Technological Forecasting & Social Change: Cameron Roberts, Frank W. Geels

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Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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Conditions for politically accelerated transitions: Historical institutionalism,

the multi-level perspective, and two historical case studies in transport and

Cameron Robertsa, , Frank W. Geelsb
Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds, UK
Sustainable Consumption Institute (SCI); University of Manchester, UK


Keywords: This article investigates the conditions under which policymakers are likely to decisively accelerate socio-
Socio-technical transitions technical transitions. We develop a conceptual framework that combines insights from historical institutionalism
Politics and the Multi-Level Perspective to better understand the political dimension in transitions, focusing particularly
Acceleration on the mechanisms of political defection from incumbent regime to niche-innovation. We distinguish two ideal-
Historical institutionalism
type patterns, one where external (landscape) shocks create a ‘critical juncture’ and one where gradual feedbacks
Multi-level perspective
change the balance of power between niche-innovation and regime. We also identify more proximate conditions
such as external pressures on policymakers (from business interests, mass publics, and technologies) and policy-
internal developments (changes in problem definitions and access to institutional arrangements). We apply this
framework to two historical case studies in which UK policymakers deliberately accelerated transitions: the
transition from rail to road transport (1920–1970); and the transition from traditional mixed agriculture to
specialised wheat agriculture (1920–1970). We analyse the conditions for major policy change in each case and
draw more general conclusions. We also discuss implications for contemporary low-carbon transitions, observing
that while some favourable conditions are in place, they do not yet meet all the prerequisites for political

1. Introduction the importance of politicians' own volition. This, in turn, downplays

important political science insights about policymakers, namely that
The duration of socio-technical transitions has emerged as an im- they are locked-in to policy regimes (Jochim and May, 2010; Weaver,
portant topic, but scholars disagree over whether they are necessarily 2010; Wilson, 2000); are risk averse (Howlett, 2014); and do not have
long and arduous (Smil, 2010) or whether they can happen quickly perfect freedom of agency but are subject to major political constraints
(Sovacool, 2016). Rather than addressing duration, this article in- (Rickards et al., 2014). We therefore agree with Meadowcroft (2016)
vestigates the topic of deliberate acceleration, which occurs when de- that it is crucial to investigate wider contexts. This leads us to the fol-
cisive actions by policymakers or other powerful actors move a tran- lowing research question: what are the conditions under which policy-
sition from a “formative” phase (during which radical innovations makers can introduce major policy changes that accelerate socio-tech-
emerge and stabilise) to a period of more rapid diffusion and break- nical transitions?
through (Bento and Wilson, 2016; Roberts et al., 2018). Policymakers Following Voss and Bornemann (2011), these conditions can be
can help transitions across the tipping point between emergence and studied at different analytical levels. In line with our focus on transi-
diffusion by “committing large scale public resources to particular tions in socio-technical systems, we are particularly interested in the
technologies or tilting regulatory or policy frameworks to favour par- meso-level conditions in Table 1, which concerns changes in compre-
ticular approaches” (Meadowcroft, 2009: 337). hensive policy programs in whole issue areas (like energy, transport, or
Some scholars suggest that deliberate acceleration of transitions agro-food systems) based on patterns and interactions between orga-
depends on political will (Kern and Rogge, 2016), courage or leadership nised collectives. We thus suggest that the political acceleration of
(e.g. Figueres et al., 2017). But this voluntarist perspective overstates transitions relies less on heroic politicians and more on favourable

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (C. Roberts), (F.W. Geels).
Received 21 March 2018; Received in revised form 21 November 2018; Accepted 22 November 2018
0040-1625/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Please cite this article as: Roberts, C., Technological Forecasting & Social Change,
C. Roberts, F.W. Geels Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 1
Relevant aspects of politics in different dimensions and layers.
(Voss and Bornemann, 2011: 2)
Policy (ideas about and proposals for problems and Polity (rules and organisational Politics (interactions and process)
solutions) structures)

Micro (focal interaction) Problems and goals of a specific governance process Rules of procedure for a specific Struggle for dominance among participants of a
governance process governance process
Meso (policy domain) Problem definition and policy approach that are Institutional arrangements within a Struggle of organised political actors for dominant
dominant within a policy domain policy domain positions within a policy domain
Macro (political system) Discourse of fundamental political values and Constitutional rules and political Struggle for dominance among broad social groups,
beliefs culture sectors, classes, or regions

meso-level conditions, which enable policymakers to be decisive. Rogge (2018) distinguish five policy process theories that are relevant
Recent contributions to the politics of socio-technical transitions for socio-technical transitions: Sabatier's advocacy coalition framework
literature have identified several meso-level conditions for the political (ACF), Kingdon's multiple streams approach (MSA), Baumgartner's
acceleration of emerging niche-innovations: punctuated equilibrium theory (PET), Hajer's discourse coalitions fra-
mework, and Pierson's policy feedback approach. Most of these theories
• The mobilization of alliances and actor coalitions (including pol- include policy-internal concepts (e.g. policy entrepreneurs, policy
icymakers, firms, civil society actors) around new technologies, learning, policy networks, party politics, issue framing, deliberation,
which lobby and exert pressure for policy change (Brem and coalition building and struggles) as well as external influences (e.g.
Radziwon, 2017; Farla et al., 2012; Hess, 2014; Jänicke and elections, changes in governing coalition, socio-economic dislocations,
Quitzow, 2017; Kern et al., 2015; Markard et al., 2016; Marletto, wars, focusing events, national mood, interest groups, media atten-
2019; Normann, 2017; Schmitz, 2017). tion).1 But Kern and Rogge (2018) also identify two limitations of these
• Shifts in public opinion that influence policymakers by creating theories: a tendency to focus on single policy instruments or issues, and
pervasive narratives that legitimise niche-innovations or discredit limited attention for policy impacts on socio-technical systems and how
incumbent regimes (Raven et al., 2016; Rosenbloom et al., 2016), or these may influence subsequent policy-making (except in policy feed-
by the mobilization of user groups as a political or economic bloc back theory). The first limitation sits uncomfortably with Voss and
that directly shapes niche-regime competition (Schot et al., 2016). Bornemann's (2011) description of meso-level politics as “patterns on
• Technological change may also create conditions for major policy the level of policy domains where comprehensive policy programs are
change, e.g. by providing solutions to problems, or by creating new negotiated that frame whole issue areas. These meso-level dynamics
actor networks, interest groups, or mass publics that influence takes place in the context of issue-specific institutional arrangements
policy dynamics (Lockwood, 2015; Schmidt and Sewerin, 2017). (polity) that structure conflict and power struggles among organised
collectives with stakes in a particular issue (politics).” The second
While relevant for the paper's topic, these contributions, likely due limitation sits uncomfortably with the importance of long-term co-
to their focus on renewable energy technologies, focuses mostly on evolutionary processes in socio-technical transitions (and the MLP).
endogenously created conditions for policies that support the growth of We therefore follow the suggestions by Andrews-Speed (2016) and
niche-innovations. But the alliances that support niche-innovations Lockwood et al. (2017) to explore crossovers between historical in-
“operate within structures. Unpacking these structures seems essential stitutionalism (HI) and the MLP. The choice for HI has two advantages
for future research. (…) To explain this, we need to return to the big for our research topic. First, HI is a meso-level political science theory
picture” (Schmitz, 2017: 536). (in terms of Voss and Bornemann's description) with a broad focus (on
To develop such a ‘big picture’ understanding of conditions for ‘policy regimes’, as we describe below) and a longitudinal and proces-
political acceleration, we mobilize the Multi-Level Perspective (Geels, sual orientation (policy feedback theory is part of HI). Second, HI un-
2002, 2018). This analytical framework suggests that socio-technical derstands major policy change as the result of political struggles be-
transitions involve struggles between emerging niche-innovations and tween societal groups within broader institutional frameworks (Hall
existing socio-technical systems and regimes, in the context of con- and Taylor, 1996). This facilitates crossovers with the MLP, which also
textual landscape developments. Using the MLP, our overarching con- emphasises interactions between multiple groups in the context of rules
tribution is to suggest that defection of incumbent policymakers from and institutions. This choice also limitations: because HI focuses on
the socio-technical regime to the emerging niche-innovation is a crucial context, temporality, and broad political struggles, it pays less attention
but under-studied mechanism for the political acceleration of transi- to detailed policy-internal developments like policy learning, policy
tions. Fig. 1 represents this conceptual proposition with a bold arrow networks, policy entrepreneurship, party politics (where other policy
moving from the regime policy trajectory towards the niche-innovation. theories, like the ones mentioned above, are stronger).
This policy defection and re-alignment process is not easy, because So, the paper's first goal is to enrich the MLP's ‘big picture’ under-
incumbent policymakers tend to be locked-in (Pierson, 2004) and are standing of conditions for politically accelerated transitions with in-
normally supportive of existing socio-technical regimes (Geels, 2014; sights from historical institutionalism, with the aim of developing a
Hess, 2014; Meadowcroft, 2009). We suggest that this switch in alle- more granular understanding. It also aims to further articulate the role
giance depends not only on the drivers of increasing niche-momentum of politics in the MLP, which has remained under-developed according
and their influence on policymakers (discussed above), but also on the to some scholars (Smith et al., 2005).
destabilisation of the socio-technical regime (Roberts, 2017; Turnheim Second, we aim to hone these conceptual contributions with two
and Geels, 2013), which loosens the degree of lock-in and provides historical cases in which British policymakers decisively intervened: the
reasons and opportunities for policy defection. transition from rail to road transport (1920–1970), which the govern-
The remainder of the paper has two goals. First, we aim to further ment accelerated by building a national highway system; and the
elaborate and operationalize this ‘big picture’ understanding by mobi-
lizing more concrete insights from political science. There are many
political science theories, which address different policy levels and di- Characteristics of these theories (and some others) are also reviewed in Van
der Heijden (2013), Cairney and Heikkila (2014) and Orach and Schlüter
mensions from Table 1. Between the micro- and meso-level, Kern and

C. Roberts, F.W. Geels Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Increasing structuration
of activities in local practices

context) Landscape developments
put pressure on existing regime,
which opens up, New regime
creating windows influences
of opportunity for novelties landscape
Markets, user
technical Science

Socio-technical regime is New configuration breaks through, taking

‘dynamically stable’, resulting advantage of ‘windows of opportunity’.
in the reproduction of ongoing Adjustments occur in socio-technical regime.
trajectories on various dimensions

Elements become aligned,

External influences on niches
and stabilise in a dominant design.
(via expectations and networks)
Internal momentum increases.

