is lg-ss suc$essful than,l'rer sister.

ADVERB; He works harder than his father.

Hereadsffiluilidu thanI.
He dr'ives iess carelqss]v than he u$edto.
1: A pronounfoilovring than in a comparison
will b€ th€ stsjact
Youare prettier than she (is).
Youdrive better than ht1(does).
I'OTE2: In u$ingconrparlsons,
hgiectiLesof onesyllable, or of trr syllqpJfs
endingifi-y, add-er: smart, smartar;prettyr pretti€r,, Otherwordsof morottutl
one syllabl€,;Usgmgra; interesting, mor€rinteresting. Adv.etbsof ong syl..t.ablc
and -er; longeradverbsuse more:fast, faster; gUickly, moreguickly.
ltpTE3: Theunrd "different" is fci1lmvedby "fron:
Ycu are d'ifferent .fromme.
c. Srperlative (comparison
of npre than tu,oth'ings)
Sheis the prettieql girl in her class.
,,.,. He is the nos!.qgccessl[Jl
of hie brothgrs'
: \ ,. , T h i s o n ei @ o f thethrso.
,ADVERB: tte plays the be;;t qf all.
He speaksthe Er:st jnterqqti,nslv,
He sp,cketo thenntbg le.ast pglgjgj.ngU,


slooo brltter best

trod wors6 worgt
nuch/many m()rg mo$t
litt1e I rsss least

IISRRECT: This exprc'lse is harder tl"renthe las;l one,

ffiECT: Th'is exercise is harder tl'ranthe lasit one.

He worktsfaster than her.
ffiECTi He works fastgr. thafi _gE, ',',,, , , l.

INOORFECT: $he is fhe more rosponsible./personof the three.

@RRECI,: $he is tlrc reslnnsib'le person of the three.
INffRRECTIShe was rnuchdifferr,rnt than I expectud,
CORRECT: $he was'tnuchdiffer,rmt f rcin what I eirxpected,
IIffiHRECT:This /€dt" I'1.l have ittler f ree t'inrs.
SRRECT: This yaar^I'l'l have lgsg free t'ime,

4. Errors i n ParaI Compar

In parallel cornparisons,lheck if the correct form has beenused.

\'/i: trr a.,.l ar!.'4i1, ; |i't
" :/ '.

INmRfiECT:The moreyou practiter you w'i11get better,

CORRECT: fhe r.pre you practire, thr2_!gt'!.91 ycu ivi11 get, l

IN C OR R E CTT:. ' leav ar

h e oar l i ar we we wi il ge t tf er e ea r ]i er ,
C/OrFlREgf;Th_eearlier f{e loavs; tlJe earli€.r wr:will get therre.

INmfiRECT:Tha bus'ipr you becone,1essertime 1ou have for roading.

COFRECT: The busLlraryou become,-t_h$.lggetima, you have for reading'

5. 'iorgi
Errors of I I cal Compa
rat i ves

Checrkcomparisonsto makesure they make€ianse.

Texas 'is bigger th6n any state jn t're United Statss.

CORFIECT:Texas rs bigger than any rlt&rr statn in the Unitsd States.
(If Texaswere bigger than any stat*r, it would bg bigger than
itself; )
'\r' " ';
INaOFHECT:0f the tv.lobooks, this ons 'is best,1*''1
OffiFECT: Of the luro books, this one is b*et_tg!:.

6, Errors of ldort'ical C,ompzrrisons

can be the samer
as OR l'ike sone'thingelse. tlo not mix up thel
two forms

Your dr"ess is the siamel'ike mine,
CORRECT: Your dress "is lil<e rnine,
Your dre,ssis the {;am6as mine.
* 13 -

7, Errors in Idioms Using CunparativeStructures

SOme'idiomatictermg are formedlitle comparativosralthor,rghthoy arc ngt

true comparisilns:
,. l
as high as as muchas; as few ag
litt'lg as as manyai'

IflcoRREcT: You may have to spend so mucil as twp hours waiting.

0ORHECT; Yo'umay have to spend gE_mggl!as two hoursiwa.iting.

It ccst twice mors than I thcught 'it ivouid.

trFHECT: It.cost twice SS"-nUA!:ES I thought it vould,

8. Errors in N,oun-Adjectives

whena NC|{.JN treat 'it as an adjective"

is usod as an ADJECTIVE, Do not
p' l ur a1j z e or a dc's
'' ' ' !' (
't' | |

: 'r e talki ng 1i k e a t uo - ye ar s +l d c hi ld $ v ^,, t1 ii

\ ' ti

Ih 00R RE CTYou
CORRECT: You're talk'ing like a two-yer1r-o-l.d childl .\

9. Errorri in ordinal and Crirdinal Numhers -, ., : ',,)'' 1\

Ordinal num[rers (f irst, second,third, etc, ) are precededby the. Cardinal

numbers(One, ttfCr,three,, etc, ) are nOt.

W em i s s a dt h q f i r s t a c t ,
Wem'issedAci 0ne.

t{orE: ordinarily, eitherr form 'is correct. There are tho exceptions:
a, In dates use,only ordinal nuirbers:

May first (rrot Mayone)

the firq! of May

, b, In teFms'dealingwith travel , use on'ly cardinal numbersras "Gate

Three" maynot actually be the third gate. It is Gate NunbarThre6'

We leave frc,mthe secondpjer.
CORRECT: We 'leave f rcm p.ier Jwo.

His bjrthday' .is on February twenty-tt+o.

C0RRECT: His birthday, is on February l:wenty-Second,
- 14 -

10. Errors 'in Modif ring countab'leanrjl*rncounti:b'le

If a lrcun can bo precededl )y a n un bs r , j t ' il i a cgtt$g_Us_1eq!
anOw i ' 1 1b o
modified by thes e t {l r' Cs:- ,.r .. t . .,

a, few many,more some

faw, fgwe' numberof
If it cannot Uo precededby a is noncountablsand wi 1'l bo
modif ied by these wcrtrls: -r | ,. \t : . . . ,.i \1..^-t L , ' \ 1 t - -c' ' 4
",r I
amountcrf iittle, less some
a I i tt'ler much,more

\ | { c"'''r
II,IC0RRECT:I wa.ssurrised by the large anount r:f people who came,
trflRECT: I wassurrrised by, the l arge nuqrFerr:f oeoplg who came,
' l i1t .t.l' e
.' i 1'..'..1 t'{
Youneed 'lnly a e g g $i n t h i s r 6 c i p e ,
ffiRRECT: Youneeclilnl y a f e w e g g si n t h r s r e c i p e ,

4(G Errors in Usage
1 Errors in Gonrre;tors
Thereare sevrlralway$of connecting.
idea,;. Do not mix the different

and a'lso N o t o n ' l y . , . . h u ta l s o

too as weJ'las both...,and
She speark,;n ot o ni y Span is nM i Fr e nt ;h a s we ll ,
COffiECT: She spea,krs$pan'ishqnd French',
She spearks Spanrsh. She {Lso speaksFrench,
She speaikrr$panishgnd Frerrchloo,
She speetkrinot onlv Spanishbut alsg French.
She speakrlFotb Spanishgy! French.
She speaikr Spanisheg-lre'U-_gS French,

2. Error,Sin Q;est iOn WOrdCgrnnectors

- Whena questicn word such as r.Om -noor t{!'rgj "is used as rr connector, thrl
ciause that follows ir; ilot a question. noiTi,a the interrogative form.
Do you knr>w
whendoes the movie start?
QORRECT: Do you kntu wher:rthe mov-iestar-.tq?

INffRRECT; tr don't krrcnwhat is hrs name.

QRRECT: I don't krrowwhBt name.i.s.

D'id he tell you wtryhasn't he comeyct?
SRRECT: Did hs tell you !.vhyre hqsn,t. comeyart?
- 15 -

3, Errors in PurposeConnectors
Thewordgo hy itself meansthgr:.qfr:rre.
It was too hot to rstudy,so we went to the beach.
/- f i'i" l'or
+.Jr .. " ': ' 1' \ 1
Eo th-at means jn order tq !L.p1de[3hrilt.*-:"
INffiRRECT:Wetoot{ a cab so we rould fre on time.
COFRECT: Watook a cab so ilra_twe would be on t.ime,

4. Errors wlth BECAUSE

It i s ' in co rre ct tc sa y: Th e r e as oni s because...Use:The reasonis

that. , , ,
\\ r .

