CE3 2009 Planning: 1. Company

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CE3 2009 Planning

1. Company

1.1 Ensure Curt gets off Probation

- Finish Curt's Rookie Book

- Interview with Capt. Hatfield for completition

1.2 Search and Rescue Development as a Company

- Work on intercrew search and rescue techniques

- Practice new techniques delivered during major emphasis training in 08
- Work on all crew competencies with the TI

1.2.1 Monthly EBSS Drill

- Return to the policy of monthly EBSS drills in the station, as a company

1.2.2 IR Class

- Develop an IR class that goes beyond turning on the TI

- All members of CE3 to become fully knowledgable and competent in using the TI

1.3 Adopt O'dea Elementary

- Make contact and develop relationship with O'dea staff

- Schedule a contact on a quarterly basis

1.4 Preplanning 3's Area

- Grid 3's area into 12 grids and drive one per set
- List 3's latest target hazards and schedule visits and preplanning sessions.

1.5 QRAE Class for Company

- Captain Salmon to develop a QRAE class for the company to train with.
2. Shift

2.1 Acting Captain Minimum Qualifications

- Help Tom to understand how important it is to have only those who are truly ready to
act, act.

2.2 Acting BC Development

- As Capt. Salmon's need to develop is real, so it is for all other acting BC's.
- Assist with realistic BC training for simulations in all areas of the BC role.

2.3 A-Foam on all Fire Attack

- Express CE3's support of all fires being attacked, from the initial lines, with Class A
- Train as a company to ensure we are competent at using A-Foam for all first-in attack

3. PFA

3.1 Drafting

- Complete Drafting assignment from Chief Gress to ensure proper knowledge and
equipment are available to PFA companies to draft under all conditions, with 100%

3.2 HEaP

- To contine working with the HEaP team to bring full functional use of the HEaP, and
next generation HEaP to PFA

4. Bill

- 40 Hour Stint for HEaP completition

- BC Development for Acting Role
- Bring Higher Ed to PFA through Moodle and Open Fire Academy
- Bring to fruition special projects as assigned: Valve and Drafting at this time

5. Mike

- Captain Development planning

- Support Mike in his Divinity School Efforts
6. Andrew

Learn Captain Information, but not move into an official acting role.

7. Curt

- Get off Probation

- EMT Instruction at Front Range
- Support Volunteer Program at PFA
- Support Explorer Program at PFA
- Future Truck Functions, USAR, and Wildland training and development

Summary screenshot

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