Small networks of actors support novelties on the basis of expectations and visions.
Learning processes take place on multiple dimensions (co-construction).
Efforts to link different elements in a seamless web.
Fig. 1. Conceptualizing political defection (represented by the fat arrow) in the multi-level perspective on transitions.
(Adapted from Geels and Schot, 2007: 401)

transition from traditional to modern wheat agriculture (1920–1970), focuses on the meso-level of policy domains and has a longitudinal
which the government accelerated during the run-up to the Second orientation, often addressing decades-long processes (Thelen, 1999).
World War. Building on pluralist group theory, HI has a broad understanding of
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 develops the con- political processes as struggles between organised interest groups and
ceptual framework by first discussing relevant insights from historical collective actors (Hall and Taylor, 1996). But it adds the notion that
institutionalism and then articulating how combinations with the MLP existing policy arrangements and institutions (e.g. decision-making
generate a more granular understanding of the conditions for politically procedures, formal responsibilities, access and consultation rules)
accelerated transitions. Section 3 discusses methodological issues, in- structure political conflict, affording some groups greater resources,
cluding case selection and data sources. Sections 4 and 5 describe the influence or access to policymakers than others. Institutions are not
two case studies. Section 6 analyses the case studies with the conceptual only a strategic context for actions, but also entail “a shared set of
framework and outlines the most important conditions for deliberate understandings that affects the way problems are perceived and solu-
acceleration. Section 6 also discusses the potential relevance of our tions are sought” (Thelen, 1999: 371).
findings for the issue of climate change, where deliberate acceleration The notion of a ‘policy regime’ (Jochim and May, 2010; Weaver,
of low-carbon transitions is needed to keep global temperature in- 2010; Wilson, 2000) is built on these ideas. Policy regimes have three
creases below 2°. Section 7 draws conclusions, discusses limitations, elements:
and identifies future research questions.
• institutional arrangements, which include both policy networks
(experts, bureaucrats, implementation agencies, insider interest
2. Conceptual framework groups) and specific procedures (e.g. responsibilities, access rules).

2.1. Insights from historical institutionalism about decisive policy change

• shared ideas about problem definitions and policy goals (‘policy
and defection • policy itself (plans, targets, instruments).

2.1.1. General characteristics Existing policy regimes are the legacy of earlier conflicts and
Historical institutionalism (HI) is a political science approach that

C. Roberts, F.W. Geels Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

constellations (Thelen, 1999) and difficult to change, because of path view on stability and change (Mahoney and Thelen, 2010). It assumes
dependence and lock-in mechanisms (Pierson, 2000). Policy “tends to that institutions differentially affect resource allocations and that win-
develop in such a way that the same actors, institutions, instruments, ning coalitions benefit more than others. Peripheral actors (or ‘losers’
and governing ideas tend to dominate for extended periods of time” from previous conflicts) are therefore likely to contest institutional ar-
(Howlett et al., 2009: 201). Because policy regimes are usually stable, rangements, which are conceived as ‘arenas of conflict’ (Capoccia,
defection and major policy change are rare. 2016). Stability is therefore not automatic (as in the path dependence
HI is a processual approach, focusing on successive rounds of poli- approach) but requires ongoing mobilization of political support and
tical struggles over time (‘history matters’). It is also co-evolutionary defence against potential challengers (Thelen, 1999). Incumbents are
and ‘configurative’ (Katznelson, 1997), because political processes are often well-placed to defend the status quo because of greater resources,
not studied in isolation, but in relation to social and economic devel- stronger allies, and veto-players occupying critical positions (Lockwood
opments. Major policy change tends to derive from “interaction effects et al., 2017).
among multiple institutional realms” (Pierson, 2004: 136). Historical Major policy change in this HI-approach results from struggles be-
institutionalism “examines political and economic development in tween incumbent coalitions and challengers, which eventually lead to
historical context and in terms of processes unfolding over time and in major defections and policy reorientations.2 Because these struggles
relation to each other, within a broader context in which developments involve strategic moves, changing coalitions and sense-making, this
in one realm impinge on and shape developments in others” (Thelen, approach focuses on ‘path creation’ rather than ‘path dependence’
1999: 390). (Garud et al., 2010). It also has a broader view on policy feedbacks,
The notion of policy feedback aims to capture these recursive dy- which apply not only to regime stability (as in the first HI-approach),
namics, addressing not only how societal groups influence policy, but but also to path creation and new arrangements (Lockwood et al.,
also how policy influences the interests, positions and outlooks of so- 2017).
cietal groups, thus creating new politics (Béland, 2010; Jordan and Major policy change and defection become more likely when two
Matt, 2014). Pierson (1993) distinguished three kinds of policy feed- developments intersect. The first development concerns the ‘bottom-up’
backs that act as lock-in mechanisms: 1) when policies create benefits mobilization of peripheral actors and the development of alternative
for interest groups, these groups will mobilize to maintain or expand ideas which challenge existing policy regimes (Clemens and Cook,
the policies; 2) political elites and agencies develop skills, adminis- 1999). To advance their cause, actors aim to build coalitions, mobilize
trative resources and routines that create attachments; 3) policies may resources (including money and expertise), shape public opinion, and
affect ‘mass publics’ by generating interpretive efforts or patterns of advocate their cause in policy debates (McAdam et al., 2001). The al-
behaviour (investments, skills) that are hard to reverse. ternative ideas and arrangements may long remain marginal, especially
Despite these shared characteristics, HI is not a unified intellectual when ‘political opportunity structures’ remain closed. ‘Bottom-up’ mo-
enterprise. Following Hall (2010) and (Bell, 2011), we distinguish two bilization may therefore be a slow and gradual process as Pierson
approaches in historical institutionalism that offer different perspec- (2004: 164) warns: “effective challenges to the institutional status quo
tives on stability and major policy change, characterized as a crisis- will often require substantial time to emerge. Developments un-
driven pattern and a coalition-driven pattern (Jochim and May, 2010). favourable to institutional reproduction must reach a critical threshold
level that makes reform possible.” Alternative ideas and arrangements
2.1.2. Path dependency approach may gain traction, however, when positive feedback effects generate “a
Leaning on technological path dependence theories (Arthur, 1989), virtuous cycle of interaction between policy entrepreneurs who stand to
the first HI-approach uses economistic arguments (increasing returns, gain from a change in policy, the media who discuss an issue and public
sunk costs) to explain the lock-in and path dependence of policy tra- opinion which fuels the change. Each process feeds on the other. There
jectories: “Political actors develop investments, ‘specific assets’, in a is a bandwagon effect as a new idea takes hold. Issue expansion can
particular arrangement - relationships, expectations, privileges, become unstoppable and the momentum challenges the policy mono-
knowledge of procedures, all tied to the institution at work” (cited in poly and punctuates the partial equilibrium” (John, 1999: 41–42).
Pierson, 2004: 148). Policy feedbacks also lock-in interest groups and The second part of the explanation focuses on the strength of ex-
mass publics, creating irreversibilities after a policy has been introduced isting policy regimes: major policy changes involve not just bottom-up
(Pierson, 1993). mobilization, but also a “breakdown in the factors reinforcing the status
Because of the emphasis on lock-in, this HI-approach typically relies quo” (Pierson, 2004: 141). Policy regimes may weaken as a result of
on critical junctures, created by “external forces, like technological or increasing problems (e.g. escalating costs of a policy or persistent
demographic change, and large shocks, such as military conflict and functional problems), changing political demands from interest groups
economic downturns” (Hacker and Pierson, 2014: 656), to unlock ex- or mass publics, legitimacy crises (when people lose confidence in the
isting policy arrangements, which enables defection and major policy old regime), or shifts in power (e.g. the dissolution of old coalitions or
change (Capoccia and Keleman, 2007). Critical junctures are char- defection of important factions) (Weaver, 2010; Wilson, 2000).
acterized by higher degrees of agency and contingency, but once poli- In this HI-approach, conditions for major policy change and defec-
tical struggles and shifting coalitions result in new policy arrangements, tion thus arise endogenously from the intersection of two gradual de-
these will be locked-in by policy feedback mechanisms, leading to a velopments: 1) bottom-up mobilization, which gains momentum
new period of incremental change. through positive policy feedbacks, and 2) weakening policy regimes
Critics of this HI-approach argue that it is too easy to explain de- due to negative policy feedbacks. These conditions enable policymakers
fection and major policy change only by reference to external shocks, to defect from the eroded policy regime to the alternative, which is
because this “obscures endogenous sources of change” (Mahoney and accompanied by major policy change.
Thelen, 2010: 7), fails to “explain what precipitates such critical junc-
tures” (Hall and Taylor, 1996: 942), and also overrates the stability of
existing policy regimes (Weaver, 2010). Additionally, the emphasis on
irreversibility and lock-in has deterministic overtones (Thelen, 1999), 2
Some scholars in the second HI-approach also propose that major policy
leading to a shallow conceptualization of agency, which only appears change can occur gradually, e.g. by layering new policies on top of old ones,
relevant during critical junctures and not in times of stability. changing the goals of existing policies, or altering on-the-ground implementa-
tion of existing policies (Streeck and Thelen, 2005). We do not mobilize these
2.1.3. Agentic, power-distributional approach ideas, because of our interest in decisive policy change that accelerates tran-
The second HI-approach offers an agentic and power-distributional sitions.

