Complete Germination of Papaya (Carica Papaya L. Cv. 'Maradol Roja ) Somatic Embryos Using Temporary Immersion System Type RITA® and Phloroglucinol in Semi-Solid Culture Medium

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In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.

—Plant (2017) 53:505–513

DOI 10.1007/s11627-017-9842-5


Complete germination of papaya (Carica papaya L. cv.

`Maradol Roja´) somatic embryos using temporary immersion
system type RITA® and phloroglucinol in semi-solid culture
Laisyn Posada-Pérez 1 & Yenny P. Montesinos 1 & Diosdada G. Guerra 2 & Dion Daniels 3 &
Rafael Gómez-Kosky 4

Received: 6 July 2016 / Accepted: 28 June 2017 / Published online: 8 August 2017 / Editor: Ewen Mullins
# The Society for In Vitro Biology 2017

Abstract A critical factor in somatic embryogenesis proto- concentration of 475.8 μM on semi-solid culture medium.
cols in papaya (Carica papaya L.) has been incomplete ger- This is the first report of two biotechnological strategies for
mination of somatic embryos due to formation of a basal cal- complete germination of plants from somatic embryos in the
lus, which prevents the emission of the radicle. This work papaya cultivar `Maradol Roja´.
aims to achieve complete germination of somatic embryos in
liquid and semi-solid culture media. The effect of the culture Keywords Basal callus . Papaya . Phloroglucinol . Somatic
conditions on germination of somatic embryos using the embryogenesis . Temporary immersion system
RITA® temporary immersion system were evaluated as well
as the effect of phloroglucinol on germination of somatic em-
bryos in semi-solid culture medium. The results of using the Introduction
RITA® culture medium with a combination of 0.02 μM BAP
and 2.90 μM gibberellic acid had a good response for total Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a plant widely distributed in
germination (100%) but somatic embryos had only partial tropical and subtropical regions around the world and is one
germination with 400 mg fresh mass. However, the optimum of the main fruits consumed worldwide (Teixeira da Silva
inoculum density was 200 mg fresh mass of somatic embryos et al. 2007). That reality makes it a significant source of in-
which produced 100% total germination and 95% somatic come among exports from many countries like India, Brazil,
embryos with complete germination. Also, it was possible to Nigeria, and Mexico (Fuentes and Santamaría 2014). Its high
achieve complete germination of somatic embryos with low yield, nutritive value, and being one of the few fruits of con-
callus formation (13%) using phloroglucinol at a tinuous production, puts it among the jewels of tropical fruits
(Jian et al. 2007) with important food and medicinal applica-
tions (Teixeira da Silva et al. 2007; Zhang et al. 2011). In
* Laisyn Posada-Pérez Cuba, the most commercially important cultivar is `Maradol
Roja´ and crop production exceeded 1.97 million tons in 2013
(FAOSTAT 2016).
Instituto de Biotecnología de las Plantas, Universidad Central BMarta This species essentially cross-pollinates and the fundamen-
Abreu^ de Las Villas, Carretera a Camajuaní Km 5 ½, Santa
Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba
tal way of propagation is by seed, although these are not able
to maintain some of the characteristics in the offspring, which
Instituto de Investigaciones de Viandas Tropicales (INIVIT),
Carretera Central km 248, Santo Domingo, Villa Clara, Cuba
brings variations in the quality and size of the fruit, as well as
its productivity. At the same time, for papaya, there are con-
Faculty of Science & Technology, University of Belize,
Hummingbird Avenue, Belmopan, Belize
ventional methods of vegetative propagation such as grafting
and rooting of cuttings, but although they have had some
Estación Territorial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar
(ETICA) Centro Villa Clara, Instituto de Investigaciones de la Caña
success, it is not a commercial practice, since the number of
de Azúcar (INICA), Autopista Nacional Km 246, CP 53 plants produced by the mother plant is limited. In that sense,
100 Ranchuelo, Villa Clara, Cuba the use of in vitro culture techniques is an essential alternative

