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Your participation in this test is greatly appreciated. It is purposed at determining the

effectiveness of the instructions explaining how to play the guitar as a beginner. This test may
be terminated at any time if you do not feel comfortable proceeding. It is important to
remember that this tests the instructions usability rather than your ability to complete the task
successfully. The results of this trial will be determined by a questionnaire following the
completion of the test. As you execute the instructions, feel free to take notes on areas that
were difficult for you and any recommendations you may have.

Read the instructions describing how to play the guitar. Attempt to play the chords shown in
the manner described. Take note of the visual aids and descriptions as well as any
improvements that could be made.

Goals of the Trial

I have the following goals for the test:
o to determine the readability of the instructions to someone who is unfamiliar with
o to determine the effectiveness of the visual aids included in the instructions
o to determine how quickly the instructions can be completed

1. Were you able to successfully play the guitar?
2. Were the images helpful in understanding the steps involved in playing the guitar?
3. How many minutes did it take to successfully play the guitar?
4. What information was not covered in the instructions that you would still like to know?
5. What was the most difficult part about following or understanding the instructions?
6. How many times did you have to read through the instructions before they made sense?
7. What would you change about the instructions?
8. Did the instructions have logical flow throughout the steps?
9. Were any words or processes confusing that could be changed?

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