Key Partners Key Activities Value Proposition Customer Relationship Customer Segment

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 Ministry of Health  Marketing  More involvement in
 Ministry of Education  Distributions autism child’s life  Electronic help desk  Autism children
 Pos Laju Malaysia  Health Campaign  School related  Telephone support  Parents
 Hospital  R&D syllabus to improve  In-store support  Schools
 Pharmacies  Events child’s performance in  Through retailers  Kindergarten
 Distributors/ Suppliers  Acquire Endorser school.  Hospitals
 Health Authorities  Exclusive Deals  Exclusive low-cost
 R&D deals
 Endorser(s)  Economical, effective
 Banks KEY RESOURCES and portable materials CHANNELS
 PayPal
 Brand  Website
 Discover-ability  Email
 Low-cost and  Affiliate network
exclusive offers  Telephone
 In-store

 Exclusive offer acquisition costs  Unit sales

 Packaging service  Advertisements
 IT Infrastructure (cloud-hosted)  Commission on bulk buying
 Marketing and software development salaries  Cross-selling commission
 R&D
 Machines + Maintenance

Business Model
The business model for this assignment is the Business Model Canvas which is a
business tool that is widely used when it comes down to listing down all the pros and
cons of a starting a business. Just like any other business, Autism We Care made sure
we knew what are the pros and cons of starting this business. The Business Model
Canvas focuses on the key partners, key activities, value proposition, customer
relationship, customer segment, cost structure and the revenue streams on AWC.

Key partners is about the third parties(external companies or suppliers) that would be
lending a hand to allow AWC to perform the key activities and also to deliver its
value to the customers. Key partners are important as they form a buyer-seller
relationship that is necessary to optimize the business operations and also allow to
reduce the risks that are associated with AWC. The key partners of AWC are Ministry
of Health, Ministry of Education, Pos Laju Malaysia, Hospital, Pharmacies,
Distributors/ Suppliers, Health Authorities, R&D, Endorser, and Banks. It is
necessary for AWC to have a partnership with Ministry of Health and Ministry of
Education as this collaboration is the key point of delivering the services par to the
government regulations. Hospitals and pharmacies are needed as AWC would need
assistance from them for medical assistance if a child needs medical attention. Having
a collaboration with hospitals and pharmacies would ensure AWC would not provide
false consultation but would certified professional services to their customers and
with Health authorities, AWC would ensure that they are following the policies set by
the Ministry of Health and nothing illegal is going on in the center. Distributors or
suppliers are also important as a strong relationship with them would allow AWC to
receive their stocks in time and would also provide AWC with a good deal of
purchase. Pos Laju Malaysia would be the mode of delivery that has been chosen by
AWC as Pos Laju Malaysia provides a great amount of discount and with their fast
service it is definitely worth having them as a key partner for AWC. AWC would
need an endorser or few endorsers who are well-known people in the society to appear
in AWC advertisements saying that they use and like our product or we would
endorsers that are using our products to further promote AWC. R&D is required as
only with research and development would allow AWC to improve their product and
services. Bank as the financial institutions would allow customers to make payment
and for AWC to receive and make payments.PayPal is used to make payment and
receive payments in the website.
Key activities are activities that the added value for AWC. Marketing, Distributions,
Health Campaign, R&D, Events, Acquire Endorser and Exclusive Deals. All these
activities would allow AWC to further make sales and also allow people to know
about AWC better. Marketing is used to promote AWC and the services we offer.
With marketing, AWC will be able to have a better reach on the potential customers
that could increase the in-store sales and also the website sales. Health campaigns
allows AWC to further create more awareness on autism. R&D and events would
allow AWC to gather more input on how to improve their product and services
provided. By acquiring endorsers, AWC will be able to promote to the large fan base
of the endorsers that would also increase the reach of the brand. Exclusive deals
would be an attractive pull that would get customers to buy more as discounts will be
given based on their purchase.

Key resources of AWC is brand, Discover-ability, Low-cost and exclusive offers.

