English Guide No

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English Guide No.


Apellidos y nombres_________________________

Corte___________ fecha _____________ Puntuacion____________

Read each of the sentences given to you in this guide, first

analyze carefully, second answer according to what was agreed in
each of the proposed items and third, make sure everything is
correctly answered.

Fist Part

Answer using the verb tobe correctly use only interrogative


I am a good student. __________________________________________________

We are old friends.


He is a student.

The pencil is on the desk.


She is absent from class


They are friends _______________________________________________________

The weather today is good.

The sky is clear

The sky is clear.


They are brothers.


The child is in the garden.


We are cousins.

She is sick today.


She is a young woman.


He is a businessman.

He is a lawyer.

Second Part.

Organize each sentence and answer using only the affirmative

answers with YES.

Are you a student? 


2- Is she a doctor? 


3- Is it your dog? 

4- Are we in the same class? 


5- Are they your parents? 


6- Is he single? 


7- Are you at home? 


8- Are you in a party? 


9- Is she a journalist? 


10- Are you happy? 


11. Is your computer?


12. Are you listening to music?


third part

Construct with the following sentences so that each of them

has an appropriate meaning within the linguistic context.
1.- The scholl student the is. _________________________________________

2.- University the am I al. _____________________________________________

3.- Are best you football the player.


4.- My lawyer in he is. _________________________________________________

5.-Is my English sister a teacher. _____________________________________

6.- very the small is dog. ______________________________________________

7.- Peter, and good are dancers Tom, Charles.


8.- Cinema

the in are you. _____________________________________________

Fill in the spaces in the following sentences

1. I………. a teacher

2. John………. a teacher

3. William………. a student

4.This………. a book

5.This………. not a pencil

6. John and Mary………. students

7. Two and three………. five

8. We………. students

9. John………. a man

10. Mary………. a woman

11. Three and two………. five

12. I………. busy

13. John………. busy

14. Mary………. busy

15. Mr. and Mrs. Perez………. Busy

Choose the correct verb

1. I (am,is) a teacher

2. They(are,is) busy

3. This (is,are) a book

4. John and Mary (is,are) good students

5. William (is,are) a student

6. Five and three (am,are)eight

7. We (is,are) students

8. Mary (is,are) a woman

9. John (is,are) not a teacher

10. (Are, is) this a book?

11. They (am,are) not busy

12. I (is, am) busy




a.- Supply DO or DOES to complete the following present tense

1.- Where _________ John live?

2.- How often _________ you go to the movies?

3.- What time _________ the plane leave?

4.- What language besides English _________ your teacher speck?

5.- What Time ________ the rest of your family get up?

6.- Where _________ you usually meet Mary after the lesson?

7.- How much _________ it cost to fly from New York to Paris?

8.- How long ________ your lesson last?

9.- How ________ you feel today?

10.- Which movie star ________ you like best?


La presente guía deberá ser entregada a la mayor brevedad

posible ya que se debe entregar calificaciones de este corte

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