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Sport studies class 2SPS

Internship Tactical Level Report

Course code: SKVH9ITL

Lecturer: Thea Scholtens

Hans-Theo Albrecht
Student number: 371869
Table of content

The Organization 3
 Mission and vision 3
 Target group 4
 Members and coaches 4
 Competitors 4
 Stakeholders 4
 SWOT analysis 5

Goal of the internship and professional product 5

Research cycle 5
 Research Question 6
 Sub questions 6
 Martial arts 7
 Marketing 8
 Research methods 10
 Methods to analyze the data 10

Monitoring the internship 11

The professional product 11

 Intended result of the product 11
 Prototype 12
 Implementation 12
 Proof of value and impact of the professional product 12

Justification of the professional product 13

400 hours workload 13

Evaluation 14

Supervisor Evaluation 14

Appendix 16
The professional product 16
Bibliography 17

The organization

Deltaserat is a martial arts club located at the student sport centrum ACLO (Blauwborgje 16,
9747 AC in Groningen). It was founded in 2003 by head coach Nabil Abdi, who came to the
Netherlands to study. The club offers different martial arts including Kickboxing, Krav Maga,
MMA and Grappling spread over 9 sessions lasting one and a half hour each, on 6 days per
week. The three coaches Nabil Abdi, Rob Heidenrijk and Rolf Stoit are responsible for the
training sessions during the week as well as for martial arts courses ACLO is offering. The
quality of the training is very high and professional since Nabil has many years of experience
in various martial arts including Boxing and Taek-won-do. The training sessions are made up
of a warm-up, a tough strength and conditioning workout you do individually, with a partner
or as a group, new techniques like punching combos, kicks, escapes, chokes etc. depending
on the discipline and towards the end some sparring as well as stretching. Depending on the
day and training, 10 to 50 members, usually more male than female, as well as new
interested students are attending and the atmosphere is welcoming, respectful and overall
really good. 
The current board of the club (2019/2020), which is voted new at the beginning of each
academic year, is made up of president Bas van Doorn, treasurer Lea Timmann, Olena
Vasyltsova, who is responsible for internal and external affairs, and lastly Sameer
Rodrigues, the organizations secretary. The organization has currently a total of 147
members, around 75% are foreign students. For this reason, the cultural diversity is high but
sadly most members leave after a period ranging from several months to a few years.
Nevertheless, new faces join throughout the year and the club offers social events and
gatherings to further the bonding of its members, enabling long-lasting friendships to be

Over the years, Deltaserat has had many interns and students, brought out champions and
certified martial arts coaches, that now have their own successful training facilities and
fighters. Currently the club has a small but solid fighting team of kickboxers and MMA
fighters that compete a few times a year and offer other members of the club the opportunity
to come along, support them and experience professional tournaments.

Mission and vision

Deltaserat’s general vision is to provide members with high-quality training in different

martial arts. It is a top priority to have a welcoming atmosphere for everybody, whoever they
might be and whatever needs they might have. Respect is another priority, whether it is
during training sessions, social events or in general. Of course, a safe training environment
is another one on the list, with the goal of keeping injuries from happening at all times.
Currently the club is on a mission to increase in size, gain more members, earn more money
and through that be able to set up their very own dojo outside of ACLO. The new facilities
are in the planning stage as of now, but the goal is clear and seems achievable.

Target group

Even though everybody is welcome at the club, is it pretty much 100% student based. This is
due to the fact that ACLO is student-based and in close proximity to Hanze University. Also,
the club offers the best quality for the moderate prices, making it very attractive and
convenient for students.

Members and coaches

The organization currently has 147 members with many different nationalities, the highest
percentages are from the Netherlands and Germany. There is one female-only class every
week and in the other classes offered male and female are both represented with slightly
more men than women. The three coaches Nabil, Rolf and Rob are the only “employees”
who receive a salary. Head coach and founder Nabil teaches most of the training sessions
himself, Rolf is in charge of the grappling class on Tuesdays and Rob helps out whenever it
is needed, mostly in grappling as well.


There are approximately 18 different martial arts clubs within Groningen like Kazemi
Taekwondo Academie Groningen, Aihato, Go Smart Martial Arts, Stichting Thai-Boxing or
Krav Maga Groningen, just to name a few. However, with Deltaserat being student-based
and offering the best quality training for fair prices, as mentioned already, there is not a real
“threat” in form of competition to the club.

