An Overview On Cyclic Voltammetry and Its Application in Pharmaceutical Analysis

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Review Article www.ijcps.


ISSN: 0976-9390
International Journal of
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
2014, June., Vol. 5 (2)

An overview on cyclic voltammetry and its application in pharmaceutical

VijayaDurga CH*, Srividya A, Ajitha A and Umamaheswara Rao V.
Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis and Quality Assurance, CMR College of Pharmacy, Medchal Road,
Kandlaykoya, Seethariguda, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
* Corresponding Author: E-Mail:

Cyclic voltammetry is the most widely used technique for acquiring qualitative
information about electrochemical reactions. The power of cyclic voltammetry results from its
ability to rapidly provide considerable information on the thermodynamics of redox processes and
the kinetics of heterogeneous electron-transfer reactions, and on coupled chemical reactions or
adsorption processes. Cyclic voltammetry is often the first experiment performed in an
electroanalytical study. In particular, it offers a rapid location of redox potentials of the electro
active species, and convenient evaluation of the effect of media upon the redox process.
Keywords: Cyclic voltammetry, Electrochemical reactions, Thermodynamics, Redox potential.

1. INTRODUCTION chemical reactions or adsorption processes. [3]

Electrochemical analyses can be thought Cyclic voltammetry is often the first experiment
performed in an electroanalytical study. In
of in terms of two broad classes of measurement,
particular, it offers a rapid location of redox
one in which the potential that develops between
two electrodes is measured (potentiometry) and potentials of the electro active species, and
convenient evaluation of the effect of media upon
another in which the current that flows between
the redox process.
two electrodes is measured (amperometry). In
potentiometry, it often proves helpful to arrange 1.1. History
things such that the current is very low (e.g., by
Historically, the branch of
placing a high-resistance voltmeter in series
electrochemistry we now call voltammetry
between two electrodes). [1] The electrochemical developed from the discovery of palaeography in
potential of one electrode (the reference
1922 by the Czech chemist Jaroslav Heyrovsky, for
electrode) is usually fixed, so the measured cell
which he received the 1959 Nobel Prize in
potential can be interpreted in terms of an chemistry. The early voltammetry methods
equilibrium half-cell reaction involving an analyte
experienced a number of difficulties, making them
species in contact with the other electrode (the
less than ideal for routine analytical use. However,
working electrode). In favourable cases, one can in the 1960s and 1970s significant advances were
use data from potentiometric measurements to
made in all areas of voltammetry (theory,
calculate analyte concentrations directly from the
methodology, and instrumentation), which
Nernst equation. Potentiometry is a simple and
enhanced the sensitivity and expanded the
straightforward analytical method, and is repertoire of analytical methods. The coincidence
routinely used to solve many problems in the
of these advances with the advent of low-cost
analysis of electrochemically active and/or
operational amplifiers also facilitated the rapid
charged analytes [2]. commercial development of relatively inexpensive
Cyclic voltammetry is the most widely instrumentation [4].
used technique for acquiring qualitative The common characteristic of all
information about electrochemical reactions. The
voltammetric techniques is that they involve the
power of cyclic voltammetry results from its
application of a potential (E) to an electrode and
ability to rapidly provide considerable the monitoring of the resulting current (i) flowing
information on the thermodynamics of redox through the electrochemical cell. In many cases
processes and the kinetics of heterogeneous
the applied potential is varied or the current is
electron-transfer reactions, and on coupled

