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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and

Unit 4: Management and Operations (488)

Date received (1st

Submission date

Re-submission Date received (2nd

date submission)

Student names & codes Final scores Signatures

1.Phạm Văn Hải GCH18609

2. Trương Lan phương GBH18526

Group number:
3. Nguyễn Đức Hải GBH18123

4. Nguyễn Hoàng Nam GBH18862

5. Trịnh Đức Hoàn GBH18286

Class GBH 0803 Assessor name Nguyễn Thị Ngân

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making
a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

P1 P2 P3 M1 M2 M3 D1

Student 1 Phạm Văn Hải GCH18609
Description of activity undertaken
- Leadership theories
- Recommendation for management approach and
leadership theory at FPT Software

Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria



Student 2 Trương Lan phương GBH18526

Description of activity undertaken

- Link between management and leadership
- Management functions and leadership roles

Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria



Student 3 Nguyễn Đức Hải GBH18123
Description of activity undertaken
- Management approaches

Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria


Student 4 Nguyễn Hoàng Nam GBH18862
Description of activity undertaken
- Management and leadership concepts

Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria


Student 5 Trịnh Đức Hoàn GBH18286
Description of activity undertaken
- Management and leadership difference

Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria


Summative Feedback: Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

Table of Contents
Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Overview about FPT .......................................................................................................................... 9
Management and leadership concepts ............................................................................................. 9
Management and leadership difference ......................................................................................... 12
Link between management and leadership .................................................................................... 16
Management functions and leadership roles .................................................................................. 18
Management Approaches and Leadership Theories ....................................................................... 20
Management Approaches ............................................................................................................................ 20
The classical approach .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Scientific management.................................................................................................................................................. 20
Administrative management ......................................................................................................................................... 21
The behavioral approach............................................................................................................................................... 23
Quantitative approaches to management ..................................................................................................................... 25
The Systems Perspective ............................................................................................................................................... 26
The contingency approach ............................................................................................................................................ 27
Contemporary IT approaches and beyond ..................................................................................................................... 28
Leadership Theories ..................................................................................................................................... 28
Trait theory................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Behavioral Theory ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Participative theory....................................................................................................................................................... 31
Contingency theory....................................................................................................................................................... 32
Situational theory ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
Applications in the Case of FPT Software ........................................................................................ 35
Leadership role of FPT Software ................................................................................................................... 35
Management of FPT Software ...................................................................................................................... 36
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 38
References ....................................................................................................................................... 38

Management and operating is one of the knowledge a manager in an enterprise needs to
understand. For the purpose of this paper, my team and I, including Nguyen Hoang Nam, Trinh
Duc Hoan, Truong Lan Phuong, Nguyen Duc Hai and Pham Van Hai will report on the basic
management and leadership knowledge we have. has been studying in recent years and
applied to the enterprise, FPT. The report includes key contents such as an overview of FPT,
Management and leadership concepts, Management and leadership difference, Link between
management and leadership, Management functions and leadership roles, Management
approaches and leadership theories and Recommendation for management approach and
leadership theory at FPT Software. In particular, Nguyen Hoang Nam will report on
Management and leadership concepts, Trinh Duc Hoan will report on Management and
leadership difference, Truong Lan Phuong will report on Link between management and
leadership, Management functions and leadership roles, Nguyen Duc Hai reports on
Management approaches and Pham Van Hai reports on leadership theories and
Recommendation for management approach and leadership theory at FPT Software.
Overview about FPT
Opening the report is an overview of FPT Corporation. FPT is a leading technology corporation
in Vietnam, Established on September 13, 1988, with IT and Telecommunications as its core
business sectors, FPT has provided services to 63 provinces and cities in Vietnam and has
continuous expanded globally to a current presence in 45 countries. (FPT.com.vn, 2019)
Management and leadership concepts
The first is about management concepts. According to DurBin, 2012 management is defined as
the process of using the organization's resources and functions including Planning, Organizing
and staffing, Leading and controlling to bring the organization to achieve its goals. (DuBRIN,
In management, there are three main management levels, including Top level managers,
Midle-level managers, First-level Managers and a separate level, Individual contributors.

Managerial levels and Sample Job Titles (DuBRIN, 2012)
In particular, Top-level managers are those who are trusted by the organization to give
decision-making power and have important influence on the organization from the time of
taking office to the end of the term. In addition, Top-level managers are people who help the
organization have common directions to define the goals and how to achieve them. Therefore,
we can see in the position of Top-level managers who hold positions such as Chairman of the
board, CEO, president, vice president, COO, CFO, CIO.
Next is the Mid-level managers, who are the function of connecting or communicating
between the CEO and the first management level through the coordination of the
organization's activities. They are also responsible for implementing the strategies and policies
set by the Top-level management. Therefore, we can see positions such as Director, Brand
manager, department chairperson, chief of surgery, team leader who are mid-level positions.
With First-level Managers they are assigned to a certain target task and need to use measures
such as supervision to ensure the achievement of the goals that they are assigned. It is easy to
see that positions such as supervisor, office manager, crew chief are the positions of First-level
Individual contributors are the levels in which those individuals are solely responsible and
manage themselves in order to achieve their assigned goals. We can see this level in places like
tool-and-die maker, cook, word-processing technician, assembler.
The second is about leadership concepts. Leadership is defined by Yukl as the ability to
influence everyone and the system in an organization in a positive way through the impact
from which the organization's goals are achieved. (Yukl, 1998) . Or in the way that DuBrin

