Reinforcement of Buildings and Structures During Reconstruction

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Director of the Institute

V.A. Uvarov

«______» ___________________2016__

Program of Study

Discipline (module)

Reinforcement of Buildings and structures during reconstruction

Direction of training (specialty):

08.03.01 "Construction"

Orientation of the program (profile, specialization):

Theory and Design of buildings and structures

Qualification (degree)

Master’s degree

Form of training


          Institute: Architectural and Construction

Department: Construction and Municipal Economy

Belgorod – 2016
The work program of study is based on the following requirements:

 Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, direction 08.04.01

"Construction", - masters level approved on 30.10.2014, No. 1419.
 plan of educational process of BSTU. V.G. Shukhov, put into effect in 2014.

Compiled by: (O.M.Donchenko, U.S.Piriev, A.E., Zhdanov)

The work program is coordinated with the issuing department

Construction and Municipal Economy and prepares students for their PhDs

Head of department, cand. tech. Sci., Professor (LA Suleymanova)

13.04. 2016.

The program of study was discussed at the meeting of the department

13.04. 2016, Protocol No. 12
Head of department: Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor (LA Suleymanova)

The program of study is approved by the methodical commission of the Institute

28.04.2016, Protocol No. 8

Chairman: candidate of technical sciences, associate professor ____________ (A. U.


`Formed competences Requirements for learning outcomes

№ Code of competences Competences

General-professional OPK

1 OPK-5 the ability to use in-depth theoretical and As a result of mastering the discipline, the student
practical knowledge, some of which are at the
forefront of this science. must:

Know: rational methods and methods of reinforcing structures during

reconstruction; properties of materials used to strengthen structures
and buildings, their work under load in operating conditions, methods of
calculation, design and quality control;

To be able to: to develop design and working documentation for

reconstruction and reinforcement, complete completed design and
engineering work, monitor the compliance of the developed projects
and technical documentation with the task on the design, standards,
technical conditions and other regulatory documents;
2 OPK-9 Possession of methods for assessing
innovation potential, risk of commercialization Master: skills and methods of gain design with the use of licensed
of the project, technical and economic analysis applied calculation and graphic software packages.
of projected facilities and products

General-professional PK

`1 PK-1 the ability to conduct surveys on the

assessment of the state of natural and
technologically-natural objects, the
identification of source data for design and
design rationale and monitoring of facilities,
patent research, prepare design assignments

2 PK-4 ability to conduct development of outline,

technical and working projects of complex
facilities, including using automated systems



The content of discipline is based on a logical continuation of the following


№ Name of the discipline (module)

1 Mechanics of a deformable solid
2 Design of reinforced concrete structures using software
3 Design of metallic concrete structures using software
4 Design of Buildings and structures under special loadings


The total complexity of the discipline is _5 __ hour units, ___ 180 ___ hours.

Type of educational work Total hours Semester No 3

The total complexity of 180 180
the discipline
Contact work (classroom
Lectures 17 17
Laboratory 34 34
Independent work for 129 129
Phd students:
Course work
Course project 36 36
Calculation and graphic
Independent assignments
Other forms of
independent work
Form of intermediate E E
(test, exam)

Note: provide at least

0.5 academic hours of independent work for 1 hour of lectures,
1 academic hour of independent work for 1 hour of laboratory and practical
36 academic hours of independent work for 1 exam,
54 academic hours of independent work for 1 course project,
36 academic hours of independent work for 1 term paper,
18 academic hours of independent work for 1 calculation and graphic work,
9 academic hours of independent work for 1 individual homework.

4.1 Names and their quantitates

Types of training load and their labour intensity, Hours.

Independent work
№ section

Section name

of the discipline

Semester №_3_

Technical and economic

efficiency reconstruction of
1 industrial enterprises, 2 4 - 12
buildings and structures of
the residential environment

Methods of strengthening
and restoration constructions,
2 2 4 - 12
reconstruction of
construction objects

Socio-economic, town-
3 planning and architectural 2 4 - 12
civil building concepts

Durability, physical wear and


materials and structures, their

4 2 4 - 12
service life,

moral deterioration of
buildings and structures

Classification of defects and

5 2 4 - 12
damage to building structures

Design and calculation of

6 reinforced concrete and stone 4 8 - 12
Design and calculation of
7 2 4 - 45
reinforced metal structures

Design and calculation of

8 1 2 - 12
reinforced wooden structures

TOTAL: 17 34 - 129

Note: the column "independent work" includes preparation for lecture, practical,
laboratory classes.

