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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 3: Human resource management

Assignment due Assignment submitted

Student names & codes Final scores Signatures*

1. Phạm văn hải

Group number: 2.



Class Assessor name

* By signing here, the students certify that the work submitted for this assignment is their own work and research sources are fully

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 M1 M2 M3 M4 D1 D2 D3
Assessment criteria
2. 3. 4.
P1 Explain the purpose and the
functions of HRM, applicable to
workforce planning and
resourcing an organization.

P2 Explain the strengths and

weaknesses of different
approaches to recruitment and

P3 Explain the benefits of

different HRM practices within
an organization for both the
employer and employee.

P4 Evaluate the effectiveness of

different HRM practices in
terms of raising organizational
profit and productivity.
P5 Analyze the importance of
employee relations in respect to
influencing HRM decision

P6 Identify the key elements of

employment legislation and the
impact it has upon HRM
decision making.

M1 Assess how the functions of

HRM can provide talent and
skills appropriate to fulfil
business objectives

M2 Evaluate the strengths and

weaknesses of different
approaches to recruitment and
M3 Explore the different
methods used in HRM practices,
providing specific examples to
support evaluation within an
organizational context.

M4 Evaluate the key aspects of

employee relations management
and employment legislation that
affect HRM decision-making in
an organizational context.

D1 Critically evaluate the

strengths and weaknesses of
different approaches to
recruitment and selection,
supported by specific examples.

D2 Critically evaluate HRM

practices and application within
an organizational context, using
a range of specific examples.
D3 Critically evaluate employee
relations and the application of
HRM practices that inform and
influence decision-making in an
organizational context.

Summative feedback (for the whole group):

Assessor’s Signature Date

What is HRM?
Human resource management is understood simply as an interest in all aspects from recruitment to management of people in the organization. (
Armstrong, 2014 )
Objectives as well as the importance of HRM for organizations include: Helping organizations achieve their goals with the highest efficiency
through human development and management combined with the business strategy of the organization; Help improve high-performance culture;
Provide or ensure talented people to organize and use them reasonably to achieve high efficiency; Creating a healthy environment in the
organization helps work relationships between managers and employees always in positive atmosphere; Manage people according to a moral
approach. (Armstrong, 2014)

Within the scope of this essay, our team will analyze HRM through Samsung's HRM.

Overview about Samsung company

Samsung Group was founded by Lee Byung-chul in 1938, is a Korean multinational corporation with headquarters located in Samsung Town,
Seoul. The Group has many subsidiaries, most operating under the Samsung brand.

Samsung Electronics is one of the three most important branches of Samsung Group, founded in 1969 in Taegu - South Korea. Currently,
Samsung Electronics is considered one of the largest electronics companies in the world, has branches operating in 58 countries and has about
280,000 workers, with the following key information:

- Head office: Suwon, Gyeonggi Province, Korea

- Company president: Lee Kun-Hee

- CEO: Kwon O-hyun

- Operation area: Global

- Type: Subsidiary

- Business lines: - Consumer electronics

- IT and mobile communications

- Household appliances

- Semiconductor and equipment solutions

Brief history of formation and development:

• 1969 to 1987:

Being a subsidiary of Samsung Group, was established in 1969 in Taegu - Korea with the original name of Samsung Electric Industries. Early
products were electronic household electrical appliances including television, computers, refrigerators, air conditioners and washing machines.

In 1974, the company expanded to a semiconductor business acquired from Korea Semiconductor, one of the first chip manufacturing
companies in the country at the time.

1980: Acquired Korea Telecommunications, a manufacturer of electronic switching systems.

In 1981, Samsung Electric Industries produced more than 10 million black and white television. In February 1983, the founder of Samsung, Lee
Byung-chull announced his intention that Samsung would become a DRAM provider (access set dynamic random). And a year later, Samsung
became the third company in the world to develop 64KbDRAM.

In 1988, Samsung Electric Industries merged with Samsung Semiconductor & Communications and named it Samsung Electronics.

• 1988 to 1995:

Samsung Electronics released the first mobile phone in 1988, in the Korean market. During this period, the company faced many difficulties,
mainly the mobile phone market share in the domestic market was low due to competition with other competitors (especially Motorolla), the
business improve poor product quality ...

In February 1995, Samsung Electronics acquired a 40% stake in AST Research, a US personal computer maker, for just $ 378 million.
• 1995 to 2008:

The company began to change strategy, by postponing the production of a number of non-running product lines and instead pursuing a
process of designing, manufacturing components and investing for companies. Other branches around the globe. In addition, Samsung
Electronics has a 10-year plan to eliminate "budget branding" images and challenge Sony to the world's largest consumer electronics company.
And in this way, Samsung knows how to make and bring technology to the future. This vertical strategy reaped many successes for Samsung at
the end of 2000.

