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Software - Engineering



Submitted to – Submitted by -
Dr. Raman Sanamdeep Singh
Develop SRS as per IEEE standard for Hospital Management
System. Make assumptions whenever necessary.

Hospital Management System

This is a Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for the Hospital Management

System. It describes the functions, goals and tasks that the system can perform. This is used to
describe the scope of the project and to plan for the system’s design and implementation.

The following features are the high-level requirements that this system satisfies:

• Work Scheduling - Assigning nurses to doctors

and doctors to patients

• Admissions - Admitting patients, assigning the patients to appropriate wards

• Patient Care - Monitoring patients while they are in the hospital
• Surgery Management - Planning and organizing the work that surgeons and
nurses perform in the operating rooms
• Ward Management - Planning and coordinating the management of wards and rooms
• Waiting list - Monitoring to see if there are any patients waiting for available beds,
assigning them to doctors and beds once these become available The Requirements are
classified into two categories:

• Functional requirements
• Non-functional requirements.

Non-functional requirements can be used to improve the functioning of the computer system,
but not the management of the hospital as a whole.

Functional requirements, on the other hand, are requirements directly related to the hospital

The primary areas of concern are performance, security and userinterface.

1. Introduction Purpose

The purpose is to describe all the requirements for the Hospital Management System. The
following are some of the stake holders:

• administrative staff
• doctors
• nurses
• surgeons • developers.

The hospital management and its team members uses this document as the primary
means to communicate confirmed requirements to the development team. The development
team expects many face-to-face conversations that will undoubtedly be about requirements and
ideas for requirements. However only the requirements that appear in this document or a future
revision, will be used to define the scope of the system.


The software product is the Hospital Management System. The system will be used to
allocate beds to patients on a priority basis, and to assign doctors to patients in designated wards
as need arises. Doctors will also use the system to keep track of the patients assigned to them.
Nurses who are in direct contact with the patients will use the system to keep track of available
beds, the patients in the different wards, and the types of medication required for each patient.
Doctors must make rounds to pick up patients’ treatment cards in order to know whether they
have cases to treat or not. The intentions of the system are to reduce over-time pay and increase
the number of patients that can be treated accurately. Requirements statements in this document
are both functional and non-functional.

Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

PHN Personal Health Number on health card

Report An account of patients

Database Collection of information in a structured form

Front-desk staff Administrative staff that work at reception desk

Logon ID A user identification number to enter the system

Password A word that enables one to gain admission into the


ID Patient Identification number

GUI Graphical User Interface

SRS Software Requirements Speficification

General Description Product Perspective

This Hospital Patient Management System is a selfcontained system that manages

activities of the hospital as bed assignment, operations scheduling, personnel management and
administrative issues. Various stakeholders are involved in the hospital system.

Product Functions

The system functions can be described as follows:

Registration: When a patient is admitted, the front-desk staff checks to see if the patient
is already registered with the hospital. If he is, his/her Personal Health Number (PHN) is
entered into the computer. Otherwise a new Personal Health Number is given to this patient.
The patient’s information such as date of birth, address and telephone number is also entered
into computer system.

Consultation: The patient goes to consultation-desk to explain his/her condition so that

the consulting nurse can determine what kind of ward and bed should be assigned to him/her.
There are two possible circumstances:

a) If there is a bed then the patient will be sent to

the bed to wait for the doctor to come.

b) If there is no bed, the patient is put on a waiting

list until a bed becomes available.

Patient check out. If a patient checks out, the administrative staff shall delete his PHN
from the system and the just evacuated bed is included in available-beds list.

Report Generation: The system generates reports on the following information:

patients, bed availability and staff schedules after every six hours. It prints out all the
information on who has used which bed, when and the doctor that is taking care of a given
patient as well as expected medical expenses.

2.3 User Characteristics

The system will be used in the hospital. The administrators, doctors, nurses and front-desk staff
will be the main users. Given the condition that not all the users are computer-literate. Some
users may have to be trained on using the system. The system is also designed to be user-friendly.
It uses a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Front-desk staff:

They all have general reception and secretarial duties. Every staff has some
basic computer training. They are responsible for patient’s check-in or notification
of appropriate people (e.g. notify administrator or nurse when an event occurs).


