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Proceeding of 2nd GA Meeting

Higher Education Institutions Partnership

Forum Against HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia

Partial View of General Assembly Members attending the Meeting, Adama, Executive Hotel, Nov 2010

Proceeding II( Nov 2010)

By Philipos Petros

Ethiopian Civil Service College (Secretary, EC HEIs forum)

29 December 2010

CMC Road, Main Campus

Partial view of University Presidents & Official Delegates with HE State Minister of Education, Dr. Kaba
Urgessa &FHAPCO Directors(Dr. Betru Tekle & Ato Meskele Lera), Nov 2010, Executive Hotel, Adama. 3
HEI Forum Executive Committee Members with State Minister of Education&
Director Generals of FHAPCO, Nov 2010, Executive Hotel, Adma,Ethiopia

Day-One: November 05, 2010

Venue: Executive Hotel –Adama(Nazareth)

Time Started: 8:30 AM

Participants: Members of General Assembly

Organizer: FHAPCO, MOE and Executives of the Sub-forum

Aware of the fact that the existing evidences in the country have shown that the total
prevalence rate is 2.3%, among this Urban 7.7%, Rural 0.9% and a total of people living with
HIV/AIDS are 1.16 million. The HIV/AIDS epidemic is more heterogeneous across the nation
with more urban and females affected than rural areas and males. Urban epidemic is on decline
in major towns while rural epidemic is leveling off. But small towns are becoming hotspots and
could potentially bridge further spread of the urban epidemic to rural settings. Efforts are being
made to understand and respond to the dynamics of sexual behaviors and networks in the
hotspots and their surrounding communities as well as in the most at risk population groups
and the general population.

Realizing that students in Higher education Institutions are coming from all over the nation with
multiple and complex socio-cultural backgrounds. Particularly young students are at a higher
risk of HIV infection and STI problems due to the fact that the majority lacks proper information
and education. Due to cultural barriers and lack of proper (adequately targeted) services, the
vulnerability of female students to the problem is greater than their male counterparts. In
addition to this general situation, HEIs students, especially the undergraduate students, are
more vulnerable to HIV due to their age and the fact that the locations of the Higher education
Institutions campuses are surrounded by hotels & bars.

Considering that the Higher education Institutions communities, especially of students have
interaction with different groups of the community within and around the Higher education
Institutions. Most of the HEIs students are busy at entertaining a number of sweethearts from

the high schools and even some proudly speaks that they have a very tight schedule of dating
with numerous beautiful girls. This trend may be the major cause to increase the transmission
of the virus. So the necessary action should be taken to stop and control the virus.

The vision of HEIs forum is to see Higher education Institutions free of HIV& AIDS and thereby
contribute to the national vision of seeing HIV& AIDS free Ethiopia

Whilst the mission is to harness the efforts and resources of HEI in combating HIV/AIDS among
their communities as well as the society at large with the general objective of serving as a
formal and representative coordination mechanism where all Higher education Institutions come
together in an organized manner for a meaningful involvement and scaled up response to
enhance effectiveness, synergy, accountability, education and national ownership.

Higher education institutions (HEI) are one of the major targets for HIV prevention, care and
support as well as mitigation of the impact of AIDS. The Federal HIV and AIDS Prevention and
Control Office (FHAPCO) by its mandate spearheads coordinating all HIV/AIDS Prevention and
Control activities. It also facilitates monitoring, harmonious partnerships and follow-ups with
the focus of ensuring mainstreaming of the programmes in all sectors and institutions with a
view of ensuring universal access and sustainable multi-sectoral responses. It is well known that
mainstreaming for acceleration of prevention education and services, research and HIV/AIDS
management efforts especially for most at risk populations (MARPs) in which communities of
higher learning institutes are among the major focus areas of concern.

To this effort, the FHAPCO has established various partnership forums for multi-sectoral
response to HIV/AIDS into the systems of work places (including higher education institutions,
media sector, national partnership, women group, OVC forum, NGO-forum, governmental and
non-governmental as well as private sectors), as one of the strategies to deal with HIV/AIDS
management issues in Ethiopia where international and national collaborators have great stake.

