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11i Oracle Order Management

Volume 2 - Student Guide

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U s
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Edition 2.0

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January, 2005
D40233 I n
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Copyright © 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2005. All rights reserved.

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Tyra Crockett, Pratima Mahtani, Manjula Shankar

Technical Contributors and Reviewers

Vanessa Graziano, Rebecca Zarchikoff, David Reitan, Susan Flierl, Natalia Rachelson, Stacey n l y
Gomes, David Barnacle, Steve Best, Amit Batra, Nami Hosomatsu, Bernadette Kennedy,
Chayne Kosloske, David Chin, Eric O'Brien, Friederun Baudach-Jaeger, Kathy Wohnoutka,
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Lynn Warneka, John Brazier, David Millin.
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This book was published using: oracletutor
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Copyright © 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Order to Cash Lifecycle Overview .................................................................................................................1-1

Order to Cash Lifecycle Overview ................................................................................................................1-2
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................1-3
Order to Cash Lifecycle.................................................................................................................................1-4
Order Lifecycle..............................................................................................................................................1-5
Overview of Application Integration.............................................................................................................1-6
Order Management Process...........................................................................................................................1-7
Viewing and Managing Orders......................................................................................................................1-8
Scheduling Process ........................................................................................................................................1-9
Pricing Process ..............................................................................................................................................1-10
Shipping Process ...........................................................................................................................................1-11
AutoInvoice Process ......................................................................................................................................1-12
Receivables Process.......................................................................................................................................1-13
Cash Management Process ............................................................................................................................1-14
Overview of Oracle Order Management Process .........................................................................................2-1
Overview of Oracle Order Management Process .........................................................................................2-2
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................2-3
Overview of Order Management in the Order to Cash Lifecycle ..................................................................2-4
Order Management Process...........................................................................................................................2-5
Order Management – Multiple Fulfillment Models.......................................................................................2-6
Order Management Multiple Fulfillment Models – Ship from Stock............................................................2-7
Order Management Multiple Fulfillment Models – Make to Order ..............................................................2-8
Order Management Multiple Fulfillment Models – Internal Order ...............................................................2-9
Order Management Multiple Fulfillment Models – Configure to Order, ATO, PTO....................................2-10
Order Management Multiple Fulfillment Models – Back to Back Orders ....................................................2-11
n l y
Order Management Multiple Fulfillment Models – Drop Ship to Customer.................................................2-12

e O
Overview of Order Management Integration.................................................................................................2-14

Overview of the Order Management Process ...............................................................................................2-15
Overview of Customer Relationships ............................................................................................................2-16

Overview of Inventory Organizations ...........................................................................................................2-17

Overview of Inventory Items.........................................................................................................................2-18
Overview of Simple Negotiation within Order Management ........................................................................2-19

Overview of Order Entry...............................................................................................................................2-20
Overview of Blanket Sales Agreements ........................................................................................................2-21

l &
Overview of Querying on Prices and Availability.........................................................................................2-22
Overview of Managing Orders ......................................................................................................................2-23


te r
Items .................................................................................................................................................................3-1
Items ..............................................................................................................................................................3-2
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................3-3

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What is Enterprise Structure? ........................................................................................................................3-5

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Enterprise Structure Example 1 .....................................................................................................................3-7

Enterprise Structure Example 2 .....................................................................................................................3-8
Inventory Structure Considerations ...............................................................................................................3-10

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Enterprise Structure in Vision .......................................................................................................................3-12
Guided Demonstration – Enterprise Structure in Vision Operations.........................................................3-13

Define Units of Measure................................................................................................................................3-16
Unit of Measure Example..............................................................................................................................3-18

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11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Define Unit of Measure Classes ....................................................................................................................3-19
Unit of Measure Conversion..........................................................................................................................3-20
Practice - Create a Unit of Measure...........................................................................................................3-22
Solution – Create an Unit of Measure and Standard Conversion ..............................................................3-23
Defining Inter-class Conversions ..................................................................................................................3-25
What is an Item? ............................................................................................................................................3-27
Oracle Applications Use Items ......................................................................................................................3-28
How Do Oracle Applications Use Items?......................................................................................................3-29
Item Attributes...............................................................................................................................................3-31
Item Statuses Representing the Life Cycle ....................................................................................................3-33
Item Attributes Used in Item Status...............................................................................................................3-35
Item Master Organization and Child Organizations ......................................................................................3-37
Creating an Item ............................................................................................................................................3-40
Implementation Considerations .....................................................................................................................3-41
Describing Item Attributes – Order Management .........................................................................................3-42
Describing Item Attributes - Invoicing..........................................................................................................3-46
Describing Attributes Controls at Master Level ............................................................................................3-48
Describing Attributes Controls at Child Level ..............................................................................................3-49
Describing Item Status Attribute Controls.....................................................................................................3-51
Describing Item Templates............................................................................................................................3-52
Practice - Create an Item............................................................................................................................3-53
Solution – Create an Item ..........................................................................................................................3-54
Manage Parties and Customer Accounts.......................................................................................................4-1
Manage Parties and Customer Accounts .......................................................................................................4-2

Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................4-3


Customer Overview.......................................................................................................................................4-5

Party Model Overview...................................................................................................................................4-6
Party Model ...................................................................................................................................................4-8

Party Model and Relationships......................................................................................................................4-9

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Party Model Components ..............................................................................................................................4-11
Managing Parties ...........................................................................................................................................4-12

Party Sites......................................................................................................................................................4-13
Customer Accounts........................................................................................................................................4-14
Integrating Party Information ........................................................................................................................4-15

Data Quality Management Overview ............................................................................................................4-16

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Profile Classes ...............................................................................................................................................4-18
Profile Class Characteristics ..........................................................................................................................4-20

Practice - Create a Customer Profile Class ................................................................................................4-21

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Solution - Create a Customer Profile Class ...............................................................................................4-22
Managing Customer Account Profiles...........................................................................................................4-23
Updating Profile Classes ...............................................................................................................................4-24

I n
Reviewing Profile Class Changes..................................................................................................................4-25

l e
Data Quality Management Overview ............................................................................................................4-27

Data Quality Management (DQM) ................................................................................................................4-28

How Does DQM Work? ................................................................................................................................4-29

Fuzzy Search .................................................................................................................................................4-30
Query Word Replacement .............................................................................................................................4-31

Entry Methods ...............................................................................................................................................4-32
Business Issues ..............................................................................................................................................4-33
Business Purposes..........................................................................................................................................4-34

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11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Multiple Sites and Business Purposes: Centralized Example ........................................................................4-35
Multiple Sites and Business Purposes: Decentralized Example ....................................................................4-36
Interface Data Entry.......................................................................................................................................4-37
Using Standard and Quick Entry ...................................................................................................................4-39
Practice - Create a Customer using the Standard Data Entry Form ...........................................................4-41
Solution - Create a Customer using the Standard Data Entry Form ..........................................................4-44
Differences Between Standard and Quick Entry ..........................................................................................4-47
Practice - Create a Customer using the Quick Data Entry Form ...............................................................4-48
Solution - Create a Customer using the Quick Data Entry Form...............................................................4-49
Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Integration ............................................................................................................4-50
D&B Data Formats........................................................................................................................................4-51
D&B Online...................................................................................................................................................4-52
D&B Batch Loading......................................................................................................................................4-53
Customer Account Relationships ..................................................................................................................4-55
Practice - Create a Customer Account Relationship ..................................................................................4-56
Solution - Create a Customer Account Relationship .................................................................................4-57
Oracle Trading Community Architecture ......................................................................................................4-59
TCA Parties ...................................................................................................................................................4-60
TCA Administration ......................................................................................................................................4-61
Using Party Paying Relationships .................................................................................................................4-62
Using Customer Account Relationships ........................................................................................................4-63
Party Paying and Customer Account Relationships ......................................................................................4-64
Creating Party Paying Relationships .............................................................................................................4-65
Pay Within Paying Relationships ..................................................................................................................4-66
Party Paying Relationships Process Flow......................................................................................................4-67
Pay Below Paying Relationships ...................................................................................................................4-68
Relationship Types and Relationship Groups................................................................................................4-69

n l y
Merge Parties or Customer Accounts ............................................................................................................4-71

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Party Merge ...................................................................................................................................................4-73

Reviewing Information..................................................................................................................................4-75
Common Search Scenarios ............................................................................................................................4-76


Required Customer Profile Setup Steps.........................................................................................................4-79

Payment Terms ..............................................................................................................................................4-81

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Optional Customer Profile Setup Steps .........................................................................................................4-82
Required Setup Steps for Customers .............................................................................................................4-84

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Profile Options...............................................................................................................................................4-85
Optional Setup Steps for Customers..............................................................................................................4-87

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Flexible Address Formatting .........................................................................................................................4-89

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Enter Orders ....................................................................................................................................................5-1
Enter Orders...................................................................................................................................................5-2

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Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................5-3


Order Creation Methods ................................................................................................................................5-5

Simple Negotiation in Oracle Order Management ........................................................................................5-6
Sales Order ....................................................................................................................................................5-7

Blanket Sales Agreements .............................................................................................................................5-9
Order Against Blanket Sales Agreements......................................................................................................5-10
Authoring and Negotiating Contract Terms ..................................................................................................5-11

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11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Simple Negotiation in Order Management ....................................................................................................5-13
Workflow Integration in Negotiation ............................................................................................................5-14
Order Header .................................................................................................................................................5-17
Order Transaction Type.................................................................................................................................5-18
Guided Demonstration - Order Transaction Type .....................................................................................5-20
Practice - Setting up Transaction Types ....................................................................................................5-22
Defaulting Rules ............................................................................................................................................5-25
Guided Demonstration - Defaulting Rules ................................................................................................5-26
Practice - Create a Defaulting Rule ...........................................................................................................5-28
Solution – Create a Defaulting Rule ..........................................................................................................5-29
Entering Header Customer Information ........................................................................................................5-31
End Customer ................................................................................................................................................5-32
Guided Demonstration - End Customer.....................................................................................................5-33
Entering Header Pricing Information ............................................................................................................5-35
Gross Margin Display....................................................................................................................................5-37
Entering Additional Header Information .......................................................................................................5-38
Guided Demonstration - Entering Order Header .......................................................................................5-39
Applying Sales Credits ..................................................................................................................................5-40
Guided Demonstration - Applying Sales Credits.......................................................................................5-41
Practice - Create a Sales Order & Apply Sales Credit ...............................................................................5-43
Solution - Create a Sales Order Header and Apply Sales Credits..............................................................5-44
Line Transaction Type...................................................................................................................................5-48
Line Statuses..................................................................................................................................................5-49
Advanced Item Search...................................................................................................................................5-50
Guided Demonstration - Advanced Item Search .......................................................................................5-51

n l y
Entering Line Information .............................................................................................................................5-52
Related Items .................................................................................................................................................5-54
Entering Line Pricing Information.................................................................................................................5-55

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Line Pricing Fields.........................................................................................................................................5-57
Line Date Fields ............................................................................................................................................5-58

Entering Line Shipping Information..............................................................................................................5-59
Guided Demonstration - Entering Line Information..................................................................................5-60

Practice - Create a Sales Order Line ..........................................................................................................5-61

Solution - Create a Sales Order Line .........................................................................................................5-62
Available to Promise (ATP) ..........................................................................................................................5-63

Entering Sets..................................................................................................................................................5-64
Guided Demonstration - Entering Line Sets..............................................................................................5-65

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Automatic Fulfillment Set and Line Set Assignment ...................................................................................5-66
Ship Set For Each Line..................................................................................................................................5-67

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Entering Line Addresses................................................................................................................................5-68
Entering Return Information..........................................................................................................................5-69

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Entering Return Information (continued) ......................................................................................................5-70
Ordering Service Programs............................................................................................................................5-71

Guided Demonstration - Ordering Service Programs ................................................................................5-72

Applying Attachments ...................................................................................................................................5-73
Guided Demonstration - Applying Attachments .......................................................................................5-74

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Multiple and Partial Payments.......................................................................................................................5-75
How Multiple and Partial Payments differ from Single Payment..................................................................5-76

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Blanket Sales Agreements (BSA)..................................................................................................................5-78

Negotiation Agreement..................................................................................................................................5-79
Approve BSA ................................................................................................................................................5-80
Customer Signs BSA .....................................................................................................................................5-81
Order Against BSA (Blanket Release) ..........................................................................................................5-82

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11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Default Terms from BSA to Release .............................................................................................................5-83
Accumulate Quantities/Amounts Ordered against BSA................................................................................5-84
Terminate BSA ..............................................................................................................................................5-86
Guided Demonstration - Blanket Sales Agreements..................................................................................5-87
Practice - Blanket Sales Agreements .........................................................................................................5-89
Solution – Create a BSA and a Release against the BSA ..........................................................................5-90
Internal Requisition Overview.......................................................................................................................5-95
Creating an Internal Order .............................................................................................................................5-97
Internal Requisition or Internal Order Process Flow .....................................................................................5-98
Guided Demonstration - Creating an Internal Order .................................................................................5-99
Practice - Create an Internal Sales Order...................................................................................................5-101
Solution - Create an Internal Sales Order ..................................................................................................5-103
Drop Ship Overview......................................................................................................................................5-110
Drop Ship Across Sets of Books ...................................................................................................................5-112
Drop Ship Change Management....................................................................................................................5-116
Guided Demonstration - Creating Drop Ship Order Lines ........................................................................5-118
Practice - Create a Drop Ship Order ..........................................................................................................5-121
Solution - Create a Drop Ship Order .........................................................................................................5-122
Understanding Back-to-Back Orders.............................................................................................................5-126
Scheduling Orders .........................................................................................................................................5-129
Guided Demonstration - Scheduling an Order Line ..................................................................................5-130
Scheduling Options........................................................................................................................................5-131
Scheduling Orders - Available to Promise.....................................................................................................5-132
Guided Demonstration - Scheduling Available to Promise .......................................................................5-133

Publishing Plan Results to Oracle Order Management..................................................................................5-135

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Item Substitution at Scheduling.....................................................................................................................5-134
Scheduling - Reserve .....................................................................................................................................5-136

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Guided Demonstration - Reserving an Order Line ....................................................................................5-137
Practice - Schedule Order ..........................................................................................................................5-138

Solution - Schedule Order .........................................................................................................................5-140
Modes of Reserving.......................................................................................................................................5-142

Scheduling Across Orders .............................................................................................................................5-144

Scheduling Organizer Window......................................................................................................................5-145
Enhanced Reservations..................................................................................................................................5-146

Booking Orders .............................................................................................................................................5-149

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Guided Demonstration - Booking Orders ..................................................................................................5-150
Practice - Book Order ................................................................................................................................5-151

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Solution – Creating and Booking the Order ..............................................................................................5-152

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Copying Orders .............................................................................................................................................5-154
Guided Demonstration - Copying Orders ..................................................................................................5-155

Practice - Copying Orders With the Quotes Function ...............................................................................5-156

Solution – Copying Orders with the Quotes Function...............................................................................5-157
Copy Function to support Quotes and BSA...................................................................................................5-159

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Import Orders Processing ..............................................................................................................................5-161

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High Volume Order Processing (HVOP) ......................................................................................................5-162

Required Setup Steps for Entering Orders.....................................................................................................5-165
Additional Required Setup Steps...................................................................................................................5-166
Profile Options...............................................................................................................................................5-167
Parameters .....................................................................................................................................................5-169

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11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Steps Related to Invoicing .............................................................................................................................5-170
Detailed Order Statuses for Invoicing ...........................................................................................................5-171
Quick Codes ..................................................................................................................................................5-173
Document Sequencing...................................................................................................................................5-175
Order Import Sources ....................................................................................................................................5-176
Customers ......................................................................................................................................................5-177
Items ..............................................................................................................................................................5-178
Optional Setup Steps for Entering Orders .....................................................................................................5-179
Related Items and Manual Substitution .........................................................................................................5-181
Manage Orders ................................................................................................................................................6-1
Manage Orders ..............................................................................................................................................6-2
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................6-3
Processing Constraints...................................................................................................................................6-5
Update Orders and Order Lines .....................................................................................................................6-7
Guided Demonstration – Update Order .....................................................................................................6-8
Practice - Update Order .............................................................................................................................6-9
Solution - Update Order.............................................................................................................................6-10
Mass Updates.................................................................................................................................................6-12
Guided Demonstration – Mass Change .....................................................................................................6-13
Practice - Mass Change .............................................................................................................................6-14
Solution - Mass Change.............................................................................................................................6-15
Overview of Versioning ................................................................................................................................6-21
Automatic Versioning....................................................................................................................................6-22

Manual Versioning ........................................................................................................................................6-23

Tracking Versions..........................................................................................................................................6-24

Audit Trail .....................................................................................................................................................6-25

Processing Constraints for Audit Trail ..........................................................................................................6-26
Splitting Order Lines .....................................................................................................................................6-27

Guided Demonstration - Splitting Order Lines..........................................................................................6-29

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Practice - Split Line and Create Ship Set...................................................................................................6-30
Solution - Split Line and Create Ship Set ..................................................................................................6-31

Approval Enhancements................................................................................................................................6-35
Approval Workflow.......................................................................................................................................6-36

Hold Types ....................................................................................................................................................6-38

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Hold Names ...................................................................................................................................................6-39
Guided Demonstration – Create Hold Name .............................................................................................6-40

Practice - Create Hold Name .....................................................................................................................6-41

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Solution - Create Hold Name.....................................................................................................................6-42
Apply Holds...................................................................................................................................................6-44
Guided Demonstration – Apply Holds ......................................................................................................6-46

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Practice - Apply Holds...............................................................................................................................6-48
Solution - Apply Holds..............................................................................................................................6-50

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International Trade Management (ITM) Partner Integration .........................................................................6-56

Release Holds ................................................................................................................................................6-57

Guided Demonstration – Release Holds ....................................................................................................6-58

Practice - Release Holds ............................................................................................................................6-60
Solution - Release Holds ...........................................................................................................................6-61

Manage Credit Checking ...............................................................................................................................6-67
Credit Check Hold .........................................................................................................................................6-68

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11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Guided Demonstration - Credit Checking .................................................................................................6-70
Practice - Credit Checking.........................................................................................................................6-72
Solution – Credit Checking .......................................................................................................................6-73
Cancel Orders ................................................................................................................................................6-79
Guided Demonstration – Cancel Order......................................................................................................6-80
Practice - Cancel Order..............................................................................................................................6-82
Solution -Cancel Order ..............................................................................................................................6-83
Closing Orders and Lines ..............................................................................................................................6-87
Order Purge ...................................................................................................................................................6-89
Purging Considerations..................................................................................................................................6-91
Guided Demonstration – Purge Order .......................................................................................................6-92
Order Inquiry ..................................................................................................................................................7-1
Order Inquiry .................................................................................................................................................7-2
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................7-3
Pricing and Availability.................................................................................................................................7-5
Inquire on Price without creating Sales Order...............................................................................................7-6
Inquire on Availability...................................................................................................................................7-7
Automatically create quote or sales order from Price and Availability inquiry.............................................7-8
Order Organizer Overview ............................................................................................................................7-10
Find Orders....................................................................................................................................................7-11
Guided Demonstration - Find Orders and Order Lines..............................................................................7-13

Guided Demonstration – Summary Form..................................................................................................7-16

Navigator Tree Functionality.........................................................................................................................7-17
Summary Form ..............................................................................................................................................7-14

Guided Demonstration – Navigator Tree...................................................................................................7-18
Folder Files....................................................................................................................................................7-19

Guided Demonstration - Folder File ..........................................................................................................7-20

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Practice - Order Organizer.........................................................................................................................7-21
Solution - Order Organizer ........................................................................................................................7-23

Order Information Portal ...............................................................................................................................7-29
Order Status Information ...............................................................................................................................7-30

Delivery Information .....................................................................................................................................7-31

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Credit Management.........................................................................................................................................8-1

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Credit Management .......................................................................................................................................8-2
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................8-3

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Set Up Oracle Credit Management................................................................................................................8-5

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Define Credit Analysts ..................................................................................................................................8-6
Assign Credit Analyst to Accounts................................................................................................................8-7

Define Lookups .............................................................................................................................................8-8

c l
Define System Options..................................................................................................................................8-9
Define Scoring Models..................................................................................................................................8-10

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Assign Automation Rules ..............................................................................................................................8-11
Credit Checklist .............................................................................................................................................8-12

Credit Usage Rule Sets ..................................................................................................................................8-13
Define Credit Hierarchies ..............................................................................................................................8-14
Define Customer Profile Classes ...................................................................................................................8-15
Customer Profile Classes: Credit Profile Tab...............................................................................................8-16

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11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Use Customers-Standard ...............................................................................................................................8-17
Process Credit Reviews .................................................................................................................................8-19
Initiate a Credit Review.................................................................................................................................8-20
Collecting Credit Data ...................................................................................................................................8-21
Analyzing Credit Data ...................................................................................................................................8-22
Making a Recommendation...........................................................................................................................8-23
Implementing the Recommendation..............................................................................................................8-24
Credit Management Application Workflow ..................................................................................................8-26
Oracle Approvals Management (AME).........................................................................................................8-27
Review Credit Management Performance .....................................................................................................8-29
Define Credit Hierarchies ..............................................................................................................................8-31
Identify a Credit Hierarchy............................................................................................................................8-32
Overview of Pricing .........................................................................................................................................9-1
Overview of Pricing.......................................................................................................................................9-2
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................9-3
Order to Cash Lifecycle.................................................................................................................................9-5
Overview of Pricing in the Order to Cash Process ........................................................................................9-6
Overview of Pricing Integration ....................................................................................................................9-7
Overview of Pricing Concepts.......................................................................................................................9-9
Overview of the Pricing Engine ....................................................................................................................9-11
Overview of Pricing Security ........................................................................................................................9-12

Overview of Pricing Agreements ..................................................................................................................9-15

Overview of Formulas ...................................................................................................................................9-16
Overview of Price Lists .................................................................................................................................9-13

Overview of Qualifiers ..................................................................................................................................9-17
Overview of Modifiers ..................................................................................................................................9-18

Overview of Contexts and Attributes ............................................................................................................9-20

U s
Overview of Freight and Special Charges Modifiers.....................................................................................9-21
Overview of Basic vs. Advanced Pricing ......................................................................................................9-22

Basic Pricing.....................................................................................................................................................10-1

Basic Pricing..................................................................................................................................................10-2
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................10-3

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Pricing Security Overview.............................................................................................................................10-5

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Security Implementation Steps ......................................................................................................................10-6
Security Implementation Steps – Mapping Security Requirements ..............................................................10-7

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Security Implementation Steps – Assigning Pricing Entities to an Operating Unit.....................................10-8
Security Implementation Steps – Creating Privileges....................................................................................10-9

I n
Security Implementation Steps – Setting up Default Security Profile Options .............................................10-10
Security Implementation Steps – Turning Security On .................................................................................10-11

Security Features and impact on Forms/Windows ........................................................................................10-12

c l
Price List Creation .........................................................................................................................................10-14

r a
Price List Header ...........................................................................................................................................10-15
Price List Line ...............................................................................................................................................10-17

Price List Line (contd.)..................................................................................................................................10-19
Copy Price List ..............................................................................................................................................10-21
Guided Demonstration – Copy a Price List ...............................................................................................10-22
Practice - Copy Price List ..........................................................................................................................10-23

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11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Solution - Copy Price List .........................................................................................................................10-24
Price List Maintenance - Overview ...............................................................................................................10-27
Manual Price List Updates.............................................................................................................................10-28
Guided Demonstration – Manual Price List Update..................................................................................10-29
Practice - Manual Price List Update ..........................................................................................................10-30
Solution - Manual Price List Update .........................................................................................................10-31
Adjust Price List ............................................................................................................................................10-32
Guided Demonstration – Adjust Price List................................................................................................10-34
Practice - Adjust Price List ........................................................................................................................10-35
Solution - Adjust Price List .......................................................................................................................10-36
Add Items to Price List..................................................................................................................................10-38
Guided Demonstration - Add Items to New Price List..............................................................................10-39
Practice - Add Items to a Price List ...........................................................................................................10-41
Solution - Add Items to a Price List ..........................................................................................................10-42
Agreement Overview.....................................................................................................................................10-45
Agreement .....................................................................................................................................................10-47
Guided Demonstration – Agreement Price List.........................................................................................10-48
Practice - Agreement Price List .................................................................................................................10-50
Solution - Agreement Price List ................................................................................................................10-51
Formula Overview.........................................................................................................................................10-56
Basic Pricing Formula ...................................................................................................................................10-57
Pricing Attributes...........................................................................................................................................10-58
Factor List......................................................................................................................................................10-59
Guided Demonstration – Pricing Formula.................................................................................................10-61
Static Formula Update Program ....................................................................................................................10-62

n l y
Qualifier Overview ........................................................................................................................................10-64
Seeded Qualifier Contexts .............................................................................................................................10-65

e O
Modifier Overview ........................................................................................................................................10-68

Modifier List..................................................................................................................................................10-69
Modifiers Lines .............................................................................................................................................10-70

Modifier Line Examples ................................................................................................................................10-72

Modifier Types ..............................................................................................................................................10-73

Overview of Freight and Special Charges Modifiers.....................................................................................10-75
Seeded Freight Charges .................................................................................................................................10-76

l &
Setting up Freight and Special Charges Modifiers ........................................................................................10-77
Guided Demonstration – Freight and Special Charges Modifiers .............................................................10-78

n a
Practice - Freight and Special Charges Modifiers .....................................................................................10-79
Solution – Freight and Special Charges Modifiers ....................................................................................10-80

te r
Overview of Attribute Management ..............................................................................................................10-84

Setup Steps – Creating Contexts and Attributes ............................................................................................10-87

Setup Steps – Linking Attributes to a Pricing Transaction Entity (PTE).......................................................10-89

c l
Profile Options in Basic Pricing ....................................................................................................................10-92

r a
Oracle Shipping Execution Overview ............................................................................................................11-1
Oracle Shipping Execution Overview ...........................................................................................................11-2

Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................11-3
Order to Cash Life Cycle...............................................................................................................................11-4
Overview of Shipping in the Order to Cash Process .....................................................................................11-5

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11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Overview of Shipping Execution Integration ...............................................................................................11-6
Overview of Shipping Concepts....................................................................................................................11-7
Overview of Pick Release..............................................................................................................................11-9
Overview of Pick Confirm and Staging Subinventory ..................................................................................11-10
Overview of Ship Confirmation ....................................................................................................................11-11
Overview of Deliveries and Delivery Lines ..................................................................................................11-12
Overview of Packing LPNs/Containers.........................................................................................................11-13
Overview of Trips..........................................................................................................................................11-14
Overview of Query Manager .........................................................................................................................11-15
Overview of Shipping Transactions Form.....................................................................................................11-16
Overview of Quick Ship ................................................................................................................................11-17
Overview of Shipping Exceptions .................................................................................................................11-18
Oracle Shipping Execution .............................................................................................................................12-1
Oracle Shipping Execution ............................................................................................................................12-2
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................12-3
Shipping Execution Flow ..............................................................................................................................12-5
Shipping Concepts.........................................................................................................................................12-7
Pick Release Concepts...................................................................................................................................12-10
Pick Release Process Flow ............................................................................................................................12-12
Ship Confirm Process Flow ...........................................................................................................................12-15
Automated Ship Confirm...............................................................................................................................12-18
One Step Shipping .........................................................................................................................................12-19
Shipping Transactions Form..........................................................................................................................12-21
Guided Demonstration – Shipping Transaction Form ...............................................................................12-23
Quick Ship User Interface .............................................................................................................................12-24
Guided Demonstration – Quick Ship Window ..........................................................................................12-26
Shipping Roles and User Security .................................................................................................................12-28

n l y
Shipping Exceptions ......................................................................................................................................12-29

Guided Demonstration – Define Shipping Exceptions ..............................................................................12-31

Release Sales Orders .....................................................................................................................................12-33

U s
Guided Demonstration – Release Sales Orders .........................................................................................12-35
Practice - Release Sales Orders .................................................................................................................12-37

Solution - Release Sales Orders.................................................................................................................12-38
Methods to Pick Release................................................................................................................................12-44
Pick Release Parameters ................................................................................................................................12-45

Configuring Pick Release Process .................................................................................................................12-47
Auto Create Delivery.....................................................................................................................................12-49

l &
Ship Confirm .................................................................................................................................................12-52

Guided Demonstration – Ship Confirm Delivery ......................................................................................12-54

te r
Practice - Ship Confirm Delivery ..............................................................................................................12-56
Solution – Ship Confirm Delivery .............................................................................................................12-57
Shipping Transaction Parameters ..................................................................................................................12-62

I n
Shipping Documents......................................................................................................................................12-64
Guided Demonstration – Define Document Sets.......................................................................................12-65

l e
Ship Confirm Rules .......................................................................................................................................12-66

Ship Confirm Deliveries SRS........................................................................................................................12-69


Working with Deliveries and Delivery Lines ................................................................................................12-72
Delivery Parameters ......................................................................................................................................12-75

Delivery Line Processing Statuses.................................................................................................................12-77
Packing into LPNs/Containers.......................................................................................................................12-79
Container Load Details ..................................................................................................................................12-81

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11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Guided Demonstration – Define Container Load Details ..........................................................................12-83
Working with Trips .......................................................................................................................................12-84
Shipping Parameters ......................................................................................................................................12-87
General Parameters........................................................................................................................................12-89
Global Shipping Parameters ..........................................................................................................................12-93
Shipping Exceptions ......................................................................................................................................12-96
Guided Demonstration – View Shipping Exceptions ................................................................................12-97
Pick Slip Grouping Rules .............................................................................................................................12-99
Guided Demonstration – Define Pick Slip Grouping Rules ......................................................................12-101
Practice - Define Pick Slip Grouping Rules ..............................................................................................12-102
Solution - Define Pick Slip Grouping Rules..............................................................................................12-103
Release Sequence Rules ................................................................................................................................12-105
Guided Demonstration – Define Release Sequence Rules ........................................................................12-107
Practice - Define Release Sequence Rules.................................................................................................12-108
Solution -Define Release Sequence Rules.................................................................................................12-109
Release Rules.................................................................................................................................................12-110
Guided Demonstration – Define Release Rules.........................................................................................12-112
Practice - Define Release Rules.................................................................................................................12-113
Solution - Define Release Rules ................................................................................................................12-114
Freight Carriers..............................................................................................................................................12-117
Guided Demonstration – Freight Carriers..................................................................................................12-118
Freight Cost Types.........................................................................................................................................12-119
Guided Demonstration – Define Freight Cost Types.................................................................................12-120
Freight Cost – Freight Charges......................................................................................................................12-121
Transit Times.................................................................................................................................................12-122
Shipping Documents Sets ..............................................................................................................................12-123

n l
Shipping Roles and User Security .................................................................................................................12-126
Guided Demonstration – Define Roles ......................................................................................................12-128
Choose Printers..............................................................................................................................................12-125

e O
Guided Demonstration – Grant Access to Roles .......................................................................................12-129
Practice - Define Roles ..............................................................................................................................12-130

Solution - Define Roles .............................................................................................................................12-131
Practice - Grant Access to Roles................................................................................................................12-136

Solution -Grant Access to Roles................................................................................................................12-137

Regions and Zones.........................................................................................................................................12-138
Calendars .......................................................................................................................................................12-140

Profile Options...............................................................................................................................................12-141
Lookups .........................................................................................................................................................12-144

l &
Shipping Execution Reports ..........................................................................................................................12-146
Departure Ship Notice Outbound (DSNO) ....................................................................................................12-151

n a
Oracle Transportation Execution...................................................................................................................12-152

te r
Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process ...........................................................................................................13-1
Appendix A Tax Accounting Process............................................................................................................13-2

I n
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................13-3

l e
Order Management Global Taxes Overview .................................................................................................13-5

Receivables Global Tax Overview ................................................................................................................13-6

Other Products ...............................................................................................................................................13-7

Global Tax Overview ....................................................................................................................................13-8
Tax Overview ................................................................................................................................................13-10

Value Added Tax Overview ..........................................................................................................................13-11
US Sales Tax Overview.................................................................................................................................13-12
US Sales Tax Example ..................................................................................................................................13-13

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11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Tax Partner Process Overview.......................................................................................................................13-14
Other Taxes in Oracle Applications...............................................................................................................13-16
Tax Setup Steps .............................................................................................................................................13-19
Tax Setup Steps Continued............................................................................................................................13-20
Defining Tax Codes and Rates ......................................................................................................................13-21
Setting Up Inclusive and Exclusive Tax........................................................................................................13-23
Practice - Define a Tax Code.....................................................................................................................13-24
Solution - Define a Tax Code ....................................................................................................................13-25
Tax Groups Overview ...................................................................................................................................13-26
Setting Up Tax Groups (Optional).................................................................................................................13-27
Compound Tax Example ...............................................................................................................................13-28
Inclusive Tax with Compounding Example ..................................................................................................13-29
Defining Condition Sets ................................................................................................................................13-30
Practice - Create a Tax Group....................................................................................................................13-31
Solution - Create a Tax Group...................................................................................................................13-32
Select a Tax Control Method.........................................................................................................................13-34
Setting Up Account Method (Optional).........................................................................................................13-36
Assigning Tax Codes to Items .......................................................................................................................13-37
Defining Tax Preferences, Defaults, and Rules .............................................................................................13-38
Defining Tax Exemptions..............................................................................................................................13-40
Defining Transaction Types ..........................................................................................................................13-41
Defining AutoAccounting for Tax.................................................................................................................13-42
Enabling Calculation of Tax on Freight ........................................................................................................13-43
Defining Tax Profile Options ........................................................................................................................13-44
For Order Management Profile Options ........................................................................................................13-45
Tax Accounting Overview.............................................................................................................................13-47
Setting Up Tax Accounting for Deferred Tax ...............................................................................................13-48

Practice - Deferred Tax Codes...................................................................................................................13-49
Solution - Deferred Tax Codes ..................................................................................................................13-50
l y
e O
Defining Receivables Activities ....................................................................................................................13-52
Changing Tax Transactions ...........................................................................................................................13-53

Adjusting Tax on Invoices.............................................................................................................................13-54
Tax Credit Memo...........................................................................................................................................13-56


Tax Reporting Ledger Overview ...................................................................................................................13-58
Tax Extract Overview....................................................................................................................................13-59

Sources of Data..............................................................................................................................................13-61
Tax Ledger Reporting Options ......................................................................................................................13-62

l &
Matrix Reporting ...........................................................................................................................................13-63
RXi Report Steps ...........................................................................................................................................13-64

n a
Modifying Attribute Sets ...............................................................................................................................13-65
Defining Summary Details ............................................................................................................................13-67

te r
Publish RXi Reports ......................................................................................................................................13-68
Managing Access to RXi Reports and Attribute Sets ....................................................................................13-69


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Copyright © 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Before You Begin This Course

Before you begin this course, you should have the following qualifications:

• Thorough knowledge of the overall Order Management Process

• Ability to navigate Oracle Applications


• 11i E-Business Suite Essentials for Implementers

How This Course Is Organized

11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals is an instructor-led course featuring lecture and
hands-on exercises. Online demonstrations and written practice sessions reinforce the concepts
and skills introduced.

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11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Related Publications
Oracle Publications
Title Part Number
Oracle Order Management User’s Guide A88765_05
Oracle Order Management Implementation Manual A95861_03

Additional Publications

• System release bulletins

• Installation and user’s guides

• Read-me files

• International Oracle User’s Group (IOUG) articles

• Oracle Magazine

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11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Typographic Conventions
Typographic Conventions in Text
Convention Element Example
Bold italic Glossary term (if The algorithm inserts the new key.
there is a glossary)
Caps and Buttons, Click the Executable button.
lowercase check boxes, Select the Can’t Delete Card check box.
triggers, Assign a When-Validate-Item trigger to the ORD block.
windows Open the Master Schedule window.
Courier new, Code output, Code output: debug.set (‘I”, 300);
case sensitive directory names, Directory: bin (DOS), $FMHOME (UNIX)
(default is filenames, Filename: Locate the init.ora file.
lowercase) passwords, Password: User tiger as your password.
pathnames, Pathname: Open c:\my_docs\projects
URLs, URL: Go to http://www.oracle.com
user input,
User input: Enter 300
Username: Log on as scott
Initial cap Graphics labels Customer address (but Oracle Payables)
(unless the term is a
proper noun)
Italic Emphasized words
and phrases,
titles of books and
Do not save changes to the database.

For further information, see Oracle7 Server SQL Language
Reference Manual.
n y
Enter user_id@us.oracle.com, where user_id is the
name of the user.
e O
Interface elements
with long names
that have only
U s
Select “Include a reusable module component” and click Finish.

This subject is covered in Unit II, Lesson 3, “Working with

initial caps;
lesson and chapter
titles in cross-
references O
Uppercase SQL column
l &
Use the SELECT command to view information stored in the
names, commands,
functions, schemas,
n a
column of the EMP table.

table names
Menu paths
te r Select File > Save.
I n
Key names
Key sequences
Press [Enter].
Press and release keys one at a time:

Plus signs
c l e
Key combinations
[Alternate], [F], [D]
Press and hold these keys simultaneously: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]

r a
Copyright © 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Typographic Conventions in Code
Convention Element Example
Caps and Oracle Forms When-Validate-Item
lowercase triggers
Lowercase Column names, SELECT last_name
table names FROM s_emp;

Passwords DROP USER scott

(OG_GET_LAYER (‘prod_pie_layer’))

Lowercase Syntax variables CREATE ROLE role

Uppercase SQL commands and SELECT userid
functions FROM emp;

Typographic Conventions in Oracle Application Navigation Paths

This course uses simplified navigation paths, such as the following example, to direct you
through Oracle Applications.