defines "Leadership is the ability to inspire confidence and support among the people needed
to achieve an organization's goals." (DuBRIN, 2012)
Besides leadership, we always see the accompanying followership. Followership is outlined
because the disposition to collaborate in operating toward the accomplishment of defined
goals fest demonstrating a high degree of interactive cooperation. Effective followers are
active participants (partners) in making the leadership method. Followers allow leaders to
ascertain and keep themselves on top of things of a state of affairs that's productive, efficient,
and people-oriented. (myemail.constantcontact.com, nd)
Leader's use of power & authority is the way that leaders use to influence people in the
organization to achieve the goals they have set. In particular, power is understood as the
extent to which decisions or resources can be affected. Authority is the right that has a direct
impact on directing people to work or control resources. (DuBRIN, 2012)
In leadership, there are 8 influencing tactics including leading by example, leading by values,
leading by assertiveness, rationality, ingratiation, Exchange, Coalition formation, Joking and
kidding. In particular, leading by example is the way leaders influence other members through
the way of expression of themselves as a standard form to motivate other members towards.
Leading by values is understood as the way leaders communicate to people by showing them
the value of guiding the behavior of others. Assertiveness is the way in which a leader
expresses his frankness and views through his requests for something. The rationality is
expressed through the selection, arrangement and division appropriately and practically
logically. Ingratiation refers to other people's interest in leaders. The strategy used will usually
through the working style, the treatment of the leaders towards everyone so that they can
gain respect and love from others so that they can gain the cooperation when needed.
Exchange is the way managers influence people to gain cooperation when needed and in
return is the response to their requirements such as salaries. Coalition formation is a way for
leaders to gain strength both by connecting with others and by influencing strength. Joking
and Kidding is a way to help leaders influence others at work and avoid misunderstandings as
harsh criticism for them. Thereby will create a positive working environment and reduce stress
levels at work.

Management and leadership difference
According to DuBrin (2012), management can be defined as the process operated to achieve organizational
objectives by utilizing their resources through the use of planning, organizing and staffing, leading, and
There are many management styles that each of these styles has their own strengths and weaknesses,
depending on the situation, but commonly 3 types of these are used in today’s business world.
The Democratic Management Style allows employees to contribute their influence on decision-making.
They function as collectors of opinion and all decisions are agreed upon by the majority. Communication is
both top-down and bottom-up and makes for a cohesive team. This type of style is versatile with the
advantages of having more diverse viewpoints involved in decision making, but takes more time to make
decision due to the gathering of ideas and opinions. A former naval commander, Jimmy Carter exemplified
the qualities and pitfalls of the democratic style as president. He surrounded himself with some
experienced staff, but he often deferred to inexperienced subordinates when acting authoritatively would
have been a better choice.
The Authoritative Management Style is a management style in which an individual has total decision-
making power and absolute control over the subordinates. This style is beneficial in industries and
organizations where decisions need to be made urgently and efficiently, and where it's critical that certain
tasks are performed in a specific way, such as in construction, manufacturing and the military. In North
Korean, the dictator Kim Jong-un applies this management.
The Laissez-faire Management Style remains little or no interference from management. Within this style,
the staffs are allowed to take decisions and manage work on their own. The advantages of the Laisser-faire
are increased innovation and creativity. On the other hand, the risk of prow productivity by unsupervised
staff, loss of direction due to the hands-off style of management. Former U.S. President Herbert Hoover
was famous for taking a more laissez-faire approach to governing, often by allowing more experienced
advisors to take on tasks where he lacked knowledge and expertise.
About the characteristics, there are certain skills required by a real manager. Start with interpersonal skill,
good managers must be able to communicate well. This creates the strong link with the teammates to help
the organization keep track. Moreover, a manager needs to improve knowledge to have a broad
knowledge of both self-improvement and an overall view for operation. Political skills are the last
characteristic a manager should learn. This allows them to be capable of reaching objectives and
establishing the connections, which are contributed to the power distribution and the influence upon the

Leadership means the ability to inspire the people to complete the organizational goals (DuBrin, 2011). The
leadership should be equipped styles and characteristics to become a successful leader.
In my opinion, transformational and transactional style are two most popular styles accepted by the
leaders in the world. The transformational style focuses on clear communication, goal-setting and
employee motivation. Instead of placing the majority of the energy into each employee’s individual goals,
the transformational leader is driven by a commitment to organization objectives. William Edwards
Deming is known as the father of statistical quality control. After earning a doctorate in mathematics and
physics at Yale in 1928, he spent most of his career working or consulting for the U.S. government. During
World War II, Deming taught statistical process control techniques to military production workers. After the
war ended, the U.S. Department of the Army sent Deming to Japan to study agricultural production and
related problems. He convinced Japanese officials of the potential for industrial uses of statistical methods.
Deming’s goal was to have Japan become a world industrial power in five years. Japan did it in
four. Deming was asked to do the same thing for U.S. manufacturing firms, but his methods did not take
root until the 1980s. About the transactional style, this is a part of a style of leadership that focuses on
supervision, organization, and performance; in which leaders promote compliance by followers through
both rewards and punishments. Transactional leaders are able to keep followers motivated for the short-
term. As a transactional leader, Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, used to visit new product teams and
ask difficult questions until he was satisfied that the teams were on track and understood the goal.

In terms of characteristics, there are qualities that a leader should have. Integrity is the first quality that a
leader should be required. The 43th President of United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower once said, “The
supreme quality of leadership is unquestionably integrity”. With this quality, the leader can build
impression and trust of the followers. Next is confidence because if a leader is unsure about his/her own
decisions and qualities, then the subordinates will never follow the leader. A leader has to be show some
swagger and assertiveness to gain the respect of the followers. Third is commitment and passion that help
to gain the respect of the subordinates and infuse new energy in the team members, which helps them to
perform better. When the followers see their boss getting his hands dirty, they will also give their best shot.
The last but not least, listening is a quality a good leader should learn. Great leaders listen and respond to
employee suggestions for continuous improvement and use those ideas to grow the business.

Each position of the organization has a specific influence and both manager and leadership have to study
deeply their responsibility on the organization so that they can easily make decision and lead the
subordinates suitably.

Management and leadership are easily misleading, but they are separate. According to economic
website Businessballs commented on management and leadership, leadership is an activity that
involves a group of people in the organization, management only requires the person holding the
position to focus on the assigned responsibilities such as advertising, money, etc. In management,
there are also roles that require responsibility for people. However, the reality of management
responsibility is not necessarily related to people. Meanwhile, leadership will certainly always include
responsibility to everyone. This is the big difference we can see when looking at leadership and
management. The next difference we can see is that the managerial responsibility is always in good
leadership. Accordingly, we can see that the task of management can replace or delegate to another
person, but the leader always needs to ensure the best and most suitable management for all
situations. (Businessballs.com, nd)
To better understand the difference between management and leadership, the recognition through
the difference in responsibilities that management and leadership assume will clearly show that
Differences in responsibility

