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Business impacts

of machine learning
Sponsored by Google Cloud
Business impacts of machine learning | Sponsored by Google Cloud

Executive summary 04
1. Machine learning in global business 07
2. Estimate of business impact 11
3. Revenue and growth benefits 13
4. Time and efficiency benefits 17
5. Capital savings 20
6. Costs of investment 24
7. Where to invest 27
Appendix 32
End notes 35
References 36

Executive summary
Machine Learning (ML) is a method of data analysis
that automates the building of analytical models

These algorithm-based models are and ultimately increase a business’

primarily built from statistical techniques revenue, growth and market position.
and theoretical computer science, and
This report finds that there is a big global
leverage large datasets to continuously
opportunity for ML in terms of current
learn and improve. While the techniques
investment and expected future growth.
themselves are not new, the use of
An MIT Technology Review survey of 375
machine learning is facilitating faster and
leading businesses in over 30 countries
larger change in business models than
found that 60% of respondents had
previously possible. This report considers
already implemented an ML strategy and
both core ML methods as well as artificial
had committed to ongoing investment in
intelligence (AI) and other applications
ML.1 Global market revenue for ML as a
that directly flow from their use.
service (MLaaS), or vendor platforms for
Businesses incorporate ML into their core ML, totalled US$1.07 billion in 2016, and is
processes for a variety of strategic reasons. expected to grow to US$20 billion by 2025.2
ML can deliver benefits such as the ability to
Importantly, there are also a range of costs
discover patterns and correlations, improve
and benefits for business, as shown in
customer segmentation and targeting,
Figure i and presented in the report.

Figure i: Costs and benefits of ML projects

Revenue and growth Time and efficiencies

•• Predicting business outcomes •• Process efficiencies
•• Personalising customer engagement •• Labour efficiencies
•• Improving business strategy through better •• Value chain efficiencies.
market intelligence and pattern recognition
•• Gaining competitive advantage.

Capital savings Investment costs

•• Optimising production inputs •• Data
•• Maintaining capital assets •• Human resources
•• Quality control. •• Third party vendor.

Business impacts of machine learning | Sponsored by Google Cloud

For this research, Deloitte Access for most projects ranging from US$250,000 Deloitte Access Economics’ research
Economics compiled a database of over to US$20 million. For some businesses, ML and consultations suggest that on average
50 ML applications globally with a range is a long-term, transformative investment it takes around 12 months to develop
of applications and benefits to estimate expected to deliver benefits of a few billion a successful project, including data
ML ROI, defined as the dollar return of the dollars over several years. collection, model development and training,
project in the first year of implementation and implementation. However, this is
ML projects also require significant
divided by the total project investment variable depending on the complexity
investment, with small projects considered
to date.3 of the problem or task at hand.
in this research costing a few hundred
The estimates show that ML ROI in the first thousand dollars and larger, enterprise- Where to invest
year can range from around 2 to 5 times level projects costing a few million dollars. Beyond the exciting potential business
the cost, depending on the nature of the These costs largely depend on how a outcomes, there are considerations that
project and a range of factors including business decides to go about procuring organisations need to evaluate in order
industry and success of implementation. and implementing ML applications. Some to maximise the returns on investment.
As an indication, project implementation key critical factors relate to whether the
Deloitte has created a framework (see
can comprise up to around 40% of the project is developed in-house, outsourced,
Figure ii) to help Executives evaluate
total project costs. how customised the solution is, the volume,
business readiness for machine learning,
availability and degree of structure in the
Estimate of business impacts and prioritise where to invest in the short
data, availability of ML 'teachers' project
Use cases of ML in Deloitte Access term to enable longer term benefits.
duration, as well as vendors' specific
Economics’ database highlight benefits
cost structures.

Figure ii: Evaluation framework – business readiness for ML

Technical capability development

2 2

Identify and define the problem Execute Assess and iterate

•• What is the right problem to solve? •• Who is the right third party vendor? •• Is the model optimal, or should the
•• What is the hypothesis to be tested? •• How can learning be accelerated? algorithm be changes?
•• How should experiments be measured? •• Is feedback intelligently collected •• Is the hypothesis correctly defined,
•• How should a benchmark be established? and utilised? and is the approach correct?
•• Is the right data available? •• What is the return on investment?
Continue to invest?

Organisation and executive transformation

ML applications were drawn from uses cases from a range of countries including Australia, United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Japan
and Indonesia. By its nature, this database is not a representative sample of all projects. Abandoned or failed projects are not included in the database, and while
these returns have been realised for the specific projects listed, in general, returns may vary given different implementation, business processes or other factors.

Benefits in the form of revenue
growth, time, capital and efficiency
savings can range from between
US$250,000 to US$20 million

Global market revenue for machine

learning as a service (MLaaS) was
US$1.07 billion in 2016

Return on investment
on most standard machine
learning projects in the
first year is 2-5 times
the cost

The average project

has a duration of about
12 months

Costs to develop models and implement

solutions can range from a few
thousand dollars to a few million

MLaaS global market

revenue is expected to grow to
US$20 billion by 2025

Business impacts of machine learning | Sponsored by Google Cloud

Machine learning
in global business
Machine Learning (ML) is a method of data analysis
that automates the building of analytical models.

ML models are at the heart of artificial Some practical examples of machine

intelligence (AI) capabilities, including learning include language translation,
applications that enable intelligent image recognition, chat bots, and
engagement and process automation. predictive analytics.
The technology can be used to simulate
Businesses incorporate ML into their core
aspects of human intelligence such
processes for a variety of strategic reasons.
as language, forming concepts and
ML can deliver benefits to performance
abstractions, and problem solving.
outcomes and improve a business’
Learning is one such feature of human
position in the market. The benefits
intelligence, and in ML, algorithm-based
include the ability to discover patterns
models are ‘trained’ to become better at
and correlations, personalise customer
their assigned tasks through iterations
engagement, and ultimately increase
of inputs and data.
a business’ revenue and growth.
ML has enabled new applications and
use cases that were difficult, or impossible,
under traditional programming paradigms.

Figure 1.1: Machine learning project development process

Idea creation




1.1 Automation and augmentation Figure 1.2 depicts a typical work-flow

The way ML is directed – how human and process. In this example, the model is
machine behaviours are integrated – can being trained to detect manufacturing
have significant changes on businesses’ defects by feeding training inputs of images
capital and labour structures. of products which have been labelled as
normal or defective. The model begins to
On one hand, ML can be deployed to
recognise patterns in the features of both
automate tasks that can be codified, are
normal and defective products, and learns
criteria-driven and repetitive or rote in
which features should be weighted more or
nature, such as search and information
less heavily when determining the presence
retrieval, or sorting products into various
of defects. The more sample images the
categories. Businesses save on costs by
model is trained with, the more it will refine
increasing task efficiencies and reducing
these weights to higher accuracy.
labour effort and hours.
Finally, when presented with new products,
On the other hand, ML may be used to
the trained model will be able to detect
complement human decision-making or
whether each product is defective or not.
introduce entirely new capabilities, that
is, augment human intelligence. ML as Businesses develop ML capabilities
augmented intelligence is particularly in unique ways. Often, they will have
common in cases where the outputs of ML a dedicated team of data scientists and
models, such as predictions and other data /or developers creating applications
insights, are used as an input into decision- using third party vendor software
making. Benefits to this include identifying and tools. Some vendors also offer
new opportunities and making decisions cognitive application programming
using a richness of data in terms of volume interface (API) platforms that enable
and variety that would not be possible on human-like understanding of content
a manual scale alone. such as images, speech and text.