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2.2. Conditions for politically accelerated transitions 2.2.1. Two ideal-type patterns
Based on this combination of ideas from historical institutionalism
Historical institutionalism is compatible with the MLP (Lockwood and the MLP, we propose two ideal-type patterns for major policy
et al., 2017), because both share an interest in meso-level phenomena, change, defection, and political acceleration of socio-technical transi-
organised collective actors, rules and institutions, longitudinal pro- tions. We do not intend to imply that these ideal-types are the only
cesses, co-evolution, path dependence, stability and change. From an ways that deliberate acceleration can occur, or that they are perfect
MLP-viewpoint, historical institutionalism can therefore fulfil the role opposites of each other. Other policy theories can suggest other pat-
of ‘auxiliary theory’ (Geels, 2011) to develop a more fine-grained un- terns, including hybrid or intermediate ones that combine the notion of
derstanding of the political dimension in socio-technical transitions, critical junctures (or branching points) with actor choices and struggle
including conditions for acceleration. The concepts in both HI-ex- (Foxon et al., 2013; Rosenbloom et al., 2018).4
planations of major policy change (external shocks, policy regimes, The first (crisis-driven) pattern corresponds to the “critical junc-
bottom-up mobilization) also resonate well with the MLP's core con- tures” notion, in which external (landscape) shocks disrupt the existing
cepts of landscape, socio-technical regime, and niche-innovations. socio-technical regime and cause major crises (e.g. functional-technical
One limitation of HI (and policy studies more generally) concerns problems or business collapse). The rapid change in policy agendas and
technological change, which is either neglected or conceptualized as problem definitions leads policymakers to abandon the existing policy
external force (as in the earlier Hacker and Pierson, 2014 quote).3 To regime. If a viable alternative (e.g. a niche-innovation with a stabilised
make HI-insights relevant for socio-technical transitions, we will re- dominant design) is available, policymakers will reorient towards it and
work ideas about relevant societal groups and policy feedbacks. To that introduce policy instruments to accelerate its diffusion. The creation of
end, we conceptualize policy regimes as embedded in broader socio- new institutional arrangements (e.g. agencies, committees) and the
technical regimes (see Fig. 1 and Geels, 2004). This means that policy enrolment of societal groups (industry/business, users, scientists, mass
regimes are influenced by several societal groups and by technological publics) may then follow the implementation of new policies, to create
developments which, although socially shaped, have their own dy- policy feedbacks and ensure lock-in (Pierson, 1993). If no obvious or
namics and material obduracy. This material dimension is often missing viable alternative is available, policymakers are likely to engage in a
in policy studies, but obviously important for socio-technical transi- frantic search and innovation process (Sine and David, 2003).
tions. We therefore give it separate analytical status. We propose the The second (coalition-driven) pattern corresponds to the agentic,
following categories of external influences on policy regimes (which power-distributional approach, in which policy regimes experience
relate to niche-innovations and socio-technical regimes in the MLP): external pressures from two coalitions, one associated with the existing
socio-technical regime and one associated with the niche-innovation.
1. Firms and associated interest groups. Incumbent business interests Conditions for major policy change arise gradually from two inter-
tend to support the policy regimes from which they benefit through secting trajectories: 1) niche-related demands for policy change in-
subsidies and favourable regulations (Walker, 2000). Incumbent crease because of ‘empowerment dynamics’ from expanding coalitions
interests are often members of institutional arrangements or have (business, mass publics, scientists) (Kern et al., 2015; Raven et al.,
easy access to policymakers. Smaller, niche-related firms tend to 2016) and technological increasing returns (Arthur, 1989), 2) stabi-
have less lobbying power and policy access than incumbent firms. lising pressures weaken when socio-technical regimes are characterized
The ‘tug-of-war’ between new firms and incumbents is not only by persistent technological problems (e.g. technical bottlenecks or
about concrete policies, but also about problem framing and policy functional problems that require public investments), poorly per-
agendas. forming incumbent firms (which lose political clout if they shrink or
2. Mass publics is a broad category, which in socio-technical systems require continuous subsidies), disenchantment of mass publics (e.g.
can include: a) users who have an interest in the proper functioning user dissatisfaction with existing technologies and negative discourses).
of socio-technical systems that affect their daily life (e.g. transport, As long as both external pressures remain below a certain threshold,
food, energy), b) citizens who may make voting decisions based on policymakers are likely to remain committed to existing policy regimes.
their views of competing socio-technical systems, and c) public But when both contextual developments continue, the coordinating
opinion and discourse which shape policy agendas and how issues strength of existing policy regimes will weaken, as niche-actors in-
are framed and discussed (Burstein, 2003). These sub-sections of creasingly gain access to institutional arrangements and earlier problem
mass publics differentially express relative preferences for niche- definitions and policy goals lose salience and support. The combined
innovations or existing systems that exert influence on policy- effect of changing external pressures and weakening policy regimes
makers. creates the conditions for political defection and comprehensive policy
3. Technologies and infrastructures stabilise policy regimes through their change. Compared to the first pattern, where policymakers play a
artefactual dimension (infrastructures, products, physical arrange- leading role after a crisis, they are initially more hesitant in the second
ments, or production facilities) and through their knowledge di- pattern, and only introduce decisive policies in response to increasing
mension (embodied in techno-scientific experts responsible for external pressures and policy-internal developments.
managing, developing, and improving technological systems). To sum up, then, we see policy as being influenced by three kinds of
Increasing functional problems or escalating costs can create nega- societal groups (business interests; mass publics; experts) and by tech-
tive feedback loops that weaken the commitment of policymakers nological developments. Under ordinary circumstances, regime-level
(Weaver, 2010; Wilson, 2000). Niche-innovations may also experi- pressures from these categories lock policymakers into policy regimes,
ence positive feedback effects like increasing returns (scale econo- which militate against major policy change. Sometimes, however, the
mies, learning-by-doing, network externalities) that improve price/ balance of power changes in ways that make it possible, and even ne-
performance characteristics (Arthur, 1989), which, in turn, may cessary, for policymakers to defect and switch towards niche-innova-
stimulate consumer interest, business growth, positive discourses tions. This can occur under two kinds of conditions: 1) a sudden land-
that, in turn, increase the strength of niche-related policy demands. scape shock that undermines incumbent socio-technical and policy
regimes; 2) the gradual weakening of socio-technical regimes and
strengthening of niche-innovations, which change the balance of ex-
ternal pressures on policymakers; when combined with policy-internal
This neglect may be due to the dominant policy studies focus on areas such
as health insurance, social security/welfare, education policy, and macro-eco-
nomic policy (Jordan and Matt, 2014). We want to thank one of the reviewers for raising this point.

C. Roberts, F.W. Geels Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

changes in institutional arrangements and problem definitions, the temporal backbone, general historical sources provided a first-layer
conditions are ripe for major policy change. Policy feedbacks can play a interpretation of various pressures on policymakers, policy-focused
substantial role in this second pattern, with policy developments in- historical literature provided a second-layer interpretation of political
fluencing the different groups and technologies associated with niche- struggles and choices. Second, the written narratives are guided by
innovations and existing regimes, which in turn alter political condi- analytical plotlines provided by our conceptual framework. To ex-
tions. plicate the policy feedback processes, our narratives (for each period
and regime/niche) are organised to address three sequential develop-
3. Methodology ments: a) external pressures on policymakers (from businesses, mass
publics, and technology); b) policy developments (including ideas, in-
We will further explore our research topic and framework with two stitutional arrangements, and actual policies); and c) the subsequent
historical case studies, each of which explores the conditions that en- feedback effects of policy changes on the development of the transition.
abled deliberate political acceleration of a socio-technical transition. We acknowledge that both procedures inevitably require inter-
We choose a case study methodology, because the research phenom- pretation and thus introduce a degree of subjectivity and skill (which
enon is complex and context-dependent (Yin, 1994). We use historical also allows for creativity), as noted by Mahoney (2015: 215): “Suc-
case studies, because this enables a study of whole transitions, in- cessful inductive process tracing requires a good knowledge of relevant
cluding acceleration and diffusion (which is not yet possible for con- theory, an ability to examine the broad history of a case, and a skill at
temporary low-carbon transitions). We choose a comparative metho- recognizing when evidence might be consistent with existing theory”.
dology, because this enables a study of different patterns, deriving from Both case studies are organised to explain the emergence of the
varying interactions between core processes. We use an information- conditions for major policy changes that accelerated socio-technical
oriented selection logic, in which cases are selected on the basis of transitions. For each case, we describe two periods: a formative phase,
expectations about their information content. More specifically, we use where the new system existed in market niches but was not expanding
a ‘maximum variation’ logic (Flyvbjerg, 2006), choosing two cases that rapidly, and an acceleration phase, where the transition was deliber-
allow us to explore the two ideal-type patterns. The first case is the ately sped up. This strategy enables in-depth investigation of the con-
transition from a rail-based transport system to a road-based transport ditions and processes in the tipping point, when decisive political action
system (1920–1970), which we expect to involve prolonged struggles accelerated the transitions from one phase to the other. For each phase,
between the established railway regime and the emerging road trans- we discuss both the existing regime and the emerging niche-innovation,
port niche. The second case is the transition from traditional mixed and the associated pressures, policy developments and policy effects.
agriculture to specialised wheat agriculture (1920–1970), where initial
reading suggests that a major landscape shock (World War II) created 4. Case study 1: the UK transition from a rail to road-dominated
the conditions for major policy change. Both cases took place in the transport system (1919–1970)
United Kingdom and in the same period, which means that macro-
conditions have similarities. In both cases policymakers acted decisi- The formative phase in the transition from a rail-dominated trans-
vely to accelerate the socio-technical transition, switching their alle- port system to a road-dominated transport system took place during the
giance from the old to the new system. We will investigate if these cases inter-war period, when road transport had a stable market niche, but
followed the two ideal-type patterns specified above and how the more car ownership had not yet expanded into the middle classes and the
granular causal mechanisms played out over time. country remained largely dependent on railways. During this period,
The case studies draw on multiple data sources. Statistical databases policymakers' approach to transport was mainly to correct harmful
provided quantitative information about the diffusion of particular externalities such as car accidents or railway monopolies. There was
technologies (which helped identify the tipping points after which little in the way of a coordinated policy aimed at shaping the evolution
transitions accelerated) and about government spending (which pro- of the British transport system. The transition towards road transport
vide a useful proxy of political commitment). We further used two kinds advanced after the war, with an inflection point in the mid-1950s
of secondary sources to provide more qualitative information. We used (Fig. 2). The government accelerated this unfolding transition by
general historical sources to develop a co-evolutionary understanding building a national highway system, with the first stretch opened in
of the multiple interacting dimensions in both transitions. To ‘zoom in’ 1958. By 1970, the country had finished its 1000th mile of motorway,
on the political dimensions, we used more detailed historical studies of and the railways had been drastically cut.
policy developments and the influencing factors. These historical stu-
dies were found using keyword searches in journal databases, and a 4.1. Formative phase (1919–1945)
snowball approach, in which references in each text were used to find
more references. We read each source in detail, taking notes on the key Policymakers during this period acted on a policy paradigm which
events, developments, technologies, actors, and trends in each case, and saw their primary goals as limiting the worst problems caused by each
arranging these into timelines of the progression of each transition, and mode of transport, rather than to deliberately support any one mode of
the broader social and political developments that occurred around it. transport. Two dynamics were important in this phase. Firstly, the
These were then used to write up a narrative account, focusing on de- railways, weakened by the First World War and losing their political
velopments in the incumbent regime and the innovation whose uptake influence, were forced to compete with road transport on unequal
was being accelerated. terms. Secondly, and partly due to the first point, the road lobby in-
The narrative analysis used a process tracing methodology, which is creased in power, successfully advocating for regulatory preference,
useful for investigating temporal phenomena like transitions (Langley and for some of the county's first trunk roads. The maturing of the road
et al., 2013). George and Bennett (2004) distinguish different kinds of transport system and the erosion of the railways were thus the critical
process tracing such as detailed narrative, use of hypotheses, analytic developments of this phase. Their later political impacts would even-
explanation, and more general explanation. Our study aims for analytic tually swing policymakers to decisively support road transport over rail.
explanation which “converts a historical narrative into an analytical
causal explanation couched in explicitly theoretical forms” (p. 211). 4.1.1. Railway regime
This is not an easy procedure because of the richness and multi-di-
mensionality of our collected data. We attempted to address the data- a) Pressures on policy from system: The railways faced serious problems
analysis challenge in two ways. First, we triangulated the different data after the end of the First World War, which had badly damaged their
sources to create explanatory depth: quantitative data provided the infrastructure, leading to subsequent persistent financial problems

