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Turn it and Turn it
everything you Need is in it.
Turn it and turn it
the is in it.
Part 4 – A Beautiful Mind
Messiah exchanged His
To Behold God’s Beauty
beauty for our sinfulness
Is to be emboldened
_____________________ by
to give us the beauty of
God’s beauty.
His righteousness

The Praise of the

Praiseworthy is its own
If you want to know the truth (the Truth), listen to
what Yeshua says; and, if you are confused by what
He says look at what He does (the Good); and, if
your heart is melted by what you have heard and
seen, then you just experienced the beautiful one.
Messiah exchanged His
To Behold God’s Beauty
beauty for our sinfulness
Is to be emboldened by
to give us the beauty of
God’s beauty.
His righteousness

The Praise of the What captures the

Praiseworthy is its own attention of your mind
Reward. matters and it matters
more than you think.
What captures the attention of your mind matters
and it matters more than you think.
Undevotional Theology
But the fact that man’s mind is fallen is
no excuse for a retreat from thought into
emotion, for the emotional side of man is
equally fallen.
Indeed, sin has a more potent effect on
our feelings than on our thinking because
our opinions are more easily checked by
revealed truth than our experiences. – p.
Undevotional Theology Untheological Devotion
Devotional Theology
What captures the attention of your mind matters
and it matters more than you think.
Whatever failures I have known, whatever
errors I have committed, whatever follies I
have witnessed in private and public life
have been a consequence of action without

Bernard Baruch, 1870-1965

During my eighty-seven years I have
witnessed a whole succession of
technological revolutions. But none of
them has done away with the need for
character in the individual or the ability
to think.

Bernard Baruch, 1870-1965

What captures the attention of your mind?
Shaul Writes Letter to
Philippians 62 C.E. The Jewish Wars 66-70 C.E.

Shaul Visits Philip 50 Shaul Beheaded by

C.E. Nero 68 C.E.
Because of my
imprisonment, most of
the brothers and sisters
have become confident
in the Lord to dare
more than ever to
speak the message

Philippians 1:14
A ”joy” and a “crown.”

Philippians 4:1
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true,
whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever
is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is
commendable—if there is any virtue and if there
is anything worthy of praise—dwell on these

Philippians 4:8
whatever is true

whatever is honorable

whatever is just

whatever is pure

brothers and sisters whatever is lovely

whatever is commendable
dwell on these things
whatever is true The True

whatever is honorable The Good

whatever is just

whatever is pure

brothers and sisters whatever is lovely The Beautiful

dwell on these things

whatever is commendable
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true,
whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever
is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is
commendable—if there is any virtue and if there
is anything worthy of praise—dwell on these

Philippians 4:8
He says it’s not enough just to think on the right
things. It’s also important to love the right thing.
We see beauty or things that are lovely in one
place, and things that are good and moral in
another place, and things that are truthful in yet a
third place.
We hardly ever see most of these things in one
human life, except that is, in the life of Yeshua
where they are seen all together to the greatest
possible degree.
Real beauty is not about a what but about a who.
What you have learned and received and heard and
seen in me—put these things into practice, and the
God of shalom will be with you.

Philippians 4:9
…more than that, I consider all things to be loss in
comparison to the surpassing value of the
knowledge of Messiah Yeshua my Lord.

Philippians 3:8
What you have learned and received and heard and
seen in me—put these things into practice, and the
God of shalom will be with you.

Philippians 4:9
It matters what captures your mind because your
shalom depends on it.
A Beautiful Mind

Beautiful Theology
Beautiful Devotion
Peace of the Beautiful One
Part 4 – A Beautiful Mind

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