Opponents in fights or tournaments should be mentioned as another kind of competition.

The club has a rather small but very good and successful active fighting team. In it are
Nynke, Vlad and Sjouke. They compete in Kickboxing and MMA and travel to various
locations throughout the whole Netherlands. Apart from that, they are winning not just most
of their fights but also beating professional fighters and martial arts clubs that are not
student-based but train full-time, which is impressive and proves the high standard and
quality of the training Deltaserat is offering its members. They are the only club in the
Netherlands achieving results and victories like this.


Since the club is still rather small and all members as well as board members are students,
the only real stakeholders are coach and founder Nabil Abdi and ACLO, since they are
providing the club with training facilities. Every member hast to buy an ACLO card as well as
pay for the training provided by Deltaserat itself. It should be mentioned that Nabil is not just
head coach and responsible for training, but also joins every fighter of the club for every fight

or tournament. He also offers private classes as well as courses for other students inside
ACLO who aren’t members of the club.

SWOT analysis

Goal of the internship and professional product

The goal of the professional product is to successfully market the new training facilities of
Deltaserat, which are being set up outside of ACLO, by using video as a marketing tool. This
will be achieved through conducting interviews with different members of the club to
demonstrate their experience within the organization and to show new potential members
how great the atmosphere, community and the quality of the training is.
Other goals of the internship are the full realization of this outstanding opportunity to evolve
as a sports professional, improve organizational as well as communication skills, meet new
people, learn about martial arts as well as the organizational structure of the club. This
includes their communication, finances, events, meetings, fights, training and more.

Research cycle

The research cycle is a major part of this internship. It includes desk research, which is
needed to get a better understanding of the topic in general, as well as qualitative, primary,
descriptive research in order to analyze gathered data. All this is done to successfully create
a satisfying professional product for the host organization.

The first part, which is desk research, is divided into two separate sections: martial arts and
marketing. A total of five sub questions is answered in detail, using a variety of actual and
relevant sources. The second half of the research cycle is about the information gathered
throughout the internship within the organization. It will be used to create the professional
product and carefully analyzed through thematic analysis, which emphasizes on ideas,
words and experiences.

Research question

The research question for the entire internship period from February to June is:

“Why are videos the right marketing tool for Deltaserat to successfully market their new
location outside of ACLO to new, potential members?”

The research question is partly answered through the sub questions in the following sections
martial arts and especially marketing. In the three different marketing sub questions, the
basics of a good, successful marketing strategy, the reliability of videos as a marketing tool
as well as the ways with which the success of the video can be measured, are explained in
detail. This summarizes the theory behind the research question. In the practice, feedback
from the organization, it’s members, coaches and other stakeholders had to be gathered and

First of all, the idea about the creation of a video as a marketing tool was developed in close
cooperation with the internship supervisors and stakeholders of the organization. Therefore,
the need for a marketing strategy in form of a video was already proven and the details of
how to go about it planned out together during the first weeks of the internship. After
analyzing the club’s situation, conducting interviews, talking to as many members as
possible and conducting a SWOT analysis, it became obvious that a digital marketing
strategy in the form of a video was the only right choice.

Since the outcome of the video, the play rate, the many shares on different social media
platforms as well as the feedback from the people that helped out creating the video was
positive throughout, it’s success should be proven. Furthermore, during presenting the
results of the internship to the organization, the feedback and evaluation sessions with the
members that helped out as well as with the workplace supervisors and through the
interviews that have been conducted, it is safe to say that a video was the right choice for
Deltaserat. It is more interesting and easier to follow than reading a flyer or text, especially in
these times were everybody is on their phone frequently, has access to internet everywhere
and is as connected in this regard as never before. A last but still big factor is the new
situation and the circumstances connected to it, which allowed many people and especially
students to have more free time. This time couldn’t be used to train obviously but still to
watch and share a video, as it turned out.

Sadly, the COVID-19 virus changed a lot of plans and made it impossible to film inside the
dojo or the new training facilities. Apart from that a lot of face-to-face meetings and other
possibilities had gone missing and needed to be compromised as already mentioned. This is
also the reason that the quality of the video turned out a bit worse and less satisfying than

planned in the beginning. The interviews, feedback and so forth however could be done
digitally and still in a professional manner.