The FHAPCO in collaboration with the Ministry of Education (MOE) organized the second
meeting of the general assembly for two days in Adama on November 5-6, 2010 sponsored by
UNESCO. The expected outputs of this meeting were;

1. Presentation and Endorsement of the MOU;

2. Presentation and Endorsement of HEIs forum HIV/AIDS Policy and Strategy
3. Signing MoU
4. Approval of forum’s Plan of Action(PoA) of the year 2010/2011;
5. Strengthened commitments of the executive committee and the participants;
6. Collaboration among higher education institutions and the lead education sector to work

About 150 participants attended the meeting from government and private higher learning
institutions, representing the presidents and HIV/AIDS Program
Managers/coordinators/heads/focal persons of each HEIs. Media representatives from Addis
Ababa and Oromia(Oromia TV,ETV, Ethiopian Radio, FM)were also invited), invited guests
from FHAPCO, MOE, and volunteers were invited to the assembly meeting.

After registration of participants, program briefing was carried out by Mr. Alemu Anno, Director, Multi-
sectoral Response Coordination Office Directorate, FHAPCO to the general assembly.

Following programs briefing, the secretary of the executive committee of HEIs forum Mr.
Philipos Petros, passed his welcoming address to the participants and invited participants to
introduce each other in order to enhance smooth communication during the meeting.

It is known that various studies conducted in HEIs show that students are highly affected and
hence calling for innovative and effective prevention strategies to be intensified and
collaborative efforts should be made with different strategic stakeholders to intensify efforts to
curb new infections.

Based on the invitation every participant introduced him/her self briefly addressing the
institution where one is from and position held in an organization, before key note address and
official opening of the meeting.

Key note address was forwarded by H.E Dr. Betru Tekle, Director General, FHAPCO to the
assembly. Dr. Betru started his speech by addressing H.E Dr. Kaba Urgessa, State Ministry of
Education for HE sector and expressed his appreciation to the sub-forum members. He pointed
out the purpose and expectation of the assembly with respect to the prevention and control of

He also added that the general approach in the fight against HIV/AIDS and efforts being carried
out so far. Further, he added the current motto in efforts toward ameliorating the situation
through universal access and human right aspects. His keynote address was mainly focused on
pivotal roles of higher education institutions, aligned to their mandate and social responsibility in
addressing or preventing and controlling HIV and in mitigating the impact of AIDS in the
university community, its environs, community, and contributing to the government’s efforts
through multi-sectoral responses.

Finally, he pinpointed the direction and expectations from HEIs leaders how to strengthen the
sub forum in such a way to contribute to the effort, and invited H.E. Dr. Kaba Urgesa, some to
open the meeting officially.

Partial view of EC and Policy &Strategy Committee Members Meetings

Following the invitation H.E. Dr. Kaba Urgessa, State Ministry of Education delivered opening
speech. Dr. Kaba expressed his deepest appreciation to the participants for availing themselves
despite their busy schedules. He presented the purpose and rational and underlying back ground
situation for the establishment of the sub-forum. His speech addressed the current burden of
HIV/AIDS globally, regionally and nationally.

Moreover, he pointed out the impact of HIV/AIDS on education sector, its multi dimensionality
making school children orphans and leave /dropout school. Teachers are not spared from the
problem that put burden both in the quantity and quality of education.

HE State Minister, Dr Kaba reiterated that the Federal Ministry of Education is keen and
delighted to play the coordinating role in collaboration with FHAPCO, all public and private
HEIs and strategic collaborating international and local organizations to effectively address HIV
and AIDS in Ethiopia with a view of result-based actions and problem solving best practices
geared towards ensuring sustainability of activities and results aligned to national and MDG
strategic plan and targets.

H.E Dr. Kaba Urgessa, State Minister of MOE& ex-Chair person & Mr. Philipos Petros, Secretary of HEI forum
chatting about administrative and technical issues, and work on progress (Adama, Executive Hotel)

He mentioned the efforts being under taken by the ministry. So long the ministry has developed sector
wide HIV/AIDS prevention policy and strategy and distributed to respective stakeholders. Currently, the

Ministry is developing implementation manual that would guide institutions implementation. The
Ministry has also given adequate room and emphasis on how to mainstream and include the issue of
HIV/AIDS in to the curriculum.

