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Course: ME 301 Renewable Energy

Assignment number: 1
Assignment Tittle: Renewable Energy Resources Section
Due Date: Wednesday 14 March at 12 :00 noon

1. Clearly distinguish between renewable and non-renewable energy sources giving examples
of each. [4 marks]

2. In your local community, what types of energy are being used to generate your electricity?
How might the deployment of renewable energy power systems affect your community.
[10 marks]

3. What role do you think individuals play in the broader picture of renewable energy in their
community? [6 marks]

4. State and Explain the limitations/barriers for the widespread adaptation and use of
renewable energy in Zimbabwe. [8 marks]

5. i. Clearly distinguish giving examples on

a) carbon neutral [3 marks]

b) Carbon sink [2 marks]
c) Carbon negative [1 marks]

ii. Explain the meaning of the term “carbon free”. State any two carbon free energy
resources of your choice and explain why they are termed that. [4 marks]

6. Explain why Nuclear energy is considered a clean alternative fuel yet not a renewable energy
resource. [2 marks]
7. Give and explain 2 key drivers for energy demand growth [4 marks]
8. State and describe 3 major factors that must be considered when decisions around energy
resources, their usage and dependence are to be made. [6 marks]


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