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The Great Reform of Science


Kiril Borissov Chukanov

Published by Chukanov Quantum Energy Salt Lake City, Utah 2001

Copyright © 2001 by Kiril B. Chukanov

First Edition

General Quantum Mechanics

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in any part in any form

Published by Chukanov Quantum Energy, LLC West Jordan, Utah 84084, U.S.A.

Printed by: Chukanov Quantum Energy, LLC, Utah, U.S.A. Illustrated by Angelina Chukanov

Translated by Laura Chukanov

Edited by Lavina Fielding Anderson

ISBN: 0-9665261-1-2

Manufactured in the United States of America

Library of Congress Catalog Card No: 2002090094


To my dear family: my wife Angelina, my three daughters Elena, Borislava, Laura, my son Anthony, and my grandchildren Jonathan and Nicole. I love you very much! I hope to see all of you, happy and in good health, in the paradise of the last human civilization.


The greatest debt of gratitude lowe again to my lovely wife Angelina, who still believes in the revelatory process, even when it seemed most incomprehensible, devoted her efforts during the past sixteen years to assisting my theoretical and

experimental work, and made significant contributions to preparing this manuscript for publication.


Preface ,. . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . vii

Introduction. " , '" '" '" .. xi

Chapter 1- Quantum Cosmology '" ., '" ..... 1

1.1. Proton-Electronic Matter '" , '" .. . 2

1.2. The Size and Age of the Universe , 8

1.3. Mass of the Universe '" '" 12

1.4. Velocity Recession 14

1.5. The Electronic Space-Continuum , '" '" 15

1.6. Miscellaneous '" '" , 18

Chapter 2 - Quantum Chronology '" '" , 32

2.1. The Quantum Nature of Time '" '" , 34

2.2. The Quantum Wave of Human Civilization '" 40

2.3. The Quantum Wave of Individual Life , '" .,. 52

2.4. Some Peculiarities of Time , , , 56

2.5. World Constant "d" '" , '" ., '" 58

Chapter 3 - Quantum Energy , .. , '" '" 64

3.1. Quantum Boundaries of the World '" 66

3.2. Theoretical Estimations of Quantum Energy '" 72

3.3. Conclusion .... " ... ... ... ... ... ....... ... ... ... 87

Chapter 4 - Stars and Elementary Particles , '" '" . 90

4.1. The Source of the Sun's Energy 92

4.2. The Apsidal Motion of the Double Star "Di Hercules"... 97

4.3. Latest Elementary Particle Achievements 98

Chapter 5 - Quantum Medicine 102

5.1. Theoretical Issues .,. 104

5.2. Experiments............... 107

5.3. Some Practical Applications 111

Chapter 6 -The Quantum Nature of God '" .. . 114

Epilogue '" 128



This book, General Quantum Mechanics (GQlvf), is a continuation of my work published as Final Quantum Revelation (FQR), in 1994. Since that time, seven difficult years have passed, years in which my wife, Angelina, and I have worked at two jobs, through weekends and without vacations longer than a day or two. We chose this lifestyle so that we could maintain a reasonable standard of living for our family and also independently finance the quantum energy project that I call my "life sentence."

To be independent of the oversight and greediness of investors, I preferred to work at a series of jobs far under the technical positions I might have commanded, given my scientific education. As an intellectual slave in some private or governmental scientific institution, I would not have been free as a researcher. I traded disagreeable work, for which I was overqualified, for freedom from fear about my career or scientific reputation.

Indeed, the scientific statements explained in my books and the nature of my experiments have consistently drawn negative reactions and the label of "crazy" from "mainstream" scientists and potential investors. Such responses have not stopped short of attempts at intimidation from certain "authorities" in the fundamental sciences. Encountering such resistance has never demoralized me. On the contrary, such attempts have only strengthened my determination to continue my research and experiments until I achieved ultimate success.

In the fundamental sciences, broad knowledge and talent are necessary, of course; but courage, will, tenacity, and hard work are especially important. But even these essential characteristics are not enough. I must acknowledge that, in addition to those purely personal capacities, a heaven-inspired imagination and intuition (or revelation) are distinguishing attributes of the greatest inventors.

My determination was rewarded. At the end of the second millennium after Jesus Christ, I finally harnessed "quantum energy." After a seemingly endless series of experiments, I reached the happy moment when the two-dimensional quantum macro object (ball lightning) finally yielded its secret, rewarding me for my long years of love for this concept and my fidelity in seeking out its mystery. I understood its unusual quantum nature and how to excite it to produce a generous response in a form of abundant free energy.

During this incubation period, I simultaneously worked tenaciously on my new quantum theory: General Quantum Mechanics. "Working" is not the correct term in this case. More precisely, I was recording and processing the data concerning this theory, receiving it by way of revelation from a source located exterior to my own consciousness. Some of my previous understandings about the world described in FQR changed, but the main concepts remained the same.

Such is the winnowing process that yields absolute truth: the seeds of absolute truth are gradually separated from the chaff of scientific fallacies. Unfortunately, some of these spontaneous revelations, recorded in manuscript form, were lost during our



numerous relocations. Alas, such ideas, revealed spontaneously and complete at a stroke, must be captured immediately, for they never return. Fortunately, those, which had been preserved, were sufficient to outline my theory of general quantum mechanics, supplementing the already published FQR and bringing new light in explaining the hither-to unknown quantum macro- and mega-world.

To reach ultimate success in the theoretical and practical harnessing of the new discovery, it is very important not to steal or use data from the competition, but to work exclusively with one's own hands and brain. Like a beloved and desirable woman, the new scientific discovery will not yield a favorable spiritual and physical response except by direct contact.

The history of science reveals that many of the most significant discoveries were made using simple and ordinary means. As a rule, the first step in the discovery of some new physical phenomenon does not require costly equipment or rare materials. Examples are the discovery of the basic laws of thermodynamics and electricity, Wilhelm Roentgen's discovery of X-rays, the discovery of nuclear radiation and the transformation of the atomic nuclei by Antoine-Henri Becquerel and Pierre and Marie Curie, the measurements of the parameters of the electron by C. T. R. Wilson, the discovery of the quantum nature of the microworld by Max Planck, Louis De Broglie, Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrodinger, Werner Heisenberg, Wolfgang Pauli, Paul Dirac, and their associates.

Such major discoveries are due to something that cannot be bought with money: intuition (or revelation), a talent for observation and theoretical analysis, a will of iron to solve the problem, and emotional stability and firmness when defending the reality of the new discovery in the scientific community. When the initial discovery has been made, the observable effect is still very small and often not sufficiently reliable. It requires long-term and usually more elaborate experiments to provide incontrovertible evidence. All this experimental follow-up involves many scientists around the world and usually costs a great deal of money.

I am a modest man, but I can say with genuine pride: In my small laboratory, located in our small home, and on myoid desk, I am doing basic experimental and theoretical work that is much more important for future human generations than any of the scientific work being conducted in all other laboratories of the United States, including those of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

The directed thermonuclear synthesis described in FQR (246) is impossible to realize in artificially created conditions. More than fifty years of extremely expensive research in this field have proved unsuccessful because it is now possible to understand that the theoretical understandings about the characteristics of the very hot plasma have been incorrect. But continuing this useless research further would be a criminal waste of money and the abuse of the confidence of the American people. Quantum energy is real, safe, and cheap. It will provide unlimited energy for future generations.

Similarly, NASA is conducting multimillion-dollar projects to detect traces of life (which, in principle, cannot exist outside our planet) on Mars and asteroids, verification (with the help of very expensive satellites) of the Big Bang theory (another incorrect theory), and chaotic explorations of the solar system and large-scale cosmic formations, etc. These illogical and ill-conceived off-planet explorations also contribute to a general

waste of money and time, not to mention reducing the credibility of contemporary fundamental sciences. Based on the theory of general quantum mechanics, humankind can satisfy its inherent curiosity about the essence of the world using relatively inexpensive observations conducted mostly from Earth and in laboratory experiments.

I started on general quantum mechanics when I was a relatively inexperienced engineer at age thirty-three. Now in my late fifties, I am completing this fundamental work as an experienced quantum specialist.

In the spring and summer of 2001, I seized an opportunity to squeeze out a little time from my two jobs to write and publish this book. My chief obstacles were finding enough free time, enough money, the fact that English is not my first language, and the fatigue and lowered energy of middle age that reduced my efficiency. I concede that, by comparison with FQR, the language and conceptualization of GQM is not equally brilliant; but this book was written with a heart and soul by a person with long years of experience in this field.



Perhaps some of my readers-end almost certainly many physicists-will condemn the title and form of composition of this book. This introduction defends my choice and explains the scientific positions I describe in General Quantum Mechanics (GQM).

Contemporary quantum mechanics explains the quantum behavior of the microworld: atomic nuclei and atoms. This theory is built on the basis of three quantum constants (h = Planck's constant, e = elementary electrical charge, and c = speed of light) and a few quantum principles such as the Pauli exclusion principle, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, and Schrodinger's quantum equation. These quantum components are unified with the help of very complicated mathematical apparatus. The mathematical monster of quantum mechanics becomes a substitute for the scientific community's lack of knowledge about the realities of the quantum world. Actually, the excessive use of very complicated mathematics is the main illness of contemporary science.

A common opinion is that new ideas and results from the observations or experiments performed on some currently unknown material objects or phenomena must be translated into the language of mathematical equations before they can be accepted as credible. If these equations can be worked into a symmetrical form or "solved," then this mathematical trick may be taken as reliable proof that the motivating concepts must have been correct. In basic science, mathematics plays a role as a necessary scientific tool, but more often its role is to intimidate lay persons, disguise those strokes of the philosophical imagination that are most often intuition or luck, and conceal knowledge about the basic physical principles in nature. Unfortunately, the public at large--including the greater scientific community-accepts as a fact that well-educated and highly credentialed experts with excellent mathematical skills will invariably be more correct in their conceptual or nonmathematical thinking than the rest of us.

The field of fundamental discoveries lies on the edge of science and beyond it. This edge is still within the reach of "open-minded" professional scientists; but beyond this limit is the terra incognita to which only especially gifted people have access. As a rule, they are not professional scientists.

What do I mean by "professional"? A nuclear physicist is a professional, but only in the field of nuclear physics; he or she is educated and has experience only in that field. In the field of macro-quantum mechanics, a currently unknown branch of physics, nuclear physicists are lay people, but I am a professional because of my self-education and expertise acquired through experimentation--a process that has been going on for about fifteen years. Unfortunately, it is "professionals" who have no concept about the existence of this unusual quantum reality who usually evaluate my theoretical and experimental works.

I am aware that drastic changes in the existing state of knowledge about the general theory of the world (involving, as it does, quantum mechanics, the theory of relativity, the theory of elementary particles, the Big Bang theory, etc.) will disturb or


destroy the credibility of numerous scientific textbooks, careers, Nobel prizes and other scientific awards, tenure at prestigious universities, and very expensive research programs being conducted by such entities as NASA, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Defense, etc. For these reasons, there is a great deal of reflexive and emotional resistance to ideas, experiments, and practical applications that are as revolutionary and disruptive for contemporary science as those I described in my two books, Final Quantum Revelation (FQR) (1994) and General Quantum Mechanics (GQM)(200 1).

A common scientific opinion now is that only the micro-world can be a field of application of the quantum theory. However, in FQR and in this book I prove that quantum theory can cover all structural levels of matter from the micro-world to the mega-world. I also demonstrate that quantum principles are operational in animate nature, social activities, and time. Because of these discoveries, I called my theory "general quantum mechanics."

By definition, "quantum" means elementary, simple, incapable of being divided into parts, symmetrical, with no internal compositions and structures. "Quantum" can accurately describe material objects, some parameters of nonquantum material objects, and quantum behavior. The mathematical apparatus of the theory which describes the quantum world should likewise be simple, symmetrical, and beautiful. For example:

E = m xc2•


E=h -W'

x ,

Any complicated mathematical model or theory purporting to describe the quantum world is assuredly an incorrect representation of it.

I am not the first quantum researcher to use the term "quantum cosmology."

Several others have made mathematical attempts to combine quantum micro-dynamics with Einstein's general theory of relativity and classical cosmology. This mathematical hybrid is called "quantum cosmology." On the basis of this theory, its authors try to deduce the causes of the universe's birth, evolution, and eventual death.

Their description, however, encounters major mathematical difficulties associated with quantum gravity. "Quantum cosmology" scientists assume the existence of an elementary particle--the graviton, which is the carrier of gravity interactions. However, such a particle has not been discovered to date.

In brief, all these attempts to solve the problem are based on shaky assumptions and wrong conceptions about quantum reality. These efforts are simply being expended in the wrong direction. The foundations of our world are simple and symmetrical.


Chapter One



'C}:verse" is a general term for all space and all of the material objects encompassed within it. Usually these objects are widely dispersed. Conventional science represents this space between two material objects as empty, completely devoid of any substance, composition, or structure. In Albert Einstein's famous scientific work "Special Relativity" (1905 AD.) he states: "The introduction of a luminiferous ether will prove to be superfluous."

However, during the last two decades, some scientists have tried to revive the concept of a material medium filling the whole volume of space in the universe. Rather than using the traditional name of ether, they call it a "physical vacuum." The physical vacuum is conceptualized as a continuous material medium built up by undetectable virtual elementary particles. Due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which is responsible for the existence of these ghost-particles, the laws of physics could be violated in a short period of time. The Zero point energy theory postulates that it is possible to extract free energy out of the physical vacuum. The concept of a physical vacuum departs from conventional physics in that the physical vacuum is thought to have a composition and structure and can interact with the normal material component in the universe. Unfortunately, all these presumptions are based on shaky mathematical tricks with known physical laws and principles. Their authors unsuccessfully try to prove the validity of those presumptions in an experimental way.

My concepts about the nature of the space are totally different, as this book explains.

1.1. Proton - Electronic matter.

As I argue in my first book, Final Quantum Revelation (FQR) (1994), the space comprising the universe represents a maximum quantum electronic matter object. Quantum means unique, indivisible, without parts, no composition, and/or structure. The space of the universe is a giant electron-continuum. On the edge of the Great Circle the electronic universe (space) is transformed into the smallest quantum electronic matter object (the electron), and vice versa: The electron is transformed into the greatest quantum electronic matter object - the electronic universe. (Figure 1-1.1.)