for multiplication, either to produce a large number of plants fact, it has already been used in some crops (Reis et al. 2008;
(planting material of high quality) or to support breeding pro- George et al. 2010) with an increase in the number of somatic
grams towards the introduction of new cultivars or hybrids on embryos and germination of plants, provided that it is used in
a commercial scale (Farzana et al. 2008). Direct somatic em- low concentrations (Teixeira da Silva et al. 2013).
bryogenesis (DSE) has been the main method used for prop- The objective of this work was the development of two
agation and genetic improvement in papaya (Malabadi et al. biotechnological strategies (RITA® in liquid culture medium
2011; Anandan et al. 2012; Sekeli et al. 2013; Dhekney et al. and phloroglucinol in semi-solid culture medium) for the ger-
2016). DSE has been developed with the use of different mination of complete plants from somatic embryos of papaya
growth regulators and the explant mostly used to achieve, (Carica papaya L. cv. `Maradol Roja´), to solve the problem
regardless of the cultivar, is the zygotic embryo (Posada- of basal callus formation and the absence of the radicle in
Pérez et al. 2007; Ascencio-Cabral et al. 2008; Malabadi et al. somatic embryos of this crop.
2011; Bukhori et al. 2013).
Several authors reported the success of papaya embryogen-
esis culture in different cultivars (Gallardo et al. 2004; Fitch Materials and methods
et al. 2005; Anandan et al. 2011; Nzilani et al. 2013).
However, callus formation at the radicle end is frequently Plant material Immature fruits (obtained from hermaphrodite
observed during germination of somatic embryos, so complete elongated flowers) from papaya cv. `Maradol Roja´ were used
germination (development of shoot and root) is low as initial plant material. The fruits were collected 90–120 d
(Ascencio-Cabral et al. 2008; Sekeli et al. 2013; Dhekney after anthesis. After selecting the fruits in the field, they were
et al. 2016). This problem is very common in woody species washed with detergent and an abundance of water. The fruits
such as forest and fruit trees, where the formation of callus at were dried in a laminar flow cabinet and sectioned using a
the base of the explant prevents root formation (Teixeira da sterile knife. The seeds were removed and cut with a scalpel
Silva et al. 2013). This is also the case in papaya, which is a No.11 and curved tweezers used to extract the immature zy-
semi-woody species (Jimenez et al. 2014). gotic embryos. The culture medium for formation of somatic
The development achieved by the use of different types of embryos was composed of half-strength MS basal medium
temporary immersion systems has revolutionized plant bio- (Murashige and Skoog 1962), MS vitamins, 400 mg L−1 glu-
technology (Ducos et al. 2007; Mallon et al. 2012). Plants tamine, 100 mg L − 1 myo-inositol, 22.6 μM 2,4-
or somatic embryos cultured in liquid medium have less ex- dichlorophenoxyacetic (2,4-D), 60 g L−1 sucrose and 5 g L−1
posure to the components of the medium, greater oxygenation Agargel® (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis City, MO) according to
and agitation. A favorable alternative is temporary immersion the protocol of Posada-Pérez et al. (2007).
systems, especially RITA® type, which has proven benefits At 8 wk of culture, somatic embryos were obtained directly
for in vitro culture and especially for somatic embryo germi- without callus formation. These somatic embryos were then
nation (Aragón et al. 2014; Heringer et al. 2014). subcultured in a multiplication culture medium composed of
One product of the degradation of phloridzin and a precur- half-strength of MS basal medium, MS vitamins, 400 mg L−1
sor in the biosynthetic pathway of lignin is phloroglucinol glutamine, 100 mg L−1 myo-inositol, 9.05 μM 2,4-D, 60 g L−1
(PG). This is a compound known for its properties as a plant sucrose, and 5 g L−1 Agargel®.
growth promoter but its effect usually is masked by other For all experiments, somatic embryos with 30 d on matu-
similar compounds (Teixeira da Silva et al. 2013). Its positive ration medium were used. The maturation culture medium
effect in reducing hyperhydricity (Ross and Grasso 2010) on consisted of 100% MS basal medium, MS vitamins, 5 μM
lignification (Ross and Castillo 2009, 2010) and also on the abscisic acid (ABA), 30 g L−1 sucrose, and 5 g L−1 Agargel®.
removal of callus formation at the site of the radicle formation Thirty milliliters of the culture media were put into 250-mL
in somatic embryos has been demonstrated (Daud et al. 2013; glass culture vessels. These vessels were covered with plastic
Teixeira da Silva et al. 2013). Phloroglucinol also increased polycarbonate lids. The pH was adjusted to 5.8 prior to
the percentage of rooting and in vitro acclimatization of papa- autoclaving for all the culture media. All the culture media
ya shoots under photoautotrophic conditions (Posada-Pérez and culture vessels used were sterilized in an autoclave at
et al. 2016). 121 °C and 101.3 kPa according to manufacturer’s instruc-
Phloridzin, a compound structurally similar to PG but ther- tions (Sigma-Aldrich (2012).
molabile, less active, and more expensive, has been used suc- All these phases of somatic embryogenesis were performed
cessfully as a growth regulator in several species, including under conditions of total darkness and a temperature of
papaya (Ascencio-Cabral et al. 2008). For several reasons, the 27 ± 2 °C.
possibility of using PG as an alternative in the complete ger-
mination (germination of shoots and root) of somatic embryos Description of the RITA® temporary immersion system
would be very beneficial for the in vitro culture of papaya. In RITA® is a polycarbonate container (15 × 13 cm, 1-L-1