(N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batches Summary (M) Query > Find (B) Approve

This simplified path translates to the following:

n l y
1. (N) From the Navigator window, select Invoice then Entry then Invoice Batches
e O

(M) From the menu, select Query then Find.

U s
3. (B) Click the Approve button.
Notations: O
l &
(N) = Navigator

n a
(M) = Menu

te r
(T) = Tab
I n
(B) = Button

c e
(I) = Icon
(H) = Hyperlink

(ST) = Sub Tab

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11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Typographical Conventions in Oracle Application Help System Paths
This course uses a “navigation path” convention to represent actions you perform to find
pertinent information in the Oracle Applications Help System.

The following help navigation path, for example—

(Help) General Ledger > Journals > Enter Journals

—represents the following sequence of actions:

1. In the navigation frame of the help system window, expand the General Ledger entry.

2. Under the General Ledger entry, expand Journals.

3. Under Journals, select Enter Journals.

4. Review the Enter Journals topic that appears in the document frame of the help system

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11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

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11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals Table of Contents

Order Inquiry
Chapter 7

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 1
Order Inquiry

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 2

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 3

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 4
Pricing and Availability

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Pricing and Availability
U s
When you enter an item in the Pricing and Availability window, the related pricing and
availability information of that item is displayed for you. This window enables you to query for
the price and availability of an item without creating a sales order, reservation, etc. The Pricing
and Availability window enables you to:

l &
• Perform price and availability checking without creating an order

n a
• Perform price and availability checking without placing demand or reservations

• Easily create an order or quote if the query results in a customers decision to buy the item

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 5
Inquire on Price without creating Sales Order

n l y
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Inquire on Price without creating Sales Order
U s
Usually the pricing engine displays the price of an item on the order line. Now, without creating
a sales order, you can view the list price and selling price of an item using the Pricing and
Availability window.
l &
The Pricing and Availability window merely displays the price and stock status of an item. It
does not confirm that the displayed price or quantity will be the same on the actual order line.
Keeping the above in mind, the Pricing and Availability window gives you the entire pricing
te r
picture of a given item. Price Breaks, Price Lists, Modifiers, Adjustments are all displayed in the
Pricing and Availability window so that you can see all the price information at a glance.

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 6
Inquire on Availability

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Inquire on Availability
U s
Now, without creating a sales order, you can view the availability of an item using the Pricing
and Availability window. The item number needs to be entered in the query block and all the
information related to the item is displayed in the results block.

l &
The Pricing and Availability window merely displays the stock status of an item. It does not
confirm that the displayed price or quantity will be the same on the actual order line. Keeping the
above in mind, the Pricing and Availability window gives you the entire availability picture of a
te r
given item. You can view the warehouse, available quantity, reservable quantity and earliest
available date for an item’s availability. Item information like UOM, lead time and other

I n
attributes are also displayed. Related items with their selling price and availability can also be

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Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 7
Automatically create quote or sales order from Price and
Availability inquiry

n l y
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U s
Automatically create quote or sales order from Price and Availability inquiry

When you query an item and the result set displays its pricing and availability data, you can then
save the item details to the Current Selections region. This region acts as a placeholder to contain

l &
multiple items, that can be used to create quotes or sales orders. Click Save as Quote or Create
Order to specify an order type and then create a quote/sales order. You can also open the newly

n a
created quote/sales order in its appropriate form, this is launched from the Pricing and
Availability window.

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 8

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 9
Order Organizer Overview

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Order Organizer Overview
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Orders, Returns > Order Organizer A I
The Order Organizer is a series of folder files that can acts as an Orders Workbench.

l &
Use the Order Organizer to Find existing orders, Add new orders, or perform mass updates
across many orders or order lines.

n a
te r
The Order Organizer matches the criteria entered on the Find Orders form against Orders and
Order Lines. The selection criteria can be stored as a saved query then reused when needed
from the Navigator Tree.

I n
The Summary Form is used to display the retrieved Orders and Lines. This makes it possible to

c l e
manage several orders at the same time, i.e. perform mass updates.
The Order Organizer is Right Mouse enabled making many of the Folder features easy to

r a
implement and manage.

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 10
Find Orders

n l y
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Find Orders
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Orders, Returns > Order Organizer > (B) Find A I
The Find Orders form uses AND logic to build the selection criteria. This enables you to create
complex queries that meet your business needs by combining fields from any of the Find Order

n a
Further enhance your search by using date ranges. Date Ranges included: Order Date, Request

Order Information tab

te r
Date, Promise Date, Schedule Ship Date, or Schedule Arrival Date.

I n
• Use the Order Category and Order Type to find groups of orders.

l e
• Many times you need to find an order by a specific pieces of information such as a

Customer’s PO, Invoice Number, or Purchase Requisition Number.

r a
• Order Clerks can quickly find all their orders by searching by the Created By field.

• Use the Order Source to find orders generated from another source such as Quotes,
iStore, Service, or EDI transactions.
Order Line tab

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 11
• Find Orders by the Item/Warehouse combination to retrieve all the order lines that may
be affected by a shortage or a quality hold.
• Find orders by Freight Carrier to prepare for a possible carrier strike.
• Use the Waybill number to find the sales order numbers that shipped together.
Hold Information tab
• Enables you to specify holds related criteria and find orders that are on hold.
• Find Hold Sources you may wish to release.
Advanced tab
• Enables you to specify whether the query should include Closed or Cancelled Orders and
Order Lines.

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 12
Guided Demonstration - Find Orders and Order Lines
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
(N) > Orders, Returns > Order Organizer > (B) Find

1. Select Customer.

Note: If using the Vision demo database you can use Business World.

2. Click (T) Line Information.

3. Select an Item Number.

Note: If using Vision demo database you can use AS18947.

4. Click (B) Find.

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 13
Summary Form

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Summary Form
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Orders, Returns > Order Organizer > (B) Find > (T) Summary A I
Orders and Order Lines that meet your Find criteria are returned to the Summary Form.

l &
From the Summary form you can perform many of the same actions that are allowed in the

actions on groups of orders and lines. a
Enter Orders window. But since you are on a summary form you have the ability to do Mass

You can:
te r
I n
• Apply and Release Holds
• Cancel Orders and Lines

l e
• Copy orders and Lines.

Notification Action - you can send workflow notifications to your customer, support analyst,

r a
or engineers to keep them informed about special order needs. The Action notification does not

put a hold on the order or order line and does not require a response. If you are the User
responsible for responding to a Workflow Notification you can use the Action - Progress Order
to allow the Sales Order to proceed to it’s next work flow activity.

Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 14
Additional information action - gives you extensive information about your Orders and
Order Lines. This allowing you to respond to Customer or Internal inquiries, or track down
possible problems that might be affecting your order.
Holds tab - provides you the visibility to the Hold Name, the criteria which put the entity on
hold and when the hold was applied. Once the hold has been released the Holds tab displays
when the hold was released and who released it.
Return Activity tab - is populated if you use the Reference option when creating a Return
Order. Return Activity displays the Return order number, quantity returned, credited price,
and the Invoice Number which was credited.
Deliveries tab - is populated by the Pick Release and Ship Confirm processes. This tab allows
you to find vital shipping information for tracking down lost shipments.
Internal Requisition tab - gives you visibility to the Purchase Requisition which initiated the
Internal Sales Order.
Drop Ship tab – used to track your supplier shipments. Initially it will display the purchase
requisition number and status. Once the purchase order has been created the drop ship tab’s
requisition number is replaced with the purchase order number and status. The supplier and
buyer are also displayed.
Quantity History tab- used to track quantity decreases. Only booked orders are tracked.
Available information is quantity prior to decrease, date of quantity change and the reason for
the quantity change.

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 15
Guided Demonstration – Summary Form
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
(N) > Orders, Returns > Order Organizer > (B) Find > (T) Summary

1. Select Customer.

Note: If using the Vision demo database you can use Business World.

2. Click (T) Line Information.

3. Select an Item Number.

Note: If using the Vision demo database you can use AS18947.

4. Click (B) Find.

Note: You are now on the Summary form.

5. Click (B) Actions.

6. Double click View Additional Information.

n l y

Click on each tab to view the additional information.

Close the Additional Information window.

e O
9. Click on the Action button.
U s
Note: These are the actions that can be performed against the highlighted order.

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 16
Navigator Tree Functionality

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Navigator Tree Functionality
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Orders, Returns > Order Organizer (T) Orders A I
To access the Navigator Tree click on the Orders tab from the Find Orders form.

l &
Today's Orders is a seeded folder that displays all orders entered today by the current user.

Search Results is a seeded folder that displays all orders or lines matching your query criteria.

te r
The orders and order lines that are displayed in the Summary form are retrieved based on the
search criteria entered on the Find orders form. This criteria can be saved as a User-Defined
I n
To create a User-Defined Query Right Mouse Click in the Navigator Tree region after records

l e
are displayed in the Summary form. The Save Query form will pop, choose Save Query. The

other choices are Delete and Rename.

r a
User-Defined Queries saved as Public can be used by many users and are stored in seeded
Public Folders files. User-Defined Queries that are not saved as public are stored in seeded
Personal Folder files.

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 17
Guided Demonstration – Navigator Tree
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
(N) > Orders, Returns > Order Organizer > (B) Find > (T) Summary

Note: First you will perform a Find in order to create a query statement.

1. Select Customer.

Note: If using the Vision demo database you can use Business World.

2. Click on the Line Information tab.

3. Select an Item Number.

Note: If using the Vision demo database you can use AS18947.

4. Click on the Find button.

5. Right Mouse Click in the Navigator Tree region (Left hand side of window).

6. The Save Query form will pop, choose Save Query.

n l y

Enter a unique Query name.

Do not select Public (make this a personal query).

e O
8. Click OK.
U s
9. Click on the Personal Folder icon to see your saved query.
10. Click on the Today’s Orders icon. O
11. Click on the Search Results icon.
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12. Click on the Public Folders icon.

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 18
Folder Files

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Folders Files
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Orders, Returns > (T) Order Organizer > (I) Folder Tools A I
All the windows that are part of the Order Organizer are Folder Files. Use the Profile Option:
Folders: Allow Customization to control who can manage folders.
Click the Folder menu or the Folder Tools icon to save your folder.

When creating folders:

te r
• Folder files are associated with the user name that created it and only made public if
saved as Public.
I n
• Folders saved as a Default Folder will only default for the user who created them.

l e
• Use the Folder Tools icon, Folder Menu or Right Mouse click to Customize Folders by

rearranging, expanding/contracting, hiding/displaying and renaming fields.

r a
• To Open Existing Folders click the Folder icon.

• To Delete a folder file click the Folder icon and select the folder you want to delete then
use the Folder Menu or the Folder Tools to delete it.

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 19
Guided Demonstration - Folder File
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
(N) > Orders, Returns > Order Organizer (T) Summary

1. Close the Find window.

Note: There are three methods to manage folders:

− Folder Menu
− Folder Tools icon
− Mouse enabled

2. Using the Folder Menu Create a new folder file for the Summary form.

3. Click (M) Folders > New.

4. Name your new folder.

5. Save as Default.


Using your mouse “drag” fields into different positions.

Using the Folder Tool icon “Shrink” and “Expand” fields.

n l y
8. Using the Folder Menu change field prompts.
e O
Note: To restore the orginial prompt select “Default” from the Change Prompt window.
9. Save your changes: Click on (M) Folder > Save.
10. Close Forms to return to navigator window.
(N) > Orders, Returns > Order Organizer (B) Find
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11. Enter criteria to find a group of Sales Order

te r
(for example: by customer, or order date range)

I n
12. Retrieved records are displayed in your new summary folder

c l e
Note: It is VERY important to understand that folder files are associated with a User Name.

r a
Since many users are logged in as Operations/Welcome the last user to exit the Order
Organizer Summary tab will set the default value.

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 20
Practice - Order Organizer
In this practice you will learn how to customize and use the Order Organizer.

• Create a new Folder File

• Customize the look and feel

• Save a Query

• Use the Navigator Tree

• “XX” is your initials.

• iSupport has been installed along with other dependencies and patches.

• The URL s for accessing the HTML login page and apps login page.

Seeded Vision Data.

You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training l y
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

e O
U s

Login to the database.

Choose the responsibility Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA).
3. Create a Default Summary form.

l &

N > Orders, Returns > Quick Order Organizer
4. Shrink the status field.
te r
I n
Change the Customer PO prompt.

l e
Move the Customer PO Field to the left of the Status field.
r a
Save your modified folder.

Use the Quick Order Organizer to Find all the Orders for Business World entered last week
and this week.

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 21
• N > Orders, Returns > Quick Order Organizer

9. Save the Query that retreived Business World’s Records.

10. Look at Todays Orders. (Note: You only see the current user’s orders).

11. Look at the Orders that were retrieved from the last execution of the Find form.

12. Look in the Personal Folder.

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Order Inquiry
Chapter 7 - Page 22
Solution - Order Organizer

1. Login to the database.

• User Name: operations

• Password: welcome

Choose Responsibility

2. Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility is selected.

(N) > Orders, Returns > Quick Order Organizer

3. Close the Find window to view the main Quick Order Organizer window.

4. Select (M) Folder > New.

5. Name your Summary form: XX-Summary.

6. Check “Open as Default” and “Public”.

7. Click (B) OK.

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Chapter 7 - Page 23
Shrink the Status Field

8. Put the cursor on the Status field.

9. Click (I) Folder Tools.

10. Place your cursor on each icon so that the tooltip appears and select the Shrink icon.

11. Shrink the Status field one or two times.

12. Close the Folder Tools window.

Change the Customer PO Prompt

13. Scroll to the right to find Customer PO.

14. Click (M) Folder > Change Prompt.

n l y
15. Change the prompt of the Customer PO field to PO.
e O
16. Click (B) OK.
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Move the Customer PO Field
l e
17. Use your mouse to drag the Customer PO (now renamed to PO) field to the left.

Save Folder
r a
18. Click (M) Folder > Save and close windows.

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Chapter 7 - Page 24
Find all the Orders for Business World

19. (N) > Orders, Returns > Quick Order Organizer

20. Customer: Business World (1608).

21. Order Date: Last Monday to This Friday.

22. Click (B) Find.

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Save the Query
U s
23. Put your cursor in the white, left side of the Order Organizer (T) Summary form.

24. Right Mouse click. When the menu displays, select the Save Query option.

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25. Name: XX-Bus.World Current Orders. Select the Public box and click (B) OK.

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26. Click on the Public folder icon to see your new saved query.

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Chapter 7 - Page 26
Look at Todays Orders

27. Double click on Today’s Orders

Look at the Orders

28. Double click on Search Results

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Look in the Personal Folder
29. Double click on Personal Folders O
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30. Close the Quick Order Organizer window.

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Chapter 7 - Page 28
Order Information Portal

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Order Information Portal
U s
The Order Information Portal consists of four tabs:
• Home: This is the default page that Order Information opens to. It displays recent orders,
recent deliveries and a What’s New section. The Home page can be customized.

• Order Status: This tab displays details about sales orders. Additionally, information about
n a
quality, pricing, shipping and invoicing is also available.
• Delivery: This tab displays delivery details.

te r
• Customer Service: This tab contains a Contact Us section where you can add contact
information about your company.

I n
The Order Information Portal allows both internal and external user access. View for the external

c l e
user is secured by Customer, which you can assign. Users can be assigned in the Define users
window in System Administration responsibility in Oracle Applications. A user without an

r a
assigned customer is treated as an internal customer.
Throughout the Order Information Portal, you can use either a simple search or an advanced
search to look for information. The Advanced Search button is available on all the pages and
when you click it, the Advanced Search page opens, enabling you to enter more criteria.

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Chapter 7 - Page 29
Order Status Information

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Order Status Information
U s
The Order Status tab is central to the Order Information Portal. It not only enables you to view
sales order information, but additional information like pricing, invoicing, quality etc. The
Order Status tab consists of a simple search region and an advanced search button to help you
search for sales order and related information.

l &
The simple search criteria are: Customer Name, Customer Purchase Order, or Sales Order
Number. The advanced search criteria are: Sales Order, Delivery Number, Customer PO,
te r
Customer Name and Ship To. Additional advanced search criteria are: Order Date Between,
Order Date To, Requested Ship Date Between, Requested Ship Date To. The Search Results

I n
window populates with the rows matching the criteria. Some of the headers of the search
results window are links – if you click on them, they will sort the rows in ascending or

descending order.

c e
The search results output is called the Sales Order Summary and displays the basic order

r a
information. The additional information is classified into four broad sections: General,
Shipping, Billing and Item Information. Under the General section, two links are provided to
view Quality Plan and Invoice Information. Under the Shipping section, the View Delivery
Summary and View Line Details links are used to display further delivery and line information.
Under the Billing section, the Pricing link displays more pricing information.
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Chapter 7 - Page 30
Delivery Information

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Delivery Information
U s
Like the Order Status tab, the Delivery tab also enables you to perform a simple or an advanced
search to view delivery-related information and when items ship. The simple search criteria are:
Delivery Number, Customer Purchase Order Number, or Sales Order Number. The advanced

l &
search criteria include: Planned Ship Date (From and To), Actual Ship Date (From and To),
Planned Arrival Date (From and To) and Actual Arrival Date (From and To). The search results

window displays the following information about deliveries: Delivery Number, Planned Ship
te r
Date, Actual Ship Date, Freight Carrier, Waybill etc. When you click a Delivery Number, you
can drill down to the detailed delivery information. The Delivery Details page consists of the
Shipping Information and Delivery Lines sections that contain more information about the
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Credit Management
Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - Page 1
Credit Management

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Credit Management
Chapter 8 - Page 4
Set Up Oracle Credit Management

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Set Up Oracle Credit Management
U s
Credit policies are uniquely identified by the type of credit reviews that you perform at your
enterprise, as well as by the credit relationships that you have with your customers and
prospects. These two dimensions, known as the credit review type and credit classification,

To set up Credit Management, you must:

l &
constitute the foundation upon which Oracle Credit Management is based.

• Define credit analysts

n a
te r
• Assign credit analysts to accounts
• Define Credit Management lookups

I n
• Define Credit Management system options

l e
• Define scoring models

• Assign automation rules (optional)

r a
• Define checklists

• Verify usage rules
• Define the credit hierarchy for your customers and prospects

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Chapter 8 - Page 5
Define Credit Analysts

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Define Credit Analysts
U s
Before you can define credit analysts in Resource Manager, you must first define them as
employees in Oracle Human Resources Management System (HRMS). Later, when you are
ready to define your credit analysts, you import employees from HRMS into Resource
Manager and assign roles.

l &
After you define a credit analyst, you can modify any of the analyst’s information, except the
employee and user names.
n a
to setup functionality.
te r
Note: You can assign the credit manager role to a credit analyst. A credit manager has access

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Chapter 8 - Page 6
Assign Credit Analyst to Accounts

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Assign Credit Analyst to Accounts
U s
To assign a credit analyst to a customer or account, you update the assigned profile class. If the
applicant does not have an assigned credit analyst, or is a prospect, then any credit review for
that applicant is routed to the Credit Scheduler for analyst assignment

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Chapter 8 - Page 7
Define Lookups

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Define Lookups
U s
For example, to identify an applicant’s potential credit risk, you must select a credit
classification, if not previously assigned, when entering a credit application. The credit
classification describes the type of credit relationship that you have with the applicant.

l &
Credit Management provides you with High Risk, Low Risk, and Moderate Risk, but you can
optionally define new credit classifications to fit your business needs.

n a
You use the Oracle Receivables Lookups window to define any additional lookups that you

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Chapter 8 - Page 8
Define System Options

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Chapter 8 - Page 9
Define Scoring Models

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Define Scoring Models
U s
A scoring model consists of a group of data points, with scored ranges and a relative weighting
factor for each data point. During a credit analysis, Credit Management calculates a score from
0 to 100, with 0 representing the most risk and 100 representing the least risk.

l &
The View Scoring Models page displays a table of all existing scoring models. You can view
and update the scoring models by clicking the respective inline icons, or you can define a new
scoring model.
n a
te r
You can assign a default scoring model to a credit checklist. Alternatively, you can generate
various “what–if” scenarios during a credit review by selecting different scoring models from
the case folder.
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Credit Management
Chapter 8 - Page 10
Assign Automation Rules

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Assign Automation Rules
U s
Automation rules base credit decisions upon the credit score that the assigned scoring model
calculates. For each automation rule, you define recommendations for a related credit score
range. For example, if the credit score is below 50, you might want to automatically reject a
credit request.

l &
The Automation Rules page provides you with an overview of all scoring models for which a
set of automation rules is defined. You can view and update existing sets of automation rules
Note: This step is optional.
te r
by clicking the respective inline icons, or you can create a new set.

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Credit Management
Chapter 8 - Page 11
Credit Checklist

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Credit Checklist
U s
For example, when a high risk customer seeks to increase its credit limit with your enterprise,
your credit policies might dictate a conservative approach until this customer relationship is
more established. In this scenario, you would use a conservative checklist to determine whether

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to grant additional credit and what the credit limit should be.
The flexible setup procedures that follow reflect Oracle Credit Management’s ability to meet
the demands of your enterprise’s particular credit policies.
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Chapter 8 - Page 12
Credit Usage Rule Sets

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Verify Credit Usage Rule Sets
U s
For example, if a customer is assigned the Default profile class with a credit usage rule set that
includes USD, EUR, and CAD, then any transactions of those currencies are included in that
customer’s case folder for data points such as Count of Open Invoices or Amount of Open

l &
In Oracle Order Management, credit usage rule sets define the set of currencies that will share
a predefined credit limit during the credit checking process, and enable the grouping currencies
for global credit checking.

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Credit Management
Chapter 8 - Page 13
Define Credit Hierarchies

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Define Credit Hierarchies
U s
To provide global credit limits that are shared by some or all entities within a complex,
multinational organization, you can define credit relationships between parties using Oracle
Trading Community Architecture Relationship Manager.
l &
You can define a credit hierarchy of parties, party relationships, hierarchy levels, accounts, and
account sites. Typically, the party object and party subject in a credit relationship represent a
parent and child, or HQ and division hierarchy. For each entity in the hierarchy, you can view
te r
credit information, such as credit hold status, credit limits by currency, and credit review cycle.
Using Relationship Manager, you assign to your entities an existing relationship type, such as

I n
Global Ultimate, or your own user–defined Credit Management relationship type. You then
link the relationships to Credit Management by assigning the relationship type to the AR:

l e
Credit Hierarchy Type profile option. When you conduct a credit review for an entity that has

hierarchical relationships, Credit Management consolidates and displays all data for the entire

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Credit Management
Chapter 8 - Page 14
Define Customer Profile Classes

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Define Customer Profile Classes
U s
You can also define amount limits for your finance charges, dunning, and statements for each
currency in which you do business. Define your standard customer profiles in the Customer
Profile Classes window. These profiles contain generic options you can use to group your
customers into broad categories.

l &
For example, you might define three categories: one for prompt paying customers; one for late
paying customers with high finance charge rates; and a third for customers who mostly pay on
te r
time, with discount incentives for early payment.
You can also use the profile class “DEFAULT,” which Oracle Receivables provides.

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Credit Management
Chapter 8 - Page 15
Customer Profile Classes: Credit Profile Tab

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Credit Profile Tab in Customer Profile Classes form
U s
Periodic Review Cycle
• Defines the frequency of automatic reviews for a customer. A I
Note: Eligible reviews are processed via the Periodic Review Cycle concurrent program.
Credit Analysis
l &
• The credit analysis automatically is assigned to all parties, accounts, and sites which have

this profile class.
Credit Tolerance
te r
I n
• The percentage upon which credit exposure is exceeded before an order will be placed on
credit holds. Credit holds automatically submit a credit request.

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Credit Management
Chapter 8 - Page 16
Use Customers-Standard

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Customers-Standard Window
U s
address level take precedence over those set at the customer level. A I
If a profile is assigned to a customer and an address of the same customer, the options set at the

For statement site and dunning site profile amounts, however, Receivables uses the options at

option to Yes.
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the address level only if you set the AR: Use Statement Site & Dunning Site Profiles profile

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Credit Management
Chapter 8 - Page 18
Process Credit Reviews

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Credit Review Process
U s
During the credit review, the Credit Management Application workflow manages the process
flow of credit data collection and analysis, as well as the implementation of credit decisions. In
addition, Credit Management provides various tools that you can use to determine if your
credit policies are effective.

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Credit Management
Chapter 8 - Page 19
Initiate a Credit Review

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Initiate a Credit Review
U s
For example, if a sales order is put on credit hold, then the credit hold process in Oracle Order
Management passes this information to the Credit Review Request API, which automatically
initiates a credit review. Other events, such as a quarterly review, can also trigger a credit

l &
Note: You can also use the Credit Review Request API to initiate a credit review from a non–
Oracle system.
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Credit Management
Chapter 8 - Page 20
Collecting Credit Data

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Collecting Credit Data
U s
The credit checklist indicates which data points are required for different types of credit
analyses and decisions, and can optionally indicate which scoring model will be used for the
review. In this way, the checklist enforces your enterprise’s credit policies.

l &
If the checklist identifies required data points that already exist within Oracle Applications or
are calculable, such as available credit, aging, and so on, then Credit Management
automatically inserts that information directly into the credit application and case folder. If the
te r
checklist requires data points that must be manually supplied, such as bank and trade
references, then a credit analyst must enter the required data into the credit application or case
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Chapter 8 - Page 21
Analyzing Credit Data

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Analyzing Credit Data
U s
The Credit Analysis data pages comprise the universe of data points for the applicant. The
Credit Analysis data pages that are available off of the Analysis tab include:
• Credit Analysis: Case Folder O
• Credit Analysis: Credit Summary
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• Credit Analysis: Billing and Payment Details

• Credit Analysis: Aging Details

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Credit Management
Chapter 8 - Page 22
Making a Recommendation

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Making a Recommendation
U s
Generally, a recommendation is specific to the type of review that was just concluded. For
example, a credit review that an order hold originally initiated would most likely result in a
recommendation to:
from hold.
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• Increase the credit limit to accommodate the amount of the order and remove the order

n a
• Deny the request for an increase in the credit limit and leave the order on hold.

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Chapter 8 - Page 23
Implementing the Recommendation

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Implementing the Recommendation
U s
approved it. A I
Receivables automatically implements the recommendation after all required parties have

For example, if the recommendation indicates that the order should be removed from credit

l &
hold, then the workflow will call the Remove Credit Hold API and pass the necessary
information, such as order ID, account ID, and so on, to initiate the process.

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Credit Management
Chapter 8 - Page 25
Credit Management Application Workflow

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Credit Management Application Workflow
U s
For each credit review, the workflow checks the automation rules that you previously defined:
• If the credit review is automated, then the workflow attempts to automatically make and
implement credit decisions without user intervention. O
• If the workflow stops due to conditions such as missing data, then the workflow routes
n a
notifications to the appropriate credit analyst for resolution.
• If a credit analyst was never assigned because the credit review was automated, then the

te r
workflow notifies the user with the Credit Scheduler responsibility that a credit analyst
must be assigned. The Credit Scheduler can select the credit analyst to be assigned from

I n
the List of Values. The assigned credit analyst then receives a notification that they have
a credit request in their queue.

l e
• If the credit review is not automated, then the workflow assigns the credit review to the
r a
appropriate credit analyst and notifies the analyst about the assignment.
• With unautomated credit reviews, credit analysts make recommendations, such as

O increasing or decreasing the credit limit, after performing the credit analysis.

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Credit Management
Chapter 8 - Page 26
Oracle Approvals Management (AME)

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Oracle Approvals Management (AME)
U s
manages the approvals for that application’s transactions. A I
Once you define the rules for a given application, the Oracle Approvals Management Engine

If approval is required, then the workflow routes notifications according to the approval
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n a
• If the recommendation is approved by the appropriate personnel, then the workflow
automatically implements the decision.

te r
• If the recommendation is rejected as it is routed through the approval hierarchy, then the
workflow sends notifications to the appropriate personnel and updates the case folder.

I n
If a credit analyst cannot be identified, then the workflow notifies the person assigned to the

l e
Credit Scheduler role that a credit analyst assignment is required. The Credit Scheduler is a
role used in Credit Management to assign credit tasks to credit analysts.
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Credit Management
Chapter 8 - Page 28
Review Credit Management Performance

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Review Credit Management Performance
U s
On the Performance tab, you can access simple views into the workload and effectiveness of
the checklists and scoring models that you have set up and used in credit reviews, including:
• Credit Workload Quick Check O
• Top 10 Customer Credit Exposure
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• Customer Trends (Pay Trend)

n a
• Checklist Usage by Month

te r
• Scoring Model Usage by Month

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Credit Management
Chapter 8 - Page 30
Define Credit Hierarchies

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Use Relationship Manager
U s
Relationship Manager, you can: A I
Relationship Manager lets you easily build, view, and edit relationships between entities. Using

• View a single party and all its relationships O

• Create new relationships and edit existing relationships
• Focus on a particular portion of a hierarchy and edit the hierarchical structure

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Credit Management
Chapter 8 - Page 31
Identify a Credit Hierarchy

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Use Relationship Manager
U s
Using Relationship Manager, you assign to your entities an existing relationship type, such as
Global Ultimate, or your own user–defined Credit Management relationship type. You then
link the relationships to Credit Management by assigning the relationship type to the AR:
Credit Hierarchy Type profile option.

l &
When you conduct a credit review for an entity that has hierarchical relationships, Credit
Management consolidates and displays all data for the entire hierarchy.
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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 1
Overview of Pricing

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 2

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 3

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 4
Order to Cash Lifecycle

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 5
Overview of Pricing in the Order to Cash Process

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Overview of Pricing in the Order to Cash Process
U s
The ordering process leads to:
• Shipping of goods A I
• Invoicing of customer O
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• Receipt of cash and reconciling of the bank statement

In Order Management the pricing engine prices the items after the order is entered or booked

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(depending on the pricing setup). Once the order is booked, it proceeds through the workflow
process. If it is a shipping item and the quantities are available, the order is processed by
Shipping Execution. During shipping, the freight and special charges can be calculated and the

I n
price of the item is adjusted accordingly.

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 6
Overview of Pricing Integration

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Overview of Pricing Integration
U s
The following products use Oracle Pricing setup and engine processing:
• Complex MRO A I
• Core Contracts O
• Demand Planning
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• Financial Services

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• Inter-company transactions
• Logistics
te r
• Marketing
• Order Capture/Quoting n
c l
• Order Management e
r a
• Procurement
• Sales for Communications
• Service Contracts
• Service Core (Via Order Management)

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Chapter 9 - Page 7
• Service for Communications
• Trade Management
The following products use Oracle Pricing engine processing only:
• iStore
• TeleSales
• Sales Online

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 8
Overview of Pricing Concepts

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Overview of Pricing Concepts
U s
The pricing engine determines the selling price for products and services. It provides the final
selling price after retrieving the initial price from the price list or customer agreement. If this
order qualifies for any increases or decreases from the initial price, adjustments called
modifiers are applied to the price.

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 9
Overview of Pricing Concepts

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Overview of Pricing Concepts
U s
When the sales order is entered, the pricing engine is called and reads the relevant price list or
pricing agreement. The appropriate modifiers are then applied to the base price and the final
selling price is sent to the sales order line or the calling application. The Adjustments window

displays the original price, applied modifiers, and the final price.

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 10
Overview of the Pricing Engine

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Overview of the Pricing Engine
U s
The pricing engine works through open APIs to provide the pricing results to the calling
application. It consists of a search engine and a calculation engine. From the pricing request,
the pricing engine evaluates the appropriate modifiers and price lists, resolves incompatibility

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issues, retrieves the list price, and calculates the unit selling price and adjustments. The search
engine receives pricing information from entities like price lists, modifiers, qualifiers,
formulas, products and pricing attributes.
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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 11
Overview of Pricing Security

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Overview of Pricing Security
U s
In Oracle Applications, the basic level of security called functional security is implemented to
control users’ access to different windows, controls, and reports in the application.
Additionally, Oracle Pricing has its own security setup called pricing security that works along

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with functional security to provide a secure environment where the user can view, update, or
add pricing entities within a framework of authorizations and permissions. Pricing entities are

price lists, modifiers, and agreements. You can set up pricing security if you have the Oracle
te r
Pricing Administrator responsibility.
Using pricing security, you can assign pricing entities to operating units, assign privileges, and

set security rules for pricing entities.
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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 12
Overview of Price Lists

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Overview of Price Lists
U s
A price list is useful for maintaining the prices and other pricing details of products and
services. It serves as a repository of items with their related pricing details. You can call up a
price list and add/edit/delete related items and item categories. You can also use the price list to

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define attributes for the products, which will then determine the pricing action.
An item should have a price when it is entered on a sales order line. Once the pricing engine
populates the Unit Price field by deriving the price from the appropriate price list, the order can
be booked.

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The header region of the price list consists of fields to store the price list name, the effective

I n
dates of the price list, currency, multi-currency conversion, pricing controls, rounding factor
and shipping defaults like freight terms and freight carriers.

l e
You can enter one or more pricing lines to the price list. However you may add only one
secondary price list. Pricing attributes can also be used to determine the price in the price list.

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 13
Overview of Price Lists

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Overview of Price Lists
U s
You can create as many price lists as needed by entering the information or copying existing
price lists. The price lists can be modified to include new items or groups of items. The list
price of the price list lines can be increased or decreased by either an amount or a percentage.

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 14
Overview of Pricing Agreements

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Overview of Pricing Agreements
U s
Oracle Pricing enables you to establish agreements with your customers, where you can define
prices, payment terms, and freight terms for items. Two types of agreements can be created:
Standard Agreements or Pricing Agreements.
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• Standard Agreements use standard price lists. Standard Agreements can be generic or
specific to a customer or customer family.

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• Pricing Agreements use Agreement Price Lists. These price lists are set up and

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maintained through the Agreements window. Special terms and conditions can also be
specified in the Pricing Agreement which can then be defaulted in the sales order.

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 15
Overview of Formulas

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Overview of Formulas
U s
You can define prices as constant values or create formulas to provide pricing flexibility and
the ability to carry out complex computations. Some of the formulas that are created are based
on the following formula component types:
• Factor List – You can apply different factor values for varying item attributes
• Numeric Constant – Numeric value

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• Pricing Context – Grouping of pricing attributes, of which a maximum of 100 can be

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incorporated in the formula
• Product Context – which contains only one attribute, item

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You can create formulas in the Pricing Formulas window.

l e
Oracle Pricing provides seeded formulas, such as the Freight and Special Charges Formulas

which includes the Cost to Charge Conversion formula and Cost to Charge Markup formula.

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These formulas carry out the process of converting freight costs to freight charges.

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 16
Overview of Qualifiers

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Overview of Qualifiers
U s
A qualifier defines eligibility rules for modifiers and price lists.
A qualifier can be a customer name, a customer class, an order type, or an order amount that
can span orders. O
Though a qualifier may be set up independently, it comes into effect only when linked to a
n a
modifier or a price list. Thus, the modifier that is set up and linked to a qualifier determines
who the price adjustment will affect as well as the amount that will change.

te r
You can create qualifier groups to apply individual qualifiers as a set. When you group
qualifiers, they become a set, which allows for faster searching and setup.

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 17
Overview of Modifiers

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Overview of Modifiers
U s
Modifiers determine the adjustments made to the list price. These are dependant on various
business factors such as the type of adjustments to make, the level at which the adjustments are
made, how the modifiers are qualified, how they are applied, etc. You can create three modifier
list types in Oracle Pricing:
• Discount List
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• Surcharge List
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• Freight and Special Charges List
There are four modifier line types available in Oracle Pricing:
• Discount
I n
• Surcharge

c l e
• Freight and Special Charges: Amount applied to the customer invoice for movement of a

r a
shipment to a destination

• Price Break: Only point price breaks are allowed in Basic Pricing modifiers. For
example, the following pricing decisions are:
If Item Quantity = 1-50, then discount = 5%

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 18
If Item Quantity = 51-100, then discount = 7%
If Item Quantity is between 101 and 99999999999, then discount = 10%.
So if the ordered item quantity is 110, then the discount applicable is 10%.
Modifier controls are of the following types:
Pricing Event is a time in the process flow of the calling application at which it makes a call to
the pricing engine (analogous to an Oracle Workflow event); for example, Book Order in
Order Management.
Pricing Phase is a user-defined group of modifiers that the search engine considers together
when applying them to pricing requests, for example, Phase 1: Line Adjustments.
Incompatibility: In any given level within the same phase, the system only allows one modifier
to be selected. The pricing engine may retrieve more than one modifier that meets the calling
request and can be applied. There are three methods to resolve incompatibilities within the
modifiers that the pricing engine retrieves:
• Precedence
• Best price
• Exclusivity
Incompatibility Level: Each modifier has an incompatibility level. If there is more than one
modifier line with the same incompatibility level, the pricing engine selects the one with the
highest precedence. If there is more than one modifier with the highest precedence in an
incompatibility level, the pricing engine selects the modifier that provides the best benefit to
the customer.

l y
In Basic Pricing, users cannot add additional phases or events, and incompatibility level and
buckets are defaulted.
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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 19
Overview of Contexts and Attributes

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Overview of Contexts and Attributes
U s
There are three types of Pricing Contexts or groups in Basic Pricing:
• Product A I
• Pricing O
• Qualifier
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Attributes are fields in the Standard or Quick Sales Orders window that can be used to

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determine the price of an item. A context is comprised of a grouping of attributes. However,
the product context type has only one context – item.