Management Leadership

Implementing the proposed strategies Creating new visions and aims

Detailed budgeting Establishing organizational financial


Measuring and reporting performance Deciding what needs measuring and


Applying rules and policies Making new rules and policies

Implementing disciplinary rules Making disciplinary rules

Organizing people and tasks within Deciding structures, hierarchies and

structures workgroups

Recruiting people for jobs Creating new job roles

Checking and managing ethics and Establishing ethical and moral positions

Developing people Developing the organization

Problem-solving Problem-anticipation

Planning Visualizing

Improving productivity and efficiency Conceiving new opportunities

Motivating and encouraging others Inspiring and empowering others

Delegating and training Planning and organizing succession,…

All management responsibilities,

including all listed left, (which mostly
and typically are delegated to others)
preferred aid motivation and people-

Through the difference in responsibilities of management and leadership, we can see that
leadership will have a greater role and responsibility than management. Accordingly, we also
see that the leader will be the most responsible person who gives vision and strategy to the
business, the manager will take the strategy from the leader and be responsible for
implementing that strategy.
In the context that FPT Corporation is led by Chairman Truong Gia Binh, he is a democratic
leader. Accordingly, he always listens to ideas from staff and the council before deciding any
issues at work. This style is clearly shown through the culture of FPT where every employee
always has the opportunity to express his or her wishes and wishes to the company to receive
the best support and success. Receive employee feedback for improved work efficiency. It is
that culture and leadership style of Chairman Truong Gia Binh that also affects FPT's
management style in the style of democratic management.
Through the example of the leadership style of Chairman Truong Gia Binh and the general
management style of FPT, we can see that the leadership style of the leader will affect the
management style of that organization. Accordingly, it contributes to affirming the importance
and inclusion of leadership for management and the difference between them.
Link between management and leadership
The first is the link between management and leadership.
In today's modern work environment, it requires the need for both effective management and
leadership. To become an effective leader requires that person also know how to manage
effectively. (Yukl & Lepsinger, 2005)

The links Between Management and leadership (DuBRIN, 2012) (John R.

Schermerhorn, 1993)

According to the diagram of links between management and leadership, it shows that both
managers and leaders in the process of working need to apply ways to help improve the
product continuously and uplifting. Accordingly, at the leadership level, it is always necessary
to keep and motivate people in general and with those who have an important role in bringing
the company to achieve its orientation and goals in particular. With managers, it is necessary
to motivate the employees they manage so they can work most effectively.

Source: (Chugg, 2015)

Looking at the diagram we can see, the leader will need to have a vision of the market and
apply that vision to his organization from which to devise strategies to bring the organization
to that vision. Management will take on the strategy that the leader sets and be responsible
for implementing it.
Take FPT Corporation as a practical example to demonstrate a successful business through
links between management and leadership. Facing the world that is changing day by day
according to the 4.0 technology revolution, as a technology enterprise, Chairman Truong Gia
Binh has grasped the trend and set the vision for FPT Corporation to achieve to the pinnacle of
the digital revolution. According to that vision, President Binh and the leadership of the
corporation have come up with a "digital transformation" strategy. Accordingly, FPT's
managers have embarked on the implementation of a "digital transformation" strategy
through actions such as researching and developing the benefits of technology 4.0 to apply to
the corporation, bringing Experience of technology application to customers to collect ideas
for product improvement. With the scientific and oriented management from the vision goal,
FPT has achieved a positive effect as evidenced by the fact that after applying the "digital
transformation" strategy, the growth rate of FPT is growing about 70 to 100%.

Through the actual example of FPT Corporation, we can clearly see the links between
management and leadership. The link between effective management and leadership will
make it easier for businesses to succeed and develop, especially in today's modern era, which
is more important than ever.
Management functions and leadership roles
The next section of the report is on management functions and leadership roles. For the
function of management, it consists of four main and most important functions, first is
planning, followed by organizing and staffing, then leadership and finally control. These
functions work closely together to support and achieve goals in the fastest and most effective
way (DuBRIN, 2012).
Planning: A major task of supervisors and managers is to arrange to meet the organization's
goals and objectives. This includes allocating resources and assigning tasks, such as
establishing rewarding courses, appropriate to the reality and principles to be completed.
Arrangement requires the team members to follow the team's progress to make small,
fundamental changes, while keeping an unmistakable picture of the goals and objectives
bigger than the original drawing of the team function. A bit of a person's organizational
capacity includes working objectively to find out which agents have to be given to the
representative, setting the level of demand for specific errands and conducting events. In any
case, correspondence is also an important position. For example, managers make
arrangements when they meet with the organization to check short-term and long-term goals
and when they move other points of interest of another joint venture to their group or
occasionally register to ensure Unique destinations are met on schedule. (Aiuniv.edu, nd)
Organizing and staffing: In expanding to the arrangement, the competence of decentralized
directors can ensure that an organization or a unit of divisions operates effectively. From
constructing forms and constructing contemplators to knowing which agents or bundles are
best suited for clear commitments, keeping individuals and everything composed through
routine chores, are the ingredients. important council. The association almost does not
perform its tasks competently and ensures workers have what they need to accomplish, which
is understandable. Executives should also have the option to update since modern challenges.
This can go into preparation when changing the course of the occasion to a general hike or
start redistributing with a rally at that time following. Or on the other hand, it seems cruel to

adjust the whole structure and introverted work of a group to improve the organization.
(Aiuniv.edu, nd)
Leading: Directors must be satisfied and rise above every doubt telling their employees' daily
efforts that they have done well. This combo foresight a powerful ability to know eastward
from the west and organize when describing destinations and suggest methods, things and
organizations that are not used or directed into action. The activity can occur in a variety of
behaviors, counting when experts see a request for more fortification and recognition to be
determined and concerned about disputes between peers. Typically, leaders can work as
pioneers in any case, in a small context near local branches by demonstrating solid, permissive
and motivational characteristics. On the others hand, leading is stimulating people to be highly
productive at work. It is directing, motivating and communicating with employees both
individually and in teams. Leading involves daily contact with people, helping to increase
enthusiasm and inspiring them to achieve group and organizational goals. (Aiuniv.edu, nd)
Control functions include activities to be carried out to ensure that activities do not deviate
from pre-arranged plans. Activities include setting standards for work performance, measuring
performance, and improving it to these established standards and taking corrective actions as
needed to correct any deviations. Controlling to ensure that all of these functions are working
toward the success of the company, managers must be able to renovate employee
performance, quality of work, efficiency and reliability. Dependence of completed projects.
(Aiuniv.edu, nd)
Leadership roles: There are four roles that leaders need to have to succeed. It includes
inspiring, motivating, building confidence, executing strategies and having vision and potential
(franklinconvey.com, nd)
Inspiring trust: Inspiration is a very important thing. There is a factor that creates trust and
inspiration that is from the leaders themselves. A true leader means a person who is
trustworthy whether it is energy, quality or morality. Therefore, in their leaders, their actions
and lifestyles make a huge decision on their employees, affecting their trust and motivate
them to accomplish their goals. (franklinconvey.com, nd)
Motivation to accomplish goals: Effective leaders will give the right direction, and
communicate it to employees while explaining their role in the realization of that goal. When
employees understand their role in achieving the company's goals, they will have more