4.2. The content of practical (seminar) lessons

№ Section name Topics for the practical hours

of the discipline

semester №_3_

1 Technical and Methods of reinforcement and restoration of 2 12

economic efficiency of structures, reconstruction of construction
reconstruction of
industrial enterprises,
buildings and
structures of
environment. Methods
of reinforcement and
reconstruction of
reconstruction of
construction sites
Socio-economic, town-
planning and
architectural concepts
of civil buildings

2 Durability, physical Durability, physical wear and failure of 4 12

wear and failure of materials and structures, their service life,
materials and moral wear of buildings and structures
structures, their service
life, moral wear of
buildings and
3 Classification of defects Tasks on the calculation of board glued joints 4 12
and damage to building and joints of wood with plywood

4 Design and calculation Design and calculation of reinforced bending 10 36

of reinforced concrete concrete elements Design and calculation of
and stone structures reinforced compressed reinforced concrete
elements Design and calculation of reinforced
stone elements

5 Design and calculation Design and calculation of reinforced metal 10 45

of reinforced metal elements

6 Design and calculation Design and calculation of reinforced wooden 2 12

of reinforced wooden elements

TOTAL: 34 129



5.1Перечень контрольных вопросов(типовых заданий)

(Control questions and tasks for carrying out of the current control and intermediate certification on
the results of discipline development are given, as well as for controlling the independent work of
the trainee in separate discipline sections.) A separate list for current and intermediate control can
be cite

№ Section name of the discipline Contents of questions (typical tasks)

1 1.3 About the difference of reconstruction from the capital
repair of a building
2 1.3 Technical and economic efficiency of reconstruction of
industrial enterprises and residential buildings
3 1.3 Technical efficiency of industrial reconstruction of
enterprises and buildings
4 1.3 Social tasks of reconstruction of residential buildings
5 1.3 Town-planning tasks for the reconstruction of residential
6 1.3 Architectural requirements for reconstruction of buildings
and structures
7 2 Durability of materials and structures
8 2 About the determination of the physical wear of the
structure and buildings
9 2 Physical wear of the building
10 2 Moral wear of buildings
11 2 Service life of industrial buildings
12 2 Terms of service of residential buildings
13 2 Terms of service of public buildings
14 2 Types of diagnostics of technical condition of structures,
buildings and structures
15 2 standard of technical condition of structures
16 2 On the value of the residual life of the bearing capacity,
rigidity and reliability of construction
17 2 Preliminary assessment of feasibility and feasibility
reconstruction at the overhaul building
18 2 Required data for reconstruction of buildings and
19 4.5 Basic defects and damages of construction
20 4.5 classification of the crack in reinforced concrete structures
21 4.5 Basic causes of decrease in durability and reliability
materials and structures
22 4.5 About the engineering-geological survey
23 4.5 About geodetic survey
24 4.5 Defects in the design of buildings and structures
25 5 Defects in the manufacture of materials
26 5 Defects in the production of construction and installation
27 5 On performance from the requirements of standards,
norm (SNiPs) and technical conditions
28 5 Defects in the operation of building structures of buildings
and constructions
29 5 Results of non-planned and preventive repairs
30 5 Basic causes of damage and accidents of structures,
buildings and structures
31 6 The methods of protection of concrete, reinforced
concrete and metal structures from corrosion
32 6 Efficient building materials and structures for
reconstruction of buildings
33 6 pecific overall dimensions and weight of the structure for
repair and reconstruction of the building
34 6 Basic methods of strengthening reinforced concrete
35 6 Scope of methods for reinforcing reinforced concrete
36 6 Basic principles of increasing the carrying capacity and
hardness of reinforced concrete structures
37 6 Increase of bearing capacity of bending reinforced
concrete elements without changing the design scheme
38 6 In the attack of an aggressive environment on the
durability of materials and building structures
39 6 Increasing the bearing capacity of bending reinforced
concrete elements with a change in the design scheme
40 6 Increasing the bearing capacity of reinforced concrete
bending elements by paddling
41 6 Increasing the bearing capacity of reinforced concrete
bending elements by the build-up method
42 6 Types of clips for reinforced concrete reinforced concrete
43 6 Strengthening of reinforced concrete elements by
increasing their cross section
44 6 Reinforcement of reinforced concrete elements
tensioned metal puffs
45 6 Strengthening of reinforced concrete elements with
assistance and rigid supports
46 6 Strengthening of reinforced concrete elements with
assistance and crones
47 6 Strengthening of reinforced concrete elements with
assistance and polymer materials
48 6 Principles of repair and reinforcement of the external
surface wall panels of cellular concrete
49 6 Methods of strengthening reinforced concrete
50 6 Methods of reinforcing stand-alone reinforced concrete
51 6 Methods of reinforcing stand-alone reinforced concrete
52 6 Methods of reinforcing walls
53 6 Strengthening stone pillars and piers with cages
54 6 Volumetric compression of buildings
55 6 Reinforcement of stone wall lintels
56 6 Strengthening masonry from non-frost-resistant brick
57 6 Methods of caulking and injection of cracks in the
58 6 Basic failure of metal structures
59 7 Methods of strengthening metal structures against
60 7 Methods of strengthening metal structures under load
61 7 Types of reinforcement of metal racks and columns
62 7 Types of reinforcement of metal beams
63 7 On the property of reinforcing metal crane beams
64 7 On the property of strengthening the lattice of metal
65 7 Types of reinforcement of joints of metal structures
66 8 Basic causes of disturbances in durability and normal
operation of wooden structures
67 8 Types of repair and reinforcement of wooden structures
68 8 Methods of protection of wooden structures from decay
69 8 Methods of increasing the thermal protection of external
walls of buildings

5.2 The list of topics of course projects, coursework,

  their summary and scope

The purpose of the course work is to master the skills and methods of
designing wooden structures

Theme of the course work: "Strengthening of bearing and enclosing structures

during the reconstruction of the building. “Variants of the task are: diversity

Reinforced structures and methods of amplification, the size of spans, columns.