Business impacts of machine learning | Sponsored by Google Cloud

Figure 1.2: Typical machine learning work-flow process

Training inputs Outputs

Images Is this product defective



Trained model

Similarly, open source platforms The International Data Corporation (IDC) This growth represents a compound
provide the fundamental constructs to defines cognitive applications as a set of annual growth rate (CAGR) of 38.4% from
build ML applications, but their use can technologies that use deep natural language 2017-2025 and is expected to be driven by
require more in-house capabilities. The processing to answer questions and provide ongoing development in ML techniques and
vast majority of ML applications are recommendations that automatically adapt growth in the major market players such as
created and executed on platforms hosted and learn from its mistakes, and estimates the healthcare and life sciences industry.
on cloud technology. Software platforms worldwide spending on them to be
Regionally, North American expenditure
used by businesses are also not mutually US$4.5 billion in 2017.6
on MLaaS accounts for US$362.7 million
exclusive: a single use case can operate
Further, expenditure on cognitive software in 2016, and the region is expected to
across multiple platforms, for example,
platforms as defined by IDC is expected to retain its global leadership in sector
one that is built on an open source
be US$2.5 billion in 2017, which includes revenue to 2025.9
platform hosted in the cloud.
the tools to analyse, organise, access
The growth rate of global investment
1.2 Global investment and provide advisory services based on
in cognitive applications that use ML is
An MIT Technology Review survey of 375 a range of unstructured and structured
also expected to be strong over the next
leading businesses in over 30 countries information, as used in ML. Spending on
5 years, with a CAGR of investment of
found that 60% of respondents had already cognitive-related IT and business services is
69.6% for the period to 2020.10
implemented an ML strategy and had estimated to be greater than US$3.5 billion
committed to ongoing investment in ML.4 in 2017, and dedicated storage purchase Currently, IDC estimates over three-
will total US$1.9 billion.7 quarters of global spending on cognitive
Global market revenue for ML as a
applications is from the United States,
service (MLaaS), or vendor platforms Market growth
totalling over US$9.7 billion, followed by
for ML, amounted to US$1.07 billion in Demand for MLaaS vendor platforms is
Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA)
2016.5 More broadly, ML models support expected to grow strongly in coming years,
and Asia-Pacific, though due to growth
cognitive applications to enable intelligent with this segment of the industry forecast
in the Japanese market, Asia-Pacific
engagement and process automation. to generate global market revenue of
spending is anticipated to exceed
US$20 billion by 2025.8
that in EMEA by 2020.11

Our approach to this study

Deloitte Access Economics’ A number of business interviews

research into the business impact were also conducted as part of this
of ML has been informed through the study, including, but not limited
compilation of a database of machine to, Google customers. Consulted
learning applications across countries parties included:
and industries and consultation •• Red Marker – an Australian
with businesses. regtech pioneer
The database includes 52 use cases, •• Pluribus Labs – US data scientists
different regions (including Australia, using ML to deliver predictive
United States, United Kingdom, Italy, investment information
Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Japan •• Kofera – an Indonesian
and Indonesia), automation and marketing platform
augmentation applications, and •• USAA – a direct insurance
using a range of market platforms. company serving US military
•• Airbus – French aircraft
•• MainAd – an Italian-grown
advertising technology company
•• Data61 – an Australian
Government data and digital
innovation group.
Some case studies from these
consultations have been included
in the report. The purpose of these
case studies is to illustrate real world
examples of ML being used in a
variety of industry applications.

Business impacts of machine learning | Sponsored by Google Cloud

Estimate of
business impact
There are many use cases and a range of potential
benefits for businesses from investing in ML. The business
impact of ML can be measured in terms of the investment
costs and the return on this investment.

2.1 The investment takes time and money 2.2 Benefits for businesses
ML, by nature, requires significant amounts As a starting point, it is important to
of data as inputs to train models, which is recognise that not all ML projects are
a significant resource and investment. The successful. The sector’s mantra “fail fast,
identification of appropriate algorithms and fail often” reflects the iterative nature
the development of a working model takes of ML project development, and the
time and may require many iterations to repeated stages of idea creation,
develop a workable result. prototype development, testing,
analysis and refinement.
A business will also need to make
choices between hiring data scientists Once a successful project is developed,
and software developers and developing there can be significant benefits, which for
models in-house, outsourcing this model the majority of the projects considered by
development or taking a hybrid approach. Deloitte Access Economics, can range from
The time and dollar investments can be between US$250,000 to US$20 million
substantial, involving around 12 months over multiple years net of investment.
of work to get projects off the ground. Separately, some large projects can deliver
exponential returns beyond a few billion
Small projects can cost a few hundred
dollars, especially in the public and health
thousand dollars, while larger enterprise-
sectors where there are potentially huge
level projects can cost a few million
avoided social costs, or for very large
dollars to scale and implement.
businesses in the private sector.
These costs of investment are explored
further in Chapter 6.

ML This ROI estimate is based on selection of projects listed in the Appendix of this report. By its nature, it is not a representative sample of all projects. Firstly,
abandoned or failed projects are not included in the database. The project details come from a range of sources,based on details from proponents, and have
not been independently verified for this report. Also, while these returns have been realised for the specific projects listed, general ROI may vary given different
implementation, business processes or other factors.

Figure 2.1: Costs and benefits of ML projects

Revenue and growth Time and efficiencies

•• Predicting business outcomes •• Process efficiencies
•• Personalising customer engagement •• Labour efficiencies
•• Improving business strategy through better •• Value chain efficiencies.
market intelligence and pattern recognition
•• Gaining competitive advantage.

Capital savings Investment costs

•• Optimising production inputs •• Data
•• Maintaining capital assets •• Human resources
•• Quality control. •• Third party vendor.