C. Roberts, F.W. Geels Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx


Distance Travelled (Billion Passenger-Kilometers)





300.0 Rail





Fig. 2. The evolution of British passenger transport, 1920–1970.
(Based on data from Fouquet, 2012)

(Aldcroft, 1975; Dyos and Aldcroft, 1974). Partly due to this, and improved in speed, range, and reliability, while coming down in
partly due to the railways' history of monopolism, the railways also price. This allowed car ownership and road transport to develop
faced distrust and dissatisfaction from mass publics, who decried the “social depth” (Church, 1994), as the use of private cars expanded
railways as irresponsible and obstinate monopolies, creating pres- outside the upper classes (Walton, 2011), while those who could not
sure on policymakers to curb their excesses (Roberts, 2015). afford their own cars took advantage of a growing bus and lorry
b) Policy developments: At the end of the First World War, policymakers industry, which was further bolstered by the regulatory constraints
were motivated by a belief that the railways had done well under on the railways (Aldcroft, 1975; Scott, 2002). These developments
common ownership during the war, and an assumption that the were supported by positive discourses associating road transport
railways would retain their monopoly on surface transport, and that with speed, freedom, adventure, and progress (Jeremiah, 2007;
policy should therefore curb their monopolistic power (Aldcroft, Merriman, 2011; Moran, 2010; Roberts, 2015).
1975; Bagwell, 1988). The idea of railway nationalisation therefore The combined effects of these developments were three-fold. Firstly,
enjoyed a brief popularity in the newly created (1919) Ministry of road transport grew as a commercial force and technological system,
Transport, before being blocked by lobbying from road transport attracting more travellers and developing cheaper vehicles, new
interests (discussed below). Instead, the Conservative government's infrastructures (such as trunk roads and garages), and new user
1921 Transport Act grouped the railways into five private regional practices. Secondly, the growing road industry further developed its
monopolies, which were subjected to strict restrictions on their political arm, consolidating into umbrella organisations such as the
ability to set fares (Aldcroft, 1975; Bagwell, 1988). British Roads Federation. The road lobby was still fragmented and
These regulations created severe problems for railway managements largely ineffective, but they did manage to promote some of their
as they struggled to compete with road transport. Although railway ideas (discussed below) through deputations on government com-
interests lobbied for a fairer regulatory framework, policymakers mittees, and the placement of their own people into prominent
only granted slight concessions because they were still motivated by government positions, such as William Joynson-Hicks, who founded
continuing distrust of the railways (Bagwell, 1988; Dyos and the Automobile Association and became Home Secretary in 1924
Aldcroft, 1974). In 1938, the railways' Square Deal campaign con- (Hamer, 1987; Cox, 2012). Thirdly, increasing numbers of cars on
vinced the Transport Minister to reduce the railways' regulatory the roads created new problems, such as the accidents and rural
burden, though he was unable to act before the outbreak of the blight, which created pressures on policymakers.
Second World War (Dyos and Aldcroft, 1974). b) Policy developments: After the war, the roads lobby won an important
c) Effects of policy on system: The 1921 Transport Act led to a one-sided battle over the composition of the newly formed Ministry of
competitive situation with the increasingly powerful road transport Transport, “ensuring that roads and rail remained separate sections
industry, whose operators were able to undercut the railways. The in the Ministry” (Wolmar, 2016:20). The roads section developed a
railways' attempts to reduce their regulations, increase regulations policy orientation that saw road construction as a viable solution to
on road transport, or get on the roads themselves, were all under- problems, such as rural blight and accidents (Dudley and
mined by political opposition, and though the railways won some Richardson, 2000). This, along with road industry lobbying, led to
victories, these were not enough to stop buses and lorries from many major trunk road schemes in the 1920s. Though many of these
undercutting trains (Bagwell, 1988; Dyos and Aldcroft, 1974). failed to secure funding, key policy ideas that were favourable to
Without change to their regulatory disadvantage, the railways had road transport became prominent in government circles. As more
few options to compete with road transport, meaning that the in- trunk roads were built, a prominent expert community of surveyors
terwar period was one in which they weakened as a political, and highway engineers developed within the Ministry (Dudley and
commercial, and technological force. Richardson, 2000). The participation of many highway engineers
and county surveyors in a British Roads Delegation to see the
4.1.2. Road transport niche German Autobahnen in 1937 inspired many in this community to
endorse a British motorways programme. By the end of the 1930s,
a) Pressures on policy from system: After the First World War, cars transport experts had reached the consensus that they could solve

C. Roberts, F.W. Geels Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

road transport's teething problems by fitting the roads to the traffic, hands (Bagwell, 1988; Hamer, 1987). As the British Transport
rather than vice-versa. Commission found itself “overwhelmed with complex responsi-
c) Effects of policy on system: There was a direct policy feedback effect bilities” (Dudley and Richardson, 2000:36), they were unable to
between the continuing growth and success of the road transport come up with a viable long-term commercial railway strategy.
system and the growth of the political forces that favoured it, in- The first attempted solution to these problems was based on the idea
cluding actors outside of government (driving clubs and lobbyists that the railways could improve their situation by modernising
for road transport industries) and actors inside of government (such tracks and locomotives to increase revenues (Dudley and
as cabinet ministers and departmental experts). As policymakers Richardson, 2000). The resulting 1955 modernisation programme,
continued to restrict the railways and give concessions to the road however, was beset with delays, cost overruns, and technical con-
lobby, the road industry succeeded even more, leading to an even troversies (Bagwell, 1988; Bonavia, 1981). The railways' continuing
stronger lobby for further policy concessions (Hamer, 1987; Scott, dependence on government subsidies started to create frustration
2002). among policymakers (Bonavia, 1981), which in the late 1950s led
Transport Minister Ernest Marples to adopt a new strategy and
4.2. Acceleration phase (1945–1970) policy paradigm, which saw major railway cuts as the best way to
achieve financial viability. To sidestep established interests and
After the war, the railways continued to decline in commercial, policy communities which might resist this policy, Marples abol-
technological, and political power, while the road transport system ished the British Transport Commission, replaced its railway section
continued to grow on all three dimensions. This continued to shift the with the British Railways Board, appointed outsider businessman
balance of power in transport policy, as the Ministry of Transport be- Richard Beeching as head of the board, and gave Beeching political
came increasingly positive about the ascendant road regime, with pro- support through public statements and white papers. In 1963
road transport ministers of both major parties finding ways to court the Beeching announced a massive programme of cuts, particularly in
support of other government departments, including, most importantly, smaller lines and stations.
the Treasury. This eventually led to two decisive policy interventions: c) Effects of policy on system: Beeching oversaw a massive scaling-back
the construction of a national motorway system, which massively in- of the British rail infrastructure. By 1968, British Rail's supply of
creased government spending in both absolute and relative terms rolling stock and the number of stations were halved, while
(Figs. 3 and 4), and dramatic cuts to the railways. These two policy 5000 miles of track were closed. This left many communities en-
interventions cemented the dominance of the road transport regime, tirely dependent on the roads for basic transport needs (Aldcroft,
and dramatically accelerated its diffusion. 1975).

4.2.1. Declining railway regime 4.2.2. Ascending road transport regime

a) Pressures on policy from system: The railways exited the Second World a) Pressures on policy from system: After the Second World War, eco-
War badly undermined by war damage, facing major financial nomic prosperity and cheaper vehicles, combined with positive
shortfalls, and still subject to many of the same regulations they discourses associating cars with modernity and success, led to a
faced in the interwar period (Dudley and Richardson, 2000). booming in private car use (Fig. 2; Foreman-Peck, 1995; Jeremiah,
Meanwhile, travellers and shippers, frustrated by poor railway ser- 2007). The growing numbers of cars created more demand for road
vice, deserted the railways for the roads (see below), further ex- space, while businesses, such as car manufacturers, road construc-
acerbating economic problems (Bagwell, 1988). Mass publics con- tion firms, and bus and lorry companies, continued to expand ra-
tinued to express frustrations with railway service, increasingly pidly (Church, 1994; Moran, 2010), empowering the road lobby to
decrying it as a Victorian relic (Roberts, 2015). The various railway push for more road construction (Hamer, 1987). Already in 1943,
interests (operators, labour unions, machinists) did not mount an the British Road Federation adopted a target of 1000 miles of mo-
effective counter-lobby because they “lacked a coherently organised torways, which they subsequently promoted using dioramas, dis-
core of actors with agreement on values and goals” (Dudley and plays, illustrations, and campaigns for local support for particular
Richardson, 2000:27). road projects (Hamer, 1987; Merriman, 2011). Mass publics and
b) Policy developments: The post-war Labour government nationalised journalists, meanwhile, adopted high modernist discourses por-
the railways and common road carriers under the British Transport traying motorways as exciting and futurist, often castigating the
Commission (and later British Rail), which was originally intended government for its slow progress in building motorways (Roberts,
to coordinate both systems (Bagwell, 1988). But road transport was 2015). Motorways were also pushed by the increasing prominence
re-privatised in 1951, while British Rail remained in government of functional problems such as congestion, brought on by the

Fig. 3. Total government spending on transport,

Budgeting processes changed in 1951. Prior to 1951, budgets
2000 were divided into local spending (which accounts for the
total spending of all British local authorities), and central
spending (which accounts for spending by the government in
£ Millions