Sub Questions

The sub questions are divided in two categories: marketing and martial arts. This is done in
order to get more background knowledge about martial arts in Groningen, the Netherlands
and in general as well as the needed information in order to create the most efficient and
successful marketing strategy by using video, how to implement it and measure the

Martial arts:

Sub question 1: What are the risks and benefits of practicing martial arts?

With over 170 known different martial arts [ CITATION Igo2 \l 1031 ] practiced by millions of
people worldwide and for many centuries and numerous reasons, such as self-defense
purposes, competition, tradition, physical or mental health and fitness or motor development,
the backgrounds, roots, risks and benefits to them are mostly well researched as of today. 

To start with the risks, it is obvious that people can get hurt while engaging in any form or
physical activity, especially in combat ones. Differences in the various disciplines need to be
acknowledged however, as some use strikes, kicks, ground-fighting techniques or a more
flow-like practice with more meditation and spiritual elements. Also, the reasons and goals
for engaging in a martial art are very individual and can make a tremendous difference in
terms of risks and benefits that the sport brings with it.
Tai-Chi for example is ideal for people looking to improve their health, mobility, and strength
while offering a very low level of risk of injury, therefore making it suitable for elderly people
as well. MMA, especially in competition on the other hand, is quite the opposite. Not just are
the techniques, which include striking, kicking, elbows, knees, submissions, chokes and
more, more brutal and dangerous but the factor of having a lot of competition pushes
athletes and fighters to their limits in order to achieve their goals, leading to sprains, strains,
fractures, concussions, neck injuries and many more. The injury rate in children for example,
according to a cumulative epidemiologic study of pediatric martial arts, in the United States
of America is rather high compared to other sports with 41 to 133 injuries per 1000 athletic
exposures. [ CITATION Reb16 \l 1031 ]

The benefits of practicing martial arts on the other hand are very rewarding. Depending on
the reason and kind of discipline one signs up for, as well as whether or not protective
equipment is used and the experience of the practitioner and coach, it can be very well worth
taking the risk. In an article by Ashleigh Johnstone, who is a PhD researcher in cognitive
neuroscience, she states: “Martial arts offers brain-boosting benefits for all ages.” [ CITATION
Ash18 \l 1031 ]
It needs to be differentiated between attention training, where a specific skill is practiced and
improved, and attention state training, in which a state of mind is entered that allows a

stronger focus. The study suggests that martial arts is a form of attention state training.
Other forms to enter this state are for example meditation or yoga. This in turn is linked to
improved alertness and better performance on a divided attention task and can, unlike
attention training itself, be transferred to other disciplines and things.

Other physical benefits gained by practicing martial arts include increased strength and
power, cardiovascular health, improved flexibility, stability, mobility, coordination, balance
and faster reflexes. [ CITATION 18ht \l 1031 ] Mental benefits are also worth mentioning,
since a number of studies have proven that exercise, or in this case martial arts, can help to
improve mental health. It reduces stress levels, improves focus and concentration as well as
one's mood in general. 
Lastly, self-discipline, respect, healthy competition and increased confidence can all be
achieved through participating in a form of martial arts. Many disciplines are even learned
accompanied by philosophies, teaching respect for oneself and the opponent and anti-
aggressive behavior.

Sub question 2: How popular are martial arts in the Netherlands and which ones?

There is no martial art so popular in the Netherlands to reach the top ten list. Number one is
football and in terms of individual sports fitness, running and swimming are by far more
known and practiced. However, Kickboxing in particular was able to gain popularity “in the
1990s and 2000s, when out of 19 Kickboxing World Grand Prix Championships, the Dutch
produced 15 titleholders.” as an article by One Championships states. This is due to their
individual and very special style, in which elements of Kyokushin Karate, Western Boxing
and Muay Thai are incorporated and mixed. [ CITATION Joh19 \l 1031 ]
On the other hand, Kickboxing, or any other martial art for that matter, is by far not as
popular like Muay Thai in Thailand for example and it is quite difficult to make a career out of
it in the Netherlands. In general, the sport is mostly practiced and viewed by people from
lower socio-economic classes and even been used by organized crime figures to arrange
meetings during fights and events. This, paired with the bad behavior by famous Kickboxer
Badr Hari and his violent crimes, led to a damaged image of the sport, which it is only slowly
recovering from. [ CITATION Daa18 \l 1031 ]


Sub question 3: What is needed to create a good, successful marketing strategy?

