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After studying this chapter, the students should be able to:
 Define equilibrium and center of gravity.
 State and explain the two conditions of equilibrium.
 Solve problems for two conditions of equilibrium.
 Locate the center of gravity of uniform object.

3.1 Statics; Bodies in Equilibrium

Statics is a branch of physics which deals with bodies in equilibrium or at rest.

3.2 State of Equilibrium

A body is in equilibrium when it is either at rest or in uniform motion. When there is no
change in the motion of the body, or the net force acting on the body is zero. Equilibrium is a
state of balance.

3.3 Conditions of Equilibrium:

First: The vector sum of the forces acting on a body must be zero. If this condition is
satisfied, there is no tendency toward translation.

The algebraic sum of the horizontal component of the forces must be zero; and the
algebraic sum of the vertical component of the forces must be zero; thus resulting the
resultant also be equal to zero.
Fx = 0 , Fy = 0 , R=0

Second: The sum of the moments or torques about any axis normal to the plane of the
forces must be zero. If this condition is satisfied , there is no tendency toward rotation.

The algebraic sum of the moments or torque of the horizontal and vertical components of
the forces about any axis normal to the plane of the forces must be zero. This principle is
known as the principle of moments.
M@o = 0

Steps for solving problems on bodies in Equilibrium:

1. Sketch the pictorial representation of the problem.
2. Draw the force diagram or the Free- body Diagram(FBD).
3. Solve the problem by any suitable method.
Example 3.1
A 50 N object is hang on the ceiling and is supported by a cord. Find the tension in the

Figure 3.1 W


50 N

Note: Two forces act upon it, the upward that pulls the cord and the downward which is the pull
of gravity. We shall represent the pull of the cord as T, tension in the cord. The pull of the
gravity, the weight of the object as W = 50 N

Fx = 0 Fy = 0
T = 50 N tension in the cord Answer

Example 3.2
An object weighing 30 N is suspended by two ropes, each rope making an angle of 60o
with the horizontal. Find the tension in the ropes.

60o 60o

Figure 3.2 W

T1 T2

60o 60o

 Fx = 0  Fy = 0
T2x – T1x = 0 T1y + T2Y – W = 0
T2x = T1x T1y + T2Y = W
T2 Cos 60 = T1 Cos 60 T1 Sin 60 + T2 Sin60 = 30
T2 = T1 eq. 1 since T2 = T1
0.866 T1 + 0.866 T1 = 30
1.732 T1 = 30
T1 = 30 / 1.732
T1 = 17.32 N Answer
T2 = 17.32 N
Example 3.3
An object weighing 200 lbs is suspended by a rope A. Rope A is pulled by the horizontal
rope B and held so that rope A makes an angle of 30o with the vertical. Find the tension in ropes
A and B.


Figure 3.3 W = 200 lbs

F.B.D. (component method) force triangle method

60 B 30o

Solution 1: (Component Method)

 Fx = 0  Fy = 0
B – A Cos 60o = 0 A Sin 60o – W = 0
B = A Cos 60o A sin 60o = W
B = 0.5 A eq. 1 0.866 A = 200
A = 200 / 0.866
A = 230.940 lbs (Ans)
Substituting A to eq. 1
B = 0.5 (230.040)
B = 115.470 lbs (Ans)

Solution 2: (Force triangle method)

Tan 30o = B / W Cos 30o = W / A

B = W Tan 30o A = W / Cos 30o
B = 200 Tan 30o A = 200 / Cos 30o
B = 115.470 lbs (Ans) A = 230.940 lbs (Ans)
Supplementary Problems:
Compute the tension or forces acting on each rope supporting the load to maintain

1. 2.

30o 60o

W = 600 N

W = 300 N

Ans: A = 183N & B = 366 N Ans: A = 300 N & B = 519.6 N




W = 200 N Ans: T1 = 669 N & T2 = 746 N


o o
60 75 T
W2 = 300 N

W1 = 200 N

Ans: P = 245 N, Q = 273.2 N, T = 456 N , F = 612 N

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Schedule:_____________________________ Instructor:__________________

Exercises 3.1
1. Find the tensile force at A and the compression force at B as shown in the figure below.
Answers: A = 439N; B = 538 N



600 N

2. A weight of 50 lbs is suspended by two cords. Cord A makes 53 o to the right of the vertical
and cord B makes 45o to the left of the vertical. What are the forces acting at cords A and B?
3. A load of 200 N is hung from the middle of a rope which is stretched between two walls 40
ft. apart. Under the load, the rope sags 6 ft in the middle. Find the tension at ropes A and B.
4. A rope extends between two poles. A 90 N object hangs from it. The ropes make an angle of
10o to the left of horizontal and 5o to the right of the horizontal. Find the tension at the ropes.
5. Find the tension at the ropes A, B, C, and D in the figure shown below.
Answers: A = 846 N; B = 914 N; C = 400 N; D = 207 N


300 N

400 N
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Schedule:_____________________________ Instructor:__________________
Name :_______________________________ Score : ____________________
Schedule:_____________________________ Instructor:__________________
Moment or Torque is the product of the force and the perpendicular distance of its line of
action to a given axis of relation. The tendency of a moment or torque is to rotate the body or
system about the axis of rotation. The torque or moment would rotate the body in the
clockwise or counter clockwise direction.
where :M = moment about pivot point O
F = force acting on the object
d = perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation to the line of action
of the force which is also known as the moment arm or lever arm


Figure 3.5 Moment in the counterclockwise rotation

Note: It is customarily assumed that clockwise rotation is positive and the counter
clockwise rotation is negative. However, this is not true at all situations.

Example 3.4
A weight W balances a 5.2 N weight on the other side of the fulcrum as shown below.
Calculate the value of W and the reaction force of the fulcrum on the balance.