Local London). After 1951, this was amalgamated into a single

Central category of general spending. Budget categories also changed
1000 General in 1951, with road spending prior to 1951 being included
under a ‘highways and bridges’ category of local budgets,
Local+Central and in a ‘roads and public lighting’ category of general
500 budgets after that year.
(Based on data from Chantrill, 2016 and Mitchell, 2011)


C. Roberts, F.W. Geels Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

"Highways and Bridges"
0.02000 (Local)
0.01500 "Roads and Public Lighng"
0.01000 (General)

Fig. 4. Spending on roads as a proportion of total government spending, 1920–1972.
(Based on data from Chantrill, 2016 and Mitchell, 2011)

increasing numbers of cars.

b) Policy developments: By the end of the Second World War, policy-
makers were enthusiastic about the general vision of motorway
construction as a way to encourage post-war economic development
and embrace technological progress (Dudley and Richardson, 2000;
Merriman, 2011). This enthusiasm is evident in a number of sym-
bolic choices, such as the display of the County Surveyors' Society's
1000-mile motorway map in the House of Commons Tea Room, or
the passage of a Special Roads Act in 1949 (Dudley and Richardson,
2000; Moran, 2010). But concrete plans and implementation were
hindered by severe post-war financial pressures, which meant that
little progress was made on motorways in the first post-war decade
(Dudley and Richardson, 2000).
That began to change with the appointment of Transport Ministers
Watkinson (1955–1959) and Marples (1959–1964), for whom mo-
torway construction offered a tidier, more appealing, and electorally
popular (Fig. 5) solution to transport problems than grappling with
the railways' vexing difficulties (Dudley and Richardson, 2000). In
the mid-1950s, Watkinson cultivated the alliance of road businesses
as well as other departments, particularly the Treasury, by referring
to the political importance of motorways (Dudley and Richardson,
2000). The idea that there were ‘votes in roads’ convinced the Ca-
binet to approve large expenditures for motorways. The completion
of the Preston Bypass and the M1 in the late 1950s (Merriman,
2011) generated major public excitement. In 1962, Marples, a
former road builder, announced a target of 1000 miles of motor-
ways, which was achieved ten years later (Moran, 2010).
The popularity of motorway projects made them a standard policy
solution and required the Ministry of Transport to expand the
community of road-building experts within its offices (Dudley and
Richardson, 2000; Roberts, 2015). This policy community, the easy
access of road lobbyists to institutional arrangements, and the un-
wavering support of both political parties made motorway con- Fig. 5. A 1959 Punch cartoon illustrating Transport Minister Harold Watkinson
struction the standard policy solution into the 1980s (Vigar, 2001). unrolling roads for an eager queue of cars, illustrating the political demand for
new roads.
c) Effects of policy on system: The reorientation of policy preference
(Mansbridge, Norman. “Road Race.” Punch Historical Archive, London,
from railways to roads helped the expansion of road transport
England, 19 Aug. 1959: n.p. Punch Historical Archive. Web. 4 Sept. 2017).
businesses, which in turn further strengthened and emboldened the
road lobby to push for yet more road construction (Church, 1994;
Hamer, 1987). Motorways were accordingly built at a rapid pace For grain supply this system was marginal: in 1936, the country relied
throughout the late 1950s and 1960s, and became the country's on foreign supplies for 88% of its wheat, and the clear majority of all
dominant transport infrastructure (Moran, 2010). wheat was intended for human bread consumption (Cauvain and
Young, 2006; Wilt, 2001). This meant that prior to the Second World
War, the incumbent wheat regime effectively had two components: a
5. Case study 2: the UK transition from mixed farming to modern badly degraded domestic farming regime whose products were mainly
wheat agriculture (1920–1970) used as livestock feed (Cauvain and Young, 2006); and a wheat im-
portation regime, which enjoyed political privilege due to the im-
Before the Second World War, wheat was grown as part of a mixed portance of free trade for the export of British industrial products
agricultural system, in which cleaning crops, such as turnips or parsnips (Grigg, 1989).
were grown as livestock feed and to eliminate weeds and pests. Manure This changed during the run-up to the Second World War, as the
was then used as the primary fertiliser (Grigg, 1989; Petersen, 1995).

C. Roberts, F.W. Geels Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx




Yield per acre (tons)






1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970

Fig. 6. Wheat yields per acre in the United Kingdom, 1885–1970.

(Data from Mitchell, 2011)

Total draught power (thousand horse


2500 Tractors

2000 Horses

1908 1913 1925 1931 1937 1939 1942 1944 1946 1948

Fig. 7. Farm draught power (in horsepower) in England and Wales, 1908–1948.
(Data from Holmes, 1985)

Expenditure as percentage of total

costs of producon


15 Machinery

1910-12 1915-17 1920-22 1925-27 1930-32 1935-37 1940-42 1945-47

Fig. 8. British farmers' expenditure on technological farm inputs, 1910–1945.

(Data from Holmes, 1985)

British government, concerned about wartime food security, ac- 5.1. Formative phase (1919–1938)
celerated the development of a modern, specialised wheat agriculture
regime dependent on mechanical and chemical inputs (Grigg, 1989). 5.1.1. Incumbent mixed-farming and import-based regime
We track this transition quantitatively through wheat yields and the
increasing use of technological inputs (Figs. 6, 7, 8, 9). a) Pressures on policy from system: Britain in the 1920s was in the midst
of an agricultural depression, brought on largely by free trade po-
licies leading to the mass importation of cheap grain, which de-
pressed prices (Fig. 10) and reduced investment, leaving British
farmers largely dependent on a traditional system of mixed agri-
culture as described above, and leaving many of them facing

C. Roberts, F.W. Geels Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx




200 Potash


1943/45 1957 1969 1974/76 1979/81 1984/86

Fig. 9. Overall rates of fertilisers applied to winter wheat in England and Wales.
(Data from Martin, 2000)

foreclosures and unemployment (Grigg, 1989; Holmes, 1985). This assistance to farmers, such as a short-lived price guarantee in 1920,
system was also locked in by the immature state of early farm ma- a subsidy scheme in 1924, and arterial drainage grants which were
chinery, which still had unsolved technological problems, and was ineffective due to not being linked to drainage schemes in individual
poorly suited to the physical arrangement of British farms. This was fields (Brassley, 2000; Grigg, 1989).
particularly true in heavy soils, which would have been ideal for During the 1930s, as the pressures on the system increased due to
tractors, but which farmers could not adequately drain due to lack of the impacts of the Great Depression, the government began con-
investment (Brassley, 2000; Martin, 2000; Whetham, 1970). sulting more closely with agricultural interest groups, holding reg-
The commercial pressures on British farmers, as well as general ular conferences and meetings with the National Farmers' Union, the
public concern about the state of the rural landscape, created poli- Central Landowners' Association, agricultural labour unions, and
tical unrest, leading Minister of Agriculture Noel Buxton to call a other related groups. This established a new set of policy ideas,
1930 conference with agricultural interests. When the resultant saying that the government should maximise production and sta-
minor policy tweaks did not solve the problem, rural unemployment bilise prices by means of deficiency payments (Smith, 1993; Wilt,
became an issue in the 1935 general election (Wilt, 2001). Mean- 2001). These policy ideas were somewhat realised in the 1932
while, the National Farmers Union (NFU) was increasing its political Wheat Act, which gave farmers a deficiency payment, financed by a
capital, building up its membership in the 1930s and creating alli- levy on flour. But this policy did not encourage any technological
ances to establish itself as the dominant agricultural advocacy group change or remove the pressure of foreign imports, and so still re-
(Smith, 1993). These pressures were initially blocked by wheat-ex- mained within the free-trade policy paradigm (Smith, 1993; Wilt,
porting foreign governments, who exerted an important influence 2001).
on UK policy due to the British government's reliance on industrial It was only in the late 1930s, as war with Germany appeared more
exports (Wilt, 2001). likely, that agricultural interest groups (particularly the NFU)
By the late 1930s, however, as the threat of war loomed on the gained greater access to institutional arrangements, as the govern-
horizon, the government began looking at agricultural support as a ment began consulting about policies to increase domestic produc-
wartime necessity. This allowed the NFU to build closer relation- tion (Cox et al., 1986). Farming groups were given prominent spots
ships with the government (Cox et al., 1986), providing it with on policy committees and in consultations (Wilt, 2001), which led to
opportunities to advocate increased domestic production, guaran- the formalisation of new policy approaches. In 1937, the Ministry of
teed prices, and modernisation as a solution in the event of war Agriculture announced its intention to bring about a 10% increase in
(Wilt, 2001). wheat production and to implement a price insurance scheme for
b) Policy developments: Despite political pressures over agricultural wheat and oats (Smith, 1993).
policy, grain exporting nations' diplomatic trump card proved de- c) Effects of policy on system: Due to the piecemeal nature of British
cisive, and ultimately the government only offered piecemeal policy measures during this phase, not much changed in the





Fig. 10. The price of wheat per hundredweight, 1920–1966.