He also noted that in the fight against the problem, putting efforts collectively as the problem has
multidimensional causes, of paramount importance. The need to work together is not something put in
choice but is a must. Finally HE State Minister expressed his appreciation and thanks to the organizers of
the meeting and funding agency (UNESCO)of the Conference:-


- Mr. Philipos Petros

- Ethiopian Civil Service College(ECSC)


- Hawassa University

- Wollega University


- Haramaya University

- Jimma University

- Bahir Dar University

- Admass College

- all participants and respective institution and declared the official opening of the meeting.

Partial view of GA Meeting participants

After the opening speech, draft memorandum of understanding document was presented to the
participants by Mr. Gurmessa Tura, the former HIV/AIDS focal person, Jimma University. He presented
the document section by section based on the structure and pattern it was prepared. Following his
presentation discussion on MOU by the assembly was done. The following points were raised during the

- The General assembly meeting to be carried out biannually, as the indicated <once a
year> may be inadequate.

- Concerns related to the amendment of MOU- why FHAPCO to engage rather the
HEIS shall be responsible for it.

- Role of students to be indicated

- Why membership limited to the level of 1st degree and above offering institutions

- Why not all participating Universities involve in executive committee.

- Why not membership fee indicated?

- Visualizing the contribution of MOE to the forum

- What are the roles of MOE and FHAPCO in the forum?

- The general assembly to be the highest decision-maker for the forum

- Clearly question on termination of agreement, whether it is to mean termination of


- The possibility of extending the role of the forum beyond HIV/AIDS issue

- Inclusion of gender office in GA

- Why to name as MOU, why not MOA (association)?

- Who is responsible to call extra ordinary meeting, (GA or EC)

- Importance of putting organizational structure for the forum clearly so so that to
understand the role of coordinator.

- Putting the responsibility of the office explicitly

- Considering the issue of office legitimacy, responsibility and accountability clearly.

- Visualizing/emphasizing the institutional roles on mainstreaming aspects.

- Clearly defining the HEIs communities

- Identifying and indicating the roles of Champions/leaders

- Indicating financial sources.

HE Dr. Kaba Urgessa(middle), Mr. Philipos (Left)& Mr. Bekele moderating the discussion.


- The general assembly meeting unless resource constrains otherwise can be conducted
twice a year.

- Membership is limited to institutions offering first degree and above for the fact that
this institutions have direct accountability to MOE and considering administrative
and communication easiness.

- Membership of the executive committee was decided in the previous year GA

considering resource issue, feasibility and related aspects

- Membership fee decision was left for GA as the top leaders should decide.

- As the governance issue, definitely the GA has upper power than the E.C., however,
for many routines and close activities, the EC has delegation.

- Termination meant for membership termination not the total dissolving of the forum

- Depicting clear organizational structure of the office was well accepted.

Finally the chair person invited the GA to go through the MOU document to get adequate acquaintance as
the presentation is very brief.

After the health break, Mr. Philipos Petros, the Secretary of the EC and Chair person of Policy and
Strategy Framework drafting technical committee presented the policy and strategy framework for the
GA. He also informed the participants on the importance of looking to the document thoroughly and
enrich it. He presented the policy and strategy document in well summarized manner that participants

expressed appreciation for the way he presented it. The policy document was presented step wise based
on thematic area.

After presentation, the following points were raised during discussion.

- Professor Belay Kassa, President of Haramaya University indicated the following


He appreciated and expressed his thank to the presenter of the policy document for summarized but
explanatory and thanks to the taskforce members who drafted the policy. Then he indicated about
modification of the title of the policy and expanding the focus area to the nearby community as the HEI
do have community based accountability.

- He also raised the possibility of indicating the mechanism to disseminating

information by publication, sharing best practices.