motivation to work and coordinate with each other and strive for a common mission. The
mission of a business leader is to draw "dots" clearly and then help people connect them into
a desired "link rope." (franklinconvey.com, nd)
Implementing the strategy: Leaders not only have to think and set goals, but also have to
follow them closely until they are accomplished. Effective leaders convert vision into results,
by prioritizing the most important things and creating a support system for employees. In this
role, they create a work environment in which people can work together and constantly
develop. (franklinconvey.com, nd)
Vision and leadership potential: Talented leaders see the competence of employees who are
in every aspect including mentally, intellectually, emotionally and physically. Leaders will train
employees to learn the scientific ways of dividing work reasonably, repairing and overcoming
weaknesses and building leadership in their employees. (franklinconvey.com, nd)
Walt Disney could be a real-life example for leadership, he's the founding father of movie
maker and he have created “The happiest place on earth” that is Disney Land, he conjointly
created Mick Mouse – most noted cartoon character. He was nice in encourage his follower,
appeals to his follower ideals and morals, empower his followers victimisation their own belief
and private strength. movie maker invariably combines humor and diversion in worker
coaching, building cultural values, profitable regimes like gifts, bonuses that are invariably
supported honest assessments. movie maker nurturing a culture produce and empower
workers so they will create a breakthrough, workers have the flexibleness to beat the
constraints of rules, business units will customise policies to possess the foremost acceptable
vogue and dealing culture.
Management Approaches and Leadership Theories
Management Approaches
The classical approach
The classical theory appeared from the beginning of the twentieth century, the theory consists
of two main theories: the theory of scientific management by W. Taylor, the main author and
administrative management by Henri Fayol. These approaches have made outstanding
contributions to the management image of industrialized society. (DuBRIN, 2012)
Scientific management
Lead author: Frederick W. Taylor; Frank & Lillian Gilbreth, Henry Gantt.

Frederick W. Taylor (1856-1916) using the Scientific Management Principle, he developed the
idea of scientific management in 1911, bringing a whole new achievement to management in
the United States. His management method is highly valued for its results in improving
productivity by making workers work like living machines over and over again. there in the
process. In theory, the compensation regime depends on the quantity and quality of goods
created by employees. There are also rewards to inspire employees. Management is divided
according to the level at which higher levels focus on business structure and development,
based on certain executive functions. (DuBRIN, 2012)
This management method contains a range of benefits and drawbacks. On the one hand, this
management approach results in an increase in productivity and profitability at lower prices,
focused employee training and development, and professional implementation. Its work and
connection activities are system-specific. On the other hand, this approach has the downside
that it makes employees a production machine, resulting in no voice of the production force,
and, if any, disregarding the opinions of individuals involved in production because they think
they lack knowledge. (DuBRIN, 2012)
Administrative management
The management theory of Henry Fayol focuses on the management of organizational
considerations - governance from a broader perspective and presented through the
development of fourteen management principles including job division, authority and
responsibilities, discipline, unified command, unified control, individuals benefit from the
common good, remuneration, centralization and dispersion, order and organize people and
everything needed, mission of fairness, stability, initiative and solidarity. (DuBRIN, 2012)
This approach highlights the role of a manager throughout a task. Henri Fayol clearly declared
that the manager includes a totally different role as well as coming up with, organizing,
commanding likewise as coordinative and dominant. He was a pioneer in accentuation the
importance of recruiting and coaching workers to boost the organization's productivity. the
strategy of choosing workers for labor productivity is over the scientific management method
that is wide utilized by several capitalists in enterprise management. Fayol's theory considers
this drawback associate on trial block, from high management to rock bottom level, and every
one the main focus on high management with the essential practical skills of a manager real
logic. Fayol strongly believes that the project's top results are rooted in the quality of the

managers' principles and guidance. Senior managers need to be able to handle important
requirements and tasks. Managers and subordinates should have the required experience and
workers must follow the principles and directions from the supervisor. In summary, the
operate of this methodology is to have an effect on people, not physical forces like raw
materials and vehicles. The Fayol theory, conjointly emphasizes vital aspects of general
management as well as functions, principles and strategies. Management ought to specialise
in the rights and responsibilities of the whole workers and draw specific attention to
management effectiveness. (DuBRIN, 2012)
In Fayol management methodology, there are advantages and downsides. On the one hand,
the speculation can reinforce larger principles and discipline inside the corporate, making a
better level of clarity in assignment tasks likewise as unity from high managers to employees.
On the opposite hand, this management methodology won't take into consideration the
attribute of workers at work as a result of the main focus is on management. Fayol's approach,
conjointly junction rectifier to an absence of understanding of the organization's alternative
basic relationships with customers, competitors, political forces, etc. (DuBRIN, 2012)
Max Webber: Webber (1864-1920) - a German social scientist and economic expert UN and
the father of bureaucracy. His theory is recognized by the clear expression of the distribution
of power and logic in the rules.
In his philosophical system, Webber demonstrates management practices that follow the
foundations and follow fair process of treatment for all members of the organization. Webber
recognizes that the specialization of each department is necessary for every business
organization. Additionally, every other's independence conjointly exists between management
and possession. This creates a awfully strict structure that contributes to the distribution and
determination of power and governance among the corporate. (DuBRIN, 2012)
There are six options of bureaucracy approach: division of labor, management and possession
separated, choices recorded in writing, choice supported technical qualification, positions
organized in hierarchy, managers subject to rules and procedures. Webber noticed that the
forms couldn't take effects once facing with non-objective missions. The attribute represents
bureaucracy perspicacity include the concentration of negotiant management, the elimination
of economic and social discord, the potency of the facility system. (DuBRIN, 2012)