The purpose of the work: consolidation of theoretical knowledge of the student in the studied

Discipline, the development of methods of amplification to increase the load-carrying capacity of the
real construction of a real building, the acquisition of skills

Design, calculation and design of amplification elements

Work content: strengthening of metal and working out

a drawing of the reinforcement of the designed structures.

Scope of work: 10-25 pages of an explanatory note in A4 format and 1 sheet graphic part of the A2

36 hours of independent work are provided for the implementation by student.


6.1. List of main literature
The list of main literature is given
6.2. A list of additional literature
1. Bedov AI Design of stone and reinforced structures:
Textbook / AI Bedov, TA Shpetepyeva - M .: ASV, 2006. - 239 p.
2. Reinforced concrete and stone structures :: textbook for universities / Ed.
VM Bondarenko. - 3rd ed., Rev. - Moscow: Higher School, 2004 - 875 p.
3. And Vanov Yu.V. Reconstruction of buildings and structures: restoration,
strengthening, repair: a manual / Yu.V. And Vanov - Voronezh: Vorozh. state. arh.-
builds. Univ., 2003 - 237 p.
4. About the investigation and testing of buildings and structures: a textbook /
Ed. IN AND. Rome. - Moscow: Higher School, 2004 - 446 p.
5. Polyschuk V.P. Fundamentals of design and construction of foundations
reconstructed buildings / V.P. Polis Uk / 2 nd ed. - Tomsk: SST, 2005. - 472 p.
6. Technical operation of residential buildings: a textbook for universities / S.N.
Notenko et al .; under the Society. Ed. A.M. Strazhnikov. - Moscow: Higher School,
2000 - 429
7. Travin V.I. Major repairs and reconstruction of residential and public
of buildings: textbook / В.И. Travin. -2 th ed. - Rostov-on-Don .: Phoenix, 2004
- 250 s.
8. Piriev Yu.S. Technical issues of reconstruction and strengthening of buildings:

training manual / Yu.S. Piriev.-M .: And the building of the DIA, 2013-120s.

6.3. The list of Internet resources

1. Bondarenko V.M. The destructive effect of the environment on building
and engineering systems / V.M. Bondarenko. - Moscow: M GSU, 2002.
2. Wolfson V.L. Reconstruction and capital repairs of residential and
public buildings: reference works manufacturer / V.L. Wolfson, V.A.
Ilyashenko, RG Komisarchik. - 2 nd ed., Repr. - Moscow: Stroiizdat, 2004.
3. Guchkin IS Damage diagnostics and recovery
operational properties of structures: a tutorial / I.S. Guchkin. - M .:
And SV, 2000 - 176 with.
4. Kasyanov V.F. Reconstruction of residential buildings in cities: a textbook /
V.F. Kasyanov - M .: A SV, 2005 -223 p.
5. Kokoev M.N. New energy-saving building materials and
technology / M.N. Kokoev, V.T. Fedorov - Nalchik: Elbrus, 2000.
6. Rules and standards of technical exploitation of housing stock - M .:
And the Elite building, 2005. - 132 p.
7.Fundamenty from A to Z: construction and repair of foundations. The planning.
Technology. Materials / Yu. F. Bogdanov.-M: LADA; Ripol the classic, 2006.-222 p.
8. Shepelev N.P. Reconstruction of urban buildings: a textbook for universities /
N.P. Shpelev, M.S. Shmilov. M .: Higher School, 2000. - 271 p.


1. Laboratory of reinforced concrete and stone structures
2. Laboratory of Metal Constructions
3. Laboratory of inspection and testing of buildings and structures
Note: the necessary material and technical support is provided for types of training
sessions, for example: lecture classes - an audience equipped with presentation
technology, a set of electronic presentations; practical classes - computer class,
specialized software, laboratory classes - laboratory ____ (name), equipment _______
(equipment is listed).

A list of information technologies used for the implementation of the educational

process by discipline (including a list of software and information reference systems, if


  Approval of the work program without changes

The work program without changes has been approved for the 2016/2017 school year.

Protocol No. 17 of the meeting of the chair from "01" July 2016.

Head of the Department _______________________ L.A. Suleymanova

signature, name

Director of the Institute __________________________ V.А. Uvarov

signature, name

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