To start answering this question, the definition of a marketing strategy is required: “A plan of
action to promote and sell a product or service.” [ CITATION Lex2 \l 1031 ] There are of
course different approaches and opinions about the best way to formulate and design a
marketing strategy. This is partly due to the different audiences and sectors that products
and services are being marketed to and also depending on things like available time,
research, budget and so on. However, pretty much all marketing strategies include some
sort of analysis in the beginning or as one of the first two steps. A good example is the

SWOT analysis of a company or organization which covers its strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats. [ CITATION Rux17 \l 1031 ]

Secondly, or in some cases even considered as the very first and most important thing to do,
is the formulation of a mission statement, a vision or a goal. The writing down of an exact
mission, vision or goal makes it easier to understand why this needs to be done in the first
place and gives oneself as well as managers, employees, volunteers and everybody else
involved the motivation and focus needed in order to reach the desired outcome of the
marketing strategy. [ CITATION All \l 1031 ]

Thirdly, all necessary factors like the target market, competitors and the individual steps of
the marketing strategy as well as the product or service itself need to be analyzed, defined
and communicated in detail. This step gives more insights to what makes the service or
product unique or different from what competitors are offering and offers all the specifics of
interest to the customer. Another option in short would be to focus on the seven P’s in order
to come up with a good marketing strategy: product, price, promotion, place, packaging,
positioning and people. [ CITATION Bri04 \l 1031 ]

Lastly, the marketing methods need to be established and the results monitored closely. By
defining how the success of the marketing strategy is measured and then analyzing the
individual indicators of success, the strategy can be further improved while it’s already being
implemented, or important and valuable lessons learned for the next marketing strategy.

Sub question 4: How reliable and successful are videos to create a marketing strategy?

In the Wyzowl State of Video Marketing Survey from 2020, it has been found that 92% of all
marketers agree that video marketing is an important part of their individual marketing
strategies. Compared to 2015, where only 78% of marketers used videos in their marketing
strategies, it is obvious that the numbers are still growing quickly. [ CITATION Dav20 \l 1031 ]
Furthermore, it’s been predicted for 2019 and onwards, that videos will make up 80% of
all internet traffic worldwide, 55% of internet users watch videos every day and 78% at least
once every week. [ CITATION Har \l 1031 ]

The article further states: “Videos are incredibly effective in capturing attention, maintaining
engagement, building relationships and getting viewers to take action.”, which are all key
metrics in every successful digital marketing plan. Since it is faster as well as easier and
more illustrative to watch a video than it is to read a text or social media post, consumers
prefer videos over text.

Other benefits of videos as a marketing tool are the trust you can build with your customers
and increasing brand awareness, personality and culture, for example through telling your
story, showing your passion, answering common questions about products and services
provided or the industrial sector in general and so much more.

Sub questions 5: How can the effectiveness of the videos as a marketing tool be

Based on the website, social media platform or app a video is uploaded to and hosted to be
viewed by users, there is in-app analytics provided by the app. Youtube or Vimeo for
example give the following data: 
 Number of times a video is loaded
 Number of times a video is played
 Percentage of visitors who clicked play
 Average percentage of video watched
 Countries from which videos are viewed
[ CITATION Bri14 \l 1031 ]

This data is key in analyzing the effectiveness of a video marketing strategy. Another very
important factor, especially on social media platforms, is the number of times a video is
shared. This increases the reach of the video and therefore the effectiveness and the
success of the marketing strategy drastically. 

Especially in this context, for Deltaserat, where the video is not just going to be uploaded to
their website and social media accounts but also shared by all members, coaches, friends
and family members and so on. It can also be shared with the student sport centrum ACLO,
which provides the club with facilities, to be played on monitors or shown in the cafeteria
since literally hundreds of students go in and out on a daily basis for their workout, course or
club, and would therefore get to see the video.

