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Power for Deliverance: Songs of Deliverance (Paperback) ~ Kindle » XALZEFIWQP

Power for Deliverance: Songs of Deliverance


By Bill Banks

Impact Christian Books, United States, 1987. Paperback. Condition: New. Language: English . Brand
New Book ***** Print on Demand *****.This book shows that there is help for oppressed,
tormented, and compulsive people, and that the solution is as old as the ministry of Jesus Christ.
Find answers to such questions as: Why has modern medicine and science failed to cure millions of
emotionally disturbed people? Why are increasing numbers of individuals developing mental
disorders? Is it possible that there is another explanation for the voices people hear, or for the
compulsions that they experience? Could it be that the real solution lies within the spirit of man?
From over 30 years of counseling and ministering deliverance, in the United States and abroad, Bill
Banks highlights the common root causes of emotional and mental torment, and walks the reader
through steps to be set free. Read numerous case studies of people who have been delivered from
their torments and fears, including testimonies of over 60 spirits: Suicide, Fear of Starvation, Colic,
Smoking, Marijuana Drugs, Crippling, Ulcers, Anger, Murderous Rage, Abuse of Women, Gluttony,
Harlotry, Incest, Occult, Homosexuality, Pornography, Sleeplessness, Sterility, and more. New
Edition Includes a section on the Baptism in...

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