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Statement of Purpose

Stretching exercise as an effort to maintain the quality of life of school-age children

Sitting position for a long time is one part of sedentary behavior that is characterized as behavior
that requires only a little energy (Tremblay, et al, 2011) and this activity should be minimized
because it has an impact on health (Sedentary Behaviour Research Network, 2012; Owen et al,
2011). Some of the effect that associated to prolonging sitting position that are cardiovascular
disease, metabolic disease and increasing of the mortality cases (Van der Ploeg, et al, 2012).
Minimizing the sitting time can reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease (Wilmot
EG, et al, 2012).

Children and adolescents can be classified as at-risk populations based on their growth and
development (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2016). The previous studies did not directly explain the
impact of prolonged sitting time in adolescents significantly, but the most common thing is the
increased in BMI and also the decreased ability of the heart (Santos, et al. 2013). The
adolescence' nutrition status in Indonesia based on Indonesia's Basic Health Survey (2016) found
that 4,6% malnutrition; 7,6% underweight; 78,6% normal and 19,2% overweight.

Previous research conducted on adolescents aged 12 to 15 years found that during the 18 month
period of observation, there was an increase in sedentary behavior and a 15% increase occurred
during school time. Furthermore, young women spend 70% of their school time doing sedentary
activities (Altenburg TM, et al. 2016). The school does not provide much special intervention on
students to reduce sedentary behavior during school time, especially sitting activities. Whereas
intervention to reduce sitting time is very important to reduce sedentary time, especially sitting
during school time.

One of the activities carried out to reduce sitting time in adolescents during school time is the
time to stand up with a duration of 30 minutes each day. This is quite effective for reducing BMI
and increasing student memory (Anne, et al. 2018).
In Indonesia, the physical activity program just once a week and only takes 2 hours, and no other
activity that is focused on physical activity. When compared to total school time a week, 54
hours for total school time just 2 hours to activity program, so the time for physical activity is
very limit.

In this study, the researcher will arrange the stretching activity to be a regular program in school,
that is included in daily activity for student.

Data Collection
The focus of this study is the stretching activity program for daily activity for student. The
researcher will arrange the stretching movement based on the student's ability and will add with
dance movements originating from Indonesia.
First, data collection will focus to measure the quality of life of the student. The researcher will
know about the quality of life of student. After that will measure what kind of sedentary activity
that is always done by children, and how much time are they consume to do the sedentary

The researcher will conduct the stretching movement with focus group discussion, consisting of
teacher, traditional dancer, education authorities, school nurse. They will discuss how to conduct
the stretching movement that is fit for children.

Altenburg TM, Kist-van Holthe J, Chinapaw MJM. (2016). Effectiveness of intervention
strategies exclusively targeting reductions in children's sedentary time: a systematic review
of the literature. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2016; 13(1):65
Anne MP, Stewart GT, Steven JH, Marijka B, et al. (2018). Evaluation of an intervention to
reduce adolescent sitting time during the school day: randomised controlled trial. Journal
of Science and Medicine in Sport (2018)
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Depkes RI. (2016). Riset Kesehatan Dasar tahun
2016. Jakarta: Depkes RI.
Owen N, Sugiyama T, Eakin EE, Gardiner PA, Tremblay MS, Sallis JF. (2011). Adults
sedentary behaviour determinants and interventions. Am. J Prev Med. 2011;41:189-96
Sedentary Behaviour research Network. (2012). Letter to the Editor: Standardized use of the
terms "sedentary" and "sedentary behaviours". Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2012; 37:540-2
Santos R, Mota J, et al. (2013). The independent association of sedentary behaviour and physical
activity on cardiorespiratory fitness. Br J Sports Med; 48:1508-1512
Tremblay MS, LeBlanc AG, Kho ME, Saunders TJ, Larouche R, et al. (2011) Systematic review
of sedentary behaviour and health indicators in school-aged children and youth. Int J
Behav Nutr Phys Act 8: 98.

van der Ploeg HP, Chey T, Korda RJ et al. (2012). Sitting time and all-case mortality risk in 222
497 Australian adults. Arch Intern Med 2012; 172 (6):494-500
Wilmot EG, Edwardson CI, Achana FA et al. (2012). Sedentary time in adults and the
association with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and death: systematic review and meta-
analysis. Diabetologia 2012; 55(11): 2895-2905

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