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Paper:ENGLISH Class: 1st Year Date: 20-April-2018

Code: FLP 3 (C1) Time : 180 minutes Marks: 100

Name:________________Father Name:________________Section:_________
Q No. 1.(a) Each question has four options. Only one is correct. Fill the right choice.(4x1=4)

i. It is realy a delightful sensation.

(A) Happiness (B) Summon (C) Magnificent (D) Feeling
ii. He examined it with the air of connoisseur.
(A)Joyfully (B) Critically (C) Quickly (D) Briskly
iii. A tailor shop would spring up in Molvi Abul.
(A) Evaluate (B) Open (C) Grow (D) Come
iv. Love and large hearted giving when added together,can give deep marks.
(A) Big heart (B) Brave (C) Generous (D)Enormous
v. Let us now wallow in the valley of despair.
(A) Pass through (B) Walk in (C) Stagger (D) Roll about
vi. She has a long blonde hair.
(A)Grey (B) Red and golden (C) Red (D) Golden
vii. Roxanna with an assortment of shells come in.
(A) Bottle (B) Jar (C) Bucket (D) Variety
viii. I got a poking around.
(A) Abusing for (B) Dragging for (C) Searching for (D) Hoping for
ix. The poet is so vivacious and full of life.
(A) Lovely (B) Lively (C) Pleased (D) Healthy
x. He got enmeshed in cascade of love.
(A)Induce (B) Entangled (C) Confused (D) Dashed
Q No. 1.(b) Fill the right choice.(4x1=4)
xi. The angel looked ___________ .
(A) Fresh (B)Neutral (C) Pleasant (D) Weary
xii. Miss McCutcheon was looking for.
(A)A chance to teach (B) A handsome boy (C) Friend (D) House
xiii. Mrs.Sofronie was a __________ woman.
(A)Small (B) Kind (C) Rich (D)Large
xiv. Harry came to OK.By the Sea before__________ years.
(A) 20 (B) 21 (C) 22 (D) 24
xv. The name of Molvi Abul’s wife was__________
(A)Zebunnisa (B) Mehrunisa (C) Zabda (D) Shamsan
Q No. 1.(c) Fill the right choice.(4x1=4)
xvi. When she __________ to see me while I was watering the plants.
(A) Come (B) Comes (C) Came (D) Will come
xvii. He is one of the boys who really _______very hard.
(A)Works (B) Work (C) Does works (D) Should work
xviii. You can not perform well until you __________.
(A) Prepare (B) Prepares (C) Don’t prepare (D) Does not prepare
xix. More than one boy_________to come.
(A) Are allowed (B)Allows(C) Is allowed (D) Allow
xx. You like your brother__________ invited here rarely.
(A) Is (B) are (C) Was (D) Were
Q No. 2.Answer the following questions. (Book1- short stories) (2x6=12)
i. What should be the faith of Negroes?
ii. How did the magi want to celebrate their Christmas?
iii. How important was Ch.Fatehdad for Molvi Abul?
iv. How did Shamim Ahmad celebrate the marriage ceremony?
v. Why would the young man have wanted to prove his parents wrong?
vi. What was found underneath the overcoat ?
vii. What does the author like about Chritmas?
Q No. 3.Answer the following questions. (Book1- Play ) (2x5=10)
viii. What is Harry’s philosophy?Is it applicable today?
ix. How does Miss Mecutheon feel about her job and children?
x. Why is Applegarth called a judge?
xi. Does the writer open the oyster ? Why not?
xii. Why did Harry wear his various hats lying in his shop?
Q No. 4.Answer the following questions. (Book3- Poems) (2x4=8)
xiii. Why did the Mansur mount the gallows?
xiv. What is the dream of the poet?
xv. What is the effect of love on fire?
xvi. What is the moral lesson of the poem “In Broken Images”?
Q No. 5. Write a story on one of the following morals. (10)
People pretend to hate what they cannot get.
Q No. 6. Write a letter to friend about the impression of college. (10)
Q No. 7.(a) Explain the following lines with the reference to the context. (5)
These are not accidental names of God .
As negro may be called camphor.
(b).Punctuate the following. (5)
may be the hair of my head could be counted she said but no one could ever count my regard for you shall
we dinner jim
(c). Make the sentences from the following pair of words. (5)
(a) Pray , Prey (b)Practice ,Practise (c) Device , Devise
(d)Way , Weigh (e)Soar ,sore (f)Ordinance , Ordnance
Q No.8. Translate the following lines into Urdu. (5)
The overcoat that young man himself wearing was old, but it was well cut and material was of good
quality .The lapels were stiff and the sleeves well creased.When couple was walked some hundred yards
ahead of him ,he hurriedly started after him .Hardly had he reached half way across the road when a truck
full of bricks came from behind like a gust of wind and crushing him down speeded of towards the
Mcleod road.

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