Review Article

monitored over a period of time (t). Thus, all electrochemical theory. Here we summarize some
voltammetric techniques can be described as of the electrochemical theory or laws common to
some function of E, i, and t. They are considered all of the voltammetric techniques.
active [5] techniques (as opposed to passive
Where necessary, more specific details
techniques such as potentiometry) because the are given later under the discussion of each
applied potential forces a change in the
technique cyclic voltammetry (CV) has become an
concentration of an electro active species at the
important and widely used electroanalytical
electrode surface by electrochemically reducing or
technique in many areas of chemistry. It is rarely
oxidizing it. used for quantitative determinations, but it is
The analytical advantages of the various widely used for the study of redox processes [10],
voltammetric techniques include excellent for understanding reaction intermediates, and for
sensitivity with a very large useful linear obtaining stability of reaction products.
concentration range for both inorganic and
This technique is based on varying the
organic species (10–12 to 10–1 M), a large applied potential at a working electrode in both
number of useful solvents and electrolytes, a wide
forward and reverse directions (at some scan
range of temperatures, rapid analysis times
rate) while monitoring the current. For example,
(seconds), simultaneous determination of several the initial scan could be in the negative direction
analytes, the ability to determine kinetic and to the switching potential [11]. At that point the
mechanistic parameters, a well-developed theory
scan would be reversed and run in the positive
and thus the ability to reasonably estimate the
direction. Depending on the analysis, one full
values of unknown parameters, and the ease with cycle, a partial cycle, or a series of cycles can be
which different potential waveforms can be
generated and small currents measured [6,7].
1.2. Cyclic voltammetry principle
Analytical chemists routinely use
voltammetric techniques for the quantitative Cyclic voltammetry consists of scanning
determination of a variety of dissolved inorganic linearly the potential of a stationary working
and organic substances. Inorganic, physical, and electrode, using a triangular potential waveform.
biological chemists widely use voltammetric Depending on the information sought, single or
techniques for a variety of purposes, including multiple cycles can be used. During the potential
fundamental studies of oxidation and reduction sweep, the potentiostat measures the current
processes in various media, adsorption processes resulting from the applied potential. The resulting
on surfaces, electron transfer and reaction plot of current vs. potential is termed a cyclic
mechanisms, kinetics of electron transfer voltammogram[12]. The cyclic voltammogram is a
processes, and transport, speciation, and complicated, time-dependent function of a large
thermodynamic properties of solvated species. [8] number of physical and chemical parameters.
Voltammetric methods are also applied to the The utility of cyclic voltammetry is highly
determination of compounds of pharmaceutical dependent on the analyte being studied. The
interest and, when coupled with HPLC, they are analyte has to be redox active within the
effective tools for the analysis of complex experimental potential window. It is also highly
mixtures. desirable for the analyte to display a reversible
The electrochemical cell, where the wave. A reversible wave is when an analyte is
voltammetric experiment is carried out, consists reduced or oxidized on a forward scan and is then
of a working (indicator) electrode, a reference reoxidized or reproduced in a predictable way on
electrode, and usually a counter (auxiliary) the return scan [12].
electrode. In general, an electrode provides the Even reversible couples contain
interface across which a charge can be transferred polarization over potential and thus display a
or its effects felt. Because the working electrode is hysteresis between absolute potential between
where the reaction or transfer of interest is taking the reduction (Epc) and oxidation peak (Epa). This
place, whenever we refer to the electrode, we over potential emerges from a combination of
always mean the working electrode [9]. The analyte diffusion rates and the intrinsic activation
reduction or oxidation of a substance at the barrier of transferring electrons from an electrode
surface of a working electrode, at the appropriate to analyte. A theoretical description of
applied potential, results in the mass transport of polarization over potential is in part described by
new material to the electrode surface and the the Butler-Volmer equation and Cottrell equation.
generation of a current. Even though the various Conveniently in an ideal system the relationships
types of voltammetric techniques may appear to reduces to, EPC-Epa57-mv/n, for an n electron
be very different at first glance, their fundamental process [13].
principles and applications derive from the same

