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Sexual Harassment in office / #metoo movement

Betty- Intern student in office (girl)
Andrew- Intern student in office (boy)
Johnny- Boss (boy)
People in office (#1 Employee)

Intro:​ Betty and Andrew are college students. They have been best friends for many years.
Tomorrow, they are going to start doing an internship at one fashion magazine company.

Scene: At Betty’s dorm (In the garden)

Hey, how do you feel about our internship tomorrow?
I am soooooooooo excited! This is my first time doing a real job at the real place!! (shaking
Andrew’s body)
Whoa, calm down Bet hahaha I am excited too!!
Right? I still remember the time when we went to your father’s office and we talked together that
we were going to go to the office together everyday when we grew up.
That’s a very looooong time! I missed being a child. But now. Go take some sleep and see you
tomorrow at the train station. 7:00 am don’t be late!!
Okay okay. Don’t act like my father Andrew. See you tomorrow then. Bye

Next morning has come, Andrew and Betty meet at the front of the train station and go to work
together.​ ​Andrew and Betty arrived at the company and they both went in with excitement.

Scene: In front of boss’ room

Andrew knocks on the door waiting for him to open.
Open the door
Oh Hello. You guys are the intern students right?
Yes. I am Betty and this is Andrew
Hello sir
Nice to meet you guys. Andrew, you are going to work at the next building. It is clothing
designing for girls. Betty, you will work at this building. Clothing designing for boys. I wanted
to see you guys’ creativity ideas for the opposite sex’s cloths.
But don’t worry you guys. Girls and Boys here are always working together. There is not only
just a boy on boy building. Same as the girls building too
Thank you sir. We will do our best

Betty and Andrew go to their own building.

Scene: Betty walk into the work zone and start introduce herself
Hello my name is Betty. I am an intern student. Nice to meet you all
BETTY (thinking in her head)
Why are they looking at my legs like that? is there anything on my legs
Hi. Hi. Hi
BETTY (thinking in her head)
that smile is very gross. Help me Andrew
Hi Betty. Can I help you with anything?
touching Betty’s shoulder
that’s ok. Thank you

The time passed and then it was time to go home.

Betty! How was your work? Mine is great
Mine is great too Andrew. Everyone is very nice to me.
Good to hear that! See you tomorrow then. You should go and get rest at your dorm. You look a
bit tired today
I think so. See you tomorrow at the train station.

Betty and Andrew have to intern at that company for one month. The time has passed and this is
already day 20 of their internship.

#1 Employee
He walk near Betty until his hand touches Betty’s butt
Oh Betty I am so sorry. I didn't mean to
i am so sick of this guy. When will he stop (​ thinking in her head)
That’s ok.

Betty is running out of patients, so she is going into Johnny’s room to tell all the things that have
happened to her.
Oh Hi Betty! What makes you here?
So listen…. I know that I have not worked here for a long time. But the past 20 days that I have
worked here I think there is a guy who always tries to touch my body and the way he looks and
me is very weird. I don’t feel safe at all.
Oh Betty. I think you are over thinking. Maybe it is his personality. Just don’t focus on it.
Concentrate with your work!
No, I mean It is not normal. What kind of a person who always tries to touch others’ butts?
Same suggestion. LET IT GO. Many interns have told me this and I did not see anything happen

Betty walks out of Johnny’s room and call Andrew

Hi Betty. Why are you calling? It's work time.
Andrew. I don’t feel great, can you walk me home?
Sure Betty. See you down stairs

Scene: on the pathway on the way home

Are you sure you don’t want to take a train? It’s a very long way.
YES. I don’t feel great Andrew. Can you walk with me? PLEASE??
Ok x3
But you are going to tell me What happened?
There is a guy. In my building. He…
He what?
He always tries to touch my body. The way he looks, smiles, or talks; it makes me wanna cry.
JESUS BETTY. Why don’t you tell me this earlier?? By the way, I have something to tell you
too. So… I….
What Andrew?
I am going to tell you too that there is an old woman at my building who always touches my
lower body too. I feel very bad. I have told Johnny, but he told me that I am over thinking. I am
shy to tell you because I am a man. I have to be strong.
He starts to cry
Hey, that’s ok. Anyone can face this problem. It is not just only girls who face this problem.
A few days ago, I saw a #metoo trend on twitter. I think we should go on this protest
What is it about?
A group of people who have face the sexual harassment issue came out to appeal want they have
been facing. Share the sexual harassment experience that have been through.
Are there men there?
SURE Andrew. Every age Every Gender is invited. Even celebrities have come to use their voice
in this movement!
Wow. They are so brave. You too Betty. Even though we have been friends for so long but this
kind of situation is hard to tell to anyone. I understand it. And I appreciate that you tell me. Just
wanted you to know that I will always be here for you.
Thank you Andrew. I’m happy I got you. After I told you, I feel a lot better. Let’s get out of that
sucks company and go to the protest! Make our voices worth it.
Yes Betty. No one is going to hurt us anymore.

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