They all have post-secondary education relating to general business

administration practices. Every administrator has basic computer training. They are
responsible for all of the scheduling and updating day/night employee shifts.
Administrators in the wards are responsible for assigning doctors and nurses to


All nurses have post-secondary education in nursing. Some nurses are

computer literate. Consulting nurses to whom patients give short descriptions of
their conditions are also responsible for assigning patients to appropriate wards if
the beds are available, otherwise putting patients on the waiting list. Nurses in
wards will use the system to check their patient list.


All doctors have a medical degree. Some have further specialized training
and are computer literate. Doctors will use the system to check their patient’s list.

2.4 General Constraints

The system must be delivered by deadline.

The system must be user-friendly

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

• It is assumed that compatible computers will be available before the system

is installed and tested.
• It is assumed that the Hospital will have enough trained staff to take care of
the system
3. Specific Requirements

3.1 Functional Requirements

Registration Add patients

The system shall allow front-desk staff to add new patients to the system.

Assign ID

The system shall allow front-desk staff to give each patient a ID and add it to the
patient’s record. This ID shall be used by the patient throughout his/her stay in

Consultation Assign Ward

The consulting nurse shall use system to assign the patient to an appropriate ward.

Assign to Waiting List

The consulting nurse shall use system to assign Patient to a waiting list if no bed is

Medical matter management AssignDoctor

The administrative staff in the ward shall use system to assign a doctor to a given

Assign Nurse
The administration staff in the ward shall use system to assign a nurse to a given

Inform Doctors
The system shall inform doctors of new patients.

Inform Nurses
The system shall inform nurses of new patients.

Emergency Case
In an emergency case, the administrative staff shall use system to assign an
emergency room, doctors and nurses to the patient immediately.

Surgery case
In a surgery case, the administrative staff shall use system to assign a surgery
room, surgeon and nurses to the patient.
Generate Report (normal)
The system shall generate the patient’s situation record every two hours for normal

Generate Report(Severe)
The system shall generate patient’s situation record every half hour for severe

Record procedure
The whole treatment procedure for the patient shall be recorded by the system.

Inform patient
The system shall automatically inform the patients who are on the bed waiting list
of available beds whenever they become available.

Check Out Delete Patient ID

The administrative staff in the ward shall be allowed to delete the ID of the patient
from the system when the patient checks out.

Add to beds-available list

The administrative staff in the ward shall be allowed to put the beds just evacuated
in beds-available list.

Report Generation Patient information

Every six hours the system shall generate reports on patients about the following
information: patient’s PHN, patient’s name, ward name, bed number and the
doctor’s name.

Bed Aavailability
Every six hours the system shall generate reports on bed availability about the
following information: ward name, bed number, occupied/unoccupied

Staff Schedule
Every six hours the system shall generate reports on staff schedule about the
following information: staff ID, staff name, staff type, duty shift.

Database Patient Mandatory Information

Each patient shall have the following mandatory information: first name, last name,
phone number, personal health number, address, postal code, city, country, patient
identification number.
Update Patient Information
The system shall allow the user to update any of the patient’s information

Search for Patient

The system shall allow the user to search for patient’s information by last name or
PHN or patient ID.

Staff Mandatory Information

Each staff in hospital shall have the following mandatory information:
identification number, first name, last name, phone number, address, postal code,
city, country, employee type, duty schedule.

Update Staff Information

The system shall allow the user to update any of the staff’s information as
described in SRS023.

Employee Information
The system shall allow the user to search for employee information by last name,
or ID number.

Ward Types
The ward is categorized into four types: Maternity, Surgical, Cancer and Cardiac.

Ward Information
Each ward in system shall include the following mandatory information: ward
name, ward number, list of rooms in ward.

Room Information
Each room in system shall include the following mandatory information: room
number, list of beds in room, full/not full.