- He also expressed his worry on putting the issue of HIV/AIDS as a “stand alone”
course, whether it could be feasible and suggested the possibility of
including/mainstreaming in other courses

Partial view of GA Meeting participants
From Right to Left(top):HE State Minster Dr.
Kaba Urgess&FHAPCO Officials(HEs Dr. Betru
Tekle& Meskele Lera, Director&Deput
Director Generals), Haromaya University
President-Prof. Belay Kassa signing the MoU
Dr. Mitiku Tessu, President of Ambo University suggested on the inclusion of HIV/AIDS as a non-
credited course. The HIV/AIDS focal person from Dilla University suggested describing the policy in
relevant thematic areas and expressed the importance of inclusion of important preventive aspects and
capacity building.

Others also raised the following points

- The possibility of indicating quality education in light of HIV/AIDS prevention and

control activities in the preamble part.

- The issue of policy ownership was raised as who owns it, whether the HEIs or the

- The importance of further explanation of the multi dimensionality of the problem,

and making some statements under the policy to be more liberal than the way it is
presented, which seem diluting the autonomy of the partner institutions, thus
suggested revision (re look)

- The need for empowering the policy implementation and clear allocation of budget to
do so, otherwise it would be difficult.

- The possibility of clear visualization of gender issues in the policy document as one
of the predisposing factors for the problem is directly related to gender disparity.

- The need for inclusion of sexual harassment issue in the document

- The importance of indicating leadership commitment

- Considering expanding this policy to include other dimensions of social and

development aspects,

- Whether the policy provides guidance on curriculum development

- Considering the synergy and benefits of resource mobilization and utilization so as to

appreciate the involvement of FHAPCO & MOE. And this would create wonderful
opportunity to strength the forum and smooth the implementation

- About alignment of the policy and curriculum development and indicating

accountability clearly. HERQA should go in to quality assurance audit in order to
benefit from the policy implementation.

- Appreciation of the inclusion of research and strategic management aspect in the

policy document, as one of the challenges to address the problems is information

- The need to emphasize issues of treatment under care and support, as this is very
important to handle and manage the case as once the demand is created.

- Further emphasis was given on the need to mainstreaming the curriculum instead of
putting a standalone course.

The afternoon session was started at 2:00 pm. Based on the program the annual financial and action plan
was presented by Mr. Bekele Delelegn from FHACO. Mr. Bekele briefed on the process of preparing the
financial and activities action plan. Taskforce was assigned to draft the plan and then to present it to EC
and GA. Afterward comments from EC & GA were collected and incorporated. He also further elaborated
the three core issues the drafting of the plan took in to consideration:

- Capacity building /capacitating the office for EC and the forum that would run the
day to day activities.

- Conducting general assessment of the situations of partner institutions

- Mainstreaming the HIV/AIDS issue under the functions of the partner intuitions

He presented major activities to be accomplished under each thematic area and the budget required to
accomplish the actions. The action plan also clearly indicated the responsible entity to accomplish each
action. He indicated the sum of budget required for the implementation of planned activities that amount
to 3,700,000ETB. He explained the long process and ways to reach to this point. Initially, the planned
amount was more than 7 million, however, considering many perspectives and discussing with the EC,
finally the above mentioned amount is agreed.

Following the presentation by Mr. Bekele, the following points were raised by participants’.

- Criteria for budget contribution from each partner institutions, and how to allocate it

- Mechanisms how to involve both public and private HEIs,

- Under the activity plan #12 amalgamation of gender program to enhance the output.
Indicating the need for measuring the output.

- Under #5 clearly indicate the way how to follow up on focal person & the structure

- Considering revision of the plan and integrating some activities.

- The need for adequate emphasis on M&E as the action plan seemed inadequately

- Indicating prioritization or research undertakings

- As the capacity building part got enough attention, however, similar attention to be
given for care and support activities (the budget under this part looks small)

- The need for clear explanation for budget source, the entry and exit strategies, for
instance of FHACO funds at the beginning and then the sub forum to take over

- The need of transparency in budget contribution and qcost sharing and use as well.

- Comparison the sub-forum’s plan against each individual institution’s plan so as to

avoid overlapping and gapping

- Who will publicize and promote the policy,

- The plan looked very general so that need to be more specific and clearly indicate
who does what.

- The need for emphasis on providing TOT at central level and then cascading down to

- The need for clearly specifying budget source

- Whether the budget for EC &GA meetings included.

- The capability of implementing all the planned activities in one year

- Considering capacity building into ways: The sub-forum capacity and each
institution’s capacity, then postponing assessment to next year.