Figure 2.1 summarises the many and That said, Deloitte Access Economics’ Aside from model development,
varied benefits and investment costs research and consultations estimate implementation, testing and validation
associated with ML projects. Examples annual ROI as the dollar return of the are important project components. ML
of these benefits are explored in the project in the first year of implementation models will likely need fine-tuning after
following chapters. divided by the total project investment being assessed on how they perform in
to date. This generalised estimate of practice or in the case of predictive models,
2.3 Return on investment (ROI)
ROI acknowledges that costs tend to be how predictions compare to expectations
Project ROI is affected by a number
incurred up front, while returns are often and intuition. Generally, results need to
of factors, and can vary depending on:
ongoing and realised at different rates be validated using other information, for
•• The industry in which the business over several years. example, in the case of financial advice,
operates, the regulatory environment outputs may need to be checked against
Standard ML projects tend to have
and level of collaboration regulations for compliance, to ensure that
an ROI of between two to five times
•• The application itself results are sound, understood and usable.
the investment in the first year of
•• The type of use case being developed
implementation. For many projects, In the ongoing evolution of digital
•• The scale of the project
recurrent benefits are expected to accrue technologies, it is important for businesses
•• The talent profile of the implementation
after the first year, which can result in to keep abreast of opportunities to take
team and access to ML 'teachers'
higher overall project ROI depending on advantage of ML. Businesses should be
•• The relative success of the project’s
whether further investments are needed.12 well informed of opportunities to make
implementation within a business
deliberate and appropriate decisions
•• The country in which the project While there are many examples of projects
about where to invest, whether ML
occurs, including the conduciveness which have returns up to five times the cost
will be of benefit in their operations
of the environment for innovation. of investment, it is important to recognise
and whether it is appropriate for them
that machine learning is an exponential
to be a leader in this space.
technology. There are some projects have
the potential to produce much greater
returns in the long term.

Business impacts of machine learning | Sponsored by Google Cloud

Revenue and
growth benefits
Businesses are using more and more data to better
identify patterns and make strategic decisions that
drive revenue growth.

ML can help businesses increase 3.1 Predicting business outcomes

revenue by extending data analytics In a fast-changing market environment,
efforts to gain insights at a greater businesses face mounting pressures to
volume, quality and speed. be innovative and agile by staying ahead
of market trends and predicting how
In fact, 45% of ML adopters say the
customers are likely to react.
technology has led to more extensive
data analysis and insights.13 These data Many businesses already use data
insights drive various avenues of revenue analytics to forecast demand for
growth, from predicting business outcomes their products and services. Demand
and improving business strategy to better forecasting allows businesses to manage
customer engagement. Used strategically, their inventory stock, evaluate economic
these insights allow businesses to gain a returns on promotions and reduce costs.
competitive edge over their market peers. ML models are more powerful than
traditional statistical forecasting because
they can incorporate feedback into the
loop which constantly tunes the model,
making it more accurate over time.

Kofera – digital marketing in Asia

Kofera uses machine learning This can be uploaded onto a search

to help e-commerce and online engine and is linked in real-time to
retailers build, optimise and monitor actual inventory stock.
their advertising and marketing
Mr Rifai believes that “machine
campaigns. Based in Indonesia,
learning is the future of marketing
Kofera’s clients range from small
optimisation”. One example involves
and medium businesses (SMBs)
creating predictive models that
to large businesses with over
perform dynamic budget allocation.
a million products.
The model is trained on historical
Bachtiar Rifai, Founder and Chief data and provides suggestions of
Executive Officer says that “60% how businesses should allocate
of clients choose Kofera and other their marketing budget between
vendors because they have identified different campaigns. As these budget
a problem and are drawn to our allocations are updated, the model
results”, noting that clients often do is retrained on incoming data and
not have a technical understanding can continue to optimise
of machine learning and how it works. its recommendations.
Kofera’s applications of machine This translates into real cost savings
learning vary with business size. for businesses. Kofera’s clients can
For small retailers, Kofera assists save over 15% on marketing costs by
with overcoming the complexity using campaign monitoring systems
of direct advertising on the internet which optimise campaigns every
by creating a digital platform with 15 minutes instead of weekly or
an interface that is easy to use. monthly. These benefits are
quickly realisable too – benefits
On the other end of the scale
from cleaning data and using NLP are
are businesses with a large
virtually instantaneous, and benefits
inventory to be categorised, labelled
from marketing optimisation are
and described. Using product
realised in as little as one to
information provided by the seller,
two months.
Kofera’s campaign builder uses
Natural Language Processing (NLP),
a machine learning text analytics
technique, to categorise and create
advertising copy for each product.

Business impacts of machine learning | Sponsored by Google Cloud

3.2 Personalising customer engagement These prediction-based recommendations In studies conducted up to five years ago,
Businesses can use data insights lead to higher sales revenue by exposing researchers found that companies that
derived using ML to improve customer customers to additional products of use data analytics in their decision-making
engagement by better identifying, interest and encouraging upgrades were 5% more productive and 6% more
understanding and responding to to more expensive products.15 profitable than competitors.17 Other
customers. For example, speech and text studies showed that firms with these
3.3 Improving business strategy
analytics ML techniques can be applied to capabilities were also five times as likely to
The powerful combination of business
document live customer interactions to make decisions faster than competitors
expertise and ML drives better strategic
follow up on potential sales leads. and three times as likely to have faster
revenue growth decisions.
execution on those decisions.18
ML-driven data analytics can improve
ML models are commonly used to develop
efforts at customer segmentation to However, the percentage of organisations
optimal pricing strategies to maximise
predict the most profitable, or most risky reporting competitive advantage from
profits. Dynamic price optimisation is a
customers. In the insurance industry, analytics is on the decline.19 This is because
revenue management tool widely used in
predictive models that identify high risk more companies now compete with
retail, automotive, mobile communication
customers help insurance businesses analytics, which makes it more difficult
and electricity industries, and is generated
minimise losses and develop appropriate to maintain an edge over competitors.
using data on variability in customer
premiums. An ML approach adds value by
preferences and buying patterns. Advancing analytics capabilities to ML
feeding real world decisions back into the
is the next step for businesses looking
pricing model, which improves with training. ML models are increasingly necessary
to maintain that edge. A joint survey
to handle the volume of e-commerce
For online businesses with large product conducted by the MIT Technology Review
data in real-time.16 By using ML to make
ranges, machine-learned ranking (MLR) (2017) finds that 26% of organisations
use of all available data and generate
can improve product search using currently using ML have gained
customised price offers for the right
personalisation based on a user’s search a competitive advantage over
customer at the right time, businesses
and previous purchasing history, which market peers.
can increase the probability of sales
means customers can find and purchase
and generate higher revenue.
the right products faster.14
3.4 Gaining competitive advantage
ML-developed product recommendation
ML helps businesses gain a competitive
systems learn behavioural shopping
advantage, especially for those already
patterns, such as purchasing similarities
with data analytics capabilities.
between customers or relatedness of
search items, to predict customers’
preferences towards new items.