INCOHRECT:The roason he was rejacted was b6causehe was too young.

CORRECT: The reasrxrhe was,"e.1ectedwas that he was too young.
He wasireiected becauseof h's youngage.
He was re3ecteclbe_q,?U$e
he was too young.

5. E r r o r o f D a n g l i n gM o d i f i e r s

An i nt roductory verbal modif .ier shouidbe direct'ly follo'vedby the nounor

p ro n ounwhr ch it modi fie s. S uc h a modifier will start with a gerundor
partiarpial pirrase and tre followed by a 0omma,Look for th6 rnodifiedrcun or
pronounimmediatelyafter the comma.

II'IORRECT:Seeing that the hour was 'lato, it wasdecidedto postporoe

corrnittee vcte.

CORFECT: Seernsthat the hour wa$ late, thq_ccnmittee decided to postpone

the vote ,
! r l
- uf J l r ' r .
Unaccustomeci to getting up ea r jy , i t w as di ff ic u' lt fo r hi m t o get
t o w o r ko n t i m e .
COFRECT: Unaccuslomglr to getting up ea r ly , he fo un r j ' it d' if f i cu :l t to get'to
trprk or t.irne.

INCORRECT:Wantingto get feedback, a questionnaire was handedout to th6

a ;d i en ce .
COfiRECT: A11fge_Ihe_s6,eaFej:_tant€Q
tc, 11etfeedback, he handed out a
questionnajre to the audience.
- 16 -

6. Errorrsin Parai'iolConstru';t'ion
in eentencescotltaininga series of two or moraitents,checkif thg saml
formhasbeenuqodfor a]1 thg itsms in the ssries, Donot m'ixinf init{ves with
gerunds,adjact'lveswith partjEipial phraeae,or with noung,
Thef ilnr tvas'intersting, exciting, ar:dit wasmadewe]'l.
CORRECT:The f ilnr rvasi-nt6resti!9, g:xcit'ing,endwe'lj-made. ,^. t:V1L1

INcoRFEcr: is t" t#ilil,
ot tnemoerins *o .di irn
C0RRECT: The purp.rtieof the moetjng is to irr_tr,:iduce and !o ra'iss
new memtrers
The purposeof the meeting i$'ingnewmembers and raising
gucney. ' /'

He died ur'loved, unknervn,irnd witnrrul any money,
CORRECT: He dreclg,rloved, unknowh,.tfid gqnnil{rss.-)

of h.'issenseo'' humor,his 1ntelligence, and

Hewas pofular becaur;e

coFrFECr: hisjnr.enisHlce,
rl:'#lllrli:.';::3,llt3roi'Hlfuo*of humor, dnd
h i s a b ' i lj ! f t o g e t a l o n gw i t h p e o p l e ,
Hewas Frotrular becausahe |riads€n$eof humor,was inte'l1igent, afid
@ld gert a'long witl peop'lo,

7, Errors of Unnocessary
In gen er al , t h( | m or e si m pr l yan id ea s i s u it at ed , th e be tt er i t is ' Att
adverbor adjective can often e'liminate extraneoltsnords.

IN@RRECT:He drovg in a careful way.

CDfiRECT: He drovrircarefully.

INCORRECT: The prolulemwae di f 1i cult and del ica're 'in nature.

C ORfl EC T: It w as r t d iffic ul t, de li ca te p r ob le r r ,

Bewareof uorslewith the $amomeaningin tha satnesentence.

The new innovatjons were s,tar,tling.

CORRECT: The innolation$ w€ro starl.11ng,

ItlC€fiRECT:Wouidyou please re;reat agiainwhat 5,r)usa'id?

COFTFECT:lVouldyou please repeat wl'ratyou sar,l?

He left n'rorericher than vrhenhe cam,;,
CORRECT: He left richer than whenhe cans,

Bewareol' generalword'iness.
That depends on the state of tho generalconditionof the situation.
C0FBECT; Thrit dap€nds
on the sitat'ion

L ,lonfusedWords
Errors of Cormnonly
Fo]iotiingars {iome mlsu$edin English:
of ths morocotilnonly
a. to lie to tell an untruth " I
lied 'l li ae idn lying
to lie lay lyjng to r ec f i ne t* '"
to lay laid 1aid laying to put dotvn( idiomatic usage: f' i''"r t;
LAYTHETABLEi' Put dishes, €tc.'r
on the tab'le; CHICKENS

b. to rise rose r ']sen r r s l ng t o go up ; t o ge t uP i' '

to ari$e arose a r' isen a r i s 'i ng to wakeup; to get uP (Idiomatic
ARIaEN,a problemhas comeuP)
to rai s e r ai s ed r ai sed r a js i n g t o l i f e ; b r i n g u P ( I d i o m a t r cu s a g e i
u p c hi ld r en ; T O R AI SE
vegetablee; ]'O RAISEf'lOt'lEYr
to collect funds for a causel
c. to set $et siet sett'ing to put Oovwt (Idiomatic usage:
SETA DATE,arrange a date;
o n th a ta bl e; T HESU N
e tc .,'the
SET, sun went dodn for t-he
n'ight; T0 $Fr THECL00K' to
adiust the timing mechanism of
a clock)
to sit sat siat si tt i ng to be i n or ge t in to a s' it ti ng
d. to let iet 'lef letting to al low; to rent
to leave left t 1eaving to go awaY
s. formerJy,-previor"isly
formally-'in a fonnaTway
f. to affec;t--to'inf'luence(verb)
ef fect--result (noun) .irr,,, ;:' ;
') ,.;u\ '\r' r -[ " 'i


INCI0RREcr; 'rdying
He was in bed ail day yesterdrry.
CORRECT: He was _tl1t]Sin bed ail day'ybsteidu:,.

INc0RREcr:It had ra'id in the c;roset for a weekbefore we found it.

0ORRECT: It had r-arn in the c;toeot for a n*er rr*to." *, ioiiiio it.

The price er gds has raiserj three tinres last yegr,
CORRECT: The pr1(;eof gas rose thre* fimei ia:;t year.
The price of gas waq rais,A! three tinras last year,
slowly f rcrfirhis ,.,hajr,
COFIRECT: He aros€|rs'lov'lyfronr his chajr,

lHrulCT: t{e iust

sat aroundthe hour;e
ail day.
lVejust snt aroundthe houseal1 il;,
INCORRECT:His motherwpuldn,t leaye him gr: witf., uri,
cffiREcr: H'is nro$rerr.louldn't let hirn go-w.irhrrs.
INffiRRECT:All the m:n were drossodformer.iy,
SRRECT: All the m)n wero cjresser) gr-niir1rl"
INCORRECT:My words;rad no affect on h1n).
0OffRECT: My words nad no e{feg.t on him,

9' E rror s of M i su sr l dw or r isa nc p r er ' sj ti on ar ] di om s

a. 'in spite rrf despite i.

The tt^toexpressionsare synonymous;
u$s eiiner e{reor the other.

lS!!!EcT: They camedespite of the rain.

O0RRECT: They came.in_spite of the rajn.
T h eycam edes pj te t ha r a r n,

b. s c a r c e l y ;b a r e l y ; h a " d j y ( , . , r ^ \,',.- ',,

All thrse wrrrdsmeana'lmostnot at all; do f.CIT

use a n€gative with them'
I hardly rreversee him.
C0RFIECT: I hardly :rver see hiin.

Ii{ffRRECT: He has soetrcelyno fir)fley.

OORRECT: He has gclrrcelv_..Any rnoney.
- 19 -

C. f&rteand memor'ize the propositirns jn thesd,roT* idioms:

appr,ove/disapprovgqf be borr;dwi tfi ,-ll' l " r
be ashamed ot agree,/disagree gij![
cepabltlino,apatrle of contpare to (pg'intout similarities
bs Conscic{Js 01' b,eti,vaon T6ingsof a differ€nt order)
be afraid of comFral^e w:itn (potnt out di f f erencesbetween
'independentof thi.ngr;of the saneorder)
- in the habit o1' be equal !o
:, A
be interested: n next !g i1' :
excaptfer rel at'xl to
denerndenton s i m iI a r t q

12. Betryge.fl
one thing and another, Julier CQgS__ng,!
- f inish her work in_time
to lo tq ]he,qhow
' ' B' c
laet nisht.
D \.,'
r/1 r \r,
13, /
hly eounerllortqusgegtedthat l-make my professor jp-glanqg my grade s.jlFe
4 . ,. BC
I w as sic k the. da y_ o.j fhe e xa &. uA.**, gc;"u*s*<-do -fuu*
14, I h.flvegtu_died very hard for my f i n i : . l st h i s term becauseunle5d pass
U:-ef-lJ,en, rs'\;; endor mys c h o l a r s h i p , trott.i..-e '.rr'f. f,
'r { ', \
-^--4-- 0 , t | .'i
-: -:. ^,.
r .ci(!.r {

15, A n o l d' ri 'i ser UU gh picked up ye tl ow pi ec es of go'ld had sqnethilngof the

oi a child whoE,ic[sou! ye'l1orf loners.