In the early 2000s, Samsung moved to the consumer market, the company aimed to fund a major sporting event to launch the public as a PR
for itself. One of the sponsors is the 1998 Winter Olympics held in Nagano, Japan.

Also during this period, the company had some special technological breakthroughs in the field of memory that are popular in most electronic
products today. It included the world's first 64Mb DRAM in 1992; 256 Mb DRAM in 1994; 1Gb DRAM in 1996.

From 2000 to 2003, Samsung continuously maintained net profit share of more than 5%. This is considered a successful business enterprise,
because at this time when 16 of the top 30 South Korean companies stopped operating in the context of the unprecedented economic crisis.

In 2004, Samsung developed the world's first 8GB NAND memory chip and a production agreement with Apple in 2005. An agreement with
Apple about memory chips was sealed since 2005, as of October 2013, Samsung is still the main supplier for Apple, producing the A7 processor
inside the iPhone 5s product.

In 2005, Samsung Electronics surpassed rival Japan and Sony, becoming the 20th largest consumer brand for the first time, calculated by

In 2007, Samsung Electronics became the second largest mobile manufacturer in the world, surpassing Motorola for the first time.

• 2008 to date:

In 2009, Samsung grossed US $ 117.4 billion in revenue, surpassing Hewlett-Packard to become the world's largest technology company by
sales revenue.

Samsung has emphasized innovation strategy in management since the beginning of 2000 and once again marked innovation as part of its
main strategy, when it was announced vision until 2020, in which the company set up The target is $ 400 million in annual revenue within 10
years. In order to reinforce its leadership in the field of memory chip and television production, public and private
companies have stepped up and invested in research. The company has 24 research and development centers worldwide.

In April 2011, Samsung Electronics sold its HDD trading company to Seagate Technology for approximately US $ 1.4 billion.

In the first quarter of 2012, the company became the best-selling mobile company when it surpassed Nokia, selling 93.5 million units
compared to Nokia's 82.7 million units. Samsung also became the largest smartphone provider as strong sales of Galaxy SII and Galaxy Note

In May 2013, Samsung announced that the company has finally successfully tested fifth-generation network technology (5G).

For 5 consecutive years, from 2012-2016, Samsung Electronics has always been in the top 10 of Interbrand (the world's leading prestigious
organization for brand valuation), which has demonstrated the growth in brand value of the company. on the market.

The mission and vision of Samsung Electronics (referred to as Samsung):


"Become the best digital-company digital company"

- Samsung is committed to manufacturing, providing quality products and services, enhancing convenience.

- Create conditions to bring a smarter lifestyle to our customers around the world.

- Improve the global community through the constant pursuit of innovative innovations and value creation


"Bring inspiration to the World, create the future".

This is the focus of Samsung's commitment to pioneering innovation in technology, products and solutions that inspire communities around
the world, joining Samsung's aspiration to create one. The world is better, there are many richer digital experiences. As we recognize our
responsibility as a leading creative company in global society, we also dedicate our effort and resources to bring new values to industry and
fellow customers. Time to meet the common values of our employees and partners. At Samsung Electronics, we want to
create an exciting and promising future for everyone.

By 2020, we seek to achieve an annual turnover of US $ 400 billion, bringing Samsung Electronics' total brand value to the list of top 5 global
brands. We are proud to offer the best products in the world through excellence in performance and innovation power. As we look forward to
exploring new businesses including health care and biotechnology, we enjoy the new challenges and opportunities ahead. Samsung Electronics
will continue to build new capabilities and expertise on its current achievements to improve competitiveness and innovation history.

Puposes & roles of HR function and Significane of talent acquisition

How human resource management activities depend on the size and needs of the organization. Human resource management is divided into

Workforce planning

The planning process is aimed at meeting the needs of human resources for the organization in the context of the impact of business
environment factors. The planning process includes forecasting human resource needs and developing programs to ensure the availability of
the number and the desired quality of human resources for the organization in the right place and in the right place. at. Managing an
organization depends on possible future situations in terms of human resource needs, demographic factors, economic situation, technological
change, the success of recruitment, redefine the goal or situation of the company strategy.

Job analysis is the process of collecting, analyzing and systematically organizing information about a specific job. Job analysis is the basic tool
for establishing training systems and options and ensuring that the assessment and remuneration system is built on the basis of work needs.