Pluribus Labs – unlocking investment
insights from public data

Pluribus Labs uses machine Wachi Bandara, Chief Research

learning techniques to deliver Officer, and Sebastien Astie, Chief
predictive investment information. Technology Officer, note that 'there is
Their models run on publicly no way to distil or make sense of this
available data, ranging from data without machine learning'.
corporate filings to online
The better the training, the more
discussions and news.
effective the model. This power
The team of eight data scientists means that a few data scientists can
train models to identify relevant do the work of numerous research
patterns and capture the economic analysts. This leads to efficiency
fundamentals in the data. This helps benefits for Pluribus Labs’ clients and
them uncover insights and signals increases the available information
suitable for trading. The models supporting trading decisions.
are constantly running, utilising
the latest information.

Business impacts of machine learning | Sponsored by Google Cloud

Time and efficiency benefits

Businesses can achieve significant time and efficiency benefits by using ML
applications to cut down on costs and shift human resources to higher value activities.
ML techniques aid in the development of applications that automate tasks and
augment existing processes, leading to productivity improvements and cost savings.

4.1 Labour efficiencies This both reduces human effort Businesses that introduce these
Many routine internal processes can be (lowering costs) and provides changes into their organisations stand
done quicker and more systematically by a better solution (improving value). to make more efficient use of their
machines than people. The MIT Technology workforce, and may see second-order
ML models also allow businesses to reduce
Review (2017) survey of businesses found growth benefits as resources are shifted
search costs in data-heavy information
that 30% of adopters of ML had gained into other functions such as strategic
retrieval tasks such as regulatory
internal process efficiencies.20 planning and business development.
compliance and legal research. Models can
For client-facing businesses, ML models perform exhaustive searches in a fraction 4.2 Value chain efficiencies
can be used to streamline customer of the time it takes for people to manually Many efficiencies achievable through ML
interactions. Businesses can deploy text scan and cross-reference documents. relate to how a business can function
and voice analytics techniques such as optimally in its external operating
Delegating part of the work-flow to ML
natural language processing to understand environment. According to the MIT
models also means that high-skilled
and triage customer interactions and track Technology Review (2017), 19% of ML
workers can concentrate on performing
responses. Directing customers to the adopters report having achieved
high productivity tasks. Models can
information they need faster can improve these efficiencies.
provide preliminary structure to raw
customer satisfaction and decrease churn
data, saving people from performing As discussed in Section 3.3, ML
by reducing call volume and duration
routine tasks that are highly time models can optimise decision making
of calls. Where concerns about customer
consuming. For example, in the medical by analysing the state of the value chain.
confidentiality mean that user identities
and health sciences, classification models These predictive models continuously
need to be authenticated, businesses
can perform initial first-stage sorting of incorporate new information on supply
can benefit from the use of speech
medical scans, which allows diagnosticians chain facilities, transport capacities,
recognition techniques.
to focus on other tasks and intervene at a customer service requirements and
This means that substantial human later stage to confirm or sort ambiguous profit requirements, providing a basis
resources can be saved in documenting samples. This can help radiologists and for decision-making that is highly
and interpreting customer-related data. doctors work faster and more accurately. evidenced by data analytics.

Of the businesses sampled by MIT, one third are still in the early stage of their strategy, and while more than half of this group are beginning to see demonstrable
ROI, less than 18% measure ROI on any analytics initiatives. Hence, this efficiency achievement rate may be an under-representation due to low rates of evaluation.

MainAd – making a bid for space

MainAd is a global digital company According to Co-Founder and Chief

that helps businesses determine Operating Officer Piero Pavone, this
the best places to advertise online, has improved the quality of web
a process called re-targeting. traffic that is being targeted to their
MainAd uses machine learning to business clients, resulting in better
predict the potential business value sales outcomes.
of advertising spaces by analysing
Mr Pavone describes the
data on their traffic and web user
organisational change that machine
browsing behaviour. As many as 150
learning has brought about. “The
billion impressions, or advertising
work of our data scientists has
instances, are evaluated every day.
changed from daily analysis to
Using these predictions, MainAd bids working with and refining the model.
for advertising space in high-speed, What this has meant for the firm is
high-volume auctions where spaces that rather than spending time on
are traded every 100 milliseconds. daily activities, our staff have been
Processing big data into machine able to work on macro strategies
learning models has allowed the to monetise our clients and
company to optimise its bidding grow the company.”
strategies at a much more detailed
level than before, building the logic
around each single opportunity
rather than taking bulk decisions per
group of users.

Business impacts of machine learning | Sponsored by Google Cloud

Airbus – achieving efficiency in operations

Airbus Defence and Space utilises Laurent Gabet, Optical R&D

machine learning in a number of Manager, and Mathias Ortner, Data
applications. One of these is the Analysis and Image Processing Lead,
detection and correction of satellite categorise the benefits of machine
images with imperfections such as learning in 3 main areas:
the presence of clouds. For example, •• Achieving things were not
it can be challenging to detect the previously thought possible
difference between clouds and snow •• Developing algorithms where
on images by eye. Machine learning the required technology was not
techniques allow a previously time- previously available
consuming task that was prone •• Improving existing processes.
to human error to be made more
“While the first can be considered
efficient and accurate. This allows
the most exciting and innovative
for analysis of higher quality satellite
– for example, cloud versus snow
images and provides information on
detection in images, the third can
cloud location so satellite systems
be the most important in terms
can be reprogrammed as needed.
of business operations”, notes
Airbus also uses machine learning Mr Gabet.
to extract information from satellite
Airbus expects future
images for big data-style analysis, for
applications to continue to achieve
use in other applications, including
improvements. They have already
for agricultural, engineering or
seen a significant reduction in the
environmental purposes. Prior to
time to build algorithms, from several
using machine learning techniques,
years down to a few weeks, and this
data scientists had to develop
reduces time to trial so that new
rule-based algorithms to extract
applications can be developed.
information in a geometric way; for
example specifying that buildings
are likely to be rectangular. By
picking up on patterns on their own,
machine learning algorithms are
an improvement on this, and
more accurate.

Capital savings
There are many ways ML help businesses make better
use of their physical assets and budgets. Optimising
different stages of the production process, from
inventory management to quality control can
deliver substantial savings to businesses.

5.1 Optimising production inputs ML models are well-suited to augment

ML models can optimise businesses’ use of industry expertise to solve these
inputs and capital assets. In manufacturing optimisation problems.
and operating processes, relying on default
For example, use of ML models can
settings or historical experience alone
also help businesses minimise their
may mean that physical capital is not being
facility costs. By predicting demand
deployed most efficiently. Trial-and-error
for production, ML models can help
processes can also result in a high amount
businesses better align resource usage
of material being wasted.
to their actual needs. ML can also be used
Manufacturing businesses are often faced to discover production parameters and
with trade-offs between minimising tune the end-to-end process; for example,
production costs and ensuring that dynamically adjusting the temperature of
products comply with quality standards a furnace or mixture of input materials.
and regulatory requirements.

