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MBA - Semester IV

Subject Outline

Subject Name Strategic Management

Subject Code MGT- 512

Subject Credits 3

A Post Graduate Program in Management gets completed only after

understanding how to craft and deploy strategy. This course will
encompass various aspects of strategic planning and execution. This
course requires students to utilize their prior knowledge on various
managerial aspects learnt, skills, and competencies to identify any
strategic approach behind the failure and success of corporations and
businesses, evaluate obvious strategic planning, understand different
components of strategic intents, and formulate themselves strategies
for corporations. This course will be done with the help of discussion
Summary/Overview of case studies largely that had been used by reputed global and Indian
Institutions. Business Case Identification and writing down the
strategic management of functional, business and corporate level
strategies will be an integral part of imbibing basic concepts of
Strategic Management and Connecting them with real time scenario of
Strategic Planning and Execution in Business Entities around us.

• To enable students to identify the presence or absence of

strategy in various practical cases and scenario
• To think Strategically for problem solving and meet the
• To analyze strategically, competitions and Industries
• To incorporate Values and Ethics while formulating and
Aims executing Strategy
• To plan and present a strategy
• To simulate and emulate the plan and analyze results

Core Learning Outcomes

Core Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria
On completion of this unit you should be To achieve the learning outcome you must
able to: demonstrate the ability to:

Understand the basic strategic concepts. Analyse the concepts with case study, and in the
final examination identify, the evolution of
1 marketing concepts. Select appropriate methods
to illustrate the problem solving process and
present results.
Analyze varied real life issues of Participate in situations that mimic real life
business strategy and dilemmas faced in issues and dilemmas in each presentation topic,
practice. case study, Assignments and in the final
Examine the internal and external Identify the differences and the relationships the
business variables while developing an various internal and external forces acting on
effective Business strategy. the enterprise accurately in class presentations,
case studies and for the semester examinations.
Understand the functional level, For each presentation topic, case study, role-
business level strategies under the play, and in the final examination identify and
present environment. critically analyse factors that shape functional,
business strategies.
Understand the concepts horizontal, In each presentation topic, case study,
vertical integration strategies and Assignments and in the final examination
analyze the diversification strategies. identify and critically assess in a comprehensive
manner the various integration and
diversification strategies from the current real
life scenario.
To define the strategic implementation Prepare implementation plans for the process
process for companies competing in while competing in single/multiple industries
single/multiple industry. through real life examples and the reasons for
The teaching methods consist of formal lectures, case study analysis,
practical exercises and discussion groups. Experts and practitioners
may be invited to participate in the course as guest lecturers.
Students will work at their own to identify and assess market
opportunities, and then to refine these ideas to apply in strategy
scenario. The strategic plan project will combine all these other skills
Approach to Learning
within the framework of enhancing their strategic skills. This will
develop the skills of the students to implement their skills to sustain in a
competitive environment.
As is appropriate at Masters’ level, students will also be expected to
read beyond texts assigned, and to identify on their own further sources
of information for complementing their studies.
Participants will develop a strategic plan and present it with a view to
gain the resources required for its implementation. They will be also
Assessment Strategy
assessed based on their domain knowledge through surprise quizzes and
class discussions.
Learning Outcomes Submission
Assessment Description of Weight Assessed
No day/week
Method* Assessment Method %
1 2 3 4 5 6 (assignments) or

length (exam)
1 Throughout the
CS Case analysis 10 x x x x
2 Throughout the
GR Group Report 5 x x x
3 At the end of the
SM Simulation 10 x x x x x x
4 MSE Mid Semester Exam 20 x x x x x x Mid semester

*The following codes for assessment methods apply:-

LR literature review PC practical

CB computer-based PF performance
CS case study PL placement
DI dissertation or project PO portfolio
EX exam PR presentation
GR group report RE individual report
MSE Mid Semester Examination SM Simulation

Outline Teaching Schedule

No. of
Session Topic
Module Sessions
Strategic Leadership: Managing Strategy-Making Process for
1 Competitive Advantage 3
Case : How IKEA’s Strategy was formed
2 External Analysis – The identification of Opportunities and Threats
Case : Eli Lilly : Strategic Challenges
Internal Analysis – Distinctive Competencies, Competitive
3 Advantage and Profitability 2
Case : METRO Cash & Carry – Company’s Strategy in Russia
Building Competitive Advantage through Functional Level Strategy
4 Case : Sony Corporation – Losing Competitive Advantage
5 Building Competitive Advantage through Business Level Strategy
Case : Aptech Limited
6 Business-level Strategy and Industry Environment
Case : Life Insurance Corporation of India
7 Strategy in High-Technology Industries
Case : Apple IPhone’s Price Cut
8 Strategy in Global Environment
Case: BBC global strategy
Corporate-level Strategy: Horizontal Integration, Vertical Integration
9 & Strategic Outsourcing 3
Case: Reinventing DuPont

Corporate-level Strategy: Formulating & Implementing Related &
10 Unrelated Diversification 3
Case: Microsoft’s Diversification Strategy
Implementing Strategy in companies that compete in a Single
11 Industry 2
Case : Cisco’s Controversial Organizational Model
Implementing Strategy in companies that compete across Industries
12 and Countries 2
Case: Unilever’s Power Brand Strategy
Recommended Resources

Essential Textbook

Strategic Management: An Integrating Approach (Latest Edition) (by Charles W.L Hill &Gareth
R. Jones publisher: Cengage Learning).

Additional Reading

1. Mind of a Strategist – The Art of Japanese Business – Kenichi Ohmae

2. Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition
Irrelevant – Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne
3. Crafting and Executing Strategy; The Quest for Competitive Advantage – Arthur
Thompson Jr, AJ Strickland III, John Gamble & Arun Jain
4. Competitive Strategy – Michael Porter
5. Leading the Revolution – Gary Hamel
6. Competing for the Future – Gary Hamel & CK Prahlad
7. Built to last – Jim Collins
8. Good to great – Jim Collins
9. Alignment, Using the Balance Score card to create Corporate Synergies – Robert Kaplan
& David Norton
10. Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes - Robert Kaplan &
David Norton

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