" ' r'tL1

10' since I lp++her very muchwhenshe,,.ras a1ive, I prize myfiqthsdGiin-law/i
A\ B
picture and I lgul_dn'tse1l it for the money in the world,
1 7' A fter r lis 1. 9n ed to th e vi or r n is t an d ce il is t, a r d en jo ye d-:-
t he ir
A B,
I nurried hometo ,ractice,!$, t",.
c u' ^\-.-,
). i 0,,.,
'li [rLr
_D ' I

18' Noneof the crew matnbers t,rhoflied lrrth me ovgr llahoi,is happytoday
aEoul ths destruction golrs-pdin thal: bomb-ingmission.
c ,t-
| t . ' ! - t '

19' sitting tiBpQgit;-;-.,,-1*.and me in the subwayw€r6


A \'*--- '-' l@ samenronwho

6 . c,
walkedalgrrpeirjQus and tried to pinch us on Fifth nviirue,,

?a. ------'--- n"'.gB.i.i;f so sllo,vingtv

(A: -- B
that we @\, 0
- f romthe picnic arounds.
{,n_i n-
1" f 1 rr
?1. It was o ur ne ighb qr '- qopi n. io nt ha t .i {;
tl Kennedywas a'l1ve today the country
A -\
ryoqi-d-lglg fewer prob'lemsthan .it has n O l V . ';.-"-
c T,-*
English for AdvancfflStudies
Error Req)gnition
A, B. C and D that mustloe
Identify the one underlinedwcrd or phrasentarrecl
changed order for" the sentetrceto be corrsct,
:. '(
:\i.'',r,(ro '.-t . '
"it ,..{ -
\ . , 1 1: . 9 ,
Welrear dj-SA11 from a y)ung r,an [hem, we firmly believen js not about
lg_pqy cqmplirnentsto our political leader tlI tg the local draft board.
r 'l f L

2, Therewas oni / an appls ano three p6ars .in ::hg-fefugg.rgtgf whenwe


)i0. it ;t ,,1,,{y-, i'A'

camefbme af't3r a weekendin tlre country,
f'. -r '

i.r.i i.:,.'"
If I would
--:/x- have been there, I ,;qrt4'in'U.vould have taken qare of th€
n n
problem 'in a nU-{:II"

4, at our
The crisis j.1 the countries of the Midd]erEast have.Qeen.tscussed
r n ,n

forunr, ,h ojd-
WegKIy _-
r\ r
; i , ' , 1 . 1 , , - : ,i l r , . '
,'t"'l '
lt -.'3 't

5. does theif part

Tg imnlement,the new1awmayfoi. lrg ea$y, Uuf*i$ BV€r|r3n€l
ABCD '._/
wewill succeed.

6, Everyoneis qruslgtgdto attryrd the aftenreon session b ut t he f ie ld

suprervisor,the sales managerand I "'L
., in Inqiq' so
Anerica, he thought that he erti$d a
" rD, . v

he ca l led th e' pe op leha m et " Jn di an i" .


\'r r'ii' '

8, More leisur,a, alwsjj.-.ati An ab,undglgg_9.1.--gpdg, throuqj!
(\ U
a u tomat 'i on . )

9. A hoy who yort U!l!j_SeC! right away j-c Fr"ed{lyThomPson'thq best math
student I-nJArf dormitory,
10. Nejther $atnrlor Hanryo$ajes representatrvesfor the cc{npany,Presented
-[...r A
thsjt -qummer',esof saier; t'efol'e.the deacl'ljnefor. dojne Se'
/Br c n
\tr -q
I lr Be'tweren that this painting b:r S'ilP shows greilt€rr
you and !, I am,;o{;eo
ar!.i$Iry than lhat of Pic€r$so.
rv rv n
d.'i 'f
i.,..,1r q,,
1 ' . ,i.r.r

2?. Ne'itherrain ncy sno\ry

nor sleet $gp" the posl:man
from de1iveringour
r\ ($ c
lettors whicht{s so muchloc'kfcl!.vhru
to receiving,
k ,.1 t,'
23. Manypeople jn t he U ni ted S ta te s do nJ s ca r cs ly kn or gl ou t th e te r r jb ltl
hardships that the vietnarTrese
are ilxtrerigrlci/lg in their WFr-reyaged

24, Whenone l,eav.e{i wi l l

he a qr u m est ha t th e m e ch an ic
h1s car !l.h'Jr repg:_tCId.
A ,; u a
repair the car go'rd.lruri
1"' ) r1'; -L
2e. If anyonein tlre audlence hQ.s-
a n y t h i n gt o _ a d dto what the sPeakerhas
\ tq !e^t\!
a l r e a d ys a i d , l e t themspeakup,
26. !"loBingshe wcruldnot be sser,, Mary rushed
{- \
'';,ff p,rt*tri
Ltppurse, and

-i ,'i /
27, M ' i k ej s s o l e q y that lgt_[p[ I ai r] 1n the h:;t[!U.c[ qj nge liunch.
A R\ r-
L 't


28. T he op i nions of the Crowdqie1lgEgLq jnfluence on her thian theY shou'ld,

/,' -+-,f/r'w
29. :Eachstudent m4y ieave the roomwhefreverl:he:iUQydesire to do,so'
l- -_ ,_,__
A , . - : ta B ' \ c
30. I don't xnowi!t'ilo, recoqrlizeher Irq1-ht?j'e,but the giri reading
A. ""l B :,,. ..1/ . C. - r .',: .r; ., D
the newspapeii-i$-$usan, 1 l' i-r-{'<it:1 " )
! - '

31. |{e nee!|* t cnJniistto sotyl;tlrls sensitive problem
A :11. {Al
Wjj.hzu!--crg*ing ":; :'\'
anv hazerrcir;' "u'trct ir 'r'q'15';1
l l/" tL'

32, Henryis. the gre r:orre$I&Ugfiyilrg[,]-tet lctters ngfg-qgickly thaj I can

A B c iDl

33. be'fore' she q!i I 1

AlthoughA1ice lgg_b-eellto rhe nrountain'rt!Lan''j-lj-[!91
,A ' nC
loves it-.--:i i, ','
-\\vtf * \....^
{i.,,.t.ij + \. 11/1.ri l- \ iv,rv ^,\ \rjtfrr lLr^rr -i {i.t
-! ' \ a.r) -,\r .1,.-,,
4 ,\r .S, V\.-.,-.rt.'.
- \_ 11,r.^ :\ii;r-
i;'a^:^\ \. l{\t)_.!
--/L i
' '..'.:

34. In the yard thpfA-!,EEa rak6, a shovsl, and a hoe, all.eeftine rusty in
the rain, nui' ,13,affilvoyU rus.gul to put themaway. .-'
^:.'( t, C D
{., i \r\^ \\- .\\
,: ; * " to

35, eJiff i,FandAt€qcar hr:oke-dptrCI to fix,jt.,but I,ycHIythFy knewfrpW
i ',,(-^,1,
S 0 , t ^1 1 . , \ \i r r , , 8 , , ( . \ , i f A \ ' , 8 n * s, r , . - ; ^ - D
. \*.!* 1€t^^{$"
36. Whenhe r€tir€s, ProfassorJonesWi'l.lbe jteach.ins
here for gvQrtliirty
!'i ''', y €a f $ , , b u t h i g C l q $ i i e s a r e n e v 6 r d u l l , - . r , ^ . ^ h . r r u r i , :^ i r ' , L i :roi r , f l ' ' ' r i c : ' " 1 1 \ '
\^i'\l \x +\iw* D lci t^'"'.; ':,
,.,.!arf 1;,lt^i.r^ .n.7\t r*tr- &r!r,V 1ir)rr.-)r;u

- lil; - andT,hqpe
';-;, chairman,
:,,, A (.Pj..',"\) B C., ,.i.
' ' ( ' ' . " ' ti:' \{ " o r r : t h a t ,' ' ,i \r^c ..'
y- o u w i ' l l s e c o n t l m y m c , t i o n . - ' - ' - ,'r ep,'ir'"
..{,:.,:1,' y ': r " tn
D ;rr,-'.,ri.,'.1,}.'o..'.'.'"-1,1',ri'

38. Charlie assuredhjq wife that thare gtg$no dangeroLut shecould not he'lP
AB rt
u .a \ ."\a." ,. r \{ ,, .,c \.
qO+ry." "'v'r'''
39 . J ol m is rrl w ay sw or r ipd- ab cr ube
l in g l at e, so he leaves
anvone-g'lse. t _. .