volume) for semi-automated temporary immersion (CJ To each 250-mL glass culture vessel with 30 mL of medi-
DIFFUSION, CIRAD, France) and is a single jar with upper um, four groups of somatic embryos per treatment were used.
and lower compartments, and was the first temporary immer- In both experiments, 10 glass culture vessels, with six
sion container, which reduced the risk of air leakage and con- cotyledonal somatic embryos as repetition, were used.
tamination. The immersion frequency was every 12 h with After 30 d of culture for both experiments, the fol-
duration of 1 min. lowing variables were evaluated: the total number of
somatic embryos germinated, the number of somatic
Effect of culture conditions in RITA® on germination embryos with partial germination, the number of so-
of somatic embryos. Effect of BAP concentration With the matic embryos with complete germination, the pres-
objective to achieve complete germination of the somatic em- ence of callus at the base of the somatic embryos,
bryos, 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) at 0, 0.01, 0.02, and shoot height (from the base where the root begins to
0.04 μM was evaluated. Each RITA was inoculated with the leaves) in centimeters, leaf number, root number,
400 mg FWt somatic embryos in the cotyledonal stage. A and root length (cm). The experiments were repeated
volume of 220 mL of liquid culture medium was used per twice.
RITA®. The germination culture medium was composed of Subsequently, the small plantlets were placed in a growth
half-strength MS basal medium, MS vitamins, 2.90 μM culture medium without growth regulators, half-strength MS
gibberellic acid (GA3), 100 mg L−1 myo-inositol and 20 g basal medium, 1 mg L−1 thiamine, 20 g L−1 sucrose, and
L−1 sucrose. solidified with 7 g L−1 Plant Agar. Groups of plants from the
different experiments were taken to ex vitro conditions
(conversion) to assess the survival at 15 d after transplanting.
Effect of the inoculum density The effect of the inoculum
density was determined using the best concentration from
the previous experiment with BAP and the lower inoculum Culture conditions. In vitro The RITA® systems and culture
densities with the same culture medium that was used above. vessels with somatic embryos were maintained at 27 ± 2 °C,
The RITA® were inoculated with 100, 200, and 300 mg FWt under sunlight and a 13-h photoperiod with a range of
of somatic embryos in the cotyledonal stage. For each exper- Photosynthetic Photon Flux (PPF) from 48 to
iment, 10 repetitions (RITA®) by treatment were used. Each 62.5 μmol m −2 s −1 , measured with a Lux light meter,
experiment was repeated twice. 401025 model (Exchert Instruments, Nashua City, NH).
At the conclusion of the germination stage of the somatic Experiments were repeated twice.
embryos (after 30 d of culture), in both experiments, the fol-
lowing were evaluated: the total number of somatic embryos
germinated, the number of somatic embryos with complete Ex vitro The acclimatization condition was characterized and
germination (development of shoot and root), the number of averaged daytime temperature, which was 30 ± 2 °C, relative
embryos with partial germination (development of shoot or humidity of 70–75%, and PPF ranged from 224 to 457 μmol
root), the presence of basal callus, shoot height (from the base m−2 s−1 measured as described above. As substrate, 90% (v/v)
where the root begins to the leaves) cm, leaf number, roots zeolite and 10% (v/v) sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) compost
number, and root length (cm). was used. These components were placed in plastic pots of
500 mL total volume. First, the compost was deposited in the
bottom and on top; the zeolite was placed to ensure good
Effect of phloroglucinol on germination of somatic embryos aeration of the roots of papaya plantlets. Irrigation was done
in semi-solid culture medium In order to evaluate the effect of manually by spraying twice daily. The plants were covered
PG in the complete germination of papaya somatic embryos, with a transparent glass jar for 5 d to ensure high relative
two experiments were carried out. In a first experiment, four humidity greater (above 90%) and 70% shade with black
PG concentrations were evaluated: 0, 79.3, 158.6, and Saran netting.
237.9 μM with BAP. A second experiment was conducted
evaluating PG at higher concentrations: 0, 317.2, 475.8, and
634.4 μM PG with BAP, using the same culture medium for Statistical analysis All statistical analyses were carried out
all treatments. using the SPSS software package for Windows (version 21,
Somatic embryo clusters (8–10) on the maturation culture 2012). For the analysis of the normality of the variables, the
medium after 30 d were placed to germinate in a culture me- Shapiro-Wilk test was used. For the comparison between
dium of Posada-Pérez et al. (2007) with half-strength MS means, the nonparametric alternative analysis of variance,
salts, MS vitamins, 0.97 μM BAP, 100 mg L−1 myo-inositol, Kruskal-Wallis test, and the comparison between pairs of
20 g L−1 sucrose, and solidified with 7 g L−1 Plant Agar groups Mann-Whitney test was used. In all cases, significant
(Duchefa, Haarlem, the Netherlands). differences were set to p ≤ 0.05.