Review Article

Reversible couples will display ratio of the peak response to that seen for the LSV experiment.
currents passed at reduction (ipc) and oxidation When the scan is reversed we simply move back
(ipa) that is near unity (1 = ipa/ipc). This ratio can through the equilibrium positions gradually
be perturbed for reversible couples in the converting electrolysis product (Fe2+ back to
presence of a following chemical reaction, reactant (Fe3+. The current flow is now from the
stripping wave, or nucleation event. solution species back to the electrode and so
occurs in the opposite sense to the forward seep
When such reversible peaks are
but otherwise the behaviour can be explained in
observed thermodynamic information in the form
of half cell potential E01/2 can be determined. an identical manner. For a reversible
electrochemical reaction the CV recorded has
When waves are semi-reversible such as when
certain well defined characteristics [19].
ipa/ipc is less than or greater than 1, it can be
possible to determine even more information 1. The voltage separation between the current
especially kinetic processes like peaks is
following chemical reaction [14]. 2. The positions of peak voltage do not alter as a
When waves are non-reversible it is function of voltage scan rate
impossible to determine what their 3. The ratio of the peak currents is equal to one
thermodynamic E01/2 is with cyclic voltammetry.
This E01/2 can be determined; however it often 4. The peak currents are proportional to the
requires equal quantities of the analyte in both square root of the scan rate
oxidation states. When a wave is non-reversible 1.3. Instrumentation in cyclic voltammetry
cyclic voltammetry can not determine if the wave
is at its thermodynamic potential or shifted to a A CV system consists of an electrolysis
more extreme potential by some form of over cell, a potentiostat, a current-to-voltage converter,
potential. The couple could be irreversible and a data acquisition system. The electrolysis cell
because of a following chemical process; a consists of a working electrode, counter electrode,
common example for transition metals is a shift in reference electrode, and electrolytic solution. The
the geometry of the coordination sphere [15]. If this working electrode’s potential is varied linearly
is the case, then higher scan rates may show a with time, while the reference electrode maintains
reversible wave. It is also possible that the wave is a constant potential [20]. The counter electrode
irreversible due to a physical process most conducts electricity from the signal source to the
commonly some form of precipitation as working electrode. The purpose of the electrolytic
discussed below. Some speculation can be made in solution is to provide ions to the electrodes during
regards to irreversible waves however they are oxidation and reduction. A potentiostat is an
generally outside the scope of cyclic voltammetry electronic device which uses a dc power source to
[16]. produce a potential which can be maintained and
accurately determined, while allowing small
In cyclic voltammetry, one sweeps the currents to be drawn into the system without
potential of the working electrode at a specific changing the voltage. The current-to-voltage
sweep rate (in volts / second), and measures the converter measures the resulting current, and the
resulting current vs. time curve. Usually the sweep data acquisition system produces the resulting
is reversed at a specific switching potential, hence voltammogram [21].
the name cyclic voltammetry. Since the sweep rate
is constant and the initial and switching potentials 1.4. Electrodes of cyclic voltammetry
are known, one can easily convert time to A typical electrochemical cell consists of
potential, and the usual protocol is to record the sample dissolved in a solvent, an ionic
current vs. applied potential. The resulting current electrolyte, and three (or sometimes two)
vs. applied potential curve (a cyclic electrodes. Cells (that is, sample holders) come in
voltammogram) is predicted for an ideal, a variety of sizes, shapes, and materials. The type
reversible system [17]. used depends on the on amount and type of
Cyclic voltammetry (CV) is very similar to sample, the technique, and the analytical data to
LSV. In this case the voltage is swept between two be obtained. The material of the cell (glass, Teflon,
values at a fixed rate, however now when the polyethylene) is selected to minimize reaction
voltage reaches V2 the scan is reversed and the with the sample. The method uses reference
voltage is swept back to V1 A typical cyclic electrode, working electrode, and counter
voltammogram recorded for a reversible single electrode which in combination are sometimes
electrode transfer reaction. Again the solution referred to as a three-electrode
contains only a single electrochemical reactant [18]. setup. Electrolyte is usually added to the test
The forward sweep produces an identical solution to ensure sufficient conductivity [22]. The
combination of the solvent, electrolyte and

Review Article

specific working electrode material determines The reference electrode should provide a
the range of the potential. reversible half-reaction with Nernstian behaviour,
be constant over time, and be easy to assemble
Electrodes are static and sit in unstirred
and maintain. The most commonly used reference
solutions during cyclic voltammetry. This "still"
solution method results in cyclic voltammetry's electrodes for aqueous solutions are the calomel
electrode, with potential determined by the
characteristic diffusion controlled peaks. This
reaction Hg2Cl2(s) + 2e– = 2Hg(l) + 2Cl– and the
method also allows a portion of the analyte to
silver/silver chloride electrode (Ag/AgCl), with
remain after reduction or oxidation where it may
display further redox activity. Stirring the solution potential determined by the reaction AgCl(s) + e–
= Ag(s) + Cl–.The potentials of the commonly used
between cyclic voltammetry traces is important as
calomel electrodes, along with those of some other
to supply the electrode surface with fresh analyte
for each new experiment. The solubility of an reference electrodes. These electrodes are
commercially available in a variety of sizes and
analyte can change drastically with its overall
shapes [27].
charge. Since cyclic voltammetry usually alters the
charge of the analyte it is common for reduced or 1.6. Counter electrodes
oxidized analyte to precipitate out onto the
In most voltammetric techniques the
electrode. This layering of analyte can insulate the analytical reactions at the electrode surfaces occur
electrode surface, display its own redox activity in over very short time periods and rarely produce
subsequent scans, or at the very least alter the
any appreciable changes in bulk concentrations of
electrode surface. For this and other reasons it is
R or O. Thus, isolation of the counter electrode
often necessary to clean electrodes between scans from the sample is not normally necessary [28].
Most often the counter electrode consists of a thin
Common materials for working Pt wire, although Au and sometimes graphite have
electrodes include glassy carbon, platinum, also been used.
and gold. These electrodes are generally encased
1.7. Working electrodes
in a rod of inert insulator with a disk exposed at
one end. A regular working electrode has a radius The working electrodes are of various
within an order of magnitude of 1 mm. Having a geometries and materials, ranging from small Hg
controlled surface area with a defined shape is drops to flat Pt disks. Mercury is useful because it
important for interpreting cyclic voltammetry displays a wide negative potential range (because
results [24]. it is difficult to reduce hydrogen ion or water at
the mercury surface), its surface is readily
To run cyclic voltammetry experiments at regenerated by producing a new drop or film, and
high scan rates a regular working electrode is
many metal ions can be reversibly reduced into it.
insufficient. High scan rates create peaks with
Other commonly used electrode materials are
large currents and increased resistances which gold, platinum, and glassy carbon [29].
result in distortions. Ultra microelectrodes can be
used to minimize the current and resistance. Cyclic voltammetry is carried out in
The counter electrode, also known as the auxiliary quiescent solution to ensure diffusion control. A
or second electrode, can be any material which three-electrode arrangement is used. Mercury film
conducts easily and won't react with the bulk electrodes are used because of their good negative
solution. Reactions occurring at the counter potential range. Other working electrodes include
electrode surface are unimportant as long as it glassy carbon, platinum, gold, graphite, and
continues to conduct current well. To maintain the carbon paste an arrangement where different
observed current the counter electrode will often electrodes with specific functions are put together
oxidize or reduce the solvent or bulk electrolyte in an electrolyte solution that contain an electro
[25]. active species ,working electrode, reference
electrode and auxiliary electrode [30].
In most cases the reference electrode
should be as close as possible to the working 1.8. Applications
electrode; in some cases, to avoid contamination, Cyclic voltammetry (CV) has become an
it may be necessary to place the reference important and widely used electro analytical
electrode in a separate compartment. The unique technique in many areas of chemistry. It is widely
requirements for each of the voltammetric used to study a variety of redox processes, for
techniques are described under the individual obtaining stability of reaction products, the
techniques (26). presence of intermediates in oxidation-reduction
1.5. Reference electrodes reactions, reaction and electron transfer kinetics
and the reversibility of a reaction. CV can also be
used to determine the electron stoichiometry of a