:r', j

40 . T Eq A pa ir of $h oe sl oo -tSt oosm a li , b ut I 'd l ik e t q t r y

G",. -lt B C
l- i'r'' a -o t ( lta\,i;
4 1, Youmust remit tgit jon !&!hgg you Sff here during the
i 'rrC'
\' ' .-.
, rI.
t ''')
I want svp15ge\s-sei in .t1e__qyn
seat b$org-1;pfvg dinner. i
A B-' c D ''''\'" r'r'1r\
': I -t'' !
,', , , f! tl : r' lt r " i \, lr ff
{S' l! a' ) vi tt
. Jf
'1, . .t tt , r
7 . ,,
43, A re(l-ha|t*boy iE_negdegte ptay !hq, of Alfred in this nevvc,omedy.
j ',' '.
,')'5 ; , '.\ - \r',, " ,,j
4. You sho!ld try !-ar:r.yand Koyje's restaurant becausethgi.f.,'sig !hg_hgg!,
:. ....i a..r,,,lc\"; A _ {B.r C D
,-,.1, _a ar,, , ,, ., .(.
45. A qrgatlnanv,
----'7 ecJucators,
f rrmlJ
-B - that English's one of thg Epgf€g!
be',,,e -
' ''i l! "'
A , a,,,c C
taught in high school 1oL1,ty,'' , .\\.,y,tr,,es\-* anI ,..1 .i
D \ ' ','\ r
,,j;..,,.) { i . , r u r r 2 \ t . 1 r, . , " - l '
. . , . _ . . i.
, ..r;r. ...-.

46, The captajn of the squadwas a sophr:more,one of last yggf€t freshman il''''
i',iu,,r;.''".:.Ql l, B , i''
_ - l ' .
jntettigence, \ , , .'1'''
team, play€r great a of and,iiriovrlrr i eniilr'ihca:
l 'i
C i D

s' '1C * 'u i i :;'. '
I{O'i, {r
L/ i i t

tr f;,Lt {'r I '''{ ;'i

- ,A -
lr '
i.r,_ t -'F.n ' rr
' 't

47, \{e advised or,rrchildren thart they ILe.Ighard*rilorkingin their school
" i'i\.\ A B
subjectsandEu:!,forth tfreir' brestef forts,
,.-.,t t r, C D
'1 a ' i!,
e.-..': .1 t/:
, ,'t "' +8.*k,fqanys1:udent$ffrayng! hayqj$yered a'll tlre test questions well. srcugh
I v) -lr --
r r. . "---:- ', {, ji,' ' .r . r ,' 'tt.'
o ' t " ar'- -

' , out, at' Jaesj!, they {o th6jr best. .''!

' ) '; i t " " 1 : ' ' ' 1t
G Fi.i't{ i' :
. i i [. .-.] ' -,r,r] L't i, t::.t
,l^r^A i.i c
\"7i.r,",,,\ 49. my fathrlr hai{been-tfave'lling -.
Before gpttl ifgiAgn pernranent'lyo
..ti iq B

i . i ,,,'. faf .andwide 10 different placas o.f inter,lst aroundthe tror'ld.

'-' C i"'-,'' ;' "'';:it i" D 8^r{r'{.
.1 1,i.. , ,a-,.j.

' , ' .i .
,t 1.,., 5 0. In a dd ili on wlt h ou r tel ov is io n se t, th e t h, ie f $t Ql e 4 la r ge n ul nb€r 'of'
:--_fT**- B

L',,1i '';",, j,
pleJUSof jewelry Lfgn the apartm€ntlast night.
)., .r' ;t (] D

51. Whgneverthere w{}red'iff icult proir'lems we found

in tho math home$rorkr
',li.j A
Bodvery cl3y.|()WAt explaining theniAll to hi$ f riends,
' rB)
\- -,/
c (''
:', I
:\/t( 1 ,,.,_l,i
Thene'is aiwaS,s Barig{)f the city'that it is fair-la
jrcg rnuchno'ise in s-ome
46 0
accrJrateto srry the city has noi$e Follutiorr probiems,
{ ri'
53, Hav,ayou gygl r€alizsd that f lcxers yril'l w l l h e r i [ a s h o r t t ' i r n e i f
, il ( i P 1r - l,ff A B
' 't ! ^ . ' ' {-
(),.. "

feepJngfor ltrng hours jn a. vase without an)i water?

{ -.''
i,,.,,^ I 54. When fathor goodbysto him' rJid
s€rjd you ha-d-le11 homewithout qyen sav'il-1g
\r '' /' l \ r a
-H A
B .,Q
'r'-{'- h e s o u n da n g f i - l l / ?
nl - ,j',,.,.i
,r'..r\ /D
1 \--.,'
"try ''' I
55. They put on t,teir uniform, than g!! downa t t h e t a b l e , d n g n Kt h e ' i r m i l t (
iD B
andr*'t? tor scrroo]
. 3
if,' '
"3' C- D r

.56. Thoseworker-rf inished tho construction r{ the road wglJ aheadof

a J., . ,,.1,. ,lt E]
schedule, tlran[ito unusua]Iygoodweather'. .:,
" ",, 1\fi{/

, t' r. t
0N"q,. I i. i
i ' 1 . r ' 1 tf , 2 t , 1 v
{r , . r.
i / (\ .'| I
. "/f
' '{
''{ I
1rt IY ir '-
. i"d l,^,l \ l.- ,:-

t 1-
-25- i.: t -


57. The teacher $ays Mary w'ij.].Fass the (:orrrs€gn cond,ition that she"$it,udjes
r.7r.t.r'l;) A B C
/r ', :
h a r d l y . .- - ":'/\ 't'r" :
... ti! 1lr"'\r-,
5 8. wh-ilethe guestsw€rr€ andglgti-ng
danling, thjevos bfElKeinto th€ hcxJse
a lot of f$r c.oats:
. it
'lr 'r'{'t}|

5S. The shopsw€re fillerd w'ith lrsautiful things, b-tlt I had rteither thc time
A t'"'!.,' B C
to nor the mon$yfor anything.i
:Jlop Alvifr$
r. {D)
,.ir,J :
\,lt .-._ a
I eLgo'pg to *vuntually plJl__auJ
a f encesj;cf r Brefgr. the privacy of a
A , B,
g a r c i e n . '
l , , r r r { ' t i , " r t : i t " .,l ' C
il" rr i I
fencgd - ', i' : ' l' :, '-l,,1' ''' J-
D r l i . ] t - r i'"'r, -
, r{' t I "rt
61. reawg his family trqg not prreparedfor the tragic n6ws, thsy cameas a
Atss:, ,'n\ D
- _\ i"\.1,,
shock. r: 't ' '!

