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Task 3: Design and make a pop art word in the style of Roy

Draw out a design for a pop art style word Examples
• The word... Use your name, initials, favourite food, pets
name, a hobby...just keep it short 4/5 letters.
• A shape to surround the letters- starburs, bubble etc
• Any further shapes, to surround you word.
Y8 Pop Art Project

• Patterns to decorate your letters and shapes like Ben Day

dots and lines
• Colour- keep these minimal 3 plus black & white
Create your word design
Use recycled materials where you can- be creative

• Make a collage that is flat

• Make a 2D carboard relief

Stretch Challenge: Incorporate some simple images/objects into your

design that relate to the word you have chosen
Task 4: Make a detailed observational drawing of an
everyday household item/object
Creating your drawing consider the following:
Examples • Choose what you are going to draw (this can be anything
in your house you can find!) and make sure that the object
or the picture is positioned where you can clearly see it
• Make sure you have a sharp pencil
Y8 Pop Art Project

• When you begin drawing draw the outline first lightly in

pencil (so you can rub out if you make mistakes!)
• Once you have the shape correct begin to add tonal
shading – remember to try and create light, medium and
dark shades to make the object appear 3D and as realistic
as possible
• Finally add detail – do this by using mark making over your
shading or use your rubber to create highlights
• Enjoy drawing!

Step by step process

Stretch Challenge: Create a second observational drawing which

incorporates an everyday item in it – watch this for inspiration:
What can you come up with? Stretch Challenge example

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