Research methods

 Qualitative research, since rather few samples will be collected, the information
gained is in-depth to understand the topic better and it cannot be measured in
numbers. The research is about words, emotions and new experiences/strategies
and needs to be rather flexible in order to adjust the research methods while
developing new knowledge.

 Primary research, because the data will be collected by the intern personally, using
original information that is collected through interviews, observations and possibly
surveys and will be used to answer a specific research question.

 Descriptive research, to collect data about the study subject without intervening. The
answers given in interviews or surveys will be individual and demonstrate the feelings
and experiences of the members of the club.

This will be done in a combination with desk research to get a better understanding of the
general topic and about the effectiveness of videos as a marketing tool.

Methods to analyze the data

Qualitative analysis or thematic analysis is used to understand data from text such as
interviews in which ideas, words and experiences are expressed. It is rather flexible and
relies on the researcher’s careful reflection, assumptions and judgement.

Also, some good footage will be filmed during the interviews and a lot of content, answers
and opinions will be collected, that all go towards the final professional product. It can be
expected that all the answers given will be sufficient to answer the questions that new
potential members could have before joining Deltaserat. Additionally, it might be possible to
include some information about the new training facilities. For now, with all the restrictions
and therefore difficulties getting access to training facilities in general, this cannot be
promised yet and might have to be pushed back until after the internship period. In this case,
a new promotional video can be edited and created afterwards, with updated information as
well as footage of the new training facilities, using parts of the videos gathered and filmed
during the internship.

Monitoring the internship

In order to stay on track with the internship and to successfully achieve the goal of creating a
professional product, the monitoring part was of big importance. The intern wanted to leave
the organization with a product that they could benefit from even afterwards, while making a
good impression, fulfilling all duties and tasks in regard to his study program as well as using
the opportunity to grow as a sports professional and person.

To monitor the process of the internship, a concrete goal that was achievable and based on
an issue or opportunity within the organization, had to be formulated first. This was done
after getting to know the martial arts club with its coaches, stakeholders and members and
analyzing its current situation. Through talking to many members during training sessions,
conducting interviews with board members and the workplace supervisor the intern came up
with a goal in cooperation with the organization.

After the issue, goal and intended outcome were clear, an action plan had to be created, in
which a more detailed version of the process and the necessary individual steps that had to
be taken in order to fulfill the desired goal, were written down. Throughout the whole
internship the intern remained in contact with the supervisor from Hanze University, Thea
Scholtens, in order to get feedback and help where it was needed. She was also available to
answer questions and clarify misunderstandings.

Within the organization there were two workplace supervisors: Bas van Doorn, the current
president of the club, as well as Nabil Abdi, founder and head coach. They guided the intern
through the internship, helped out to create the professional product by giving feedback,
questioning ideas and proposals as well as staying in contact throughout the process and
evaluating the overall performance in the end.

Lastly, the CoP-group was there to monitor the intern and his progress as well and provided
him with feedback and a bit of inspiration here and there. The group worked together quite
well for a big team of eight people and was always respectful and open towards each other,

critical feedback and new ideas. Apart from that, the group was helpful in regard to proper
planning, exchanging ideas and knowledge, gaining valuable insights into the different,
individual internship organizations, time-management and fulfilling deadlines.

The professional product

Intended result of the product

As mentioned before, the video serves marketing purposes of the new training facilities of
the club. It is supposed to be shared through social media platforms, the board members of
the club, on their website, through and by ACLO, by members and friends. The final result is
therefore the successful finishing, uploading and sharing of the video, followed by as many
views as possible of new potential members, students as well as martial arts enthusiasts.
The video can be shared again after a bit of time has passed or left on the website as well as
social media accounts of the club and its members, to be viewed again later. 


First and foremost, the videos had to be filmed. In order to do that while not being able to go
and meet people as it would normally be possible, the interviewees had to record
themselves or use the camera on their laptop or computer. After obtaining the footage and
roughly sorting out the best clips, they were uploaded onto iMovie, the app from Apple that
was chosen to work with for the designing and editing part of this video. The intern has
worked with it before a couple of times, mostly for University related tasks over the last two
years, so he could start right away without having to spend too much time familiarizing
himself with all its functions.