62. Thecompany hns mr:voQ there anly rec$'ltly $o a talephonenumberis rpt yet
jn the ter'leprhoneoo*n i i€ !l ' -'
03, The high school graduate, if tg is eighteen or nineteenr hab thes;e
A frt:"{ B
al te rna ti ves, a tt en di nSc CIle
l ge , f irrdingljob, or /the_army,
o --f ../ D

64. Th€chajrmanel','!.lhggoardof D'irectors madeit cl€ar at the meet'iingthat

he 'Fr-'!-T.rrgt
" his position aS chaifmar'!,
c D r"

' r'-''
' lir'.r..1
65. sheworea tlressto-the narty that'wasfar llgrg attracttva than''lhsglbsr
,^, C \ .,'., .n.,,iD
r-i _ 8
' , '" ":
girls i;rrr:r; l t
' l " !'1""';"
/r\ '"'
66, A recent poi I has _iridicatqdthat Bob is cons.ideredbrjghSpr
- than '^'!;'"1
anY stuq[i4Lin the r3eniorc]as$ at the South Ca'lifornia High Schoql. '-,,' ii"
i): p:
{ .,.1t c D
-r {
67, A fte r t he i r iti c. s sr re the t wo p la ys , th ' w i] l, , a s a r €s ul t o f ! !] 9j - l ,, .{- .,
- ' -ey
exper'ienceand backrground, be able to judge which'ig the nosl affectiv€
'1 r'
b''' - \ : '7fr:
L - l' '

-t a-
l'' '.
r ; , r' l - t
: i'1..'
,\ /\
/ -..--..,--
' .._-:.
68. Ihesgkjnoiof poop,|"e
whohave1!!tlq educat'ion,
whohaveno desiFefor
cult{.r-ralpursuits, andwha$esore purpo.:ie
ls acgulr_ing
wealth, 6rd not
the lype I wish to as_qpc,'iate-Eith.
;. c
i,t.'l {
s 9 . 0f the tl,rocars that the s,mittrs ha-vent'rte F:'lymouth
is, without any

,l,I rd the most r€c€rfiti3stimat€s,Greater Miam{bgg_rnorethan
t,'bslt- B
450'ct00$grniEh*spoakingresidonts, of dfho about 400!oo0are cubans.
(_j@ *,.
.\ i 1" tt: HadL.inco]n[avp,'bfena'l,rv,e
dr"rring regarded
worlr:lvlar II, he woq]-d-bayq
t 'i \'|.t\t :
irA , : ^, ; , B
the racia] gituat'ion in tha "arineci
force-s,a$ a throw back to pra-Cjvil War
da ys.
72,' You ps4.nol, realiz6 it but thr3,a6616erin trarbadosdurjng_.Qhristmas
'(r^+GF' B t^
' l i ke \,
-,*-- N ew
- - +Y or X in; . r un€.
: ;' t
'-Y. I

73, Havinq.swufTl !vyo:!l?jfdscf the rjistance tr;.,:gjigthe Eng'ljsh Channe'|,Di.xon

i , t. A 'r,p*h^r,{
- C
ot.v egA!-)r row. ,'' '* ,, '' r
g gu _ l-d _nq[
ti',tr.' - 1 d; rr lr
'1.r,.,, ,t nl ,{ D
tl -
i tl

{/ 74, lni4osgjne'grrsefuln€ssils ia local afiosthotrcwasdiscoveredby two $wedjsh

I l.
// A-
{',, c{i( chemistswlrorcEglgdu_t(Eled the ctrue,sef fect on their p at j en t$ .
L'r,r': ir E}CD
lttt\ \t
\ 75, If he,ryrculct
ni1gi.lain quietly as instru,l;terlby the doctor, he might r1g!
.'' r:r
A-' B n
, . . ' -*,f "' r', ,hEyg__[ag
a secbndheart attack.
. -9-of,.l'ri1"j" i-
{Qg- that, the st-ress of exeuninationsand in'terviewsare over, we can all
A -El c
relax for a thile. a,
.,,,,i..t :.
77, thb industri rrl .!r$d i s i n t h e d i r e c t i o n o f moremach.ine
and lesF p€oiole.
A.B .U n

tr,' l.( f i i l,;


78. At les!, late in the afternoon,,t_lg1g"l1Ii.;r1f
t,'.A B
wgf_qs€€il1moving tr>wardth€ gate rrf the p1ace.
icr P ir '. ( ,,-'. ra\.(\'

79. Thesupervisor w.?E-adv.isedto give the ass'ignment

to whomeyar hg--hg-!jg/ed
hada strong sens€of responsib'ilii:y,and the courag€ of hjs convjction.
80 . WheJ:thtl moviewasover, Joe and mewent fo r a q qj ck w al k.
A B €' - , n - c ...{

81. Hivlns.4ttended co"llegesi,n@four years, Nana'is Fgj!e proficient

,A ie ,i.r n v
at laking notes

82' Alice was fiav1ngtroubl€ contro'i1ing the chijdren begarlsethere

A L, !-. ,lF
manyof them,
83.. Exceptfor vou gnd-i, everyone this newplay jt- sesms,
A E ; C D . \.
8 4. N h iq. s ister, D av id nee cl ed
'A I'f'"
p€rsonjlulr!!€r. '!g
a r j de f rom sqmeqefrerQug
t \'
' .R' ' c

85. Jessicais gnLyg *;;il,:, rrutsher;i"r, olei"i''lnu,,ror, professiona'rs.

A'B '-; 1e;--t
86. Eachmanand r^romari
mus.t-s_ig!thojr full namebe.fqr:eentering the
A B (fr
': e
87. Ev3ryr*n, fuun,'*r,o child * rnr, communitv
grs noF/au/are
of the
A ,'Ei
Serribi.e cgnsequeJlr)es
of*the habit of smoking.-,
^^.. -!., . i 1 , t . " , l " . . . , , { ! . iL( , v , t 1 , " . , . , r . r { { i ^ . - i ra o r \ O . * t r r r r r ' ' , l' .
88' No swngr had he br?gunto spoak ulgn an ominousmuttering arQgs from.
A B r"C',iL.;+
'"' D
'+Vi't \--'
; i.r {-
89. I appr,Sciale'4 h€lping me !g*os the dishes, but I wish you would lay
themdownon (in tabre mc,re
. ir r f, .i. 1t1C- .-\,^'.i. -;E*
90' The mist.r+jsed from LakerLemana$ {e watched, gemindingus of Brigadoon
and other maelica'lgrlacos, i I - '' r.

{ 'f r l l ' 1 i
9 1. El'lentfjeC-Jo..leJtme!h.ajlq1l the things ilob said !i true.
A B ts
i" )

92. After they [gy:aaqlpn lunctr, the boys ran ouls:kh jg_plgJ ttjth theit
fri gnd s.
93, A liqujJ i* gr*i]Fr to a. g€lsb,ecause
hlrs moleculesare not f.ixed to
A Bl
each other l'n any specjfic way,
c D
' t ) ( :
; ,-.
94. The ftnesto$a !'iagon,used for to carry heravyloads gyqf 'long distance,s,
oli.sirLatederriund 17ts rn n region of Perrns:/lvaniaas,ugt-ed
--D - by the

95. Prgviclence,Rrode Island, is a Sg11manutabruringcit)1 and pgaport, ars

qglf tne stat,acapita'l. ; , "-F.]'
rc' !"' t'' j ,,
'' ':' .

96, The youngof tnost bi rd spgs;i.e$
a're tota'l'ly ggpgl{gnce on oerental carrl
: t, Br C
aftar hatch'i$1" l.'--

97. Durjrgmosto1rtrts i&i{iillt, e"phi'ripRanrtotphstrugg'tedfor Btackrlshts

.lnthe UnitedStates
andlrecrligE an importi:rnt
f-igurein the labor movsmsnt.

gg. It hAg.-been cttlculated that therEarth'e cirr;umfereince

aroundth€ equator
A , . :i B
.t'... .',t ,, 'is ovg{ forty
lgsgr-0i-Les than the circumfgrencearound the trvo pole{i,
A fish mustc<xrstantly
$rJul$ wate. in ordsr to keepa current fl.gwirp
A, B
through its dqiL|ia'lggi l is.

10O' Mar'iaMartine)i, a Pueblo Indiarr, _fgd:Sggyerqd

the ancient art of Puebllo
A ,*,i
black pottery anc1,by tee:chqgthe ploqesr;;
to family and friends, devrlgp
a'lircrative bLr$iness.
*-i\il\' 1 '\ "..,, '1i:"

101. Muscularmg!!S,nis causeciby thri st im u l4 tr :or 'f sp ec if jc ne r vs c el ls i n t he

J)1"'' A 'B- C
"gf.ilrll and spi rrerl cord,

10 2 . T h ei'fir st Ii Qr ar :iS sj n tne North Americancolpniee rms g1gjgplg&dr'ri
A) tsc
Massachusetts-in thg vear: 103 8,
103., WhenEEffi,a n€utron f rom ci[q arom cc lI id es wi th th e nu ci cU sr o f
(A --c
an other
atom a chain react.i,rncaLqacjJl.