Electronic universe


Greot Circle






Fig. 1-11

The electronic universe is a maximum quantum electronic matter object. It is closed to the outside and open to the inside. (Figure 1-1.2.)





! I II I I j ! ill Ii i I I i I I j

~ Z




Fig. 1-1.2.

"Closed to the outside" means that no material object can escape from the volume delimited by the closed quantum boundary "Le un". The material objects comprised within the volume of the electronic universe are confined within it.

For the quantum electronic matter object there is no "outside." The third spatial dimension "Z' does not exist outside the volume of the electronic universe!

The same characteristic holds true for all quantum electronic objects of a lower level. They have no sharp restrictive boundaries. They are the space of the universe.

Experiments conducted by bombarding electrons with fast protons prove that electrons, or electronic matter, behaves as a material object that is only a point; it has no exterior boundary, no parts, and no structure. (Figure 1-1.3.)

p' (proton)

Fig. 1-13

However, protons, or protonic (baryonic) matter behaves in the opposite way from electronic matter .It is "closed" to the inside and "open" to the outside. (Figure 1- 1.4.)


protonic 1"')0 t ter

Z object

t z

\ \ I 1 \ j 1 1 \ ! \ ! 1 I \ I I \ ! \







Fig. 1-14


Protonic matter builds up material objects from any structural level with a sharp boundary or line of demarcation. This boundary is an obstacle that prevents other protonic matter objects from penetrating into the depth of the first protonic matter object.

Experiments conducted by bombarding of protons with fast elementary particles prove the existence of a sharp boundary and the existence of an internal composition and structure. These sub-particles are known as partons. However, in ~int of fact, there are no partons in the volume circumscribed by the boundary Rp (~1O-1 ern). The proton is an elementary quantum object, meaning that it has no parts and no structure. What the experiments reveal as sub-particles (partons) is merely the same proton transformed into another baryon; however, the proton at rest has acquired higher mass and smaller spatial dimension due to the energy transmitted to it during the collision.

The proton is the smallest possible object of quantum protonic matter. "Open to the outside" means that the quantum symmetries in nature multiply the "only proton" in the universe into a multitude of individual material objects made up of the same proton matter (protons) - in other words, more complex structures such as atoms, molecules, planets, galaxies, and the entire protonic universe.

Being open to the outside and the quantum multiplication of the unique proton in the universe are the two causes of the appearance of the third spatial dimension "2". (Figure 1-1.5.)


Fig. 1-1.5.

A quantum material object (for example, a proton) can be only two-dimensional! (Figure 1-1.5, a.)


Material bodies that are three-dimensional have spots, points, or zones in their volume that can be differentiated from each other. This distinguishing feature in how they are constructed contradicts the main concepts about the nature of the quantum object. (Figure 1-l.6.)

A Three-diMensional

Moter-ial body,

B. V (x,y,z)



Fig. 1-16.

Obviously, point "A" on surface "o" is different from point "C" in the center of the sphere or point "B" located midway between surface "a" and center "C'. The same concept is valid for the zones Z, and Z2.

In contrast, the two-dimensional closed and curved surface "d" has no differentiated points or zones! The experiments I have conducted on macro quantum objects (ball lightning) prove with certainty the two-dimensional model of those unusual material objects (see Chapter 3, "Quantum Energy"). In our three-dimensional world, a two-dimensional material object looks like a balloon -- only a skin with zero thickness (d=O) and no body. This quantum balloon can take the shape of a sphere, oval, or any other imaginable closed contour. In the frame of its spatial dimensions (x,y), however, the quantum balloon is always the same - symmetrical and without differentiated parts.

The volume of the electronic universe (space) is filled with dispersed protonic matter objects of different structural levels of complexity. (Figure 1-1.7.)

universe (space)

-- .. ~__::::" indiviclucd

'protonic Motter-" objects

(with closed, restrictive

sur-rQce; differ-ent shope; etc.>

Fig. 1-1.7.

The straight line in the electronic universe (space) is in fact a closed curved line. (Figure 1-1.8.)






"f'10. tericl oklject



l s - strGight line lc - curved line


Fig. 1-18

When the material object "M" is moving in a straight line between points "A" and "B", it is in fact moving on the edge of the electronic universe ( L:n ~ 0.55 x 10 28 em ). It cannot escape from the volume "Vune" because the third spatial dimension, "Z' does not exist outside of this volume. (Note that "Z' starts from surface "a" and extends to the interior of the volume.)

The behavior of anti-particles is the opposite of the particles' behavior. For example, anti-proton matter objects are open to the inside and closed to the outside. (Figure 1-1.9.)

0.) proton - p


b) anti-proton .- p (p-)


t z

Out sicie

CI oseci

* , z


Closed t.z Outside
I) ; I I I lz I I { J I
Open Inside 0: I;! [ i : I I

Fig. 1-19

The quantum surface" d' is like a mirror. "Looking" at this quantum mirror, the proton sees its anti-twin brother -- the anti-proton. Quantum mirror" d' reverses things. Left becomes right. The positive electric charge "e +ee becomes negative "e", and so on.

Anti-matter can be created artificially during the collision between very energized

elementary particles. Our world (R!r, ~ 0.55 x 1028 em) is made up only of normal protonic matter, which has substance. There are no anti-galaxies or any locales or phenomena in the universe that consist of anti-matter. The photon (FQR, 49) is composed of the normal electron (e) and its anti-particle - the positron (e +). (Figure 1- 1.10.)




Me e

cx( z; y)




Fig. 1-1.10.

The eternal fate of the photon is to move at the speed of light on straight lines (surface "d') exclusively. The photon cannot move on curved lines (x, y, z) like other elementary particles with mass.

The neutrino's behavior is the same. (Figure 1-1.11.)


e+ (positron)


0.( z. y)

I I I I I I I I I I inside

Fig. 1-111.

An example of such quantum behavior is the phenomenon of ball lightning. The nucleus of ball lightning is a macro quantum two-dimensional protonic object. (Figure 1- 1.12.)






Fig, 1-1.12

This nucleus is closed to the inside. It has no third spatial dimension "Z'. (Fig. 1- 1.12, a.) It consists only of "skin" ("a") without volume. In contrast to the skin of a regular balloon, the quantum skin of the ball lightning nucleus (a) has only one side (the outside) and no thickness (d=D).

No external material object can penetrate the ball lightning nucleus because it has no interior or depth. "7' does not exist within it. (Figure 1-1.12, b.)

External material bodies can penetrate into normal (not quantum) bodies, only through the electron continuum (space). (Figure 1-1.13.)

0..) solid body

compact substance (atoms. molecules)

1.2.The Size and Age of the Universe.

ores (electronic continuum -space)

b) o t orrs


8~lectronic continuum (space)

Fig, 1-1.13,

Electronic and protonic matter exists in two independent and mutually perpendicular spatial dimensions xj_y (FQR. Part II, Chapter 3). (Figure 1-2.1.)


0) spa. tied diMensions


b) electron


c) proton (boryon)

Fig. 1-2.1



e - minimum quantum electrical charge, me - mass of electron,

c - speed of light

R =_h_

P m xc P


h - Planck's constant,

mp - the mass in the rest of the proton

R = 6.62 X 10-27 = 1.32 X 10-13 em

P 1.67x10-24 x3x1010

Lp = 21rxRp =6.28x1.32xI0-13 =O.829xlO-12cm

The values above are the range of action of the nuclear forces.

The space encompassed by the universe is a single quantum electronic matter continuum (see also FQR, Part IV). Parameters of this electronic continuum are:



A=F:= R;

e Fg Oxm;



Ae = 4.17 x 1042 - the main coefficient of proportionality in the universe.

R':' = 4.17 X 1042 x 2.82 X 10-13 = 1.18 X 1030 em - the quantum size of the electronic umverse.

T: = R':' = 1.18x 1030 20

0.39 x 10 s = 1245 billion years - the quantum age of the

un c 3 X 1010

electronic universe.

Quantum minimum accelerations:

e Ox me 6 0-9 I 2

Go = 2 = ... = 0.7 x 1 em s


Oxm ./

Gop = 2 P = ... = 1.62 x 10 em/ S2




a; - for the electronic matter ( space),

at - for the protonic matter (all substance in the universe).



I'minat.ed zone of exis te nce of "pr-otonic rnat.Ler"



Fig. \-2.2.

Quantum boundaries R! and R! enclose a zone in which specific and differentiated substance (proton matter) exists. (Figure 1-2.2.) The crossing point "A" determines the size and age of the protonic universe:


Tp=3__= 3xl01o =1.85xIOI7s un at 1.62 x 10-7

1'.4 = Tu~ = 5.86 billion years!


T:/~ - the age of the protonic universe!

RA = Rzfn - the size of the protonic universe]

It is important to remember that the protonic universe is the observed universe (planets, stars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies), in short, all of the substance in the whole universe.

In fact, when observing the most distant objects in the universe, we are dealing with the double (the diameter) spatial dimension of the "protonic" universe. (Figure 1- 2.3.)

D!:n = 2 x R~, = 2 x 0.55 x 10 28 = 1.1 x 10 28 em

~/: p

(T':';)D = 2 x Tu~ = 3.7 X 1017 S = 11.72 billion years


,.- , - .. - -;;

The observed value of the Hubble's constant is:

Another variant of calculation:


kl,e - the main quantum coefficient of proportionality in the universe (FQR, Ill).

k, = lR'A = ~4.l7 x 1042 = 2.33 X 102

.e --V fie


RP 0506x1028

T.!:.=__!!!!_=· 10 =1.69xI017s =5.35 billion years

e 3x10

2 x T.!:. = _!_ = 10.7 billion years H

e 30

Run=1.18xlO, en


R19 = R;;,. = 1.18 X 1030 em : k],e

RI8 = R!, = 0.506 X 1028 em : k],e

RI7 = 2.17 X 1025 em : k],e

RI6 = 0.9 X 1023 em : k],e


P 28

Run=O.506xlO, eM

(observed universe)

Fig. 1-2.4.

This variant of the quantum construction of the universe is more likely to be realized by the quantum forces and symmetries in the universe than the first variant described in this chapter.

The age of the universe as calculated above (Tu~ = 5.35 billion years) is supported by analysis of the oldest terrestrial and meteoric rocks, which establishes their age as about 5.1 billion years. We know that the age of the Earth is the same as the age of the universe: T Earth = Tuniverse _I (FQR, 269)

1.3. Mass of the Universe.

As I demonstrated in FQR (part IV), the values of the main quantum numbers of the universe can be calculated. For example:

A = 417 xl042.

e' ,

Ap = 1.238xl036;

k = 12fjf = 2 33x 102.

Le V nit' ,

~,p =1(4; = l.OlxHY;

Ae,F = 2.3x 1039; kj,e,p = l~Ae,p = l.53 X 102;

He =A;xh=4.84xIOIOlerg.s

Hp =A; xh=1.256x1082erg·s

Hp,e = A!.e X h = 8.05xl09Ierg·s


h - Planck's constant


Mt,. = mp x »: = 1.67 x 10-24 X {2.3 X 1039 r = 0.883x 1055 g - the mass of the protonic universe (all substance in the observed universe)

Me (R=RP = 0.506x 1028 cm)=Me x(Rt"J2 =

un,2 un un, I Re


( 28 J2

= 1.583x 1058 X 0.506x 10 = 0.29 x 1054

1.18x 1030 ,g

The mass of the space (the electronic continuum) which is enclosed within the protonic (observed) universe.


M:,2 = YO,e x {R,~r = 1.145x 10-2 X (0.506 x 1028 r = 0.29 x 1054 g - the same!


"P ._-----___. hA P

1·lun I 1·lun



Fig. 1-3.1.

MP = H p,e = 8.05 X 1091 = 0.27 X 1054 g

un DP XC 0.506 X 1028 x2x3x1010


MP r::::; Me = 0 29xI054 g

un un,2 .

Other quantum objects:

M = mp x A~ = 1.67 X 10-24 X (1.238 x 1036 r = 2.56 x 1048 g - a super galaxy cluster.


l.256 x 1082 44

10 28 = 0.83 x 10 g - a galaxy.

3xlO xO.506xlO

And, so on.

1.4. Velocity Recession.

The red shift that can be observed and measured in the light spectrum of fardistant cosmic objects like galaxies and quasars is due to the quantum effect of "0.0". (Figure 1-4.1.)


Observer (Earth)





P 28

Run=O.506xlO, eM



light beam V=c


fig. 1-41

The universe is stationary, not expanding, as hypothesized by the Big Bang theory. The relative velocity of expansion is zero for every cosmic body in the universe! The light coming from distant cosmic objects such as galaxies or quasars is moving on the closed and curved quantum surface a of the universe. On every next quantum spatial

cell of the universe, the light beam accumulates or adds the quantum acceleration" at"

to its initial relative velocity V gal ~gal = 0) in such a way that, at the end of its journey, it seems to the Observer that the light beam produces the effect of red shift. (Figure 1- 4.1.) This shift is a function of the quantum acceleration" at" and has nothing to do with recession velocity of the "expanding" universe. In short, the "expanding" universe is a quantum illusion!


R p

V p gal-obs aO

red = aO x = -X Rgal-Obs = eonstx Rgal-ohs

shift e e

~ V = eonst X R - Hubble's law

aP const = H = _0_


at = Rtn = 0.506x 1028 = 1.77x 10-7 em/ S2

(Ta!) (1.69 X 1017)

1.177xlO-7 17 I

H = 10 = 0.59x 10- s: - Hubble's constant!


1.5. The Electronic Space - Continuum.

The universe is a giant mega - atom! (Figure 1-5.1.)

Electronic universe

e 30

Lun=l.l8x10, CM

protonic (baryonic) universe (nucleus)

R~n=O.506xl0;8 Cr'1

electronic space continium

Fig. 1-5.1.

Quantum boundaries Ra and R; enclose an area In which specific and differentiated substance (proton matter) exists. (Figure 1-5.2.)



uR:, -----------~.~ ~



area of determinated existence of substance





Fig. 1-5.2.