Business impacts of machine learning | Sponsored by Google Cloud

Kewpie – ensuring high quality ingredients

and products

Kewpie, a major food manufacturer After spending four months to

in Japan, uses machine learning to develop the proof-of-concept
implement strict quality control of the and prototype, and a further five
diced potatoes used in manufacturing months of testing, adjusting and
baby food. In alignment with the implementing, machine learning
company's principle of creating high has delivered tangible benefits
quality end products, rigorous checks on the factory floor.
are required to ensure that the
Machine learning has helped double
raw ingredients are safe and
production speed and increase staff
of high quality.
productivity by running preliminary
Without machine learning, each checks using image recognition
quality control inspector would techniques so that staff can
assess more than one million diced perform secondary, refined checks
potatoes by eye every day. Takeshi for defective potato cubes. This
Ogino, Deputy General Manager of approach has helped improve the
Production Division believes that quality of potatoes allowed through
“machine learning has been valuable to the processing stage by reducing
for Kewpie to achieve this in a much instances of human error.
more efficient manner.”
Using the same concept, Mr Ogino
says that Kewpie is looking to expand
the use of machine learning to
its other products as well as
throughout the end-to-end
manufacturing process.

5.2 Maintaining capital assets While quality control is usually performed
Knowing when capital assets need by human inspectors, their reliability and
to undergo maintenance work or be efficiency can be limited by differences
upgraded can be costly and inaccurate. in individual skills, and the sheer volume
Predictive ML models can monitor asset and complexity of object attributes. For
conditions by collecting data on the example, it can be difficult for people to
operational performance of equipment distinguish correctly between defects and
and components, often from sensors and random or irrelevant attributes every time.
high in volume from sensors. From there, On the other hand, automated ML quality
ML models can be trained to analyse inspection systematically extracts the
performance and compute important relevant relationships to help uncover root
metrics such as the remaining lifetime of causes of problems. This can be a more
components. Using these predictions of cost-effective way for manufacturers to
component performance, engineers can meet quality and reliability standards.21
better prioritise assets to inspect
While ML can improve on many judgments
for maintenance.
that are complicated by human error or
5.3 Quality control bias, it is important to note that ML models
Quality assurance to identify errors and are only as accurate as the data they are
potential failures in machine processes trained with. If historical quality control
before they occur is an important part of data is labelled incorrectly, then machines
the production process. Manufacturers will be trained to make inaccurate or false
need reliable methods to find defects in predictions. The quality of data is hence
order to boost product yield, limit warranty an important prerequisite to successful
costs and the amount of rework needed, implementation of ML projects.
and maintain product quality.

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Red Marker – scaling regulatory compliance

Red Marker has pioneered the Red Marker has utilised an innovative
development of an automated approach to improving the model.
compliance solution for the financial After initial development and training,
services industry, based on machine the 'last mile' has been achieved
learning algorithms. Regulation by industry itself, with risk and
and compliance are important compliance officers from banks and
considerations in the banking and other institutions providing feedback
finance sector, where all external on the model’s performance, and
communication, to stakeholders or their own data to help further
in marketing, needs to adhere to educate and refine the model.
rigorous compliance requirements. This feedback is used to validate
There is a need for thorough review and train the model, allowing it to
of all material to be made public. learn with a high degree of human
supervision. The learning goes both
The complex and ambiguous nature
ways – outputs from the model also
of language means that traditionally,
help clients identify the root causes
written content has to be manually
of compliance incidents, check for
reviewed by a person for compliance
consistency in their own decision-
risks. It’s a burdensome task for
making, and better train their staff.
banks, because as Red Marker
Mr Symons refers to this as a 'co-
Founder and CEO Matt Symons says,
creation' approach to model building,
“Compliance doesn’t scale, and there
where the model is grown with heavy
are huge search costs associated with
input from industry once it has
these needle-in-haystack problems”.
reached a stage of minimum viability.
This is where Red Marker comes in.
The company uses natural language Red Marker’s compliance solution
processing, a machine learning text brings a range of benefits to clients –
analytics technique, to create models from time and cost savings through
that can detect potential risks. The to improved decision making, and
models are built on compliance strategic benefits which Mr Symons
rules from regulatory guidelines and believes could change the face of
source legislation, and trained on the banking and finance industry.
samples of content that have been “By reducing the risk in client-facing
marked up on whether they have met communications, banks and financial
compliance rules. operators can channel a more
authentic voice, engage and reclaim
the dialogue with their customers.”

Costs of investment
ML requires significant investment in terms of time
and money. These costs are highly dependent on
how a business decides to procure and implement
ML applications.

This section discusses common cost inputs These costs include the costs of data
(see Figure 6.1) including data, human scientists, obtaining and storing data, and
resources, and vendor costs. implementation costs. Among the projects
that Deloitte Access Economics looked at,
Deloitte Access Economics’ research
implementation of ML models comprised
found that the development of successful
up to 40% of the total project costs.
ML applications for small projects generally
costs in the order of a few hundred
thousand dollars, while larger
enterprise-level projects can cost a few
million dollars to scale and implement.

Figure 6.1: ML project cost inputs


Data Human Resources Vendor

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6.1 Development and For cloud-based services, costs will vary 6.3 Time duration
implementation costs according to: Another cost variable relates to project
To develop and train ML models, time duration. As discussed in Chapter 2,
Data volume. A larger data set will have
businesses need significant volumes of ML applications identified from Deloitte
larger storage and memory capacity
data. This data is a significant resource Access Economics’ research and
requirements, but costs vary depending on
and investment to procure; whether it be consultations suggested that it takes on
the duration of data retention. In general,
unstructured data collected from varying average around 12 months to develop
the cost of storage space is tiered.
sources or structured data which has been a successful project, including data
organised in a database. Acquiring this data Usage time and intensity. Most pricing collection, model development and
can incur significant upfront costs, as does models offer different tiers which have training, and implementation.
the need to clean and process the data. different maximum hours of usage, or
This range is supported by research
The data forms the base teaching set for different computational complexity at
reporting that ML projects generally
a model, which in turn, is designed to learn varying hourly cost.
take between 3 and 26 months.22 On
and evolve. Storage of input data, model
Prediction volume. Many vendors offer average, pre-work takes 4 months and
files, and prediction output also requires
prediction services and charge by number implementation takes 11 months. However,
ongoing costs.
of predictions or in batches of predictions. it should be recognised that projects can
How businesses utilise human resources take as little as a few months, and up to
For businesses renting on-premise ML
is another crucial factor in determining several years, depending on the complexity
vendor solutions, costs will generally
the costs of model development and of the problem or task at hand.
be charged at a yearly rate and are
technical and business implementation.
determined by: The level of data readiness can
While the majority of businesses use third
substantially affect the time-frame of the
party vendor platforms, an important Set up fees. Installation of ML software on
project. The range of applications identified
consideration is the extent to which business servers requires upfront costs.
by Deloitte Access Economics cited
businesses also choose to outsource
Data volume. Businesses need to have minimum development times of 2 months
the human labour involved in model
an idea of data volume and hence the (where data scientists are experienced
development, analysis and project
number of servers that the software and have access to the necessary data)
will be installed on. through to several years (where an entirely
6.2 Vendor costs new concept needs to be built, modelled
Maintenance. The infrastructure will
As above, many businesses will at some and data needs to be sourced for the first
likely require periodical maintenance
stage of the ML project engage third party time). Generally, the further along the ML
by in-house IT staff.
vendor platforms. journey a business is, the more difficult it
For businesses that are not in a position to becomes to make large improvements in
Most cloud vendors share a common cost
invest in data science capabilities, the best any model’s decision making but equally,
structure in the form of a subscription-
option may be to engage third party labour the fewer ‘judgement calls’ and human
based, tiered pricing model, which allows
to develop a start-to-end customised input is required.
businesses to access and scale services as
solution. This type of external engagement
business needs evolve. Cloud platforms
will have highly variable costs depending
have no or low fixed costs and charge
on the duration of the project and human
flexible variable costs based on usage.
resources required.