104. Al jhe other acadgrnj

g,c,ip]jnes,sccioiogy has severa'lmaio.n
1CI5. An enormous variety of inl,ormationtniaybe gbtained from a larges!
A B C'
dai 1y 4eltFgper

106 . B e fo re the i nu *n ti or rof t he qr o ck , p eo pl e

h ad to reljab]e on the
AB .n 't/.
c e l e s t i a l b o d r e st o t e l ' l f , i m €.
107' Fkrarmany_.people rEmg0lQrIisteninq t{) orson \,rrelles' lggg radio !-&Bdcqgr
,q B ,
"The Y{arof the worlds," c-
thousandsthat spacea]ions had
i n vade dthe E ar th? r - "" ,
,, :
108' Pewter, a metat wiflr an
alrEjg$-hgr-itage, is gilf l-rpcactical: ,i"oirli to.
th€ ngnpfolg$sjonalmetajworKer, , .
109. Areelqingto cognit.ivetheor.iesof er'rotiOh,anger
occur$ nhal, individuals
lr i'\
bel'ieve that they have bsg! harmedanrlthat_the_harm
waseither avoidable

110' Jackie l"lclean'srecrtrd'ingshave shorn

that he js one of the lryt .iazz
mus'icianswbo styte of playins has kept pecew.ith th€'s.vol-Ution of-:modern
, B C D.
)azz' '
1 1 1. H owN at ive A meric an sdeve-loped
corn is a puzzling, for no wild corn has
ever been discovgrerl. and i t grots on1y,where peopl'a.p;lant and tend it.
'- -

y : ' r r, ' , i ! ' ,'", .,, /. .\ \

1 1 e . { principle ol' 1:osnsuFBthat,rsvltlryact icn or, decigjotl achieves
. i.-

a carrtilrlrCepsoar. { !r ;ir, 1; I
v c ... . . / $ ^ .. r
p€op]e to avoid the habits that
113. A ggodexercise'programhe,lpr+teach misttl
shorten t!. l 'ives, ..a.. r. i
uu L?; ' ut
,r_ ,, ,;. ,.1 .(^,,,, ' v ir''t'

\/ r y'
''- t
'''' '

114, Clas.sicism,as a *fglfgg

_J-:_,._ jleg[.$',rrhatis universally -:7';-
tr.uth €nd good.
Ar.,J. i i !. g (\,/ u

1 1 5. R €s eti l gh gLat
s ths U ni verri i tyo f C cl or a do 'a r ein ve st is at in s a se r ie s 01'
,-. ;""i ' ..t:
A. B
indicators that: Equ-idhe]p tlgG,gly€*qto precict earthquakes.
tr..A h l

, {7,', |
, . I ,,,j,,.,..,-,
116. irini' - qr-si:mFortant
in tn,LgiocJ$p
s.:tde;El, -n'l;n ..tu.nqiingredients
to tlre soi'l , erfgtgqbjso'iI fertit jty, anOGpUggSe'animaldebris,
r. c \"X, "'
4l') nr
11 7 . A SElrttQn
use w'i!h gc,id in the nineteenth fientury was as a standard

,rl u, *,lY r 'I C

;|'ar' i i ' '
for the v3.lLlgllf noney.
D . l '

''1,,tc.,' !1,i
"..-.\ \l
118. .Intelest in a,u'tomat'ic r.apid Sl.11gtt h e f i r s t
clate procossinghas\g_fglm
-ft- n n
A Ft VU -|.t l',,'. | ;. i
I arg'acal cui ators ta€re i ntroduced i n 1gbO" I

u, .. .,.,iii,.,,,-i,r - t ' , - . r t , _ ,.,' a; " , . . ' , ' . , - " ' :(* ( : . , - )

119. It is jntei es!i11gtq -limpar.ethe ear'ly stlt j;:ed art forns of ancient
AB c
'civiiizstions tn" ab'stractformsot todaYr. ... \ ' ' 'i 'c:'*.'., !r' ',' t ' *:'"',!
if i*:.: t lt

120. .Aithousn
his 'lirwyertert iery {rrfu aboutthe verdict, he ad vi se dh im
-' .,a A (L) | * :,,.. - , . . 1. : v

ffi not ta Appealthe cass" . , "'


1 2 1 . T h e p l a n t s tfrat !hg[ be'lopgto the family of ferns are guite simi]ar in

(,A-, B C
!hej1 s'ize arrdstlucture.

i.1 : .t.
172, This vase has 'tlrg sgmeder;igrr,but i t i s d ' i f f r l r e n t ghepltdrfrgu that one.
'El CD
-31 -

\r - {
123, An un€,xpoct€d
rajge in the cost of l,,l.v,gU_as
-----::6r:- d decline in
has J'],
the r:asidCr€ationby &rngress
of newgc)vernmontprogramsfor tH. u,.**ployed,
124, Econirnistshavetried to d.iscsrur:age
J[e useof the'phra$e"underdsvqloped'
nation" end e.ncourarli{g
!f," mor.eacc;;ratephrase"developingnation'' in
,C D
order to suggest'anon-going.process,
125. A Eoodartist _lj-ke,i good enginder f iaiqs qs muchfrom-T
their mistakesas
A (P,/
from guccessss
D\ r
1 2 0 , N qO t h e rq u a l i t y i s , m c r ei m p o r t a nIt' c r a s c i e n t i s t to acquir€Eg to
A(g v

observe$arelgll-y, -*
*,,.-\ -/ -
127 , A fte r lh e oo] ice har l tried unsucces$-futlv to detormlhsto'C ,n*
A B .C "r.
belonged, they tOrerj i t i n t o t h e s t a t i o n . '.,ili,,"

128, FertiiJzors are {Usg{X

plo-eJrry to enrich thq soi.'luno insressTf$yield.
A B '9+
1 ''"'?
129, If the ozlonegasesr:f the atmosphere4id-ngjjilte.!. out the u'ltraviolet
rays of the sun, 'life; qs w6:knowl-[, would not have evolved,ongatth.
-i'f {1 . lrlr"r 1'
B, D
. , . ' l l -' ,. . , V i ' { t V } Y ' ' i' ' - ''I 1 " ' '" ' i ' ; '
130. The regulat'ion fg.qgix" {ha{ everyoneWtlghqlds a non-immigrantrrisa
reryrjd hiq address to ther federa'l governmentin January of each year,
.g'. D
131. If he maclebetter ui$eof his time, lre wil,i*74* be.mqIg*Ulg]y *Lo-E--- fi.nish fris
'" '''' "i--,'-i T-3--. D
research, " /{--/
l"', i
132. Anthl.Opologistgass{}rt that manyof. 'll'reearly AmericanPlains Indians did'
{ \ r r tl , ' , ,
to hu nt . -E-',
not ptanting crops but ---tr' I i v' in q Dr l m ar li y on bu ff al o
motttr ,4--'
1- n 1 r

Ur'( 6u*'Y ,lr" \'{"1''vf

133, The carefulne.ssthat Professor Will iamstook in prqrrarirlqhis lectures
A c
$ronhi4 the respect o f h i s s t u d e n t s . I

134. Thrad.ifieren::ia'lattrac.:ions of tiavba direct ,fr!r,

tn-I'sunnni tl" rnoon
' t.i) ' 'il cl lr' '
1 .l' i ,l
- *--**'"
i n the F 'i si n, la nd f al 'l i n' g : ?t t h e t i d e s .
g^/ c ,D
105' lt jt rgce'iv'lstrqugh iain at the propsr tirne, haywi'll gror guighlv gg
A B t. oj',,' i.. '4! .v'
gfass, ' vi - '
l, ,, ,'. .,
1 36. T hj s ar tic le jq i r-r teiqgt jr u , . in fo r m at ,i vra: ,nd i. l^l S. ea $yt o: ga d
137. getorehe di,sd, thr' o1d gentleman
so' J*',ri" apartmenton th6
A g G. .
corner Ugeci._L.
jqg& his dog for a walk everyday,

1sB. It j gsso.ntiar
thattf i;;rr.rlil $fr etevated ,trrE
unstanteK'' acrcompos€
lrot.j& const'ituont
i 1 r r ; " ' €1 , a m €n t s , ,

139, six gf..Jhe Ep11:.15hqs beengjqsen to pi:.!-ticipgte in the Ail $tar. ctrne.
A,. tB) CD
140' In order for onerto ach'ieve resrl]te in this experiment,it is
>t ( . - . r \'' i'
n€cessarythrit llg wr?rhas i,Sjly as pos{:ible.
r\ B"a , / . , , . , (. i C:, D
.t,,r..j \
141. Wh'rever insprrcted this
A ==F. -- t!eir 'identi f i cat ion nunber i;hcilr'l{.iay_€_gr,L!

on the box.
_g ,Pfl

, /t)
i( l :.' -
142, ,Th,anewmodielcosts twice more,thanlas-l ygrar'snrode'l
A -iE"' CiD
J l \

143. Th,ap'urpose!2J.the Un'itadNat'ions,broacYsrreakingn

lS to_Oaintajn peac6
and security a.ndto enc:turesgrespect fr:,iFr.lmanrights.
D r .i.'.
.a.t( /.| -.