R: = O.76xlO-9 XT2;


Point "A":

R' =R"

aD c

TA =T; =3.95xl019 s

T';' = 1250 billion years!

R:n and Tu: are quantum values of the greatest quantum object - the electronic universe!

Because they are quanta, they cannot be divided into parts. We can therefore define this theorem: The values of the parameters of quantum material objects are quantum values. They are quantum units, which cannot be divided in smaller parts.

T':' = R!:" = 0.506 x 1028 = l.67 X 1017 s

e 3x1010

Rwa/l = a~ x (T':'Y = 0.76 x 10-9 x (l.69 X 1017 Y = 2.17 X 1025 em


The value of "Rwall-bubbles" defined above is the rrummurn possible spatial dimension of the protonic universe. In fact, this spatial dimension is merely the thickness


of the walls separating two adjoining cosmic bubbles. (Figure 1-5.2, b.) At the same time, however, this minimum spatial dimension is a diameter of super-galaxy clusters, which are the greatest baryonic formations in the universe. For example, the spatial dimension of the super-cluster COMA is about 2.5x1025 em. Now we can understand why the structure of the protonic (observed) universe is cellular (large cosmic bubbles surrounded by galaxy agglomerations.)

The substance that occupies the volume of the protonic universe (Rt" ~ 0.506x 102& em) cannot interact (meaning that it cannot exchange mass, impulses, or energy, etc.) with the electronic continuum (space). The values of the parameters of the protonic universe (all of the substance in the universe) are much smaller than the values of the quantum parameters of the electronic continuum (space):

R:" = 1.18 x 1030 em » R:;" = 0.506 X 1028 em

T;' = 3.95 X 1019 s » T':;' = 1.69 x 1017 s

And, so on!

This conclusion is very important. Because of the quantum indivisibility of the values of the parameters of the electronic continuum (space), the substance of the ordered universe (the nucleus of the observable, or protonic, universe) does not respond to or perceive the electronic matter of the electronic continuum. In other words, it has no interactions with the electron matter of the electronic continuum. This continuum behaves as if it were an empty volume (space) containing orderly substances: atoms, molecules, planets, stars, galaxies - in other words, the whole protonic universe.

The universe's nucleus is an ordered zone in which this substance exists. (Figure 1-5.3.)

cosmic bubbles



~-""'III'\iI"'~--l.. sub s ta n ce

(gas, planets, stars, galaxies" .. )

Fig. 1-5.3.

1 V=HxR=-xR



v = R!:" = 0.506x1028 =3xlOlO cm l s= c+ max T P 1.69 X 1017


Because, V = e is the maximum quantum velocity in the universe, there are no cause/effect ties between events that occur out of the universe's nucleus

(R > R:;" = 0.506 x 1028 em). In other words, outside the nucleus, substance does not exist.

1.6. Miscellaneous.

1.6.1. Other Cosmic Applications of the World Quantum Constant" a~".

In FQR (130), I considered the problem of "dark matter" in the universe. I explained that, in fact, there is no "dark matter" in the universe. Rather, the effect of gravity is annihilated because of the quantum constant" a;".

The quantum constant" a;" affects all levels of substance in the universe. For example:



Fig. )-6.1.

F or one year:

L = 3.155 X 107 x V':n = 3.155 x 107 x 1.73 = 5.46 x 107 em = 546 km

L 4xl09 .

Tx = earth 7 = 7 = 73.2 years - the average span of human life.

5.46 x 10 5.46 x 10


4x 109

----9 = 2.294 x 109 S = 73 years 0.76x1O-



T=27.6 years, the duration of human generation!

On the other hand:

If Rmin = R, = 2.82 X 10-13 em

=> T = []f = 2.82 X 10-13 = 1.93 X 10-2 S

V-;;; 0.76x1O-9






~ I

Fig. 1-6.2.

T' ~ ~D"" ~ 3x 1 013 ~ 1.99 X 1011 S = 6290 years!

orb a~ 0.76 x 10-9

or the duration of human civilization (see Chapter 2.)

R, = c r.T = 3 x l 010 x 1.99 x 1011 = 0.6 x l 022 em - the dimension of our galaxy!



If R.nm = u, = 0.6 x 1022 em,


T2 = Rao = 0.6xl022 => T=2.8xl015 s;

a~ 0.76x 10-9

Rmax =R; =exT=3x1010 x2.8xl015 =8.4x1025 em=0.84x1026 em

- cosmic bubbles

TP = ~D .. = 3x 1013 = ... = 411 years! _ another quantum time.

orb at 1.79 x 10-7

Human being

H human ~ 1.7 X 102 em

1.7 X 102 :::: 3.08 X 104 s:::: 8.55 hrs : working cycle (per day)


r: = ~ H. = I. 7 x 10' = ... = 4.73 x 10' s = 5.5 days - working cycle (per week)

a~ 0.76x 10-9

T :::: 1 year :::: 3.155 x 107 s

Rmm :::: a~ x r2:::: 0.76 x 10 -9 x (3.155 x 107)2::::

:::: 0.76 x 10 6 em = 7.6 Ian :::: 4.75 miles - a middle size city

T = 1 s (pulse of human heart)

Rmin = 0.76 X 10-9 x12 =0.76xlO-9 em=7.6xl0-8 em

- the atom's dimension!

T = 24 hrs (day and night) = 0.864 x 105 s; Rmin =0.76xlO-9x(0.864xl05)2 ~6em (approx.2Ij4")

- the human's heart dimension?

Rmax = c x T = 3 X 1010 x 0.864 X 105 = 2.6 X 1015 em - the dimension ofthe solar system!

And, so on!


1.6.2. Human Social Quantum Parameters.

M Mt" 0.29 x 1054 = 1.26 X 1014 g

Observer = A = 2.3 X 1039


- M

N '" Obs ;

human beings"'" =-,


Mh.b. ~40kg=4x104 g


Mh.b. - the average weight of human beings (including children)


Nh.b.~· 4 =3.15x109 =3.15billion human beings!


Currently, about 5 billion human beings live on the earth.

- ~Mhb. 4xlo4 3

Li.« = -- = 2 = 1.87 x 10 em = 18.7 m! - the average room!

YO,e 1.145xl0-



average room'

Fig. 1-6.3.

A smaller room will make the average human being psychologically uncomfortable.

Middle size city

N ~ 1,000,000 people

- ~Mo,. lOW 6

Lcity ~ -- = 2 = 0.93 X 10 em = 9.3 Ian

YO,e 1.145xlO-

Deity 2: 3 km! Cities that have greater population densities are not comfortable for their citizens. And, so on!


1.6.3. Applications of the World Quantum Constant "at".

Most likely this constant has value

c2 (3 X 1010)2

aoP = = = 5.6 X 10-7 em/ S2

R:/kl,e 0.506 x 1028

1[ 3.14

Fig. 1-6.4.

e2 e2 x 1[ -7 2

at =-D-P = 0.506 X 1028 = ... =5.6x10 em/s


u; =0.7x101J em; s; =Rmin =at xT~ ~

T2 = 0.7 X lOll = 0 125 X 1018 ~ Tr;;. = 3.55 X 108 s = 11.25 years

® 5.6xl0-7 • ""

- sun's main cycle!

Rearth = 6.37 X 108 em;

T2 = 6.37 X 108 = 1.14 X 1015 ~ Tearth = 3.38 X 107 s (1 year)

earth 5.6 X 10-7

If Rearth = 5.78xl08 em;

T2 = 5.78x108 =1.03x1015 =:> Tearth =3.2xl07 s~lyear=3.16xl07 s

earth 5.6 x 10-7


Human being

T=24hrs:::::O.864xI05 s;

Rmin =at XT2 =5.6xlO-7 x(O.864xI05)2 =4.18xl03 cm=41.8m (137')

- the zone of work activity?

1.6.4.Gravity Acceleration.


a =--::--

g R2'


G - gravity constant, G=6.67 x 10-8; M-mass, g;

R - distance from the central body (with mass Af).


.MGa/ = 3xlO44 g

RP =tXMGm = 6.67x10-8x3xlO44 2

-------;::-- = 0.7 x 10 3 em - the diameter of the Galaxy?

Gal at 5.6 x 10-7


Mearth = 6 x 1027 g;

RP -

earth-sun -

G x Mearth = 6.67 X 10-8 X 6 X 1027 = .J7.15 X 1026 = 2.67 X 1013 em

aP 5.6 xlO-7


- the diameter of the earth's orbit!


"Middle Size City

N>:::; 1,000,000 people

M. ~106x5xl04:;5xl010g


Rcp."ty = 6.67 X 10-8 X 5 X 1010 = .J0.6 x 1010 = 0.77 X 105 em :; 0.77 km

5.6 x 10-7 (1/2 mile)

- the minimum diameter of city.

Human being

6.67 X 10-8 x 7 X 104

Rt.b. = :; 0.91 X 102 em = 91 em

5.6x 10-7

- the diameter of the human's body?


6.67 X 10-8 x 1.67 X 10-24 = .J1.99 X 10-25 = 4.46 X 10-13 em 5.6x10-7

- the spatial dimension of the proton?

1.6.5. Applications of the World Constant"b".

The world constants "h" (Planck's constant) and "c" (speed of light) combined together can define another world constant "b":

cm2 ergx--

.!- s


E ~


E,erg ~ energy;


b'--2 ~ new world eonst. em


h x c? :;-




E = E = m xc2 or

e e ,

E=E =m « c'

p P

b = _E_p_ = _m...!...p_x_c_2 = mp = 1.67 x 10-24 = 0.25x 103 s / em'

p h r c? hr c? h 6.62xlO-27

be = 0.138 s / cm2

bp == 0.25 X 103 s / em"

24 hours cycle

- new world constants

T = 24 hrs = O.864xl05 s

Fe = O.864xl05 = 6.26xl05 cm2•

0.138 '

F" = 0.864xl05 =3.45x102 em":

0.25 X 103 '

One-year cycle

Re = Fe = .J6.26 X 105 = 7.9x 102 em 4x3.45xl02

DP = = 2.09x 10 = 21 em



no n (De =21CMj hUMQn head's clicH'1ei:er)

T = 1 year = 3.16 x 107 S

Fe =3.16x107 =22.9xI07 em":

0.138 '

n: =~2.29xl08 =1.51xl04 cm=151m

RP =~12.64x104 =3.55xl02 cm=3.55m





E lfJ UJ ri

business building

Human life-span's cycle

Th.1. ~ 81 years = 0.81 x 102 x 3.16 X 107 = 2.55 X 109 S

Fe = 2.55xl09 = 1.85 x 1010 em":

0.138 '

F" = 2.55x109 =10.2xI06 em":

0.25 X 103 '

De = 4x1.85xl01o =1.53xl05 em = 1.53 km 3.14

RP =~1O.2xl06 =3.2xI03 cm=32m

big city

Note: During his life, the average human being spends his time in a limited zone (P). This zone includes his house, job, stores, library, club, etc. The average spatial dimension of these facilities is about 32m.

Observer's cycle

TObs ~ 6,400 years = 6.4 x 103 x 3.16x 107 = 20.24x 1010 s

Fe = 20.24xlOlo =1.46x1012 em": De = 4x1.46xl012 =1.36x106 em=13.6km

0.138 ' 3.14

Fp=20.24xlOIO =8.1xI08em2. DP= 4x8.lxl08 =3.2x104em=320m

0.25 x 103 ' 3.l4





Universe's cycle

Tun =1.7x1017 s; Fe = L7xl017 =123x1017 em":

0.138 '

De = 4 X 1.23 X 1018 = 1.25 X 109 em; R" = 6.26 X 108 em 3,14

17xl017 4x6.8xl014

FP = . =6.8xlO14 em"; DP = =2.94x107 em =294 km e 184 miles

0.25 x 103 3.14


",1>;1- Q,/2---/-,

-V'" \overoge

~ countr~

Note: The calculation (symmetry) above is additional proof that the only spot of life in the universe is our planet

1.6.6. The Quantum Sequence of Spatial Dimensions in the Universe (LargeScale).

a) Electronic continuum (space).


The quantum coefficients of proportionality are:

kle = 233.24

!1_=k ,

R I,e' n-1

See Table 1-6.1.

Table 1-6.1 Large Cosmic Objects

# quantum Quantum Spatial quantum Quantum time Kind of
level levels dimension It, em cosmic
i: t; object
19 1.18 x 1030 em 1246 bill. yrs. 1246 bill.yrs. Electron

18 0.506 x 1028 5.35 bill. yrs. 82 bill. yrs. Observed

17 2.16 x 1025 22.8 mill. yrs. 5.35 bill. ITs. Super-galaxy
16 0.93 x 1023 -100,000 yrs. 350 mill. yrs. Galaxy

15 4 x 1020 422 yrs. 22.9 mill.yrs.

14 1.71 x 1018 1.8 yrs. 1.5 mill. yrs. formation
0.73 x 1016
13 98,000 yrs. Stars system

3.14 x 1013
12 6,430 yrs. Red giant
11 1.35 x 1011 422 yrs. Regular star
10 0.58 x 109 28 ITs. White dwarf


b) Baryonic (substance) large-scale cosmic objects.

The quantum coefficients of proportionality are:

A = 2 3 X 1039.

p,e' ,

kl,e,p = 1.53 X 102

See Table 1-6.2.

Table 1-6.2

Large-scale Baryonic Cosmic Objects

# Quantum Quantum level Quantum spatial Kind of cosmic
level dimension, Re,p, em object
19 0.506 x 1028 Universe's nuclei

18 0.33 x 1026 Super-galaxy cluster

17 2.1 x 1023

16 1.4 x 1021 Galaxy's nuclei

15 0.9 x 1018

14 0.6 x 1016

13 3.9 X 1013 Red giant star

12 2.5 x to" Regular star (Sun)

1.68 x 109
11 White dwarf (star)
1.1 x 107
10 Neutron star

7 Note: The electronic quantum sequence determines the gravitational space (the zone in which gravity operates) around the quantum cosmic objects; the baryonic quantum sequence is "responsible" for the spatial dimensions of these objects. (Figure 1-6.5.)


edge of gravity force's

baryonic nucleus,Re,p

gravity space.R,

\ .


cosmic object

Fig, 1-6.5.

