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The movie entitled "3 Idiots" is story of three friends studying in one of the best colleges in India, which
is the Imperial College of Engineering, Rancho (Aamir Khan), Farhan (R Madhavan) and Raju (Sharman
Joshi). Farhan is from an average family but being an engineer is the dream of his parents and his
passion is on wildlife photography. Raju is from a poor family, his father is already bedridden and his
sister's couldn't get married because the fiancee is asking for a car as a dowry. While Rancho is a
wealthy genius who studies for the sheer joy of it. However, Rancho's passion is for knowledge and
taking apart and building machines rather than the conventional obsession of the other students with
exam ranks. With his different approach Rancho incurs the wrath of dean of college, Professor Viru
Sahastrabudhhe (Virus) (Boman Irani). Rancho irritates his lecturers by giving creative and unorthodox
answers, and confronts Virus after fellow student Joy Lobo hangs himself in his dormitory room. Rancho
was brave enough to question the education system of the college. Rancho is the rebel among them
always questioning things and believing that learning is more than just the usual mode of education.
Despite his fun and frolic, Rancho always surprises everyone by topping the class. He even manages to
win the affections of the director's daughter Pia (Kareena Kapoor). But Rancho's greatest contribution
lies is making his friends realise their true calling. Rancho was also able to gain the respect of Virus after
he successfully delivered his grandson despite of very disadvantageous circumstances. The twist comes
when on Graduation Day. After being awarded the Student Of The Year title, Rancho mysteriously
disappears into oblivion. After how many years since the challenge of Chatur, to find out who became
the most successful among them, the two "idiots" were reunited and they started their quest to find
Rancho. Along the way, they found secrets about their friend. They even stopped Pia's wedding. But at
the end, everyone was reunited with Rancho, who is actually Phunsukh Wangdu. He became a teacher
at the same time the owner of a school in a far-flung area and one of the most successful and famous

I already watched this movie more than twice, and I really think that this is such a classic international
movie. The themes addressed in this movie are universal. Since it bravely discussed the usual education
system and the pressure that every student experiences because of some teachers or professors.
Beautiful friendship was also shown in this movie despite of all hardships they faced. And of course the
fun or comedy wasn't left out. I really love Rancho's character, since he is so brave in questioning the
director of the school and the school system. And he is also very intelligent despite being such a dorky
and happy-go-lucky type of guy. But sometimes he tends to cross the line and often puts his friends to
risky and unfortunate situations. This movie made me laugh, angry, and cry in a snap. There are a lot of
touching moments especially with Raju's family situation. The song numbers in this movie is already
addicting. The saying "all is well" became famous of this movie, and it is also one of my life mantra.
Every problem can be solved, everything happens for a reason, and everything will be back to normal, so
all is well. But the line that I loved the most in this movie is the line of Rancho which is "Study to be
accomplished not affluent. Follow excellence. And success will follow you.". It is important to give all
your best and live up to the expectations and to become excellent in the certain field you've chosen. He
also said that make your passion your profession, and for me it is very important. There are a lot of
factors that would influence you to take up such course or profession and just like in this movie, usually
it is because it is what our parents want us to be. It is important to brave enough to pursue your passion
and take up the course that you want to have a better outcome. Choose where you are happy. I could
relate these quotes or saying from the movie in the nursing since first, it is really my passion to work in
the field of healthcare. Second, despite of all the hardships especially during first year, I was able to
overcome it by being optimistic and telling myself that everything happens for a reason and all is well.
Lastly, I am trying to do my best to embody excellence in every task I make especially in the clinical area.

One of the best scene in this movie is when the daughter of Virus is about to give birth and the
ambulance can't come because of the traffic and flood. It was such a bad timing since her sister walked
out and in the hospital during her labor and delivery. The problem encountered in this movie is that the
mother was weak enough to push the infant out of the womb. There is failure to progress which could
result to fetal distress. That is why her sister, which is a doctor, told Rancho to use a vacuum cup which
is used when a mother is too fatigued to push and this would help deliver the baby easily. Good thing,
the mother is in the hands of innovative engineers, the baby was delivered with the use of improvised
vacuum cup and Raju also performed fundal pressure as instructed by Pia. But unfortunately, the baby
didn't cry after delivery. After trying different methods, the baby began to cried. I think the nursing
responsibilities or interventions that can be applied in this situation is to help the mother in using the
proper breathing technique to ease the delivery and to avoid being tired easily. Teaching the proper way
and the right timing of pushing would also help. If also allowed, fundal push or pressure could also be
done just like what Raju done in the movie.

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