144t,,II,,ig an egglipt€d
for oneto say,"excuso
me"whenhe snp_gzed.
145. fyen-Lhou.Eh;he lost the beauty contsst, stl€Ugg $tif i
A B // /e,
th g n the ot hr r r gi r ls, l- - - i

,t /n rI ! 'i -
'+, I
\ i.' t-t
146. Therehavebeen' lit tl e chfl ng ein 't ha l pa ti en t' s conditions.inceha
--tAT- B, c
was,rho(eelto the in te ns ive ca r e u n i ' l : ,
1 4 7 , A l t h o u s h w €a r e c o n c q r n r d w i t h t h e I l r o b l e m o f 9 n e r g y s o u r c €s ' W e '
+ lc',(4{iri{.c ,', r it'r
tail reeognizinsrhe need.1'o;r
nUSS*n$ protection.
B (9 D \. r,t))
148. NexI Yegtwe plan Jo,Sl fjshrng with Boband he tlecause
they are better
, et,i' -tc,.*.
acquaintedwith th€ area .!hi4 we aro,
. irr-
149. ProfessorBal<errecommended that rvery presentat the reception
this. {llalnqon in crder to. mee-!,n* P#"sentatives from the
BC n
Fulbr'jghtCommi ssicn.
t l'.

150, f'leither rcf the two cancJidateswho furd appligd for admis'sionLo tho

A t: B c
I n d u s t r i a l E n g i n e e r i n g D e p a r t m e n tw { r r e e i i g i b l e for scholarships.
U -z':
''' ..,_,-.
t"t / : t . ( : r

151, If one hAd_Jelgnthe tirne t o y g r i f v a l l o f . t h e { a t q , vou r+ouldnclt have

p u hj1s h e dt h e , a r t i c l e .
B: E ''r,.,'i.
i "t., ,.4

152. If he 141J$-ngyg
f inished hi-q thes' I'ittle sooner,ha wouldhave
\b,' :'
B t\
n't'r\l rtt,jr' il\' i\" 1-
\,tqrt"'" {

153i It was hgj' who representsr3her country 'in the Un'itsd Nat'iOnsand
I ater hrecame
ambassarjorto the U n i t s d S t a t e s .
15 4 . T hepric es at The Economy(lenter qre as reasonabl€, if not trlcre reasonable
f1',""L T BC
as comparabJe di*qcountstrlres,

{D, ,' 1 -.!'r'' 'r:c'

/ i \ l ' . _ , / -! ' l , '
tso, tt is *$tj, important for an ensineBrlgLnqllhe!
.ir i.1,r'r"t
to use a ocrmputer.

rly- - '.i
156. Hain clor,rdsand smokecauseclby pol'lut.ion look (-sirrmuchal i ke tfiat one
I n"r -v.. A
cgtua6lharc.Jlvteil the cl.if{ei;e.q,ce the
bEgtwe,en two of thenl.
' i1B
c D
' j ^ lr ;. '\ '' ' /
i+ /, ./i

r . r : ' r , r - . !l i i . . . i . ; :.,',., r-,""i

157. Therrag'istbr has requesi:edthat pacfi $tu{lent and'teaclrersign

on ther grade she€t before s;uboiJi1g
|,''',,'l'':t"' . ,,i F{
158 , rh er,piesl dg ntw tt h hj ; vlifrr and daughter, d_Groturning .troma brief

,,Va$Ati on at S;unVaj I ey i n crrcfen

rc ,tt*q1Frrrr*"onr..rL,

lhi s af_ternQg'!.
r-' ' i :!./
we tizlk ---T
159. Unle_-sgi calm arrdloq'ical ahar r4
we wil'l not QQ4b1g
/orrr ,?t'ob'lem
A u
to resolve i t. :l---,\-itI

160 . T he morethr l re latj ve hi r m ir J it yr e ad in g[-Ls9-i, _.--a--

the won;t the heat
',tr , 't '
aljegts US. ,/

.. F i. .*

1S1. The shore patrol has foUndthe barjyof a manuho th€y bel ieve to bg
A ,R
thert1 t, 'i qs .'na
in g
rin e biologi r ;t . I

102 tre gradua.te(:atalog, studerrt hous.ingis @=ehsspgr !!run
A B / /8, D
housingoff C a m P U S , l--'
163, Sherthought that she wi],l have tc, r,va'itirr Iin€ bscauseth€r€ l?rs
iA, B C
, L

flany*pgople i n t h e o f ? i c ; e ,
/" 164. gefirg
methodr;trr prevent soil eros,ionarg p lo r r in gp ar a ll el w it h t he s lops s
A v\"i / B c
of hi'l'ls, to Rlan! treesi on unproductive1and, and rotat'ing croPs'
-\-'- Ii
165. Per$onnel fllnii_4_l
strat ior:t-XJE tfie manag,emernt
of the B€<10]6in
A a

organizations such as corSkations.

186. A npiecul{ is ithe smgl'ler$p

L a r t i c 1 e o f a s u b s t a n c et h a t e x h i b i t s a l l clf
A uP" blt
the charactrlristir: proprUligSof that sul:stanceand irs -T-
F' "-:--
i fr,clenendent
exi stence.


107. GoldsErLP#CIg*l into lef;ye$ thin that th€yare

# rytI ' 1 . : ' r . , \4'1
transparent, , r. (rv\t,rl.,!,

168. It has beenesti{natgdthat almostsi;<ty perp.ent4 of the-Iaru!At

A /8.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, C
rs ggrolct6?vegetation'
National ltlonument
the Badla.nds

;lr- .' Y-t it

mustbe !g0g in minesIe. detect and.control methane
169. Precautions
w h i c h ' i s h i g h ' l ys x p ' l o s i v e
iL- : fl '
\.' 1{\'\:,!'ial'{{
170. Because
of its 311lgtfge Indian-ink is utilized
and eeri,']li:&nt,
A B (Q,,
.t,:4 ''
e xtens jvgJ by
L evy ar
d t chitec
u n l L e u l ts
. , a an d en gi ne ,r r s ,U
i l u n l r s r r r , g r i i , t
D ,rT",,
is the functjonal or tnhavioral'Ig5ipgnse
171, Photoperiodism of an organis{nIo
B'!*--^- -:'- i
A '
chanqesin duration of daily, seasorlal{dor yearly per'iodsof lignt and
of a thin lens kPeAits Prigingl
172. A rav of light passing'ihffgg[Jh9--qgr:ter
A 6- , \ : ; D
- "

173. The manrdolin,a musicAljjrstrumen!:that haF strings, was probably copied

' * ' 4 ' 1 4 - L . - -A ' t ; -'\
B ' 'i'
frcm the iuts, a ntanyolder instrumr:rnt. i
174, A grain elevator is a talI building i,g1lLp6dwith [agh:-nglyfor I'oadjng'
.\t''' A B
u n1 o a di ngc'
, le an ing,[U 5t fe ,' an ci : h: _fi r r g gr a 'i n.
&; t)
175. Adqlla
Prentiss HughesSeryqg .a-.$ of the ClevejancJgrrchestra
---=-- 'i:;'1"' , ' I

17 6 , Twajn is a goc,g reprssentat'le \)f post-Civil War eUlbffg b ec aus e'
r''f 'B
ii u'
of h i s g ta se o f t irt h,
c *' a
e du c; at io n, nd l Jo wh g/ iv-w,?fur,n7
r ct *. 'n ': i' '
'^ ti
177, A measuringwornrcan holli itseilJ stra.i{lht out from a branchso -*6-
that looks
'l 'l ABC K.,'
i !<ea smal twi g,

L l r ,7t i _y , t . , ,
170. utllage or tribe of the Ni;irih{mer'ic;an
Indian conf€deracy hap.Y
e{l!U!!lgrconsorn dancer,g fes.ti'/ai in whic;hsoc'ia'lties w€r€ren6v{ed,
B /D

Fz ', i\" "''

180. MachjFetoo'ls qhgBgmetral!y cutting, shearing, hammring, and squeezgd.

, . , {'",
181. A forun ts gn-agqeilblyfor to d.iEcussqr/e$ltionso f prtbljS interest.
,-/ !. t,

'182. TheA,mericar
burnet, a naljie perennjal, g!_rygfrom rsix inchesin llgb
A B, (F:
t' as muchas f ive f$e,!;.
. ,-
183,, Scrrqeof tne WLg best gr!'esigrvej c]iff dlrellings in
/{H/ B C
ttre United $tates f,re.'locertedin MesaVrlrdeNat'ionalPark in Co]orado,

184. Al-tbgugh
h'ie -initial jnterest *iu in GeorgeDouglas
-6 ' d ,ri
A. \,\ry' B "*po"itior,
, JcthrrsgngL,LdgAlturned tFluggf!lyric poe,try,
c' i
185. BecauSB a good
of its extra lollE,nose, the antrla_torha$ and-pggsgs€€.g
AB ,/G ,
J,'., --'
't' 'lt:''I'!