- Inclusion of networking and establishment of website.

- The possibility of considering the public & private institutions separately as the
capacity also differs

- Budget allocation to activities were looked unfair, as for instance only for training to
allocate 1 million may hamper other activities, so suggested to revise and distribute
budget alongside activities evenly/fairly.

- If any mechanisms to involve NGOs and others in fundraising?

- The importance of budget allocation for resource mobilization activities and include
as one activity in action plan

- If budget to be allocated based on of students and or annual budget.

The following summarized responses and reflections were forwarded after the questions and suggestions
given. It was underlined that the presented budget has passed series steps of revision and finally the EC
accepted and decided to present to the GA. While the budget plans under way, no consideration was taken
on the exchange rate of the currency.

Incorporating gender issue under each institution plan is well accepted, and it is also believed that by now
most institutions have already incorporated this. With the respect to recruitment criteria of the trainee,
will be seen in the future after assessment of each institution’s capacity. Mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS
activities in each institution’s activities(as per the HEIs forum policy&strategy framework and endorsed
by the 2nd GA Meeting) to be aligned with that of the MOE is acceptable as the MOE is the umbrella
organization for all HEIs.

- The link between sub forum and each institution plan must clearly be indicated. Each
institution shall send its plan to the sub-forum signed by the president.

- With the regard to fundraising activity by the sub forum, currently the sub-forum has
to have first established itself and then to work on fundraising thereafter is well
accepted. Once the sub forum well established then will support institutions.

- Development of Website is well accepted and will be included in the action plan and
budget will be allotted.

- Indicating explicitly the responsibility of sub forum and partners is well accepted

Contribution of each HEI for the forum activities

- With regard to financial contribution and benefiting from the sub forum, it will be
participatory and transparent. Therefore, every participating institution should
contribute its share but contribution may consider capacity of institutions.

- In line with this, interesting but challenging debates, arguments and counter
arguments were made with the intention of strengthening and ensuring leadership
commitment and willingness to contribute own share so as to strongly mainstream
HIV/AIDS Activities in each HEI and realize the work plan of the forum. It was
suggested by participants as the contribution may start at 20,000.00 ETB and added
there of accordingly. Finally contribution of each forum members’ was decided as:

o Public HEI should contribute birr 20,000 each per year &

o Private HEI birr 10,000 each per year. The decision shall be included in the
MOU(acted soon and the MOU was revised and signed accordingly).

o It was agreed that execution of agreed upon contributions will be made by

the EC members along with the establishment of coordination office and
recruitment of staff should be acted soon by the executives.

After finalizing the budget and action plan issue Gondar University presented its experience in fight
against HIV/AIDS. Detailed presentation can be found from the document (partly attached with the

Signing of the MOU

Signing of the MOU was made by 38 FORUM MEMBERS, 22 government/public and 16 private
HEIs(vide some pictures of the signing ceremony attached ) in the presence of their excellencies(Dr
Kaba Urgessa, State Minister of MOE, Dr. Betru Tekle, Director General of FHAPCO& Ato Meskele
Lera, Deputy Director General FHAPCO).

Out of 65 registered member HEIs(22 Public&44 private HEIs), those participants represented private
HEIs were not officially delegated to sign the MOU hence EC will follow up with the matter through
MOE/HERQA(Scanned copy of signed MOU will be attached/forwarded to relevant body/EC members,
MOE&FHAPCO in due course).

HE Dr. Kaba Urgessa, State Minster , HE Dr. Betru Tekle and HE. Ato Meskele Lera observing
formal singing of MOU by the University Presidents(Partial View)

HE Dr. Kaba Urgessa, State Minister;HE Dr. Betru Tekle&HE. Ato Meskele Lera observing formal singing of MOU by the
University Presidents while at Philipos Petros is playing facilitation role as a Secretary of Executive Committee of
HEI .Forum

Appreciations and questions were forwarded.