On the edge of the gravitational space (zone) the value of the gravity acceleration becomes equal to a~. Outside of this zone, gravity is replaced by the "ao" quantum effect of attraction.

An example: Galaxy


--"-~) Big Magelanic cloud.

After the quantum analysis of the structure of solar system (see FQR and GQM), is it reasonable to continue accepting the hypothesis that the planets, asteroids, and the sun were built up about 5 billion years ago out of some structureless primordial cloud of tiny particles that were the residues of a supernova explosion? Does it seems probable that gravity alone provides the structural organization and forces of adherence in the solar system? Does it seems likely that the Big Bang was real, or that the resulting conglomerations of primitive cosmic substance were organized by a gravitational field? It is time to reject the old dogmas of cosmology and accept more accurate concepts.

Chapter Two





pace, time, and energy (or mass) are the basic parameters of the material wor. ime is the parameter that is most difficult for human beings to grasp when they are trying to clarify the essence and causes of existence of our world. Furthermore, the difficulty of questions about time increased after Albert Einstein articulated the special theory of relativity.

What is the meaning of time? Does absolute time exist in the universe? Is time limited or infinite? Is time influenced by other basic parameters of the world? These questions, and many others, are very difficult; and the various answers that have been suggested for them have changed during the evolution of human thinking. In principle, it is impossible to give a precise definition of a basic world parameter such as time. We can give only an approximate explanation of time as a basic parameter of our world:

Time is the space of events. My theory of general quantum mechanics proves that time is not simply an indifferent space of events but also a quantum evaluating system that shapes events (FQR, Part VI.)

The parameters of quantum objects are also quantum values. This theorem is basic to general quantum mechanics. We cannot imagine a quantum material object - which by definition is unique, without internal composition and structure, and unchangeable over time - having parameters that can be divided in smaller parts.

We should not use the terms "quantum object" and "quantum behavior" interchangeably. The electron shelf (cloud) of the atom, for example, is not a quantum object, for it is composed of individual electrons; but its behavior is "quantum behavior" because it is subordinated to Planck's quantum constant "h ", to the quantum velocity "c" (the speed of light), to Shrodinger's quantum equation, to the Pauli exclusion principle, and so on.

The current official scientific community does not use the term "quantum material object" because these scientists are not aware of such unusual material objects. The quantum arsenal of contemporary science (quantum mechanics) contains only a few quantum items: "h" (Planck's constant), "c" (maximum quantum velocity), and the other quantum principles mentioned above. All of these quantum items concern only the behavior of the micro-world. Contemporary science does not even suspect the existence of macro- and mega-quantum material objects and behavior. General Quantum Mechanics contains the first descriptions and analyses of these concepts.

2.1. The Quantum Nature of Time.

In Chapter 1, "Quantum Cosmology," I established that quantum material objects are two-dimensional. The dimension of quantum space is a closed two-dimensional surface, with no differentiated points or areas. (Figure 2-1.1 ,a.)

The quantum material object has no volume and is open to the outside. In other words, Z begins on quantum surface c. Other quantum parameters, such as time, should have the same characteristic. (Figure 2-1.1,b.) Quantum time (tq) is a one-dimensional closed contour, with no differentiated time-points or time-areas. The second timecomponent of a quantum material object (td) can be divided in parts. The smallest is most likely about 10-24 s. This time-component connects a quantum material object with the surrounding non-quantum material world. It has a "time-arrow" with a beginning and an end.


cd z
z \
z b)


Fig. 2-1.1


Quantum time tq is a closed T-line, with no beginning or end and nothing in between.

"Time" is a basic parameter of the universe that is analogous of the basic parameter of "space." Like the quantum space of the observed universe

(R!:r, - 10 28 em ), the quantum time of the universe (Tu~) is closed to the outside and open to the inside. (Figure 2-1.2.)

P 17

T ::::: 2xlO, S un.g

Fig. 2-1.2

T rfn,q cannot be divided in parts. It has no beginning (B) and no end (E). It cannot be created or destroyed. It cannot interact with smaller time quantum values. Maximum quantum time "r:",q" is a space-continuum of the events from the definite

chain of times "T,"

A very important conclusion can be drawn from this description: The universe was never created (by God, for example) and it will never be destroyed. At the same time, however, it is necessary to add that the universe is limited in time -T':;',q - 2 X 1017 s (5.35 billion years). Even though a universe will never cease to exist,

the universe as we currently know it will come to an end as it reaches the end of this current time cycle. However, this unique cycle is repeated infinity times in the same form and the same details.

Two basic philosophic principles-the unity of opposites and principle of economy=govern the structure and behavior of the universe. The universe is eternal (it


was never created) but perishable (it exists in limited time cycles). Its main parameter time has two components: Tq and Td. Any additional components would be superfluous. The quantum time-parameter Tq determines the unity of material objects, while timeparameter Ts determines their individuality.

Thus, all protonic (baryonic) matter in the universe represents one entity (different

structural levels of the unique proton) in quantum time T'::"q. The time-component

"T'!;',d" personalizes the unique proton into an enormous multitude of different protonic objects (atoms, molecules, planets, stars, and whole universe).

An example of the above conclusion is the famous Bell's theorem: two protons (or other elementary particles), which left the same nucleus, are correlated instantaneously (they feel each other) no matter what distance lies between them.

The same theorem is valid for the quantum material objects in the animate nature-by which I mean human beings and their civilization, plants, and animals on Earth. The quantum time of human beings (Th.b. ::::i 80 years) is common for all people on Earth. The life of all human beings proceeds within the same parameters. All human beings have the same elements comprising their bodies, experience these elements in close spatial dimensions, manifest the same evolution of their bodies in the aging cycle, and experience similar consciousness.

I refer to human civilization in its totality as the Observer, which is located in the center of the great quantum circle of the world. (FQR. 228 and Figure 2-1.3.)

Q) Greo t Circle

stClr systeM



(HUr1Cln CiVilizCltion) T - 6400 yeClr s


teClM (coMpClny, college, institute, e t c.i

Fig. 2-1.3

The interaction between the Observer (human civilization) and the rest of matter determines the existence of the universe. Therefore, outside the Observermeaning outside its reasoning ability, its records, and its measurements-nothing definite can exist. "Noting definite" means NOTHING. Outside the quantum time of the Observer (human civilization) exists absolutely nothing. The quantum time of human civilization can be calculated the following way. (Figure 2-1.4.)


Lc~p,.=3.15xl02 Cr"1

_______,_j k--





D 13

E-S =3xlO,cM

Eo.rth's surfo.ce

Fig. 2-1.4

4xl09 9 -

1----9 =2.29xIO s=73years=T.hb

O.76xIO- ..


T hb. - quantum time "average duration of human life".

The value of Tobs is close enough to the value of another independent ways of calculation (Tobs;:::; 6400 years). See discussion below.

The number of human generations isNgen = k1,e :::::: 233!! The average duration of a generation, measured in human terms, is equal to:

T 6300

T = -...!!!!!_ = -- :::::: 27 years!

gen k 233


Newbo,n G,o.nd G,eo.t-
bc,by Fother fother gro.nd
CD 2 3 @ T,yrs.
Oyr s. 27yr5. 54yr5. 81yrs.
Fig, 2-1.5. Every 27 years (on average), a new generation of human beings appears. Greatgrandpa leaves his place on the Earth to his great-grandchild.

The next important measure of quantum time is:

T = Tgen = 27 yrs x 12 mnts x 30.5 days = 43 d 'S

q k 233 ay




The quantum time described above is an important quantum in the human life.

According to the New Testament, Jesus Christ ascended into heaven on the fortieth day after his resurrection. No doubt from this scriptural passage springs the belief among some Christians that the soul of a dead person lingers on earth for forty days. In parallel fashion, a human newborn acquires consciousness or awareness of himself or herself about forty days after birth. (Figure 2-1.6.)

T_ - T

___ ~-=-o b~5 -

o (U

+' o I:: '£ s, (U +'

(U ClJ o C C 0 =:IN


o ClJ +' c C 'r: s, ClJ +'

ClJ ClJ o C C 0 =:IN

T ~ 81 ye o r s

h. life

Tq,l~ Tq,l~

43 dClyS 43 dClYS

Fig. 2-1.6

Tq,] is a minimum quantum time in the human life. This time appears in the figure on the right to indicate events in the future, counting from the point of birth. During this transition period, the biological reason of the human body undergoes a qualitative change, engendering a new, higher level of reason - human social consciousness. This is the phenomenon described in religious language as the souL The same quantum time should be deducted from or added to the moment of human biological death. For example, my father suffered a stroke about one and a half months before his death. His face was deformed, and he lost his speech. My mother, brother, and I witnessed how his consciousness (soul) left his body during the last 43 days of his life.

I have no idea what would happen to the soul if the minimum quantum time were added to life after the body's physical death.

The maximum quantum time in the evolution of the human social reason is the Observer lifespan, or term of existence: Tobs;:::: 6300 years. For the individual human being, (Th. life ~ 81 years), this max quantum time is illustrated on the left, starting from the organism's biological death. (Figure 2-5.) This is because nothing is definite out of human life (out of Th. life - 81 years).

The maximum quantum time (Tq,2 = Tobs;:::: 6300 years) is much greater than the lifespan of the average human being (Th. life - 81 years). Maximum quantum time represents a continuous "time background" that covers the entire life of a human being.


A human being's lifetime is passed under the beneficent influence of the greater lifetime of the Observer's reason. Every individual human being thus possesses two independent forms of social reason.

The first is his or her individual social reason (consciousness, or soul), which is formed during his or her personal lifespan (~ 81 years). The second is the collective social reason (the Observer's reason). The Observer's reason manifests itself in individual human being as intuition, hunches, telepathy, etc. Some gifted people (prophets, psychics, fortune tellers, etc.) can use the second component (the Observer's reason) to contact the past and the future.

The maximum quantum time Tobs,q represents a one-dimensional closed contour, without a beginning or end and without differentiated points or areas. (Figure 2-1.7.)

Ado.M Eve


Tb~ 6,300 yr s

o s,q

Fig. 2-17

Because quantum time is a closed contour (Tobs,q), every human being could be the first human being on the Earth (Adam or Eve), or the last, or any other between the Beginning (B) and End (E) of human civilization.

Tobs,q and Tobs,d ( representing different points in the existence of human civilization) are mutually orthogonal and independent from each other. They form a twodimensional "time space" [T (Tobs,q .. Tobs,~]. All of the information from Tobs,q can be delivered in any particular human consciousness. In this contest, I remember the phenomenal prophetic talents of the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, who died in 1997. For her, time had lost its differentiation between past, present, and future. Vanga could contact people from the past and the future, whether they were in close geographical proximity or far distant.

This analogy may be helpful. Each human being, during the process of biological birth, receives something like a computer compact disc, with two sides. The first side contains the Observer's full reason (Tobs,q), while the second side (Th. life) is empty. Each

individual human being exists in determinate time (T hbeing ~ 81 years )~ therefore, the second side of each person's social reason compact disc is filled continuously over his or her lifetime.

According to Christianity, one of the three manifestations of God is the Holy Spirit. In actuality, the Holy Spirit is an allegorical image of the absolute quantum Observer's social reason (Tobs,q). This social reason is the same for every human being. It cannot be created or destroyed!


Human nature is governed by the great philosophic principle: The individual and the class (all human beings) share a fundamental unity. The class of all human beings shares similar evolution over time, similar behavior, similar perceptions of the environment, similar forms and proportions in their bodies, etc. The individual varies from this general pattern of unity in particular details. The principles of unity governing the class provide the structure. Each individual, with his or her particularities, provides the composition within that unity.

All human beings must remember that, in addition to being individuals, they are manifestations of the all-human social reason, meaning that they are manifestations of the Holy Spirit (God). To humiliate, beat, kill, rob, etc., means inflicting violence on oneself. Every other human being on Earth is a close relative, a holy twin. Jesus Christ articulated this principle of relationship in his gospel, which enjoins respecting, loving, and serving every human being.

2.2. The Quantum Wave in Human Civilization.

The determinate times of the universe are sequenced from the largest unit, represented by the exterior of Figure 2-2.1 (T::',d ::::: 5.38 billion years), to the smallest unit (~1 0-24 s), represented by the interior of Figure 2-2.1.

Fig. 2-2.1

OJ E -t-'

To the left of the Observer in this figure are represented life periods with longer duration (in contrast to Tobs,d), and to the right are located life periods with smaller duration.

The span of the human civilization is about 6300 years. (Figure 2-2.2.)


r;,bS,d~ 6,300 yrs




~ 4,400 B.C,

Fig, 2-2,2

~2026 A,D,

The world is definite only in the time interval "B - E' (- 4400 B.C. - 2026 A.D.).

Outside this interval of time, there are no real events. But quantum laws and world symmetries create a "time-structure" of longer duration in contrast to Tobs,d.

Tobs d ~ 6400 yrs;

Rmax ==T. xe=64xl03 x316xl07 x3xl01o ~6x1018 em

obs ODS • •

Rmin - R ,

obs - Earth's' orbite

The fact that we observe galaxies and quasars located billion of light years away from Earth does not mean that these objects are real. Rather, they are quantum ghosts of materiality, illusions created by the action of quantum world symmetries. A newborn, - 43 days after biological birth, sees stars in the sky and perceives their light as coming from the huge depths in the universe. These far-distant objects (galaxies, quasars, etc.), or the light coming from them, were never created, either by God or by the blind forces of Nature). At the moment when a newborn becomes aware of himself or herself as a human being, he or she also sees a completed universe (planets, stars, galaxies, etc.) that is not created by anyone and which is limited in space and time.

Civilized human beings are fundamental building elements of the Observer. (Figure 2-1.3,b.) Like the nonanimate universe, the living Observer is an analogue of the electron continuum (space), while human beings and their social formations (family, greater social human teams, cities, etc.) are analogues of proton material formations. The quantum time of the Observer (Tobs,q) is analogous to the social time-space covered by the lives of individual human beings. The individual lives in three-dimensional time - T (Tu/, Tobs,q, Thbeing). The directions (arrows) of the last two components of time are opposite: Tobs (-+), Th.being (+-). (Figure 2-2.2.)

