Software Requirement Engineering: Name: Tayyaba Abid ID: 18002105-001 Batch# 02 Discipline: BS-IT

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Software Requirement Engineering


ID: 18002105-001

Batch# 02

Discipline : BS-IT

Assignment# 03

Which problem is focused by this paper?


Problem in the paper is how to identify the set of stakeholders and formal
specification construction in requirement engineering.


Who are stakeholders and what are different methods to identify them?

A stakeholder in an organization is any group or individual who  can affect or be affected by the
organization's actions, objectives and policies. Typical stakeholder roles in an average software
project are, for example, end user, project sponsor or client, architect, developer, tester,
quality engineer, project manager, product manager, operator, and maintainer.


1:- Expert identification for knowledge-based systems provides some guidance for
stakeholder identification there has been an supposition that experts are readily identifiable .

2:- Pouloudi and Whitley propose four principles of stakeholder identification which
they used to recognize stakeholders in the drug use management domain.

3:- Lyytinen and Hirschheim produce some direction for stakeholder identification for IS,
while concede that the identification of the set of all stakeholders is outlying from trivial.


Describe the proposed approach to identify the stakeholders and critically

analyze it?


we suggest an technique to finding all applicable stakeholders of a particular system that we

trust is domain-independent, effective and pragmatic. Our approach focal point on
interactions between stakeholders instead than relationships between the system and the
stakeholder because they are easier to attend.


How the authors of this paper have evaluated the proposed solution?

Validating the approach:-

The technique introduce here has not still been formalize. The upcoming step is to locate it
on a real project. we need to verify that our strategy is practical , and a suitably realistic
evaluation requires a real project . Issues to be denominate in this appraisal are:

 When to stop assembling data and acknowledge that the scope of stakeholders is
 What is the most beneficial way to document the locating?
 The technique discuss here needs to be processed in order to specify more
pragmatically what to look for in work environment so as to expose stakeholders and
dominant members of staff.
 Suitable schemes for categorize and measuring stakeholder relationships need to be
discover .
Longer term goals:-

The procedure characterize in this paper will uncover a network of stakeholders. This in spin
leads to the prospective for developing tool-based support to recognize significant
stakeholders and their level of influence. Towards this aim , literature on network manner to
stakeholder analysis in other domains is ethical of consideration .

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