Results and discussion entering cell division with the application of gibberellins
(Taiz and Zeiger 2002; Iglesias and Talón 2008). It was
Effect of culture conditions in RITA® on germination of observed in Helianthus annuus L. that the effect of apply-
somatic embryos. Effect of BAP concentration With the use ing gibberellic acid, reduced the diameter as well as the
of temporary immersion systems RITA® type, high germina- stem and petiole (Silva et al. 2001).
tion rates (greater than 65.0%) in all treatments at 30 d of In the treatment of papaya, somatic embryos with 0.01 μM
culture were obtained. In the absence of cytokinin (BAP), a BAP combined with GA3 showed reduced germination. The
lower percentage (22%) of somatic embryos were observed same happened with the highest concentration (0.04 μM) of
with complete germination. However, in this treatment, the this cytokinin. These results corroborate the fact that the ef-
length of the shoots and plants obtained was very small com- fects gibberellins produced are influenced by the changes in
pared with other treatments (Table 1). the concentration of growth regulator and susceptibility of
With 0.02 μM BAP, there was a superior response in all the plant tissue (Ikeda et al. 2001).
variables evaluated. Although this treatment did not achieve
complete germination of the somatic embryos, 100% partial
germination (only shoot development) and very low callus Effect of the inoculum density The results showed that
formation at the base of the germinated embryos was achieved there was a parabolic relationship between the inoculum
(Table 1). Hence, this concentration was selected for the sec- density and the number of somatic embryos with complete
ond experiment where different inoculum densities (mg FWt germination in RITA® (Fig. 1A, B). The highest percentage
of somatic embryos) were evaluated in the RITA®. of complete germination (95.0%) of the papaya somatic
The treatment with the lowest BAP concentration embryos was obtained with a density of 200 mg FWt of
(0.01 μM) had the lowest germination (65.0%) and almost somatic embryos (Fig. 1C, D). This treatment also had
no leaves were formed in the shoots from the germinated superior performance for the rest of the variables evaluated
embryos. This could be attributed to the balance reached be- (Table 2). An inoculum density of 300 mg Fwt caused a
tween the growth regulators present in the culture medium. lesser height of the new plants in the RITA® systems and a
Several authors reported the synergistic effect of cytokinin higher percentage of somatic embryos with partial
and gibberellic acid, promoting the germination of somatic em- germination with respect to the density of 200 mg FWt.
bryos, in several plant species (Zlenko et al. 2002; Martin 2004; This response may be attributed to the stress of the somatic
Paramageetham et al. 2004; Cangahuala-Inocente et al. 2007; embryos caused by an inadequate amount of water, sucrose,
Junaid et al. 2007; Sharmin et al. 2014). The effectiveness of and nutrients available in the culture medium (Yildiz et al.
gibberellic acid could be due to gene activation or synthesis of 2011). These authors make reference to the term Bcompetition
new gene products involved in the development of somatic between explants^ depending on the amount of
embryo (Sharmin et al. 2014). Also, GA3 has been used in explants placed in each culture vessel or Petri dish. They
the elongation of regenerated shoots (Lakshmi et al. 2013). further note that the responsiveness of in vitro tissues
Overall, gibberellins can shorten the interphase of the cultured could be increased not only by determining the cor-
cell cycle since they induce DNA synthesis in cells found rect concentration and combination of auxins or cytokinins in
in the G1 phase. This is reflected in greater growth of the the culture medium but also by adjusting the spacing between
meristematic zone due to the larger number of cells explants in culture.