The visible evolution of the animate nature (animate universe) develops in a

specific direction: from the lifespan of greatest duration (~9 = Tu~ = 5.38 billion yrs) to


the lifespans of smaller entities or shorter periods. The duration of every next life period is k2,e (15.27) times smaller then the previous one.

Rn = k, e = 233.24;

Rn_1 '

Tn = rc = .J233.24 = 15.27 (k2e)

T V "'l,e ,


The evolution of the individual human being, in contrast, begins with the smallest unit of quantum time (- 43 days) and evolves to times of longer duration. Unlike the animate nature, the earliest periods in an individual human being's development are shorter than those which follow, as can readily be seen by comparing the first unit (43 days) with the last (163 years) (Figure 2-2.3 and FQR, Part V).

Life period
@ 'Adult huno n being'
(l) (l)
s: s:
Q_ o,
0 0
s, I..
+-' +'
lfl lfl
o o ®
+-' +'
o o
0 0
s, I:
® CD
421 264 108 81 54.5
yrs yrs yrs yrs yrs
h. life
Fig. 2-2.3 CD

(l) .s:_ o, o I.. +-' lfl c) +-' o U

+' lfl

, -, , -,

, , , -,

-, -,

, ,

, , -, ,

-, , , -,

-, -,

, ,

41 27.5 17.3 B

yrs yrs yrs

The newborn becomes a human being (experiences human consciousness) about 43 days after oirth (B). Development at the beginning of a human being's life is very fast, but it 510\vs down with advancing age. It is possible to consider a man as an adult for most purposes - and certainly for the purpose of procreating children - at the point marked 1 (T;:::: 17.3 years). At the maximum 1 (27.5 years), a male human being is fully mature as an adult. No later than this age, most men are actively engaged as workers.

The minimum 2 is a critical moment in human life when the individual is afflicted by problems of health, family, problems, and lor job. At the maximum 2, the man is at


the peak of his life and typically has good experiences combined with relatively good health). After this maximum peak of development, a long period of depression and decline follows. Average humans die at about age 81 years (minimum 3). This point is the quantum limit of human life. The quantum laws of Nature, however, can provide a possible extension to an individual's life (the sub-period between age 81 and 264). Between 81 and 108 years (minimum 3 to maximum 3) is some stabilization of human life. Some human beings can reach about age108; however, the probability of living longer is very, very low. The absolute limit of human life is 264 years.

The quantum time of existence of the animate Observer (Tobs ~ 6400 years) is an absolute (basic) unit of quantum time (Figure 2-2.1.) This quantum time level represents the point from which time is measured, both in larger and in smaller units. This quantum time, even with its limitations, cannot be created or destroyed. Higher-level quantum time structures are not real. They are quantum ghosts of time, reflections of world symmetries.

What we perceive as a real evolution in the animate nature, preceding appearance of the Observer (human civilization), is in fact a distinguishing characteristic of quantum time which marks the beginning of every cycle of the universe (more precisely, the human civilization). Each cycle produces the same set of distinguishing characteristics and the same details.

Even so, the evolution of events before the appearance of the Observer seems very real and is presented in smallest detail. However, such an evolution never occurred. Events that are currently dated as "prehistoric" (before the emergence of human reason on the scene) are ghost-events. Sorry kids, but your lovely dinosaurs never existed. It is very difficult to accept this concept, but such is the quantum reality of the world.

One observable paleontological fact is, in reality, a proof that evolution did not occur. By this I mean that there are no transitional links that establish, without question, the evolution of separate living species. It is impossible, for example, that at some moment a Neanderthal mother gave a birth to a Cro-Magnon baby and that the era of Cro-Magnon man began. The missing links in the evolutionary record before the appearance of human civilization refute Darwin's theory of evolution.

Every particular human being evolves in a three-dimensional "time space". Here, "space" is not used as a combination of spatial dimensions (x, y, z), but as a combination of time parameters T(Tu/; Tobs,q; Thuman1ije). (Figure 2-2.4.)


T "'" 6,400 yrs




Fig. 2-2.4


As an example, my personal "time parameters" are: T (Thuman life = 57 years old; Tobs.d = 6,375 years after beginning of the world; Tut = 5.35 billion years). According to the Hebrew calendar, as a point of interest, it has been about 6,000 years since the creation of the world.

Aside from the conclusion above about the reality of Earth's planetary existence before the appearance of the Observer, we may now analyze the time periods of life since the appearance of the world. (Figure 2-2.5.)

0) Is t Life period 'Cellular Orgonis!'"les'

'K2,e 05.27) 0
:K3,e (3.907) 'K4,e (1.98) 'K4,e (1.98) "0
t: ;:::
OJ (lJ
OJ s: e: o,
s: o, 0 o~
o, 0 0 ,-0
0 s, m +" ,9
s, +-'
+' li1 li1 s,
li1 o "0 o OJ
o +' C +'Ci
+' o ;::: o
(5 U U OJ
<5 t. o~
+' C a '-~
IJ) }'II) \
Q, II)
v _
._ c-
CD -0)
:; l
e 0 0
B"'538 3.38 138 1.04 695 523 353 221
billion billion biltion billion !'"lillion Million !'"lillion !'"lillion
yrs yrs yrs yrs yrs yrs yrs yrs b) IInd Life period 'Reptiles - MaMMals"

0., (l;
OJ U1 s: s:
s: \. Q Q.
Q ::; 0 0
0 s. '-
s, +' lI)
+' Ifl
lI) o ()
o +' +'
+' o o
o U U
U ~ 0
"0 a s,
+" C e:
lJ1 ;::: e:
352 221 90 67.7 4545 34 23 T, yrs
Million !'"lillion !'"lillion r-dllion Miilion !'"lillion Million
yrs yrs yrs yrs yrs yrs yrs 45

c) IIIr-e! Life perioel 'Hu[')unoiels'





Q; Q;
Q; s:
s: s:: 0.
0. 0. 0
0 0 \._
\._ s, +'
-> +' tJ1
tJ1 tJ1 0
0 0 +'
+' d d
d U U
"0 "0
+' C s,
CD po
I tJ)
23 14.4 5.88 4.4 297 223 1.5
[')illion nillion [')illion nillion [')illion nillion nillion
yrs yrs yrs yrs yrs yrs yrs eI) IVrcl Life per-ioe! 'ArchiQnthropus'
3.907 :1.98 1.98
Q; (lJ
(lJ s: s:
s: 0. 0
0. 0
0 \_ s.
s, +' ln
+' ln
ln In 0 0
c ::> -t-' +'
+' 0. o o
o 0 u u
U I.. 'Zl
+' 'Zl
+' C C ~
ln 0
.£ _.'!J
Q 2-- 0
I.. .,.,
0 I..
1....; ~
CD t:
I Q, tJ)
I <: ~
15 942 384 290 194 146 98 61
riillior: thous. thous. thous. thous. thous. thous. thous
yr-s yrs yrs yrs yr-s yrs yr-s yrs 'J)

Ul W o

tJ:1.(>.(); n ~t ~~~~~~~~~~~~-T~~~~~~-~-'---'


tlJru.(>. • C) 0 00ru

~ '-J

1st Cotostrophe

L C) J.C. Gr RenOi"2_once

(") -- ------------eli'-k-RDf"10~·:-----------·


~ ~ wt------- t-- ~

~ 0' 0

IIIrci CotC\strophe

J> ~ ru . '-J Ul

t::J R; _p. .--i

'< .,


w .o



e+ -c
::;- ,
D '< :YO'
f1) , 0 U1
-, III C
(s- III
. e+
'< :y
J> -, 0 ro
:5 III C (J1
,_. :5
Y1 e+ <+
-c :y
ro n -, 0 ,_.
'-J < III C 'J)
9 <+
e-+ '< :y,_.
IS" ., o ro
::; III C '-J @J
(fl, III
'< .o
-, U1
'< 0'
-, t
'< _p.
, 0
III ro .-1
~ -,
III 1st Co.i:astrophe


ll lr o Catastrophe


o 3 o

~. V1

~.g ~iii

:; III

g) VIlth Life period 'Modern Civilizo. tion'
c, IV
--, IV
IV lI1, s: ..c:
lI1' o,
s: IV' o, 0
o, :;;:: 0 L
0 , C L +'
L ;:' -<;' +' lI1
+' (1): L lI1 C
lI1 Z, 0 o +'
0 , +' +' o
+' l£ o u
0 u
u E: co
(j co L
+' C
S '-
°0 @
626 421 264 108 81 54.5 41 17.3
1400 1605 1762 1918 1945 1972 1985 2009
A.D. A.D. A.D. A.D. A.D. A.D. A.D. AD h) VIlIth Life period "Frno.t Civilizo tiori"

\ CD
@ T,
41 27.5 17.3 7 5.3 3.55 27 1.8
1985 1999 2009 2018 2021 2022 2023 2024
AD A.D. AD. AD. AD A.D. A.D AD. End
Fig. 2-2.5 .~' s:
(1) P
L .., .~ (1)
L..., ~ (1) s:
.s:: Q
u c<- c 0
:.p \J1 0 L
L +"
C 0 +' U1
L n
gf <is- U1 o
0 +'
<: c+ -t-' o
Q: '< 0 U
q U
+' C
..':': w s:

Q o '+' U1 o +' d U

In Greenland were found traces of first living organisms on Earth - unicellular prokaryote bacteria dating from - 3.8 billion years ago. During the first catastrophe corresponding to the first period of planetary life (- 3.4 billion years ago), a significant part of procariot bacteria were replaced by the eucariotes -a more complex type of living cell with a more clearly defined nucleus, chromosomes, organelles, etc.). The largest number of fossil procariot bacteria appear in geologic layers dating to about 1.4 billion years ago. This date corresponds to the blooming of the first maximum.

About 1 billion years ago, the eucariotes were replaced in turn by multicellular invertebrate organisms such as worms, jelly fish, corals, pseudomollusks, etc. Their flowering occurred about 700 million years ago (second blooming). During this


maximum, a great variety and quantity of multicellular organisms suddenly developed in the Earth's ocean.

The third catastrophe (- 523 million years ago) is connected with the first known Ice age, during which many species disappeared or were drastically reduced in number. The sub-period that next occurred between 523 and 221 million years ago was a transition period between two totally different kinds of organisms: from simple-celled organisms to complex vertebrates such as reptiles and mammals.

About the time of the first catastrophe of the second period (- 220 million years ago), more than half of the aquatic invertebrates disappeared. This disaster made trilobites extinct along with many kinds of coral. Only two hundred species survived out of about 30,000. Biologists call this period the first great evolutionary catastrophe.

Then followed the sub-period between 220 and 67 million years ago during which dinosaurs flourished. The majority of fossilized dinosaur skeletons and dinosaur species date to about 90 million years ago (during the first maximum, or flourishing).

Then occurred the second and most famous catastrophe in the history of evolution. About 65 million years ago, within a short period of time, perished all dinosaurs, flying lizards, giant aquatic reptiles, and one-fourth of the sea invertebrates which had survived the first catastrophe.

Around 35 million years ago (the third catastrophe of the second period) there were indeed some radical changes going on. Algae, crustaceans, and mollusks were going extinct in large numbers, while primitive whales were replaced by modem groups. On land, dense forests gave way to more open habitats, and early hoofed mammals and primates were supplanted by new forms.

There is no need to go farther. For a detailed examination of these evolutionary periods, see FQR (Part V, Chapter 4). The differences between my reconstruction in FQR of how life evolved and this explanation lies in the duration of the quantum periods and my views about how life in the universe began. The variant of the quantum evolution of life explained here is, I believe, more accurate.

Of more interest, however, is the evolution of human civilization. This is the period I define as "real", in contrast to the "ghost" periods. The first "real?" period of human civilization's evolution appears on Figure 2-2.5,f as the Vlth period (6410 - 421 years). According to the Bible, God created the first human beings (Adam and Eve) on the sixth day (or VIth period?) of Creation, an event which is traditionally dated, according Hebrew calendar, about 6000 years ago. God revealed to the biblical prophets this very important information about the creation and end of the world. It is also possible that these r-velations are really primordial memories of the Jewish people.

The beginning of the world occurred about 6400 years ago, a point which coincides with the first maximum. Logically, this chronological point should also coincide with some kind of qualitative jump in the level of human society. In fact, it does


At about this period, farmers and herdsmen began utilizing the fertile land along the three great rivers (the Nile, Tigris, and Euphrates). They also constructed irrigation systems, which led to a rapid increase in labor productivity. The beginning of the human civilization was thus marked by the beginning of scientific and cultural activities. Ancient Egyptians invented hieroglyphics about 4060 B.C., while the Sumerians invented the cuneiform writing at about the same time. The first transition sub-period (which I am


describing as the actual beginning of the "real" world) is marked by the appearance in Mesopotamia of the first walled towns.

Then followed the first "real" catastrophe in human civilization. At about 2000 RC. and within a short period of time, many transition civilizations (such as the Old Kingdom of Egypt, Minoa, and first Indian civilizations) disappeared. In 2068 R C. in the Jewish homeland of Canaan, four cities (Sodom, Gommorah, Admah, and Zeboim) were completely destroyed by fire from heaven. The Bible describes this first catastrophe allegorically as a "great deluge".

The first sub-period, which began in about 2000 RC. and extended to about 790 AD. is most notable for the rise of the ancient Greek city-states (Athens, Sparta, etc.), the rise of the Roman Empire, and the establishment of great empires in Assyria, Persia, China, and India. Every peak-period identified in Figure 2-2.5. is also characterized by significant advances in human civilization.

The flowering (or maximal blooming) of this sub-period occurred when Alexander the Great rose to power (338 RC.) He created the largest empire known to human civilization to that point, even though it was short-lived.

The second catastrophe of the period (790 AD.) was a transition between the classical civilizations of the ancient world and the first feudal states of a closed type. The flowering ofthis second sub-period (1196 AD.) was marked by the Christian crusades to Palestine, the creation of the most powerful Muslim feudal empire (the Ottoman empire, in 1071 AD.), the Norman conquest of England (1066 AD.), the Pueblo civilization in America (1100 AD.), etc.

