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Servicio nacional SENA

Tecnologo en negociacion internacional

Actividad de aprendizaje 11 Evidencia

7: Compliance with foreign law

Aprendiz: Wendy Paola Jimenez Anaya

San andres isla

Develop a vocabulary of at least 10 technical
1 .

terms in English, with your

respective meaning in Spanish.

2. Prepare a summary of the text using the

different types of sentences

Compliance with foreign law: The sale. Information about foreign law often can be
obtained from the customer or

distributor to which the U.S. company intends to sell. Incorrect information about foreign law
may result in the prohibition of importation of

the exporter’s product, or it may mean that the customer cannot resell the product as

Profitably as expected

Industry standards: One type of foreign safety standard that is becoming important is
the ‘‘CE’’
mark required for the importation of certain products into the European.
For some products, however, the manufacturer is required (and in all
cases may elect) to hire an authorized independent certifying service company
to conduct the conformity assessment One helpful source of information in the United
States is the
National Center for Standards and Certification Information, a part of the
Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology,

Foreign customs laws: it is important to identify the amount of customs duties that
will be assessed on the product, which will involve determining the correct tariff
classification for the product under foreign law in
order to determine whether the tariff rate will be so high that it is unlikely that
sales of the product will be successful in that country, and to evaluate whether
a distributor will be able to make a reasonable profit if it resells at the current market
price in that country.
This will usually take
some period of time, and the seller and buyer may have to adjust their
production and delivery plans accordingly. (A more thorough understanding of
the types of considerations that the buyer may have to take into account under
its customs laws can be gained by reviewing the similar considerations for a
U.S. importer discussed in chapter 6, section F

Government contracting: Sales to foreign governments, government agencies, or

partially government owned private businesses often involve specialized procedures
and documentation Government purchases may qualify for customs duty,
quota, or import license exemptions. Barter or countertrade may be necessary.

Buy American equivalent: Laws Foreign government agencies often promulgate

regulations that are designed to give preferential treatment to products supplied by
manufacturers in their own country. This may consist of an absolute preference, or it
may be a certain price differential preference

Value-added taxes: Many countries impose a value-added tax on the stages of

production and distribution the amount of valueadded tax can be significant, as it is
usually higher than traditional sales taxes, and, therefore, whether the product can be
priced competitively in the foreign market is a matter of analysis.

Specialized laws: Foreign countries often enact specialized laws prohibiting the
importation of certain products except in compliance with such laws foreign countries
often have special laws affecting certain products or classes of products, and the
existence of such regulation should be ascertained prior to manufacture, prior to
entering into an agreement to sell, and even prior to
quoting prices or delivery dates to a customer.

2. Elabore un vocabulario como mínimo de 10 términos técnicos en inglés, con su

respectivo significado en español.

I. Incorrect information about foreign law may result in the prohibition of
importation of the exporter’s product
II. to hire an authorized independent certifying service company to conduct the
III. One helpful source of information in the United States is the
National Center for Standards and Certification Information
IV. VI. it is important to identify the amount of customs duties that will be
assessed on the product
V. evaluate whether a distributor will be able to make a reasonable profit if it
resells at the current market price in that country.
VI. procedures and documentation Government purchases may qualify for
customs duty, quota, or import license exemptions
VII. government agencies often promulgate regulations that are designed to give
preferential treatment to products supplied by manufacturers in their own
VIII. Many countries impose a value-added tax on the stages of production and
IX. Foreign countries often enact specialized laws prohibiting the importation of
certain products except in compliance with such laws

X. los países extranjeros a menudo tienen

leyes especiales que afectan ciertos
productos o clases de productos, y la
existencia de dicha regulación debe
determinarse antes de la fabricación


I. La información incorrecta sobre el derecho

extranjero puede dar lugar a la prohibición de
importar el producto del exportador

II. contratar una empresa de servicios de

certificación independiente autorizada
llevar a cabo la evaluación de conformidad

III. Una fuente útil de información en los Estados

Unidos es la
Centro Nacional de Información sobre Normas y
IV. es importante identificar la cantidad de
aranceles aduaneros que se evaluarán en el
V. evaluar si un distribuidor podrá obtener una
ganancia razonable si revende al precio de
mercado actual en ese país
VI. Las agencias gubernamentales extranjeras a
menudo promulgan regulaciones que están
diseñadas para dar un trato preferencial a los
productos suministrados por los fabricantes
en su propio país
VII. Las compras del gobierno pueden calificar
para derechos de aduana,
cuota o exenciones de licencias de importación
VIII. muchos países imponen un impuesto al valor
agregado en las etapas de producción y
IX. los países extranjeros a menudo promulgan
leyes especializadas que prohíben la
importación de ciertos productos, excepto en
cumplimiento de tales leyes
X. foreign countries often have special laws
affecting certain products or classes of
products, and the existence of such regulation
should be ascertained prior to manufacture

 Elabore un resumen del texto utilizando los diferentes tipos de oración.

Es importante identificar la cantidad de

aranceles aduaneros que se evaluarán en el
producto, evaluar si un distribuidor podrá
obtener una ganancia razonable si revende al
precio de mercado actual en ese país.
Las agencias gubernamentales extranjeras a
menudo promulgan regulaciones que están
diseñadas para dar un trato preferencial a los
productos suministrados por los fabricantes en
su propio país.
Las compras del gobierno pueden calificar para
derechos de aduana,
cuota o exenciones de licencias de importación
muchos países imponen un impuesto al valor
agregado en las etapas de producción y
los países extranjeros a menudo promulgan
leyes especializadas que prohíben la
importación de ciertos productos, excepto en
cumplimiento de tales leyes


It is important to identify the amount of customs

duties that will be assessed on the product, to
assess whether a distributor can obtain a
reasonable profit if it is sold at the current market
price in that country.
Foreign government agencies often enact
regulations that are specific to give preferential
treatment to products supplied by manufacturers
in their own country.
Government purchases may qualify for customs
import license fees or exemptions
Many countries impose a value-added tax in the
production and distribution stages
foreign countries often enact specialized laws that
prohibit the importation of certain products,
except in compliance with certain laws

 Grabe el audio en inglés, con el resumen elaborado en el punto anterior.

 Identifique y clasifique las frases en sus diferentes tipos.

 Elabore un gráfico con el cual explique los diferentes ejemplos de cumplimiento con

las leyes extranjeras, utilizando las preposiciones de lugar.

 Compile el vocabulario, el resumen, los tipos de frases y el gráfico en un documento.

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