The editing part is the most time-consuming one, since there were a lot of different options
and ideas that seemed suitable for the video’s purposes. A lot of trial and error later, the
inserting of captions, subtitles, an intro and music began. The intern remained in close
contact with the workplace supervisors to obtain feedback throughout the designing process
and to create the best possible video for their purposes. The last finishing touches were the
cutting of second or even millisecond long parts to make it match the audio and look perfect.

The finished prototype could now be played and viewed for the very first time and was sent
to the workplace supervisors as well as the board members of the organization and all
interviewees, that helped out creating the video by sharing their experience within and love
for the club. After waiting for their reactions and obtaining their feedback, a few smaller
changes were made, and the video improved further. This feedback and improvement
process were done twice to make sure everybody was satisfied with the way they looked in
the video as well as the final result overall.


Now the video was ready to be shared by everybody that was involved in the club and, as
mentioned before, by all stakeholders and through all possibly accessible social media

Proof of value and impact of the professional product

The best proof of the value of the product as well as its impact would be the satisfaction of
the club, with all its coaches and members included. The intern received numerous
messages and feedback from the actors of the video and other members, which weren’t
involved or haven’t even met him, telling him how great the video turned out and how good it
made Deltaserat look.

Also, the number of views and shares was relatively high in the beginning and a satisfying
result for the organization and the board. It needs to be mentioned that the long-term results,
new people signing up for training or to become a member as well as the total number of
plays and the final success is difficult to guess or elaborate at this point in time. This is due
to the fact that this report, which has been written just days before the uploading of the
video, cannot include the final outcome properly.

The workplace supervisors, board members as well as interviewees and members of the
club are however content with the result, which seems to be the most important aspect for
the time being and should also substantially serve as proof of the value as well as impact of
this professional product.

Justification of the professional product

To justify the creation of a video as a marketing tool for Deltaserat there isn’t much left to tell
that hasn’t be explained already. The issue or research question was carefully analyzed
throughout the first couple of weeks, like indicated in the action plan and timeline from the
intensive week. The idea for the solution, the filming, designing and editing of the video itself
has been done in cooperation with the internship supervisors and feedback exchanged
frequently throughout the whole process. The goal of the professional product as well as the
internship was to successfully market the new training facilities that Deltaserat is setting up
outside of ACLO. Since the setting up of the new training facilities came to a stop through
the outbreak of COVID-19 and it was therefore not possible to finish the project as well as
the marketing process. The interviews and video were concluded however, and a
promotional video created, which is already being used. A second and improved version of
the promotional video can be developed as soon as the situation turns back to normal and
the facilities as well as ACLO reopens. Then, the filming of the facilities themselves can take
place and the improved version of the video uploaded, shared and used by Deltaserat. The
new situation has changed a lot of plans and brought a lot of challenges with it but also
opportunities and an overall successful internship, professional product and learning

400 hours workload

Over the course of the internship, which started in February and ended after roughly 16
weeks in June, a total of 400 hours workload had to be achieved.  Normally, a total of nine
training sessions per week would have been visited, adding up to 208 hours over the course
of the internship. Since the COVID-19 virus broke out however, almost everything had to be
cancelled and therefore also changed in regard to the workload and distribution of the total
hours. First of all, the ACLO closed down, making it impossible to continue training as
planned. Fights and tournaments, that ordinarily would have been joined by the team, were
cancelled or planned for a later point in time, after the internship had ended. All that was left
were meetings with the workplace supervisors and the board members, which were held
The alternative and only way to make up the missing hours was to put more time and effort
into research as well as the planning and development process of the professional product.
The internship had to be shifted to a more digital and online-based version, which provided
the intern with a challenge but also some good results and important lessons. The intended
result and goal of 400 hours in total could be met in the end, which is especially satisfying
under these special and difficult circumstances. Furthermore, the student was able to
develop a good understanding of Deltaserat and familiarized himself with the club’s
processes, organization, communication, finances, marketing and more.


The internship project was very satisfying and educational for the student. He imagined it to
be rather different in the beginning, but nobody could have seen the Coronavirus and all that
resulted from it coming. The intern was able to improve his communication as well as
organizational skills and met a ton of new students and people along the way. Furthermore,
the internship period taught him a lot in terms of time-management and self-discipline. It also
helped him to improve his abilities to tackle problems independently and time efficiently.