Webber doctrine brings many advantages that create professional efficiency, ensure fairness
and benefits for employees. It also contributes to reducing the need for direct guidance due to
employees who are competent to work and helps businesses to avoid making hasty decisions
that can cause inaccuracy. On the downside of the doctrine, it causes operational flexibility,
limits the responsibilities of the members of the organization and leads to the reduced
competitiveness of the organization. (DuBRIN, 2012)
Delta is that the leading international airline network. Delta and its subsidiaries have
conducted flights to just about 350 destinations in 65 countries on six continents. In 1928,
Woolman bought all shares of the corporate. By 1929 Woolman continued to shop for 3 little
planes and commenced to work. Woolman is taken into account atiny low team manager with
a straightforward structure. In 1934, Woolman secured a government mail contract for Delta
and born-again the organization from 3 little corporations to major airlines. this era light-
emitting diode Delta to expand and use the functionary structural model. (Gay, 2016). Today,
the paperwork additionally encompasses a nice influence on Delta's business. Managers within
the company management and judge on operations, personnel and finance. within the
exercise of paperwork, workers in every of the varied teams (including pilots, flight attendants,
ground support personnel, etc.) should follow standardization procedures. The management
structure at the corporate is additionally vertical on the lines of most bureaucracies.
Everything is finished top-down core operations. whereas applying the paperwork the
corporate has quite variety of advantages. skilled management team by professionals to assist
staff work actively. Delta manages the upkeep of assorted workgroups that scale back prices
significantly. important selections are communicated to workers UN agency are extremely
productive. Longitudinal management makes communication clear and transparent. However,
bureaucracies created by Delta even have negative aspects. because of lack of flexibility in
terms of speedy action, the corporate is failing to catch up with market changes. the stress
between the station managers and therefore the head workplace was severe. Lack of
association between low-level executives and executives. Lack of competition (Baumwoll, et
al., 2008).
The behavioral approach
Behavioral approach is an approach that focuses on improving management through the
understanding of human nature and psychology. (DuBRIN, 2012)

The approach consists of three methodological backgrounds including the Hawthorne studies,
theory x & Y of Douglas McGregor and Maslow's need Hierarchy.
In Hawthorne's experiment, when working conditions of workers are improved, productivity
and quality of work are increased. However, when working conditions are reduced, the
productivity and quality of work will not be reduced. For the theory of X and Y of Douglas
McGregor, he considered X a theory in which it was assumed that it was a set of people who
did not like to work, did not have a progressive spirit and always sought to shirk responsibility.
Meanwhile, the workers will be subject to strict management from their managers to ensure
the completion of the assigned tasks. As for the theory of Y, he considered it a reverse set of X
that are workers who are responsible, progressive in their work, they have the ability to
control themselves and self-awareness in The completion of the assigned tasks. In this case,
the manager only needs to assign them and teach them how to perform so that they can
complete the task. In Maslow’s Need Hierarchy, he says that people are motivated through
their own needs according to a hierarchy. That hierarchy of needs starts from the most basic
things you need to have, like eating and drinking, to the higher level of need that is expressed
by yourself. Managing attention and responding to the needs at the ranks of the standing
worker will create motivation for them and will help improve productivity and the direction
due to the needs of the workers they are raised. (DuBRIN, 2012)

Through the behavioral approach, it can be seen that there are advantages that are easily
recognized as improving productivity, working efficiency, helping organizations and businesses
realize the importance of HR in public. Since then, there has been an adequate response to the
staff's needs and finally there has been guidance on how to help motivate employees at work.
However, it also has limitations that focus only on the importance of the job for the employee
without forgetting the financial problems that need to be dealt with. (DuBRIN, 2012)
Quantitative approaches to management
In Quantitative approaches approaches to management, this is the approach laid by Frederick
Taylor and Mechanical Engineer. It is an approach that uses scientific methods to emphasize
the use of a group of management decision-making methods. Quantitative tools and
techniques such as statistics, linear programming, decision trees, network analysis, computer
simulation are tools that support the quantitative approach. (DuBRIN, 2012)
The use of a quantitative approach has the advantage of helping managers to solve complex
and confusing problems by quantifying the relevant factors. The downside of this quantitative

approach is that it lacks inaccuracy in practice as the data collected comes from people, which
makes it easy for errors to be provided in the information provided. (DuBRIN, 2012)
The Systems Perspective
Ludwig von Bertalanffy was the lead author who developed the systematic approach.In the
Systems Perspective it examines each aspect of the organization as if it were a related system.
According to this approach, an organization is considered a system or an entity of parts that
are interconnected. The approach treats the organization like an open system that
communicates with the external environment, changes the supply into products and supplies
them to the outside. (DuBRIN, 2012)

In Systems Perspective, there are two influential concepts: entropy and synergy. The entropy
concept states that if there is not enough supply from the environment, then the system will
tend to go down and die. The synergy concept indicates that individual working parts produce
less than when the entire organization system works together. (DuBRIN, 2012)
With the Systems Perspective method, the advantage that it creates is that it creates an
exchange between the organization and the environment, it also helps managers develop an
integrated approach while avoiding it. Excessive focus on individual issues. However, this
method is too conceptual, making it difficult to identify the differences between each system.
In addition, it does not show us the nature of interdependence or interaction with each other

