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Paragraph 1 (introduction)

This is a complicate question. Many people hunting certain

of animals. These creatures are part of our ecosystem; they
contribute to preserve them and help to keep the balance.
This essay will consider sensitizing us, as well as discuss
the role of the zoos and endangered wildlife.
Paragraph 2 (topic sentence) -> hunting
One of the main factor of extinction of animals is destroy
their habitat. For example, the polar bear their habitat was
destroy for ice melting due to global warming.
Paragraph 3 (topic sentence) -> ecosystem
The other factor is hunting of many animals due to result
disappear of exotic animals like dodo, and put under danger
creatures like pandas and orangutans.
Paragraph 4 (topic sentence) -> sensitizing us
The matter of the zoos is preserve animals under
endangered and try to give an adequate home for they even
imitating their natural territory for example in case of
monkeys we can see how they play at trees in the zoo.
Paragraph 5 (conclusion)
I think we will must take concern about do not hunting
animals and respect their home because they play a
fundamental paper to keep the equilibrium of nature.
This is a complicate question. Many people hunting certain
of animals. These creatures are part of our ecosystem; they
contribute to preserve them and help to keep the balance.
This essay will consider sensitizing us, as well as discuss
the role of the zoos and endangered wildlife.
One of the main factor of extinction of animals is destroy
their habitat. For example, the polar bear their habitat was
destroy for ice melting due to global warming.
The other factor is hunting of many animals due to result
disappear of exotic animals like dodo, and put under danger
creatures like pandas and orangutans.
The matter of the zoos is preserve animals under
endangered and try to give an adequate home for they even
imitating their natural territory for example in case of
monkeys we can see how they play at trees in the zoo.
I think we will must take concern about do not hunting
animals and respect their home because they play a
fundamental paper to keep the equilibrium of nature.

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