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Lesson Plan
Teacher’s names: Yerika Silva & Daniela Pardo
Lesson Title: Body Parts Topic : Face
Grade: Kinder
Duration: 60 minutes
Learning Objectives:
1. Identify the parts of the face
2. Recognize the function of each part of the face
3. Identify the care for each part of the face
Teaching method:
Our method, through recreational activities, consists of developing and enhancing the multiple
intelligences of children starting from the recognition of the body
Observations :
The previous explanation of the parts of the face is essential for the correct development of the activities,
if we find that any child presents difficulties for the development of the same, other strategies should be
implemented with him so that he is not left behind.
Time Activity Procedure Resources Assessment evaluation
5 Minutes Preparation They will be made verbal Children will be asked
aware of the communication directly about parts of
activity and how and examples the activity to recognize
they should form the degree of
work teams. interpretation of this
Time Activity Procedure Resources Assessment evaluation
10 minutes Presentation Explain what are Audiovisual Evaluate the attention
the parts of the material paid to the material
fase. seen by children
Time Activity Procedure Resources Assessment evaluation
15 minutes Practice The child will work guides Observe the
develop work development of the
guides that will activity from the
allow him to instructions given
practice on the
parts of the face.
Time Activity Procedure Resources Assessment evaluation
15 minutes Evaluation the activity consists of putting Posters Children will recognize
together two groups located at one with body parts in English,
end of the room, there in turns and silhouettes both their location and
speed the students will find images of the face their function
of the parts of the face on a table, and
there they should put the cropped
corresponding one and they should images of
say the name in English aloud, if the face in
not, the kids should delegate to color
another partner. Whoever completes
all parts of the face wins.
Time Activity Procedure Resources Assessment evaluation
15 minutes Expansion After recognizing the One ball Here we will evaluate
parts of the face, in a the recognition that
round circle on the each child makes with
floor, we will play the part of the face
"who takes the ball" learned and its
where the children will respective functionO
show their knowledge bserve the development
about the function of of the activity from the
each part, that is, they instructions given
must say what it is for.
example: smell, eat, see
etc and should say
care for that part.
Theme Parts of the body
Subtopic The Face
Objective recognize body parts by drawing
Description of the activity the children should draw the part of the body with the color that the
teacher indicates
Theme Parts of the body
Subtopic The Face
Objective recognize body parts by cutting
Description of the activity The children will cut with the help of the teacher the parts of the face
and stick them where they consider those parts to go.

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