Bed Information
Each bed in system shall include the following information: bed number,
occupied/unoccupied, patient PHN.

3.2 Design Constraints

The system shall use the MySQL Database, which is open source and free.

Operating System
The Development environment shall be Windows 2000.

Web-Based The system shall be a Web-based application.

3.3 Non-Functional Requirements

Patient Identification
The system requires the patient to identify himself /herself using PHN

Logon ID
Any user who uses the system shall have a Logon ID and Password.

Any modification (insert, delete, update) for the Database shall be synchronized and done
only by the administrator in the ward.

Front Desk staff Rights

Front Desk staff shall be able to view all information in system, add new patients to
system but shall not be able to modify any information in it.

Administrators' Rights
Administrators shall be able to view and modify all information in system

Nurses' Rights
Nurses shall only be able to view all information in system.

Doctors Rights
Doctors shall only be able to view all information in system

3.3.2 Performance Requirements

Response Time
The system shall give responses in 1 second after checking the patient’s

The System must support 1000 people at a time.

The user-interface screen shall respond within 5 seconds.

The systems must conform to the Microsoft Accessibility guidelines

3.3.3 Maintainability
Back Up
The system shall provide the capability to back-up the Data

Errors The system shall keep a log of all the errors.

3.3.4 Reliability

The system shall be available all the time.
Develop design document for the system mention in Q1

Design and Implementation of Hospital Management

Hospital is an organization that mobilizes the skills and efforts of a widely divergent group of
professionals, semi-professionals, professional‟s personnel, to provide highly personalized
personnel services to patients .

World health Organization (WHO) has defined hospital as an integral part of social and medical
organization that provides the complete curative and preventive health care and treatment to
people. Hospitals are the focal points of education for the health professionals and clinical
research necessary for advancement of medicine. Thus, the hospital is one of the most
complexes of all administrative organizations. The main purpose of the hospital is to provide
adequate care and treatment to the people. Various operational works that are done in a hospital
include: recording information about the Patients, generating bill, recording information related
to diagnosis given to Patients, Keeping record of the Immunization provided to patient, Keeping
information about various diseases and medicines available to cure them etc .

All these works are done in most hospitals on papers. The need for proper management of the
health sector leads to the creation of an electronic means of keeping records, administering
discharge, querying of data, prescription helper and also good accountability. Information
technology in general enables intra organizational networking that facilitates effective
information flow within the various units of a firm .

The hospital management system (HMS) comprises a computerized web based application for
record keeping, tracking and prescriptions with monitoring. HMS can manage multiple users of
the system and can have the track of the right assigned to them. It makes sure that all the users
function with the system as per the rights assigned to them and they can get their work done in
efficient manner. A good management system should allow for input and output by providing
an objective for recording and aggregation information. It should be able to quickly collect and
edit data, summarize results, and adjust as well as correct errors promptly. Reference designs
HMS that Retrieve Information from the database as quickly as one searches on the screen and
authenticate the users with the access control facility to prevent unauthorized users from
accessing the data but does not include exporting of Data (History) on the database to appear in
various formats (PDF, CSV, TXT). Reference [6] designs various HMS modules but the system
is not designed to manage the affairs of the hospital but only built for the Patient Health
Records. This paper provides solution to the existing problems of the hospital. The design
improves the accuracy of medical records and efficient retrieval and usage of medical records.
The purpose of the paper is to design HMS that helps to;
1. Eliminate redundancy in term of data storage. Data will be stored in a computer not heap of
2. Reduce the time wasted in retrieving data especially in finding a past health records.
3. increase Efficiency and Interactivity in any area of specialization in the hospital


Murab Hospital Ilorin, Kwara state, Nigeria was chosen as a case study due to easy access to
the medical information and the consultant. The Hospital was visited to collect appropriate
information. The purpose of the Study is to find out the current state of their management
system and how to make it more efficient. Various medical personnel were interviewed in other
to know their duties and challenges they are facing while discharging their duties. Written
vouchers, bills of payment, receipts and other test results were reviewed so as to get how the
“System of Number” for referencing and saving for future works and the platform of how to
make the manual printed reports into electronic one