Table 1. Effect of BAP concentrations on germination of somatic embryos of papaya (Carica papaya L. cv. `Maradol Roja´) in temporary immersion
system RITA® type, at 30 d of culture

BAP GA3 Total SE with complete SE with partial Presence Shoot Leaf Roots Root
concentration concentration Germination germination germination of callus height number number length
(μM) (μM) (%) (development of (development (%) (cm) (cm)
shoot and radicle) of shoot) (%)

0 2.90 100.0 22.0 a 78.0 b 0.0 c 0.68 b 1.00 b 0.40 a 0.33 a

0.01 2.90 65.0 0.0 b 65.0 c 3.0 b 1.35 a 0.22 d 0.0 b 0.0 b
0.02 2.90 100.0 0.0 b 100.0 a 4.0 b 1.38 a 1.45 a 0.0 b 0.0 b
0.04 2.90 70.0 0.0 b 70.0 b 75.0 a 1.19 a 0.65 c 0.0 b 0.0 b

Different letters within column represent means with significant differences by Kruskall-Wallis/Mann-Whitney test (p ≤ 0.05). (n = 100). Inoculum
density of 400 mg FWt of somatic embryos

Fig. 1. Somatic embryos of

papaya (Carica papaya L.)
cultivar `Maradol Roja´
germinated in temporary
immersion system RITA® type at
30 d of culture. (A, B) Temporary
immersion system with an
inoculum density of 200 mg FWt
of somatic embryos with
complete germination. (C, D)
Aspect of the somatic embryos
with complete germination.
(Bar 0.5 cm).


No signs of hyperhydricity were observed in the plants not possible using semi-solid culture medium. Etienne et al.
regenerated from somatic embryos at the frequency and im- (1999) obtained high germination rates (70–80%) of somatic
mersion time (1 min every 12 h) used in this experiment. embryos in RITA® systems in coffee (Coffea arabica L.).
No results have been found thus far in the literature on the Also Barbón et al. (2014) in (Coffea arabica L. cv. `Red
germination of papaya somatic embryos using temporary im- Caturra´) indicate the effect of the inoculum density for the
mersion systems. The only work found was from Posada- germination of somatic embryos using temporary immersion
Pérez et al. (2003) in which the authors suggest the use of a systems RITA® type, achieving a high germination percent-
filtration system Sartorium Co. employed as TIS, with the age (60%).
operating principle similar to the RITA® system, but for re- Steinmacher et al. (2011) and Heringer et al. (2014) in
petitive multiplication of somatic embryos. peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) also reported high ger-
Several authors point out the positive effects on the germi- mination rates using these temporary immersion systems com-
nation of somatic embryos in different plant species and espe- pared with semi-solid medium and another culture system. In
cially in woody species using temporary immersion systems cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.), Niemenak et al. (2008) point
of the RITA® type. In guava (Psidium guajava L. cv. `Red out the advantages of using temporary immersion systems of
Dwarf´) Vilchez et al. (2001) obtained 100% of somatic em- the RITA® type for increased germination of somatic embry-
bryos with complete germination using RITA®, which was os in this crop, which support the results achieved in this work.