in the system. The lack of practicality of the Systems Perspective makes it very difficult for the
method to be used in real life and, if so, is difficult to apply. (DuBRIN, 2012)
In this day and age, a {great deal} of firms use this method approach to suit in to the
surroundings that proves that it's one among the foremost trendy management approaches
that might lead to great achievements. An excellent instance of this can be the firm known as
General Motors. General Motors or metric weight unit, could be a transnational corporation
competitive with giant motor vehicle brands like Cadillac or Chevrolet. Since 1910s to the 60s,
GMC operated as a classical closed system during which solely management team get to make
a decision on the end result of production. GMC’s management to regulate all of them with no
thought for the external surroundings. However, from the 60s hitherto, tons of newly-arrived
competitors have be part of the competition, that intensifies the warmth of the sport, creating
it tougher for metric weight unit to take care of its place while not experiencing any recession.
By applying the new system approach to investigate the surroundings, metric weight unit was
ready to regain its quality, rule the whole market an extra time with twenty seven.97% of
market share throughout the 2000s, and still remained its place with the quantity of
seventeen.6% in 2017 within the face of the many fearful compatitors (Statista web site,
The contingency approach
The contingency approach points out that in managing people or in different work situations,
the best approach does not exist. Applying management in one particular situation will lead to
different results when applied in another specific situation and may cause it to lose success.
The use of this method needs to depend on an overview of the surrounding factors such as
internal and external to find out which method best suits the needs with tasks, people or the
environment. This approach was developed through the study of leadership and organizational
structure. In particular, the study of leadership is understood as the study of the performance
of each leadership style in each situation to determine the leadership style appropriate to it.
Research on organizational structure is the study in which different environments have
operating structures that will bring about greater efficiency. Approach can be easily applied if
helped by common sense. (DuBRIN, 2012)
The advantage of the contingency approach is that it encourages managers to identify
themselves through the different situations that may be encountered in the business to

determine their strengths and weaknesses. cultivate and compensate your skills and shortages
to meet the needs and challenges of the job. This also encourages managers to increase their
flexibility in all situations and help them make the most appropriate changes. However, the
disadvantage of this method is that it is easy to apply as a reason to cover the shortage of skills
and knowledge for management. (DuBRIN, 2012)
Contemporary IT approaches and beyond
This method has been around since the 1950s due to the need to process large amounts of
data and numbers. From the 1980s until now, information technology and the internet have
become increasingly important and attached to managing jobs and people. With the advent of
the Internet, it had a strong impact on the management and was considered an invention of
electricity in the early 20th century. With the participation of the internet and information
technology, the current management is gradually change and incessantly change to suit the
current period. (DuBRIN, 2012)
Leadership Theories
Trait theory
Characteristic theory proposes that leaders are dowered with unusually superior qualities that
alter them to outshine others. they need distinguished temperament attribute and life-style.
they are doing not have to be compelled to possess outstanding intellectual intelligence
however to possess special qualities that others don't is needed. There are the studies by
researchers in 1940 to work out the characteristics of leaders. Ralph M. Stogdill revealed a
report regarding twenty-seven characteristic teams matching for the leader (1948). These
figures embrace age, height, responsibility, educational performance, intelligence,
understanding, then on (Cherry, 2018). In temperament theory, leaders are born having innate
characteristics that facilitate them survive and thrive in their living condition. Leaders are
sometimes ready to judge and solve the matter in an exceedingly logical and effective method.
they're knowledgeable in an exceedingly kind of fields like art and languages. they're well-
adapted to the encompassing setting whereas being hard-working, assured and patient. a real
leader sometimes engages themselves within the community activities and broaden their
social relationships; therefore’ promote their position quo. All of those price would maintain
the survival and thriving of the leader themselves (Jr., 2004).

The advantages of this leadership theory is that it elevates the position of the leader, create
him/her a lot of special; thus, contributes to line the standards for leaders. It additionally
represents the values provided for theoretical leadership. On the opposite hand, the attribute
theory concentrates an excessive amount of on the leaders however neglects the position of
the followers. The validity and uncertainty might well result in ambiguity. during this theory,
the characteristics aren't mentioned in relations with productivity, work potency and workers
satisfaction (Verma, nd)
Behavioral Theory
From the late Nineteen Forties to the mid-1960s, researchers found the essential
characteristics of leadership designs. Ohio University conjointly created a good contribution to
the study of the behavior of the leader. This study describes the behavior of leaders in:
initiating structure and deliberation. Beginning a activity structure is that the degree to that
leaders outline their roles to coordinate activities with their subordinates so as to attain goals.
Behavior associated with subordinates, is that the extent to that a pacesetter has skilled
relationships, concerns, trust, respect for his or her subordinates. The Ohio University team
collected data concerning the behavior of leaders by developing a form known as "Behavioral
Leadership Descriptive Chart." the most form considerations the characteristics of the leader
as well as structure ability and interest. The researchers asked workers to explain the behavior
of the leader. The team then obtained the data that: Leaders assign team members to perform
specific tasks, expect staff to keep up a transparent job, listen to the work on schedule, -
they're leaders capable of organizing. In distinction, leaders World Health Organization care,
facilitate subordinates, sociable and friendly are the type of leaders World Health Organization
care. analysis results show that organizations with structure and caring competencies can
work a lot of effectively than those with solely organizational mind or interest. which means
the leader has 2 nice leaders (Halpin, 1956).
Advantages: Behavior theory shows that the characteristics of a pacesetter will be learned
through expertise and development. Second, during this theory it's doable for leaders to
develop skills, designs through coaching, not essentially innate. It helps leaders to focus a lot
of on relationships with folks to encourage the choice to hitch and grow the team by
supporting staff. It conjointly helps leaders measure and perceive their behavior so as to own a
a lot of applicable leadership approach to the organization's goals. This theory brings balance

to the design of leadership to assist them work a lot of effectively (Technofunc.com, 2013).
Disadvantages: initial, the restriction during this theory is that folks will find out how to follow
however that doesn't mean they're going to be ready to publish the speculation properly. The
second is concerning ability. Behaviors in things might not be common or applicable all told
situations (Technofunc.com, 2013)
Managerial Grid
The management grid of parliamentarian painter and Jane mutton may be a straightforward
model that reduces the load of management. They known 2 major considerations of
managers: One for folks and one for production. Concern for the person - the leader can think
about the wants, interests and skills of the worker to develop once electing the most effective
thanks to accomplish the goal. Job Orientation-The leader can set specific, effective and
productive goals to raise the worker to try to the most effective. The manager's grid can define
the manager's considerations concerning the work for the worker and determine the 5
leadership designs. Firstly, poor management (low potency / worker dissatisfaction). this sort
of leadership won't work as a result of they are doing not care abundant concerning making
clear job structures. it's owing to this ambiguous organization that staff are disgruntled with
their work. Second, the leader attaches importance to the needs of the worker (low score /
employee satisfaction). This leadership vogue worries with the emotions of the workers that
create the staff work flat out and cheerful. The results produce a snug operating surroundings
however lose management. Third, leadership by power (high potency / worker dissatisfaction).
this can be the kind of authoritarian leadership, that sees staff because the suggests that to
induce things done. they need variety of rules, policies, strict procedures, and sometimes
penalise staff to push work. Fourth, neutral leadership (average potency. workers no
objection). This technique may be a balance by compromise. Leaders are involved concerning
the workers, simply make sure the work is average. Finally, Team Leader (high potency /
terribly glad staff). within the Balke mutton model, this can be the most effective leadership
vogue as a result of it values the wants of production and staff alike (Clayton, 2017). In
summary, the management of painter mutton may be a great tool, however not continually
the most effective answer.

