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Why was Mandy tired this morning? Because she had stayed up until 3 a.m.

Why was your plane late? Because it had been delayed by bad weather.

Why was the house a mess on Sunday morning? Because we'd had a party on Saturday night.

Why wasn't Paul hungry at lunch? Because he had had a late breakfast.

Why didn't Andy go to his maths lesson? Because he hadn't done his homework.

Why was Keith late for work yesterday? Because he hadn't heard his alarm.

Why was Agnes red in the face when she arrived Because the lift wasn't working and she had
on the sixteenth floor. walked up the stairs.

Why didn't the TV work when Eric switched it on? Because he had forgotten to plug it in!

Why were Candy's legs stiff on Monday morning? Because she had been hiking on Sunday afternoon.

Why was Millie crying this afternoon? Because she had split up with her boyfriend.

Why was Amy so pleased with herself this

Because she had passed her exam.

Why did Gilbert hide in the toilet on the train? Because he hadn't bought a ticket.

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