A. The Existing Management System at Murab Hospital, Ilorin, Kwara, Nigeria The
information flow used is a one directional system where the receptionist refers patient to
doctors, doctors referring patients to the pharmacist either in or out patients and the same
way out. The system that is currently being used in the hospital is entirely manual. When
a patient requests drugs from the staff, all the information is recorded manually from the
drug dispenser (Pharmacist). Similarly when the supplier delivers drugs all the
information from the dispenser to the account on drugs is recorded manually. The
following are the weaknesses of the current system at the hospital:
1. The hospital staff finds it tiresome and time consuming when computing patient data,
drug supplier and staff Payment receipts and voucher cards this leads to delay in medical
2. The hospital Administration currently uses health record files for storing patients and
drug supplier‟s information. This system of information storage is susceptible to security
problems such as illegal modification and update of records.
3. The Staff usually waste a lot of time in retrieving data.
4. The paper work reduce the efficiency of the System
B. System Design and Implementation Table 1 and Table 2 show the
hardware requirement of the system and software requirement of the
system respectively.
A relational database (RDBMS) design was used to design the database. RDBMS
organizes large amount of data and defines the relationship between the datasets in a
consistent and understandable way. RDBMS also provides a structure which is flexible
enough to accommodate almost any kind of data. Data dictionaries were used to provide
definitions of the data used; these included the final data structures for the various tables
and their corresponding data fields, description and sizes the user application programs
and interface were developed using PHP, CSS and HTML with support of PHP and
MYSQL. PHP was used to create links, manipulate pages, and manage relational
databases storage functions, PHP was used to process queries and request flash to
integrate sounds and interfaces was done to develop the model that meets all the
requirements of this system. MySQL was used to create and connect relational tables to
the database. HTML was used to develop the GUI.
C. The Proposed System The proposed system is divided into Receptionist‟s module,
Doctor‟s module and Pharmacist‟s module. Receptionist’s module

Fig1: Receptionist’s module

CREATE DATA ACCOUNT -A Patient ID is assigned for new patients

VERIFY USER - For an existing patient, “Patient ID”is verified to check for the validity
of the account PRG (Payment Receipt Generator) - this assigns a receipt from the
voucher generated by the doctor.
Search Engine: To search for the patients data (both payment records and also account
authenticity) Inbox: an advanced feature which will manage messages received from the
medical superintendent.
Doctor’s module:
Fig 2a: Doctor’s module (Health Record Entry)

Fig 2b: Doctor’s module (Lab Module Manager)

CREATE DATA ACCOUNT (For new patients, a “Unique No” is assigned for medical
records on behalf of the patient.

VERIFY USER: Verifying “Registration No” is assigned to the patient if coming as

existing patient in the hospital. Just as to check for the validity of the account) HRE
(Health Record Entry) a link or a function where patient‟s records will be inputted either
inpatients or outpatients (LMM) Lab Module Manager takes care of common laboratory
test performed in the hospital DPE (Drug Record Entry) a link or a function where doctor
can input patients‟ drugs prescribed WBE (Ward& Bed Entry) A link which takes care of
how beds are assigned and also change of rooms occur PVG (Payment Voucher
Generator) this will assign a voucher No so as for information of Number to flow well in
the hospital DMG (Discharge Manager) this assigns only for Inpatients and has expected
date of leaving and also the date left will also be inputted into the system.
Search Engine: first field: search “With Patient Id” and choose a subdirectory for records
to search.
Inbox: an advanced feature which will manage messages received from the medical
Pharmacist’s Module:

Fig 3a: Pharmacist’s Module (Enter New Stock)

Fig 3b: Pharmacist’s Module (Receipts for Drugs bought)