The third catastrophe occurred at the very beginning of the 15th century (~ 1400 AD.), when the "black death" (bubonic plague) decimated the population in Europe and Asia. This calamity was followed by the next sub-period beginning in1400 AD. and extending to 1762 AD. Again, it represents a transition - this time between medieval feudalism and modernism.

Every transition period is a time of significant changes in the social and economic systems, science, technology, and culture. This period was no exception. The segment covered by 1400 - 1605 A.D. is known as the Renaissance in Europe. At its point of maximum flowering (1605 A.D.), classical science was conceived by: Nicolai Copernicus (he proposed a sun-centered model of the solar system, 1473-1543 AD.), Galileo Galilei (mathematician and physicist, 1564-1642 A.D.), 1. Kepler (astronomer, 1571-1630 AD.), Pier Fermat (mathematician, 1601-1665 A.D.), Rene Descartes (mathematician, 1596-1656 A.D.), C.Huygens (physicist, 1629-1695 A.D.), the great Isaac Newton (physicist, 1642-1727), and many others. The classical feudal states were replaced by monarchies, both absolute and constitutional, especially when a series of revolutions in Europe, Russia, and China rejected their outmoded feudal systems. The next minimum, or "trough" in the quantum wave pattern of human civilization saw the emergence of the United States of America (1776 A.D.), the French Revolution (1789 AD.), and parliamentary reforms in England, etc.

This brings us to the first sub-period of the vn" life period (1762 - 1945 AD.) This sub-period was marked by the formation of parliamentary states (monarchies and republics). The period between 1918 A.D. and 1945 A.D. was the decline of this subperiod - a time of international conflicts (World War I and World War II), severe economic crisis (the Great Depression of 1929 - 1933 AD.), the successful socialist


revolution in Russia (1917 - 1924 AD.) followed by devastating starvation in that country (1935 AD.) and deadly diseases like tuberculosis that preyed upon the weakened population.

However, the year 1972 AD. marked the maximum blooming of the next subperiod, a time that coincided with the flowering of world Communism, remarkable successes in space exploration, and the first USA - USSR anti-missile treaty. The minimum sequence, which began in1985 AD., saw the disintegration of the USSR, followed by anti-Communist uprisings in Europe between 1989 and 1999 AD. The last bastion of Communism, Y ougoslavia, under Milosevich regime, made the transition in 1999 AD.

As of this writing in 2001 AD., our civilization is hurtling headlong toward - 2009 AD. and a precipice in its evolution. I term this period satanic social monster. International military conflicts, terrorism, economic depressions and recessions, severe extremes of weather, natural disasters, and deadly diseases are omens of the forthcoming catastrophe. In his "Centuries", the great French prophet Nostradamus predicted the advent of this ominous time (century XLXXII):

"In the year J 999, and seven months,

from the sky will come the great King of Terror. He will bring to life the great King of the Mogols.

Before and after war reigns happily."

Another of his prophecies that seems relevant is (century VITI. LXXVII):

"The Third Anti-Christ soon annihilates everything, twenty-seven years of blood his war willlast.

The unbelievers dead, captive, exiled with blood human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth."

He also expressed his dreadful vision in the following verse:

"Evil breeds with the haste of vermin.

His cursed brood rules the 200th decade. The lamb in battle dress confronts.

The Dark one with his unholy legions

to herald the third millennium"

The year 1999 AD. was a turning point between two different kinds of civilizations (Figure 2-2.5,e.) The King of Terror (or the Anti-Christ) is the opposite of Jesus Christ (the "lamb" in the Revelation). The Anti-Christ symbolizes the destructive forces in the world.

Human civilization will end in about 2026 AD., only 25 years away.

Nostradamus made the same prediction - that twenty-seven years after 1999 AD. would see the end of civilization. That date is 2026 A.D. According to Nostradamus, the last years of our civilization will be spent under the rule of the Anti-Christ - in wars, natural disasters, social cataclysms, and fatal diseases.


In July 1999, World War III, which lasted only three months, pitted Western civilization against Yugoslavia, Russia and China. The "King of Moguls" (Chinese communist rulers?) was very angry that NATO planes destroyed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade. Russia helped Yugoslavia, not only offering moral support, but also by secretly supplying soldiers-volunteers and weapons.

However, another interpretation of the century XLXXII is much more likely. The original Mogul empire was a Muslim state founded by Babur, who invaded India from Afghanistan in 1530 AD. Kabul was, for a time, the capital of the Mogul Empire. A later Mogul ruler, Akbar (1556 - 1605 AD.), established a strong centralized government, and this empire saw its golden age during the thirty-years reign of Shah Jehan (1628 - 1658 AD.)

The comparison of quantum periods "1605 - 1762" with "1999 - 2009" shows that "1605 - 1762 AD." symmetrically corresponds to "1999 - 2009 AD." At the present moment, in 2001 AD., the "King of Moguls" is activated again by the "King of Terror". This individual is Osama Bin Laden. Western civilization is in decline, and one of the consequence of this degradation is the terrorist activities of this evil. Below is presented the chronology of recent terrorist attacks against civilized world.

• August 7, 1998: Bomb explosions destroyed the American embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, killing 174.

• The summer of 1999: NATO air war (" from the sky") against Yugoslavia.

Osama Bin Laden and NATO helped Albanian Muslim terrorists.

• September 1999: A series of terrorist bombs exploded in Russia killing more than 600.

• August 8, 2000: A bomb explosion in Moscow, Russia, killed 19.

• October 12, 2000: A bomb exploded aboard the U.S. Cole in the Persian Gulf, killing 17 sailors.

• September 11, 2001: The twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City were destroyed and the Pentagon in Washington D.C., was damaged when terrorists hijacked US. commercial flights and flew them into the buildings on suicide missions. About 4,000 were killed. Osama Bin Laden is the main suspected terrorist. Could the form of these attacks be in fulfillment of Nostradamus's prediction: "From the sky will come the great King of Terror"?

• October 2001: Deadly anthrax bacteria were sent through the U.S.A - mail, infecting thousands. Again Osama Bin Laden is suspected.

And what might the prophecy mean: "Before and after war reigns happily"? One interpretation might be that the King of Moguls will survive the US. war launched against it. Another interpretation might be that the whole world will live happily.

The "happy time" of the three most recent US. presidents (Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and Bill Clinton) is over. The next two American presidents will face the Anti-Christ - or the destructive quantum forces of nature. Nostradamus's prophecies concerning the third millennium most likely deal with this decline of modern civilization between 1999 and 2009 AD.

About 2009 AD., a date which is symmetrical with 1762 AD. (Figure 2-2.5,g), we can expect some very significant changes in the American society - perhaps a new


constitution. During this decade (1999 - 2009 AD.) of the decline of modem civilization, a gifted scientist, who corresponds to the great English physicist Isaac Newton, will create a new physics. About 2015 AD., a new Messiah will arise in Russia and, at the maximum peak of that quantum sub-period (2018 A.D.), he will led a new neoCommunist revolution.

At the end of the transition sub-period (~ 2009 A.D.) quantum energy - a new source of energy - will be harnessed. A new and very powerful weapon of mass destruction (a photonic weapon) will be developed

My personal opinion is that our sinful modem civilization will be replaced by a new civilization based on social justice. The current social system that perpetuates inequality among people, violence, and the exploitation of the working class is a system of the Anti-Christ, one which manifests the evil forces of nature. The forces of good will finally overcome the forces of evil.

Those of us who survive the period of transition will witness of how our civilization will evolve to a better, higher form. Communism, even while it has hypocritically proclaimed social equality, has drastically violated human rights. Because of that, it has been removed from the stage of history. Now, in tum, the free market society will disappear. The so-called democracy of the free market society is, in fact, a democracy only for rich people. Hard-working ordinary people (mostly physical workers) must hold two jobs in order to survive, work without vacation except for the occasional national holidays, and deprive themselves of many human needs.

2.3. The Quantum Wave of Individual Life.

The quantum wave of evolution also shapes the personal life of human beings (Figure 2-3.1.)

A newborn baby acquires human consciousness (becomes a human soul) about 43 days after its biological birth. During the first transitional sub-period (from 27 days to two months), the Holy Spirit (God) inspires a soul in the human body.

The next major transformation begins at the third minimum (~ 13.6 months). At this stage, the child can walk and pronounce some words (social communication). The first sub-period of the "Childhood" period is a time when the child learns from the people and environment in his or her home. The child attends a public school during the upgrade of the second sub-period (5.3 - 7 years) and continues attending a normal school during the rest of the sub-period, which lasts from age 7 to age 17.3 years.

During the next minimum "through" in the quantum wave (~ 17.3 years) very important biological changes (puberty) and social changes begin.

This transformation is completed by the maximum high point of the transition sub-period (~27.5 years). At that time young people have graduated from college. They begin their carriers, marry, and create their own families.

The next very dangerous moment in the individual life cycle occurs at the first minimum point of the "Adult period" (~ 41 years). A majority of people experience problems with their health, family, professions, and society.

The best age for social activity and carriers is the following blossoming at the maximum wave (54.5 years). At this age, people have good experiences and still have stable health.


QUClntuM 'vIClve of HUMCln Life 'Adult period'

x K2 .• C15.27)

x 3.907

x 1.9S

x 1.9S

(lJ (lJ
s: (lJ s:
D. .£ D.
0 0. 0
<._ 0 s,
-i-' s, +'
\fl +' tJ)
b tJ) 0
-t-' 0 +'
0 +' o
U 0 U
U +'
\_ (J 'N -0 tJ)
c as '"
0 -Or
@ CD
T yrs 12641 lOS @] 54.5 @] 27.5 117.31
I, "Childhood- Teen period"

(lJ (lJ
s: (); s:
o, s: D.
0 D. 0
s 0 s,
+' s, ->
l/l +' tn
o l/l o
+' 0 +'
0 -i-' o
U o U
U ->
(J <Jl
s, Li '0 'i; l/l
C 0
;:::: ;:::: s: -0
lJ '"
tJ1 "">
(); 0
y 9-
@ CD
41 27.5 17.3 7 5.3 3.55 2.7 i,8 13.6
Kinder (2L7 )
gorden Mnts 54

'Baby period'

Q; (l)
s:: (l) s::
Q s: Q
0 Q 0
s, 0 s,
-P s, +'
U1 -P 1Il
o U1 o
-P o +'
o +' 0
U o U
-c; +'
\._ -c; 1Il
::::: ~
~ 217M 13.6M S.6M 4.2M 2.8M 2.lM

(-2yrs) (-1 yr) (-1/2yr) (-II 4yr)

HUMan being

43 27

days days


Fig. 2-3.1,

After that age, the individual becomes increasingly subject to the destructive quantum forces of time. Most adults die around the time of the next minimum "trough" (~ 81 years). The last sub-period (between ages 81 and 264 years) is a gift of time for some people. Only a very small group of people can survive the last maximum - after age 108. The final minimum of the "Adult period" (- 264 years) is the absolute quantum limit of human life.

The Quantum wave of short-term human activity is illustrated in Figure 2-3.2. and speaks for itself



QuantuM wave of huno n social activity

21.7 13.6 5.6 4.2 2.8 2.1 43 27
(~lyr) (~1I2yr) (~1/4yr) days days
b) CD


43 27

cloys (~lMOJ

4.2 2.84 43

(68hrs) hr s

11 8.3







4.45 2.8




Fig, 2-3.2



2.4. Some Peculiarities of Time.

2.4.1. Solar Activity.

T y

9 Lo-=4xlO, eM;



Fig. 2-41

T _ ~L, __

earth - - <,

4x 109

---- = 72.7 yrs = Thumanlife 0.76xIO-9

T = T"al1h,y = 72.7 = 11 58 ,

earth x . yrs .

, 21r 21r

Solar cycle!

The solar cycle also has its parallels in the personal life of some individuals.

2.4.2. The One-Week Social Cycle.

Learth = kJ3e = (2.33x102)3 = 1.27x 107

Hcouple '

H couple = Leal1h = 4x 109 = 3.15 X 102 em s; 1.27x 107

The value captured by the above calculation ( H couple) is the total average height of couple human beings (man and woman).

Tcouple =

3.15x 102

----9 = 6.44 x 105 s >:;;; 7.45 days and nights! (one week) 0.76x 10-


2.4.3. Another Quantum Cycles.

Hco.....ple = LCO<.Iple




Fig. 2-4.2

Table 2-4.1

t; Notes r, Notes
T =-
x 2"
1107 yrs Average age of Bible 177 yrs Mega sunspots cycle
patriarchs ~ 179 yrs
72.7 yrs Average span of human 11.58 yrs Sunspots cycle
4.8 yrs Early childhood 9 months Period of pregnancy
7.45 days and One week social cycle 28 hrs 24 hrs cycle
12 hrs Day cycle 2 hrs ",,120 min Sun's activity
~ 160 min
47 min ~ 1 hour working cycle 7.5 min Sun's activity ~ 5
mIll And so on!


2.5. World Constant "d".

On the basis of the two main world constants "h" and "c" another world constant can be defined:

h d=- 2 ' e


h - Planck's constant, h = 6.62 X 10-27 erg.s; e - speed oflight, e = 3 x 1010 cm/s

2 (ergxs)x~=> er~ xs3 em em

E 3 or d =-xT P F


E - energy, erg; F - surface, em"; T - time cubed, S3

E .

F = r;~p => energy density of proton, erg / em'

h,e,r~~p and T3 ~ world constants

"T" is not just a mathematical correlation - the time cubed - but it has a very fundamental meaning. As explained in FQR (Part II, Chapter 6 and Part IV, Chapter 8) the time is a three-dimensional parameter (T), T2, T3).

Ti. T2, T3 are three independent vector-images of time T. The basic characteristics of quantum material objects are also three: energy/mass (E or M), surface (F) and time T (Tj, T2, T3).


T3 = dp = 0.736xlO-47 = 88.98 X 10-72 S3 r~~p 0.863 x 1022

Also T = Rp = 1.32 X 10-13 = 4.4 X 10-24 s, the same

, P C 3x10lo

Tp = T; = T2 = T3 = 4.4 x 10-24 S - is absolute minimum quantum time in the universe

To these three dimensions of time correspond the three vector-images of proton _ the so-called "quarks".

