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You know, feeling sad about love it´s ok and I´m telling you that, even I´ve never

had a lover. It´s

ok to feel sad because like me maybe you haven´t found the one, your soulmate or you´re just
scared of love, even you haven´t lived one but you need to know that the it´ love of your life and for
your life is out there, somewhere else, maybe not here, maybe not right now, but he is in there in
some place near or far from you and he doesn´t know about you or he´s feeling just like you do,
without love and thinking he´s never going to be love and create beautiful memories with that
person but it´s just a feeling, maybe you saw him but you never paid attention to him and felt that
connection and it´s sad and you may feel lonely sometimes but baby, let me tell you, it´s ok to be
lonely because in that time, where you cry and feel tiny and lost , you can accept yourself and love
you for who you are, if a boy or girl doesn´t love and accept the way you are, they´re missing a
fucking great person, the amazing human being you are and believe me I know that feeling when
suddenly you just go blank and at the same time your head it´s thinking so much about the most
amazing feeling you´ve never felt but trust me one day you will find it, not now but he is
somewhere thinking the same thing, wishing to meet someone who understand him and sing, dance,
laugh and cry but the most important thing ACCEPT HIM FOR WHO HE IS.
If you need to cry, cry then, take all the time you need to feel comfortable with yourself and love
the great person you are, you can make dreams come true by yourself and don´t worry about love it
will come when it´s your turn, at the least excepted moment.

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