Enter New Stock (ENS): This is a link which is strictly meant for entering new stocks
CREATOR (RECEIPT CREATOR): A tabular form of entering drugs bought from the
pharmacist and also assigning amount for it. Sales record Inventor (S.R.I): This is a rendering
functions of all sales made in a day which will be a search box that will be queried with date
and also accounts for the amount made in a day. Also searching for Stock history will be also be
a subcategories under the search record inventor. Inbox: An advanced feature which will
manage messages received from the medical superintendent
Testing was done was carried out on individual modules of the system to ensure that they
meet necessary functional requirements such as authenticating the users of the system,
generation of reports on request, allowing administrator to delete records in the database
etc. Integration and system testing were carried out after different modules had been put
together to make a complete system in order to ensure that modules are compatible and
can be integrated to form a complete working system.
Fig 1, Fig 2 and Fig 3 show Receptionist‟s module, Doctor‟s module and Pharmacist‟s
module respectively. The system verify and validate all user input. The user is notified in
case of errors detected in the course of using the system. The system captured patient‟s
details at the receptionist which is used to create an account with the doctor and have a
reference Id to use in paying bills and charges. The system generates the Patient Identity
(ID) and also the Reference ID automatically and identifies inpatients and outpatients
which is made possible by a checkbox. Also, it manages entering new stocks of drugs
into database and how the drugs are sold which will include assigning a serial number to
Reference ID given by the doctor to monitor the sales. The design also allows room for
Computerized HMS has been developed. The system solved the problems associated
with the existing manual system. Security is also enhanced since access to the system
requires authentication. However, the system does not alert the pharmacy of the expiry
date of drugs. Also, departments such as security and assets are not included in the
design. Therefore, developing an HMS that can alert the pharmacist of the expiry date of
drugs at a given time and handle all departments in the hospital will be an attractive
research in future.
Explain the process of calculating the cost of a project with an example.

The process of project cost estimation is central to setting up the foundation for making key
decisions, taking initiatives, budgeting activities and controlling expenditures. Cost forecasts
and projections are used to establish a set of metrics against which project success will be
measured, and to communicate work progress to the stakeholders at any given point in time.
The necessity of calculating expenses consists in maintaining confidence and trust that project
activities are performed properly and as expected throughout the entire project life-
cycle. Logical and reasonable cost estimates will allow the team to make collaborative effort
with a reduced probability of risk occurrence and failure because the estimators use various
efficient methodologies to fight uncertainty, prevent performance bottlenecks, determine budget
and control spending.
The Underlying Principles of Cost Estimating
The estimation process complies with a set of principles which act as a foundation for identifying
and calculating right project expenses. Here are the key principles:
Any cost estimate should be produced with a high standard of ethical integrity and by following an
open and transparent process. Any uncertainties and vagueness associated with the estimate should
be explained in an easy-to-understand manner and in laymen’s terms. This principle allows
avoiding false precision and rash decisions by integrating all people involved in the process into a
team which works as a single mechanism and uses the same sources of information.

Information Accuracy and Relevance

The development of cost estimates should be based only on the best information available. When
a planner develops an estimate, engineering judgement and technical advice should be applied to
any assumption made at that estimate. By following this principle, all information used for
developing estimates can be thoroughly considered, filtered and refined in order to get the most
accurate and relevant pieces of that information.

Uncertainty and Risk

Any type of project cost should be identified and included in an estimate considering uncertainty
and risk. For this purpose an exhaustive method of assessing and re-assessing project risks and
uncertainties should be employed. A kind of cost estimation software can be used to associate each
cost with potential risks or uncertainties surrounding the project. This software will also allow
considering risks by producing accurate contingencies in cost estimates that may be used later on
for developing a risk management plan.

Expert Team
This principle assumes that only a skilled, interdisciplinary team should produce cost predictions
and make calculations. Project cost estimation sheets should be developed utilizing a clearly
defined statement of work. The expert team needs to use methodological tools and approaches to
develop their expenditure forecasts. The team can be composed of project team members,
experienced personnel of the performing organization, as well as experts from outside qualified
agencies. Technical, managerial, and communication skills are required for the candidates. They
should also be able to identify and evaluate critical issues and risks.

