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Aluno (a): Série:7°Ano Nº:__

Professor (a): Lucas Aguiar Componente Curricular: Língua Inglesa Data: _______

(EF08LI14PE) Utilizar formas verbais do futuro para descrever planos e expectativas e fazer previsões.

01) Qual é a alternativa que completa a) Paul not will paint the house.
corretamentefrase “I’m sure she ___________ me” no b) Paul won’t paint the house.
Simple Future? c) Paul not will painted the house.
d) Paul won’t painted the house.
a) recognizes.
b) will recognized. Read the text and answer the questions.
c) recognize.
d) will recognize. One day Nasreddin borrowed a pot from his neighbour
Ali. The next day he brought it back with another little
02) Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “The pot inside. "That's not mine," said Ali. "Yes, it is," said
computers will decide our future”? Nasreddin. "While your pot was staying with me, it had
a baby."
a) The computers will decide our future? Some time later Nasreddin asked Ali to lend him a pot
b) The computers won’t decide our future? again. Ali agreed, hoping that he would once again
c) The will computers decide our future? receive two pots in return. However, days passed and
d) Will the computers decide our future? Nasreddin had still not returned the pot. Finally Ali lost
patience and went to demand his property. "I am sorry,"
03) Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente a said Nasreddin. "I can't give you back your pot, since it
frase “Solar energy __________ an alternative in the has died." "Died!" screamed Ali, "how can a pot die?"
future” no Simple Future. "Well," said Nasreddin, "you believed me when I told
you that your pot had had a baby."
a) will to be.
b) will be. 08) Who was the owner of the pot?- Quem era o dono
c) will is. do pote?
d) will are.
a) Nasreddin
04) Marque a alternativa cuja frase não esteja no b) Ali
Simple Future. c) The baby
d) The neighbour
a) They didn’t watch TV.
b) She will watch TV tonight. 09) How many times did Nasreddin borrow the pot?-
c) We will travel next week. Quantas vezes Nasreddin pegou emprestado o pote?
d) I will study for the test.
a) once
b) twice
05) Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a
c) three times
frase “I ________________ free time tomorrow” no
d) Five times
Simple Future?
10) What probably happened to the pot?- O que
a) will to have.
provavelmente aconteceu com o pote?
b) have will.
c) will have.
a) It died.
d) have.
b) The neighbour took it back.
c) Nasreddin kept it.
06) Complete a frase “The movie theather___________
d) had a baby.
early this afternoon” com o verbo no Simple Future e
depois marque a alternativa correta.

a) will closing.
b) will closes.
c) will closed.
d) will close.

07) Qual é a forma negativa da frase “Paul will paint the


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