Participative theory
Leadership in participative theory is among the democratic leading designs. during this
hypothesis, instead of selecting everything, the leader welcomes totally different
representatives to affix the procedure and suggest their thoughts. With the help from
colleagues, it's conceivably that they will attain a superior final alternative faster. What's a lot
of, within the meanwhile, as all colleagues have created contributions to the decision- creating
method, they're certain to feel happy with the end result and pursue the selection volitionally.
In 1939, Kurt Lewin (a psychologist) and his colleagues revealed a study, within which
leadership is split into 3 categories: authoritarian, democratic and capitalist (Lewin, 1939).
The analysis incontestible that, in autocratic vogue, workers and managers are a lot of
dependable on each other. The manager would do the work of building rules, creating choices,
giving the proper mission to the right workers. This vogue could appear to be out-of-dated
throughout scenario of emergency, it's been evidenced the a lot of appropriate kind because it
might be used for fast respond.
Another leadership kind is democratic leadership that allows teammates to affix within the
establishing rules, introducing policies and creating choices. Additionally, the cluster divides
the tasks amongst each other and also the leader may play the role of a mate however with a
lot of authority than the others. Democratic may be divided into 2 differing kinds, consultive
kind within which the leader receives recommendations from the team members and create
the ultimate decisions; and persuasive vogue in which when the choice is created, the leader
then continues to win over the mate to believe its effectuality. Lewin thought of this because
the best leadership vogue.
The last kind is capitalist. Leader with this sort of leadership, unless requested, won't
participate in creating call or the group’s functioning at all. The members have the full
freedom to figure however they need with the resources returning from the leader. This sort
of leadership may be helpful with organization within the field of labor that needs heap of
creative thinking. However it additionally desires sensible individual and cluster operating
Lewin identified that, in autocratic vogue, the amount of dependency between staff and also
the leader is genuinely higher. The leader is that the one creating all the principles, decisions,
in addition as distribution works to every individual. This vogue might sound noncurrent,

however in associate emergency scenario that needs fast respond, this may be the a lot of
appropriate kind.
There are some noticeable blessings like enhancements in performance or remove the
pressure that a pacesetter would possibly face alone in creating choices, one in all the
foremost valuable edges of this theory is to convey the cluster a lot of choices to settle on
from. With members within the cluster participate in the decision-making method, it raises a
lot of opinions and concepts. This offers a better probability that the ultimate call may be a lot
of artistic and effective.
Like 2 sides of identical coin, there are some disadvantages. A lot of individuals being
concerned within the method means that longer intense. Since solely hear some would
possibly hand over the incorrect impression that there are members who are a lot of
appreciated then others, the leader would want time to travel through everyone’s plan and
this may slow the call-making method down and finding one decision that everybody agrees
on isn't simple.
Bill Gates – Microsoft’s founder – is one in all the perfect samples of active participative
leadership. His noted speech ‘As we glance ahead into following century, leaders are those
that empower others.’ primarily explains his belief in participative leadership. He would let
individuals raise their voice and provides the opinions of themselves. Throughout the meeting,
enterpriser would perpetually be the last to voice his opinion and additionally the one who
indicate the most effective means for individuals to follow. Enterpriser respects his staff most
that in some meeting, he barely same a word however sitting still and hear the concepts of his
colleages. Enterpriser was aware that once somebody will hold the position as a pacesetter
failed to mean they realize it all. To run a company, it needs not solely vision for the longer
term however additionally data in manufacturing, organizing, promoting so on. He allotted
individuals with the work that they grasp best and take their inputs in to thought, that was
what helped him to create Microsoft to be one in all the leading technology enterprise within
the world.
Contingency theory
The contingency theory explicit that there's no best technique for leading however it's the
leader’s call to require on the correct vogue for every specific scenario. Fred music director –
the daddy of the Contingency Theory – clearly explicit that the variations in leading vogue have

major effects on the overall performance of the entire cluster (Mckenzie, 2018). the
speculation classifies leaders into task-oriented and relationship-oriented leaders. The
subsequent model would illustrate the speculation in its most intelligible and in-depth

It may be seen from the figure that a task-oriented leader ought to perform in in scenario
one,2,3,7 and 8. However, within the rest things, a relationship-oriented leader would serve
higher. throughout a couple during which the truth is totally different from what's shown
within the model, the answer ought to be a shift from the case so as to seek out the simplest
solution for the organization from its hardships or the long run path to get additional values.
On the one hand, this theory is very helpful because it provides guideline on the way to opt for
the simplest leader at a particular circumstance that modify the organization to deal with the
problems whereas open up its full potential. Also, the speculation helps the organization to
adapt higher per the changes of the factors. This flexibility provides the corporate higher
probabilities of survival once it involves crisis. However, the dynamic of any component of
within the corporate whether or not managers or workers takes time and efforts as none of
the 3 components might amendment simply and quickly.