Review Article

system, the diffusion coefficient of an analyte, and development of turnover currents, i.e. the
the formal reduction potential [31], which can be identification of the bioelectrocatalytically active
used as an identification tool. In addition, because sites, and 5) distinguishing between adsorbed and
concentration is proportional to current in a diffusive natures of the mediators [35].
reversible, Nernstian system, concentration of an Kinetic parameters may also be extracted,
unknown solution can be determined by
albeit less reliably than for the abiotic
generating a calibration curve of current vs.
electrochemical systems. Here, the coupling of CV
with mathematical modeling is the tool of choice
Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) is an for the next level of data analysis. The kinetic
electrochemical technique which measures the parameters can only be reliably estimated if the
current that develops in an electrochemical cell mechanisms and limiting steps of complex
under conditions where voltage is in excess of that microbe–electrode interactions can be fully
predicted by the Nernst equation. CV is performed elucidated furthermore [36].
by cycling the potential of a working electrode, 2. CONCLUSION
and measuring the resulting current. The
laboratory experiment will introduce to cyclic Cyclic voltammetry is a type of
voltammetry as a simple, rapid, and powerful potentiodynamic electrochemical measurement.
method for characterizing the electrochemical In a cyclic voltammetry experiment the working
behavior of analytes that can be electrochemically electrode potential is ramped linearly versus time
oxidized or reduced [32]. like linear sweep voltammetry. Cyclic
voltammetry takes the experiment a step further
Cyclic voltammetry can be used to study
than linear sweep voltammetry which ends when
qualitative information about electrochemical
it reaches a set potential. When cyclic
processes under various conditions, such as the voltammetry reaches a set potential, the working
presence of intermediates in oxidation-reduction
electrode's potential ramp is inverted. Cyclic
reactions, the reversibility of a reaction. CV can
voltammetry is generally used to study the
also be used to determine the electron electrochemical properties of an analyte in
stoichiometry of a system, the diffusion coefficient
solution. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) has become an
of an analyte, and the formal reduction potential,
important and widely used electroanalytical
which can be used as an identification tool. [33] In
technique in many areas of chemistry. It is widely
addition, because concentration is proportional to used to study a variety of redox processes, for
current in a reversible, Nernstian system,
obtaining stability of reaction products, the
concentration of an unknown solution can be
presence of intermediates in oxidation-reduction
determined by generating a calibration curve of reactions, reaction and electron transfer kinetics,
current vs. concentration.
and the reversibility of a reaction. CV can also be
The difference between the two materials, used to determine the electron stoichiometry of a
and the importance of removing oxygen from system, the diffusion coefficient of an analyte, and
solutions to be analyzed. Second, acquire the formal reduction potential, which can be used
voltammetric data for the electrochemical as an identification tool. In future cyclic
reduction of the herbicide N, N'-dimethyl-4, 4’ voltammetry plays an important role in analysis of
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