I n
Through Attribute Management, the Pricing Engine evaluates all the values defined in the
qualifier and pricing attributes.

l e
Basic Pricing allows the creation and linking of only Pricing contexts with a maximum of 100

attributes or less.

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 20
Overview of Freight and Special Charges Modifiers

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Overview of Freight and Special Charges
U s
Freight and Special Charges are applied to the customer’s invoice, charging for the movement
of goods from the supplier to the destination. Freight and Special Charges can be applied to the
order as a whole or to individual order lines. Costs that are associated with the shipment of

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goods can be entered in the Sales Orders window or the Shipping Transaction window. Freight
charges can be automatically derived from the freight cost. The freight charge represents the

amount charged to the customer receiving the shipment. The freight charge can be equivalent
to the freight cost or to a greater amount, for example, freight cost plus a markup.

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 21
Overview of Basic vs. Advanced Pricing

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Overview of Basic vs. Advanced Pricing
U s
Oracle offers two levels of pricing functionality: Basic and the separate enhanced product,
Advanced Pricing. While both levels of functionality share some similarities, the licensed
Advanced Pricing application extends the ability to adjust pricing.
Price Lists
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The creation of price lists within both levels carries many of the same elements. Both are able
to add items to, and copy price lists. However, as you implement Advanced Pricing, the ability

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to use Qualifiers, Pricing Attributes, and Secondary Price Lists becomes extended from only
allowing the default or one context element in Basic, to an unlimited number of values being
Agreements I n
l e
The use of Agreements is the same for both Basic and Advanced Pricing. They are both able
Formulas a
to identify customer items, create price lists, use versioning, and define price breaks.

Both Basic and Advanced Pricing allow Static Formulas, while only Advanced Pricing allows
the use of Dynamic Formulas.

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 22
While both basic and Advanced Pricing have the ability to execute Discounts, Surcharges,
Freight Charges, and point-based price breaks, Advanced Pricing extends this functionality
greatly. Advanced Pricing also allows price modifications via Coupons, Terms Substitution,
Promotions, Item Upgrades, and Other Items discounts. Additionally, Advanced Pricing
allows you to implement adjustment functionality that will change the list price used for the
adjustment; affect the timing of when the adjusting activity will occur; and enable you to
define rules affecting which adjustments may be used at the same time. In Advanced Pricing,
you can also flag discounts as exclusive, which implies that only that discount will be eligible
and no others.
Note: Additionally, Advanced Pricing enables you to derive prices from external sources. For
further information on the Advanced Pricing functionality, please refer to the Advanced
Pricing User and Implementation Manuals.

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 23

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Overview of Pricing
Chapter 9 - Page 24
Basic Pricing
Chapter 10

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 1
Basic Pricing

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 2

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 3

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 4
Pricing Security Overview

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Pricing Security Overview
U s
The following terms are used in pricing security:
• Pricing entity: can be a price list, modifier, or agreement. A I
• Entity type: a type of pricing entity like a Pricing Agreement, Standard Price List etc.

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• Entity usage: grants the entity’s usage to one or all operating units so it can be
used during pricing engine calls.

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• Global Usage: when this is enabled for a pricing entity, the entity can be used across all
operating units. When this is set to No, then the usage of the pricing entity is restricted to

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the operating unit that created it. However if the global usage as well as the operating unit
are specified, then global usage takes precedence.

• Grantee: the user who is granted permission to view or maintain a pricing entity

• Grantee Type: the level at which privileges are granted:

r - Globala
O - Operating Unit
• Access Level: is of two kinds – View-Only and Maintain access given to a grantee for a
pricing entity.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 5
Security Implementation Steps

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 6
Security Implementation Steps – Mapping Security Requirements

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Security Implementation Steps – Mapping Security Requirements
U s
All pricing entities are first identified and then mapped to different grantee types according to
the requirements. For example, a pricing agreement can be mapped to an operating unit so that
all users of that operating unit only can view and maintain the pricing agreement.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 7
Security Implementation Steps – Assigning Pricing Entities to an
Operating Unit

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Security Implementation Steps – Assigning Pricing Entities to Operating Units

There are two scenarios where you can assign pricing entities to operating units: before
implementing Pricing Security and after implementing Pricing Security.

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Pricing entities that have been created before implementing Pricing Security normally would

n a
not have operating units assigned to them. In such a situation, the Pricing Administrator can
assign ownership of pricing entities to the appropriate operating unit. Also the Global Usage

te r
option can be used to enable or disable the use of the pricing entity across operating units.
After Pricing Security is implemented, a Global box is added to the header of the price list or

I n
modifier entity. Though the Global check box is selected by default, the user can clear this to

restrict the entity to the user’s operating unit. Also all pricing entities that have been created
after implementing Pricing Security have a unique system-generated Operating Unit identifier
assigned to them. When querying newly-created pricing entities in the Pricing Security pages,

r a
the operating unit ownership is displayed in the Owned By Operating Unit field.

Assign Global Usage or owned by Operating Units to multiple pricing entities collectively
using the Bulk Update Entity Usage button on the Entity Usage page.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 8
Security Implementation Steps – Creating Privileges

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Security Implementation Steps – Creating Privileges
U s
Responsibility, and User. A I
You can grant privileges to different grantee types such as Global, Operating Unit,

After the mapping of security requirements, it is necessary to give the privileges to the pricing

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entities. This implies that you can define rules for a pricing entity that will restrict a specific
user or group of users to accessing entities for a specific customer, group of customers or a
specified customer hierarchy level.
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You can assign privileges using the following privileges pages:
• Privileges page – the default page to assign privileges

I n
• Express Create Privileges page – to assign privileges to a specific pricing entity

c le
• Bulk Create Privileges page – to assign privileges to multiple entities collectively
In case a user has multiple privileges, it is always the Maintain privilege that will take

r a
precedence. For example, if a user has Maintain access at his operating unit level, but has a
view-only access at his user level, the Maintain access privilege will have precedence.
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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 9
Security Implementation Steps – Setting up Default Security
Profile Options

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Security Implementation Steps – Setting up Default Security Profile Options I
• QP: Security Default ViewOnly Privilege: This is applicable for newly created pricing
entities. This profile option enables you to set the view-only privileges at one of the

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following grantee levels: Global (Default), Operating Unit, Responsibility, User, or
None. This controls which users can view newly-created price lists and modifiers.

n a
• QP: Security Default Maintain Privilege: This is applicable for newly created pricing

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entities. For example, if the profile option is set to Operating Unit, then the maintain
privileges for that price list or modifier are restricted to the pricing users of the operating

I n
unit where the price list or modifier was created. This profile option enables you to set
maintain privileges at one of the following levels: Global (Default), Operating Unit,

Responsibility, User, or None.
• For already existing pricing entities, the Privileges window should be used to change the

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access privileges.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 10
Security Implementation Steps – Turning Security On

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Security Implementation Steps – Turning Security On
U s
steps have been completed: A I
Before turning the profile option QP: Security Control on, you must ensure that the following

• Mapping of security requirements O

• Assignment of an operating unit owner for existing pricing entities
• Granting privileges

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If these steps are not completed, then users will not be able to use any pricing entities. Once
Pricing Security is activated, it should not be turned off.

I n
When the profile option QP: Security Control is set to ON, the Global box is dynamically
added to the headers of all price lists and modifiers. Though this box is visible to all, it can be

c le
cleared or selected only by users with Maintain privileges.
Before the profile option is turned on, it is essential that the pricing entities are assigned to an

r a
operating unit. After the profile is turned on, a newly created pricing entity gets assigned the
creating operating unit automatically.
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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 11
Security Features and impact on Forms/Windows

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Security Features and impact on Forms/Windows
U s
• Changes made to existing Pricing windows: When pricing security is turned on, a Global
box appears on the pricing windows, enabling you to decide if the pricing entity is to be
available across all operating units.
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• Changes to price lists: A price list that has Global box checked is accessible to all
operating units, even though it may be assigned to a specific operating unit. If a price list
is copied, it is assigned the default privileges from the pricing security options.
te r
• Changes to Modifier windows: A modifier with Global Usage assigned to it is accessible
to all operating units, even though it may be assigned to a specific operating unit. After

I n
pricing security is turned on, the default view and maintain properties for modifiers are
determined by the pricing security profile options.

• Changes to Order Management: All list of values (LOV) for price lists in Oracle Order
Management will call the Pricing API, Get_Pricelists(), to return a list of valid price lists.

r a
The API returns the price lists owned by the same operating unit as the operating unit of

O the current user and those price lists where the Global box is selected.

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Chapter 10 - Page 12

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 13
Price List Creation

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 14
Price List Header

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Price List Header
U s
responsibility. A I
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) or Oracle Pricing Manager

(N) Pricing > Price Lists > Price List Setup O

The Pricing Engine requires that all Items, Services, Models, Option Classes, and Options
n a
should be selected and displayed on the price list.
You will need to set up a price list for each Currency you use. The Pricing Engine will only

te r
consider price lists that share the same currency as the Pricing Request. Therefore a sales order
placed in Yen will have to utilize a Yen based price list.

I n
There is a Round to field in Price List window. This field controls the rounding factor.

Entering a positive number affects positions to the left of the decimal. Entering a negative
number affects positions to the right of the decimal. Example –2 would round to the second
r a
decimal point. The type of currency – standard or extended – which has to be defaulted on the
price list is determined by the Profile Option: QP: UNIT_PRICE_PRECISION_TYPE.

Secondary Price Lists
As with other areas of pricing, the Basic Pricing license controls available functionality to the
user. Basic Pricing allows one Secondary price list. A secondary price list allows the pricing

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 15
engine to look at more that one price list to determine the value of the sales order line. The
Pricing engine will look to the Secondary Price list if the requesting item and unit of measure is
not on the Primary Price list. A secondary price list is a price list you have defined previously.
Any price list has the ability to be used as a secondary price list.
Price Lists and Sales Order Defaults
Fields such as Payment Terms, Freight Terms, and Freight Carrier are available on the Price
List form. By defining the Order Management defaulting rules to use these fields from the
Price List window, you are able to default values directly into the sales order based upon which
price list has been selected for the order. For more information on Defaulting Rules, see the
Order Management User’s Guide.
Note: Price Lists cannot be deleted, however a price list is made valid or invalid with the use of
its effective dates. Alternatively, selecting or deselecting the Active box also temporarily or
permanently makes the price list available or unavailable for use.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 16
Price List Line

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Price List Line
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Pricing > Price Lists > Price List Setup (T) List Line A I
The Product Attribute enables you to enter one price per Item number, one price per Item
Category, or one price for All Items. If you have entered all three prices on a Price List, the
Item Category’s over All Items.
n a
Pricing Engine will always select the Item Number’s price over the Item Category’s and the

te r
The List line UOM is a required element of the validation process. The Pricing request is for an
Item/UOM and only price lists that have the same item and unit of measure will be considered.

I n
If you have the Primary UOM checked and you enter an item/unit of measure combination on

a sales order that is not on a Price list, the Pricing engine converts the unit of measure on the
order to the item’s primary UOM and then uses the UOM conversions to calculate the unit

r a
Example: Price List setup: BB-2200, $6.00 each, Primary UOM is selected. Sales Order

request: BB-2200 1 dozen. Result: 12*6.00 = $72.00 unit price.
You can use the Precedence column to specify a number. This number is taken into
consideration when comparing lines that are similar (i.e. the same price for the same item). A

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 17
price list line with a lower value in the Precedence column will have a higher precedence – the
price from the line will be used by the pricing engine first to price the line.
You can select product, pricing and qualifier contexts in the price list and choose the
corresponding attributes that you want to determine the pricing action. The product context
contains only one context type – Item. The pricing context contains all the pricing attributes
that have been created and linked through the Attribute Management windows. The qualifier
context allows you to link your customer hierarchy to the pricing action and ensure that the
customer attributes also play a part in determining pricing of the item.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 18
Price List Line (contd.)

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Price List Line (contd.)
U s
You can enter an absolute value that represents the unit price of your List line item. For service
program items you have a choice of pricing methods. You can enter an absolute value that
represents the unit price of your service program or you can enter a percentage value that

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represents the percentage of another item’s price. When you are selling a service program on a
sales order you are prompted for the item that the service program will cover. The Pricing

Engine finds the price of the covered item and calculates the price of the service program by
te r
multiplying the percent times the item’s unit price. It then takes that amount times the duration
of the coverage. Example of percent of other price:
Price List setup:
I n
• Service Program’s item number is set up at 10% per year.

• Sales Order request: Customer purchases 1 year’s worth of coverage for an Item which
sells for 1200.00.

r a
• The Pricing Engine calculates .10 * 1200 * 1 (year) = 120.00.

Formulas can be used to if you need an algebraic expression to calculate the selling price.
Basic pricing supports entering a formula name in the Static Formula field. Static Formulas

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 19
require that a concurrent program, Update Formula package, be run to populate the List Price
value prior to being used by the Pricing Engine.
The Price list supports both positive and negative values. This enables you to create an item
which represent a re-stocking fee. Enter this item on your price list with a negative value, then
enter this item on your Return order. When the Pricing Engine calculates the total value of the
return it will subtract the re-stocking fee thus lowering the value of the credit memo.
Start and End dates are respected by the Pricing Engine.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 20
Copy Price List

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Copy Price List
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Pricing > Price Lists > Copy Price List A I
Copying a Price List enables you to create a new price list without adding lines manually to the
price list. You are able to utilize controls within the Copy Price List window to determine
n a
which line items will be copied during the process.
One option is to include the copying of discounts (modifiers) when copying an existing price

te r
list. This option will create new modifiers for each existing modifier that has the original price
list as either a Modifier List Qualifier or a Modifier Line Qualifier. The new modifier’s name

I n
will be a concatenation of the original modifier plus a sequence number and the new price list
will have a Modifier List Qualifier.

When creating the new price list you can specify any applicable effective dates. As the Pricing
r a
Engine will not use the new price list until its Effective Date, this will allow you to create price
lists before they are required and used in the application.

Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 21
Guided Demonstration – Copy a Price List
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
(N) > Pricing > Price Lists > Copy Price List

1. In the Copy From region, enter Corporate in the Price List field.

2. Select the check box Include Discounts to copy discounts.

3. Select the check box Retain Effective Dates to copy the effective dates of price list lines. If
selected, Price List Lines that no longer have a current effective date will not be copied to
the new price list.

4. In the Copy to region, enter XX-New Corporate in the Price List field.

5. Enter a Description for the new price list.

6. Enter the beginning Effective Date of the new price list.

7. Click Submit. The request ID is displayed in the Request ID field.

8. Verify that the request completed normally by using (M) View > Requests. Enter your
request ID and then click (B) Find.
n l y
9. O
Verify that the new price list was created by using (N) Pricing > Price Lists > Price List

10. Use the flashlight to find XX-New Corporate.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 22
Practice - Copy Price List
In this practice you will learn how to create a new Price List by copying an existing price list.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• Replace XX with the number provided by your instructor or your initials.

• Use Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) or comparable Super
User Order Management responsibility.

1. Navigate to the Copy Price List window. Create a copy of the Corporate price list retaining
the effective dates and using the item category set to copy only items belonging to a
particular item category. Name the new price list XX-New Corporate.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 23
Solution - Copy Price List
Login to the database

1. Login to the application.

− User Name: operations
− Password: welcome

Select Responsibility

2. Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility is selected.

Copy Price List

3. (N) > Pricing > Price Lists > Copy Price List
− Copy From - Price List: Corporate

4. Item Category Set: Inv. Items

5. Item Category: Choose a category for which you know items exist

6. Retain Effective Dates: Selected

7. Copy To - Price List: XX-New Corporate

− Effective Dates: 2 months from the current date
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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 24
8. Click (B) Submit.

• Write your concurrent Request ID: ________________________________.

9. Click (M) View > Requests > (B) Find (using your request ID).

10. Verify that the concurrent request has completed normally. Then verify that a new price list
was created.

11. (N) > Pricing > Price Lists > Price List Setup

12. Click the flashlight icon to find XX-New Corporate price list.

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Chapter 10 - Page 25

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 26
Price List Maintenance - Overview

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 27
Manual Price List Updates

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Manual Price List Updates
U s
responsibility. A I
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) or Oracle Pricing Manager

(N) Pricing > Price Lists > Price List Setup (T) List Line O
To change existing Price Lists manually, navigate to the Price List Setup window and find the
price list to maintain.

You can add or update the following: a
te r
• Add or update Secondary Price List.

I n
• Add new list lines to existing Price Lists.
• Change list line values. Note: If you overwrite the existing value with a new one, the

previous data is not retained anywhere.

• Maintain Pricing History by manually entering an end date on the list line value that is

r a
being discontinued, then add a new line with the same item number and unit of measure
but with the new value. The new list line’s start date must be greater than the end date of
O the original line.
• The Pricing Engine always validates the Price List and List Line’s Effective Dates.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 28
Guided Demonstration – Manual Price List Update
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
(N) > Pricing > Price Lists > Price List Setup

1. Use the flashlight to find the XX-Base Prices price list.

2. Click on the List Line tab.

3. Use F11 to enter query mode and put your cursor in the Product Value field. Enter
AS18947 and use Ctrl + F11 to execute your query.

4. Scroll to the right and put an End Date of the last day of this month for this price list line.

5. Save your work.

6. Insert a new List line with the same item and UOM. Use a value of 1820 for the unit price
and give it a starting date of the first day of the next month.

7. Save your work.

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Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 29
Practice - Manual Price List Update
In this practice you will learn how to manually update a Price List.

• Find an existing Price List

• Enter and end date for current price

• Add a new line with a future effective date

• Change the Value of an existing line.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• Replace XX with the number provided by your instructor or your initials.

• Use Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) or comparable Super
User Order Management responsibility.
n l y
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U s
Navigate to the Price List Setup window. Find your XX-Base Prices price list. Put an end

date on the list line for item AS18947. Add a new line for the same item/uom with a future
start date and Unit Price of 1820. This preserves the pricing history of an item.

2. O
Change the selling price for item AS54888 to 1550 without maintaining the pricing history.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 30
Solution - Manual Price List Update
Login to the database

1. Login to the database.

• User Name: operations

• Password: welcome

Select Responsibility

2. Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility is selected.

End Date List Line

3. (N) > Pricing > Price Lists > Price List Setup

4. Use the Flashlight icon to select XX-Base Prices.

5. Click (T) List Lines.

− Use the query keys F11 and Ctrl-F11 to query for the item AS18947 in the Product
Value field in the List Lines region.
− Add an End Date to the item AS18947 to be a month from now.

n l y


Insert a new line.

e O
− Product Context: Item
− Product Attribute: Item Number
U s
− Product Value: AS18947
− UOM: Ea A I
− Line Type: Price List Line
− Start Date and End Date: in the future
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8. Application Method: Unit Price.
n a
− Value: 1820

(I) Save.
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Change Selling Price

c le
10. Query all rows: Ctrl + F11.

r a
11. Change the Value for AS54888 to 1550.

12. (I) Save.

Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 31
Adjust Price List

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Adjust Price List
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Pricing > Price Lists > Adjust Price List A I
Use the Adjust Price List program to mass update your price list values. Note that using the
Adjust Price List program to change values does not create a history record. You will not be
n a
able to recapture the old price. If you need to retrieve expired prices, do not use Adjust Price
List option. This option enables you to increase or decrease the current price by a percent or an
Elements you can update:
te r
I n
• Optionally adjust only a Range of Items.

c le
• Optionally adjust only an Item Category. Many companies adjust their Items’ selling
prices annually or when the product cost has drastically changed. This is often done by

r a
Product Family. If you set up an Item Category to represent the Product Family you can
quickly markup the subset of Price List Lines.

• Optionally adjust only Items with a specific Item Status.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 32
• Any time a new line is added to a price (manually, copy, or Add Items) the system
populates the Creation Date with the system date.
• Use the Creation Date to select only items that were added on a given date. This is very
helpful when you have used the Add Items to Price List program to add new items At
Cost. This enables you to markup the new items while leaving the older lines untouched.
• Use the Copy program to create as many price list as your business procedures support
and then Adjust the Price List Value by a Percent or an Amount.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 33
Guided Demonstration – Adjust Price List
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
(N) > Pricing > Price Lists > Adjust Price List

1. Use the Flashlight to select the XX-New Corporate price list.

2. Select Percent in the Adjust By field.

3. Enter 5 in the Value field.

4. Click (B) Submit.

5. The request ID is displayed in the Request ID field.

6. View Requests to validate that the process has completed normally.

7. (N) > Pricing > Price Lists > Price List Setup

8. Use the Flashlight to find XX-New Corporate. Check the line items to view the adjusted

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Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 34
Practice - Adjust Price List
In this practice you will learn how to perform a mass adjustment of a price list.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• Replace XX with the number provided by your instructor or your initials.

• Use Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) or comparable Super
User Order Management responsibility.

1. Navigate to the Adjust Price List window. Adjust the XX-New Corporate price list by 5%
for all items.

2. Review the price list to verify that the adjustment completed correctly.
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Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 35
Solution - Adjust Price List

1. Login to the database.

• User Name: operations

• Password: welcome

Choose Responsibility

Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility is selected.

Adjust Corporate Price List

2. (N) > Pricing > Price Lists > Adjust Price List
− Price List: XX-New Corporate.
− Adjust by: Percent.
− Value: 5.

Note: If the price list XX-New Corporate does not exist, you can create it by using the
option Pricing > Price List Setup.

3. Click (B) Submit.

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Chapter 10 - Page 36
− Write your Request ID: ____________________________________.

4. Click (M) View > Requests > (B) Find (all requests).
n l y
Validate that your concurrent request completed normally.
e O
5. (N) > Pricing > Price Lists > Price List Setup.

U s
6. Use the flashlight to find XX-New Corporate.

7. Click (T) List Lines.
Notice that the prices have been adjusted by an increase in 5%.
8. Close windows.
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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 37
Add Items to Price List

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Add Items to Price List
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Pricing > Price Lists > Add Items to Price List A I
The Add Items to Price List window enables you to quickly add items to an existing price list.
When using the Add Items to Price list functionality you can use a number of control attributes
n a
within the window to identify which items should be added to the list. These options include
addition by the range of item numbers, item category, and item status. Note that you can only

te r
add items from this window to one list at a time. To add all of the items that have a category of
Shippable to five different price lists, use the Add Items to Price List window five times, to

I n
add the Shippable category to each price list individually.
Using the Set Price Equal to Cost option, you can retrieve the current cost of the item by

selecting an inventory organization that stores item costs; the current cost retrieved is stored in
the same price list as the item.

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Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 38
Guided Demonstration - Add Items to New Price List
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
(N) > Pricing > Price Lists > Add Items to Price List

1. Select XX-Base Prices from the LOV.

2. Select the Item Category Set of Inv.Items.

3. Select an Item Status of Active.

4. Select the checkbox for adding items equal to cost using Seattle Manufacturing as the
Inventory Organization.

5. Click (B) Submit.

6. When the concurrent request has completed find your price list to see the results.

(N) > Pricing > Price Lists > Price List Setup

7. Use the Flashlight to find the Price list that was updated.

n l y
If the item has a zero unit price, it is because the item had no costs associated with it in

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 39
Add Items to Price List

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Add Items to Price List for Maintenance
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Pricing > Price Lists > Add Items to Price List A I
You can use the Add Items to Price List program to add Product Lines to existing price lists.
When new product lines are added to your inventory, assign unique Categories to them, so that
n a
you can add them to your existing Price Lists using the Add Items feature by Item Category.
If you are in an industry where your selling prices are set at a given Percent over cost, add your

markup the new items.

te r
items at cost with a Future Effective Start date; then use the Adjust Price List program to

I n
Note that the Add Items to Price List program does not overwrite any List Lines that have the

same Item Number and Unit of Measure as the Inventory Item Number and its Primary unit of
measure. This means that you cannot accidentally overwrite current valid values.
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Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 40
Practice - Add Items to a Price List
In this practice you will learn how to add items from inventory to an existing price list. Then
using Adjust List price you will adjust your price list prices.

• Add items to a price list

• Adjust all items prices

• View the results of all processes

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• Replace XX with the number provided by your instructor or your initials.

• Use Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) or comparable Super
User Order Management responsibility.
n l y
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1. Navigate to the Add Items to Price List window. Add Active Items from the Inv.Items

U s
Category Set to your XX-Base Prices price list. Set the list price equal to the Cost of the
items from the Seattle Manufacturing inventory organization.

Navigate to the Adjust Price List window. Mass adjust all items on your price list by 10
currency units.

3. Review your price list to see the changes.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 41
Solution - Add Items to a Price List
Login to the database

1. Login to the database.

• User Name: operations

• Password: welcome

Select Responsibility

2. Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility is selected.

Add Active Items

3. (N) > Pricing > Price Lists > Add Items to Price List
− XX-Base Prices.
− Item Status: Active.

Note: If the price list XX-Base Prices does not exist, create it without including any items
using the Pricing > Price List Setup option.

4. Check Set List Price Equal to Cost Checked.

n l y

Inventory Organization: Seattle Manufacturing.

Click (B) Submit.

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O Write your Concurrent Request ID. ________________________________.

Click (M) View > Requests > Specific Requests > Request ID > (B) Find.

Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 42
8. Confirm that your request completed normally.

Mass Adjust

9. (N) > Pricing > Price Lists > Adjust Price List
− Price List: XX-Base Prices.
− Adjust by: Amount
− Value: 10

10. Click (B) Submit.

n l y
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• U s
Write the Request ID: _____________________________________.

View Price List A I

11. (N) > Pricing > Price Lists > Price List Setup

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12. Use the flashlight to find XX-Base Prices.

n a
13. Click (T) List Lines.

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I n
14. Scroll to right to see the new prices.

15. Close windows.

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Chapter 10 - Page 43

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 44
Agreement Overview

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Agreements Overview
U s
You can set up two kinds of Agreements, Standard or Pricing:
• A Standard Agreement could have special Freight or Payment terms. You can associate
an existing Price List to a Standard Agreement. Optionally, you can create Discounts that

are qualified by the Agreement Name or Agreement Type.
n a
• A Pricing Agreement allows you to create a Price List as part of the Agreement setup.
The Agreement Price List has fields that are not on a regular Price List. These fields

te r
allow you to optionally enter Customer Item Numbers that have been created in
Inventory and cross referenced to an Internal Item Number.

I n
Agreements can be Generic or Customer Specific. If it is Generic then all customers are
eligible to use it. If it is Customer Specific then only the Customer Name entered on the

Agreement will be eligible.
r a
The Agreement Type has many functions. It can be used as a Qualifier for a Discount
(Modifier). It can be used by the Order Transaction Type to restrict a group of orders to only

allow Agreements of a specified Type. It can be used to group similar agreements for reporting

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 45
Besides restricting which Agreements a sales order can use, the Order Transaction Type can
also specify whether an Agreement is required to book a Sales Order.
Many of the fields entered on your Agreements can be used to default the appropriate data on
to a new sales order/line. Your agreement can default Customer PO, Freight Terms, Freight
carrier, payment terms, Salesperson, Invoicing Rules, and Accounting Rules.
By using the Revision number, Revision Date, and Revision Reason you can maintain a history
of all the changes to your Agreements.
Note: You can enter an agreement number of your choice, which you can then use to reference
a legal document given to your customer.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 46

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Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Pricing > Pricing Agreement A I
If you do not enter a Customer you are creating a Generic Agreement.

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Effective Dates are used by the Pricing Engine to ensure that only currently valid Agreements

n a
are used. The Effective dates are also used by the Revision Control logic.You cannot create a
new revision unless the current revision has an Effective end date.

te r
If you set the Price List Type to Agreement Price List you can create a price list as part of the
Agreement setup.

I n
If you set the Price List Type to Standard Price List you will be prompted to enter the name of

c le
an existing Price List.
Note: You cannot add items to a Standard Agreement as an existing price list is attached to it.

r a
In fact the items block will appear as read-only.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 47
Guided Demonstration – Agreement Price List
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
(N) > Pricing > Pricing Agreements

Note: You can create two kinds of agreements, Pricing and Standard. Pricing agreements
allow you to add agreement lines to define the agreement prices. A Standard agreement uses
a standard price list and will not allow addition or updation of agreement lines.

1. In the Agreement tabbed region, enter an agreement name in the Agreement Name field.

2. Enter an agreement number in the Agreement Number field.

3. Enter Business World in the Customer field. The customer number (1608) displays in the
Cust Number field. If you leave these fields blank, you are creating a generic agreement that
can be used by all customers.

4. Select an agreement type of Standard Terms and Conditions in the Agreement Type field.

5. Enter effectivity dates in the Effective Dates fields.

6. Enter a salesperson name in the Sales Person field.

n l y
7. Enter the signature date in the Signature Date field.

e O

Click on the Pricing tab.

Select the Agreement Price List type in the Price List Type field:
U s
existing list of values of Pricing Agreement Price List.
− For Pricing Agreements: You can create a new price list name or choose from an

− Enter a currency in the Currency field.

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− Enter a rounding factor of -2 in the Rounding Factor field.
− Enter a description for the price list in the Description field.

n a
te r
10. Enter a default freight carrier in the Freight carrier field.

11. Enter default freight terms in the Freight Terms field.

12. Click (T) Payment. I n

c le
13. Select a payment term from the List of Values in the Payment Terms field.

r a
14. In the Rules region, enter IMMEDIATE in the Accounting Rule field.
15. Enter ARREARS INVOICE in the Invoicing field.

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Chapter 10 - Page 48
16. To set the accounting rule override flag select the Accounting Rule check box.

17. To set the invoicing rule override flag select the Invoicing Rule check box.

18. At the bottom of the form, enter AS54888 in the Product Value field.

19. Enter Ea in the UOM field.

20. Select Unit Price in the Application Method field.

21. Select Price List Line in the Line Type field.

22. Enter 1450 in the Value field

23. Enter a new line for item AS54999 with the same UOM, Application Method and Line Type
and a price of 1500.

24. Enter the effectivity dates in Start Date and End Date. They should be within the effectivity
dates of the agreement.

25. Save your work.

26. Enter a Sales Order to test your work.

27. (N) > Orders, Returns > Sales Orders

Enter Business World (1608) in the Customer field.

n l y
Note: The next several steps are used to modify the order form to display the Agreement
number using folder tools to show the Agreement field.

28. Put your cursor on the Total field.

U s
29. Click (I) Folder Tools.
30. Click Show Fields. O
l &
31. Put your cursor on the Agreement field and click OK.

Note: Notice the Agreement number is displayed under the total field.

32. Select your agreement name from the LOV.
33. Click (T) Line Items.

34. Enter item AS54888 from your Agreement price list.
ONote that the price is retrieved from the Agreement price list.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 49
Practice - Agreement Price List
In this practice you will learn how to create an Agreement Price List

• Create an Agreement header

• Create Agreement pricing lines

• Use the new Agreement price list

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• Replace XX with the number provided by your instructor or your initials.

• Use Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) or comparable Super

User Order Management responsibility.

n l y
e O
Create a new customer agreement with Standard Terms and Conditions for Business World

of 1450 and AS54999 with a unit price of 1500. You may select any Payment Term,
U s
(Customer #1608) that has its own price list with pricing lines for AS54888 with a unit price

Accounting Rule, and Invoicing Rule that you want.

Enter a new Sales Order using your Agreement. You may need to use folder tools to show
the Agreement field on the Main tab of the Sales Order.

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Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 50
Solution - Agreement Price List
Login to the database

1. Login to the database.

• User Name: operations

• Password: welcome

2. Select Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility.

Create a customer agreement that has its own pricing lines

(N) > Pricing > Price Agreements

3. Enter the following information in the Agreement tab:

− Agreement Name: XX-Pricing Agreement.
− Agreement Number: 1
− Revision Date: todays date
− Customer: Business World (1608).
− Agreement Type: Standard Terms and Conditions.
− Effective Dates: enter todays date as the start date
− Signature Date: enter todays date
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4. Click (T) Pricing.
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5. Agreement Price List.
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6. Enter a Description.
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7. Accept defaults.
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8. O
Click (T) Payment.

9. Select Payment terms from the LOV.

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Chapter 10 - Page 52
10. Select Accounting Rule from the LOV.

11. Select Invoicing rule from the LOV.

12. Accept defaults.

13. Click in the Lines region.

14. Enter a line for AS54888 unit price 1450.

15. Enter a line for AS54999 with a unit price of 1500.

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16. Save.
Enter a new Sales Order using Agreement
(N) > Orders, Returns > Quick Sales Orders
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IMPORTANT: If you don’t see the Agreement field on the order header use the folder

te r
functionality to display the field.

I n
17. Customer: Business World (1608).

18. Customer PO: XX-012.

19. Agreement: XX Pricing Agreement.
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Chapter 10 - Page 53
Notice that the Price List was updated from the agreement.

20. Go to the Lines region and enter the following:

− AS54888 with a Qty of 1
− AS54999 with a Qty of 1

Note: The pricing engine uses the price from the Agreement price list.

21. Close windows.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 55
Formula Overview

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Formula Overview
U s
from the static formula. A I
Enter the formula name on the list line of the Price List for those items deriving their price

You must run the Update Formula Prices concurrent program after entering your Formula

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name in the Static Formula field of the price list. The concurrent request updates the formula,
making it usable in the price list. Additionally, a formula can be linked to a Freight and Special
Charges modifier when the modifier is created for the order header.
te r
With Basic Pricing you are restricted to three formula component types: Numeric Constant,
Pricing Attribute, and Factor List.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 56
Basic Pricing Formula

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Basic Pricing Formula
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Pricing > Pricing Formulas > Formulas Setup A I
When using the basic pricing formula: O
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• The formula is an arithmetic expression made up of step numbers. Each step number is

n a
entered in the Formula Lines region. You can repeat step numbers in the formula.
Example: 1 * 2 + 3 – 1. Thus step 1 (or line 1) contains a numeric constant and step 2

te r
contains a pricing attribute. The numeric constant will be multiplied by the pricing
attribute as the formula step numbers indicate that 1*2.

I n
• The Name is a unique identifier.

c le
• The Pricing Engine uses the Effective dates.
• Use the Formula field to enter your formula expression. Each numeric value entered must

r a
be defined using a Formula Type on the Formula Line tab. You can use mathematical
operators, numeric operands, and built-in functions to create your formula.
• The formula type Numeric Constant can be any numeric value. It can be a whole number
or a decimal number (1 or .1).

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 57
Pricing Attributes

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Pricing Attributes
U s
Pricing attributes are characteristics of products and services that you can specify when the
characteristics help to determine the price of a product or service. Distance, age or usage,
number of users, and level of service are examples of pricing attributes.

l &
You can specify one or a combination of pricing attributes and assign them to a product or
service. The absolute value of a pricing attribute (such as thickness or height) of an item can be
used as a Step in the formula.
n a

te r
This formula uses a Constant Value and a Pricing attribute to calculate an item’s unit price.

I n
You sell glass plates that can vary in thickness. You want the price to vary depending on the

c le
thickness. Create a formula 1* 2 to calculate the price of a glass item.
• Step 1 is a pricing attribute for thickness.

r a
• Step 2 is a numeric constant that represents the base value for the item.
Calculation: If 100 is the base price of the glass item and 0.3 is the value of the thickness
attribute of the glass then the pricing engine evaluates the formula as 0.3*100 which is 30.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 58
Factor List

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Factor List Formula Type
U s
Use Factor Lists to associate values and factors with a Pricing Attribute. The Pricing engine
compares the values entered on a sales order to the values in the Factor List to select the
correct factor to use.
sales order price.
l &
For example you may need to factor in the Skill level of your Consultants when calculating the

Base Price $100 Skill Level

n a
Factor Results

te r
Apprentice .85
Markdown $ 85
Regular Price 100

I n
Principal 1.5 Markup 150

The Formula’s Pricing Context must match the Pricing Context on the Price List Line that the

formula is being attached to.

r a
You can utilize the OR logic in the conditions that you define your factor list. Each value that a
Pricing Attribute can have is entered as a Base Price Attribute line. Example of OR logic:
• Base Price Attribute Thickness = Value: 0.1 mm Factor: 1
• Base Price Attribute Thickness = Value: 0.2 mm Factor: 2

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Chapter 10 - Page 59
• The pricing engine will retrieve a Factor if the customer orders a thickness of 0.1 mm
OR .2 mm.
You can utilize the AND logic if you link an Associated Pricing Attribute line to the Base Price
Attribute line. Example of AND logic:
• Base Price Attribute Thickness = Value: 0.1 mm Factor: 7
• Associate Pricing Attribute Length = Value: 0.5 mm.
The pricing engine will use the Factor 7 if the customer orders a thickness of 0.1 mm AND a
length of 0.5 mm.
You can assign a single value to the Pricing Attribute or a range of values by using the
Operator field. The Operator = (equal) is a single value. The Operator BETWEEN allows you a
range of values.
You can also use multiple values within factor lists. Example of multiple values:
• Base Price Attribute Thickness BETWEEN Value: 0.1 and .3 mm Factor: 3
• Base Price Attribute Thickness BETWEEN Value: 0.4 and .6 mm Factor: 6
• The Pricing Engine will use the Factor 6 if the customer orders a thickness of 0.5mm.