Situational theory
The situational theory planned that there's no single means of leading that would slot in all
situation; thus, it's the responsibility of the leader to form the mandatory changes and find the
organization well-adapted into the various state of affairs. Paul Hersey and Ken Balanchard
conducted the studies on this leadership theory, concentrating on the influence of the
followers’ ability and temperament upon leadership vogue (St. Thomas University web site,

In total, there are four leading designs to adapt to four totally different things. If the followers
don't possess either any ability or temperament, the leader should resort to telling leading
vogue by saying the missions, objectives and role then assign them to the followers. This
leading vogue might facilitate in achieving the desired results and is very effective for brand
spanking new employees. For marketing leading vogue, the leader would let the followers
have their own opinions and build their suggestions. This vogue encourages the commitment
and devotion of individuals for the task, creating them feel a lot of actuated. collaborating

leadership enable the leader to become a delegator who set the goal, mission and objectives
for folks and let their employees combat the position of a decision-maker, giving them the
total authority to figure and solve the matter. The leader solely get himself/herself concerned
within the task once serious issues occur.
The greatest advantage once it involves situational leadership could be a straightforward
however effective guideline that any leader might follow and make a lot of values for the
organization. It showcases the importance of human as an element and resource additionally
because the relationship between followers and leader by underlining the connection
between the employees and managers.
However, those leaders with very little temperament to alter or those that are task-oriented
might realize it laborious corporal punishment this technique. Moreover, it's rather
intimidating for managers to work out the amount of temperament in every employees as
there's no effective means that of measuring of feeling. Wrong applications of leading vogue
may be rather harmful for the event of the firm.
Applications in the Case of FPT Software
Leadership role of FPT Software
FPT Software's leadership direction is predicated on the model of cooperation and democracy.
This leadership vogue could be a neutralization of authoritarian leaders and licensed leaders.
The boss listens to the opinions of all staff, however the boss can still be the one WHO makes
the ultimate call. At FPT computer code, each call of the individual is severely broken. If there's
a conflict of thought, there's forever a culture of a cohesive and stable glue. Flexibility in
harmonizing opinions is sort of a zigzag model: somebody WHO walks in no time can have
folks braking, somebody WHO should go right can struggle with the left-hander... then all can
enter identical direction. If within the variety of democratic leadership, the boss is happy with
the staff, and has the area to point out his leadership (Giang, 2015)
Ranking within the high ten regional and top one hundred in world outsourcing in the past 3
years, FPT computer code vision is to achieve out additional to the globe, turning into one in
every of the leading firms in info technology and publicity, FPT computer code has been
adopting the leadership variety of the world’s technological companies like Google and Apple.
Significantly, FPT computer code has been applying Participative Theory and behavioural
Theory. Each of those leadership theories are terribly verificatory of the liberty for the staff.

Participative Theory permits the managers to consult the opinions of the staff; so, encourage
democracy within the company, motivating not solely employees however the managers in
addition. What’s additional, the behavioural Theory would take a stronger care concerning the
staff-manager relationship within the company. the corporate is attempting their best to
achieve the position of nine.9 within the social control grid. In my opinion, FPT computer code
is somewhere between five.5 and 9.1 as there's solely some breakthroughs in time unit
activities however some nice achievements in productivities.
Only in fast operating environments that require to be determined during a short time,
democratic leadership will cause things to stagnate. Therefore once it's ought to solve the
matter during a short amount of your time, the boss should rely upon the thanks to remodel
your leadership within the variety of "servant" leadership, putting the role of every worker on
his/her own as a result of they grasp the team exists and work terribly obsessed on each
individual's role. This vogue leader can direct the employees to suppose per leadership
thinking. Once every individual is aware that he or she is being authorized , he or she is going
to have a robust incentive to demonstrate ability.
Management of FPT Software
Democratic management and individualistic Management are FPT code management vogue,
democratic management appearance for agreement from a bunch, or at the terribly least is
receptive their suppositions. A democratic leader furthermore tries to be open and receptive.
It can even cause an web once it's overdone, however usually this seems to be the foremost
viable management vogue. A decent example of this sort of management is terrorist Ghosn,
the chairman, and chief operating officer of Renault accepts that amendment at intervals the
organization’s culture shouldn't be unnatural by the highest management however ought to
come back from the lowest level. Individualistic Management's managers within which leaders
are passive and permit cluster members to form the choices. analysis found that this
management designs ends up in very cheap productivity among cluster members. These 2
styles of management mix. These 2 forms of management mix to compensate one another for
his or her advantages and downsides and are appropriate for developing OKR.
OKR could be a methodology of setting goals to assist produce a unity between the goals of
every individual with the objectives of the entire company / unit, focusing the motivation of

the entire team to attain the set objectives. OKR started from the highest positions and
affected down the chain of inferior positions to staff.
According to Business corporate executive, OKR could be a easy system that helps a
corporation organize and enforce objectives. The distinction of OKR compared to different
strategies is: to be established often (usually quarterly); the method of implementing OKR
should unendingly monitor and value the results. OKR incorporates a fast progress (due to the
short implementation of OKR) and encourages the participation of employees.
OKR could be a new management methodology supported the set of key objectives and results
that FPT formally place into use since 2019, this management methodology is employed by
leading technology firms like Google, Intel ... apply. The participation of all staff within the
cluster to line goals and key results related to the company's goals swimmingly from prime to
bottom and from bottom to top can facilitate people see the image, put together organize,
and see wherever she/he is, what result he/she has on making that common image.
additionally, with the joint development of OKR, everybody within the organization are
additional concerned once the common goal is shared and enforced along, serving to one
another to form nice achievements for the organization. because the unit with the most
important variety of staff, it's expected that it'll be tough to quickly complete the OKR
registration campaign, however FPT code did it and did it well. With this leadership direction
of FPT code, the applying of OKR is totally possible and can not cause any difficulties within the
operation of OKR. With the saying "slow but firm", FPT code has completed 100% of the
department's OKR and ninety eight of individual OKRs on March ten despite having to try to to
it with surpass. The implementation of OKR in FPT code is conducted through middle
management team. the method of implementing OKR in FPT code is to convey info from OKR
department to middle managers, then these employees can share with the staff and collect
OKR of every staff, value 1st then send it to OKR Board (Anh, 2019).
The application of OKR in FPT code specifically and FPT corporation generally may be seen as a
significant breakthrough in management. this can be the sign of associate degree final future
democracy in FPT code within which the workers have the liberty to determine their level of
dedication. This facilitate scale back stress at the geographical point enormously; thus,
increase the productivity of the organization. However, because the operating perspective of
some staff is briefly not qualified for OKR, the applying might come back underneath

unessential dispute. In my opinion, OKR ought to still be in application with KPI. once
somebody doesn't win his/her OKR, that one must return to KPI.
In conclusion, leadership and management are completely different in several aspects as well
as designs and characteristics. However, each of them are the key parts once it involves terms
of operational and managing any organization. There are six management approaches and 5
leadership theories. They're each helpful and inexpedient in varied ways that. An honest
manager and leader would utilize them within the most intelligent thanks to reach success.

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