(Data from Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 1968)

C. Roberts, F.W. Geels Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

agricultural regime. British farms continued to lack investment, machines were needed because it would take too long to rear new
leading to only limited uptake of modern agriculture, and continued horses, and because labourers were required for the military (Grigg,
reliance on imports. In 1939, 88% of British wheat was imported 1989; Wilt, 2001).
(Wilt, 2001). b) Policy developments: While the government made some new ar-
rangements with (allied) grain exporter nations such as Canada and
5.1.2. Modernised wheat agricultural niche the United States, the war disrupted their implementation (Wilt,
2001). Instead, the government opted to boost domestic production
a) Pressures on policy from system: Modern wheat agriculture was a through a modernisation campaign.
small niche-innovation in the UK at this time. While technologies c) Effects of policy on system: The physical and political breakdown of
such as combines, fertilisers, tractors, and herbicides had begun to the food provision regime created a ‘critical juncture’, which fa-
diffuse widely in other countries such as the United States (Grigg, cilitated the transition discussed below.
1989; Holmes, 1985), their use was limited in the United Kingdom,
due to the aforementioned lack of investment, technical problems, 5.2.2. Specialised wheat agriculture regime and policy lock-in
and physical arrangement of British farms (Grigg, 1989; Holmes,
1985). Tractors were less flexible and more expensive than horses; a) Pressures on policy from system: War-time disruption of food imports
their wide turning radius caused problems on small British farms; necessitated a large boost to domestic food production. The NFU
and there was a shortage of implements and servicing facilities to achieved a privileged place in policy circles, as was signalled in
support them (Whetham, 1970). Tractors also needed supplemen- 1939 when Sir Reginald Dorman-Smith, a former president of the
tary machines such as combines to be used most effectively for NFU, was made Minister of Agriculture (Wilt, 2001). The transition
wheat farming. While some of these difficulties were mitigated by to a modern wheat agriculture regime led to the expansion of an
technical improvements over the interwar period, others were not, agricultural supply industry, providing fertilisers, machines, and
making tractors unattractive for most British farmers. Due to the pesticides, which developed their own lobbying capacity, thereby
limited diffusion of these technologies and techniques, niche actors further shaping government agricultural policy after the war (Grigg,
had little political influence. 1989; Martin, 2000).
b) Policy developments: Policymakers took little interest in modernised b) Policy developments: As the government made explicit preparations
agriculture during this period and apart from the aforementioned for war, a new interventionist policy paradigm emerged, based on
drainage schemes, did little to promote it. The most they achieved three goals: 1) maximizing domestic production, 2) keeping prices
was a series of research centres providing scientific advice on pest reasonable for consumers, and 3) providing certainty and stable
control and fertiliser. They also began to develop a system of ex- incomes for farmers (Bowers, 1985). Policymakers used a range of
pertise related to intensive, industrial agricultural methods, though instruments in pursuit of these goals, including War Agricultural
few farmers were inclined to listen (Holmes, 1985). By 1936, as the Executive Committees to manage food production at the local level;
threat of war began to appear more urgent, the government im- capital grants and cheap loans for machinery and land improve-
plemented some piecemeal adjustments to the existing system, such ment; the direct purchase of equipment such as tractors; the creation
as grants for drainage or for lime and slag, or a campaign against of stable markets with fixed prices; and technological extension
animal disease (Smith, 1993). schemes (Bowers, 1985; Grigg, 1989; Martin, 2000). This put
c) Effects of policy on system: Modern agriculture continued to spread farmers, whose cooperation was essential for these changes to work,
slowly. Combines first appeared in Britain in 1928, but by 1939 in an extremely strong negotiating position, and so farming orga-
there were just one hundred of them (Brassley, 2000; Whetham, nisations became directly incorporated in the decision-making pro-
1970). Other inputs, such as fertiliser and pesticides, were largely cess, with the NFU in particular becoming a “right hand” to the
provided for by the mixed style of agriculture that was still domi- Ministry (Wilt, 2001).
nant. Most British farms during the 1930s produced at least 10 By the end of the war, the ideas at the core of this policy programme
commodities and sold at least 5 (Grigg, 1989), meaning that for had become stabilised, partly due to the proactive strategies of
many farmers there was little reason to use artificial inputs. farming organisations, such as a 1944 declaration by a large coali-
tion of agricultural lobby groups arguing for the continuation of
5.2. Acceleration phase (1938–1970) secure prices, credit facilities, and government assistance after the
war (Cox et al., 1986). The government largely acceded to these
The Second World War accelerated the transition, because the demands. The 1947 Agriculture Act guaranteed the NFU consulta-
government introduced drastic policy interventions to increase do- tion on all agricultural policy, excluding other groups, and provided
mestic production and reduce the country's reliance on foreign grain. for the continuation of county councils, on which the NFU would
The choice of specific policy instruments was heavily influenced by continue to have a large impact (Cox et al., 1986; Smith, 1993). This
agricultural interests, and ultimately had two impacts: they reduced the further entrenched government spending (Fig. 11) and an ideology
risks and provided the means for farmers to invest in machinery and of expansion, which relied on technical efficiency to maximise
land improvements. These changes, along with deliberate government production, and which remained unquestioned until the late 1970s
promotion, and in some cases coercion, stimulated farmers to adapt (Smith, 1993).
their farms to modern methods, abandoning mixed agriculture in fa-
vour of wider use of machinery, pesticides, and fertilisers. c) Effects of policy on system: Wartime policies had technical and in-
frastructural consequences, which locked-in the new regime.
5.2.1. Disrupted incumbent wheat regime Farmers, supported by subsidies and guaranteed prices, and at times
directly coerced through the actions of War Agricultural Executive
a) Pressures on policy from system: The 1938 Czech crisis led to a pre- Committees, made greater use of machinery, fertilisers and pesti-
ference for more interventionist food policies (Wilt, 2001). The ac- cides, invested in drainage, and increased the amount of land under
tual outbreak of war physically disrupted the food importation re- cultivation (Grigg, 1989; Wilt, 2001). The use of machinery had
gime, both due to the need for ships to transport war material and transformative knock-on effects: their large demands for space re-
the threat of German submarines (Cox et al., 1986; Grigg, 1989). quired the simplification of farm layouts, while the costs of imple-
Disrupted food imports created existential threats and a high sense ments further favoured specialisation; both of which made mixed
of urgency to modernize domestic wheat farming. More agricultural agriculture less viable. This, in turn, increased the importance of

C. Roberts, F.W. Geels Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx



Agricultural spending ($ million)







Fig. 11. UK public spending on agriculture, 1910–1970.6
The apparent lack of spending between 1920 and 1947 is likely due to changes in budgetary categories, rather than a complete lack of spending.
(Data from Chantrill, 2016)

Large (Over 300 acres)
Medium (100-300 acres)
Small (5-100 acres)
1870 1885 1895 1915 1924 1944 1951 1960 1966 1975 1983

Fig. 12. The changing distribution of farm holdings in the United Kingdom, 1870–1983.
(Data from Grigg, 1989)

fertiliser and pesticides (Whetham, 1970). technical transitions, through interventions which move niche-innova-
After the war, farming increasingly evolved into ‘agri-business’, with tions across the tipping point. Decisive policy instruments included
primary farmers becoming embedded in lengthening supply and large-scale public infrastructure investments, guaranteed markets with
distribution chains based on a modernised, input-dependent model attractive fixed prices, substantial investment grants, and enhanced
of agriculture. Institutional arrangements became an ‘iron triangle’, knowledge dissemination (via demonstration farms, extension services,
in which politicians, civil servants at the Ministry of Agriculture, workshops, brochures). The cases also showed that the decisive policy
and farming organisations (especially the NFU) shared the same instruments were introduced in particular conditions, which we analyse
goals of increased production and continued price security and co- further below at different levels of granularity.
operated closely to implement these goals in policy decisions.
Farmers, meanwhile, found themselves on a “chemical treadmill” 6.1. MLP-related conditions
(Smith, 1993), in which the use of fertilisers and pesticides ne-
cessitated further, increasing use of chemicals. Thousands of smaller The three levels of the MLP provide a first (coarse-grained) under-
farms went out of business during this transition, as they could not standing of conditions of major policy change in both cases.
compete with larger, mechanized farms (Fig. 12). These ‘losers’ had
limited access to policymakers, because the NFU, which sided with • In the transport transition, the crucial conditions entailed both in-
larger farms, actively excluded other interests from the new in- creasing momentum of the niche-innovation (road transport) and a
stitutional arrangements (Cox et al., 1986). Government technical weakening socio-technical regime (railways), which stimulated
advice also played a role in cementing this change, mainly through policymakers to defect from the latter to the former. Landscape
the National Agricultural Advice Service, established in 1946 to developments played a moderating role (World War II damaged the
provide technical advice to farmers based on a technological para- railways; in the 1950s, economic growth provided the government
digm emphasising specialised, input-intensive agriculture (Grigg, with more resources and rising wages enabled consumers to buy
1989). cars).
• In the wheat agriculture transition, the crucial condition was sudden
landscape pressure (World War II), which disrupted the socio-tech-
6. Analysis nical regime. Niche-innovations (tractors, combines, land drainage,
fertilisers, pesticides) had low momentum and did not exert direct
Both case studies show that policymakers can accelerate socio-

C. Roberts, F.W. Geels Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

pressure for change. Nevertheless, their presence, and the fact that ‘dealing with externalities’ (speed, safety, rural blight, piecemeal
learning processes had led to some degree of stabilisation, enabled road expansion) gave way to a more interventionist post-war para-
policy defection by providing opportunities that policymakers could digm. In terms of specific problem definitions and goals, the rail-
reorient towards. ways were increasingly seen as old-fashioned, Victorian, and in
continuous need of financial support. The pre-war notion that rail-
These two clusters of conditions clearly demonstrate the two ideal- ways fulfilled a social function was increasingly replaced by a desire
type patterns of major policy change (crisis-driven and coalition- for “commercial railways” (Dudley and Richardson, 2000:47) op-
driven). As discussed in Section 2.2, we do not want to imply that these erating without subsidies. Policymakers initially tried to achieve this
ideal types exhaust all the possibilities for political acceleration. They goal through modernization, but implementation failures set the
do, however, explain our two case studies well, and show two distinct stage for the new idea of achieving financial viability through cost-
ways that policymakers can deliberately accelerate socio-technical cutting measures and scaling-back the railways. For road transport,
transitions. the general vision of motorway building was welcomed by the late
1940s. But implementation took much longer, because policymakers
6.2. External pressures and policy regimes hesitated to spend large sums of money. It was not until the late
1950s, when politicians came to think that there were ‘votes in
Using the conceptual repertoire of historical institutionalism (de- roads’ that they embarked on comprehensive motorway construc-
scribed in Section 2.1 and linked to the MLP in Section 2.2), we develop tion. Cognitive changes (and increasing frustration) thus created
a more fine-grained understanding of conditions of major policy change endogenous conditions for both major policy changes and the poli-
in both cases. Assuming that policymakers are locked-in by policy re- tical reorientation from rail to road.
gimes, our framework identified two crucial conditions for major policy • Changing institutional arrangements also created conditions for major
change: policy change. The road lobby initially developed good working
relationships with the Ministry of Transport at the level of en-
1. External pressures from firms, mass publics, and technology (in- gineering expertise. By the mid-1950s they became members of the
cluding both artefacts and knowledge/expertise) at the MLP's niche institutional arrangements, helping to develop motorway plans and
and regime level. specific designs. Railway interests, in contrast, were less well orga-
2. Weakening policy regime elements, particularly changes in ideas nised and became increasingly side-lined, especially after nationa-
(e.g. problems definitions, hierarchy of goals) and institutional ar- lisation. The changing influence of road and rail interests thus
rangements. formed another endogenous condition for major policy change.