With all these key resources, AWC will be able to establish our presences in the
market and potential customers would be able to further learn more about autism. The
value proposition of AWC is that AWC is would allow parents to have more
involvement in autism child’s life and these engagement would help with the child’s
progress. Brand is important and AWC’s brand should remind the public about the
product and services provided for autism children that brings positive difference for
them and also an amazing improvements that puts a smile on the parents face. With
the help of endorsers, the discover-ability of AWC will increase and that would
increase the customer base of AWC. Low-cosy and exclusive offers that are provided
would be a magnet that pulls potential customers to be AWC loyal customers in the

Besides that, with collaboration with Ministry of Education, AWC is able to provide
school related syllabus to improve child’s performance in school with an exclusive
low-cost deals that is economical, effective and portable materials that can be brought
along anywhere. Parents would be delighted when their children are performing well
in school from our customized materials that would ensure the child has better
understanding and be able to answer the questions in class and during examinations.

Customer relationship is to ensure that the customer has a better understanding of the
product and services provided by AWC. Due to this, AWC has made sure we have an
electronic help desk that provides assistance online; Telephone support for customers
who would like to have a chat with AWC and also through In-store support which
would allow the customers to drop by the the store to get further assistance. Lastly it
is through retailers who helps to sell the products.

Customer segment is where AWC focuses on their customer base both in store and on
the website. As we are learning centre, children which is diagnosed with autism
would be our main focus as center that provides assistance that would a positive
change for them .Parents with autism children that need extra attention for children
would also require our services and we at AWC would be happy to help them.
Education ministry which recommends Private and government school to involve is
also our potential customers. Preschool and kindergarten which has autism children
would be our biggest customer segment as with AWC, these children will be able to
have customized materials to help them understand the syllabus better. Pediatric
department in hospital and pediatric clinic and children learning centers that need to
have other oversea products to develop their programme would need the expertise and
assistance that AWC provides. Lastly, sport centers is one of the centers that will be
able to recognized the autism children very fast and specifically that can help AWC to
help these children and with drawing and music schools as well which can help to
handle the autism children to become more calm.

Channels are basically how AWC is going to reach out to their customers. The
channels that AWC use are website, email, affiliate network, telephone and in-store.
The website is on 24/7 that would allow customers to search and receive information
any time of the day, anywhere they are located. By using email, AWC will be able to
send promotional mails that would the customers to know about the exclusive deals
that AWC is giving out. The affiliate networks allows the customers to recommend
AWC to another person and the customer would receive a certain percentage of
discount on their next purchase. In this case, telephone and in-store is closely related
as customers would call and have inquires and then they could drop by the store to get
a better input on the product and services provided.
Cost structure is all about the money AWC is going to be spending. Cost structure of
AWC consist of exclusive offer acquisition costs, packaging service, IT Infrastructure
(cloud-hosted), marketing and software development salaries, R&D and Machines +
Maintenance. AWC offers better price to our customer’s since we are new to this
industry. Since AWC is not NGO’s but we are the service provider with reasonable
price to get to know our customer’s need and wants. The packaging services provided
by AWC will always give benefit to all range of customers especially parents with
poor income. Exp: door to door service to those parents from without transport.
AWC’s Research and Development team lead by our specialist and professionals to
give the best service for our targeted children’s to improve on their knowledge and
mental growing. The marketing and software development salaries is about computer
generated with highly secured and protected machines and software. The HR and
finance team always make sure on their data is always update time to time and protect
by IT officer from overseas. Marketing teams always working towards social media to
reach our targeted customers since we are mainly focused on E -Businesses. Machine
and Maintenance of AWC focus is all about autism and all our products and
equipment its imported from overseas. Our focus is to follow the current trend and
gives the best to our customers without losing the current trend. AWC ensures that the
Quality Assurance and calibration will be done periodically and all instrument that we
are using is all licensed accordingly and approved by government authorities.

Revenue streams is where AWC makes money buy selling good products and
services. Unit sales is all about the number of sales AWC makes through the website
and in-store. AWC also uses advertisement as a tool to make revenue as AWC is a E-
Business that targets our customers with our products and selling them via social
media. Advertisement in term of programme with schools, online programme, online
quizzes, online coloring, online Q & A, free trial for targeted customer for certain
term. Commission on bulk buying would increase the sales as when bulk buying is
involved attractive discounts and promotions are given out. Lastly, cross-selling
commission is when another company helps to sell AWC’s products and services as it
is related to their field of business. This is when revenue sharing comes into the

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