There are a number of investment •• Technical skills are necessary to build
challenges for businesses embarking on models and debug any problems that
the ML journey, particularly for businesses come with them, and there are also
integrating ML into their existing processes. challenges in selecting the right
tool-sets (both identified by 10%
According to M-Brain’s (2017) interviews
of respondents as the most
with companies in the healthcare, financial
difficult challenge)
services, manufacturing, retail and media/
gaming industries: •• Obtaining internal buy-in from
stakeholders and senior management
•• Data collection and processing is the most
is the biggest hurdle for 5% of
common challenge among businesses
respondents, as is creating a global
(identified as the most difficult step by
framework. There is a bias towards the
25% of businesses). Selecting the right
status quo, and people can be reluctant to
tools for data cleaning, collection and
trust models which arrive at conclusions
storage often requires having prior
through ‘black box’ techniques, especially
technical knowledge of different
if they deliver counter-intuitive results.
methods and tool-sets
•• Vendor selection in a competitive market The first point, in particular, is one that
landscape as the biggest challenge for 20% resonates with businesses consulted as
of businesses, as some vendors can lack part of this research. One of the largest
industry expertise in particular fields challenges is capturing and organising
•• Compliance and regulation in ML tacit knowledge around a problem and
are the biggest concern for 10% of having the skills to help the model learn.
businesses, particularly in the healthcare Consultations suggested that industry
and financial services industries. As many collaboration on ML can provide greater
vendor solutions are hosted on the cloud, volumes of data and the motivation to
ensuring cloud security is pertinent develop a working model with benefits
for all businesses.

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Where to invest
7.1 The business opportunity Generalised machine learning is generally Drawing on Deloitte case studies and
ML’s technical capabilities can present unviable for non-tech businesses, due interviews with businesses, we have
both novel, and highly profitable business to the large investments required and identified five areas where machine
applications. To better understand these uncertain investment horizons. learning has proven capable of delivering
opportunities, we have segmented the strong business and financial outcomes in
In contrast, there are real opportunities
broader ML opportunity by input, and Figure 7.2.
for verticalised use cases.
use case specificity in Figure 7.1 below.

Figure 7.1: The ML opportunity

Google Assistant Artemis
Text Intelligent assistant Artemis by Red
•• Text inputs encompass audio that can respond Marker, analyses

(e.g. audio recordings, voice inputs etc.) to voice inputs financial services ads
•• Naturals language processing is a feature for compliance risk
that has been developed to 'read' text

more intelligently (e.g. read for intent

and context). TensorFlow Deloitte
Generalised image Deloitte's

recognition and Neuroscience

•• Image inputs encompass video
classification Institute is developing
•• Image recognition is the most
machines that can
recognisable feature in image
read human emotions
related machine learning.

Other inputs General Verticalised

•• There are other inputs such as music
etc., however, these other inputs are
not the focus of this report due to Use case specificity
limited existing use cases in the
business context.

USAA – using machine learning to improve
customer service

USAA is a direct insurance company Machine learning models have also

which has served current and past been used to improve its call centre
members of the US military for operations. These models allow
over 95 years. Its services include USAA to optimise routing to help
insurance, banking and investment callers speak to the right person,
support for its members. and to redirect calls during incidents
or weather events where some
USAA seeks to bring an innovative
call centres may be unavailable or
approach to service delivery for its
experiencing a high volume of calls.
members. It has been using machine
The benefits of increased efficiency
learning applications since 2008,
and time savings are experienced
starting with a simple algorithm to
by both USAA and its members.
personalise content and advertising
for members after they log in to Robert Welborn, AVP Innovation,
the website. Data Scientist, notes that USAA’s
use of machine learning seeks to
Since then, USAA has developed
“maximise service and the member
other machine learning projects.
experience”. “By understanding
A rules-based system for fraud
member needs and solving their
protection was upgraded to a model-
problems before they arise”, USAA is
based system and now an artificial
well positioned to achieve a position
intelligence-based system based on
as “provider of choice for financial
machine learning, allowing USAA to
services” for their members.
check the identity of users.

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Figure 7.2: Areas where ML has delivered strong outcomes

Security – detection Optimisation Fraud – detection

and prevention •• Yield optimisation and prevention
•• Cybersecurity •• Call Centre •• Transaction fraud
•• Mobile security optimisation •• Heath fraud
•• IoT security. •• Personalisation. •• Identity fraud.

Compliance – Research
detection and •• Precision medicine
regulation •• Self-driving cars.
•• Regulation updates
and reviews
•• Contractual review
•• Bad actor detection.

This is not a comprehensive list of use cases that fall under the 5 broader categories

7.2 Evaluation framework •• Data science In developing technology and capability,

The potential business outcomes –– Translating a business problem into there are considerations in terms of data
delivered through machine learning can a testable hypothesis science, technology architecting and
be an attractive prospect for businesses. –– Defining how to measure successful process digitisation, as noted below.
However, there are considerations that outcomes from machine learning tests •• Right problem to solve
organisations need to recognise and –– Establishing baselines to enable –– Is this problem a sufficiently large
evaluate in order to maximise the assessment of incremental benefits problem, or is the opportunity for
returns from investment. delivered by machine learning use cases optimisation sufficient? Is the cost of
–– Quantifying success, and translating failure high? Or perhaps the prize for
We have created a framework to help
insights into format that is understood success is high?
executives evaluate their business
by less technical colleagues –– Is the effort and time currently required
readiness for machine learning, and
–– Commercially minded (cost vs. to deliver a solution, without machine
prioritise where to invest in the short
benefit etc.) learning capabilities, high?
term to enable longer term machine
learning benefits. •• Technology architecting and –– Is the problem/opportunity being
implementation solved sufficiently homogenous in
Technology and nature? E.g. clear processes around a
–– Integration of machine learning
capability development problem, and outcomes of a problem
engines into existing databases
As with any technology, the successful and data collection channels are clearly understood, quantifiable,
development and deployment of ML –– Scaling computing, potentially through and measurable?
applications within an organisation 3rd party vendor cloud solutions •• Availability of data
requires various capabilities and skills. –– What data is required to develop the
•• Process digitisation
In developing technology and capability, –– Ensure existing processes and data machine learning models?
there are considerations in terms of data collection channels are digitised and –– Do we have sufficient test data, in terms
science, technology architecting and creating data inputs that are relevant for of volume and frequency, to optimise
process digitisation, as noted below. developing machine learning algorithms, the learning models?
and scaling learning.