In the transport case, the balance of external pressures from the In the agriculture case, external pressures from the mixed farming
railway regime and motor transport niche decisively shifted in the regime and specialised wheat farming niche were both relatively weak.
1950s, creating the conditions for major policy change. The summary in The summary of pressures in Table 3 shows that regime actors were
Table 2 shows that railway regime pressures to maintain the policy discontent with the status quo, but too weak and eroded to exert much
status quo were weak on all three dimensions: the railway network pressure. Niche-related pressures on policymakers were also limited
needed repair; railway interests were not well-organised and needed because technologies had limited momentum and few farmers had
financial support (which reduced their political influence); and mass adopted the new business models. So, major policy change in this case
publics had little sympathy for the railways. Meanwhile, pressures for was not related to changes in the balance of pressures, but to an ex-
major policy change from the road transport niche were growing ternal, disruptive landscape shock (World War II).
stronger: price/performance improvements improved their appeal with The external shock (World War II) disrupted the policy regime,
consumers, who increasingly switched to cars, which, in turn, created creating further policy and political changes.
functional road problems like congestion; road transport industries
developed an effective lobby; and mass publics were enthralled with • Problem definitions and goals shifted rapidly from a free-trade policy
cars. paradigm to a highly interventionist paradigm with new goals that
This changing balance of pressures was accompanied by a weak- were maintained after the war (increased food production, cheap
ening of policy regimes, which created more proximate conditions for food consumption, financial stability for farmers).
major policy change. • In terms of institutional arrangements, farmer's interests (particularly
the NFU) gained policy access in the late 1930s, which enabled them
• In terms of general orientation, the pre-war policy paradigm of to shape the policy instruments that were implemented when war

Table 2
Summary of pressures on policymakers by railway regime and road transport niche at the tipping point between formative and acceleration phase.
Stabilising pressures from railway regime to maintain the policy status Pressures for major policy change from road transport niche

Technology and Weak. War damage had badly undermined the functionality of the Moderate. Technological improvements made motor vehicles more
Infrastructure railway network, requiring expensive repairs. Locomotives also needed competitive, but the lack of a good road infrastructure created congestion
upgrading (to diesel and electric). problems and was blamed for accidents.
Firms and interest groups Weak. The railways' economic problems reduced their political clout. Strong. Expanding road transport industries (buses, trucks, car
Their continued reliance on public support increasingly frustrated manufacturers), which guaranteed jobs and exports, developed a
policymakers. Various railway interests were not organised in an powerful road lobby.
effective lobby.
Mass publics Weak. Travellers were frustrated with the railways and looking for Strong. Travellers were increasingly turning towards buses and buying
alternatives. Public discourse condemned monopolistic behaviour and more cars. There were very positive discourses associating road transport
problems with prices and service quality. with modernity, progress, and freedom. There were complaints that UK
roads were falling behind internationally. Road transport became part of
election campaigns. The idea that there were ‘votes in roads’ was an
important motivator for decisive policy action.

C. Roberts, F.W. Geels Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 3
Summary of pressures on policymakers by mixed farming and import regime and specialised wheat farming niche at the tipping point between formative and
acceleration phase.
Stabilising pressures from mixed farming and grain import regime to Pressures for major policy change from specialised wheat farming
maintain the policy status quo niche

Technology and Weak. Food imports were fatally undermined by World War II. Weak. Tractors, combines, fertilisers and pesticides were limitedly
Infrastructure used and diffused slowly.
Firms and interest groups Weak. The domestic agricultural regime was starved of investment and in a Weak. British farmers had few opportunities to innovate and
commercial crisis, so there was unhappiness about the status quo. showed limited interest in new business models based on
Agricultural interests mobilized for policy change but were initially over- specialisation and technological inputs.
ruled by industrial and trade interests.
Mass publics Weak. Consumers were not showing dissatisfaction with existing Moderate. There was some enthusiasm for efficient, “modern”
agricultural systems. But there were popular concerns about the methods, but also concerns about “prairie farming.”
countryside, which created some demand for government intervention.

broke out. This contradicts the proposition from Section 2.2.1 that curbing monopolism and giving tentative support to road transport.
the enrolment of societal groups follows the implementation of new This created feedback effects as the road transport system grew more
policies in the crisis-driven pattern. So, even with this major shock, powerful relative to the railroads, enjoying increased support from
policymakers consulted with interest groups (although one could business lobbies, travellers, and technological experts. This in turn
also argue that the threat of war was seriously discussed since 1938, created the conditions for another set of policy changes (T2), which
thus providing time for consultation). After the war, the institutional deliberately accelerated the transition to road transport, leading to
arrangements morphed into closed policy networks, which locked in lock-in through a more empowered road lobby, changed user habits, a
the new policy regime. durable road infrastructure advocated by technical experts, and the
corresponding collapse of railway businesses, travel practices, and in-
6.3. Policy feedbacks over time
For the agricultural case, Table 5 summarizes the main mechanisms
in two rounds of policy feedback. The initial conditions (T0) saw the
Conditions for major policy change are not static or exogenous but
agricultural system under severe pressure from low-cost imports,
can arise over time and are partly shaped by policy feedbacks. Below
leading to an agricultural depression. Early policy efforts (T1) offered
we explain for both cases how these policy feedbacks played out across
modest relief, but made little progress, demonstrating how the import-
our three external pressures (business interests, mass publics, tech-
dependent system was locked in due to technical challenges, business
nology) and how these temporal dynamics created the conditions for
lobbying, and internal policy commitments. Their feedbacks, however,
major policy change, discussed above.
included increased involvement of farming organisations in the policy
For the transport case, Table 4 summarizes the main mechanisms in
process as well as more experimentation with modern agriculture,
two rounds of policy feedback: from initial conditions to policies, which
which provided the preconditions for dramatic policy change (T2)
had feedbacks on the system, which created the conditions for major
when the status quo was radically disrupted by the Second World War.
policy change, which then had feedbacks that locked in the new system
This policy change, in turn, caused business and technical lock-in which
and policy regime. The initial conditions, at T0, included an emerging
cemented the system of modern agriculture.
car industry and struggling and damaged railway industry, but also a
This pattern suggests that political lock-in can make niche actors'
reputation for railway monopolism, so the first round of policy changes
efforts futile, but also that this lock-in is vulnerable to landscape
(T1) were designed mainly to promote efficient railway operation while

Table 4
Summary of policy feedback mechanisms in the transport case study, showing how developments among business, mass publics, and technology fed into policies
which had further knock-on effects on those three dimensions.
Business Mass publics Technology

T0: end of the First World War

Initial conditions Emerging car industry, pushing against Emerging class of motorists who allied Damaged railways.
rail nationalisation with road transport interests. Insufficient infrastructure for road-based transport
Struggling railway industry and weak Public frustration with the railways. system, but cheaper vehicles than before the war.
rail lobby

T1: interwar developments; post-war response

Policies Ideas: Assumption that railways would remain a monopoly; preference for unified railway control.
Institutional arrangements: Ministry of transport, with a road-building department.
Policies: Regulation, but not nationalisation of the railways.
Feedbacks (creating conditions for Road transport's commercial advantage Traveller preference for buses and Gradual development of trunk roads, but with
major policy change) over the railways. eventually private cars. teething problems.
Continued frustration with the railways. Damaged and increasingly outdated railways.

T2: developments in the late 1950s and thereafter

Policies Ideas: Assumption that the solution to transport problems was to build more roads; Desire for a financially self-sustaining railway system.
Institutional arrangements: Creation of the BTC; later British Rail. Establishment of road interests as a key group to consult on transport
Policies: Motorway construction; Railway modernization; Railway cuts.
Feedbacks (that lock-in new system Increasingly prosperous and politically Public expectation of convenient, Rapid expansion of the road system, and
and policy regime) powerful road transport industry. congestion-free roads. contraction of the rail system.
Declining nationalised railway system, The decline of the railways meant that Technical experts viewing road construction as the
eventually dependent on subsidies. travellers had no choice but to travel by natural solution to transport problems.

C. Roberts, F.W. Geels Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 5
Summary of policy feedback mechanisms in the agricultural case study, showing how developments among business, mass publics, and technology fed into policies
which had further knock-on effects on those three dimensions.
Business Mass publics Technology

T0: interwar agricultural depression

Initial conditions Farmers under severe pressure from imports. No money Mostly imported grains used Agricultural practices and technologies based
for investment. for bread baking. around a traditional mixed farming system.
Many farms abandoned and left to go fallow. Public concern about the Some limited experimentation with chemicals and
Farmers' advocacy groups begin to pressure the state of the countryside. machinery, but many practical problems.

T1: run-up to the Second World War

Policies Ideas: Policymakers began to develop ideas about how to support agriculture using price controls and production increases, but trade issues
remain the priority.
Institutional arrangements: Gradual development of ties between Ministry, NFU, and other groups.
Policies: Modest relief for grain farmers, but no reduction in imports.
Feedbacks (creating conditions for Involvement of farming organisations (operating Demand for food during Anticipated failure of the import system predicted
major policy change) behind a united front led by NFU) in planning for wartime. in the event of war.
wartime food policy. Constraints on options for expanding domestic
Proactive efforts from farming sector to influence post- production (horse rearing times, etc.)
war food policy.