18q, Rerd'icr I ig ht w av es ,tr a vr l J r t t a g.on-stdnt

wav€ri, the **iame soeedof 186,282
A.. B U
mi Ies rpe r se co nd .
.l.{ ^,
197. I[! 18844ru1'lS8{ipthe Nat'iona1Equal Rigfrts Party rpm'ina]ly Belva Lockrryocd
A B C.
fef President of the UniteldStates"
[l '"'''
-=1 ;\ ti
188. Threre
are manystories akiut bet smart(''u
to*tgn-e rqhen
fullgfg b,eing.
chaserdby lrcurrds ,4-/'

189. Mqrgethnic and cultural gfpqp.gare reprresenteo

in Hawaii than in any
,other g!e!*, c{tr,, ( {1..', , 1.,,,t.t-
i c_Z='
,l:- 1.,1 i',t.r
. - ', , - , r , - r:.,,i-";i.
i : /
' '- l- .i /
r , r I J'

190. Air law'is {efjned.asthe bciciy -B Cirectly or ind'irectly{E-WcFInPd

A ,c
with c,MiJ aviation.
1., 1i 'r
,of lameilaeare
191. Ei-thprthe structure gn$ the chemicalcomqgs'ition
, - .' B C
gq mol ex .

River -hris begrLfrovqr lruprliant for transport and has no

192, ThE Sr.*vannee
(? A B
s jgni.f-icary{-hydropo,'rer
potentj al .

193, Most animals wjth rills aCIg_ba$kbones are ab'le to twist and bend tngif
^A B
b o di es , QVt torto' is es@ra di ff er e nt r r "' ,
c E

194, The Earth can be divided 39 ttto parts;, gr- hemispheras,according

A '8. C '
1). tt
to merjdiansot east anddrEstlongitude,
-@*h,rryt-o9a $trong depressant effact
195, A narcoti,; is a substancethat Ei.!
on the hulgn n€rvous svstet, l6I.+
t i,i ; f., ..t | ,"(
1 9 6 . A well'-knownchem-ist,teacher, an{:jl1.:!_W!fjgl-';Percy L. Julian macle
A ss.
outstand'ingcontriburtionsiI numeroui;'
f ields,
197 . Th e knife is pr ob ab 'l ythe m os t us ef ul of a ll th e si m pl e t oo ls e vs r
A B .,C;
arf devised
1 9 8. In sti t ut jons o f h ighe r l ea r n' in g, ge t tl r e' ir fu nd s f r oma v qr j et v of EU_[c€:
ABC rt'-

199. Floricultureis the An, g"i*ii@t, ,andbus.inej;s

t:f growing ornanrqnta.'l
B ct )
prants. .fA
20O. The djSgygty
-A, of keroseneand the invention of a gJass chimneYmade
possibl,a6 greatly 'improvcdlampgl
c - ;,v,
Englishfor AdvancedStudies
Error Recognition

1. B : who 24. D : well

2A were 25, D: him
3A had been 26. C : pickedup
4.C hasbeendiscussed 27. B : he haslain
5D his 28. A - expert
6D me 29. B: he
7. B had arrived 30 A : iflwhether
8C is 31. B : unusuallygifted
9. A whom 32. D : than
10 B his 3 3 . D - lovestherr
11 A me 3 4 . A : therewere
t2. B did not 3 5 . A - Cliff
13. B vrr,rrXat
sl'o"to" frlrmdousi
Change 36. B : will havetaught
14. D it is 37. B : appoint
15 A who 3 8 . D - worrying
16. B mother-in-law's 3 9 C : earlier
17B his 40. A : ThiS
l8 A flew 41. C : were
19 c the 42. B - tosit
2AA had hardly ta
+J. A : red-haired
21. B were 44. B : theirs
22, B keeps 45. C : mostpoorly
t'dontttt fiqtn:tyscarcely 4 6 . ,A -

23A gr-a years

frflrrilfl u rrldr " ur4uovnlri"
d.rrflu 47. A: be
rlfrronoqiudr 48. D: did

49. B: hasbeentravelling had beentravelling 9 1 . D : \ /ere

50. fL- ln additionto 92 a1 - had
51 B: clever 9 3 . B: rts
52, B : parts 94. .n- cuurylng
53. (-_ kept 95. r- as u'ell as the
s4, D : angry 96. B: dependent
55 A: sat 9 7 . L-
56. C: thanks 98. D: mileslonger
57. D_ hard 99. A_ gulp
58. C: stole 100 D: developed
59. D: to buy 101. B: stimulus
60. B: put up 102. A : library v
61. r- it 103. A: gYo "does" fi't
62. r- the I 04. A: like
63. D: or join the army 105. \-- large
(1 _

64. (--
would not 106. (\_ rely
65 D: any other 107. D: convinced
66. f1 _
any other students 108 (1
still 4 practicalmedium
67 D: most I09 D: both
68. r\- Thesekinds... arenot the type I 10. B: whose
69. C: the cheaper 111. B: ptzzle
70 D: of whom 112. A _ management
71. 11 -
been 113. D: their
72. D: like that in New York 1r4. r - true
73, B: two-thirds I 15. D: them
74. B: who t16. D: decomposes
75. A: had 117. B: of
76. B: is I 18. C: rapidly
77. D: fewer 11 9 . D : with
78. (t_
was 120. B : bad
'79. tzt, A : V ,,X
B: whoever 9ro "tney Yt{
80 I 122 B: differently
81. B: for 123. A : rise
82. D: were 124. C : encourage
83. B: you and me 12s. \ , - his
84. .n- Like 126. C : than
85 (1 _
more sweetly 127. C: whom
86 {\_ his/her 128, D - increase
87. B-- is 129. A : had not filtered
88. C: than 130. C: report
89. aL- your 131, fL- would be
90 11-- rose r32. B : to hunting

133 B: had taken 171 D: seasonal

134 B : on 1 7 2 . \- keeps
1 35 . D : like 173. D: much
t36. (-_ v
lt 1S
rr d
Yt{l t 74 . ( - - mixing
r37. (1 _
lived 175. D: for
138 A* not be 176. D- writing
139 B : have 177. D: that it looks
140. fast 178. A: Every
141. D: ir T79 D : potato
r42. B : as much as I 80. D: squeezing
143. B: broadlyspeaking 181. B: discussing
r44. D : SNCCZCS 182 C : height
l4s r- prettier 18 3 . f \ - gYn"more" fi.:
T46 a-\ -
Therehas been 18 4 . C : gradually
147. (1 _
to recognize I 85. C: possesses
r48 him 18 6 . A : like
149 be 187. C: nominated
1s0 D : was 18 8 . D : it is
151 D: one I 89. D: state
ts2 r\- had 190. C: (which is) concerned
15 3 . B: she 191 A: both
I54 D: than 192. 1 1 . - hasneverbeen
155 D: to know how 193. D: different
I56 B: can hardly r94. B : into
r57. B : his name 1 9 5 . ,.1 - has
I58 r\- is 196. B_ industrialist
I 59. B: calmly and logically 197. D: devised
160. B: the worse 198. D: sources
t6l. B: whom 1 9 9 . -6. -' science
162. cheaper 200. D: lamp
16 3 . A : would
t64. D: planting
165 B: is
1 6 6 . \- capable
167. (-- SO
168. B: percent
1 6 9 . 1-\ - taken
170 (-_ permanence


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