–– Are there industry partnerships/ Effective implementation is crucial to •• Investment horizon
collaboration agreements that can realising the full benefits of ML applications; –– Investment into machine learning
be created to facilitate greater if the organisation and executive are not capabilities can be costly, and involve
availability of data? behind this change, the benefits may a long payback horizon
–– Are there regulatory limitations be wasted. –– Interviews and case studies suggest
around data use? Some of the key considerations at this that typically there is at least an 18
stage of the process are listed below month time period from when the
•• Third party vendors
problem is first defined, modelled, and
–– What capability or technology gaps •• Machine learning mindset
tested, till finally delivering reasonable
currently existing in the organisation? –– Machine learning insights have
output and insight
–– Which 3rd party vendors/solutions a nuanced difference to existing
–– The specificity of use cases means
are optimal partners? analytics processes
that machine learning algorithms and
–– Will company data require additional –– Machine learning is a constant learning
models need to be created for each
security in line with industry or and development process to improve
potential use case and application.
regulatory compliance? the predictive capabilities of an engine;
contrasted to traditional analytics that
Organisation and
is presenting trends and insights from
executive transformation
historical data
Implementation and change management
–– Therefore, organisationally the
is an important final step in an ML project.
mindset should be in constantly
Machine learning transformations are not
validating and improving the machine
short term endeavours, and subsequently
learning outcomes vs. purely consulting
require organisation-wide transformation.
insights from analysis

Figure 7.3: Evaluation framework – business readiness for ML

Technical capability development

2 2

Identify and define the problem Execute Assess and iterate

•• What is the right problem to solve? •• Who is the right third party vendor? •• Is the model optimal, or should the
•• What is the hypothesis to be tested? •• How can learning be accelerated? algorithm be changes?
•• How should experiments be measured? •• Is feedback intelligently collected •• Is the hypothesis correctly defined,
•• How should a benchmark be established? and utilised? and is the approach correct?
•• Is the right data available? •• What is the return on investment?
Continue to invest?

Organisation and executive transformation

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Delivery of a machine
learning engine
•• Is the right problem being solved?

•• Is the right data available?

•• Are there partnership or collaboration

opportunities to accelerate learning?
Technology and
•• Are third party vendors required, if so
capability development which parties are the right ones?
•• Do existing capabilities allow the
organisation to implement machine
learning technologies?

•• How should investment be prioritised

to ramp up data science, architecting
and implementing, and digitising

Organisation and
Executive transformation
•• Is our organisation familiar with data, and
machine learning; how do we train teams to
work to improve machine learning models?

•• Are Executives aware of the investment

horizons required to deliver business

Appendix – ML
use case database
This appendix presents extracted information from the database of ML use cases that were used in this analysis.
Unless otherwise specified, the values in this database are presented in US dollars.

# Organisation Country Application Type of benefit Estimated Time horizon Estimated costs
type benefits of benefits

1 Australian Tax Office Australia Automation Time and efficiency $3.5m* Annual Not publicly

2 Toyota Japan Automation Time and efficiency $250,000* Multi-year Not publicly

3 Intel Manufacturing US Automation Time and efficiency $303m Annual Not publicly

4 MainAd Italy Automation Revenue Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly

and growth publicly available available

5 European Organisation Switzerland Automation Time and efficiency $6.9m Annual Not publicly
for Nuclear Research available

6 Cucumber farm Japan Automation Time and efficiency Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly
publicly available available

7 Fukoku Mutual Japan Automation Time and efficiency $1.2m* Annual Not publicly
Life Insurance available

8 Wolters Kluwer Belgium Automation Time and efficiency 90% reduction in Ongoing Not publicly
Transport Services query processing available

9 Atom Bank UK Automation Time and efficiency Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly
publicly available available

10 Greyhound US Automation Capital savings $884,000 Annual Not publicly


11 Urban Outfitters US Automation Time and efficiency Reduced labour Ongoing Not publicly
costs by 82% available

12 FraudNet US Augmentation Capital savings Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly

publicly available available

13 Confidential US Augmentation Revenue $5.6m in savings Annual $3m

and growth

14 Mendeley US Augmentation Revenue Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly

and growth publicly available available

15 City of New York US Augmentation Time and efficiency $1.4m* Annual Not publicly

Business impacts of machine learning | Sponsored by Google Cloud

# Organisation Country Application Type of benefit Estimated Time horizon Estimated costs
type benefits of benefits

16 New Mexico US Augmentation Capital savings $1.9m Annual Not publicly

Department of available
Workforce Solutions

17 BuildFax US Augmentation Revenue Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly

and growth publicly available available

18 Intel IT US Augmentation Revenue $20m Multi-year Not publicly

and growth available

19 InteractiveTel US Augmentation Revenue 25-30% higher Ongoing Not publicly

and growth job accuracy rate available

20 VoiceBase US Augmentation Revenue Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly

and growth publicly available available

21 University of Iowa US Augmentation Capital savings $7.4bn* Multi-year Not publicly

Hospitals and Clinics available

22 Manitogorsk Iron and Russia Augmentation Capital savings $4m Annual Not publicly
Steel Works available

23 AdiMap US Augmentation Revenue Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly

and growth publicly available available

24 Netflix US Augmentation Revenue and $1bn Multi-year Not publicly

growth available

25 Kaiser Permanente US Augmentation Revenue Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly

and growth publicly available available

26 Mercy Health (St. Louis) US Augmentation Capital savings $50m Multi-year Not publicly

27 Pivotal US Augmentation Capital savings 40% reduction Ongoing Not publicly

in infrastructure available

28 Callcredit UK Augmentation Revenue 4 fold increase in Ongoing Not publicly

and growth profitability available

29 Kristalytics US Augmentation Time and efficiency Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly
publicly available available