Recruitment and selection

The next step in the areas of human resource management is ensuring human resources, which are the best candidates for recruiting
candidates, evaluating and selecting candidates; establishing and implementing appropriate training and development programs.

The task of recruitment is to promote activities to attract suitable candidates for the organization. The requirements for fairness and democracy
in the selection of candidates are increasingly focused, making the staff selection process more and more tight and reasonable.
Candidate selection

The selection process consists of several important steps. The first step is to identify new location needs and determine what skills are needed to
perform the job effectively. Determining the necessary capabilities and capabilities, human resource administrators will easily set up different
recruitment strategies. The review and evaluation process for selecting candidates may include filling out candidate information sheets,
interviewing, and testing qualifications.

Performance assessment

Evaluating achievement becomes a key factor in the process of human resource management. Evaluating achievement is the activity that
determines how well employees are doing and how appropriate the remuneration is. The role of human resource administrators in evaluating
performance is to build an assessment process, a system of evaluation criteria, as a basis for evaluating achievement, developing appropriate
salary systems and orienting for staff's effort. Another important task of performance assessment is to control the process of performing the work
and its achievements.

Training and development

Today along with the development of science and technology, human knowledge in the fields accumulates at a rapid rate. According to estimates
by scientists, today after 5 years, human knowledge is accumulated twice. And because of the changing and competitive business environment,
the need for training and developing human resources to adapt to the environment is becoming an important task of human resource managers.
Training and development can be implemented in a major or informal way. Formal training involves guidelines for implementing a new job or
ensuring that technology and process changes are met. Formal training is carried out by human resource experts or it can be technical experts or
organizations to train workers in the training programs of professional organizations or training institutions .
Unofficial training is carried out during the work process, undertaken by supervisors or colleagues. The human resources department can provide
self-training courses and associate workplace training opportunities with career promotion plans for employees and with forecasting of human
resource needs.

Assessment of achievement is an important basis for developing an appropriate remuneration system. There are two types of remuneration:
direct wages and indirect remuneration, which are different benefits for employees. The meaning of wages is not simply a factor to ensure
employees perform their tasks through which to motivate employees' efforts, increase their affirmation for a common goal.

Significane of talent acquisition

People are an important factor contributing to the success of every organization. That is the reason that Talent Acquirition becomes extremely
important in every organization.

Along with the importance of attracting talents, the role of talented income professionals of each organization is increasingly complex and
requires more responsibilities. Today's TA experts, in addition to knowing how to find and hire people, they must know how to use recruitment
marketing strategies, enabling the experience for special or talented candidates, encouraging employees Talent to participate in the management
strategy of the organization, create a good relationship to help connect talented employees with the organization.

Function of HR in the organization.

Workforce planning

Workforce planning is defined as a process of managing people according to the organization's strategy. Workforce planning must ensure the
right people for the right job and must be consistent with each goal as the organization's short-term and long-term goals. (Armstrong, 2014)

Approaches to workforce planning

Samsung has applied the model

Recruitment and selection

Recruitment is defined as a process of seeking and attracting human resources to fill vacant positions. Candidates in the recruitment process are
further assessed through the attitudes and competencies needed to help the organization achieve its goals. On the other hand, selection is a
necessary process to find individuals who fully meet the job requirements of each position in the organization being recruited.
Recruitment and selection purposes for Samsung - Employee recruitment and selection is one of Samsung's important activities. The reason is
that in the technology industry like Samsung, productivity levels depend on employee creativity. That means that the more employees develop
bright, the greater the productivity level, so the selection of talented employees is very important for Samsung's development. Besides recruiting
and attracting talent, keeping employees also plays an important role for the organization and Samsung also brings the best value to its
Explanation of recruitment and function selection - The functions of recruitment and selection for Samsung are extremely important because it
affects whether Samsung can or does not operate and develop in the technology industry.
Stage 1
Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6

Stage 7

Evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of different approaches based on recruitment and selection of Samsung

Approaches of recruitment adopted by Samsung

Internal recruitment

External recruitment
Approaches of selection in Samsung


Training & Development

Training and development is defined as an organization's subsystem, primarily based on the proper improvement of the performance level of
groups or individuals. Training helps employees analyze their current position and development, on the other hand it is useful for capacity
building to achieve goals.

Armstrong, 2014. Definition of workforce planning. 13 ed. s.l.:s.n.
Armstrong, 2014. the goals of HRM. 13 ed. s.l.:s.n.

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