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Chapter 10 - Page 60
Guided Demonstration – Pricing Formula
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
(N) > Pricing > Pricing Formulas > Formula Setup

1. Enter Demo-Formula in the Name field.

2. Enter a description of the pricing formula in Description.

3. Enter 1*2 in the Formula field.

4. Select Modifier Value as the Formula Type for line 1 with a value of 1 in the Step field.

5. Select Numeric Constant as the Formula Type for line 2 with a value of 1.5 in the
Component field and a value of 2 in the Step field.

6. Save your work.

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Chapter 10 - Page 61
Static Formula Update Program

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Static Formula Update Program
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Pricing > Pricing Formulas > Update Formula Prices A I
After a formula has been entered or updated, the updated formulas are not automatically
incorporated in the price list or modifiers. To ensure that the updates are reflected in the pricing
n a
entities, run the Update Formula Prices concurrent program. This concurrent program loads the
updated formulas to a price list or modifier and calculates the list price, displaying it in the

te r
price list or modifier. Using the Update Formula Prices window, you can choose to update
either a specific formula or all formulas.

I n
After the concurrent program completes successfully, you can enter orders in the Sales Orders
window and the updated prices will be in effect during the pricing of an order line.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 63
Qualifier Overview

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Qualifier Overview
U s
Qualifiers are an intrinsic part of pricing logic. Qualifiers create rules that protect your Price
Lists and Modifiers from being misused. To create your qualifier rules, group any of the seeded
qualifiers using AND and OR condition.
• If the Grouping Numbers are the same, AND logic is applied.
n a
• If the Grouping Numbers are different, OR condition is applied.
• If the Grouping Number is –1, then that qualifier is always used with an AND condition

te r
with the other qualifiers. The qualifier with a grouping number of –1 is mandatory and
must be satisfied, irrespective of other qualifiers.

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Chapter 10 - Page 64
Seeded Qualifier Contexts

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Seeded Qualifier Context
U s
The Qualifier Attributes represent values that can be compared to values on your sales order.
Using these qualifier attributes the Pricing engine can determine which modifier list and
modifier lines should be applied to the order.
l &
Basic Pricing limits the seeded qualifier contexts for both the Modifier List and the Modifier

Qualifiers for Modifier Lists:

n a
• Customer Name
te r
• Bill to
I n
• Ship to

• Customer Class le
Modifier List: a
• Price List
Qualifiers for Modifier Lines:
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Chapter 10 - Page 65
• Agreement Name
• Agreement Type
• Customer PO
• Order Type
Note: When a qualifier has a grouping number –1, it implies that the qualifier will be taken as
mandatory in comparison to other qualifiers.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 67
Modifier Overview

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Modifier Overview
U s
Using Modifiers is the only way you are allowed to adjust the Price List price.
Discounts, Surcharge, and Freight and Special Charges are all valid Modifier types in Basic
Pricing. O
• Create Order Level Modifiers to apply modifier to all order lines.
• Create Line Level Modifiers to apply modifier to only the current line.

te r
Qualify your Modifier List to improve the performance. If the Pricing Engine can disqualify
Lists that are not applicable to the current pricing request it will improving processing time.

I n
By putting qualifiers on your modifier List and Lines, you can create rules that will be
automatically applied by the Pricing Engine.

From the order or order line you can use the Action – View Adjustments to see the details of

Modifiers that were applied automatically by the Pricing Engine or to apply Manual discounts.

r a
Also, if the modifier is overridable you can use this window to enter new values or override the
pre-defined values.
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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 68
Modifier List

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Modifier List
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N ) Pricing > Modifiers > Modifier Setup A I
The Modifier Type restricts the kinds of lines that can be attached. Basic Pricing supports three
types of Modifier Lists:
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• Discounts create a negative price adjustment.

te r
• Surcharges create a positive price adjustment.
• Freight and Special Charges (including Handling charges) create a charge amount.

I n
Elements within the Modifier List window:
• The Active check box allows the modifier list to be used by the Pricing Engine.

• The Start Dates indicate when the Modifier List is effective.
r a
• The currency on the Modifier list must match the currency on the Pricing Request.
• Use a combination of qualifiers to establish pricing rules that will be respected by the

O Pricing Engine.
• Modifiers can remain Price List independent or you can use your Price Lists as qualifiers.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 69
Modifiers Lines

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Modifier Lines
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Pricing > Modifiers > Modifier Setup (T) Modifier Summary A I
The Modifier number is a unique identifier within a List. It can be alphanumeric.
Levels within modifier lines:
l &
• If you create an Order Level modifier the adjustment will be applicable to all lines on the

te r
order. If it is a Freight Charge it would only be applied once to the Order Header.
• Line Level modifiers only adjust the pricing request’s line.
Types of modifier lines:
I n
• Define Discounts to markdown the Price List Price.

• Define Surcharges to markup the order price.
r a
• Create Freight and Special Handling charges to meet your business requirements.
• Price Breaks can either be Discounts or Surcharges.You can break on order quantity or

O amount.
Elements when defining modifier line:

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Chapter 10 - Page 70
• The Pricing Engine uses the Start and End Dates to establish effectivity .
• The Print on Invoice functionality is controlled by a profile option: OM: Show Discount
Details on Invoice. If it is selected the discounts will print on your invoices. Otherwise,
the net amount is passed to Receivables.
• The Automatic check box is selected if you want the Pricing Engine to apply the modifier
to all qualified orders and order lines.
• To create Manual discounts leave Automatic unchecked.You can use the Action – View
Adjustments in the Sales Orders window to apply manual modifiers.
• To avoid changing the Selling Price calculated by the Pricing engine, leave the Override
check box unchecked.
• Some businesses have such a flexible selling price that they need the ability to overwrite
the calculated price with a new price. To do this, create a modifier line which has
Automatic unchecked and Override checked.
• Optionally, restrict the modifier to a specific Item number or item category by using the
Product Attribute.
If the Pricing Engine finds multiple discounts that are qualified to be applied, it always applies
the modifier which will give the lowest price to the customer based on best price or
View your Discounts and Surcharges from the Sales Order’s Action – View Adjustments
menu. View your Freight and Special Handling charges from the Action – Charges menu.

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Chapter 10 - Page 71
Modifier Line Examples

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Pricing Adjustment Examples
U s
The major pricing modifiers found in Basic Pricing are:
• Discount – when the seller offers a discount on the list price of the item. The discount can
be a percent, lump sum, amount or new price. O
• Surcharge – the price of the item attracts an additional charge. As with discounts, the
n a
surcharge can be a percent, lump sum, amount or new price.
• Freight and Special Charges – These are charges applicable during the shipping of items.

te r
• Price Breaks – Price Break modifiers are applied only at the line level. In this type of
modifier, the quantity or amount is clubbed into various ranges and when the user selects

I n
a quantity or amount that falls within a particular range of values, the corresponding price
is applied.

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Chapter 10 - Page 72
Modifier Types

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Modifier Types
U s
The table depicts modifier list types and the line types that can be associated to each list type:
discounts, surcharges, and freight and special charges. The check mark (3) indicates that the
line modifier is available for the list modifier. The cross mark (2) indicates that the line
modifier is not available for the list modifier.

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Chapter 10 - Page 74
Overview of Freight and Special Charges Modifiers

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Overview of Freight and Special Charges Modifiers
U s
Freight and Special Charges are costs associated with the shipment of goods. Using Freight and
Special Charges modifiers, you can apply different freight charges to an order or line and thus
increase the selling price. Additionally you can enter the Freight and Shipping costs in

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Shipping Execution and have the Freight and Special Charges modifiers convert them into
charges in Order Management. The freight charge may be equal to the freight cost, or it could
be the freight cost with a markup.
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Chapter 10 - Page 75
Seeded Freight Charges

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Chapter 10 - Page 76
Setting up Freight and Special Charges Modifiers

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Setting up Freight and Special Charges Modifiers
U s
Freight and Special Charges Modifiers enable you to define how to apply charges to orders.
You can apply the modifiers automatically or manually. An example of how to set up
automatic order level charges using qualifiers along with the modifiers: First select the Freight

l &
and Special Charges List as the type of modifier. Then at the Modifier Summary tab, enter the
modifier lines, specifying that the modifier is to be applied at the order level. Then set up

header level qualifiers that will be applicable at the list level. You can define the qualifier to
te r
accept only orders with Freight Terms of Prepay and Add. Now when you enter an order with
Freight Terms of Prepay and Add, the charges are applied to the order automatically and you
can view them in the order window.

I n
Please note that this is only one example of a type of setup, various other ways of setting up

Freight and Special Charges Modifiers are possible.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 77
Guided Demonstration – Freight and Special Charges Modifiers
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
(N) > Pricing > Modifiers > Modifier Setup

1. In the Type field, enter Freight and Special Charges List.

2. Modifier Name: XX-MODFSC. Number: XX-MODFSC1.

3. Active and Automatic boxes: Selected. Currency: USD.

4. (T) Modifier Summary.

5. Accept the default modifier line number.

6. Enter the Level as Order and select the Automatic and Override boxes. Enter the Pricing
Phase as Header Level Adjustment.

7. Click (T) Discounts/Charges. Enter the Charge Name as Freight Costs with an Application
Method of Percent and a Value of 5.

(N) > Orders, Returns > Sales Orders

n l y

Enter the Customer Number as 1608 in the Order Header window.

Click (T) Line Items and enter the item AS54999 with a quantity of 1.
e O
10. Click (T) Order Information > Main and view the Freight cost in the Charges field.s
11. Click (B) Actions > Charges to verify that the modifier has been applied.

12. Save your work and close the sales orders window. O
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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 78
Practice - Freight and Special Charges Modifiers
In this practice you will learn how to create a Freight and Special Charges modifier and apply it
to a sales order:

• Create a Freight and Special Charges modifier

• Add qualifiers to the modifer

• Create a sales order and view the modifier being applied

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• Replace XX with the number provided by your instructor or your initials.

• Use Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) or comparable Super
User Order Management responsibility.
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1. Create a new Freight and Special Charges modifier and add qualifiers to it.

U s
Enter a new sales order and see the modifier being applied in the Charges field.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 79
Solution – Freight and Special Charges Modifiers
Login to the database

1. Login to the database.

• User Name: operations

• Password: welcome

2. Select Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility.

Create a Freight and Special Charges Modifier

(N) > Pricing > Modifiers > Modifier Setup

3. Type: Freight and Special Charge List

− Modifier Name: XX-FSC
− Number: 1
− Active: Selected
− Automatic: Selected
− Currency: USD
− Description: Freight & Special Charges Modifier

4. (T) Modifiers Summary

n l y
− Modifier No: Accept Default
− Level: Order
e O
− Modifier Type: Freight/Special Charge
− Start Date: enter today’s date
U s
− Automatic and Override boxes: Selected
− Pricing Phase: Header Level Adjustment
5. (T) Discounts/Charges O
− Charge Name: Freight Costs
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− Application Method: Lumpsum. Value: 25

Create a second line with the Charge Name = Handling Costs, Application Method =
Lumpsum and Value = 10.
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Chapter 10 - Page 80
7. Click (B) List Qualifiers in the header region on the Main tab. In the Header Level
Qualifiers window that displays, enter the following:
n l y
− Grouping Number: 1
− Qualifier Context: Customer
e O
− Qualifier Attribute: Customer Name
− Precedence: Accept Default
U s
− Operator: =
− Value From: AT&T Universal Card (1005)
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8. Click (B) OK. I n
c le
Create a sales order and have the Freight and Special Charges Modifier applied

r a
(N) > Orders, Returns > Sales Orders

9. O
Customer Number: 1005. The related customer data defaults in the order header window.

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10. Click (T) Line Items and enter the item AS518947 with a quantity of 1.

11. Click (T) Order Information > Main.

12. The Freight and Special Charges modifier has been applied and is displayed in the Charges

13. You may verify that the modifier has been applied by clicking (B) Actions > Charges and
viewing the charges in the window.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 83
Overview of Attribute Management

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Overview of Attribute Management
U s
An attribute is a characteristic of an item which governs its price. The attributes of an item and
its values need to be passed to the Pricing Engine so that the Pricing Engine can evaluate the
attribute and then based on the value of the attribute, choose the appropriate price list and

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modifier(s) for pricing the item. Attribute Management enables you to organize the attributes,
group them in contexts, define calling applications and source applications for the attributes.

An attribute gets its value from a function, a constant value, a multi-record API, system
te r
variable or profile. This value comes from a source application or source system and is read by
the pricing engine, which determines if this is the attribute/value that the requesting application

I n
has called for. If it is the correct attribute/value, then the pricing engine looks up the price list
and modifiers to apply and calculates the unit selling price.

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Chapter 10 - Page 84
Overview of Attribute Management

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Overview of Attribute Management
U s
Some common Attribute Management terms include:
• Contexts - Contexts are groupings of attributes that are related. There are three contexts
available in Basic Pricing – Pricing Context, Product Context, and Qualifier Context.

• Attributes – The specific values or characteristics that you use to define pricing rules. For
n a
example, height and weight are attributes that will determine the price of the item.
Attribute values can be defined at the order level, line level, or both.

te r
• Mapping data for an attribute – There are different ways the data can be mapped:
- User Entered: The attribute value is entered by the user; this is the only sourcing

I n
feature that is supported in Basic Pricing.

c le
• Other mapping methods for sourcing attribute data are available only in Advanced

r a
- Custom Sourced: The user must provide code to source the attribute.
- Attribute Mapping: An attribute mapping rule must be defined in the Attribute
O Mapping window either for the order, line, or both.

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Chapter 10 - Page 85
- Runtime Sourced: Sourced in the pricing engine by a custom API. This is used to
source an accumulation attribute at runtime.
• Pricing Transaction Entity (PTEs) – An entity that supports a many to many relationship
between source systems and request types. The seeded PTEs are Order Fulfillment,
Demand Planning, Intercompany Transaction, Logistics, Complex MRO, and
• Source System – The application that has the pricing data like price lists, modifiers, as
well as setup information. Examples of source systems are Oracle Marketing, Oracle
Order Capture, Oracle Purchasing, etc.
• Request Type – The request made by an application for pricing data. Some applications
may even share request types, for example, iStore and Order Capture.

Note: In Basic Pricing, the Pricing Transaction Entity – Source System and Request Types
window is view-only: you can view the request types and source system for a given Pricing
Transaction Entity but not make any updates.

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Chapter 10 - Page 86
Setup Steps – Creating Contexts and Attributes

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Setup Steps – Creating Contexts and Attributes
U s
The following seeded context types are available in Basic Pricing:
Product contexts and attributes define the product hierarchy and are related to product
information. For example, the product context "Item" may consist of attributes such as Item
Number, Item Category, and All Items.
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Pricing contexts and attributes define eligibility for a price list line or modifier. Pricing
contexts and attributes can be used for a price list line, as a formula component, or in

te r
Qualifier contexts and attributes define what can be used to create qualifiers that determine

I n
eligibility for a modifier (who is eligible to receive the modifier).

c le
Contexts cannot be deleted if they have more than one attribute attached.
To create a new context, use the Oracle Pricing Manager responsibility:

r a
(N) Setup > Attribute Management > Context and Attributes
The Context Setup window enables you to choose the context type – Pricing, Product, or
Qualifier. Enter a code for the context and enable it. In the same window, you may enter the
appropriate attributes for the context in the Attributes region. Enter a code for the attribute; you

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Chapter 10 - Page 87
may enter a precedence number (the lower the value, the higher the precedence over other
attributes) and map the attribute to any one of the hundred customizable attribute fields to store
the value of the derived attribute. If no application name is selected, Oracle Pricing displays.
After saving your work, you can now link the attributes to a Pricing Transaction Entity.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 88
Setup Steps – Linking Attributes to a Pricing Transaction Entity

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Setup Steps – Linking Attributes to a Pricing Transaction Entity (PTE)
A Pricing Transaction Entity is used to maintain the relationship between source systems and
request types. It ensures that those source systems linked to the Pricing Transaction Entity are

Pricing Transaction Entity.

l &
searched whenever a pricing request is generated by a request type that also belongs to the

n a
Using the Oracle Pricing Manager responsibility:

te r
(N) Setup > Attribute Management > Attribute Linking and Mapping
Select the PTE and the context, and the Contexts region populates with all the attributes that

I n
are created for that PTE/Context. To link an attribute to a PTE, select the context name and

c le
then click (B) Link Attributes. The Link Attributes window enables you to enter the following

r a
• Code (usually populated by default with the attribute code that you specified in the
Context and Attributes window)
• Level – Line, Order, or Both
• Attribute Mapping Method – only User Entered is available in Basic Pricing

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 89
Save your work and exit the window. You can view the newly linked context in the Pricing
Transaction Entity-Attribute Linking window. The Assigned to PTE box indicates that the
context and its attributes have been assigned to this PTE.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 90

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 91
Profile Options in Basic Pricing

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Profile Options in Basic Pricing
U s
The system administrator sets up the pricing profile options so that the access and control of
data can be determined by Basic Pricing. The level at which the profile options can be set are
user, responsibility, application and site. The permissions for setting the profile options are

l &
View, View and Update, No Access. The Required column determines if the profile option
requires a value or not. If it is Required, then you must provide a value. If it is Optional, you

may leave it blank. The Default Value column allows you to provide a default value for the
Profile Option r
profile. Following are some common profile options used in Basic Pricing:

te Required Default Value

I n
QP: Allow Duplicate Modifiers

c le
QP: Blind Discount Option Required Yes
QP: Debug
r a
QP: Inventory Decimal Precision
Request Viewer Off
QP: Item Validation Organization
QP: Negative Pricing
No Default
No Default

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 92
QP: Price Rounding Required Blank
QP: Qualify Secondary Price Lists Optional No
QP: Return Manual Discounts Optional Yes
QP: Satisfied Qualifiers Option Optional Yes
QP: Security Control Optional Off
QP: Security Default Maintain Privilege Required Blank
QP: Security Default ViewOnly Privilege Required Blank
QP: Selling Price Rounding Options Optional Individual : =
round(list price) + round(adj)
QP: Set Request Name Required Blank
QP: Unit Price Precision Type Required Standard
QP: Valueset Lookup Filter Optional Yes
QP: Verify GSA Violations Required No
Please refer to the Oracle Order Management Implementation Manual for further details.

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 93

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Basic Pricing
Chapter 10 - Page 94
Oracle Shipping Execution
Chapter 11

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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 1
Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 2

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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 3
Order to Cash Life Cycle

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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 4
Overview of Shipping in the Order to Cash Process

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Overview of Shipping in the Order to Cash Process
U s
You run Pick Release for orders booked from Oracle Order Management. After the Pick
Release process is executed, the orders are moved from inventory and dropped in the staging
area before being shipped. When the orders are shipped, Oracle Shipping Execution

l &
decrements Oracle Inventory and updates the sales order line. After the sales order line is
updated, the lines proceed through Auto Invoice to Oracle Accounts Receivable.

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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 5
Overview of Shipping Execution Integration

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Overview of Shipping Execution Integration
U s
Pick Release is executed on booked sales order lines from Oracle Order Management. After
processing Ship Confirm, Oracle Shipping Execution decrements Oracle Inventory and updates
the sales order line. In addition, Oracle Inventory triggers the creation of the Cost of Goods

l &
Sold account (COGS). The order line is processed through AutoInvoice to Oracle Accounts
Receivables. The general ledger is updated from Oracle Inventory and Oracle Accounts
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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 6
Overview of Shipping Concepts

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Overview of Shipping Concepts
U s
• A trip is carrier specific and includes at least two stops – a pick-up and a drop-off.
• A stop is a point along the route of the trip and can consist of a pick-up, drop-off, or both.
• A delivery is a consolidation of sales order lines based on at least the customer, ship from
location, and ultimate ship to location.
l &
or trip.
n a
• A delivery leg is represented by a bill of lading and consists of at least two stops and one leg

te r
Stop1: San Francisco
Stop2: Chicago
I n
Stop3: New York

c l e
Trip 1: San Francisco to Chicago, Chicago to New York.

r a
Delivery 1: San Francisco to Chicago

Delivery Leg 1
• Stop 1: San Francisco (pick-up)

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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 7
• Stop 2: Chicago (drop-off )
Delivery 2: San Francisco to New York
Delivery Leg 1
• Stop 1: San Francisco (pick-up)
• Stop 2: Chicago(drop-off )
Delivery Leg 2
• Stop 2: Chicago(pick-up)
• Stop 3: New York (drop-off )

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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 8
Overview of Pick Release

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Overview of Pick Release
U s
specifying three important rules A I
The Pick Release process can be customized based on your business requirements by

Release Rules: Defining Release Rules enables you to specify the criteria by which the Sales
Orders are selected for Pick Release.
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n a
Release Sequence Rules: Defining the Release Sequence Rules enables you to specify the
order in which the available inventory will be allocated to the Sales Order line that has been
pick released.

te r
Pick Slip Grouping Rules : Defining Pick Slip Grouping Rules enables you to specify the

I n
criteria by which the Pick Slip will be grouped. For example, by ship to address, delivery date,
or purchase order number.

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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 9
Overview of Pick Confirm and Staging Subinventory

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Overview of Pick Confirm and Staging Subinventory
U s
A staging subinventory is a logical or physical location where orders are placed before loading.
Pick Confirm is a process that is run to systematically transfer material from a source inventory
location to a shipping staging subinventory. Pick Confirm automatically transfers the high-

staging location.
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level reservation to an allocated reservation (including lots, subinventory, and locators) in the

Note: Pick confirm can be completed manually or automatically.
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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 10
Overview of Ship Confirmation

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Overview of Ship Confirmation
U s
You run the Ship Confirm process to indicate that the items are loaded onto the carrier from the
staging location. When you run the Ship Confirm process, the system decrements Oracle
inventory and updates the sales order line status. This information can then be transferred

l &
through AutoInvoice to Oracle Accounts Receivables for invoicing. Finally, accounting
information can be sent to the general ledger from Oracle Inventory and Oracle Accounts
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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 11
Overview of Deliveries and Delivery Lines

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Overview of Deliveries and Delivery Lines
U s
Delivery Lines
Sales order lines that have been released for shipping are called delivery lines and can be
used to create a delivery. O
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A delivery consists of set delivery lines that are scheduled to be shipped to a customer’s ship-
to location on a specific date and time. In a delivery, you can include items from different

te r
sales orders as well as back orders. You can either manually or automatically group delivery
lines to create a delivery. If a delivery is autocreated, the delivery lines are grouped together

I n
by the mandatory default criteria, ship-from location and ship-to Location. However,
additional grouping criteria can be included.

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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 12
Overview of Packing LPNs/Containers

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Overview of Packing LPNs/Containers
U s
Containers, also called as License Plate Numbers(LPNs), are packed with delivery lines that
are delivered to the customer. You can create and manage LPNs at any point in the shipping
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n a
Auto-packing provides a convenient and quick way of automatically packing delivery lines
into Containers(LPNs). The delivery lines are packed into LPNs based on the container-item

Packing Workbench
te r
relationship set up in Oracle Shipping Execution or in Oracle Inventory.

I n
You can use Packing Workbench to assign and pack delivery lines into one or more LPNs.
Manually Packing

c l e
You can manually pack delivery lines into an LPN or multiple LPNs.

r a
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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 13
Overview of Trips

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Overview of Trips
U s
A trip is an instance of a specific shipment originating from and moving to a particular
location. A trip is carrier specific and must contain at least two stops – a pick-up and a drop-
off. A trip can also have intermediate stops, which can be either a pick-up stop or a drop-off

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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 14
Overview of Query Manager

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Overview of Query Manager
U s
The Query Manager window is used to define and save queries to search for and manage the
shipping entities such as trips, stops, deliveries, delivery lines, containers/ License Plate
Numbers (LPNs). You can create customized queries by entering your search criteria and save

l &
them. You can save them as Personal Query, Public Query.
Personal Query: Queries you save for your personal use. This query is not available to other
n a
centrally manage the queries.
te r
Public Query: Queries you save and share with other users. This very useful if you want to

I n
Temporary Query: Queries which are not used frequently such as those that you use only

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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 15
Overview of Shipping Transactions Form

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Overview of Shipping Transactions Form
U s
The Shipping Transaction form enables you to consolidate planning, executing and viewing all
aspects of the Shipping Process. The user interface consists of the Query Manager and Data
Query Manager: Performs search on trips, stops, deliveries, delivery lines, containers/LPNs
Data Manager:

n a
• Enables updating of, and creation of trips, stops, deliveries, delivery lines,

te r
• Performs Shipping Functions such as planning, pick releasing, and ship confirming

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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 16
Overview of Quick Ship

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Overview of Quick Ship
U s
Quick Ship enables you to enter minimum requirements and process a shipment.
The Quick Ship window provides the following features: A I
• Visibility to trips, deliveries, and delivery lines in the same window

l &
• Ship confirm multiple deliveries at the same time

• Change ship quantities and also specify the inventory controls for each delivery

te r
• View and resolve the shipping exceptions for the delivery, trip and delivery lines
• Customization of the display of fields, initial view (delivery or trip), and folder options

for each entity based on your business needs
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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 17
Overview of Shipping Exceptions

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Overview of Shipping Exceptions
U s
A shipping exception is raised to indicate that the shipping entity is not taking the normal
course of action. In this situation, Oracle Shipping Execution may proceed further without
handling the exception. The shipping entities that raise a shipping exception are deliveries,
trips, and containers/LPNs.

l &
Shipping exceptions enable you to identify and handle nonconforming operations that violate
the requirements of your business or that of your carriers and customers. Also, you can create
te r
your own shipping exceptions to meet your specific business requirements.
Seeded Exceptions: Seeded exceptions are the default exceptions that ship with Oracle
Shipping Execution.
I n
Manual Exceptions: You can create manual exceptions to meet your business requirements.

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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 18

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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 19
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Oracle Shipping Execution Overview

Chapter 11 - Page 20
Oracle Shipping Execution
Chapter 12

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 1
Oracle Shipping Execution

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 2

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 3

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 4
Shipping Execution Flow

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Shipping Execution Flow
U s
After a sales order has been booked, the sales order lines must complete all workflow activities
leading up to the shipping activity. Two typical preceding workflow activities are Schedule –
Line and Create Supply.
Schedule – Line:
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also sets the Shipment Schedule Date. a
Scheduling the line makes the order line’s demand visible to Oracle Inventory for planning. It

Create Supply:

te r
Variety of subflow paths can be taken within Create Supply Line based on the type of item

I n
shipped. They are as follows:

c l e
• Configurable Items: Configurable items must complete the Create Supply activity
which takes an order line through a build cycle. The final assemblies that are completed

r a
out of Oracle Work in Process are received into Oracle Inventory as Reserved for a
specific customer’s order.

• Drop ship: Drop ship order lines must complete the Create Supply activity too. After a
Purchase Requisition has been passed to Oracle Purchasing the order line advances to the
Shipping Activity.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 5
• Standard Shippable Items: Standard shippable items don’t need to perform any of the
Create Supply activities so directly advance to the Shipping activity.
What happens when the order line reaches ‘Ship Line’ workflow activity?
• Oracle Order Management calls Oracle Shipping Execution APIs to indicate that a line is
Ready to Release.
• The sales order line status is changed to Awaiting Shipping. Order lines that are awaiting
shipping are called Delivery Lines in the Oracle Shipping Execution module
• Pick Release process creates move orders to move items to the staging location and create
reservation in Oracle Inventory
• From the staging area shipments are weighed, packed and shipped
• Deliveries are Ship Confirmed out of the staging location
• When a delivery is Ship Confirmed, Oracle Shipping Execution calls OM APIs to
communicate the event, triggering the line flow to move forward

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 6
Shipping Concepts

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Shipping Concepts
U s
• A trip is carrier specific and represent a unique instance of that carrier leaving your
warehouse with deliveries. O
• The carrier could be a public carrier such as DHL or could be a company’s own fleet of

n a
• A trip could represent a truck, air cargo, ship cargo, or railcar. These entities would be set

te r
up as items in Oracle Inventory with an item type of Vehicle.
• Each trip has a minimum of two stops, pick-up and drop-off.

I n
• A trip can be created automatically or manually from the Shipping Transactions form or

c l e
can be automatically created from the Ship Confirm window. You can also create a trip
as a part of a concurrent process.

r a
• Companies that use public carriers can enable the system to automatically create Trips as
part of of the Ship Confirm process. This eliminates unnecessary transactions.
• A stop is a point along the route of a trip that is due for pick-up or drop-off.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 7
• The Ship Confirm process can initiate closing the pick-up stop updating the delivery
status to Intransit.
• Manually record all stops made by the Trip using the Shipping Transactions form or
have the Ship Confirm process automatically close a Trip, which creates and closes the
pick-up stop and drop-off stop and changes the Delivery status to Closed.
• Companies that use public carries let the system automatically close a Trip as part of Ship
Delivery leg
• A delivery leg consists of two stops where the delivery is picked up and dropped off,
respectively on the same trip. The delivery might travel through several legs to get to its
final destination and is synonymous to the Bill of Lading.
• A bill of lading is a receipt, listing all the goods that were signed over to a carrier.
• The Ship Confirm window enables you to generate a bill of lading which can then be
printed separately or as part of the Delivery Document Set.
• A delivery must be created to perform Ship Confirm. It represent all the goods that were
shipped from the same warehouse, going to the same Customer location.
• The grouping of delivery lines into deliveries is restricted by the grouping rules that are
established on the Shipping Parameters - Delivery Tab.
• A delivery can be created automatically or manually from the Shipping Transactions
form at any time after the order line status has become Awaiting Shipment or can be
automatically created during the Release Sales Order process.
• A delivery is also automatically created when you invoke the action Pick and Ship or
n l y
Pick, Pack, and Ship.
Delivery Lines
e O
U s
• Delivery lines are sales order lines which have completed all their workflow activities
that are prerequisites to Oracle Shipping Execution such as Schedule – Line or Create

• Delivery lines are visible from the Shipping Transactions form. They are also visible

from the sales order line’s Additional Information – Deliveries tab.

deliveries based on grouping rules.

l &
• Delivery lines with similar attributes can be systematically grouped together into

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te r
• LPN, (License Plate Number) are also known as Containers. An LPN can be loaded
inside of another container, for example, pack an item into a box and then pack that box
onto a pallet.
I n
• Optionally LPNs can be setup as inventory items if the shipper is interested in using

l e
weight and Volume and packing functionality.
Ship From a
• LPNs can be made mandatory using your Shipping Parameters.

• The ship-from location represents the warehouse that is performing the shipping
transaction. A warehouse is an Inventory organization.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 8
Ship to
• The Ship To Location represents a Ship-To address that has been setup on the customer’s

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 9
Pick Release Concepts

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Pick Release Concepts
U s
Release Rules
• Release rules define the criteria to be used during Pick Release. Only orders that meet the
criteria and are eligible will be released. An order line is eligible if it has completed the

prerequisite workflow activities, such as Schedule - Line or Create Supply.
Release Sequence Rules

n a
• Release Sequence rules determines the order in which inventory is allocated to sales

te r
orders. You choose to allocate by order, outstanding Invoice value, Scheduled Date,
Departure Date and Shipment Priority.

I n
• The order in which sales orders are filled could be very important. If a company has a

l e
problem of running out of material before all of their orders have been filled it is very
important that they have filled their most important orders first.
r a
Picking Rules
• Picking rules, which are created and maintained in Oracle Inventory, suggest which
O material to use, based on inventory controls such as revision control, lot control, FIFO
(first in first out) or subinventory/locator picking numbers.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 10
• Picking rule is an Item Attribute. Create a variety of picking rules and associate them
with the appropriate items. If there isn’t a Picking Rule associated with the item, the
system will use the organization’s default picking rule which is found on the Shipping
organization’s Parameters.
• Note: Picking Rules are covered in Oracle Inventory. To learn more see Oracle
Inventory’s users guide.
Pick Slip Grouping Rules
• Pick Slip Grouping Rules organize how released order lines are grouped on Pick Slips for
ease of picking. For Example: By using the Pick Slip Grouping Rule as Subinventory, the
user can reduce the number of trips to a particular subinventory by grouping all lines for
that subinventory on to one Pick Slip.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 11
Pick Release Process Flow

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Pick Release Process
U s
What Happens during Pick Release:
• A pre-approved move order is automatically created in Oracle Inventory.
• A move order is a request for a subinventory transfer from the source (stocking)
subinventory to the destination (staging) subinventory.
n a
• A move order is created for every sales order line that has the status of Awaiting
Shipping and passes the picking criteria (Use your Release Rules to guide this process).

te r
• The destination subinventory is the staging subinventory entered on the Release Sales
Orders form or defaulted from the Shipping Parameters. Only one staging subinventory is

I n
allowed per picking batch.

c l e
• Note: A picking batch is the total number of order lines that were released at one time.
• Oracle Inventory uses the move order to manage material requisitions within an

r a
Allocate Inventory to the move order
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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 12
• Allocating can be done automatically after the move order is created by setting Auto
Allocate to yes on the Release Sales Order form or postponed until later, then manually
allocated from the Transaction move orders form.
• The Release Sequence Rule, that was entered on the Release Sales Orders form, or
defaulted from the Shipping Parameters, will be used to determine in what sequence to
fill the move orders.
• Move orders use inventory’s picking rules to suggest the material that should be
allocated. The sourcing values for subinventory, locators, revisions, and lots are defaulted
on to the move order.
• Serial numbers can be allocated if the profile option: INV: Detail Serials = Yes. If it is set
to No serial numbers can be entered before Pick Confirm from the move orders form or
after Pick Confirm from the Shipping Transactions form if the inventory item is pre-
defined for serial numbers at Sales Order Issue.
• The source defaults can be manually updated from the Transaction move orders form.
• A high level reservation is placed for the move order’s material requirements.
• Allocating inventory is a prerequisite for printing pick slips. The Pick Slip Grouping Rule
entered on the Release Sales Orders form or defaulted from the Shipping Parameters is
used while printing pick slips.
Pick Confirm the move order
• Pick Confirm can be done automatically during the picking process by setting Pick
Confirm to yes on the Release Sales Orders form or by unchecking the Pick Confirm
Required checkbox in the Organization Parameters form. If it is not done automatically
during Pick Release it can be done manually from the Transaction move orders form by
selecting the Transact button.
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• The Pick Confirm transaction executes the subinventory transfer, moving the material
from it’s source location to it’s destination staging location. Only 1 staging subinventory
is supported per picking batch.
• The high level reservations are replaced with detail reservations.
U s
• Note: A high level reservation puts a reservation on a given quantity. For example if the
sales order line needs ten 12” Monitors and you have 15 on hand, the reservation will
guarantee that 10 of them will be available for this order but it doesn’t specify which 10.

l &
Detail reservations puts a reservation on specific subinventory, locator, revision, and lot

n a
• If you transact less than the requested quantity, the move order will stay open until the

te r
total quantity is transacted, or the order is closed or cancelled.
• The status of the sales order line, which is linked to the move order, is changed to Picked

I n
making it eligible for ship confirm.

l e
• If not all of the move order quantity was transacted the status of the sales order line, is
changed to Picked Partial. During Ship Confirm the order line will split into 2 shipment
r a
schedules (e.g. 1.1 and 1.2). The status of the unfilled line will be changed to Awaiting

• If there is a shortage of material a shortage messages alerts the appropriate individual.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 13
• If an organization’s actual picks rarely deviate from the suggested material, it is
suggested that you run your picking process with Auto Allocate and Auto Pick Confirm
set to Yes to cut down on the overhead which is required to transact manually.
Auto Create Deliveries - Optional
• A delivery is required in order to ship confirm. You can select auto create delivery to
have the picking process automatically group your delivery lines into deliveries to
expedite this process.
Delivery Consolidation
• Delivery consolidation enables you to join a new delivery line, or a line released from
backorder, to an existing delivery. You can also group deliveries with similar attributes
into trips. Rather then creating a new delivery when Autocreate Delivery is executed,
through batch or Pick Release, delivery consolidation functionality systematically assigns
delivery lines to qualified existing deliveries.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 14
Ship Confirm Process Flow

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Ship Confirm Process Flow
U s
What happens during Ship Confirm:
The results of the picking process are recorded against a delivery. A I
• Ship Confirm can only be performed on deliveries or trips with delivery lines that have
been Pick Confirmed.
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n a
• Ship Confirming a delivery or a trip records the results of the shipping process. These
results could be shipped, backordered, staged or cycle count or a combination of all 4.

te r
• The workflow activity will be completed when the quantity picked is recorded as

I n
• If the ordered item is set up with the item attribute Shippable checked then Ship

c l e
Confirming is a prerequisite for invoicing.
• The sales order Action, Additional Line Information provides a complete history of the

r a
line’s shipping process from Ready to Release through Interfaced.
Over/Under Tolerances
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• The Ship Confirm process checks the over/under tolerance associated with the customer,
the item, as well as the corporate policies set up using profile options. OM: Under
Shipment Tolerance, OM: Over Shipment Tolerance.
• At Ship Confirm, you can confirm a quantity greater than the quantity on the line if it is
within the over-shipment tolerance. If it is greater than the over shipment tolerance, a
warning will be given. The actual quantity shipped is recorded on the line. The point of
using over-ship tolerances is to allow a greater quantity to be shipped without having to
add another line to the Sales Order.
• The under-shipment tolerance works a little different - at Ship Confirm, you can confirm
a quantity less than the quantity on the line - but if the quantity shipped is within the
under-shipment tolerance, then the line will be closed after the shipment is processed. If
the quantity shipped is outside the tolerance, the line will split into 2 lines - the one line
representing the quantity shipped and the other containing the difference. The point of
using under-ship tolerance is to save the user from having to cancel any remaining little
bits of a line, if there is no intention or need to ship it.
• Invoicing of over shipments will be controlled by the profile option, OM: over shipments
Invoice Basis - which will control whether to invoice for the quantity shipped or quantity
ordered. Under shipments are always invoiced at quantity shipped.
Shipped Quantities
• After the delivery is closed the order line is updated with the shipped quantities and the
status of the sales order line is changed to Shipped. This enables the order line to proceed
to its next workflow activity.
• The Ship Confirm transaction initiates the Oracle Inventory Interface to generate the
Issue of Stores transactions which will decrement Oracle Inventory and remove the
n l y
with shipped quantities, freight charges, etc.
e O
material reservation. Then the OM interfaces is initiated to update the sales order line

U s
• The cost of goods sold account number that is passed to Oracle Inventory is workflow
generated. In Oracle Inventory it creates a Material Distribution record that is ultimately
passed to the general ledger.

