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The environmental aspects that have been thoroughly include Air quality impact;
Noise/vibration impact; Water supply and quality impact; Effect on vegetation; Disposal of
storm waters; Energy supply and use; Waste management implications; Landscape and
visual impact; Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) requirements.

The main aspects to be covered in the contract and also monitored in the environmental
and social monitoring program include the following:

 Management or disposal of wastes generated

 Drainage and water resources like modification of drainage systems/alteration of
surface or subsurface water flows, water pollution;
 Road and traffic safety issues.
 Site selection/location of quarry and borrow material sources and their operation and
hauling condition,
 Acquisition of land for the project requirements and rehabilitation measures after
completion of works,
 Site selection, establishment and operation of contractors’ site facilities (like workers
campsites, stone crusher and asphalt mixing plants, workshops, materials casting
 Resettlement and compensation processes and grievances;
 Impacts on water supply systems such as pipelines, protected springs and hand pumps,
and competition for water;
 Spoil or excess excavation materials disposal condition like location of disposal sites,
 Impacts on land use, landscape quality;
Negative Impacts of the project

 Potential Adverse Impacts on the Physical Environment and Mitigation Measures:

 Water pollution:
 Solid Waste:
 Air pollution / localized air pollution/:
 Noise pollution:
 Environmental Pollution Control

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When a subproject includes distinct mitigation measures (physical works or management activities),
an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) needs to be included with the subproject application.
An EMP usually includes the following components:

 Description of adverse effects

 Description of mitigation measures
 Description of monitoring program
 Responsibilities
 Implementation schedule.
 Cost estimates and sources of funds
 Monitoring Methods

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Table: Environmental monitoring/Management plans for the construction phase

S.N Expected Negative Mitigation Responsible Time Frame Estimated
Impacts Measures Party Cost
1 Air Pollution Throughout construction 50, 000.00
2 Solid Waste Disposal During the beginning
phase of the project 100, 000.00

3 Increased storm water, runoff and During the beginning

soil erosion phase of the project 100, 000.00

4 Environmental Concern during Throughout construction 50, 000.00

construction phase period

5 Noise and vibration Throughout construction 50,000.00

6 Dust emission Throughout construction 50, 000.00
7 Exhaust emission Throughout construction 50, 000.00
8 Wastewater Throughout construction 50, 000.00
9 Occupational health and safety Every 3 months 50,000.00
risks during construction
period and occupational
10 Water One off activity 50,000.00
harvesting and storage facilities

Total 600,000.00

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Revised Costs after Ato Daniel Comment

Table: Environmental monitoring/Management plans for the construction phase

S.N Expected Negative Mitigation Responsible Time Frame Estimated
Impacts Measures Party Cost
1 Air Pollution Throughout construction 10, 000.00
2 Solid Waste Disposal During the beginning
phase of the project 5, 000.00

3 Increased storm water, runoff and During the beginning

soil erosion phase of the project 5, 000.00

4 Environmental Concern during Throughout construction 10, 000.00

construction phase period

5 Noise and vibration Throughout construction 10, 000.00

6 Dust emission Throughout construction 10, 000.00
7 Exhaust emission Throughout construction 10, 000.00
8 Wastewater Throughout construction 10, 000.00
9 Occupational health and safety Every 3 months 10, 000.00
risks during construction
period and occupational
10 Water One off activity 10, 000.00
harvesting and storage facilities

Total 100,000.00

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