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This pamphlet will provide information about
different types of therapy that you can use to
help your child with Autism. When it comes
to the best for their needs, you should look
into the benefits of each therapy. Which one
will help your child’s needs? Which one will
improve their abilities to enhance their
communication and physical needs? Early
intervention treatment services can greatly  THERAPIES THAT
improve a child’s development. Early
intervention services help children from birth
with-autism/treatments/non- SUIT YOUR
to 5 years old learn important skills. Services
medical/behavioural/aba/ CHILD’S NEEDS
like therapy, help the child talk, walk, and
socialize with other individuals. Therefore, it 
is important to talk to your child’s doctor as ed-behavior-analysis-aba-0
soon as possible if you think your child might
have an ASD or other developmental 
problem. Early treatment for particular php?p=teacch
symptoms, such as speech therapy for speech
delays, often does not need to wait for a https://www.appliedbehavioranalysi
formal diagnosis. Early intervention is
extremely important to further the child’s
development; though intervention at any age
can be helpful.
The Picture Exchange
Communication System (PECS) is a The Son-Rise Program was Applied behavior analysis has developed
systematic way to teach a child with developed by Barry Neil many techniques and strategies for
Autism how to communicate with increasing useful behaviors and reducing
Kaufman and Samahria Lyte those that may cause harm or interfere with
someone by giving them a picture of Kaufman, whose son, Raun,
the item/object they want.  This the individuals learning. Applied behavior
program was originally designed for
was diagnosed with severe analysis (ABA) is the use of these
children with autism but can be used autism. After searching techniques and principles to bring about
nationwide without finding a meaningful and positive change in behavior
for other non-verbal children as well. 
program they felt would offer create communication and decrease any
This program is intended to provide
negative outbreaks.
an alternative means of hope for Raun’s recovery, the Positive reinforcement is one such principle.
communication for a child who is Kaufman’s decided to try to When a behavior is followed by some sort of
unable to speak. It is not a help him on their own. They reward, the behavior is more likely to be
permanent way of teaching speech designed their own intensive repeated. It’s the same thing as in any
for the child but a temporary way to situation with any child. If they do something
program based on an attitude of
allow the child to communicate their good or right they get a sticker or a treat.
thoughts, even if there are no words unconditional love and
Undesirable behavior, or those that interfere
coming out at the moment. acceptance. An example of with learning and social skills, are watched
Son-Rise: your child is sitting closely. The goal is to determine what
TEACCH THERAPY on the floor coloring. You sit happens to trigger a behavior in the
The TEACCH therapy was developed by down on the floor in front of him individual, and what happens after the
researchers who wanted a more effective and start coloring too, when behavior is reinforced. The idea is to remove
and integrated approach to help individuals
your child looks at you, praise any if not all of these triggers and re-
with autism. TEACCH is an evidence-based enforcers from the child’s environment. New
academic program that is based on the them. “Good Job looking at me re-enforces are then used to teach the
idea that autistic individuals are visual in the eyes”. Proceed to individual a different behavior in response to
learners, so therapists must try to adapt continue what they are doing. If the same trigger. This will help the individual
their teaching style and intervention
strategies to help improve the individual’s
they decide to turn the page, learn positive behaviors and communicate
needs and communication. The TEACCH turn the page with them and more easily and effectively.
program has worked with thousands of copy what they do.
individuals with ASD and their families
since it started. Not only does it evaluate
the individual, the program can also help
parents train so they can use the tools at
home too. There’s also parent support
groups and recreational play to help the

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