10cn 13cm


5.2 N W

10cm 13cm


5.2 N F W

 Fx = 0  Fy = 0
There is no horizontal F – 5.2 – W = 0
force involved W = F – 5.2 eq. 1

Note: Taking Momemt at any point is possible; look for the 3 possible solutions since we have
3 points of actions

 M @B + = 0 substitute to eq. 1
(5.2) 23 – F (13) = 0 W = 9.2 – 5.2
13 F = (5.2)(23) W = 4.0 N (Ans)
F = 9.2 N (Ans)
Alternate solution:

 M @C + = 0 using eq. 1, arrive at

(5.2) 10 – W (13) = 0 F = W + 5.2
13 W = 52 F = 4.0 + 5.2
W = 4.0 N (Ans) F = 9.2 N (Ans)

 M @A + = 0 using eq. 1, arrive at

10 F – 23 W = 0 F = W + 5.2
10 (W + 5.2) - 23 W = 0 F = 4.0 + 5.2
10 W + 52 – 23 W = 0 F = 9.2 N (Ans)
13 W = 52
W = 4.0 N (Ans)
Example 3.5
Find the resultant of the following forces as shown in the FBD and determine its point of
1m 1m 1m

F1 = 200 N F2 = 150 N
F3 = 250 N

 Fx = 0  Fy = 0
No horizontal force 250 – 200 – 150 + R = 0
R = 100 N 

 M @A + = 0
200 (1) - 250 (2) + 150 (3) – x R = 0
100 x = 200 – 500 + 450
100 x = 150
x = 1.5m (Ans)
Example 3.6
Find the tension in the wire and the vertical and horizontal reaction at point A as shown.


100 lb 500 lb

4’ 1’ 5’

Note T

Ay Ty

Ax A C D Tx

100 # 500 #

 Fx = 0  Fy = 0
Ax – Tx = 0 - Ay + Ty – 100 – 500 = 0
Ax = T x Ay = Ty - 600
Ax = T Cos 60o Ay = T Sin 60o - 600
Ax = 0.5 T eq. 1 Ay = 0.866 T – 600 eq. 2

 M @A + = 0
100 (5) + 500 (10) – 4 Ty = 0
4 Ty = (100)(5) + (500)(10)
4 ( T Sin 60o) = 500 + 5000
3.464 T = 5500
T = 1587.759 lb
Substitute to eq. 1 Substitute to eq. 2
Ax = 0.5 (1587.879) Ay = 0.866 (1587.879)
Ax = 793.879 lb (Ans) Ay = 775.0 lb (Ans)
Name :_______________________________ Score : ____________________
Schedule:_____________________________ Instructor:__________________

1. A uniform bar 12 ft long, weighs 20 lbs. A 10 lbs weight is hung at the right end of the bar.
a) At what point must the force be supported for it to remain horizontal?
b) What is the reaction force at the support?

2. Find the tension in the cord T and the reaction at A as shown below.

T 2’

2’ 100 #

A 30o 30 #

3. A uniform bar 6 ft long is held by ropes at the ends making 60o and 30o respectively with
the horizontal. A weight of 300 lbs is hung 1 ft from the left and where the 60o rope is
attached Find the tension in the ropes and the weight of the bar.

4. A uniform ladder 13 ft long and weighing 40 lbs leans against a smooth vertical wall at a
point 12 ft from the rough floor. Calculate the reacting forces at the floor and the wall. Solve
by component and polygon method.

5. A uniform beam 20 ft long weighs 40 lbs/ ft. It is supported and with loads as shown. Find
the reaction on each support R1 and R2. Draw the FBD.

7’ 1’ 3’ 8’ 1’


W2 W3 3'

Name :_______________________________ Score : ____________________
Schedule:_____________________________ Instructor:__________________
Name :_______________________________ Score : ____________________
Schedule:_____________________________ Instructor:__________________
Center of gravity on a body is point on a body where the weight is concentrated so that when
supported at this point, the body will balance in all positions or remain in equilibrium.
For uniformly distributed loads, it is important to know the center of gravity since these are
the points where the concentrated force act on the other body.

Description Figure x y

Rectangle /
Square y x/2 y/2

Triangle y x/3 y/3

y R
Semi - circle x/2 0.424 R

y R
Quarter – circle 0.424R 0.424R

The location of center of gravity or centroids is represented by x and y from a reference

point or origin in the cartesian coordinate system.

General equation of centroids:

 Ax A1x1 + A2x2 + A3x3+….. +Anxn

x = ---------- = --------------------------------------

 Ay A1y1 + A2y2 + A3y3+….. +Anyn

y = ---------- = --------------------------------------
Example 3.7
Find the center of gravity of the T-section of the cast iron beam as shown in the figure
below. 120 cm 40cm

40cm 120 cm

Solution: centroids of each rectangular solid:

y x1 = 120/2 = 60
y1 = 120/2 =60
x2 = 120 + 40/2 = 140
A1 A2 y2 = 120/2 = 60
x1 y1 y2
Solving for the total area:
AT = A1 + A2
AT = 120(40) + 120(40)
AT = 4,800 + 4,800 = 9,600 cm2

A1x1 + A2x2 (4,800)(60) + (4,800)(140)

x = ------------------ = -------------------------------- = 100 cm
AT 9,600

A1y1 + A2y2 (4,800)(60) + (4,800)(60)

y = ------------------- = ---------------------------------- = 60.0 cm
AT 9,600

Therefore, the centroids of the T-section beam is at x = 100 cm and y = 60 cm from the
origin of the x and-axis.
Supplementary Problems:
Locate the centroids of the shaded area of the following figures:
1. 2. 3.

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