• If Ship Confirm is partial the remaining quantity can be either staged or backordered.
Backordered Quantities
returned to their source location.
l &
• Backordered quantities are left in the staging subinventory. They are not automatically

• A new Pick Release will be required before they can be Ship Confirmed.
te r
• The backordered quantity is removed from the delivery being Ship Confirmed.and the
reservation is removed making the quantity available to ATP.

I n
• The sales order line splits into shipment schedules. One schedule will have the quantity
that was shipped and a status of Shipped. The other schedule will have the quantity that

l e
was backordered and a status of Awaiting Shipment. Example of resulting split.
Line Item a
Original Sales Order line:

r Ordered Shipped Status

1.1 BB-2002
1.1 BB-2202
Picked After Ship Confirm (8 shipped 2 backordered)
8 Shipped

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1.2 BB-2202 2 Awaiting Shipment
Staged Quantities
• Staged quantities are left in the staging subinventory and can be Ship Confirmed at a later
time. The staged quantity is removed from the delivery being confirmed and optionally
linked to a new delivery number.
• The sales order line splits into shipment schedules. One schedule will have the quantity
that was shipped and a status of Shipped. The other schedule will have the quantity that
remained staged with a status of Picked.
• Example of an automatic split performed by the shipping process.
Original sales order line:
Line Item Ordered Shipped Status
1.1 BB-2002 10 Picked
After Ship Confirm (8 shipped 2 staged)
1.1 BB-2202 8 8 Shipped
1.2 BB-2202 2 Picked
Cycle Count
Cycle counting is the periodic counting of individual items throughout the course of the year to
ensure the accuracy of inventory quantities and values.
• Without cycle count the backordered quantity’s reservation is automatically removed
during the Ship Confirm process. This sometimes is not appropriate since it frees up the

n y
inventory to be reserved by another delivery line. By using the cycle count functionality
you have the option to transfer the reservation on a Pick Released item to cycle count and
simultaneously backorder the delivery line quantities which helps keep available
inventory accurate.

e O
• This would be used if unexpected situations occur while staging orders such as, an item is
damaged or physical inventory is out of balance with the system inventory. By
U s
transferring the reservation to cycle count, future reservations cannot be placed against
that quantity.
• If you select Cycle Count all the entire reserved quantity for a delivery is transferred to
Cycle Count and the delivery line status is changed to backordered.

l &
• If only specific quantities should be transferred to cycle count you must first enter a
shipped quantity on the delivery line’s detail form. Then from the Ship Confirm form
select Ship Entered Quantities and in the Unspecified Quantities LOV select Cycle
te r
Count. The result is that only the shipped quantities are confirmed and the balance of the
delivery lines will be backordered and the reservations for that quantity will transfer to

I n
Cycle Count. Example of resulting split.
• Original Sales Order line:
Line Item
c l e Ordered Shipped Status

r a
1.1 BB-2002 10 Picked
After Ship Confirm (8 shipped 2 backordered)

O 1.1 BB-2202
1.2 BB-2202
8 Shipped
Awaiting Shipment

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Chapter 12 - Page 17
Automated Ship Confirm

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Automated Ship Confirm
U s
You can automatically Ship Confirm all deliveries that have all lines at status of staged.
Automated Ship Confirm can be executed as a concurrent program (set to run at specific
intervals) or it can be launched manually.
l &
You can enable the Automated Ship Confirm for any delivery by utilizing the Enable Ship
Confirm flag at the Delivery tab. If the check box is selected, the delivery will be considered
for Automated Ship Confirm.
n a
Running Automated Ship Confirm:

te r
• Define a Ship Confirm Rule: You must define a ship confirm rule in the Ship Confirm
Rule window.
I n
l e
• Auto Ship Confirm from the Shipping Transaction form: From within the Shipping
Transaction form, you can select deliveries or delivery lines that you want Auto Ship
r a
Confirm to run against.
• Auto Ship Confirm from the Quick Ship window: From within the Quick Ship

O window, you can select deliveries that you want to Ship Confirm.
• Auto Ship Confirm using Ship Confirm Deliveries SRS: You can use the Ship
Confirm Deliveries SRS window to systematically ship confirm your deliveries.

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Chapter 12 - Page 18
One Step Shipping

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One Step Shipping
U s
One step shipping is the process of picking, optionally packing, and ship confirming delivery
lines in one step. Utilizing the Actions named Pick and Ship, and Pick, Pack, and Ship, within
the Shipping Transaction form, Deliveries tab, and Delivery Lines tab enables this

l &
functionality. The two actions can be utilized depending on your business needs.
• Pick and Ship: This action can be used for one or more deliveries or delivery lines. Pick
and Ship will perform the following:
n a
te r
- Autocreate deliveries if deliveries are not associated with all or some of the lines.
- Launch Pick Release and Pick Confirm all lines assigned to the deliveries

I n
(autocreated as well as manually created.)

l e
- Ship Confirm all deliveries if all assigned lines have a line status of Staged/Pick
Confirmed and do not require any additional actions such as serial numbers or other
r ainventory controls.
- Autocreate trips if manually created trips/stops are not associated with any or all of

O the deliveries
- Close auto created or manually created trips

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- Perform all other shipping functions that are performed during ship confirm and trip
closing, for example executing interfaces
• Pick, Pack, and Ship: This action can be used for one or more deliveries or delivery
lines. Pick, Pack, and Ship will perform the following:
- Autocreate deliveries if deliveries are not associated with all or some of the lines
- Launch Pick Release and Pick Confirm all lines assigned to the deliveries (auto-
created as well as manually created.)
- Auto pack all delivery lines with a status of Staged/Pick Confirmed, and all
deliveries with a status of Open.
- Ship Confirm all deliveries that have all line status of Staged and do not require any
additional actions such as serial numbers
- Autocreate trips if manually created trips/stops are not associated with any or all of
the deliveries
- Close autocreated or manually created trips
- Perform all other shipping functions that are performed during ship confirm and trip
closing, for example executing interfaces

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 20
Shipping Transactions Form

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Shipping Transactions Form
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Transactions A I
The Shipping Transactions form is a workbench that consolidates planning, executing and
viewing all aspects of the shipping process. The user interface is composed of two elements;
n a
the Query Manager and the Data Manager. It allows for extensive use of Oracle Folders and
tree capabilities. You can change prompts, move fields, hide/retrieve fields based on your
Query Manager
te r
I n
• You can finds trips, stops, deliveries, delivery lines and containers.

Data Manager
c l e
• You define and Save queries using the Query Manager for fast retrieval of data.

r a
• Create or change data using the Data Manager.

• Plan trips, stops, deliveries, delivery lines, and containers.
• Perform Pick Release and Ship Confirm from the same form.

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• Pick Release can be launched directly from the Shipping Transactions form based on
criteria set up in Shipping Parameters window or the Release Sales Order form can be
called from the Tools menu.
• Use the Shift-Left mouse button to select multiple records and to transact at one time.

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Chapter 12 - Page 22
Guided Demonstration – Shipping Transaction Form
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations

Querying using Query Manager

1. (N) Shipping > Transactions

2. Search for region

− Lines (B) - Select

3. (T) Lines
− Line Status: Not Shipped

4. Saved Query region

− Name: XX-Notshipped
− Description: Not Shipped Lines
− Saved Query?: Select. This makes the query public to all users

5. (B) Find. All lines which are not shipped are displayed in the Shipping Transaction Form

Shipping Transaction Form

n l y
Click on the Vertical Splitter on the left of the Shipping Transaction Form to view the Query
Click on the Vertical Splitter on the right of the Shipping Transaction Form to view the
Packing Calculator.
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Chapter 12 - Page 23
Quick Ship User Interface

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Quick Ship User Interface
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Quick Ship A I
You use the Quick Ship window to process shipments quickly, using the minimum shipping
requirements with the benefit of configurability. You can access deliveries, trips, and delivery
shipment data.
n a
lines/LPNs within the Quick Ship window. Quick Ship offers the benefit of quickly entering

te r
The Quick Ship window is configurable. Using the Folders feature, you can hide fields, show
fields, and show an Additional tab on the window. You can set the default view of the Quick

I n
Ship window by defining the WSH: Quick Ship Default View profile option.

c l e
You can perform the following tasks using the Quick Ship window:
• Ship Confirm deliveries

r a
• Adjust shipment quantities
• Print Shipping documents
• Enter delivery freight costs
• View and resolve shipping exceptions

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• Access to Shipping Transactions form
Default View
You have a choice of the default view of the Quick Ship window by defining the Oracle
Shipping Execution profile WSH: Quick_Ship_Default_View. The available default views to
choose from include:
• Delivery Confirm view: Delivery Confirm view displays one delivery record in the
delivery region
• Trip Confirm view: Trip Confirm view displays multiple deliveries in the delivery region

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Chapter 12 - Page 25
Guided Demonstration – Quick Ship Window
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
(N) Shipping > Quick Ship

Changing Quick Ship View

1. (N) Shipping > Quick Ship

2. (M) Tools > Change View to toggle between the two Quick Ship views. The two Quick Ship
views are as follows:
− Delivery Confirm View
− Trip Confirm View

Finding Deliveries
3. Ensure that you are in the Delivery Confirm View.

4. You can find the deliveries in the Quick Ship window using any one the following methods:
− Enter the delivery in the Name field and click Tab
− Click on Name LOV to find for a delivery.

− Click on the Find icon to find the delivery using Find Deliveries window. In the l y
e O
Find Deliveries window, you can find the delivery based on the search criteria you

Using Folder Option

U s
5. I
To hide the Number of LPNs field. Click on the field. You can hide a field using any one of
the following option
− (M) Folder > Hide Field.
− Right click on the field, select Folders option on the popmenu, and click Hide Field.

To show a field, you can use anyone of the following methods:
− (M) Folder > Show Field. Select a field, which you want to display from the LOV.

te r
− Right click on any field, select Folders option on the popmenu and click Show field.

Select a field, which you want to display from the LOV.

c l
following methods. e
7. To change the position of a field in the Quick Ship window, you can use anyone of the

r a
Click on the field to be moved. Click (M) Folder and click on Move Right, Move Left,

O Move Up, and Move Down to move to respective position.

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Chapter 12 - Page 26
• Right click on the field to be moved. Select the Folders option in the popment, and click
on Move Right, Move Left, Move Up, and Move Down to move to respective position.

Creating New Folder

8. (M) Folder > New

9. Enter XX-Folder in the Folder field.

10. Select the Show Additional Delivery to display the Additional tab.

11. Select the Show Trip Information to display the Trip tab

12. (M) File > Save.

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Chapter 12 - Page 27
Shipping Roles and User Security

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Shipping Roles and User Security
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Grants and Roles Definitions A I
Oracle Shipping Execution provides data access controls called roles that control users’ access
to the Actions list and Tools menu in the Shipping Transactions form and the Quick Ship
shipping data or actions.
n a
window. Roles are assigned to users using grants that control access to view or edit specific

te r
This is useful, for example, if you want to assign a grant to inexperienced users that provides
view-only access or assign grants that prevent unwanted actions such as unintentional pick

I n
releases across multiple organizations.

c l e
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Chapter 12 - Page 28
Shipping Exceptions

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Shipping Exceptions
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Define Exceptions A I
You can use Oracle Shipping Execution to do the following: O
• View and update logged shipping exceptions
• Log a new shipping exception manually

n a
te r
• Purge logged shipping exception
View and update logged shipping exception

I n
• You can use the Find Exception window to find selected exceptions or all exceptions.
The search displays the results in a series of tabs in the View Exceptions window.

l e
• In the View Exceptions window, you can track, review, and update current and past
exceptions that have been logged either manually or automatically. The following tabs

r a
are available in this window

• Exception tab: Displays general information about the exception such as the exception
name and exception ID.
- Trip tab: Displays all trip information specific to the exception.

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Chapter 12 - Page 29
- Delivery tab: Displays all delivery information specific to the exception.
- Container tab: Displays all container (or LPN) information specific to the
- Inventory tab: Displays all inventory information specific to the exception.
Logging New Shipping Exceptions
During the shipping and transportation of goods, situations can arise that conflict with the
requirements of the shipper, transportation carrier or customer. These situations are known as
exceptions and can occur during a business process such as transporting a shipment.
Exceptions can be logged by different (logging) entities (such as a transportation carrier) for a
variety of business reasons. For example, invalid packing or changing a planned delivery.
Some exceptions use workflows to automate certain process such as exception notification and
handling. Other exceptions need to be logged manually because either the exception does not
occur during the workflow process or requires manual logging.
Example: In a situation where the transportation carrier does not deliver goods to the customer
in time, you can log a manual exception. This exception has the following properties:
• Process: Transport Shipment
• Logging Entity: Customer, Transportation Carrier
• Exception: The transportation carrier does not deliver goods to the customer in time
• Handling: The exception should be logged and customer may be given discount for their
inconvenience. Transportation carrier may be charged for the delay.
There are two ways of logging exceptions. You can either

• Select an existing exception name as a template to which you can add specific shipping
entity details.
n y
e O
• Log a new exception without selecting an exception name. This is useful if you want to
create a new exception not based on the default values of an existing exception name.
Purging Logged Shipped Exceptions

U s
To help maintain your shipping exception records and conserve computer storage space, you

may want to purge (delete) logged shipping exception records that are no longer required. For
example, you may want to purge shipping exception records that are five months and older.

You also may want to mass change the status of (resolve) shipping exceptions. You must use

l &
the Resolve/Purge Exceptions Parameters window to resolve and purge shipping exceptions.
You cannot select, resolve, and purge shipping exception records from the View Exceptions

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 30
Guided Demonstration – Define Shipping Exceptions
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
1. (N) Shipping > Setup > Define Exceptions

2. Enter the following information:

− Exception Name: XX-Picking
− Description: Picking Exception
− Exception Type: Picking
− Exception Behavior: Warning
− Enabled: Select
Note: The behavior of the exception can be set as follows:
− Error: The exception must be handled before the task can be completed.
− Information Only: The exception must be handled before the task can be
completed. However, you can override it so that the task can be completed.
− Warning: A warning is given but the task can be completed.

3. (M) Files > Save.

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Chapter 12 - Page 32
Release Sales Orders

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Release Sales Orders
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Release Sales Order > Release Sales Order A I
Releasing Sales Orders for picking is the first step in the shipping process.

l &
• The shipping activity must be in the line’s workflow. The sales order line status must be

Awaiting Shipment and the item’s attribute Shippable must be selected.

te r
• Some companies have a problem with material shortages or incorrect balances. To
combat these issues it may be necessary for a scheduler to manually reserve inventory for
specific sales order lines, before to picking. In order to assure that the picking process

I n
selects only the orders planned by your schedulers, select Prior Reservations Only from

c l e
the Release Sales Order form.
• The document set defines what reports will be printed from your picking process. For

r a
example you may request that pick slips and an Exception Report be printed.
• Move orders are created for every sales order line that is released.
• All user defined holds must be removed from the order or order line before picking.

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• Credit check holds that are placed on an order at booking may automatically be removed
by the picking process if the customer’s AR balance has been decreased or their credit
limits have been increased.
• The picking process could apply a credit check hold if the order’s Transaction Type has a
value in the Credit Check Rule – Shipping field.
• If a credit hold is manually removed before Pick Release the system will not perform a
credit check, even if the Order Transaction Type has a value in the Credit Check Rule –
Shipping field.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 34
Guided Demonstration – Release Sales Orders
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations

Book Order
1. (N) Order, Returns > Sales Orders

2. Enter the following information

− Customer : Business World (1608)

3. Accept all the details defaulted in the header.

4. (T) Line Items.

5. Enter a line with the following information:

− Ordered Item: AS54888
− Qty: 5

6. (B) Book Order, and note your sales order number. _______________

Release Sales Order

7. (N) Shipping > Release Sales Orders > Release Sales Orders n l y
8. (T) Order
e O
− Order Number: Enter the order number recorder earlier

U s
9. (T) Inventory.
− Warehouse: M1
Note: The Pick Slip Grouping rule gets defaulted based on the value set to Pick Slip
Grouping Rule field in the Shipping Parameters window for M1 organization.
− Auto Allocate: Yes
l &
10. (T) Shipping.
n a
− Autocreate Delivery: Yes
− Auto Pick Confirm:
te r

− Release Sequence Rule: Defaulted
l e
11. (B) Concurrent. To submit your picking criteria.

r a
12. Note your Batch number, which you can use to identify your concurrent requests.

View Concurrent Request
13. (M) View > Request

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− All My Requests: Select

14. (B) Find.

15. Your Batch number will be displayed in the concurrent request parameters field.

View Status of Sales Order

16. (N) > Orders, Returns > Order Organizer
− Order Number: Enter the order number recorder earlier

17. (B) Find.

18. (B) Actions > Addition Order Information

19. (T) Lines. Scroll right to check the Status field of the line and confirm the status is “Picked”.

20. (B) Actions > Addition Order Information

21. (T) Delivery. Check the delivery line status.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 36
Practice - Release Sales Orders
In this practice you will learn how to release a Sales Order for picking.

• Enter a Sales Order

• Release a Sales Order

• View Picking Documents

• View Delivery information from the Sales Order

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• Replace XX with the number provided by your instructor or your initials.

• Use Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) or comparable Super
User Order Management responsibility.
n l y
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U s
Create and Book a Sales Order with 3 order lines that will be used in the Picking and

Shipping practices. Use Business World (1608) as the customer. Use Items AS54888,
AS72111 and AS18947. Select a quantity of 10 for the first two items. For item AS18947

split the line so that a quantity of 2 has today’s date shipping to New York and that a
quantity of 2 has a date two weeks from today shipping to San Jose. Then Book your sales
order and note the Sales Order number.
l &
n a
Pick Release your Sales Order by using the Sales Order number. Select M1 as the

launch the process.

te r
warehouse and accept the default information associated with it. Use the Concurrent (B) to

I n
View your concurrent request to validate that the Pick Release was successful.

c l e
Query your Sales Order number and view the line and delivery information.

r a
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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 37
Solution - Release Sales Orders

1. Login to the database.

• User Name: operations

• Password: welcome

Choose Responsibility

2. Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility is selected.

Create and Book Sales Order

3. (N) Orders, Returns > Sales Orders > (T) Order Information
− Customer: Business World (1608)
− Order Type: Mixed
− Price List: Corporate

4. Enter all required header fields.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 38
5. (T) Line Items.
− AS54888

6. Add a new line.

− AS72111

7. Actions > Split Line.

Enter: Request Date Ship To Warehouse

2 Today’s Date New York (OPS) M1
2 2 Weeks from Today San Jose (OPS) M1

8. (B) Split.

If you don’t get the following results notify your instructor. n l y

e O
U s
9. (B) Book Order, and record your Sales Order #: __________________.
10. (T) Line Items
Validate that all of the order lines are “Awaiting Shipping”.
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11. (M) File > Close Form

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Chapter 12 - Page 39
Pick Release Sales Order
12. (N) Shipping > Release Sales Orders > Release Sales Orders > (T) Order

13. Order Number: Sales Order # recorded earlier.

Accept default “To Dates”.

n l y
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U s
14. (T) Inventory A I
15. Enter the following information:
− Warehouse: M1
l &
− Auto Allocate: Yes
n a

te r
Note: The Shipping parameters for Seattle will default values on to the Release Criteria
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Chapter 12 - Page 40
16. (T) Shipping.

17. Enter the following information:

− Auto Create Delivery: Yes
− Auto Pick Confirm: Yes
n l y
18. (B) Concurrent.

e O
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Chapter 12 - Page 41
• Write your concurrent request ID: ______________________.

Note: This concurrent request will spawn another request id.

• Write your Batch #: _________________________________.

19. (M) File > Close Form .

View Concurrent Request

20. (M) View > Requests > (B) Find (all requests).

21. Look for your Batch # in the Parameters for the two concurrent requests, Pick Selection List
Generation and Pick Slip Report.

22. (B) View Output.

n l y
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U s
23. (M) File > Close Form .
Find Sales Order
l &
24. (N) Orders, Returns > Order Organizer > (B) Find

n a
25. Find your Sales Order-by-Order Number or Customer PO XX-020.

26. (B) Find.

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Chapter 12 - Page 42
27. (T) Summary

28. (B) Actions > Additional Order Information

29. (T) Deliveries

30. If you do not see the above delivery information (“Staged/Pick Confirmed”) let your
n l y
If it is not booked “Book” your order then release it).
e O
instructor know. (Check to make sure your Order is booked before alerting your instructor.

31. (M) File > Close Form

U s
32. (T) Lines.
Question: Why is line 3.2 still “Awaiting Shipping”?
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Answer: Because it’s Scheduled ship date is 2 weeks in the future.

33. (M) File > Close Form .

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 43
Methods to Pick Release

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Methods to Pick Release
U s
• When the Release Sales Orders is submitted from the user interface, as Online, it releases
one order immediately, eliminating waiting for the order to process through the
concurrent manager queue.
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• Only one sales order at a time is allowed.
• A Release Rule and document set is required.
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• When the process is submitted through the user interface, as Concurrent, it runs Pick
Release in the background, allowing you to run other processes simultaneously.

l e
Standard Report Submission (SRS)

• When a Standard Report Submission (SRS) runs Release Sales Orders it runs in the

r a
background on an automatic, scheduled basis. Using SRS and your Release Rules, you
can run a specific release at the same time every day, or several times every day.
Note: The Shipping Transaction’s Tools menu provides a link to the Release Sales Order form
to allow picking either Online or Concurrent.

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Chapter 12 - Page 44
Pick Release Parameters

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Pick Release Parameters
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Shipping Parameters (T) Pick Release A I
The Pick Release tab on the Shipping Parameters form sets most of the parameters that relate
to the picking process.
l &
have their own values defined.
n a
Since shipping parameters are organization specific, each of your shipping organizations can

te r
Release Sequence Rule: Select a value from the LOV to default in the Release Sales Orders
form. This value can be over written before submitting the release, if applicable.

I n
Pick Slip Grouping Rule: Select a value from the LOV to default in the Release Sales Order

c l e
form. It can be over written if necessary.
Print Pick Slip: The LOV has two values, At the End or Immediate.

r a
• If At the End is selected, the system will wait until the Pick Release job is finished before
sending them to a printer.
• If Immediate is selected, the system will send a pick slip immediately to the printer after
it finds the specified number of pick slip lines.

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Chapter 12 - Page 45
Number of Pick Slip Lines: The number of pick slip lines in the Pick Slip
Default Pick Release Document Set: Select a value from the LOV to default on the Release
Orders form if a Release Rule isn’t used. This value can be over written before submitting the
Default Stage Subinventory: Select a value from the LOV to default during the Release Sales
Order process. This value can be over written.
Default Stage Locator: Select a value from the LOV. The is an Optional value.
Number of Pick Slip Lines: Enter the number of rows to print on each Pick Slip.
Auto Allocate checkbox: Select Yes or No. This value will default during the Release Sales
Order process. It can be over written.
• If Yes is selected, the system will automatically allocate inventory to the move orders.
• If No is selected, the inventory will be allocated manually from the Transaction Move
Order form.
Autocreate Deliveries: Select Yes or No. This value will default during the Release Sales
Order process and can be over written.
• If Yes the system will automatically create deliveries for the released order lines.
• If No the delivery will need to be created from the Shipping Transactions form.
Enforce Ship Sets & Ship Models checkbox: Oracle Shipping Execution enforces ship
models and ship sets during Pick Release when checkbox is checked. Lines in a shipset or ship
model will not be released unless all items in the shipset or ship model are available for
picking. Some companies prefer to prevent incomplete sets from being moved to the staging
The Pick Release Parameters Controls:
n l y
found, or wait until the process is complete.
e O
• Whether to print pick slips immediately after the specified number of pick slip lines are

or across orders.
U s
• Whether grouping delivery lines into deliveries will be restricted to within a sales order

• Whether to automatically create deliveries as part of the picking process.

• Whether to automatically allocate inventory as soon as the move order is created.
• Whether the Picking process should respect Ship sets and Ship Model complete sets.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 46
Configuring Pick Release Process

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Configuring Pick Release Process
U s
One-Step Process
Auto Allocate is set to Yes and Auto Pick Confirm is set to Yes. A I
• When the request is submitted the system automatically creates a move order for all
eligible order lines that meet the picking criteria.
• The Release Sequence Rule can be used to sequence the orders for inventory allocation.

te r
• Oracle Inventory’s Picking Rule can be used to detail the move order with suggested

I n
• Pick Slips are printed and can be reprinted if needed later.
• The subinventory transfer is executing moving the material from it’s source location to

l e
the destination staging subinventory.

• The delivery line status is changed to Staged/Pick Confirmed, making it eligible to be

r a
Ship Confirmed.

One Step Shipping Scenario:
The one step process would be for an organization who's shipment profile is one where the
order lines do not require a lot of change. Typically the majority of what is picked is shipped in

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 47
full and the process requires minimal manual intervention. This type of process is also
appropriate for shipment profiles that are simple and repetitive. High volume non MSCA non
WMS would probably use a one step process.
Two Step Process
Auto Allocate is set to Yes and Auto Pick Confirm is set to No.
• When the request is submitted move orders are created.
• Oracle Inventory is allocated and the move order is detailed with source information.
• Pick Slips are printed.
• The order line status is still Awaiting Shipping.
Manually Pick Confirm from the Transact move orders form to complete the picking process.
Two Step Shipping Scenario:
The two step process allows some automation by having the system allocate the material but
gives the material handler more control by allowing changes to be made at the Pick
Confirmation step. The two step process is typically used by organizations that use mobile
scanning devices where the material handler scans material as its being picked. Probably not
used by organizations who pick and ship from the desktop due to the number of transactions
necessary to process the shipment via the forms.
Three Step Process
Auto Allocate is set to No and Auto Pick Confirm is set to No.
• When the request is submitted move orders are created.
• The move order has not been detailed.
• Pick Slips cannot be printed.
n l y
• The sales order line status is still Awaiting Shipping.
• Manually allocate inventory from the Transaction Move Orders form
e O
• Manually Pick Confirm from the Transaction Move Orders form.
Three Step Business Scenario:
U s
The three step process would be for organizations that have full RF Mobile device capabilities.
The number of transactions required to process a shipment requiring all three steps would be
unreasonable using the desktop but it could be done. It also has the most control and the most
flexibility in the picking process.

l &
Note: You can autocreate deliveries during Pick Release by setting the Autocreate Delivery
option to Yes within the Shipping tab of the Release Sales Orders for Picking window or by
specifying a Release Rule that has the Autocreate Delivery option set to Yes.

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Chapter 12 - Page 48
Auto Create Delivery

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Auto Create Delivery
U s
Deliveries are required to perform Ship Confirm.
Deliveries can be automatically created from the Release Sales Order form during Pick Release
or from the Shipping Transaction’s Action menu any time before Ship Confirm.

If Autocreate is not executed, deliveries can be manually created from the Shipping
Transactions form.
Deliveries Lines
n a
te r
Delivery Lines are sales order lines which have completed all workflow activities that are
prerequisites to shipping such as Schedule – Line or Create Supply.
Delivery Tab
I n
l e
Lines are grouped based on the grouping attributes specified on the your organization’s

Shipping Parameters – Delivery Tab. There are two mandatory attributes, Ship From Location

r a
and Ship To Location. Optionally, group by Customer, Freight Terms, FOB code, Intermediate
Ship To Location, and Ship Method.
Process Deliveries SRS
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)

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(N) Shipping > Setup > Process Deliveries SRS
Process Deliveries SRS is used to append deliveries and/or autocreate deliveries with
unassigned delivery lines or to auto create trips with delivery groups according to the grouping
parameters and compatibility constraints. This process can be limited in the execution of the
request to particular delivery lines status, delivery status, date ranges, ship method or customer.
This process can be limited in the execution of the request to particular delivery lines status,
delivery status, date ranges, ship method or customer.

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Chapter 12 - Page 51
Ship Confirm

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Ship Confirm
U s
Ship Confirm is the last step in the shipping process. Order lines that have been Ship
Confirmed and have a status of Shipped will be allowed to continue through the workflow to
the Invoicing activity. Ship Confirm can be done through the following:

l &
• Auto Ship Confirm: Auto Ship Confirm enables you to automatically Ship Confirm all
deliveries that have all delivery lines at status of staged. Auto Ship Confirm can be
executed as a concurrent program (set to run at specific intervals) or it can be launched
te r
manually. Each method of executing Auto Ship Confirm has its advantages. You can
utilize either or both processes depending on your business needs. This is the least

I n
common way to Ship Confirm.
- Concurrent Submission: If Auto Ship Confirm is executed as a concurrent job,

l e
you will not have to manually Ship Confirm each delivery. If configured to do so,

this method can also create a trip if one isn’t already associated with the delivery. It

r ais designed to support delivery selection based on range of parameters. Because the
concurrent request is typically run at frequent intervals, there is little opportunity for
O backordering lines prior to Ship Confirm.

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Chapter 12 - Page 52
- Manual submission: Manually submitting Auto Ship Confirm enables you to
control when each Ship Confirm process will be executed by invoking the process
• Manual Ship Confirm: When you click Ship Confirm from the Quick Ship window, the
Confirm Delivery window will display by default. The options in the Confirm Delivery
window provide flexibility for automating many tasks associated with process deliveries
with many delivery lines. For example, when the Ship Entered Quantity and Unspecified
Quantities Ship option is selected at Ship Confirm, the shipped amounts are automatically
processed so that each delivery line with a missing shipped quantity value is recorded as
fully shipped. This saves you from manually entering each item as fully shipped.
Note: During Ship Confirm, you can also automatically create a trip and related stops for a
deliver that has been assigned to a trip.
To Ship Confirm the following is prerequisite:
• Delivery lines must be in Staged/Pick Confirmed status
• Delivery must be open
• At least one delivery line must be assigned to the delivery

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 53
Guided Demonstration – Ship Confirm Delivery
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
1. (N) Shipping > Quick Ship

2. (I) Find.

3. Enter the following information:

− Source System: Order Management
− Order Number: The Sales Order # noted in Release Sales Order demo

4. (B) Find.

Ship Confirm Deliveries

5. Enter the following in the Delivery Lines/LPNs region.

− Shipped Qty: 5
− Backordered Qty: 5

6. (B) Freight Cost.

7. Enter the following information in the Freight Costs window:

− Name: Handling Cost n l y
− Accept the defaults

e O
8. (B) Done.

U s
9. Enter the following in the Delivery Lines/LPNs region.
− Shipped Qty: 5
10. (B) Ship Confirm. O
11. Validate
l &
− “Ship Entered Quantities” is the Ship Option.
te r
− “Create Delivery for Staged Quantities” is checked.
− “Set Delivery In-Transit” is checked.

I n
− “Close Trip” is checked.
− “Defer Interface” is unchecked.

12. (B) OK.

c l e
• r a
Write your Interface Trip Stop Request ______________________.
13. (M) File > Save.

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Chapter 12 - Page 54
14. (B) Ship Confirm.

15. Validate
− “Ship Entered Quantities” is the Ship Option.
− “Create Delivery for Staged Quantities” is checked.
− “Set Delivery In-Transit” is checked.
− “Close Trip” is checked.
− “Defer Interface” is unchecked.

16. (B) OK.

• Write your Interface Trip Stop Request ______________________.

17. (B) OK.

18. (M) View > Requests > (B) Find (all requests)

19. Validate that your concurrent request completed normally.

20. (M) File > Save.

Look at Sales Order Delivery Information

21. (N) Orders, Returns > Order Organizer > (T) Order Information
− Enter your Sales Order number

n l y
22. (B) Find.

23. (T) Summary

e O
24. (B) Actions > Additional Order Information > (T) Deliveries
U s
25. Scroll to the right to see all of the shipping information. Notice that the since you have

entered only 5 quantities to be shipped, the remaining 5 items are backordered.

26. (M) File > Close Form

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 55
Practice - Ship Confirm Delivery
In this practice you will learn how to ship confirm the pick release sales order.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• Replace XX with the number provided by your instructor or your initials.

• Use Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) or comparable Super
User Order Management responsibility.

1. Ship Confirm Deliveries created in the Release Sales Order practice. Ship confirm 5 units and
backorder 5 units of the item AS54888, AS72111. Ship confirm 2 units of AS18947. Apply
serial numbers when required. Use the Freight Costs button to assign freight costs. Use the
Ship Confirm button to ship confirm.
n l y
2. Go to your Sales Order window and query your sales order to review the Delivery
information and Line status to see the results of your shipping process.
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Chapter 12 - Page 56
Solution – Ship Confirm Delivery

1. Login to the database.

• User Name: operations

• Password: welcome

Choose Responsibility

2. Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility is selected.

Find Delivery to Ship Confirm

3. (N) Shipping > Quick Ship

4. (I) Find

n l y
5. Enter the following information:
− Source System: Order Management
e O
− Order Number:
The Sales Order # noted in the Release Sales Order Practice
6. (B) Find

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Ship Confirm Deliveries

7. Enter the following in the Delivery Lines/LPNs region.

− Item Name: AS54888
− Shipped Qty: 5
− Backordered Qty: 5
− Item Name: AS72111
− Shipped Qty: 5
− Backordered Qty: 5
− Item Name: AS18947
− Shipped Qty: 2

8. (B) Freight Cost

9. Enter the following information in the Freight Costs window:

− Name: Handling Cost
− Accept the defaults

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10. (B) Done

11. Move to the third delivery for assigning serial numbers.

12. (M) Tools > Serial Numbers.

− Accept default of Serial Number Ranges
− XX- 12345

The system will generate the End Serial Number.

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13. (B) Done
I n
14. (M) File > Save

c l e
15. (B) Ship Confirm

16. Validate
− “Ship Entered Quantities” is the Ship Option.
− “Create Delivery for Staged Quantities” is checked.

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Chapter 12 - Page 59
− “Set Delivery In-Transit” is checked.
− “Close Trip” is checked.
− “Defer Interface” is unchecked.

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U s
17. (B) OK
• O
Write your Interface Trip Stop Request ______________________.

l &
18. (B) OK

n a
19. (M) View > Requests > (B) Find (all requests)

20. Validate that your concurrent request completed normally.
21. (M) File > Save

c e
Look at Sales Order Delivery Information
22. (N) Orders, Returns > Order Organizer > (T) Order Information
− Enter your Sales Order number
− And/or Customer PO XX-020

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23. (B) Find

24. (T) Summary

25. (B) Actions > Additional Order Information > (T) Deliveries

26. (B) Open > (T) Line Items

27. Scroll to the right to see all of the shipping information.

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U s
28. Notice that a new Delivery is automatically created for the Shipped quantity.
29. (M) File > Close Form
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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 61
Shipping Transaction Parameters

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Shipping Transaction Parameters
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Shipping Parameters (T) Shipping Transaction A I
Shipping parameters are organization specific. During the Ship Confirm process the shipping
parameters are used to control the confirmation process.
Confirm process.
n a
Default Ship Confirm document set: These documents are printed as part of the Ship

te r
Default Ship Confirm rule: The default ship confirm rule that will be applied when you ship
confirm. The rule you select here will be defaulted when you auto ship confirm.

