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Zahwa Ayunda Salsabilla


A 2017 3. Group 3

University of Riau

1. Tomoko spends an equal amount of money on entertainment and clothes.

2. Tomoko spends 45 per cent of her money on rent and food, but she only spends 25% of
her money on study materials.
3. Tomoko spends less on clothes than she spends on study materials
4. Tomoko spends almost as much money on rent and food as she does on everything else
put together.

5. 43 % of the readers have never smoked

6. Almost a third of the readers used to smoke but have now given up.

7. A minority of readers smoke less than ten cigarettes a day

8. Generally speaking , men are heavier smokers than women

9. The Presentage of readers who smoke more than twenty a day is quite small, at
11 precent overall.

10. The figures for the 20-plus group and the 10-19 group are close to 11%

1. Information from this graph is the rise/ growth in the number of overseas
students at a university over a twenty year period.

2. - The number of overseas students studying at the university has risen Considerably

- The graph shows an considerable increase in the number of overseas students at the


The effect it gives a more accurate description.

3. - a gradual increase

- a stable

- a peak

- a dramatic increase

- a fall

4. a. It falls sharply
b. it rises steadly
c. it remains constant
d. it reaches a peak
e. it rises sharply
f. it decreases gradually

5. People ( car owners)

6. Years

7. Car owners in millions

8. Car ownership in Britain has risen dramatically.

9. a. since 1960 has risen car owners in Britain

b. over a 40 year period, betwen 1960-2000 the car owners rose in Britain

10. a. Since 1960, the number of car owners in Britain has risen dramatically
from bellow 2 million to 25 million.

b. The number of car owners in Britain rose dramatically from under 2

million in 1960 to 25 million in 2000

11. Between 1980 and 1998, the number of students at the University rose
considerably from just over 200 to 800.

12. a. The first graph shows the number of grocery stores that closed in Britain
(in thousand) between 1961 and 1971 there was a step fall until 1980. Very
few stores closed between then and 1995
b. The second graph shows the increase in the types of products sold at
supermarket between 1950 and 1995. The types of product stocked
increased significantly from 550 to 19000 between 1950 and 1995

c. The last graph shows the growth of supermarket in Britain between 1985
and 1996. During this time there was a steady growth in the number of
supermarkets from 400 to 1000

Answer :

13.The number of humbergers sold at Harry’s over a one year period

14.The pattern is variable

15. To get a clear picture of the trend in sales over the year

16.The simple past tense

17. a. Fewer humbergers were sold in April than in March according to this


b. The sale of hamburgers was stable throughout January, February and most of March
c. The lowest sales of hamburgers were in October when they dropped to 1250 for the


f. Hamburgers were more popular in summer than in winter according to this graph.

Answer :

The graph shows the fluctuation in the number of people at a London

underground station over the course of a day. According to the graph there is a
sharp increase between 6.00 and 8.00 in the morning, with 400 people using the
station at 8 o’clock. After this, the numbers fall dramatically to less than 200 at 10
o’clock. Between 11.00 and 3.00 the number of people rises and falls evenly with a
plateau around lunchtime of just under 300 people using the station. Numbers then
decline, with the lowest number being recorded at 4.00 in the afternoon. There is
then a rapid rise between 4.00 and 6 pm during the evening rush hour with a peak
of 380 people at 6 pm. After 7 pm numbers fall significantly, with only slight
increase again just after 8 pm, tailing off after 9 pm. The graps shows that the
situation is most crowded in the early morning and early evening rush hour

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