Table 2. Effect of inoculum density on germination of somatic embryos of papaya (Carica papaya L. cv. `Maradol Roja´) in temporary immersion
systems RITA® type at 30 d of culture

Inoculum Total SE with complete SE with partial Presence of Shoot height Leaf Roots Root length
density Germination germination germination callus (%) (cm) number number (cm)
(mg FWt) (%) (development of (development
shoot and radicle) (%) of shoot) (%)

100 100.0 85.0 b 15.0 b 4.0 a 1.38 a 1.70 a 0.40 a 0.33 a

200 100.0 95.0 a 5.0 c 2.0 b 2.19 a 1.65 a 0.40 a 0.32 a
300 100.0 80.0 c 20.0 a 2.0 b 0.88 b 1.35 a 0.23 b 0.25 a

Different letters within column represent means with significant differences by the Kruskall-Wallis/Mann-Whitney test (p ≤ 0.05) (n = 100)

With temporary immersion systems, the behavior and mor- In herbaceous species such as banana (Musa AAAB cv.
phology of plants generally appear closer to in vivo norm than `FHIA-18′) Barranco et al. (2002) report the effect of inocu-
behavior found with in vitro culture. Somatic embryos in these lum density in the germination of somatic embryos obtaining
systems are individualized and not in clusters or aggregates up to 85% when the RITA® were inoculated with 500 mg
and have a morphology resembling that of zygotic embryos FWt of somatic embryos.
(Etienne and Berthouly 2002). In no case the presence of A group of in vitro plants obtained from the germination of
hyperhydricity in the somatic embryos or plants germinated somatic embryos at the optimum inoculum density obtained in
from them was observed. RITA® were placed in growth medium so that they developed
All the advantages of these temporary immersion systems further.
appear to be the result of the physical conditions created in the
culture vessel (Etienne and Berthouly 2002; Watt 2012), such Effect of phloroglucinol on germination of somatic embryos
as (1) renewed direct contact with the culture medium during in semi-solid culture medium Low concentrations of PG eval-
each immersion, which means a more efficient supply of nu- uated in the first experiment did not have the expected effect
trients compared to that attained in semi-solid culture medi- on the control of callus formation at the base of papaya so-
um; (2) very short immersion time, most of the time the tissues matic embryos during germination. In all concentrations, there
are covered with a surface film avoiding drying out, very low was callus formation in 100% of the base of the shoots.
resistance to gas diffusion and hence minimal interruption of According to Michalczuk et al. (1992) and Dhekney et al.
gas exchange between the somatic embryo and the atmo- (2016), somatic embryos have the ability to conjugate auxins,
sphere; (3) complete renewal of the atmosphere within the which are subsequently excreted into the culture medium dur-
vessel at regular intervals, which means no long accumulation ing the germination process resulting in callus formation.
of harmful gases such as ethylene, and (4) agitation by air flow However, in the second experiment, higher concentrations
during the immersion phase, causing dispersion of plant of PG had a positive effect on the complete germination of the
tissues. papaya somatic embryos with low basal callus formation in
The results are always superior to a culture medium in semi- the explants in treatments with 457.8 and 634.4 μM PG. In
solid state. The permanent presence of a surface film of liquid both treatments, somatic embryos were found with complete
culture medium on the tissues appears to be one of the main and partial germination without callus formation (Fig. 2A–C);
reasons for the success of this system; hence, it ensures nutrient however, the lowest value of this variable was achieved with
availability outside the periods of immersion, and also aids gas the concentration of 457.8 μM PG, which is a very important
exchange more than total immersion. The permanent presence parameter for somatic embryogenesis of this crop. The best
of residual water also explains the absence of damage and results were achieved with the concentration of 457.8 μM PG
desiccation of somatic embryos, even in the case of short and (Table 3).
occasional immersion (Etienne and Berthouly 2002). Teixeira da Silva et al. (2013) mentions PG in protocols for
Another variable linked to the physical conditions that somatic embryogenesis where root elongation does not occur,
seems significant is the concentration of dissolved oxygen which is very common in forest and fruit species. The callus
in the liquid culture medium whose effect on in vitro phe- tends to form at the base of the explant, but where the roots
nomena is known for many years (Teisson et al. 1999). In never form. This situation also occurs in the somatic embryos
the temporary immersion system, this concentration of papaya without PG (Fig. 2D), although in some cases,
reaches saturation only 1 min after bubbling. In the case callus did not prevent the formation of the radicle (Fig. 2E).
of Erlenmeyer agitated without plant tissue and without These are the first results of the effect of PG on germination of
oxygen consumption, the concentration of this dissolved somatic embryos in semi-solid culture medium in this crop.
gas never exceeds 95% saturation. All these points mean In the specific case of papaya somatic embryogenesis, there
that, in such apparatus, the physical conditions of nutrition, is only one work by Ascencio-Cabral et al. (2008) that used
gas exchange, and water relations of plant tissues are phloridzin. These authors reported that 3.0 mg L−1 of
completely different from those found in conventional phloridzin in combination with 0.35 mg L−1 GA3, Difco®
techniques. These physiological conditions lead to totally bacto agar and placing the cultures under white light, managed
different behaviors of the explants (Cabasson et al. 1997). to improve their germination rates and increased root elonga-
Sumaryono et al. (2008) used temporary immersion sys- tion; however, the germination percentage obtained was only
tems similar in operation to RITA® for increased germination 70%. In the present work, the germination value reached was
rates (56.8%) and quality of the plants obtained in oil palm 100% and only using 0.97 μM BAP as growth regulator with
(Elais guineensis Jacq.). Etienne et al. (1997) in rubber plant PG.
(Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.) improved germination of so- Murali et al. (1996) reported enhanced germination of so-
matic embryos using the RITA® and indicate that 60% of matic embryos (93%) with addition of PG (0.79 mM) in cul-
somatic embryos had complete germination. ture medium on rose (Rosa hybrida L. cv. `Arizona´).

