Workplace Correspondence Dde

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Document Development Exposition: Workplace Correspondence

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

I struggled trying to figure out exactly how this project was supposed to be structured and how my
information should be voiced. The planning section helped with this because it allowed me to lay out
who I was speaking to as well as exactly what I would like to get accomplished. It helped me
determine what information was necessary and where it belonged in the memo.

First Draft (for peer editing)

The first draft was a chance for me to lay out the ideas that I had developed in the preparation
document out onto paper. Once these were on paper, it was easier to read through and determine if
there was a clear point and if the rest of the document supported that point. My main concern was
all of the topics discussed in the information section. I didn’t want all of these points to distract from
the main point which was the construction of a curriculum. However, I feel that I was able to
accomplish this after a few revisions.

Second Draft (for your packet)

The peer review showed me a few helpful things, the main one being that I needed images to
support the information that I was providing in the memo. The most evident image needed was an
example of what the design of the curriculum should look like. It was difficult finding an image that
was to my liking, but I ended finding an image that was well representative of what the curriculum
should embody. This image definitely took the memo to the next level and made it very easy to

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

Preparing the final draft challenged me to take an already good document to the next level. I had to
list my main points rather than describe them in a paragraph. I am much more comfortable writing in
paragraph form, so this was slightly challenging. In order to do this, I had to change the wording of
the information so that it made sense. I also had to reformat the recommendation section so that it
matched the body paragraphs. This process taught me how to edit very small meticulous things. All
that I changed in the email was the format of the signature block. This wasn’t necessarily challenging,
but it was very helpful to learn how to construct a correct signature block.

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