I n
Auto-pack option: You can set the Auto-pack option to No, Yes, or Autopack Master

l e
• No: Autopack will not be enabled

• Yes: Auto-pack will be enabled and delivery line items will be systematically packed into

r a
LPNs based on container item relationships

• Autopack Master: Auto-pack will be enabled and delivery line items will be
systematically packed into LPNs based on container-item relationships and the container
will then be packed into another container, such as a freight container for transport

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Chapter 12 - Page 62
Default Goods Dispatched Account: Use the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) account for this
Enforce Packing in Containers: You can either select Yes or No
• Yes: Ship confirm displays a warning when confirming a delivery or trip with unpacked
delivery line items.You can bypass the warning and complete the shipment
• No: Ship Confirm does not display a warning
The Parameters Controls:
• Whether containers are required.
• Ship Confirm Rule: Determines which rule will be used when Ship Confirm.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 63
Shipping Documents

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Shipping Documents
U s
Select the Document Set you want to attach with the reports. A I
Specify if the document set you are creating is for the Pick Release or Ship Confirm process.

Use the sequence field to define the printing order for the reports attached to the document set.

l &
There are three seeded document sets that you can use immediately.
• Pick Release Documents

n a
• All Shipping Documents
• Pack Slip Only
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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 64
Guided Demonstration – Define Document Sets
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
1. (N) Shipping > Setup > Documents > Document Sets

2. Enter the following information in the header:

− Document Set: XX-Docs
− Description: New Document Set
− Usage: Pick Release
− Printing Method: Parallel (Defaulted)
Note 1: Options of the Usage is explained as follows:
Pick Release: The documents are printed on pick release
Ship Confirm: The documents are printed on ship confirm
Note 2: When you set the Printing Method to Parallel the reports are printed separately.
That is if one of the reports in the document set fails to print, the other reports still print.

3. Enter the following information in the Documents region:

− Seq: 1
− Application: Oracle Shipping
− Report Name: Pick Slip Report
− Copies: 1
n l y
Enter the reports to be included in the document set in the next lines until completed.

5. (M) File > Save.

U s
To Edit Document Sets
6. (I) Find. A I
Select a document set from the Find Document Set window.

Edit Effective Dates, Printing Method, add new documents, or delete existing ones.

9. (M) File > Save.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 65
Ship Confirm Rules

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Ship Confirm Rules
U s
business needs. A I
You use the Ship Confirm Rules window to define the Ship Confirm Rules based on your

You can specify the following for the Ship Confirm Rule: O
• The effective period with in which the rule is applicable
• Within the Ship Options region, you select one of the following:

- Ship All
te r
- Ship Entered Quantities

- Backorder All
- Cycle Count Alln
l e
• The Ship Options region also enables you to determine the action to perform with
Unspecified Quantities. Select one of the following options:

r a
- Ship

O - Backorder
- Stage

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Chapter 12 - Page 66
- Cycle Count
• Determine whether you want to Create Delivery for Staged Quantities.
• Within the Trip Options region, select a Ship Method using the LOV
- Set Delivery In-transit: Creates a trip and stops for the delivery. Closes the first
stop of the delivery, but leaves second stop open. Sets status of delivery to In-transit
and initiates Oracle Order Management (OM) and Inventory interfaces.
- Close Trip: Creates a trip and stops for the delivery. Closes trip, all stops, and the
- Defer Interface:
·If you disable the Defer Interface box and run Ship Confirm, inventory gets
decremented and the order line is updated with the shipped quantity.
·If you enable the Defer Interface box and run Ship Confirm, you need to run the
Interface Trip Stop-SRS concurrent request to update the Oracle Inventory and
the order line status. When the Defer Interface box is enabled, a request is not
automatically submitted to interface the trip stops.
- Bill of Lading: Enable the Create Bill of Lading box if you want to create a Bill of
You specify the Ship Confirm Rule that needs to be used for the Ship Confirming Process in
the following:
• Ship Confirm Deliveries SRS window: This runs the Ship Confirm concurrently
• Quick Ship window: You can select the deliveries that you want to Ship Confirm
• Release Sales Orders for Picking window: You can execute Ship Confirm within this
window by using a Ship Confirm Rule. You must select Warehouse before you can selectl y
a Ship Confirm Rule.
• Release Rules: Release Rules provide a means of performing one-time setup of your
e O
Release Sales Order for Picking window and Release Rules Orders SRS concurrents
picking criteria through the pick release parameters. Then you can use the rule in the


• Release Sales Orders SRS: You can use the Release Sales Orders SRS concurrent to
pick release the delivery at specific time.
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• Shipping Transactions Form: You can select a Ship Confirm Rule in the Confirm
Delivery window. The Ship Confirm Rule can also be defaulted here based on the
Shipping Parameter by the same name.
n a
te r
• Auto Ship Confirm Report: The Auto Ship Confirm Report is designed to provide
visibility to batches that have been successfully Ship Confirmed by Auto Ship Confirm

Note: I n
concurrent program.

l e
1. If your application is setup to allow Auto Ship Confirming of staged delivery lines, you can
optionally prevent deliveries (and their assigned lines) from being ship confirmed when this

r a
process is kicked off. You do this by finding the delivery that you want to prevent from being

considered for ship confirm and deselect (uncheck) the check box named Enable Auto Ship
2. The Ship Confirm Rule can be set in the Release windows only if the following is set

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Chapter 12 - Page 67
• Auto Pick Confirm has been set to Yes
• Auto Create Deliveries has been set to Yes
• Warehouse is selected
• Auto Allocate is Yes
3. The Ship Confirm options can be defaulted from the Ship Confirm Rule specified in the
shipping parameter for the organization.

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Chapter 12 - Page 68
Ship Confirm Deliveries SRS

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Ship Confirm Deliveries SRS
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Auto Ship confirm Deliveries SRS A I
You use the Ship Confirm Deliveries SRS window to run Ship Confirm concurrently. For
example, you can run Ship Confirm on a set of deliveries at the same time every day based on
n a
the options you set in the Ship Confirm Deliveries SRS window.
You select a Ship Confirm Rule in the Ship Confirm Deliveries SRS window based on how the

your SRS
te r
Ship Confirm is to be run concurrently. You also define the batch prefix to uniquely identify

I n
You specify the following details in the Ship Confirm Deliveries SRS window for auto

c l e
• Organization from which the shipment is originating

r a
• Pick Release Batch name that contains the deliveries to be Ship Confirmed
• Auto Pack Batch name that contains the deliveries to be Ship Confirmed
• Range of delivery name to be Ship Confirmed
• Range of bill of lading to be Ship Confirmed

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• Ship-from and ship-to location based on which of the deliveries are selected for ship
• Pooled Ship To Location based on which of the deliveries are selected for Ship Confirm
• Ship method based on which of the deliveries are selected for Ship Confirm
• Customer name based on which of the deliveries are selected for Ship Confirm
• Intermediate Ship To Location based on which of the deliveries are selected for Ship
• Consignee name based on which the deliveries are selected for Ship Confirm
• Ship method based on which the deliveries are selected for Ship Confirm
• Freight Terms based on which the deliveries are selected for Ship Confirm
• FOB terms based on which of the deliveries are selected for Ship Confirm
• Range of pick up dates based on which of the deliveries are selected for Ship Confirm
• Range of drop off dates based on which of the deliveries are selected for Ship Confirm
• Log level based on which of the deliveries are selected for Ship Confirm

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Chapter 12 - Page 71
Working with Deliveries and Delivery Lines

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Working with Deliveries and Delivery Lines
U s
You can perform the following actions with Delivery and Delivery Lines:
Splitting Delivery Lines A I
You can use the Split Delivery Line window to split shipments for certain customer
requirements. For example, an original shipment may need to be split if your customer wants a
n a
part of the ordered quantity delivered on a different date or to a different location. In another
example, if a stock picker finds only a partial quantity when picking inventory to fill a given

te r
order line, the delivery lines could be split so that the partially processed quantity can progress
further through the Order process.

I n
Transferring Delivery Lines to Cycle Counting

l e
You can use the Transfer to Cycle Count window to transfer delivery lines to cycle counting to
manage inventory discrepancies. For example, the inventory discrepancies can be caused by
r a
miscounting or defect in the item.
For example, you are processing a staged delivery line with quantity 10. If you use the transfer

cycle count functionality with this delivery line and specify two, the transfer cycle count

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 72
• Splits the delivery line into two delivery lines, one with quantity eight and one with
quantity two.
• Leaves the delivery line with quantity eight as a staged delivery.
• Back orders the delivery line with quantity two and transfers its reservation to cycle
Assigning Delivery Lines to a Delivery
You can assign delivery lines to an existing delivery using the Query Manager window.
For delivery lines with intermediate ship-to locations:
• You cannot assign a delivery line with an intermediate ship-to to a delivery that has a line
without an intermediate ship-to.
• You can assign multiple delivery lines with the same intermediate ship-to values to the
same delivery.
• You cannot assign multiple delivery lines with different intermediate ship-to values to the
same delivery.
Auto-creating Delivery for Delivery Lines
You can automatically create deliveries for delivery lines that have been successfully released
for shipment. Lines are grouped onto deliveries based on the grouping attributes specified in
the Shipping Parameters window.
Auto-creating a Trip for Delivery Lines
You can automatically create trips for delivery lines that have not been assigned to an existing

legs for selected delivery lines.

Assigning Freight Costs to Delivery Lines n y
delivery or trip. Auto-creating trips automatically creates a trip, stops, deliveries, and delivery
e O
Freight costs are shipment-related costs such as insurance, duty fee, special handling, or
priority service. You can assign freight costs to delivery lines at any time even after Ship

U s
Confirmation. However, costs assigned after Ship Confirmation are not passed as freight costs
to Oracle Order Management; instead, they are stored in the shipping system for future
Although freight costs can be defined in any currency, only the currency that is defined is
displayed. When costs are passed to Oracle Order Management, the currency is converted to
the order header currency.

l &
If you want to pass freight costs entered in the Shipping Transactions window to Oracle Order
Management for invoicing, then you have to set up a pricing modifier. Refer to the latest
Freight and Special Charges.
te r
version of Oracle Order Management Suite Implementation Guide for more information about

I n
Calculating Weight and Volume for Delivery Lines
You can calculate the weight and volume for selected delivery lines. When a new delivery

l e
detail (line) is created because of change in order line quantity, the system will retrieve the unit
weight and volume from the existing delivery details (belonging to same order line) so that all

r a
delivery details belonging to same order line have the same unit weight and volume. When a

delivery detail is created for a new order line, the system will retrieve the latest unit weight and
volume from Oracle Inventory Master Item window.
Pick Release Delivery Lines

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Chapter 12 - Page 73
During Pick Release, delivery lines are released for shipment based on the release and shipping
criteria. In addition to pick releasing by trip, delivery, and container, you can also Pick Release
by delivery lines. If the stop and delivery are not specified, only lines that are not assigned to
the delivery are selected for release. If stop and delivery are specified, all selected lines
meeting the release criteria, whether they are assigned to a delivery or not, are released.
Managing Sales Order Changes
Changes to sales orders affect Oracle Shipping Execution if the order is booked. Since delivery
details exist, they must remain coordinated with the sales order lines. Oracle Shipping
Execution evaluates the delivery details every time there are any of the following sales order
line updates:
• Split
• Change quantity
• Change schedule
• Change schedule date
• Change ship set
• Change delivery group
In general, Oracle Shipping Execution honors sales order line changes as long as their delivery
lines are not:
• Shipped or in a confirmed delivery
• In WMS organizations and require unpacking or unassignment from delivery
The Oracle Order Management Interface process splits reservations for shipped and unshipped
lines and executes first in the Interface Trip Stop process. Therefore, shipments can be
confirmed and order lines passed to Oracle Accounts Receivables independently of the
n l y
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Inventory Interface processing, enabling you to invoice sales orders as soon as they are

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 74
Delivery Parameters

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Delivery Parameters
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Shipping Parameters (T) Delivery A I
You use the Delivery tab to define the delivery grouping attribute, criteria for autocreate
delivery, and setting the appending limit.
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n a
Delivery Grouping Attributes: The shipping organization’s grouping rules that will be used
for grouping delivery lines into a Deliveries. Whenever a Delivery is created either

mandatory grouping attributes:
automatically or manually the Delivery Grouping rules must be adhered to. There are two

I n
• Ship From Location (Shipping Inventory Organization) and

c l
Optionally select e
• Ship To Location (Customer’s Ship-to site).

r a
• Customer

• Freight Terms
• FOB Code
• Intermediate Ship To Location

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Chapter 12 - Page 75
• Ship Method
Null values for Freight Terms, FOB Code, and Ship Method will be grouped with orders that
do have values.
Autocreate Delivery Criteria: The choices are Within an Order or Across Orders’.
• If Within an Order is chosen, the Autocreate delivery process will create deliveries from
the selected order lines based on the order number and standard delivery grouping
• If Across Order is chosen, the Autocreate delivery process will create deliveries from the
selected order lines based on the standard delivery only. This could resulting in grouping
orders across order numbers if all the grouping attributes match, i.e.. Same customer,
same ship to, same carrier.
Appending Limit: The appending limit enables you to indicate the point at which you want to
stop the system from adding lines to a delivery ( the point that ends the ability to merge
deliveries). You must set the Appending Limit to a value other than Do Not Append in order to
use the Append Deliveries option within Release Rules and the Process Deliveries SRS.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 76
Delivery Line Processing Statuses

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Delivery Line Processing Statuses
U s
Not Applicable A I
Delivery Line statuses reflect the current Delivery Line placement within the shipping process.

The delivery line is invoicable but non-shippable, for example, a service line or a warranty
l &
Not Ready to Release

n a
te r
The delivery line is not eligible for Pick Release
Occurs when the order line is manually imported into Oracle Shipping Execution using the

I n
Import Delivery Line concurrent process. It has not reached the Awaiting Shipping workflow

Ready to Release

c e
The sales order line that has been booked and passed to Oracle Shipping Execution. It is now a

r a
delivery line that is eligible for Pick Release.

Released to Warehouse
Pick Release has been started on the delivery line but not completed. Either no allocations were
created or the allocations have not been Pick Confirmed.

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Chapter 12 - Page 77
Staged/Pick Confirmed
Staged occurs after the delivery line is Pick Confirmed to indicate that the subinventory
transfer has been executed. The quantities are now staged and ready for shipping.
The delivery line has been Pick Released but no allocations were created or partial allocations
This pick status indicates that the delivery associated with the delivery line has been
confirmed. The Shipping process ends and the sales order line advances to it’s next workflow
Delivery sourced from Oracle Order Management: The delivery line is shipped and the OM
Interface and Inventory Interface concurrent processes have completed. Delivery sourced from
all other Oracle Applications: The delivery line is shipped and the Inventory Interface
concurrent process has completed.
The sales order line that the delivery line it supports is cancelled.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 78
Packing into LPNs/Containers

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Packing into LPNs/Containers
U s
You can pack multiple containers with multiple lines using one of following methods:
Auto-packing: Auto-packing provides a convenient and quick way of automatically packing
delivery lines into LPNs. The delivery lines are packed into LPNs based on the container-item

l &
relationship set up in Oracle Shipping Execution or in Oracle Inventory (defined as a customer
item). The container-item relationship defines the container that is used for packing the
delivery lines. The weight and volume allowances of the selected container are used to
te r
determine the number of required LPNs.
Auto-packing can be done in by selecting either of the following option:

I n
• Auto-pack: Only the detail LPNs are created and packed

l e
• Auto-pack Master: The delivery lines are packed into the detail container, and the detail
containers are packed into the parent/master container in one action
r a
Packing Workbench: You can use the Packing Workbench to split the delivery lines between
containers or to pack sequentially one container at a time to its full capacity.

Manually Packing Delivery Lines into Containers: You can manually pack containers if you
have delivery lines you want to pack without using the auto-pack method: for example, to
quickly pack delivery lines into a box.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 79
Auto-Pack Deliveries SRS
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Auto-Pack Deliveries SRS
You use the Auto-Pack Deliveries SRS window to execute the Automated Packing process
concurrently. For example, you can auto pack a set of deliveries at the same time every day
based on the options you set in the Auto-Pack Deliveries SRS window.
Auto-Pack Deliveries SRS window
You must define the Auto Pack Level in the Auto-Pack Deliveries SRS window to define the
level of packing that is required. You can select Auto-pack to pack items into containers. You
can select the Auto-pack Master to pack items into containers, and pack the container into a
master container such as a pallet or export container. You must define the batch prefix to
uniquely identify your SRS, and you also specify the following details in the Auto-Pack
Deliveries SRS window for auto packing:
• Range of delivery name to be packed
• Range of bill of lading to be packed
• Ship from and Ship To Location based on which the deliveries are selected for auto pack
• Pooled Ship To Location based on which of the deliveries are selected for auto pack
• Ship method based on which of the deliveries are selected for auto pack
• Customer name based on which of the deliveries are selected for auto pack
• Intermediate Ship To Location based on which of the deliveries are selected for auto pack
• FOB terms based on which of the deliveries are selected for auto pack
• Range of pick up dates based on which of the deliveries are selected for auto pack
n l y
• Log level based on which of the deliveries are selected for auto pack
e O
• Range of drop off dates based on which of the deliveries are selected for auto pack

U s
Prerequisite: Auto-Pack Deliveries SRS will only autopack items that have a pre-defined
container-item relationship. If Auto-Pack Master option is selected, then you must also have a
pre-defined container-container relationship.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 80
Container Load Details

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Container Load Details
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Container Load Details A I
When setting up container-item relationships, you define the maximum quantity of load items
(delivery lines) that can be packed into a container. These relationships are used to:
n a
• Calculate/estimate the number of containers required for delivery lines in a delivery or
trip. This enables you to use the auto-pack function to auto-pack delivery line items into

te r
new containers. The number of containers required to pack the delivery lines is
automatically calculated based on the container-item relationships.

I n
• Calculate the fill percentage for containers when the Fill Percentage Shipping parameter

c l e
is set to Quantity.
In addition to packing delivery lines in containers, Oracle Shipping Execution features an

r a
Auto-pack Master function that enables you to auto-pack delivery line items into containers,
and then auto-pack these containers into master containers such as pallets or railway boxcars.

The innermost container is considered the detail container item, and the pallet or boxcar is the
master (outermost) container. If you want to use the auto-pack master feature, you must set up

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 81
a relationship that relates the container (the load item) to a master container such as a pallet
(the container item).

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 82
Guided Demonstration – Define Container Load Details
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
1. (N) Shipping > Setup > Container Load Detail

2. Enter the following information:

− Container Item: BX54888
− Load Item: AS54888
− UOM: Ea
− Maximum Quantity: 5
− Preferred Flag: Check
Note: Check the Preferred Flag, if this is the default container for the item.
Autopack uses the default container.

3. Continue defining all your Container-Item relationships in the next lines until completed.

4. (M) File > Save.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 83
Working with Trips

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Working with Trips
U s
A Trip is carrier specific and contains at least two stops such as a stop to pick up goods and
another stop to drop off goods, and may include intermediate stops. Trips can be created
manually or automatically.
Creating Automatic Trip
l &
create trips:
n a
If your shipping process does not require advanced planning, you may prefer to automatically

te r
• Auto-creating a trip for a delivery: You can find the delivery you want to ship, and
auto-create a trip and related trip stops.

I n
• Auto-creating a trip for containers and lines: You can find the lines and containers

c l e
you want to ship and auto-create a trip which creates a trip, related deliveries, and trip

r a
Creating Manual Trip
• During transportation planning, you can manually create a trip and later assign delivery
O lines or find the delivery lines and create a trip. For example, for a regular trip scheduled
to depart every Friday, you can manually set up a trip ahead of time and then assign
delivery lines.

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Chapter 12 - Page 84
• When you manually create a trip, you can manually assign stops, deliveries, and delivery
lines to that trip.
Firming a Trip
After deliveries and delivery lines have been assigned to a trip, you can set the status of the trip
to one of the following:
• Firm Routing: Prevents trips stops from being added, or removed for the selected trip.
• Firm Routing and Contents: Prevents trips stops from being added, or removed for the
selected trip and prevents contents from being added or removed.
Assigning Freight Costs to a Trip
You can assign new freight costs to a specific trip, override the suggested freight costs, or
update existing freight costs. For example, if you wanted to add additional costs to a particular
vehicle that is used in the trip to deliver goods. A freight cost can also be assigned to a
delivery, a stop, a delivery leg, a delivery detail, or a container.
Printing a Document Set for a Trip
You can print a group of shipping documents and other reports in a set. These document sets
can include Pick Release documents, all shipping documents, and pack slip information.
Calculating Weight and Volume for a Trip
The weight and volume is always calculated automatically at Ship Confirm based on values
defined as the physical attributes in the Master Item window in Oracle Inventory. The
automatic calculation of weight and volume includes the fill percentage. Any weight/volume
value manually entered is overwritten when Ship Confirm is initiated. You can manually enter
the weight and volume in each delivery, which will be used at Ship Confirmation.
When the weight, volume, and fill percentage for a trip is calculated, Oracle Shipping
n l y

e O
• Calculates the weight, volume, and fill percentage of each open delivery and adds the
values to the trip’s current weight, volume, and fill percentage.
• Validates that the maximum load weight, the maximum internal volume, and the
U s
maximum fill percentage are not exceeded.
• Validates that minimum fill percentage requirements are attained.
• Calculates (estimates) the number of containers for each delivery line based on

Ship Confirming at Trip

l &
container/load relationships and the master/detail container specified on the delivery line.

n a
You can execute Ship Confirm at the trip level. Within Shipping Transactions window, after

te r
you have queried your trip, you can utilize Ship Confirm from the Action menu to run the

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Chapter 12 - Page 85

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 86
Shipping Parameters

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Shipping Parameters
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Shipping Parameters A I
You define the default values for basic shipping information such as units of measure, Pick
Release rules, and delivery grouping rules. Shipping Parameters are organization specific. The
n a
parameters are arranged into the following tabbed regions in the Shipping Parameters window:
General: You define shipping units of measure such as weight, volume, and unit of measure

screening is required.
te r
used for percent fill basis calculations. You also determine whether or not export compliance

I n
Pick Release: You select pick slip grouping rules, release sequence rules, and printing

l e
parameters. You can select the Autocreate Deliveries to use the Delivery Grouping Rules you
define to group delivery line into deliveries. The Delivery Grouping Rules can be defined in
r a
the Delivery tab.
Shipping Transaction: You define the default document set to be printed at ship confirm,

default ship confirm rule, auto-pack options, goods dispatched (COGS) account, and enforce
packing in containers in this tab.

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Chapter 12 - Page 87
Delivery: You define the Delivery Grouping Rule to determine the delivery lines that will
grouped into delivery during autocreate delivery. You can also determine in this tab whether
the autocreate delivery will be created within an order or across orders.
Transportation: If Oracle Transportation Execution is installed, you specify whether or not to
Auto Apply Routing, define Freight Payment and Audit Functionality, and define Rating
parameters from this tab.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 88
General Parameters

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General Parameters
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Shipping Parameters > (T) General Parameters A I
You use the General tab to define the weight and volume unit of measure (UOM) class
parameters, determine whether Export Compliance Screening is required, and select the
n a
percent fill basis calculations. The units of measure you select as the default are used when you
calculate the weight and volume of deliveries and the fill percentage of containers.

te r
Weight UOM Class: Select the weight class that contains the UOM used to set up your items,
containers and vehicles physical attributes. The values in the LOV are set up in Oracle
I n
l e
Volume UOM Class: Select the volume class that contains the UOM used to set up items,
containers and vehicles physical attributes. The values in the LOV are set up in Oracle

r a
Percent fill basis:There are three choices in the LOV, weight, volume, quantity.

• If weight or volume is chosen, the calculation will be made from the item’s and
container’s physical attributes defined in Oracle Inventory.

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Chapter 12 - Page 89
• If quantity is chosen, the calculation is made based on the container load relationship
setup, which specifies the maximum quantity of a given item that will fit into a given
Export Compliance Screening: You specify at point at which the Export Country Screening
is enforced.
• Not Required: ITM Partner Integration is not used
• At Delivery Creation: Export Country Screening is to be enforced when the delivery is
• At Ship Confirm: Export Country Screening is to be enforced at Ship Confirm
• At Delivery Creation and Ship Confirm: Export Country Screening is to be enforced
when the delivery is created and also at Ship Confirm
Note: To check for Export Compliance Screening, you require to integrate with ITM Partner.

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Chapter 12 - Page 90

n l y
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U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Shipping Parameters (T) Transportation A I
You use the transportation tab on the Shipping Parameters form to define Oracle
Transportation Execution specific parameters that meet your business needs.
In this tab you can set the following:

n a
Auto Apply Routing Rules:

te r
• Do not Apply: Routing guide rules are not applied

I n
• Delivery Creation: Routing guide rules will be applied for a delivery when it created
• End of Append Delivery: Routing guide rules will applied for a delivery when its

l e
appending limit has reached

Freight Payment and Audit:

r a
• Positive Tolerance Amount: You can define the positive tolerance for discrepancies in the

O freight bills. The value you specify is taken in terms of the currency value. For example,
you can set value of 10, which means that the discrepancy between the freight bill and the
bill of lading cannot be more 10.

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Chapter 12 - Page 91
• Negative Tolerance Amount: You can define the negative tolerance for discrepancies in
the freight bills. The value you define here is taken in terms of the currency value. For
example, you can set a value of 10, which means that the discrepancy between the freight
bill and the bill of lading cannot be less 10.
• Positive Tolerance Percentage: You can also define the positive percentage of tolerance
accepted for discrepancies in the freight bills by specifying a value in this field.
• Negative Tolerance Percentage: You can also define the negative percentage of tolerance
accepted for discrepancies in the freight bills by specifying a value in this field.
• Default Freight Costs Charge Account: You can specify the account number that will be
used by Oracle Accounts Payable while interfacing the approved freight bills.
Auto Calculate Freight Rate: When you set a value for this parameter, you determine when
the delivery freight should automatically get calculated.
• Delivery Creation: Auto rating will be performed when the delivery is created, regardless
of the ship method.
• End of Append Delivery: Auto rating will be performed when the delivery’s appending
limit has been reached regardless of its ship method. This option gets disabled if Append
Limit is set to No
• Ship Confirm (if ship method exists): This is always selected. As a result, auto rating will
be performed on a delivery at Ship Confirmation.
Note: The Transportation tab is enabled only if Oracle Transportation Execution is installed.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 92
Global Shipping Parameters

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Global Shipping Parameters
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Global Parameters (T) General (T) TransportationA I
You use the Global Shipping Parameters window to define parameters that impact the Oracle
Shipping Execution and Oracle Transportation Execution across all organizations of a
particular instance.
General Tab
n a
te r
You use the General tab on the Global Shipping Parameters form to define miscellaneous
parameters such as whether or not to enforce ship methods, defer interface, consolidate

I n
backorders, allow future ship dates. You also define the unit of measure(UOM) defaults for all

c l e
of your organizations.
• Enforce Ship Method: You select this check box to enforce that a ship method (carrier)

r a
is entered and recorded for each shipment. This is recommended if your business
practices require a record of the ship method/carrier for each shipment.

• Allow Future Ship Date: If you select this check box, you can enter a future date as the
Actual Departure Date while Ship Confirming the delivery. If you do not select this

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Chapter 12 - Page 93
check box, you cannot enter a future date as the Actual Departure Date while Ship
Confirming the delivery.
• Defer Interface: You select this check box to defer shipping interfaces from initiating
updates to the interface tables. In this case, you must manually run the interface or
schedule the interface to run to update interface tables. For example, if you defer the
Inventory Interface, the inventory tables are not updated until you run the Inventory
Interface in the Shipping Interfaces window. If you do not select this check box the
interfaces are run automatically at Ship Confirmation.
• Consolidate Backordered Lines: You select this checkbox if you want to consolidate
additional delivery lines, that are created as part of the pick, pack, and ship process, into a
single delivery line when backordered. For example, if you split a line with quantity 10
into 5 lines of quantity 2, then during processing, the inventory available equals 4 items.
In this case, three line will be backordered and consolidated into one line with quantity of
Transportation Tab
You use Transportation tab in the Global Shipping Parameters window to define Oracle
Transportation Execution specific global parameters according to your business needs. You
can define the following in this tab:
• Auto Rate Released Trip: Select an option to automatically rate the Transportation
Planning trips. Select from the following options:
- No Action: The system will not automatically rate Oracle Transportation Planning
- At Release: The system will automatically rate Oracle Transportation Planning
trips at the pick release.
n l y
- At Ship Confirm: The system will automatically rate Oracle Transportation
Planning released trips at ship confirm.
e O
• Auto Firm Load Tendered Trips: Use this parameter for auto-firming load tendered
trips. Select from the following options:
U s
Transportation Planning trip when it is tendered.
- No Action: The system will not automatically change the Firm status of Oracle

- Firm Routing: The system will automatically change Firm status of Oracle

l &
Transportation Planning trips when it is tendered to Routing.
- Firm Content & Routing: The system will automatically change Firm status of

n a
Oracle Transportation Planning trips when it is tendered to Routing & Contents.

te r
• Calculation of Distance and Time:
- Highway Distance Empirical Constant: This is a numeric constant used to adjust

I n
the Euclidean distance to obtain the approximate highway distance between two

c l e
locations. It does not have a UOM.
- Average Highway Speed: This is the user specified average highway speed.

r a
• Number of Units UOM: The value you set here is used by Oracle Transportation Truck
Load (TL) loader to store rates based on the number of pieces or number of pallets.
• Pallet Item Type: This value is used by Oracle Transportation Execution to identify
pallets and to rate palletized Truck Load (TL) shipments.

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Chapter 12 - Page 94
• Do Not Rate Outbound Deliveries with Freight Term: You can select the Freight
Term for which rating should not be done Oracle Transportation Execution.
• Rate Inbound Deliveries with Freight Term: You can select a freight term to rate
inbound deliveries by Oracle Transportation Execution. Auto-rating functionality will
rate deliveries with the specified freight term.
• Rate Drop Ship Deliveries with Freight Term: You can select a freight term to rate
dropshipment deliveries by Oracle Transportation Execution.
• Truck Load Cost Allocation:
- Principal Cost Allocation Basis: This identifies the basis for cost allocation. This
will be used in assigning the costs to deliveries. For example, if a total cost of $100
is to be allocated to 3 deliveries then the cost will be allocated based on the weights
(volumes) of the deliveries.
- Distance Allocation Basis: This identifies the distance calculation method for each
delivery. For example, lets say a delivery has three delivery legs (A-B-C-D). Actual
Distance: Distance traveled by the delivery will be A-B + B-C + C-D.
Direct Route: Distance traveled will be A-D.
- Stop Cost Allocation Basis: This identifies how to allocate stop-off charges. For
example, let a TL trip have 5 stops and let each stop incur $60 as stop-off charges.
Also assume that there is pick-up activity at 3 stops and drop-off activity at 2 stops.
The total stop-off charges, $300, can be evenly distributed among the three pick-up
stops of two drop-off stops (based on the parameter value)
• Facility Mileage Calculation Defaults: You can use this parameter to determine if

calculations to the following trading party:

n l y
mileage calculations should be considered for different facilities. You can assign mileage

- Supplier

e O
- Organization
- Customer
U s

- Carrier

Delivery Date Calculation Method: You can select to determine the calculation of

initial pick-up date and ultimate drop-off date of a delivery.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 95
Shipping Exceptions

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Shipping Exceptions
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Define Exceptions A I
The Shipping exceptions feature enables you to identify and correct shipping exceptions that
violate the requirements of your operation or that of your carriers and customers. The shipping
n a
exceptions feature gives you the ability to define exceptions and processes for handling them.
You can record exceptions automatically from within Oracle Shipping Execution, or you can

te r
log exceptions manually through the user interface input forms. You can initiate exception
handling, and view and track the exceptions as you manage them to resolution.

I n
Any automation requires user defined workflow activities.

l e
Application Program Interfaces (APIs) are provided to enable you, with some custom
programming, to use third party applications to log exceptions.
r a
See the Oracle Order Management Implementation Manual for further information about the
seeded exceptions.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 96
Guided Demonstration – View Shipping Exceptions
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations

Find Exception
1. (N) Shipping > Exceptions

2. (I) Find.

3. To view all exceptions, leave the search fields blank and choose the Find button.
− Exception Name: The particular name of the exception: for example, Picking Hold
− Logging Entity: The log-on entity of the exception: shipper, receiver, or
transportation carrier.
− Logged At Location: The location where the exception report was run (logged
location may be different from where the shipping exception occurred).
− Exception Location: The location where the shipping exception occurred.
− Inventory Organization: Exceptions according to a particular inventory
− Exception Type: Type of exception: delivery, picking, and trip.
− Exception Behavior: The behavior of the exception:
− Error: The exception must be handled before the task can be completed.
n l y
− Information Only: The exception must be handled before the task can be

e O
completed. However, you can override it so that the task can be completed.
− Warning: A warning is given but the task can be completed.
− Delivery Name: Exceptions for a particular delivery name.
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− Status: Describes the current status of the exception:
− Open: Initial status--not yet associated with an exception name.

− Manual: This exception needs to be processed manually.
− No Action Required: No handling required for this exception.

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− Not Handled: This exception could not be handled.

− Departure Date: Exceptions according to the departure date.
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− Arrival Date: Exceptions according to the arrival date.
− Creation Date: Exceptions according to the date of creation.

I n
Once you have completed your entries, click (B) Find.

View Exceptions l e
r a
Click the tab that corresponds to the information you want to view or update. For example,

to update trip information for an exception, choose the Trip tab. Choose from the following

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Chapter 12 - Page 97
− Exception tab: Displays general details about the exception ID, such as the
exception ID, exception type, exception name, and a description of the exception.
− Trip tab: Displays information about the trip name, departure date, and arrival date.
− Delivery tab: Displays the delivery name and delivery detail ID about the exception.
− Container tab: Displays the container name, associated with the exception.
− Inventory tab: Displays the inventory information for the exception including the
inventory organization, inventory item, item description, lot number, revision, serial
number, UOM (unit of measure), quantity, subinventory, and locator.

Optionally, to view or update a single exception:

6. Select the exception in the View Exceptions window.

7. (B) Open to display the selected exception in the Log Exception window.

8. Select the tab to display the details that you want to view or update: Exception tab,
Trip/Delivery/Container tab, or Inventory tab.

9. View or update the available fields in the selected tab.

10. (B) OK to save your changes.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 98
Pick Slip Grouping Rules

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Pick Slip Grouping Rules
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Picking > Define Pick Slip Grouping Rules Form A I
Pick Slip Grouping Rules determine how released order lines will be grouped on Pick Slips.

l &
You have multiple Grouping Rules to meet a variety shipping needs. By associating Grouping

n a
Rules with Release Rules, you control what will be picked and how they will appear on pick

te r
You can select the following as the grouping criteria:

I n
• Subinventory: You group orders by subinventory so that all orders filled from one
subinventory would be filled before going to the next subinventory.

l e
• Order Number: You group picking lines that has the same order number.

• Delivery: All picking lines for the same delivery are grouped together on a pick slip. If

r a
there are multiple deliveries, multiple pick slips are created.

• Customer: All picking lines for the same customer are grouped together on a pick slip.
• Ship To: All picking lines for the same Ship To location are grouped together on a pick

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Chapter 12 - Page 99
• Carrier: All picking lines for the same Carrier are grouped together on a pick slip. If
there are multiple deliveries, multiple pick slips are created.
• Trip Stop: All picking lines for the same Trip Stop are grouped together on a pick slip.
• Shipment Priority: All picking lines for the same shipping priority are grouped together
on a pick slip.
The other methodologies are reserved for Oracle Warehouse Management System. Also, there
are grouping selections which are only available to WMS, Item number, Locator, Lot, and
Revision. See the Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide for more information.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 100
Guided Demonstration – Define Pick Slip Grouping Rules
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
1. (N) Shipping > Setup > Picking > Define Pick Slip Grouping Rules

2. Enter the following Pick Slip Grouping information:

− Pick Methodology: User Defined
− Rule Name: XX-Subinventory
− Description: Grouping based on source subinventory
− Group By: Select Source Subinv
Note: The options for pick methodology are listed below:

• User Defined: You can modify the Group By clause with this value. Grouping is done
according to the parameters set by the user. A unique pick slip number is generated
for each group. All tasks corresponding to a pick slip number is dispatched to a single

• Wave Picking: Grouping by zone and the items are later sorted and consolidated into
individual orders. Wave picking is the quickest method for picking multi-item orders.

l y
Order Picking: Grouping is done by order and a unique pick slip number is generated

for each order. The entire order will subsequently be dispatched to a single user.

• O
Cluster: No grouping of pick tasks is done. The tasks are ordered by locator and

dispatched to the appropriate users.

U s
grouping and dispatched to the appropriate users.
Bulk: Grouping by item and locator is done. Tasks are consolidated based on this

3. (M) File > Save.

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Chapter 12 - Page 101
Practice - Define Pick Slip Grouping Rules
In this practice you will learn how to create a Pick Slip Grouping Rule.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• Replace XX with the number provided by your instructor or your initials.

• Use Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) or comparable Super
User Order Management responsibility.

1. Define a new pick slip grouping rule with a User Defined Pick Methodology, the name XX-
Subinventory and select source subinv to group By.