Fig. 2. Effect of phloroglucinol

on complete germination of
papaya (Carica papaya L.
cultivar `Maradol Roja´) somatic
embryos in semi-solid culture
medium at 30 d of culture. (A)
Somatic embryos with complete
germination (shoot and radicle)
and partial germination (only
shoot) in 457.8 μM PG. (B)
Somatic embryo with partial ger-
mination in 634.4 μM PG. (C)
Somatic embryo with complete
germination in 457.8 μM PG.
(D), E Somatic embryo germinat-
ed with the presence of the basal
callus in culture media without
PG (control). (F In vitro) papaya
plants obtained from somatic em-
bryos germinated in semi-solid
culture medium with 457.8 μM
PG after 30 d in growth culture
medium at 30 d of culture. (G)
In vitro plants in acclimatization
conditions at 15 d after
transplanting in the greenhouse.

No significant statistical differences were found for the Despite being a phenolic compound, it is reported by au-
variables plant length and number of leaves between the dif- thors such as Teixeira da Silva et al. (2013) regarding its influ-
ferent treatments and the control without PG. The variables ence in controlling some in vitro morphogenetic processes,
root number and root length reached the highest values where indicating that its role is far from being understood. However,
somatic embryos germinated in 475.8 μM compared with there are positive effects on somatic embryogenesis (Hanower
634.4 μM treatments (Table 3). and Hanower 1984; Find et al. 2002; Reis et al. 2008).
In this regard, Teixeira da Silva et al. (2013) reported that These results provide the first information on the effect of
occasionally PG has shown inhibitory effects. Find et al. PG on the germination of somatic embryos of papaya,
(2002) in embryogenic culture of Abies nordmanniana found `Maradol Roja´ cultivar.
limited maturation and germination of somatic embryos with Reis et al. (2008), in studying the effect and analysis of
used 40 μM PG. phenolic compounds during somatic embryogenesis of

Table 3. Effect of phloroglucinol on germination of somatic embryos of papaya (Carica papaya L. cv. `Maradol Roja´), at 30 d of culture in semi-solid
culture medium

Phloroglucinol Total SE with complete ET ALSE with Presence of Shoot height Leaf Roots Root length
concentration Germination germination partial germination callus (%) (cm) number number (cm)
(μM) (%) (development of shoot (development of
and radicle) (%) shoot) (%)

0 100.0 a 30.0 ab 70.0 ab 73.0 a 1.13 a 2.07 a 0.40 ab 0.29 a

317.2 100.0 a 33.0 ab 67.0 ab 67.0 a 1.29 a 2.40 a 0.40 ab 0.32 a
475.8 95.0 a 53.0 a 47.0 b 13.0 b 1.07 a 2.00 a 0.53 a 0.35 a
634.4 90.0 b 20.0 b 80.0 a 33.0 ab 1.19 a 2.03 a 0.20 b 0.12 b

Different letters within column represent means with significant differences by the Kruskall-Wallis/Mann-Whitney test (p ≤ 0.05)
(n = 120)

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