T2: wartime and post-war

Policies Ideas: Price guarantees and production increases as the preferred way to deal with wartime food constraints.
Institutional arrangements: Direct involvement of NFU and allied organisations in war county agricultural committees.
Policies: Price support, technical advice, drainage grants, leasing of equipment continued after war.
Feedbacks (that lock-in new Prosperity for farmers, enabling investment. Insulation of process from Rearrangement of farms to facilitate use of
system and policy regime) Growth of farm supply industries. public influence. machinery; removal of livestock and additional
Entrenchment of NFU in policy apparatus. crops.
Concentration of the industry in a smaller number of “Chemical treadmill”
larger farms.

disruption. There is an important caveat to this, however. The policy Table 6

feedback effects during the agricultural depression did galvanize the Summary of the conditions for the political acceleration of socio-technical
mobilization of the agricultural lobby and stimulated learning processes transitions.
around specialised modern agriculture. Without these feedbacks, it is Business interests Mass publics Technology
not clear that the government would subsequently have chosen the
policies it did in order to respond to the threat of a wartime food crisis. - united niche - voter support for change - technological niche
front - user groundswell for niche- improvements
- weakening innovation and - expert endorsement
regime lobby dissatisfaction with regime. - technical problems in
6.4. Conditions for political acceleration of transitions - popular discourses about incumbent regime
niche-innovation and
Despite case-specific differences, we observe several similarities in negative debates about
the conditions that enabled political acceleration of the transition.
Policy-internal developments
These refer both to external pressures from our three analytical cate-
gories (businesses, mass publics, and technology) and to developments
internal to the policy process, as illustrated in Table 6. -
On the business side, one common point is a united front among policy ideas (problem definitions, goals)

niche advocates (coherent motor lobby; agricultural organisations ral-

lying behind the NFU), which was a critical driver of change in both institutional arrangements
cases, allowing supporters of the niche technology to more effectively
influence policy. Another important point in business is the weakening -
high-level (ministerial) support
of the incumbent regime's lobby (declining railways; declining diplo-
matic importance of grain exporters), which created an opening for -
niche actors to exploit. frustration with incumbents
Among wider publics, voter support for change, coming from a
groundswell of new user demands (increased car use, wartime food
requirements) and increasing user dissatisfaction with the regime production methods) also created conditions for political defection.
(railways), played a role in both cases, although less prominently in the For policy-internal conditions, we first notice the early importance
agriculture case. Popular discourses (enthusiasm for motorways; ne- of policy ideas such as the notion that transport problems should be
gative discourses about railways; concern about the state of the coun- addressed by building roads, or that agricultural production could be
tryside) also played a role among mass publics in both cases, although expanded through government support. Secondly, in each case, these
most prominently in the transport case. ideas were further empowered by frustrations with incumbents (railway
With regard to technology, price/performance improvements in underperformance; agricultural depression). Thirdly, changes in in-
niche-innovations were important drivers (cheaper cars; new road de- stitutional arrangements were important to create conditions for major
signs, more efficient tractors and chemical inputs), as well as expert policy change, particularly increased policy access for niche advocates
endorsement, which appeared when new technical communities (road (road lobby, NFU). Finally, we observe the importance of high-level
builders; agricultural scientists) created a body of expertise that nor- support, most commonly in the form of sympathetic ministers, who
malised certain policy solutions. Persistent technological regime pro- were sometimes directly involved with ascendant niche industry (e.g.
blems (malfunctioning rail infrastructure, archaic agricultural Marples owned a majority stake in a road-building firm; Dorman-Smith

C. Roberts, F.W. Geels Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

was former president of the NFU). Such high-level Ministerial support is transitions is limited, while frustrations with incumbents is occur-
important to advocate major policy changes within Cabinet, often in the ring only in a few sectors (coal-fired power, diesel vehicles) where
teeth of opposition from other government departments such as the some countries have articulated strong phase-out policies.
The common pattern across both cases leads us to propose that these This tentative assessment suggests that the conditions in most sec-
conditions are the crucial enablers of deliberately accelerated transi- tors are not yet conducive for deliberate and decisive acceleration of
tions. low-carbon transitions, despite some progress in some areas (such as
renewable electricity). The agricultural case study, however, shows that
6.5. Potential relevance for low-carbon transitions a dramatic crisis can mitigate against the need for some of these pres-
sures and conditions. But climate change does not (yet) present an
The topic of deliberately accelerated transitions has wider relevance immediate and existential crisis comparable to the one facing British
for time-sensitive problems such as climate change, where the goal of food supply during the Second World War.
keeping global temperature increases below 2 degrees will necessitate a On the positive side, our findings also highlight the importance of
dramatic acceleration of low-carbon transitions across electricity, policy feedbacks in gradually creating the right conditions for major
transport, heat, industrial, and agrifood systems (Peters et al., 2017). policy change. This means that policymakers do not have to wait until
The mainstream climate mitigation literature (IPCC, 2014; Rockström exogenous developments alter policy contexts. Instead, they can set in
et al., 2017) has identified a range of policy options that could help train incremental developments that progressively create the right
accelerate low-carbon transitions, e.g. R&D subsidies, feed-in tariffs, conditions as several political scientists in the policy feedback tradition
carbon pricing, performance standards and removing fossil fuel sub- have suggested (Bernstein and Hoffmann, 2018; Jordan and Matt, 2014;
sidies. While useful and important, however, these studies are instru- Levin et al., 2012), e.g. by stimulating innovations and capacity
mental, focused on analyses for policymakers, not on analyses of policy. building, building alliances, and pushing for institutional changes that
This instrumental focus is limited because the acceleration of low- increase the political influence of low-carbon stakeholders (e.g. chan-
carbon transitions is a deeply political challenge. The German Advisory ging access rules to policy networks). These actions, in addition to the
Council on Global Change (2011:1), for instance, notes that technical actual physical construction of sustainable systems, may help create the
and policy instruments for low-carbon transitions are well-developed, positive conditions we have outlined, thereby facilitating more decisive
and that it is “a political task to overcome the barriers of such a policy action in the future.
transformation, and to accelerate the change”. And Sovacool's
(2009:1539) review of policies for climate change mitigation concludes 7. Conclusion
that: “What seems to be lacking is not the availability of robust public
policy mechanisms, but the political and social will to implement Although policymakers can decisively accelerate socio-technical
them”. Thus, while many low-carbon innovations are emerging as ser- transitions, they are not unmoved movers. Instead, their actions are
ious competitors (Bloomberg, 2016), their ability to fully supplant es- shaped by ongoing developments in socio-technical transitions as well
tablished socio-technical regimes depends on political processes and as broader political, economic, and societal contexts (‘landscape’).
political conditions (Meadowcroft, 2016). Rather than focusing narrowly on ‘political will’ or ‘leadership’, we
Although our two case studies have historical specificities (further have shown that it is more important to understand the conditions under
discussed in the conclusions), our findings may have some relevance for which policymakers are willing to lead decisively, and the longitudinal
contemporary low-carbon transitions because they are also anchored in processes that shape these conditions (which include policies in earlier
theoretical arguments (section 2). A tentative application of our find- periods and their effects on technologies, business and mass publics). At
ings leads us to both negative and positive assessments of the conditions a coarse-grained level of granularity, and using the Multi-Level
for deliberately accelerating low-carbon transitions. Perspective, we showed that these conditions involve both ‘push fac-
On the negative side, various pressures and conditions for major tors’ (landscape pressures and socio-technical regime problems) and
policy change (Table 6) appear under-developed: ‘pull factors’ (promising niche-opportunities). To develop a more fine-
grained understanding, we enriched the MLP with insights from his-
• While some low-carbon industries (solar-PV, wind) have grown in torical institutionalism and conceptualized major policy change as the
some countries, they do not yet present a strong united lobbying outcome of meso-level political struggles in policy regimes (which span
front, while fossil fuel lobbies remain strong. policy networks, procedures and cognitive frames). Using this new
• Among mass publics, there are popular discourses about fighting theoretical combination, we identified the following proximate condi-
climate change, but voter support for an accelerated transition is tions for politically accelerated transitions: a) changing external pres-
tentative at best, and new user demands related to technologies such sures from business (united niche lobby fronts and weakening regime
as electric vehicles and renewable energy are only beginning to lobbies), mass publics (voter support, user interest and positive dis-
emerge. courses about niche-innovation; consumer dissatisfaction and negative
• Price/performance improvements are strong drivers for some tech- regime discourses), technology (price/performance improvements and
nologies (especially solar-PV, wind, battery-electric vehicles), but expert endorsement for niche-innovations; technical and functional
many other low-carbon innovations (e.g. heat pumps, whole-house regime problems), and b) changes in policy regimes (altering problem
retrofit, district heating) are still relatively expensive or unfamiliar definitions and goals, altering stakeholder access to institutional ar-
to the wider public. Some expert communities are also pushing back rangements, increasing frustrations with incumbents, altering high-
publicly against alternatives, for instance in the technical con- level Ministerial support).
troversy over base-load power and renewables. Our empirical findings confirmed these theoretical contributions
• Finally, for policy-internal developments, many proposals remain and the two proposed ideal-type patterns of politically accelerated
framed in neo-liberal terms, suggesting that a policy paradigm shift transitions. In the first pattern, an external (landscape) shock disrupts
(e.g. towards greater interventionism) has not yet occurred. the existing socio-technical regime, which creates a major ‘push’ factor
Although climate and environment policymakers often convey am- for political reorientation towards niche-alternatives and the in-
bitious statements and sometimes agree on targets (e.g. 2015 Paris troduction of policies that affect business, mass publics and technolo-
agreements), their concrete translation into sectoral policies gies. In the second pattern, the conditions for political reorientation
(transport, energy, housing, food) is slow and not yet decisive. In emerge more gradually, as a result of changes in the balance of niche
many jurisdictions, high-level Ministerial support for low-carbon and regime pressures.

C. Roberts, F.W. Geels Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Our contributions extend the debate on socio-technical transitions Acknowledgements

in several ways, pointing to potential future research directions. First,
while many transition publications tend to focus on the emergence of We want to thank Mike Hodson, Andy McMeekin, and two anon-
niche-innovations, our analysis of acceleration has shifted attention to ymous reviewers for their very thoughtful comments on a previous
later phases, particularly the tipping point between emergence and version of this paper. The authors are appreciative to the Research
broad diffusion. Since diffusion is crucial for transitions to happen, we Councils United Kingdom (RCUK) Energy Program Grant EP/K011790/
suggest that transition research could fruitfully engage with this topic 1 “Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand,” which has supported the
(Geels and Johnson, 2018). Temporal questions like speed and accel- work reported here.
eration (and, more controversially, slowing down) are important in this
context. References
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WBGU, 2011. World in Transition: A Social Contract for Sustainability. German Advisory Cameron Roberts is a research fellow at Sustainability Research Institute, hosted in the
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Whetham, E.H., 1970. The mechanisation of British farming, 1910–1945. J. Agric. Econ. focusing on how transitions can be deliberately accelerated, as well as on the role of
21, 317–331. discursive conflict in transition processes.
Wilson, C.A., 2000. Policy regimes and policy change. J. Public Policy 20 (3), 247–274.
Wilt, A.F., 2001. Food for War: Agriculture and Rearmament in Britain Before the Second
World War. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York. Frank W. Geels is Professor of System Innovation and Sustainability at the Sustainable
Wolmar, C., 2016. Are Trams Socialist? Why Britain has No Transport Policy. Publishing Consumption Institute (SCI) and the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR)
Partnership, London. at the University of Manchester. He is chairman of the international Sustainability
Yin, R.K., 1994. Case Study Research: Design and Methods, 2nd ed. Sage Publications, Transitions Research Network (, and one of the world-
Thousand Oaks, CA. leading scholars on socio-technical transitions and system innovation.


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