The day meeting adjourned at #5:30Pm

Day Two ( 06/11/2010)

Conclusive Remarks on Ways forward

Many issues were raised during the discussions on the ways forward include:

- Opening of office for the sub-forum

- Opening of account

- Considering use of the sub-forum for other aspects besides HIV/AIDS

- Establishing resource mobilizing team

- Designing strategic plan by the EC

- The importance of considering the sub-forum while preparing prospective

institutional budget

- Critically plan and follow implementation

- Identifying activities to be under taken at each institution level and sub-forum level

- Importance of self auditing of each institution its internal HIV/AIDS activities


- Empowerment of executives

- Decentralizing tasks and activities

- Classifying the plan into short and long terms

- Acting by prioritizing issues in their order of importance and the need to provide
adequate attentions on students behavior to bring about desired change

- The importance of experience sharing and adopting best practices

- Emphasizing on research work

- Developing institutional HIV/AIDS prevention control policy

- Mainstreaming the activities

- Promotion and publicizing the sub-forum

- Indicating the responsibility and accountability of FHAPCO, MOE, sub-forum

- Importance of focused actions

- Acting and behaving as scientific community, brining focused solutions

- Begin wish currently planned activities and modification may be possible after that.

- Completing the legitimacy of sub forum

- Working with surrounding communities

- Importance of commitment of each participating institutions.

Meanwhile, one volunteer, the former CDC staff Dr. Yoseph also expressed his appreciation for the
efforts made so far in materializing the forum. He also indicated means for fundraising by involving
Diaspora and pledged his own personal contribution of 10,000 ETB from his part and EC will he will .
He also pointed out the importance of working with secondary schools hand in hard.

Partial view of Government Officials with GA participants
After series of discussions the following consolidated ways for ward were derived:

- To continue on planned activities stepwise

- Establish a fire for executives if possible at MOE, FHAPCO or Ethiopia Civil

Service College in either of the three where free office can be found.

- Obtain legal registry and open bank account.

- Settle the organizational structure by in directing line of authority and responsibility.

- Start to function with the current fund already committed and work hard to secure

- Emphasis was given to strengthen each institution action and working closely with
nearby community.

Finally the meeting was closed by the following closing remarks of H.E Dr. Betru Tekle, Director
General, FHACO.

Dr Betru expressed his appreciation to all the participants of the sub forum and extended his thanks. He
also acknowledged the signing of MOU and reminds the importance of converting the agreement into
action. He stated the importance of focusing on the outcome so that to bring desired change on our

Dr. Betru also pointed out that the forum to focus on key issues and then to expand efforts after
evaluating the achievements. To do so, experience sharing and adopting best practices would be best
approach to start performance of the forum.

He concluded the closing remarks by expressing his appreciation to the committeemen of all involved to
materialize the establishment of the sub forum. He reaffirmed the FHAPCO’s position to support the
forum both technically and financially and closed the meeting at 12:30 PM.

Annex. GA Meeting Schedule

2nd General Assembly Meeting of the Higher Education Institutions Partnership Sub-
Forum against HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia
Organized by sub-Forum in Collaboration with FHAPCO, UNESCO &FMoE

Dates 5-6 November, 2010 Place: Executive Hotel, Adama

Schedule of Activities

Time Activities Responsible body Facilitator

8:30-9:00 Registration Participants Sub-forum

9:00-9:15 Welcoming speech Philipos Petros, Secretary of EC of sub-forum

HEIs forum, Ethiopian Civil Service
&Introduction College
1 day

Ato Alemu Ano, Director, Multi-

sectoral Response Coordination
Directorate, FHAPCO

9:15-9:50 Key note speech HE Dr. Betru Tekle Director Philipos

& General, FHAPCO Petros

Official Opening HE Dr. Kaba Urgessa, State Philipos

Minister,Ministry of Education Petros

9: 50-10:10 Presentation on the Gurmessa Tura,Jimma University Alemu Ano

November MOU

10:10-10:30 Presentation on the Philipos Petros, Ethiopian Civil Alemu Ano

HEIs HIV/AIDS policy & Service College
2010 strategy framework

10:30-11:00 Tea and coffee Sub-forum Sub-forum

11:00-12:00 Discussion & approval FHAPCO, MoE &Chair person of Sub-forum

of the MOU & policy Sub-forum

12:00-13:30 Lunch Sub-forum Sub-forum

13:30-15:00 Discussion on the Chair person of sub-forum Sub-

contribution of each forum&Mo
HEI for the sub forum E

15:00-15:30 Tea & coffee(plus Sub-forum Sub-forum

administrative issues)