The formulas shown above are only true for the micro-world. For the macro- and mega-material formations mother-nature uses higher quantum levels of the world

constant "h" (or most likely 11 = 1.05 X 10-27 erg.s):

He,l =Aexh =4.17x1042 x 1.05 X 10-27 =0.44x10l6 erg.s

- 3 9

Hp,! =Apxh =1.238xlO 6x1.05xlO-27 =1.305xlO erg.s

H I =A xh = 2.3xl039 xl.05xlO-27 =O.242xlOI3 ergs

e.p, e,p

The equations above are valid for micro-material objects.

2 - 59

He,2 =Ae xh = ... =0.183xlO erg.s

2 ~ 46

Hp,2 =Apxh = ... =0.16xlO erg.s

He,p,2 = A;,p x h = ... = 0.56x 1052 erg.s Valid for macro-material objects


He3 = A~ x h = ... = 0.77 X 10101 erg.s

H p,3 = A; x h = ... = 0.2 X 1082 erg.s

He,p,3 = A~,p X h = ... = 1.31 X 1091 erg.s Valid for macro- and mega-material formations.

Below are presented some "applications" of the world constant "dp".

Human being

==en Eh.b F

r h.b. = ~ => hob.


Eh.b. = 6.3xl025 = 7.83xI02 em' 0.86x 1023




Dhb. - the diameter of the human torso

T, = 2~ = T3 = if20 = 2.7 s - two times the human hearth s pulse (1.35)

1; = 1.3 s - is the minimum biological rhythm of the human's macro-organism. 2

The calculation for Hp,3 is:


The basic quantum time-cycles in the human life are three:

~,q =~,d ;::::27 years=O.85xl09 s -the average time-cycle of human generation

T2,q = T1,d ;:::: 6,400 years = 2 x lOll S - the lifespan of the Observer (human civilization)

1;,q = 1;,d = T,! = 1.69 x 1017 s - the age-cycle of the universe

T, x ~ x 1; = O.85x109 x2 X1011 x1.69xlO17 = 0.287x1038 ;:::: 0.258x 1038 S3

An important conclusion: the human life evolution is accomplished in a threedimensional "time-space":

space - x; y; z

time - T],d; T2,d; T3,d

Quantum time-cycles (Tj,q; T2,q; T3,q) have no beginning or end. They were never created (started) and will never be destroyed (finished). In a way, every human being is mortal and immortal at the same time. What we are perceiving as a real one-dimensional time is the time-dimension T3,d = Tun,p. Because of the lack of knowledge about the quantum nature of the world, contemporary people do not perceive the other twodimensions of time (T1,d and T2,d), which are associated with the Observer (animate nature in the world). (Figure 2-5.1,a,b,c.)

There is no paradise, no hell, and no ethereal human souls flying in the heavens like angels. There is no other world, which is a refuge for our souls after the biological death of our body. Everything happens on Earth. Here, for the first time in our life, we see the image of our mothers. Here, we grow up, love, enjoy life, and suffer. Here, for the last time in our life, we see our beloved children, relatives, and the light of the sun.

Humans, don't suffer too much for your beloved dead relatives, don't cry for your bygone happy youth, and don't be afraid of your death. Even so limited in time, our life is eternal. In the frame of the quantum time-cycle (about 81 years), the personal conscious life of every human being never starts from zero and never finishes at zero. We perceive ourselves only as live human beings, not as a biological embryonic cell or destroyed - to the state of atoms and molecules - dead human flesh. The personal human life-cycle is repeated - in the same details - infinite times, without a beginning or end. In every life-cycle (absolutely identical to others) we met over, and over, and over, our parents, kids, friends, and the world around us. Between these endless cycles there is nothing, there is no time, there is no death. The individual life-cycles are closed quantum time-bubbles within which we are confmed forever. We are located continuously and eternally somewhere on the "time-line" of our personal "time-cycle", between the birth and death (points of birth and death are "black" holes in our conscious life).

How can it be possible that the human organism represents just a giant animate macro-molecule?

How can it be possible that the blind forces of natural selection, during the last four billions years, have transformed our ancestral simple, organic, micro-molecule into a self-reproducing giant macro-molecule that is as complex and intelligent as a human being?

How is it possible that this giant macro-molecule could be governed only by another, though more sophisticated, giant macro-molecule-computer (the human brain)?

How is it possible that human consciousness and thoughts can be considered mere by-products of the chemical and physical processes carried out in this biological "computer"?

It is indeed time to reject inadequate models to explain the essence of life and instead to embrace the greater explanatory power and promise of still greater discoveries in General Quantum Mechanics.


a) Universe cycle - T",. = T .. , = 5.35 billion yean.

Chapter Three



Tn this chapter, I will clarify the nature of ball lightning, a quantum macro...Il.,;;bject (QMO) from which free energy may be extracted Since publishing Final Quantum Revelation (FQR) in 1994, my understandings about this energy field has evolved considerably. In 1995 I elaborated a correct theoretical model of ball lightning, but providing the model experimentally required more than four years.

To reach unquestionable success in the practical harnessing of any new source of energy, the researcher must understand the nature of this source completely. Combining the correct theoretical model with corresponding experimental evidence brought me success in harnessing quantum energy.

The problem of free energy production is about two decades old. It first arose in connection with the development of the "physical vacuum" theory. The main stimulus for the scientific investigation of this problem (largely theoretical and mathematical) was the problem of making nuclear energy safe. The main focus in free energy investigations was so-called zero-point energy (ZPE). Except for scientific publications, seminars, and conferences on ZPE theory, there have been no successes in harnessing this kind of free energy. The reason for this failure is that there is no physical vacuum able to serve as a physical environment in which zero-point energy can be produced.

However, this fact has not been acknowledged and the various scientific schools of thought ardently defend the reputation of their own scientists, not stopping short of lies and fraud. They ignore the successes of competing theories, steal other's ideas, and present them as a their own. They are motivated by the desire for world-wide acclaim and the possibility of Nobel Prizes, but also by the material rewards of free energy. Success in harnessing a new effective source of energy will bring countless riches to these avaricious and dishonest people, for energy is the basis of all production, transportation, and preservation. On average about 70 percent of product's costs are really energy costs.

I made no effort to bring myself to the attention of the scientific media and the public. I am not motivated in my research by a desire to attain glory or riches. God gave me this knowledge, not to use it for my own needs, but to share it with and use it for all of people on Earth.

Harnessing quantum energy for practical use will fundamentally transform the world. Cheap, safe, limitless, and easily accessible energy will elevate living standards to the point where inequalities between rich and poor will disappear. Money will lose its power to dictate human relations. Because of my faith in this vision, I have sacrificed the best years of my life, devoting them to this exhausting and ungrateful scientific research.

3.1. Quantum Boundaries of the World.

In this section, I will explain the theory of the quantum macro-object (ball lightning). (Figure 3-1.1.)

Within the area limited by the quantum boundaries, the substance is definite and predictable. Within this zone, all of the known laws of physics, including the law of gravity and law of conservation of energy, are strictly observed. Material objects are three-dimensional.

sa 1.15xlO· - -





~ - --



= L9
trIt Space, R, em

.a .f. =1.5xlO •



w I




L22xlOS2 - - - - - - -



Outside of this zone, however, the physical face of the world changes drastically.

The known laws of physics are replaced by the action of quantum boundaries, and threedimensional material objects become two-dimensional quantum units. The law of energy conservation is violated beyond this zone.

Contemporary science does not acknowledge - or even suspect - the existence of two-dimensional quantum objects. This fact is a result of lack of knowledge about existence of quantum boundaries of the world.

If gas (air, for example) is forced to ionize very quickly and completely enough so that the energy absorbed by the atomic nuclei is low, the complex of ionized atomic nuclei that results could lie outside the zone of definite existence of the substance. (Figure 3-1.2.)

The Ordered World

R,t= 1.32 R. ... ,


Ra= 1.31 x 10'"

2.96 X 10"

E. erg

Fig. 3 -1.2.

The protonic (nucleonic) gas component can become a structureless (quantum) unit quite easily, but achieving such a state is very hard for the electronic component. This stable nuclear macro-formation is the quantum macro object. It can be observed in a rare but naturally occurring phenomenon called ball lightning. Experiments carried out by many researchers have established with certainty that the ordinary electron-nuclear plasma which occurs in the zone limited by quantum boundaries does not generate stable plasma formations. However, my experiments conducted in the zone outside those boundaries prove the possibility of creation of stable-state formations.


The quantum nuclear component has no definite internal structure. Its individual atomic nuclei are undifferentiated. The electronic component of the plasma, however, after such accelerated ionization is transformed into regular electronic plasma composed of individual free electrons.

Quantum means simple, without internal structure or constituents. A quantum material object cannot be three-dimensional. (Figure 3-1.3.) Why? A material threedimensional object such a sphere (x.y.z) cannot be a quantum object because its volume can be separated into differentiated points and areas. For example, point "0" is in the center of the sphere, point "C' is on the surface of the sphere, point "A" is between them, area "M' is closer to the surface than area "N', etc.

A quantum material object can be only a closed two-dimensional formation. (Figure 3-1.3.)


ir=: oreoAN"






Fig. 3-1.3.

As discussed in Chapter one, the protonic (nucleon) quantum material object is "open to the outside". It has a sharp boundary, or line of demarcation (surface "a"), which separates this exotic two-dimensional object from its surrounding background of space (electronic continuum). The volume closed by the quantum surface "a" has nothing to do with the quantum material object. It is amazing to observe this sharp material boundary. In my first experiments on ball lightning, I observed and investigated the quantum behavior of this strange object. (Figure 3-1.4.)

During these experiments, I changed the distance between the electrodes (1 and 2) and I could contact (touch) the ball lightning (6) with a metal stick (5). The greater the distance between electrodes, the greater and more diffuse the ball lightning is. In this experiment, the metal stick could not pass the boundary of the ball lightning and penetrate within it. I later realized that this phenomenon was a function of the fact that, in fact, there was no "interior" to the ball lightning. The only effect was some deformations of the shape of the ball lightning. If the distance between the electrodes is smaller or if the input power level is higher, then the ball lightning becomes denser and behaves like a solid metal ball, incapable of being deformed.






1'1 ,2



NUI&II ,/--

Fig. 3 - 1.4.

During these experiments of manipulations (deformations) on ball lightning, I discovered that the volume of the surface did not change (F a = const), even though the volume enclosed by this surface could vary from 0 (like a popped balloon) to a maximum spherical shape. The ball lightning nucleus is "closed" to the inside. Therefore no solid or fluid object can penetrate quantum surface "a".

In this way we can understand why air currents (wind) can easily transport ball lightning. The gas molecules located in the volume enclosed by the quantum surface "a" can, however, escape from the ball lightning without hindrance in the form of macropackets. It is probably also true that macro-packets of electromagnetic radiation can be reflected by the quantum surface of ball lightning. Radio waves, whose wavelengths ( A. ) are of the same range of spatial dimensions as ball lightning, are especially sensitive during contact with this macro quantum body. When ball lightning passes near a radioreceiver, it causes a crackle of static electricity.

The quantum macro-nucleus of ball lightning is a positively charged twodimensional unit. An electron shelf (cloud) surrounds this giant nucleus. Ball lightning is thus a Giant Macro Atom! (Figure 3-1.5.)



three-cliMensionul eLectron shelf (-ZXe)

-t wo-ciiMensiono.l quo n t un nucleonic nucleus (+ZXe)

where, Z-nuMber of electrons

r.. e-eleMentary el. ~~~--------~+-~ cho.rge

D nucleu~2R nucleus


Fig. 3-1.5.

During experimental observations on ball lightning, the macro-nucleus and electron shelf are quite visible and differentiated from each another. In my experiments, conducted with a quartz container and ordinary air, the ball lightning nucleus appeared as a sharp shining spherical boundary between the orange-colored electronic shelf and the volume of gas enclosed by this quantum boundary. Increasing the input power to a certain level can cause the ball lightning to become totally transparent, easy to see through. In this state, ball lightning generates a great deal of heat, but no shining plasma formations are visible within its volume. This experiment is an excellent visual illustration of the two-dimensional structure of the ball lightning nucleus.

If the ball lightning nucleus is illuminated from the exterior with a dense light beam, the quantum nucleus reflects part of this light.

The ball lightning nucleus is also impermeable to electrical current. A weak high voltage current (I used U ~ 15,000 volts, I ~ 0.01 amps) creates an arc discharge that enfolds the ball lightning nucleus. (Figure 3-1.6.)


U~15,000 Volts I ~ 0.01 Amps

ell lightning nucleus

bo.ll lightning electron shelf

Fig. 3-1.6.




Instead of passing through the ball lightning by the shortest way - a straight line between the two electrodes - the current "prefers" to slide over the surface of the ball lightning nucleus.

After many years working on ball lightning and related experiments, I have indisputable proofs that ball lightning represents a "Giant Macro Atom" composed of a two-dimensional quantum nucleonic nucleus and a three-dimensional electronic shelf (cloud).

The discovery of such a material object opens the gates of science to a hitherto unknown world with very stimulating features and possibilities. This discovery changes the field of physics in fundamental ways. Only the discovery of the laws of the classical mechanics by Isaac Newton can be compared in importance with the discovery of the laws of the General Quantum Mechanics.

3.2. Theoretical Estimations of Quantum Energy.

In this section, I will provide approximate calculations of the electrical and energy features of the quantum macro- object (ball lightning). Because I have not been educated physicist, it is possible that some of these theoretical estimations are not sufficiently precise; but this possibility does not alter the fundamental conclusion. The quantum macro- object (ball lightning) possesses unusual electrical features and enormous energy possibilities.

3.2.1.Electrical Estimations. Electron. (Figure 3-2.1.)



rMin :3'1



Fig. 3-21.


rmin= e 2=Re= ... =2.82xIO-13cm


73 Ball lightning. (Figure 3-2.2.)


-lxe electY'on

r( Y't ~2XJO-8,CM solid s t c t e body

)J Q OM (stick)

uo.ntUM Mocro nucleus

shel f



qUo.ntuM Mocro object



Fig. 3-2.2.