To elaborate, starting with communication skills, it should be mentioned that not just by
joining or becoming part of an organization, even under normal circumstances, there is
obviously a need to communicate with each other. In this case, with the special quarantine
situation going on as well as sometimes slow responses from my workplace supervisor, it
was extra difficult to obtain all the information and feedback in between to be able to
continue the internship process and the designing and finishing of the professional product.
In the end however, it was doable, a challenge and an important lesson: Start early, remind
yourself as well as others about the deadlines and input you need and stay on track as well
as focused throughout the journey!

Organizational skills are an important tool to possess, not just as a sports professional but in
most jobs and daily life. The intern was fortunate to be able to improve his throughout this
internship by getting to know firsthand how the organization of this club works, mainly
through the meetings with the board members and by talking to them before, during and
after training. Closely related are time-management and self-discipline in this case, since the
intern had to organize his own tasks and timeline, avoid being distracted and manage his
available time. Especially due to Corona and being in a situation where the organization and

university shut down, he had to be responsible enough to work from home and in a more
theoretical setting than initially planned. This was potentially the biggest challenge for the
intern but also a great opportunity to test out new ways of working, planning, organizing and
getting the job done regardless, which felt very rewarding.

Supervisor Evaluation

Name of supervisor
Name of student Theo Albrecht from the Nabil Abdi
professional field

The student
Response to developments
Is able to respond effectively to opportunities in the environment


Theo has shown a great level of flexibility and adaptation to his environment through a
positive mindset and problem-solving approach. He was able to turn threats into
opportunities and has been effective during crisis times.

Research and recommendations

Is able to conduct applied research effectively and use it to deliver a through and well-
founded product


As far as the situation permitted. Theo has been working hard to deliver the best outcome,
unfortunately due to the actual circumstances regarding Covid-19 pandemic he had to
engage in a more limited manner that has ultimately affected the obtained results.

Collaboration and collaborative learning

Is able to collaborate effectively with others (from both within and external to the

Very good

Through great maturity and accessible personality, Theo has been a collaboration talent,
he has the right energy and charisma. He makes people feel at ease and values their
input, both great qualities for any successful collaboration.

Is able to communicate effectively

Very good

Theo has been updating me and the management about all the developments and was
able to seek alternative channels of communication when needed to secure information

Reflection and learning

Is able to use reflection as an instrument of effective self-management

Very good

I think that Theo has been an adept of reflection as a learning tool for a long time already,
his maturity is the biggest proof of self-analysis skills and emotional intelligence, hence it
is no surprise that it has been his ally throughout his project.

Self-management and independence

Is capable of investing in themselves, setting objectives and learning from past
experiences. The student is able to take a reflective view of, develop and optimize their
professional competences and the development thereof in a goal-oriented, effective and
motivated fashion.


I truly believe that Theo is by nature independent, this quality has been translated in a
productive approach when supervision and guidance was limited. He stayed focused and
effective in overwhelming periods and has shown great discipline and self-management

General impression of the student’s performance:


I am truly glad that we had the chance to work with Theo, a very calm and nice young man
yet relentless and driven. He showed passion rather than just motivation and vision rather
than just goal setting. On behalf of Deltaserat I thank and share my gratitude for Theo’s
input, collaboration and performance.

Supervisor from the professional field’s signature:

Nabil Abdi

(As discussed, due to not having access to a printer, the form could not be printed and
signed. The e-mail of the original will be forwarded for authentication purposes separately


The professional product

Since the professional product is a video, the easiest way to include it in this report is to
upload it on YouTube and attach the link here:


Dyachenko, I. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Rebecca A. Demorest, C. K. (2016). Retrieved from
Johnstone, A. (2018).
(2018). Retrieved from
Wolcott, J. (2019, October 23). Retrieved from
Akerboom, D. (2018, March 15). Retrieved from
Unknown. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Unknown. (n.d.). Retrieved from Lexico:
Mindruta, R. (2017, August 11). Retrieved from
Scott, A. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Tracy, B. (2004, May 17). Retrieved from
Chaffey, D. (2020, Feb 11). Retrieved from
Massey, B. (2014, December 11). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from Lexico:

(n.d.). Retrieved from Lexico:
(n.d.). Retrieved from Harness Consulting:


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