The expert and unbiased team should validate cost predictions. First, the project manger develops
initial estimates and submits them to the team for validation. A second independent judgment will
help then make the estimates more correct and capture different perspectives on the estimating
process. This principle becomes more important to complex projects which require producing large

Release and Use

It assumes that while cost estimates might have been developed for a specific purpose, they can be
used improperly by those people who do not understand the real context. Until the expert team has
been thoroughly reviewed the estimates and validated their content, these estimates shouldn’t be
released to the project team and stakeholders in order to avoid misuse and misunderstanding. This
approach allows the estimates to be consistent with the project scope and accurate indicators of the
real expenses.

Project Cost Types

All the costs of a project can be broken down into these three types:

Variable and Fixed

▪ Fixed Cost refers to as a cost which is not to be changed throughout the project lifecycle. It
doesn’t change an increase or reduction of the work amount. Examples are setup cost, rental
cost, cost for hiring of equipment, etc.
▪ Variable Cost refers to as any chargeable amount that can be changed with the amount of
project work. An increase or reduction of project scope causes the respective change in variable
cost. Examples are production materials expenses, remuneration of project team, cost of power
and water.
Direct and Indirect
▪ Direct Cost is directly associated with particular tasks or/and activities. Examples are team
wages and expense on materials used.
▪ Indirect Cost is expenses on overhead items (overheads). It doesn’t refer to as the project
value. Examples are corporate tax, fringe benefit tax.
▪ Opportunity Cost is associated with an opportunity of a choice. When you select between two
different projects, or activities within one project, you can consider opportunity expense of
each project (activity) and then make your choice.
Cost Estimation Example
Most projects face the same or similar problems related to analyzing costs and managing financial
resources. New technologies, teams unfamiliar with these technologies, or unclear project work
statements are most frequent problems. Here is probably one of the best ways to calculate the cost
of a project. The given example is most applicable to IT and software development projects.

Step 1. Split Work into Manageable Tasks

You need to decompose your project work into as many work items (tasks and jobs) as possible. A
convenient way to create a breakdown is to consider typical activities appropriate to your project,
and then see whether they can be divided into manageable tasks and even sub-tasks.

For example, a software development project involves such typical activities as such Analysis,
Designing, Developing, Demo, Testing, Bug Fixing, Documenting, Deploying, and Supporting.
Now having these activities in place, you can divide each one into a number of smaller tasks and
sub-tasks. Ex.: the Analysis activity can be divided into several tasks, like “Collecting Necessary
Info”, “Examining Collected Info”, “Creating a Development Plan”, etc.

Step 2. Evaluate Tasks

Once you have specified tasks and jobs for each typical process/activity in your project, now it is
time to evaluate the tasks considering two scales: Complexity (high, medium, low) and Work Size
(large, medium, small). Note that less complex tasks may still require a large amount of work, so
for example Low Complexity does not necessary involves Small Work Size.

For example, you run an IT project, and you need to load a database with information taken from
paper documents. Loading may take several weeks, and this will be a very complex task (“Loading
Database”) which may not involve much actual work of IT personnel but can still take much time
to configure the database for optimum performance.

Evaluating tasks can be a complicated matter because complex tasks are usually hard to allocate
between team members, while large-sized yet less complex tasks can usually be shared between
team members.

Step 3. Assign and Measure Combinations

Considering the previous step, all tasks can effectively be categorized into 9 possible combinations
of complexity and size (3×3 – High, Medium, Low versus Large, Medium, Small). Therefore, each
task can be assigned to one of the combinations. For each combination, you need to measure an
expected amount of resources (time, people, money, technology) required.
For example: after you’ve evaluated tasks, now you can figure out that high-complexity and small-
sized tasks take three weeks at most, medium-complexity and small-size tasks take one week, and
so on. All possible combinations of tasks should be reviewed and evaluated, so that you will define
better values for your project. By combining all defined values for each activity, you can obtain an
accurate cost estimate of the resources required.

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