15:30-16:40 Endorsement of the chair person of sub-forum, FHAPCO Sub-forum,

contribution of each &MoE MoE,
HEI for the sub forum FHAPCO

2nd day 8:30-9:00 Registration Participants Sub forum

Presentation& Bekele Delelegn, Partnership HE Dr. Kaba

approval of the annual Coordination Expert, FHAPCO Urgessa &
9:00-10:00 action plan Philipos
&budget(2003EFY) Petros
06 10:00-10:30 Tea and Coffee Sub-forum Sub-forum

Novem 10:30-11:30 Signing of the MoU HEIs(sub-forum members) HE Dr. Kaba

agreement Urgesaa,
Lakew, HE


11:30-12:00 Way forward Participants HE Dr. Kaba


12:00-12:20 Closing remark HE Dr. Kaba Urgessa, MOE Sub-forum

HE Dr. Betru Tekle, FHAPCO

12:30-13:30 Lunch & departure Organizers & participants Sub-forum

Annex 2. Appreciation of Note Taker

The EC and Organizers of the 2 nd GA Meeting are grateful for Ato Abraham Alano(Associate Vice
President of Business and Development and Focal Person of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office),
Hawassa University, for his unreserved commitment and professional contribution in taking relevant
notes and compiling the first draft of this proceeding.

Annex.3. Best Practice(presentation) from Gonadar University

Out line Background of the University

HIV/ AIDS Mainstreaming Activities at University of Gondar
 Background  Has three campuses namely GCMHS,
 Adminstrative activities on Maraki and Tewdros
mainstreaming  Has a total of 16,000 students, 800

 Addressing the students and university academic and

staff 1200 supporting staffand staff
 Linking mainstreaming activities to the  Known for its
Abera Balcha, MD community  Quality education
 Main partners  Research
Nov 5, 2010 Adama Dire International Hotel 1 Nov 5, 2010 Adama Dire International Hotel 2  Community services
Nov 5, 2010 3

Adminstrative mainstreaming
Adminstrative activities cont Adminstrative activitie cont
 Established HIV mainstreaming office  Held HIV mainstreaming workshop involving  Antisexual harrassment
higher university officials, directorates and policy is prepared and
 Assigned HIV mainstreaming focal person
faculty deans with CDC approved by the
with other supportive staff university senate
 Assigned focal persons in each faculty  HIV work place policy is
being worked on
 Established HIV and Gender mainstreaming

Nov 5, 2010 Adama Dire International Hotel 4 Nov 5, 2010 Adama Dire International Hotel 5 Nov 5, 2010 Adama Dire International Hotel 6

AIDS Resource Center Awareness activities cont

training for university
 In collaboration with guards
CDC and HAPCO  HIV/AIDS, RH and STI for
opened ARC in all the university cleaners
3 campuses

Nov 5, 2010 Adama Dire International Hotel 7 Nov 5, 2010 Adama Dire International Hotel 11

Annex 4. Best Practice(presentation) from Dilla University

1.Campaign against HIV/AIDS:

Main Contents
I. Our Best Experiences! 1.Capacity building, Awareness creation,
preventive measures
II. University and The fate of 2.Research activities
Dismissed female students 3.Care and support (Bio-psycho-
social treatment (= counseling) and
financial support)

By Abayneh Unasho
DUHAPCO, Coordinator, Nov.6/2010

2. Our Best Experiences
1.Research activities
2.Research: action oriented Research e.g.
 Rehabilitating Dismissed female students
(IGA, Re-attachment, Scholarship)
 Biopsychosocial treatment (= counseling)
 Condition based intervention,i.e
Preventive measures, using modified’ Me,
rules, Education and HIV/AIDS, University
life and goals of students etc

3.Documentation eg.News letter, photo

library, photo video
4. HIV/AIDS mainstreaming training

FINAL MOU Signed (Cover page only)

Memorandum of Understanding
for Higher Education Institutions Partnership
Sub- Forum against HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia

November, 2010
Adama, Ethiopia


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