Brady Fish Procedures and Official Contracts

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Fish’s Classroom Rules & Procedures

1. Respect
a. Respect yourself – Do not swear or make rude gestures
b. Respect the Teacher – Follow directions
c. Respect classmates – Make friends, not enemies
d. Respect property - Do not take write on desks
2. Attend class prepared
a. Have a pencil/pen
b. Anticipate due dates
3. Strive for excellence
a. Be on time
b. Complete assigned readings

Course Procedures
Entering the Classroom:
1. Be in the room before the bell rings
2. Begin the warm-up as soon as you enter the classroom
3. Quietly work on this activity until the music stops
1. Pens or Pencils
2. I have many folders. Ask me for one!
3. One journal.

Tardy to Class:
If you come in after the bell rings, you must have a note from another teacher or
you will be counted as tardy. Four tardies will result in a call to the parent. Five tardies will
result in D-Hall. Six tardies will result in an additional D-Hall. Seven tardies will result with
lunch detention as is suggested in the school-wide procedures. Eight tardies will result in
Saturday D-Hall (8 AM - 10 AM). Nine tardies will result in Parent Conference with Assistant
Principal and Teacher.

Issue/Misbehavior Consequences
For our class to be successful and for your own academic success we have to make
sure we stay on task and keep our focus in the classroom.
1st Act of Misbehavior: Verbal Warning and Visual (I will tell you that you need to
focus and write your name on the board).
2nd Act of Misbehavior: Sent out into the hall with discipline form and today’s
activity to be finished alone.
3rd Act of Misbehavior: Contact Parent.
4th Act of Misbehavior: Sent to the Office and possible Disciplinary Conference.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Reading is a central focus in my classroom, and communication between students,
teachers, and parents is especially important during this academic and emotional growth period.
Reading is a skill. The only way to get better at reading is to read---this holds true for
excellent readers as well as reluctant readers. My goals are for your student to enjoy reading
and to become strong and enthusiastic readers for life. Students will be responsible for reading
all year long, even when we are not directly in a Book Club. I will do my best to motivate your
student to read academically, but I also hope to encourage a love of reading and the desire to
read for pleasure.
To appeal to my students’ variety of reading levels and interests, I have worked to
develop my own library. The library in my classroom is available to all students to experiment
with different genres and types of books of their choice. I hope that my students are
surrounded by books at school and at home, they will read more and will find books and authors
they love.
I want you to know that I am sensitive to having appropriate reading material in my
classroom library. I understand that what is considered appropriate easily varies from one
family to another. I have worked to fill my classroom library with classic and contemporary
young adult titles. I feel comfortable that the issues and themes addressed in these books are
relevant to many teens, but also that they may not be considered appropriate to all families. I
encourage you to remain aware of the books your student chooses to read and to assist him or
her in selecting materials that meet your standards. It is my hope that talking to students about
a great and thought-provoking book will facilitate more communication between parents and
students and increase students’ academic and emotional growth.
The books in my classroom library are always available, but never assigned. They are
checked out on a voluntary basis. Students will be required to read outside of class, but they
have my classroom library, our school library, and our public libraries to find materials that
interest them. All students in my English classes are asked to have an adult in his or her home
sign below indicating that this classroom library letter has been read and understood.
Thank you for your support, and I look forward to a great year!

Brady Fish


______Yes, my student has permission to use Mr. Fish’s classroom library.

______No, I would prefer that my student not have access to Mr. Fish’s classroom library
without my guidance.

Parent’s signature: ___________________________________________

Date: ______________________

Student’s printed name: _________________________________________

Student Technology Contract for Mr. Fish
Galena Park High School is a BYOD school. BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device.
Students may bring devices that can access the Galena Park’s WiFi, such as:
smartphones, iPod touch, Apple Watch, tablets, etc.

Students and Parents must READ AND SIGN this contract in order to be able to use ANY
technology in my classroom. It is my goal to incorporate technology to help students
learn more efficiently and help parents stay “in the loop” of what is going on in class.  

I understand that……

G Using Technology in the classroom is a privilege that can be taken away

at any point.
G All devices must be used on the Galena Park Wifi and not a private 3G
network or they will be confiscated.
G Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. are not appropriate for
school and CAN NOT be accessed at any time.
G All devices whether they be your own, or Mr. Fish’s, must be respected
and used very carefully at all times. If they are mistreated they will not be used
in the classroom at all. 
G If asked to surrender your device because you are off task or using it
inappropriately, you will do so without question and it may be given to the
office in alignment with Galena Park High’s electronic device policy.

I have read and understand all the above guidelines about technology. I agree to abide
by these guidelines to make for a successful classroom environment!

Student Signature                                         Parent Signature


Parent Phone Number: _______________

Class Period: ________________

**Student TASK. Please summarize the Technological Guidelines in at least 3 sentences:




Parent Contact Form
STUDENT NAME: ___________________________ PARENT NAME: ___________________________

1. What do you know about your child that you think I should know?

2. What are you child’s interests outside of school?

3. Does your child read at home? Often Some Rarely Never

4. In what situations would you expect me to contact you?

7. How would you prefer to be contacted should I need to?

Home Phone Number: _____________________ .

Best time to call you:

Work Phone Number: _____________________ .

Best time to call you:

E-mail: _____________________ .

How often do you check your email?

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