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Chapter 12 - Page 102
Solution - Define Pick Slip Grouping Rules

1. Login to the database.

• User Name: operations

• Password: welcome

Choose Responsibility

2. Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility is selected.

Find Delivery to Ship Confirm

3. (N) Shipping > Setup > Picking > Define Pick Slip Grouping Rules
− Pick Methodology: User Defined.
− Rule Name: XX-Subinventory.
− Description: Group picking lines by source subinventory.
− Group by: Source Subinv.

4. (M) File > Save.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 104
Release Sequence Rules

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Release Sequence Rules
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Picking > Define Release Sequence Rules Form A I
Release Sequence Rules are used during the Pick Release process to determine in what order to
allocate material to the released sales order lines. This can be very important if inventory
n a
balances are less than 100% accurate. If material runs out, the most important orders are filled

Release Rule.
te r
Default the appropriate Release Sequence Rule on to the Release Sales Order form by using a

I n
Assign a numeric value to Order Number, Outstanding Invoice Value, Shipment Priority,

l e
Schedule Date and Departure Date to prioritize the importance of each attribute within the rule.
The lower the value the higher the priority.
Example: a
Specify whether the attribute should be evaluated in an ascending or descending order

O Priority
Shipping Priority: 1
(Highest to Lowest Value)

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Chapter 12 - Page 105
Schedule date: 2 Ascending (Lowest to Highest Value)
The result would be that the highest priority released order lines with the earliest scheduled
date would have material allocated first.
One the choices for allocating material is the Customer’s Outstanding Invoice Value. It would
allocate inventory to the order which will be generating the most revenue. Customer’s
Outstanding value is mutually exclusive.
Example of how orders are selected if Customer’s Outstanding Invoice Value is used:
• Sales Order 5000 has a total revenue of 1000 currency units and a Backordered quantity
of 15.
• Sales Order 5200 has a total revenue of 1200 currency units with a Backordered quantity
of 2.
• Since the total invoice value of sales order 5200 is greater it would receive the first
available material.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 106
Guided Demonstration – Define Release Sequence Rules
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
1. (N) Shipping > Setup > Picking > Define Release Sequence Rules

2. Enter the following release sequence rules:

− Rule: XX-Oldest First
− Description: Release the oldest first
− Order: 2
− Schedule Date: 1

Note 1: The lower the numeric value the higher the priority.

Note 2: The release priority attributes:

• Order: When you assign a number, you prioritize based on the order number.

• Outstanding Invoice Value: When you assign a number, you prioritize based
largest invoice value.

• Schedule Date: When you assign a number, you prioritize based on schedule
ship date.
n l y

Departure Date: When you assign a number, you prioritize based on planned to
ship date.

U s
Shipment Priority: When you assign a number, you prioritize based on planned
to ship date.
Note 3: The “Outstanding Invoice Value” attribute is mutually exclusive with
“Order” attribute.

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Select Ascending or Descending to prioritize entities in the ascending order or descending
4. (M) File > Save.
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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 107
Practice - Define Release Sequence Rules

In this practice you will learn how to create a Release Sequence rule.


• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• Replace XX with the number provided by your instructor or your initials.

• Use Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) or comparable Super
User Order Management responsibility.


1. Create a release sequence rule with a name of XX-Oldest First that will allocate inventory to
the orders with the earliest ship date. If multiple orders have the same ship date, you want
the oldest orders to be filled first. Use an ascending priority scheme.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 108
Solution -Define Release Sequence Rules

1. Login to the database.

• User Name: operations

• Password: welcome

Choose Responsibility

2. Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility is selected.

Create Release Sequence

3. (N) Shipping > Setup > Picking > Define Release Sequence Rules

4. Enter the following information:

− Rule: XX-Oldest First
− Description: Allocate material based on schedule date and order

5. Allocate material to oldest orders first.

− Order
− Schedule Date 1
2 Ascending.
n l y
6. (M) File > Save.
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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 109
Release Rules

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Release Rules
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Order Management > Shipping > Setup > Picking > Define Release Rules Form
Release Rules are used during the Pick Release process to define the criteria used to determine
which order lines will be released for picking. You can define Release Rules using the
following criteria:

n a
• Based on Rule: On the Release Sales Orders form as the Based on Rule. If used in this

submitting the request.

te r
way it acts as a defaulting tool. The values that are defaulted can be over written prior to

I n
• Release Rule Name: On the Release Sales Orders SRS form as the Release Rule Name

l e
to dictate the release criteria which will execute in the background from a concurrent
request. A Release Rule is required to use SRS, standard report submission.
r a
Release Rules can be created based on criteria represented in three different tabs. This will
enable you to create rules that can respond to all of your picking needs.

Order tab - criteria = order type, order number, customer, item, category, delivery line status,
ship set #, #, scheduled ship dates start within and end within, or from and to, request dates
start within and end within, or from and to.

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Note: Enter the current date (today’s date) in the to Date fields so that whenever the rule is
used, the system will automatically reset them to the current date.
Shipping tab - criteria = ship method, ship from, shipment priority, release sequence rule, auto
create delivery, shipment priority, and auto pick confirm.
Inventory Tab - criteria = warehouse, pick slip grouping rule, auto allocate.
Warehouse is a required field. After you enter a warehouse the Shipping Parameters for that
warehouse will be used to default values into the Inventory and Shipping tabs. These values
can be over written, as needed.
Although the Release Rule is the first setup to be used during the Pick Release process it is not
the first rule you would create. Both the Release Sequence Rules and the Pick Slip Grouping
Rules would be set up first since they are used by the Release Rule.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 111
Guided Demonstration – Define Release Rules
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
1. (N) Shipping > Setup > Picking > Define Release Rules Form > (T) Order

2. Enter the following information:

− Rule: XX-Seattle’s Rule
− Orders: All
− Customer: Business World (1608)
− Scheduled Ship Dates: Start Within; 3 Days
− Requested Dates: Start Within: 3 Days

3. (T) Inventory

4. Enter the following information:

− Warehouse: M1
− Pick Slip Grouping Rule: XX-Subinventory
− Auto Allocate: Yes

5. (T) Shipping

6. Enter the following information:

n l y
− Ship From:
− Document Set:
All Pick Release Documents
e O
− Release Sequence Rule:
− Autocreate Deliveries:
XX-Oldest First
U s
− Auto Pick Confirm:
− Ship Confirm Rule:
− Autopack Delivery:
7. (M) File > Save
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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 112
Practice - Define Release Rules
In this practice you will learn how to create a Release Rule.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• Replace XX with the number provided by your instructor or your initials.

• Use Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) or comparable Super
User Order Management responsibility.

1. Create a Release Rule with a name of XX-Seattle’s Rule that will select eligible order lines
that are shipping from Seattle’s M1- location. Your rule will pick unreleased orders as well

as backorders.

Select your XX-Oldest First Release Sequence Rule and choose to Autocreate Deliveries.
l y
3. Use M1 as the Warehouse, select your XX-Subinventory Pick Slip Grouping Rule and
e O
choose to Auto Allocate and Auto Pick Confirm.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 113
Solution - Define Release Rules

1. Login to the database.

• User Name: operations

• Password: welcome

Choose Responsibility

2. Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility is selected.

Create Release Rule

3. (N) Shipping > Setup > Picking > Define Release Rules form > (T) Order
− XX-Seattle’s Rule
− All

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(T) Inventory
− M1
O − XX-Subinventory
− Yes

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5. (T) Shipping
− M1-Seattle
− XX-Oldest First
n l y
− All Pick Release Document
− Yes
e O
− Yes

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6. (M) File > Save.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 116
Freight Carriers

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Freight Carriers
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Freight Carriers, Cost Types > Freight CarriersA I
A freight carrier is a commercial company that transports shipments to and from customers,
suppliers, and internal organizations. You must set up each carrier’s information in Oracle
n a
Shipping Execution before shipping goods; You also must associate a general ledger account
with each carrier to collect associated costs.

te r
Enter the name and description of the carrier along with an account number. This account can
be used when you perform inter-organization transfers and specify freight costs. The account

I n
number is also available to the Account Generator workflow to build the account numbers that
will be used to capture shipping charges that will be passed to AR.

l e
Three setup steps are required. The are as follows:
r a
• Create Freight Carriers
• Create or select Service Level
• Create or select Mode of transportation

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Chapter 12 - Page 117
Guided Demonstration – Freight Carriers
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
(N) Shipping > Setup > Freight Carriers, Cost Types > Freight Carriers

1. (N) Shipping > Setup > Freight Carriers, Cost Types > Freight Carriers

2. Enter the following information:

− Name: XX-Freight
− Short Name: XX-F

3. Enter the following in the Services tab

− Service Level: Select a Service Level from the LOV
− Mode: Select the mode of transport from the LOV

4. (B) Organization Assignments

5. Select Assigned check box for the Organization M1

6. (M) File > Save.

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Chapter 12 - Page 118
Freight Cost Types

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Freight Cost Types
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Freight Carriers, Cost Types > Freight Cost TypesA I
Freight Costs are the actual costs incurred for the movement of goods by a carrier.

l &
Freight Costs include, but are not limited to: transportation costs, handling charges, insurance,

n a
import/export license fees, and miscellaneous charges, for example restocking fees, return fees,
and late payment charges. These miscellaneous charges are seeded Freight Cost type lookup

te r
codes that can be linked to a Freight Cost Type record.
You can assign a currency and an estimated amount to each Freight Cost record. The amount is

I n
defaulted on to the Freight Cost window within the Shipping Transactions form when a freight

c l e
cost name is entered, but can be over written when appropriate.

r a
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Chapter 12 - Page 119
Guided Demonstration – Define Freight Cost Types
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
(N) > Shipping > Setup > Freight Carriers, Cost Types > Freight Cost Types

1. (N) Shipping > Setup > Freight Carriers, Cost Types > Freight Cost Types

2. Enter the following information:

− Name: Special
− Type: Handling
− Currency: USD
− Amount: 15

3. Enter the various costs in the next lines until completed.

4. (M) File > Save.

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Chapter 12 - Page 120
Freight Cost – Freight Charges

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Freight Costs – Freight Charges
U s
Freight and Special Charges are defined as the dollar amount applied to the customer invoice
for movement of a shipment to a destination. O
Freight and Special Charges may be for the or the entire order or for a specific order line.
automatically based on the modifier setup. a
You can apply the changes to the order manually, through order import, through an API, or

te r
I n
Freight Costs are the actual costs incurred for the movement of goods that the carrier.
Within Shipping Execution, you can enter the freight costs and pass them to Oracle Order

l e
Management; Oracle Order Management then uses the cost as a basis for applying freight

charges to the customer invoice. To accomplish this process the user defines a pricing modifier

r a
to apply the charges to the order.
A cut-off point exists for processing charges to a customer invoice. The shipper has the ability
to enter freight and special charges at any time. However, only those costs entered prior to Ship
Confirm will qualify for processing with the customer invoice.

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Chapter 12 - Page 121
Transit Times

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Transit Times
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Regions and Zones > Transit Times A I
You use the Transit Times window to define the transit time for shipping items from origin
location to destination location. The origin and destination can be an internal location, external
n a
location, region, or zone. In this window, you define the different ship methods that can be
used to ship the items. For each ship method you define the following:
• Instransit Time

te r
• Maximum allowable daily load weight capacity that may be transported through ship
I n
c l e
• Cost per unit of goods transported with the ship method
Note: Defining the transit time enables Oracle Advance Planning application and Oracle

r a
Global Order Promising to calculate the ship or arrival date of the shipment.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 122
Shipping Documents Sets

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Shipping Documents Sets
U s
Define Shipping Document Sets
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) A I
(N) Shipping > Setup > Documents > Document Sets O
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You can group related shipping documents and other reports in a set that can be printed at Pick

n a
Release or Ship Confirm. You can include a variety of shipping documents in a set such as a
Bill of Lading and Packing Slip Report and determine the print sequence.

te r
Shipping Execution provides three pre-defined (seeded) document sets:

I n
• All Pick Release documents: You can set the default Pick Release Document Set in the
Pick Release tab of the Shipping Parameters window

l e
• Ship Confirm documents: You can set the default in the Document Set field of the Ship

Confirm window

r a
• Pack Slip only (at ship confirm): You can set the default in the Document Set field of
the Ship Confirm window
Choosing Printers for Shipping Documents and Labels
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)

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Chapter 12 - Page 123
(N) Shipping > Setup > Documents > Choose Printers
You can assign shipping documents and selected reports to specific printers for multiple levels.
The levels are:
• User
• Responsibility
• Application
• Site
• Department
• Zone/Subinventory
• Equipment Type
• Organization
For example, you can assign pick slips and pack slips to your warehouse tractor feed printer,
your mailing labels to a tractor feed printer stocked with blank labels, and other documents to a
laser printer in your order entry office. The window consists of a Document and a Printer tab:
the Documents tab displays all the documents assigned to a printer, while the Printers tab
displays all printers assigned to a document.
Defining Document Sequences
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Documents > Document Sequences
You can define document sequences to generate a unique numbering sequence for documents

number invoices generated by Oracle Oracle Accounts Recievables and bills of lading and
packing slips in Oracle Shipping Execution. n l
in an Oracle Applications product. For example, document sequencing can be used to uniquely
Using the Sequence Assignments window, you assign your sequence to number only those
e O
users create can be accounted for.
U s
documents that satisfy rules you define. Document sequences ensure that every document your

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Chapter 12 - Page 124
Choose Printers

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Choose Printers
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Documents > Choose Printers A I
Assign your shipping documents and reports to specific printers.O
l &
Printers can be assigned on multiple levels; User, Responsibility, Applications and Site. If set

n a
at the User level each user could print to a different printer. If set at the Site level anyone
generating the report would be directed to the same printer.

te r
Choose the Document tab to display all documents assigned to a printer, and the printers tab to
display all printers assigned to a document.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 125
Shipping Roles and User Security

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Roles and User Security
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Grants and Roles Definitions > Define Roles A I
Define Roles O
l &
Oracle Shipping Execution provides data access controls called roles that control users’ access

n a
to the Actions list and Tools menu in the Shipping Transactions form and the Quick Ship
window. Roles are assigned to users using grants that control access to view or edit specific
shipping data or actions.

te r
For each role, you can select the following data access controls that control edit and view

I n
access to shipping entities such as trips, stops, deliveries, lines/LPNs.

c l e
• Data Access Edit enables you to edit and view the data
• Data Access View enables you to browse the data

r a
• Data Access None prevents you from editing and browsing data and performing actions

A role can provide either view-only, edit-only, or a combination of view and edit access
depending on the set up of the role. You can create customized roles by defining the access

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Chapter 12 - Page 126
controls you want. During the set-up for each role, you can quickly enable or disable actions by
selecting the Disable or Enable Actions button.
After you have defined a role you can assign it to a user through a grant. A grant defines both
the user’s role and related information about the grant including the date, and the
organization(s) to which the grant applies. The system administrator or super-user is
responsible for defining roles and assigning the grants to users.
(N) Shipping > Setup > Grants & Roles Definitions > Grants
You can grant a user a role in one organization or all organizations for a period of time. The
role is assigned to a user by a grant. The grant is specific to a particular user and defines the
role(s) assigned to the user, the organization where the grant is effective, the start date and
optionally, an end date.
More than one grant can be assigned if the user requires different access controls to more than
one organization. The start and end dates for grants can overlap.
For example, if a user requires full-access privileges to three organizations and view-only
access to a fourth, the user must be assigned four grants—one for each respective organization
(three full-access and one view-only grant). However, if only one grant is assigned, that grant
becomes the default grant for the user.
In addition, the grant has the following requirements:
• A grant may or may not have one inventory organization selected.
• Many grants can be assigned for each role.
• A user can have one or more grants. If the user does not have any grant (expired,

n l y
effective, or future), the default is view-only access to all organizations. If the user has

grants, the user's access is controlled by the effective grants. If there are overlapping
grants in the same organization or an intersection of grant date ranges, the union of grant
privileges controls the user's access.
• A grant cannot be designated as the default grant.
U s
A role can be assigned to a user that spans all organizations instead of granting a unique grant
per organization. If an organization is not specified, the grant is applicable to all organizations.

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Chapter 12 - Page 127
Guided Demonstration – Define Roles
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
(N) > Shipping > Setups > Grants and Role Definitions > Define Roles

1. (N) Shipping > Setups > Grants and Role Definitions > Define Roles

2. Enter the following information:

− Name: XX-Shipping Clerk
− Description: Shipping Clerk

3. (T) Trips.

4. Enter the following information:

− Data Access: Edit

5. (B) Disable Actions to block all trip activities for this role.

6. (T) Stops.

7. Enter the following information:

− Data Access: Edit
n l y
8. (B) Disable Actions to block all stop activities for this role.

e O
9. (T) Deliveries. Review the list of actions.

U s
10. (T) Lines/LPNs. Review the list of actions.

11. (M) File > Save. A I

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Chapter 12 - Page 128
Guided Demonstration – Grant Access to Roles
Responsibility: Order Management Super User, Vision Operations
(N) > Shipping > Setup > Grants and Role Definitions > Grants

1. (N) Shipping > Setups > Grants and Role Definitions > Grants

2. Enter the following information:

− Role: XX-Shipping Clerk Role
− Org: BLANK
− Start Date: Today’s date

3. (M) File > Save.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 129
Practice - Define Roles
In this practice you will learn how to create a shipping role that can be used to establish grants
(permissions) to shipping functions.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• Replace XX with the number provided by your instructor or your initials.

• Use Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) or comparable Super
User Order Management responsibility.

1. Define a new role for your shipping clerks named XX-Shipping Clerk. Disable access to all
functions under Trips and Stops.

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Chapter 12 - Page 130
Solution - Define Roles

1. Login to the database.

• User Name: operations

• Password: welcome

Choose Responsibility

2. Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility is selected.

Define a Role

(N) > Shipping > Setup > Grants and Role Definitions > Define Roles

3. Name: XX-Clerk.

4. Description: XX Shipping Clerk.

5. (T) Trips.

6. (B) Disable Actions.

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n l y
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7. (T) Stops.
U s
8. (B) Disable Actions.
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n l y
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9. (T) Deliveries.

U s
10. Validate that Data Access is Edit.

11. Accept all defaults.
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n l y
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12. (T) Lines/LPNs.
U s
13. Validate that the Data Access is Edit.

14. Accept all defaults.
15. Save.
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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 135
Practice - Grant Access to Roles
In this practice you will learn how to create a shipping role that can be used to establish grants
(permissions) to shipping functions.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• Replace XX with the number provided by your instructor or your initials.

• Use Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) or comparable Super
User Order Management responsibility.

1. Grant the shipping clerk role to the OMSUPER user for all Organizations.

2. Click on the View Roles button to access the role definition.

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Chapter 12 - Page 136
Solution -Grant Access to Roles

1. Login to the database.

• User Name: operations

• Password: welcome

Choose Responsibility

2. Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility is selected.

Grant Role

3. (N) > Shipping > Setup > Grants and Role Definitions > Grants
− Role: XX-Clerk.
− Leave Org. blank.
− Accept Start and End Dates.

4. (M) File > Save

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Chapter 12 - Page 137
Regions and Zones

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Regions and Zones
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Regions and Zones > Regions and Zones A I
You use the Regions and Zones window to group locations by geographical areas and save the
effort of setting up point-to-point transit times. Transit Time refers to the time in business days
that it takes to ship between two sites.
You can perform the following:
n a
te r
• Group geographical areas into regions and set transit times for your warehouses to the
regions. For example: Create a region for San Francisco Bay U.S.A and specify that it

I n
consists of the cities San Francisco, Oakland, and Berkeley. Set up transit time of two

c l e
days from your New York U.S.A. warehouse to the San Francisco Bay U.S.A. region.
• Group regions into zones and set transit times from your warehouses to the zones to

r a
encompass a larger geographic area.
The advantage of planning shipments in terms of regions and zones are as follows:
• You enter and maintain in-transit and sourcing rules information between zones rather
than between every ship-from/ship-to address information

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• With less in-transit information, Oracle Shipping Execution finds the information that
you need faster
• The in-transit information automatically applies to new customers
• For shipping quotes, you can match your inter-zone shipment requirements to service
provider shipping lanes
Regions Interface
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Regions and Zones > Regions Interface
You use the Regions Interface concurrent program of Oracle Shipping Execution to load or
update regions from data in the regions interface table. The regions interface tables are bulk
loaded with data using public APIs. This concurrent program is very useful when large number
of regions have to be loaded or updated in the Oracle Shipping Execution.
In the Regions Interface window you filter the regions you are going to upload based on
country, country code, province/state, city, city code, and postal code. So that you repeat the
process without uploading all of the geographical information each time.

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Chapter 12 - Page 139

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U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Calendars > Assign A I
You use the Assign Calendars window to define valid shipping days and hours for a shipper,
receiver, and carrier. The shipping and receiving calendars are used to designate when your
n a
customers, customer sites, suppliers, supplier sites, and internal organizations can ship and
receive. For example, if you are shipping a delivery on Tuesday to arrive at your customer’s

te r
site on Wednesday, Ship Confirm checks the calendars to confirm the following:
• Your warehouse can ship on Tuesday

I n
• Your customer can receive goods on Wednesday

c l e
• Your carrier is able to pick up and drop off the deliveries on those days
Note: A Calendar must be created and defined in the Oracle Bill of Material (BOM)

r a
application as a Workday Calendar before it is assigned to a shipper, receiver, or carrier.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 140
Profile Options

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Profile Options
U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Profiles A I
During implementation, you set a value for each user profile option to specify how Oracle
Shipping Execution controls access to and processes data. The following are the profiles
n a
options available for Oracle Shipping Execution:
• WSH: Debug Enabled: When this option is set to Yes, the debug feature is activated.

te r
• WSH: Debug File Prefix: Naming convention for the Debug file is <Debug File Prefix
Profile>sessionid.dbg if the value of profile is null, naming convention is wsh

I n
<username>_<sessionid>.dbg established, it will be defaulted to dbuser:<dbusername>.

c l e
<sessionid> is database session id.
• WSH: Debug Log Directory: The value entered for this profile option must be specified

r a
as a UTL_FILE parameter value.
• WSH: Debug Module: The Module describes where to find the log message within the
O code. This profile indicates that debug messages from only those modules with names
beginning with the profile value will be logged. The naming convention for Module is:

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Chapter 12 - Page 141
<application short name>.<directory>.<package>.<routine>.<label> e.g.
wsh.plsql.WSH_WV_ UTILS.convert_uom.
• WSH: Express Pick: When you enable this profile option, the Pick Release process will
skip move order line creation, allocation, and the Pick Confirm process if the following
conditions are met:
- Prior Reservations Only is checked in the Release Sales Order window before
submitting pick release request
- Auto Pick Confirm is set to Yes in the Release Sales Orders window before
submitting pick release request
If the above conditions are met then the lines will not be Staged if:
- Organization to which line belongs is WMS enabled OR
- The sales order line does not have detailed reservation OR
- Line is not part of ship set but is part of Model/Kit (which has Ship Model
Complete set to Yes) and the shipping parameter Enforce Ship Sets and Ship
Models is set to Yes OR
- Reservations are detailed up to the locator level or sub inventory reserved require a
- No Pick slips can be generated for lines processed as part of Express Pick. The
subinventory where reservation was created (before pick release) will be used for
- storage of material and staging. The Staging subinventory and locator entered on
the Release Sales Order window is always ignored.
• WSH: Internet Proxy URL: When you enable this option, you allow the system to

n l y
access UPS servers for United Parcel Service integration. If no firewall is installed at

System Administrator at the site level.

e O
your site, you do not need to set the profile. This profile can only be modified by the

WSH: Overpicking Enabled: When you enable this option, overpicking is allowed.

Overpicking is using the Pick Confirm transaction to pick more than the requested

quantity of a delivery, up to the overshipment tolerance.

WSH: Pick Release Batch Size: When you enable this option, you change the batch

size from 3 to 1000. Any value less than 3 is interpreted as 3 and any value greater than
1000 is interpreted as 1000

l &
WSH: Quick Ship Default View: When you enable this option, you are able to

determine the default view of the Quick Ship window. The default is the Delivery


Confirm view.

te r
WSH: Retain ATO Reservations: When you enable this option, you are allowed to

I n
avoid the redundancy of re-reserving an item. The inventory system retains the
reservation and the reservation status changes from Staged to Unstage, while the delivery

c e
line status changes to Backordered.
WSH: Run PL/SQL Profiler: When you enable this option, you determine whether or

• r a
not run the PL/SQL profiler.
WSH: Bulk Batch Size: When you enable this profile option, you to specify how many
O lines are to be interfaced to Oracle Order Management per call. This profile also enables
you to specify the batch size that is inserted in the Oracle Inventory tables.

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Chapter 12 - Page 142
• WSH: Defer Inventory Process: When you enable this profile option Oracle
Inventory’s Process Online API call will be deferred. If you do not enable this option,
then the process online API will be called in online mode.

Note: Usually the system administrator sets and updates the profile values. See: Setting User
Profile Options, Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide.

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Chapter 12 - Page 143

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U s
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Lookups A I
You use the Oracle Shipping Lookups window to define custom values for any list of values
(LOVs) throughout Oracle Shipping Execution. This enables you to customize the LOVs to
n a
meet your business requirements. This involves two steps:
1. Creating the values for the LOV in the Oracle Shipping Lookups window

te r
2. Creating a LOV and assigning the values from the Lookup window

I n
For example, when you create freight carrier in Oracle Shipping Execution, you can define the
various ship methods in the Oracle Shipping Lookups window and assign the same to a Freight

c l e
The values defined in the Oracle Shipping Lookups window depends on your accessibility

r a
level. They are explained as follows:
• User: You can add or update the lookup values as needed.
• Extensible: You can add new lookup values, but seeded values can only be modified or
disabled if your responsibility matches with the LOV.

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Chapter 12 - Page 144
• System: You can only modify the lookup values meanings and description.
In this window you define the following:
• Code: You define the internal code of the LOV value which will be used for the
customization purpose
• Meaning: You define the the meaning attached to the code
• Description: You define the description of the LOV value
• Effective From and To date: The effective period within which the LOV value is

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 145
Shipping Execution Reports

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Shipping Execution Reports
U s
Oracle Shipping Execution provides you with a variety of flexible and easy-to-use reports to
help you improve productivity and increase control. Text attachments can be used with reports
and documents to print shipping application data: for example, unpacking instructions entered

l &
on a delivery line can be printed on the Packing Slip.
You can use the Shipping Reports and Documents window to select the report you want to
generate. The Shipping Execution Reports are displayed based on the report parameters you
te r
enter. The following are the Shipping Execution Reports:
Backorder Detail Report: Use the Backorder Detail Report to print details about backordered

I n
items for your organization.
Backorder Summary Report: Use the Backorder Summary Report to prints list of all

l e
unshipped orders. The report includes only open orders in an order cycle that includes Pick
Release. Multiple items and their backordered summary lines are displayed on the same page.

r a
This report displays order information such as the order type, order numbers, warehouse, last

shipped date, monetary amounts ordered, and the number of items outstanding and shipped.
These amounts involve totals for shippable items only because the Backorder Summary Report
does not account for non-shippable items.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 146
Open Deliveries Report: Use the Open Deliveries Report to view deliveries that you have not
recorded as ship-confirmed or shipped. You can also view open deliveries in the Shipping
Transactions form.
You can print the report to use it as:
• A daily list of deliveries that need processing and need ship-confirm
• A list of all deliveries that need processing and need ship-confirm
• A list of the customer orders that the warehouse is processing
• A list of pending orders that need processing at the end of a fiscal period to recognize
• A list of deliveries with assigned lines that you need to lock in (status Planned)
• A list of deliveries that you may need to close
Shipped Delivery Lines Report: Use the Shipped Delivery Lines report to display all delivery
lines that have been shipped. This report includes each shipped delivery line that satisfies your
parameter criteria. With this report you can also print totals for the released and shipped
quantities and the number of delivery lines that meet your parameter criteria.
You can use this report in several ways, including the following:
• A management report at the month end and quarter end for Oracle Accounts Receivables
to assure that all shipments had completed and Auto Invoiced.
• As a tool to identify possible re-calls or to identify the customers that a particular item
has been sent to.
• A management report by distribution management to compare the items that were
l y
released and shipped for a particular time period. It helps in determining picking and
shipping performance metrics.
e O
Bill of Lading: The Bill of Lading prints (on preprinted forms) all sales orders that have been
confirmed from a selected delivery. This document lists the ship date, carrier, bill of lading

U s
number, delivery name, shipper, ship-to address, carrier name, waybill number, quantity and
description of unpacked items, quantity and total of items packed in containers, total quantity

have created are also printed.

of items, and weight/volume information defined in shipping. Any shipping notes you may

Master Bill of Lading Report: The master bill of lading is a record of the physical bills of

l &
lading and prints, on preprinted forms, the Ship Confirmed deliveries for a trip. It includes
origin, final destination, stop off points, container description, and trailer weight.

The Master Bill of Lading report shows information when a trip has multiple deliveries from
are deliveries in the trip.
te r
the origin to a common drop off point. It can be printed for a single delivery as long as there

I n
Commercial Invoice Report: The Commercial Invoice Report lists all confirmed shipped
items in a delivery. If you specify only a delivery name when defining the parameters of this

l e
report, Shipping Execution prints one commercial invoice per delivery within the trip.

This report lists ship date, commercial invoice ID (same as the delivery name),

r a
shipper/exporter, ship-to address, exporter identification number, freight carrier, all confirmed
items within each delivery (including purchase order number, order number, quantity, unit of
measure, unit value, and extended value for the items), total packages, total weight, and total
value. Country of origin is for future use.

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Chapter 12 - Page 147
You can print order and line level notes on the commercial invoice. However, Shipping
Execution maintains a two line maximum for notes at the header or footer to allow space for
the fixed footer information that prints at the bottom of this report.
This report does not show tax or freight charges because it is not intended to replace the actual
invoice from Oracle Accounts Receivables.
Packing Slip Report: The Global Packing Slip Report lists the goods that are in transit and is
used to show that the goods do not belong to the carrier. The goods transported can be from
sales orders, internal sales orders or transfers, and project contract lines. In some countries, the
packing slip is optional while in others, it is required.
The Packing Slip Report prints the following information: the customer’s name with both the
ship-to and bill-to addresses, ship date, freight and payment terms, order date, and salesperson.
Also included are the waybill number, freight type, freight weight, FOB point, freight carrier,
and unit of measure.
The Packing Slip lists each ordered item including the line level ship-to contact or order level
contact, the purchase order number, the unit of measure, and the quantities ordered, shipped,
stock keeping unit (SKU) of items shipped, and backordered.
International Trade Management Reports and Processes: If your current responsibility
does not enable you to navigate to International Trade Management Reports and Processes,
change responsibility to ITM Adapter Super User responsibility.
ITM Adapter Status Report: Use the ITM Adapter Status Report to view the status of the
ITM Adapter and a summary of the errors encountered during the ITM Adapter processing.
This report displays the current status of the adapter; the number of unprocessed requests; and

l y
error information for each unprocessed request (partner, error type, error code, and interpreted
The adapter statuses are:
• Start: Start up signal received
e O
• Active: Adapter is running
• Stop: Shut down signal received
U s
• ShutDown: Shut down in progress
• Inactive: Adapter is inactive
Mailing Label Report: The Mailing Label Report consists of labels that print at document

l &
generation for identifying the ship-to address of the shipment. You will be able to print mailing

n a
labels before Ship Confirm since containers can be created without having to be associated to a
Delivery. If delivery and trip information is available, it also appears on the mailing label, for

te r
example, customer name, ship to address, carrier name, waybill number, number of packages
in the shipment, delivery number, container number, order number, and tracking number.

I n
Pick Slip Report: The Pick Slip Report prints all picking line details in a picking batch. This

c l e
report is used by the picker in the warehouse to collect all items included in shipments.
The pick slip displays the following sections:

r a
• Pick slip header: Lists report date, warehouse, pick slip number, and pick batch number.
• Release criteria: Lists pick slip grouping rule name and criteria used in grouping the pick
O slip such as customer, ship-to address, delivery name, trip stop address, order number,
shipment priority, carrier, subinventory, and requisition number.

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Chapter 12 - Page 148
• Pick slip list: The Pick Slip lists each item as well as the line number, unit of measure,
quantity requested, quantity shipped, sales order number, sales order line, ship set, trip,
delivery, task id, lot number, serial number from, serial number to, revision, pick from
location, and whether the item is required for shipment. The requested quantity shows the
total quantity; for example, if you split a staged line for 15 into two lines of 10 and 5
(using the Shipping Transactions form), the quantity requested for the item shows as 15.
The shipped quantity is for picker entry and is always zero unless a portion of the batch
was already picked in a separate instance. (Pick release partial, Ship Confirm and re-run
Pick release).
• This report also lists each sales order, including customer name, shipping address, order
number and order date, purchase order number, freight and payment terms, and
salesperson associated with the items. Also included are the pick slip number, FOB point,
planned freight carrier, requisition number, requestor, and any shipping notes that are
associated with the order.
• The Pick Slip displays separately the quantity of items picked from various lots: the
Transaction Quantity from each lot displays separately under Quantity.
• Shipping notes: Lists any associated shipping notes.
Shipping Exceptions Report: The Shipping Exceptions Report provides all the exception
details of Backorders and Holds from Shipping Execution. You can print this report by running
it through either SRS or during Pick Release processing. For more information on defining
shipping exceptions, see Shipping Execution Setup, Defining Shipping Exceptions in Oracle
Order Management Implementation Manual.
Auto Ship Confirm Report: The Auto Ship Confirm Report is designed to provide visibility
to batches that have been successfully Ship Confirmed by Auto Ship Confirm concurrent
n l y
Auto-pack Report: The Auto-pack Report is designed to provide visibility to batches that
have been successfully packed by the Auto Pack concurrent program.

Vehicle Load Sheet Detail Report: The Vehicle Load Details report prints the loadings
• organization from which the report is running
sequence of items within a delivery. This report prints the following header information:

• date the report is created

• location from which the items are shipped
• name of the report
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This report prints the following information for the delivery:

• initial ship from date

te r
• trip and stop information for the delivery

• customer name
I n
• delivery name

c e
• loading sequence number for the delivery

r a
• gross weight

O• tare weight of the delivery

• method used for loading the delivery
• waybill number
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Chapter 12 - Page 149
• customer production line to which the delivery is to be shipped
• customer receiving dock
• intermediate ship-to location
• final ship-to destination.
This report also prints the following delivery line information for the delivery:
• master or detail container name
• loading sequence
• production sequence
• customer sequence number
• customer job number
• item number
• item description.
Vehicle Load Sheet Summary : The Vehicle Load Sheet Summary Report prints a list of all
deliveries assigned to a specific trip. This report prints the following header information: report
name, report date, and the trip number.
This report contains the following trip information: trip date, initial ship from date, whether the
trip follows another trip, freight carrier, vehicle type, gross weight and net weight of the trip,
and vehicle number.
The report contains the following delivery information within the trip: order in which the
deliveries are to be loaded in the trip (load sequence), delivery name, gross weight and net
weight of each delivery, waybill number, and customer name.
Location to Region Mapping Concurrent Report: Location to Region Mapping Concurrent
n l y
Process processes locations (addresses) and submits a report of location data that cannot be
matched to existing regions. Optionally, it can insert new region data into the regions interface
Regions Interface Concurrent Process: Use this process to load bulk geographical
U s
information from the regions interface table to Oracle Shipping Execution. This enables you to
filter the data that you are loading so that you can repeat the process without loading all of the

geographical information each time. The filters are country, country code, province/state, city,
city code, and postal code.

Ship Confirm Deliveries SRS: Ship Confirm Deliveries SRS enables you to utilize the Auto
n a
Ship Confirm functionality within Oracle Shipping Execution.
Interface Trip Stop SRS: The Interface Trip Stop-SRS process runs the interface to update

te r
Oracle Order Management sales order lines, Departure Ship Notice Outbound (DSNO)
generation, and inventory.

I n
Process Deliveries SRS: Use this process to append deliveries and autocreate deliveries with

c l e
unassigned delivery lines and to auto create trips with delivery groups according to the
grouping parameters and compatibility constraints. This process can be limited in the execution

r a
of the request to particular delivery lines status, delivery status, date ranges, ship method or
customer. This program is applicable only to outbound delivery lines and deliveries. This

process will not consolidate deliveries into trips when Oracle Transportation Planning is

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Chapter 12 - Page 150
Departure Ship Notice Outbound (DSNO)

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Departure Ship Notice Outbound (DSNO)
U s
The Departure Ship Notice Outbound (DSNO) is a notice used by the supplier to provide
advance notification of a shipment to the buyer or trading partner that the material has been
shipped. To perform the DSNO transaction the following steps have to followed:

l &
• Enable the Trading Partner for DSNO: This is one-time setup step for each Trading
Partner/Site/Transaction. The details of the trading partner is defined in the Define
Trading Partner window in the Oracle EDI Gateway. In this window you specify the
te r
transactions that are eligible for DSNO.
• Close Trip Stop: The Close Trip Stop procedure should be initiated in the Oracle

I n
Shipping Execution. This will initiate the EDI Gateway export process for each eligible
delivery associated with that Trip Stop. The DSNO is also generated when the Interface

l e
Trip Stop process is run.