Zxe2 m XC2 =---


then r., = 1012·x 3 X 10-13 ~ 3 mm


This value of r min is a provable estimation of the thickness of the electron shelf, substantiated by my observations in my experiments. (Figure 3-2.3.)



RF genera.tor



qua.rtz tube

electron shelf of bo.ll lightning



Fig, 3-2,3,

Experiments show that ball lightning will not form if the distance between electrodes is less than the double value ofrmin (Figure 3-2.3.,a). The same observation is valid for the experiment illustrated in Figure 3-2.3.,b.

0.) orclino.ry ptc sno

I-=::: r Min
lEe :1
Fig, 3-2.4,0, If

Z = 1012



Note: relatively weak electrostatic field.

b) quontu~ Macro object

quantuM MQCrO nucleus WMN)

Mo. teriol point (no inside) -lxe


MO theM 0 +lco l -''It ~t'-MP

point (Mp) +Zxe -lxe



Fig. 3-2.4,b.


r - the shortest distance

Zxe2 Feul =--r

The quantum macro-object is a two-dimensional materiel point, with no subparts and no internal structure. The only distance between the two points represented by the electron and the quantum macro-object is r. If r is small, F cui becomes very big. In the case of quantum macro-object, the electrostatic field can become very strong. (Figure 3- 2.5.)


ball lightning electronic shelf' -Zxe)

ball lightning nucleonic nucleus (+Zxe)


FiQ. 3-2.5.


If Z = 1012 and rz ~ 10-8 em ~

~ E = 1012 x(4.8xl0-1oy = 22 eras = 13.5 x 1012 eV=13500GeV

p 10-8 b' ,

Note: the most powerful electron accelerator in the world (CERN - Geneva) will generate in year 2006 only 7,000 GeV.

Outside the electronic shelf, this powerful electric field is screened by the negative electric charge of the shelf

Some observations and experiments, discussed below, prove the existence of a strong electrostatic field around the ball lightning nucleus.

a) experiment (Figure 3-2.6.)


ball lightning electronic shelf

Fiq, 3-2,6,

Note: the fast electrons (characterized by very high energy) can destroy the metallic stick very quickly.

b) Observations under natural conditions (Figure 3-2.7.)


window glass

ball lightning

ball lightning movement

Fig. 3-27.

Note: Ball lightning can cut a hole in glass without melting it.

c) Ball lightning can cause injury or death in humans in the same way that a very strong electric field can.

d) Ball lightning exerts a very strong electrical influence on electrical networks that are located nearby.

e) My experiment (Figure 3-2.8.)

bell jar

little ball lightnings (d=4-5 mm)

metallic electrode

vacuum pump

generat.or Fig. 3-2.8.

Note: A tiny ball lightning can destroy the electrode in few seconds. It makes large holes in the electrodes but does not melt it. Only very high- energy electrons can produce such an effect.


3.2.2.Energy Estimations.


c ll lightning nucleus (+Zxe)

boll lightning electron shelf (-Zxe)

Fig. 3-2.9.

Note: The influence of the remaining electrons from the electron shelf is very weak compared with the ball lightning nucleus, so this influence is neglected. Classical Method.

Fcentr. = F cul

The electron impulse is: nx h (n = 1,2, ... )

Ball lightning is a giant macro-atom; therefore we can expect to manifest a big value of the electron inpulse.

m xV2


-"---- - --::--

~.l. +rz ri


me,V x V x (Rbl. + rz) = n x h (2)

meO meO xc

me,V = g' 2 = I 2' 2 (3)

l-~ "\IC-V


me,o = me - mass in rest



(4) (5)


v = c, because the electrons in the ball lightning shelf are very fast!

(RbI + rz)2 = nxh x rz2
C Zxe2
(Rb.l. x rz )2 cxnxh
r2 Zxe2
z (7)


( Rb.l. IJ2 _ C x h n

--+ ---x-

r e2 Z




a=~= ... = 7.3xl0-3; cxh


_EL+l= 137x-

rz Z




R _g_>0



~137ZXn >1 therefore,


n 137x-> 1; Z

Z n>- 137


If Tz ~ 00, .!!:_ = 0, rz

Z n=-! 137

2 Zxe2

me,v x V = 2 X (Rb.l. + rz ) (14)


m xV2

E = _e.;_'v __

n 2

Zxe2 2 2

--2-x(Rb.l. +rz)xrz -2xZxe

rz Z x e2 x (Rb./. + rz - 2)

_.!::..._---------- =

2xr2 z


En> 0, for Rb.l. + r-> 2 (16)

1012 x (4.8 X 10-1°)2 R + r - 2

E = X b.l. Z

n 2 2


For rz= 0.3 em (observed),

Rb.l. + rz - 2 = 3 + 0.3 - 2 =1.3 em

Enmin = 1.15 X 10-7 X 1.32 = 1.7 X 10-6 ergs:::::: 1.06 X 106 eV:::::: 1 MeV 0.3

- nuclear range!


Fig. 3-2.10.

Note: En is always positive, therefore ball lightning atom prefers to give out some energy. Quantum Method. (Figure 3-2.11.)


o.ll lightning nucleus (+Zxe)


ott lightning electron shelf (-Zxe)

Fig. 3-2.11.

h2 - OP

Shrodinger equation: - - x t1? x P + u x 'P = i x h x-;

2m at

u = 0, re ~ rz ~ 0; Z - starts from a (x,y)

'P(O) = 'P(re) = 0;

if < <0

1 re - rz -


'P(O) = axsina = O~


'P(rz) = axsin(wx rz) = 0;

wxrz =±nx1r, n=I,2,3, ...


n = 1,2, ... ,-, ...


Only discrete values of energy!

En•min = 4.1 X 106 eV = 4.1 MeV - the same range

Again the nuclear range!

Note: Both estimations are close each to another!


~ WL


- > 1---------1


~ ~---------~

~ ~----------~ Ol


f-------------------- E2


The number of electrons which can occupy the "n" energy level is:


2:(21+1)=n2 !


/,n - main quantum numbers


Where does this enormous energy come from? The correct answer is: From nowhere. This energy is a quantum gift of nature, which violates the law of energy conservation in this particular case. Such enormous energy is not available in the close environment at the moment of the birth ofbaUlightning.

Lets us analyze the quantum energy spectrum of a moderately dense ball lightning created in hydrogen gas. (Figure 3-2.12.)



20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4

2 b.1.
-, J
""" V
~ ~
...- Db.!.
f-- ~_V_: l::1~ ~_e - ~ el_ler ~;p >J _c ptn IQIg l!JQ_ fl __ <:l _tJ e - [eM]
-h .;:1'r " {lTT I", 2 E ;=constxD


4' 10'








Fig. 3-2.12.

If we postulate that about 1021 atoms/em' are involved inthe formation of the ball lightning, then we can calculate:

7(2 x h? 2

Z = 1021 quantum electrons / cm3; E . = x n

n,mm 2 x me x re2

E 3.142 x (1.05 x 10-27)2 1019 6xlO-8 / 3

~ . = X ~ era cm .

n,mm 2 091 10-27 2 2 0 ,

x. X x re re


r < __g_ (1) e- 5



~.l. - ball lightning diameter

Note: The correlation (1) is based on observations made during my experiments.

6x10-8 JrxD3

EII,min ~ (D1f2 J2 X 6 s.t. ~ 0.8 X 10--6 x D;.l.

xu: ~

5 =fbJ

According to the "principle of economy" ball lightning electrons must occupy the lowest energy levels: EII.min ~ •.. ~EII.JIJIJX' If the quantum electron somehow radiates energy, then this energy can be only its full quantum energy, because quantum energy cannot be divided in smaller parts. After this energy radiation, the quantum energy of the electron is restored (from nowhere) instantaneously.

A . = hxc . = E ' n,max

A = hxc . max E . '


The energy spectrum of the radiating photons is discontinuous. (Fig. 3-2.13.)

/ \
/ 1\
/ 1\
111 I1t AMUX wave length A

Fig. 3-2.13.

The critical practical question is: HOW SHOULD WE USE QUANTUM ENERGY? After about fourteen years of hard work on ball lightning I have found a way to extract, harness, and channel this colossal quantum energy. But my method is a patent secret for now.

The quantum macro-object is new, unlimited, safe, and very cheap source of energy. I invite the reader to calculate the colossal amount of energy that the quantum electrons from the electron shelf in a large and dense ball lightning would posses. The answer is that this quantum free energy has no limit. Quantum free energy accelerators


could accelerate the electrons to energy comparable with the energy of the very energetic cosmic rays (E ~ 1012 eV, and more).

Such energy levels are unthinkable for conventional electron accelerators. Future quantum electron (and photon) accelerators are small in size, very cheap, and unlimited in the energy they can produce.

Is it possible to use ball lightning as a laser gun? Perhaps, but this concept currently lacks experimental data. (Figure 3-2.14.)

b.l, electron shelf

Fig. 3-2.14.

En -8

t-10 5



E,..,2 --------"-----


En ~ Em,I, pumping of energy in ball lightning Em.2 - metastable state, t ~ 10-3 S

Em,2 ~ En, shot of r -photons

This quantum device can be called: Quaser (Quaser = Quantum Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation).

Quantum energy could be used also as a very bright source of high-energy photons for conventional lasers, for biological and chemical research, for nanotechnologies in semiconductor industry, etc.

The quantum macro-object is an unusual material object. The quantum surface of this two-dimensional material body has no differentiated points or areas. In other words, touching one spot of the quantum surface means touching the whole surface, as my experiments prove. The quantum macro -nucleus of ball lightning is a closed twodimensional material formation, which can be deformed in the third spatial dimension Z without changing the volume of its surface (Fa = const).

It is impossible to create ball lightning that is confined between two closed surfaces like ordinary plasma. (Figure 3-2.15.)



outside gloss container

ionizo tlon

plo sr-o under VQCUUM


under vaCUUM

possible! (observecl)


b.l. electron shelf'

Fig. 3-2.J5.

iMpossible! (not observed)

The quantum surface" a " of ball lightning is a boundary between the World and the Anti-world The World is built up of matter. The Anti-world is built up of antimatter. (Figure 3-2.16.)

Fig. 3-2.16.


Every material object during its existence describes a line: / (matter), I (anti-

matter). (Figure 3-2.17.)

• t=O

Fig. 3-2.17.


The quantum surface" a ." is like a mirror in which every particle can see its antiparticle counterpart. (Figure 3-2.18.)



boll lightning electron shelF

bull lightning ontielectron shelf

Fig. 3-218.

Anti-electrons (positrons) from the anti-electron shelf are real. The volume V enclosed by quantum surface" a " contains gas particles, which are not associated - and hence no exchange of energy - with baUlightning. The anti-electrons are not located on the ball lightning quantum surface. They exist only in the anti-world that is "seen" in the quantum mirror "a". Of course, they are not in contact with gas particles from the volume V. And so on. The anti-world "seen" in quantum mirror" a" (the surface of the ball lightning nucleus) is not a virtual anti-reality but it is a real and actual anti-reality.

The discovery of the quantum macro- object will have an enormous impact, not only on science, but also on technology. Here are some, among other, practical applications of the quantum macro-object:

• Providing unlimited, safe, and cheap energy

• Making practical very powerful elementary particles accelerators

• Providing direct rocket propulsion (photon rockets)

• Enabling the production of very powerful weapons for mass destruction (photonic bombs).


The price of gasoline is going up. California, the most populated and the most industrial American state, lacks sufficient electrical power to meet daily energy needs, and rolling blackouts create social turmoil. Other states could soon suffer the same fate. President George W. Bush refuses to sign an international treaty limiting pollution in the atmosphere. More than half of the U.S.'s oil needs are met by import, primarily from Arab countries. By about 2020, the United States will import two-thirds of its petroleum, a situation that jeopardizes the energy independence and security of our country.

A special governmental board, headed by Vice President Dick Cheney, submitted a report on the nation's energy policy and proposed the construction of between 1300 and 1900 power plants fueled by coal and petroleum over the next twenty 20 years, supplemented by many nuclear power plants. Is this plan feasible? Of course not. The


reaction, both international and domestically, against such an environmentally exploitive project would be sharp. Furthermore, the continuous increase of the prices of fossil fuel and the impossibility of increasing gas, oil, and coal production sufficiently in the next two decades make such a proposal unfeasible.

What is the answer to this untenable situation? It is the unlimited resource of quantum energy. The main advantages of this energy include:

• Unlimited energy

• No pollution or radioactive waste

• Very cheap

• No danger of deadly explosions because of human error or terrorism

And many more.

During the next decade, quantum energy will be harnessed and will become the main source of energy in the world. Until that time, the American people must save energy by using small low- gas- consumption cars, energy-efficient technologies, alternative energy sources, and a national system for sharing electricity.

Ball of Lightning Demonstration Generator "Angelina - 01"

A three KW robotic generator.

Output power is 30-400/0 more than input power.

Quantum Macro-Object radiating Quantum Energy, SLC, UT 2000


A two Kilowatt Quantum Energy Generator "Angelina" III, SLC, 2000

A Six Kilowatt Quantum Energy Generator Salt Lake City, Utah 2000


Chapter Four




When I was a little boy, I looked at the sun very often and was fitled with fear at the tHought that someday the sun would burn out and not give us anymore light and heat. Later, in high school, I learned that the sun is a huge nuclear power plant and that its hydrogen nuclear fuel will be exhausted after about 5 billion years. Intuitively, I rejected this scenario, but at the time I did not have a solution to the problem of the sun's energy source.

After high school, I had to decide between physics and civil engineering as a career. My father and brother, who was currently student in the College of Civil Engineering at Sofia Technical University, advised me that it would be more moral to build than to destroy, a view that reflected their image of physicists as engaged in constructing nuclear bombs. I chose civil engineering, but never forgot my first scientific questions about the sources of energy in the universe.

Now I can proudly say that I know why and how our universe exists, and why and how the stars shine.

4.1. The Source ofthe Sun's Energy

no,swrl:::i YSun = 1.4 24 ~O.84xl024atoms/cm3

mhydrogen 1.67 x 10-

H+ (proton)


Fig. 4-1.1.

E, = 2.07 X 10-16 X T

2.3 X 10-19 = 2.07 X 10-16 X T d

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