30 Confidential US Augmentation Revenue $2.2m Annual $400,000

and growth

31 Pier 1 Imports US Augmentation Revenue Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly

and growth publicly available available

32 Walmart US Augmentation Revenue $1bn Multi-year Not publicly

and growth available

33 ThyssenKrupp Germany Augmentation Capital savings Cut downtime Ongoing Not publicly
by 50% available

34 Jabil US Augmentation Capital savings Maintenance Ongoing Not publicly

savings of 17% available

35 Fujitsu Japan Augmentation Revenue Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly

and growth publicly available available

# Organisation Country Application Type of benefit Estimated Time horizon Estimated costs
type benefits of benefits

36 Kofera Indonesia Augmentation Revenue $470,000 Ongoing Not publicly

and growth available

37 Confidential US Augmentation Revenue 10% increase Ongoing $1.2m

and growth in profitability

38 Confidential US Augmentation Revenue 10% reduction Ongoing $1.2m

and growth in losses

39 Confidential US Augmentation Revenue $2m Annual $400,000

and growth

40 Quarterspot US Augmentation Revenue Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly

and growth publicly available available

41 Confidential US Augmentation Capital savings $2.8m Annual $1.2m

42 Vigiglobe US Augmentation Revenue Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly

and growth publicly available available

43 Confidential US Augmentation Revenue $4m Annual $2m

and growth

44 USAA US Augmentation Revenue Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly

and growth publicly available available

45 Confidential US Augmentation Revenue Confidential or not Ongoing $4m

and growth publicly available

46 Confidential US Augmentation Revenue 27% increase in Annual $3m

and growth annual revenue

47 Airbus France Augmentation Revenue Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly

and growth publicly available available

48 Red Marker Australia Augmentation Time and efficiency Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly
publicly available available

49 Confidential US Augmentation Capital savings $3.2m Ongoing $2m

50 Pluribus Labs US Augmentation Revenue Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly

and growth publicly available available

51 Data61 Australia Augmentation Capital savings $700m Annual Not publicly


52 Upserve US Augmentation Revenue Confidential or not Ongoing Not publicly

and growth publicly available available

Sources include: Deloitte US, Google, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Slate, Healthcare Informatics.

* Deloitte Access Economics estimates based on publicly available information.

Business impacts of machine learning | Sponsored by Google Cloud

End notes
1. MIT Technology Review (2017), The New Proving Ground for Competitive Advantage.
2. Transparency Market Research (2017), Global ML as a Service Market: Increasing Shift towards Cloud Computing to Reflect Positively,
Says TMR.
3. ML applications were drawn from uses cases from a range of countries including Australia, United States, United Kingdom, Italy,
Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Japan and Indonesia. By its nature, this database is not a representative sample of all projects.
Abandoned or failed projects are not included in the database, and while these returns have been realised for the specific projects
listed, in general, returns may vary given different implementation, business processes or other factors.
4. MIT Technology Review (2017).
5. Transparency Market Research (2017).
6. International Data Corporation (IDC), (2017), Worldwide Spending on Cognitive and Artificial Intelligence Systems Forecast to Reach
$12.5 Billion This Year, According to New IDC Spending Guide.
7. Ibid.
8. Transparency Market Research (2017).
9. Ibid.
10. IDC (2017).
11. Ibid.
12. This ROI estimate is based on selection of projects listed in the Appendix of this report. By its nature, it is not a representative sample
of all projects. Firstly, abandoned or failed projects are not included in the database. The project details come from a range of sources,
based on details from proponents, and have not been independently verified for this report. Also, while these returns have been
realised for the specific projects listed, general ROI may vary given different implementation, business processes or other factors.
13. MIT Technology Review (2017).
14. Yoganarasimhan, H (2016), Search Personalization using ML.
15. SFL Scientific (2016), Recommender Systems: Generating Revenue Through Product Cross-Sell and Up-Sell.
16. Gupta, R & Pathak, C (2014), A ML Framework for Predicting Purchase by Online Customers Based on Dynamic Pricing,
Procedia Computer Science, 36, 599-605.
17. McAfee, A, & Brynjolfsson, E (2012), Big Data: The Management Revolution, Harvard Business Review.
18. Bain & Company (2013), Big Data: The organizational challenge.
19. Ransbotham, S, Kiron, D, & Prentice, PK (2015), The talent dividend: Analytics talent is driving competitive advantage at data-oriented
companies, MIT Sloan Management Review.
20. Of the businesses sampled by MIT, one third are still in the early stage of their strategy, and while more than half of this group are
beginning to see demonstrable ROI, less than 18% measure ROI on any analytics initiatives. Hence, this efficiency achievement rate
may be an under-representation due to low rates of evaluation.
21. Deter, F & Engelstädter, H (2016), Applying ML to Manufacturing, The Oliver Wyman Perspectives on Manufacturing Industries.
22. M-Brain (2017), ML Initiatives Across Industries: Practical Lessons from IT Executives.

•• Bain & Company (2013), Big Data: The organizational challenge, Available at:

•• Deter, F & Engelstädter, H (2016), Applying ML to Manufacturing, The Oliver Wyman Perspectives on Manufacturing Industries.

•• Gupta, R & Pathak, C (2014), A ML Framework for Predicting Purchase by Online Customers Based on Dynamic Pricing,
Procedia Computer Science, 36, 599-605.

•• International Data Corporation (IDC) (2017), Worldwide Spending on Cognitive and Artificial Intelligence Systems Forecast
to Reach $12.5 Billion This Year, According to New IDC Spending Guide, Available at:

•• (2016), Worldwide Cognitive Systems and Artificial Intelligence Revenues Forecast to Surge Past $47 Billion in 2020,
According to New IDC Spending Guide, Available at:

•• M-Brain (2017), ML Initiatives Across Industries: Practical Lessons from IT Executives, Available at:

•• McAfee, A & Brynjolfsson, E (2012), Big Data: The Management Revolution, Harvard Business Review, Available at:

•• MIT Technology Review (2017), ML: The New Proving Ground for Competitive Advantage.

•• Ransbotham, S, Kiron, D & Prentice, PK (2015), The talent dividend: Analytics talent is driving competitive advantage
at data-oriented companies, MIT Sloan Management Review, Available at:

•• Shaley-Schwartz, S & Ben-David, S (2014), Understanding ML: From Theory to Algorithms, Cambridge University Press, Available at:

•• The Pew Charitable Trusts (2016), New Mexico uses data to identify misinformation, save money, Available at:

•• Transparency Market Research (TMR) (2017), Global ML as a Service Market: Increasing Shift towards Cloud Computing
to Reflect Positively, Says TMR, Available at:

•• Yoganarasimhan, H (2016), Search Personalization using ML, Available at:

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About Deloitte Australia

In Australia, the member firm is the Australian partnership of Deloitte Touche
Tohmatsu. As one of Australia’s leading professional services firms. Deloitte
Touche Tohmatsu and its affiliates provide audit, tax, consulting, and financial
advisory services through approximately 7,000 people across the country.
Focused on the creation of value and growth, and known as an employer of
choice for innovative human resources programs, we are dedicated to helping
our clients and our people excel. For more information, please visit our web site

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional

Standards Legislation.
Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.

© 2017 Deloitte Access Economics Pty Ltd.


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