• Invoke the EDI Translation Software: The Oracle EDI Gateway export process is

r a
complete when the output flat file has been generated. To complete the EDI process, a

O third party EDI translation software package is invoked to process the Gateway flat file
and transmit the result.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 151
Oracle Transportation Execution

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Oracle Transportation Execution
U s
Oracle Transportation Execution enables you to communicate, collaborate, and manage your
transportation processes with complete visibility to carrier rates, schedules, intransit events, and
delivery information. Deliveries can be managed with both carriers and customers. You can

l &
process and rate deliveries according to carrier requirements, and you can automatically assign
carriers to deliveries based on customer requirements, commodity requirements, or warehouse

location. For a complete integrated logistics solution, you can use Oracle Transportation
te r
Execution with Oracle Order Management, Oracle Warehouse Management, and Oracle
Shipping Execution to streamline your entire logistics execution process, from picking and
packing to shipping and final delivery. From the customer order to the final delivery, Oracle

I n
Transportation Execution provides you an automated process ensuring that your customer orders

c l e
are efficiently processed.

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 152

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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 153
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Oracle Shipping Execution

Chapter 12 - Page 154
Appendix A: Tax Accounting
Chapter 13

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 1
Appendix A Tax Accounting Process

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 2

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 3

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 4
Order Management Global Taxes Overview

n l y
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Order Management Global Taxes Overview
U s
This diagram is an overview of the tax process in Oracle Order Management. Tax Codes and
Tax Groups are assigned to items, customers, and sites, then use defaults and other setup
options to enter a tax estimate on the sales order..
• Implement global taxes for each operating unit.
l &
• Assign tax codes to customers.
n a
• Use the same setup steps in both Order Management and Receivables.

te r
• Estimate tax for orders at the time of order entry.

I n
• Define US Sales tax calculation based on customer ship-to address.
• For Order Management and Receivables, you can enter either a Tax Code or a Tax Group

l e
in the Tax Code field (for example, in the Customers - Standard window).

r a
Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 5
Receivables Global Tax Overview

n l y
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Receivables Global Tax Overview
U s
This diagram is an overview of the tax process in Oracle Receivables. Tax Codes and Tax
Groups are assigned to items, customers, and sites, or revenue account, then use defaults and
other setup options to default to the transaction to enable tax calculation. The main differences

Oracle Receivables.
l &
is tax estimations are created in Order Management versus the tax calculations created in

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 6
Other Products

n l y
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Other Products
U s
Tax calculation can involve other products, such as Oracle Projects and Oracle Order Capture.
Certain Customer Relationship Management (CRM) products use Order Capture to call the
Tax Engine and interface into Oracle Order Management. O
AutoInvoice involves calling the Tax Engine and then AutoAccounting to create the General
create invoices.
n a
Ledger account numbers when importing information from Order Management or Projects to

te r
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 7
Global Tax Overview

n l y
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Global Tax Overview
U s
Receivables to control all the tax calculations, accounting, and reporting.A I
With country specific setups, the Order to Cash process can be automated and enable

• Value Added Tax (VAT) - Imposed on the value added to goods or services at each stage
of their supply.
l &
professional services.
n a
• Goods and Services Tax (GST) - Sales tax levied on many consumer products and

te r
• Latin America - The Latin Tax Engine is an Oracle Global Financials feature used to
meet special tax needs in Latin American countries.

I n
• Canada - Goods and Services Tax (GST), Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), and Provincial

c l e
Sales Tax (PST) are sales taxes at the federal or provincial level.
• Japan - Consumption tax is VAT paid on an expense (input tax) that is recoverable

r a
against the VAT charged on revenue (output tax).
• Norway - Investment tax applies to certain items that are purchased for use or
O consumption by a VAT-registered entity.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 8
• Spain - Recargo de Equivalencia is a special VAT, levied on goods and services, that
smaller customers pay on their purchase invoices in addition to standard VAT to simplify
their tax reporting.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 9
Tax Overview

n l y
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Tax Overview
U s
Oracle Order Management and Oracle Receivables process Output Tax, which is charged on
the supply of taxable goods and services, for example, on customer invoices or revenue items.
You should report Output Tax whenever you account for sales. Oracle Payables and Oracle

l &
Purchasing process Input Tax, which is paid on supplier invoices.
• Input tax: What you pay your tax authority via supplier invoices.

n a
• Output tax: What you receive from customers and then pay to your tax authority.

te r
• Amount Due to the Tax Authority consists of Output Tax on customers invoices minus
any Recoverable Input Tax on supplier invoices.

I n
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 10
Value Added Tax Overview

n l y
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Value Added Tax Overview
U s
Value Added Tax (VAT) is imposed on the supply of goods and services paid for by the
consumer, but collected at each stage of the production and distribution chain. The VAT
charged on a customer invoice is called Output Tax. Any VAT paid on a vender invoice is

Output Tax – Input Tax.

l &
called Input Tax. The amount due each period can be described as follows: Amount Due =

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 11
US Sales Tax Overview

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US Sales Tax Overview
U s
In general, the following are the series of steps in the US Sales tax cycle.
• The amount that the customer pays a supplier includes US Sales tax, if applicable.
• The supplier is responsible for remitting the sales tax to the state tax authority.

l &
• Sales tax may not be applicable if the product is not taxable in the relevant tax

n a
• The state and local tax jurisdictions collect sales tax from suppliers.

I n
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 12
US Sales Tax Example

n l y
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US Sales Tax Example
U s
Receivables determines sales tax based on a customer’s ship to address by using the Sales Tax
Location Flexfield structure. Every segment in the Sales Tax Location Flexfield is mandatory
during entry of you customer address for this process to function properly.

l &
The tax calculation process can be integrated with a tax partner. A tax partner is a third party
product that Oracle Applications integrates with to calculate and report state and local United
States (US) Sales tax. Tax partners include Taxware and Vertex.
te r
Note: If you are implementing a VAT system and do not wish to calculate tax nor validate
addresses, you can select the “No Validation – Country” Sales Tax Location Flexfield structure

I n
which requires that only the country is entered. In this case, Receivables derives the default
country from the “Default Country” system option. You may also implement Flexible Address

l e
Formats for country specific validation of customer address information.

r a
Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 13
Tax Partner Process Overview

n l y
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Tax Partner Process Overview
U s
The United States (US) Tax Partner Solutions let you provide for complex tax calculation
needs while retaining the full power of Receivables to create and store all other tax data.
Receivables will use this information to create the appropriate tax line(s) and related
accounting information.
l &
n a
• Tax information stored in Receivables tax tables passes to the tax partner.
• The Tax Partner Solution is called whenever a tax rate is calculated by the Receivables
Tax Engine.

te r
• The Tax Partner returns a tax rate and tax amount for every invoice line.

I n
• AutoAccounting then generates account distribution tax lines based on the tax

c l e
information that the Tax Partner returned.
Oracle integrates with these partner products:

r a
Taxware Sales Use Tax System (PLSQL)

Vertex Quantum for US Sales & Use Tax (PLSQL)
Note: The integration supports US Sales tax only. Beginning with Oracle Release 11.5.7,
Taxware and Vertex software is bundled with Oracle Applications.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 14
For customers who are using Oracle Applications prior to 11.5.7, you can apply patch number
Tax partners integrate with:
• Oracle Receivables
• Oracle Order Management
• Oracle Order Capture
• Oracle iStore
• Oracle Sales

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 15
Other Taxes in Oracle Applications

n l y
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Oracle Applications supports other types of tax:
U s
Guides. A I
Recoverable and Non-Recoverable Input Taxes: See Oracle Purchasing or Payables User

EU Acquisition and Reverse Charge Taxes O

Deferred Output Taxes: Used in countries that allow deferring recognition of tax until payment
of invoices.

n a
Withholding Taxes: Used in Oracle Payables to withholding taxes from suppliers in

te r
compliance with IRS or local authorities’ orders.
Goods and Service Tax: Sales tax levied on many consumer products and professional
I n
c l e
Canadian Government, Provincial, and Harmonized Sales Tax
Sales Equalization Taxes

r a
Investment Taxes

Excise Duties
Latin and South American Tax regimes: Brazilian ICMS, IPI, Tributary Substitutions;
Argentine VAT Perception, Turnover Perception; Colombian VAT.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 16
For countries such as France, Italy, and Russia, Oracle Receivables supports deferral of Output
Tax liability until payment has been collected.
For cross border drop shipments within Europe, Oracle Receivables/Order Management/Order
Capture support automatic defaulting of one or more applicable taxes.
In Receivables, you can calculate and account for multiple tax regimes, levying additional
taxes such as Surcharges, Excise, and Sales Equalization taxes as required.
The Latin Tax Engine in Oracle Receivables can calculate and report taxes in the local tax
regimes for taxes levied in your order-to-cash cycle.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 17

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 18
Tax Setup Steps

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Tax Setup Steps
U s
1. Select a Tax Method: Use Tax Method, along with the value you entered for the Calculate
Tax field assigned to your transaction type, to determine whether to calculate tax on your
l &
2. Define Tax Codes and Rates: Enter and maintain your tax codes and their associated tax

n a
3. Setup Inclusive and Exclusive Taxes: Determine whether a line includes tax or the tax is
listed as a separate line.

te r
4. Setup Tax Groups (Optional): Group multiple conditional taxes under one name.

I n
5. Setup Item or Account Method (Optional): Define rules associated with line item and

revenue account.
c e
destination (point of supply) or assign a tax code to the natural account segment of your

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 19
Tax Setup Steps Continued

n l y
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Tax Setup Steps (continued)
U s
6. Define Tax Preferences, Defaults, and Results: Define Tax Code Defaults and hierarchy to
determine the order in which Receivables derives a default tax rate for manually entered or
imported transactions using AutoInvoice.
l &
7. Define Tax Exemptions and Exceptions: Exempt customers and items from a specific tax
or assign special rates to products you ship to specific locations.

n a
8. Define Transaction Types: Calculate tax for transactions with a specific transaction type.

te r
9. Define AutoAccounting For Tax: Assign account numbers to tax transactions.
10. Enable Calculation of Tax on Freight: Allow tax on freight transactions.

I n
11. Define Tax Profile Options: Set profile options to calculate tax in different ways based on
business needs.

c l e
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 20
Defining Tax Codes and Rates

n l y
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Defining Tax Codes and Rates
U s
Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Setup > Tax > Codes A I
Use the Tax Codes and Rates window to define the tax codes that you will use to record tax
information in Order Management and Receivables documents.
n a
Individual taxes can be either inclusive or exclusive on the price list. These taxes can both raise
and lower the price list amount and be calculated using a different Taxable Basis.

For each tax code, you can enter: r
I n
• Tax type: Select a Tax Method in the Tax Type field as VAT or Sales.
• Tax rate: Percentage used to calculate tax.

l e
• Taxable basis: Value of item or services used to calculate tax. Use After Discount, Before

Discount, Quantity, PL/SQL Formula, or Prior Tax as the basis.

r a
• Effective dates: Dates the Tax Code is available.

• Tax controls: Permits selection of Output or Input Tax class, Inclusive Tax, or Allow
Exempt check box of tax exemptions.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 21
• Tax accounting information: Accounts used to record tax in different situations such as
Adjustments, Finance Charges and Miscellaneous.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 22
Setting Up Inclusive and Exclusive Tax

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Setting Up Inclusive and Exclusive Tax
U s
Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Setup > Tax > Codes > (T) Control A I
AutoAccounting separates inclusive taxes from extended line amounts before creating revenue
and tax accounting entries. Tax inclusive calculations at the transaction line level may be
required in Canada, Japan, and Latin America.

n a
• Inclusive Tax: Line amount for an item includes the tax for the item.

te r
• Exclusive Tax: Tax not included in the line amount for the item.

I n
• Check Inclusive Tax check box in Tax Codes and Rates window for inclusive tax codes.
• Check Allow Inclusive Override check box if you want to allow changing tax code from

l e
inclusive to exclusive (or vice versa) when entering invoices.

r a
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 23
Practice - Define a Tax Code
In this practice you will define a tax code.

• If you are not attending training at an Oracle University or Authorized Partner
Education Center, you must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or
comparable training test instance on which to complete this Practice.

• Replace XX in the Practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number.
(For Instructor Led Training classes, this number will be assigned to you). This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

Define a Tax Code

Responsibility = Receivables Manager

1. Navigate to the Tax Codes and Rates window

n l y
• (N) Setup > Tax > Codes (T) Rates

e O
2. Enter a tax code using the following information:
− Tax Code: XXTAX
U s
− Tax Type: Sales Tax
− Taxable Basis: After Discount
− Tax Rate %: 10
− Sign: Credit O
− Tax Class: Output
l &
− Tax Account: 01-000-2520-0000-000

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 24
Solution - Define a Tax Code
Define a Tax Code

Responsibility = Receivables Manager

1. Navigate to the Tax Codes and Rates window

• (N) Setup > Tax > Codes (T) Rates

− Tax Code: XXTAX
− Tax Type: Sales Tax
− Taxable Basis: After Discount
− Tax Rate %: 10
− Sign: Credit

2. (T) Control
− Tax Class: Output

3. (T) More
− Tax Account: 01-000-2520-0000-000

4. (I) Save

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Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 25
Tax Groups Overview

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Tax Groups Overview
U s
Multiple tax codes can be grouped together within the Order to Cash business cycle to build a
schedule or group of taxes.You can use tax groups to centralize the complex rules for finding a
tax code for a given place of supply and item. Tax groups can automate the selection of a

l &
single tax code based on condition sets. For example, in condition sets for a tax group, you can
specify which tax code to use for which destination country. In particular, tax groups support:
• Tax on cross-border transactions.
n a
• iStore and CRM applications.

te r
Tax groups can be used to calculate:

I n
• Multiple taxes for a transaction or transaction line.

c l e
• Compound taxes for a transaction.
- Assign a precedence number to each tax code in the Compounding Precedence

r afield. The highest precedence number calculates tax on all tax lines with a lower
precedence number, except when the taxable basis is prior tax.
O - Tax groups can also contain multiple independent branches of compounded tax.

Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 26
Setting Up Tax Groups (Optional)

n l y
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Setting Up Tax Groups (Optional)
U s
Groups window. A I
The Inclusive Tax setting from the tax code defaults to the Inclusive Tax check box in the Tax

You can assign tax groups to inventory items, customers, or customer sites.

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Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 27
Compound Tax Example

n l y
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Compound Tax Example
U s
Receivables permits the creation of compound tax charges during invoice entry and import if
the Compound taxes system option is set to Yes. Precedence numbers are assign to indicate
which tax line you want Receivables to compound. In the example of above, the tax is

l &
calculated on Line 1 and then the total amount of 107, which consists of 100 for the line
amount plus 7 for the Tax on Line 1 are used to calculate the tax on Line 2. The two taxes are

then added together to give a total tax due of 17.70. When setting up compound tax the
following is applicable:

te r
• Define tax precedence rules for compounding tax.

I n
• Prior to Release 11i, only one compounding branch was allowed.
• Compounding rules support multiple groups of “tax on tax” in a single invoice.

l e
• Use compounding precedence field to group tax lines together.
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 28
Inclusive Tax with Compounding Example

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Inclusive Tax with Compounding Example
U s
The example illustrates multiple compounding with an Inclusive branch. Only one
compounding branch may be inclusive. If a compounding branch is inclusive, all Tax Codes in
the branch must be inclusive.
l &
In the example, Code A and B are one branch, both are Inclusive, and B uses the total of 100
plus A’s tax of 20 to calculated the 12 tax thus compounding Code A’s tax. Both Code A and
B taxes are added to the line because they are inclusive bring the line total to 132.
te r
Code C and D are a second branch with Code D compounding Code C tax. Code C and D are
not Inclusive so a separate line will be added to the invoice for the tax of 43 from Code C and

D’s calculation. The total invoice will be 132 plus 43 equals 175.
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Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 29
Defining Condition Sets

n l y
e O
Defining Condition Sets
U s
Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Setup > Tax > Groups > (B) Conditions > (T) Lines > (T) Actions A I
(N) > Setup > Tax > Groups > (B) Group Constraints > (T) Lines > (T) Actions

l &
Use group constraints to ensure that specific conditions are met before using a particular tax

group. Example: If ship-to province is not found, display system error message

te r
• Condition Sets indicate that each tax code is dependent on one or more conditions that
you specify such as: If ship-to country is Argentina, use this (Argentina) tax code.

I n
• Exception Sets can be assigned to the tax code to specify exceptions, including changing
the rate for a tax code automatically.

l e
• Constraints can be assigned to a tax group to ensure that specific conditions are met

before using this tax group. Example: If ship-to province is not found, display system

r a
error message.

Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 30
Practice - Create a Tax Group
In this practice, you will create a tax group and conditions with multiple compounding branches.
You will also determine the tax calculation based on the setup.

• Create a tax group.

• Determine the tax.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• Replace XX with the number provided by your instructor or your initials.

• Use Receivables, Vision Operations (USA) or comparable Super User Receivables


n l y
1. Create a tax group named <XX> GSTPST with the following information:

e O
Tax Code Tax Compounding Condition
U s
Ship-to Location

NBPST 11 2 Province O New

l & Brunswick
QCTVQ 6.5 2

n aProvince Québec

2. Determine the Tax.

te r
I n
Assume that an invoice of $1,000 is created using the above tax group and shipped to an address

cl e
in Quebec province, Canada. Calculate the tax amount manually and complete this table:
Tax Code Tax Rate Taxable Calculation Tax Amount

r a Amount

O Total

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 31
Solution - Create a Tax Group
Create Tax Group

1. Navigate to the Tax Groups window:

• (N) Setup > Tax > Groups

2. Enter a Group Code and Group Name of <XX>GSTPST.

3. Select the following tax codes, enter compounding precedence, and Conditions:

Tax Code: GST

− Tax Rate: 7%
− Compounding Precedence: 1
− (B) Conditions
− Condition Name: <XX>Canada
− Clause: If
− Entity: Ship-To
− Field: Country
− Operator: =
− Value: Canada
− (T) Actions
− True, Use this tax code, False, Do not use this tax code.
n l y
Tax Code: NBPST
− Tax Rate: 11%
e O
− Compounding Precedence: 2
− (B) Conditions U s
− Condition Name: <XX>New Brunswick
− Clause: If A I
− Entity: Ship-To O
− Field: Province
− Operator: =
l &
− Value: New Brunswick
n a
− (T) Actions

te r
− True, Use this tax code, False, Do not use this tax code.

I n
− Tax Code: QCTVQ
− Tax Rate: 6.5%
l e
− Compounding Precedence: 2
− (B) Conditions

r a
− Condition Name: <XX>Quebec

O − Clause: If
− Entity: Ship-To
− Field: Province

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 32
− Operator: =
− Value: Quebec
− (T) Actions
− True, Use this tax code, False, Do not use this tax code.

4. (I) Save.

Determine Tax

Precedence Tax Code Tax Rate Taxable Calculation Tax Amount

1 GST 7 1000 1000*7% 70.00
2 QCTVQ 6.5 1070 1070*6.5% 69.55
Total 139.55

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Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 33
Select a Tax Control Method

n l y
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Select a Tax Control Method
U s
transactions. A I
Receivables provides two methods for deriving the appropriate VAT tax code and rate for your

• Item Method O
• Account Method
l &
n a
Note: Before implementing Receivables, you need to decide whether you want to derive a
transaction line's tax code and rate from the line's item or the line's natural revenue account.

te r
Normally, the tax code for a transaction (line) is derived using rules associated with the line
item and destination (Point of Supply).

I n
The Item Method defaults tax codes based on a search hierarchy that you define in the System

l e
Options window. Typically within the Item Method, the system searches for a tax code at the
item, customer site, customer, and system option levels (in that order) and ignores any tax
r a
codes associated with the Revenue Account of the line item. The Item Method:
• Derives tax code from combination of inventory item and ship-to country.

• Can be used for multiple, conditional, compounded taxes.
• Supports integration between Oracle Receivables and:

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 34
- Oracle Order Management.
- Oracle Order Capture.
- Legacy systems.
The Account Method requires assigning one or more revenue accounts to a tax code. Then,
when recording a transaction to one of the revenue accounts, Receivables will record the tax on
that transaction to the VAT account assigned to this revenue account. With the Account
• One or more revenue accounts are assigned to a tax code.
• Tax is recorded on the tax account assigned to the revenue account.
• Tax code for invoice distributions can be validated against tax code assigned to revenue

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 35
Setting Up Account Method (Optional)

n l y
e O
Setting Up Account Method (Optional)
U s
General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Setup > Tax > Tax Options > (T) Account Level A I
Receivables, Vision Operations (USA) O
l &
(N) > Setup > System > System Options > (T) Tax Defaults and Rules
To set up the Account Method:

n a
te r
In General Ledger Tax Options window, assign a tax code to the natural account segment of
your revenue account. Set up validation by deriving tax code from revenue account).

I n
In System Options window, check Enforce Tax from Revenue Account and Revenue Accounts
check boxes and set Revenue Accounts tax code defaulting hierarchy to 1. Make sure Allow

l e
Tax Code Override check box is not checked for accounts that you want to validate.

r a
Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 36
Assigning Tax Codes to Items

n l y
e O
Setting Up Item Method
U s
Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Setup > Transactions > Items > Define Items > (T) Invoicing A I
Use tax groups to control tax calculation based on item destination. For example, use
conditions such as “If ship-to warehouse = Korea, use this tax code.”
using the default from the Master Item. a
Note: A different tax code or group can be assigned to each Inventory Organization rather than

te r
I n
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r a
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 37
Defining Tax Preferences, Defaults, and Rules

n l y
e O
Defining Tax Preferences, Defaults, and Rules
U s
Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Setup > System > System Options > (T) Tax or (T) Tax Defaults and Rules
Tax Tab O
l &
Use the Tax tabbed region to define how Receivables calculates taxes.

Specify your tax method, the Location Flexfield Structure to use to determine your taxes for

te r
different customer locations, and whether to compound taxes for your customers.
Select to recognize tax exception rates for customers, customer sites, specific locations, and

take precedence.
I n
products, and whether exemptions that you define for specific products or customers should

l e
Tax Defaults an Rules Tab

Use the Tax Defaults and Rules tabbed region to Enforce Tax from your Revenue Account.

r a
Optionally set up your system to ensure that the tax code for your invoice lines is the same as

the tax code assigned to the “Account” segment of your Revenue account.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 38
Define your Tax Code Defaults and Hierarchy by checking the appropriate boxes and entering
a sequence number for each. This hierarchy determines the order in which Receivables derives
a default tax rate when you manually enter transactions or import them using AutoInvoice.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 39
Defining Tax Exemptions

n l y
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Defining Tax Exemptions
U s
Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Setup > Tax > Codes A I
For Customers: (N) > Customers > Standard > (T) Classification O
l &
For Customer Sites: (N) > Customers > Standard > (T) Addresses > (B) Open > (T) Business
Purposes >
(B) Open
n a
te r
For Items: (N) > Setup > Transactions > Items > Define Items > (T) Invoicing

I n
Exemptions: Define tax exemptions to fully or partially exempt a customer, item, or range of
items from specific tax codes.

l e
Exception: Define tax exceptions to assign special tax rates to products that you ship to specific
r a
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 40
Defining Transaction Types

n l y
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Defining Transaction Types
U s
Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Setup > Transactions > Transaction Types A I
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) O
(N) > Setup > Transaction Types > Define
l &
Check the Tax Calculation check box in the Transaction Types window for each transaction

te r
type to ensure calculation of tax for all invoices.
Customers and customer sites not subject to tax should be assigned an exempt tax code.

I n
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 41
Defining AutoAccounting for Tax

n l y
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Defining AutoAccounting for Tax
U s
Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Setup > Transactions > AutoAccounting A I
Use the AutoAccounting window to specify how Oracle Receivables determines the General
Ledger account for tax. Enter Tax in the Type field.
you want to use to derive the account. a
Query all the segments of your Tax Account Flexfield. For each segment, assign the value that

te r
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 42
Enabling Calculation of Tax on Freight

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 43
Defining Tax Profile Options

n l y
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Defining Tax Profile Options
U s
System Administrator
(N) > Profile > System A I
• Tax: Allow Manual Tax Lines: Determines whether users can enter manual tax lines in
the Transactions windows in Receivables.
l &
n a
• Tax: Allow Ad Hoc Tax Changes: Provides selections for updating rates and amounts
assigned to tax codes in the transactions window in Receivables, if you defined tax codes

te r
in the Tax Codes and Rates window and set Ad Hoc to Yes.
• Tax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions: Prevent users from entering unapproved

I n
exemptions in Receivables.

c l e
• Tax: Allow Override of Tax Code: Provides choices to override a system-derived tax
code during order or invoice entry.

r a
Note: The Tax: Calculate Tax on Credit Memos profile option has moved to the System
Options window.
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 44
For Order Management Profile Options

n l y
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Defining Profile Options
U s
System Administrator
(N) > Profile > System A I
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 45

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 46
Tax Accounting Overview

n l y
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Tax Accounting Overview
U s
In Oracle Receivables, flexible setup options provide choices on how the tax is calculated and
which tax accounts to use for each activity. This can reduce tax liability in countries where
adjusting entries for tax are allowed. To set up for tax accounting, define:
• Tax accounting information for tax codes:
l &
- Deferred tax

n a
• Accounting rules for Receivables Activities:

te r
- Miscellaneous transactions
- Discounts
- Adjustments
I n
l e
- Finance charges

r a
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 47
Setting Up Tax Accounting for Deferred Tax

n l y
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Setting Up Tax Accounting for Deferred Tax
U s
Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Setup > Tax > Codes > (B) Tax Accounting A I
Deferred tax is an accounting method that defers the liability of tax to the time that the cash is
collected, rather than when the invoice is created.
l &
• Define deferred tax codes in the Tax Codes and Rates window.

te r
• Check the Deferred check box in the Tax Accounting window.
• Enter accounts in the Tax Account and Interim Tax Account fields of the Tax Accounting
I n
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r a
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 48
Practice - Deferred Tax Codes
In this practice, you will set up a deferred tax code and enter the GL accounts.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Your instructor will provide login information.

• Replace XX with the number provided by your instructor or your initials.

• Use Receivables, Vision Operations (USA) or comparable Super User Receivables


1. Define a deferred tax code with a 20% rate.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 49
Solution - Deferred Tax Codes
Define Deferred Tax Code

1. Navigate to the Tax Codes and Rates window:

• (N) Setup > Tax > Codes

2. Enter the following in the Rates tab:

− Tax Code: <XX>DefTax
− Type: Value Added Tax
− Taxable basis: Before Discount
− Tax rate: 20
− Sign: Credit

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I n
Select Output in the Tax Class field in the Control tab.


c l e
Enter the GL Accounts in the More tab.
Tax Account: 01.000.2520.0000.000

5. r a
Select the Tax Accounting button to open the Tax Accounting window.

6. O
Select the Deferred Tax check box.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 50
Caution: Once the tax code is changed the value in this box can not be changed.

7. Enter the Interim Tax Account:.

− Interim Tax Account: 01.000.2800.0000.000

General Ledger (GL) accounts for Receivables Activities that have Tax Code as the
source may be entered in this window.

8. (I) Save.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 51
Defining Receivables Activities

n l y
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Defining Receivables Activities
U s
Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Setup > Receipts > Receivable Activities A I
Define the GL Account and Tax Code Sources. O
• GL Activity Source Options:
l &
- Activity GL Account

n a
- Revenue on Invoice
- Tax Code on Invoice
te r
I n
- Distribution Set
Tax Code Source Options:
• None
c l e
• Invoicea
• Activity

Check the Recoverable or Non-Recoverable check box if the Tax Code Source is Invoice.
Enter a Tax Code if the tax code source is Activity.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 52
Changing Tax Transactions

n l y
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Changing Tax Transactions
U s
Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Transactions > Transactions Summary > (B) Open A I
In Receivables, Tax Adjustments can be made in the Transactions or Transactions Summary
l &
n a
The profile option, Tax: Allow Override of Tax Code, permits changing an automatically
generated tax code. Oracle Receivables displays the new tax rate and amount.

te r
If you use AutoAccounting, rerun the Review Accounting after changing the tax code to update
your tax account for this invoice line.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 53
Adjusting Tax on Invoices

n l y
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Adjusting Tax on Invoices
U s
Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Transactions > Transactions Summary > (B) Adjust A I
Receivables activities for tax adjustments must be set up first. O
l &
• When you create a tax adjustment Oracle Receivables automatically verifies that it is
within your adjustment approval limits.

n a
te r
- If within your assigned approval limit for the currency of that item, Oracle
Receivables updates your customer’s balance to reflect the adjustment.

I n
- If outside your approval limits, Oracle Receivables creates a pending adjustment
with a status of Pending Approval which will need to be approved by a higher level

c l e
employee with the proper approval limit.
• Any adjustments that have been applied to the tax lines of an invoice and cannot be

r a
claimed from the state, should use a receivables activity where tax is not posted to a sales
tax liability account (for example, bad debt write-offs of sales tax amounts).
• If using a tax partner and the option for posting adjustments to the tax partner is selected
in the Receivables Activities window:

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 54
- Adjust tax amounts to reconcile to tax partner reports.
- Post only approved adjustments of type Tax to tax partner reports.
Note: For more information, refer to the “Adjust the Invoice” section in the Integrating Oracle
Receivables with Taxware Sales/Use Tax System or Integrating Oracle Receivables with Vertex
Quantum user guides.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 55
Tax Credit Memo

n l y
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Tax Credit Memo
U s
Tax Credit Memos can be entered from the Credit Transactions or Transactions Summary
window, or by selecting the Credit Lines and entering individual credit lines.
• The credit can be either an amount or tax percentage. O
• When crediting lines individually, the tax for the item line will automatically calculate,
just as it would if you entered transaction lines.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 56

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Copyright © Oracle, 2005. All rights reserved.

Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 57
Tax Reporting Ledger Overview

n l y
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Tax Reporting Ledger Overview
U s
Reporting Ledger. A I
Oracle Applications simplifies global tax management by providing a single cross-product Tax

• Tax Reporting Ledger produces a single report of all your taxable sales and purchase

documents across Oracle Receivables, Oracle Payables, and Oracle General Ledger.
n a
• The Tax Reporting Ledger can be used in conjunction with any reporting tool, including
RXi and Application Desktop Integrator for Variable Format Reports.

te r
• The following tax registers are supported:
- Single Cross-Product Tax Register.

I n
- Standard Input and Output Tax Registers.

l e
- Deferred Output Tax Register.

- Recoverable and Non-Recoverable Tax Registers.

r a
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 58
Tax Extract Overview

n l y
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Tax Extract Overview
U s
The Tax Extract finds all taxed transaction details from any of the sources, summarizes this
information, and records a copy in the interface table for reporting. Information from
designated global descriptive flexfields is also copied into the interface table.

l &
The interface table is a standard RXi extract format that allows RXi, Oracle Reports, or any
client program to access the data using a simple query.

n a
The Tax Extract can be called from several sources, including Oracle Reports and RX and
RXi-enabled concurrent programs:

te r
• Financial Tax Register: The Financial Tax Register uses the RXi reporting tool to

I n
generate tax register reports with the Tax Extract data. This version runs both the extract
and the publishing steps together. Available attribute sets:

l e
- DEFAULT (Tax Register) - Reporting on Receivables and General Ledger
r atransactions
- ATTRSET2 (Tax Register with Tax Recovery) - Reporting on Payables

O transactions
- User-defined

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 59
• RX-Only: Financial Tax Register: Data Extraction only version. Requires using Publish
RX Reports to produce the report.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 60
Sources of Data

n l y
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Sources of Data
U s
Global descriptive flexfields store country or region-specific information that is extracted into
the Tax Reporting Ledger through the Tax Extract, letting you include country/region-specific
information in country/region-specific formats.
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 61
Tax Ledger Reporting Options

n l y
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Tax Ledger Reporting Options
U s
The MO: Top Reporting Level profile option and the Reporting Context (Parameters) on the
Reports are used to meet both Multiple Organization and Cross Product reporting
l &
The MO: Top Reporting Level profile option determines which reporting levels are available
for a particular responsibility when reporting across multiple organizations. Available values
include: Set of Books, Legal Entity, and Operating Unit.
te r
• To create reports across multiple organizations, use the Reporting Level and Reporting
Context parameters to determine the report content.

I n
- For Oracle Applications Multiple Organization Support feature, the Reporting
Level parameter defaults to Operating Unit.

l e
- For others, it defaults to Set of Books.
r a
• To create cross-product reports with information from Oracle Payables, Oracle
Receivables, and Oracle General Ledger, enter ALL in the Product parameter.

• To create report across operating units and products, use the Product parameter along
with the Reporting Context parameters and the MO: Top Reporting Level profile option
to control content.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 62
Matrix Reporting

n l y
e O
Matrix Reporting
U s
amounts. A I
Use Matrix Reporting to show a single line in the Tax Reporting Ledger for two or more tax

• Supports countries with multiple taxes. O

• Groups up to four output taxes on a single line.
l &
up to two input taxes.
n a
• Shows both recoverable and nonrecoverable input tax amounts on the same report line for

te r
To enable Matrix Reporting, use the Matrix Report Flag parameter on the Tax Reporting

I n
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r a
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 63
RXi Report Steps

n l y
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RXi Report Steps
U s
The RXi Report Administration Tool is used to design content layout of reports and then
publish the report with the designed layout to meet reporting requirements. Steps are:
• Design content and layout of reports by selecting the RX-only report and then, copying

and modifying the existing attribute set using the columns available.
(publish) the data that was extracted. a
• Extract the data into the interface table which results in an RX-only file, and then print

• Publish reports in different formats using different attribute sets.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 64
Modifying Attribute Sets

n l y
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Modifying Attribute Sets
U s
modify an existing attribute set that you previously defined. A I
Use the Attribute Set window to change a new attribute set that you have just copied or to

Displayed Columns O
In the Displayed Columns tab, the Available list box displays all columns that are available for
n a
this report but not currently included in the report output. The Displayed list box displays the
report columns that are included in the report output. There are more than 600 available

te r
columns for the Tax Reporting Ledger. Use the Default Format tab to define how date and time
values should be displayed in the report.
Available Column Groups
I n
Legal Entity
c l e Reporting Entity
Transaction Header Level
Reporting Context

Taxable Amounts
Taxable Line fields
Receivables Transactions
Tax Amounts
Tax Line fields, including Tax Code and Tax Rate Total Amounts

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 65
Payables Tax Line Receivables Tax Line Transaction Line User
Descriptive Flexfield Accounting Miscellaneous
Column Details
Use the Column Details window to define formatting attributes for individual columns in a
report. All changes are optional and depend on your reporting needs.
Page Formatting
Enter title, page size, heading information, and grouping levels.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 66
Defining Summary Details

n l y
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Defining Summary Details
U s
A summary column is a column whose values are either summed or counted. You can
designate the summed and counted levels printed, and you can rename the default summary
l &
The Summary Details window displays the report summary levels and the column grouping
levels for the column that you select in the Column Details window.
The report summary levels are:
n a
the page
te r
• Page Total Sum: The sum or count of records on the current page printed at the bottom of

I n
• Running Page Total: The sum or count of records up to and including the current page

c l e
printed at the bottom of the page
• Previous Page Total Sum: The sum or count of records up to but not including the current

r a
page printed at the top of the page
• Report Total Sum: The sum or count of records in the entire report. The grouping levels
O displayed in the Summary Details window are all grouping levels up to, but not
including, the grouping level for the selected column.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 67
Publish RXi Reports

n l y
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Publish RXi Reports
U s
Use the Publish RX Reports concurrent program to print RXi report output. You can generate
an RXi report with its default attribute set, or with an attribute set that you defined in the
Attribute Set window. The report is created according to the layout definition of the attribute

Submitting the Request

l &
set that you specified. You can create reports in text, HTML, CSV, or tab-delimited format.

n a
Use the the Submit Request window or the ReQuest Center in Application Desktop Integrator

te r
(ADI) to submit the RXi report and the Publish RX.
• If you run the RXi report and the Publish RX Reports concurrent program together in one

I n
step, the Attribute Set and Output Format parameters are included in the list of RXi report

l e
• If you need to submit the Publish RX Reports concurrent program separately after you
r a
run the RXi report, use the Requests window to obtain the RXi report request ID.

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 68
Managing Access to RXi Reports and Attribute Sets

n l y
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Managing Access to RXi Reports and Attribute Sets
U s
interface table by RXi reports. A I
User access to RXi reports means that a user also has access to any data retrieved into the

Because an attribute set controls the content of the report output, you must assign attribute sets

to a responsibility if you want to restrict data access.
n a
• Use the Define Security window in the Report eXchange Designer responsibility to
assign RXi report attribute sets to a request security group.

te r
• The request security group can then be assigned to one or more responsibilities.
• If you define a new attribute set, by default this attribute set is available to all users who

I n
have access to the associated report.

c l e
• However, if you link this attribute set to a particular responsibility, then only that
responsibility can access the attribute set and use it when publishing reports.

r a
• By default, the Attribute Set window and the Purge RX Interface Data concurrent
program available only from the Report eXchange Designer responsibility.
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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 69

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Appendix A: Tax Accounting Process

Chapter 13 - Page 70

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