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Irma Isamar Cantillano - 201430020059

Lic. Madelin Mercedes Moreno Ávila

La Ceiba, Atlántida, June 14, 2020


Honduras is a country very rich in tourist diversity since it has two coasts, the
north coast with the Atlantic Ocean and the south with the Pacific Ocean, ours
also has great mountain ranges and mountains, valleys, lakes where there is a
lot of diversity of animals such as of plants, so that the world can see that we
are a very beautiful country.
Theoretical framework

1. Cultural tourism

Our country has a great cultural diversity of which I have had the pleasure of
visiting various cultural sites and they are very beautiful places since we can
observe the history of our country.

Honduras has a rich and varied cultural heritage in harmony and interaction with
its biological diversity. It is a heterogeneous country in its cultural elements that
has a series of sociocultural regions which constituted an authentic crossroads
between the great pre-Hispanic civilizations of the North and South of the
American continent.

It is an eminently mestizo town, a characteristic reflected in the hybridization

that many of its expressions of popular culture show.

This natural and cultural diversity has given rise to a series of popular artistic
manifestations that are part of the daily life of the Honduran peoples and
comprise a series of festivities and traditions in which the indigenous worldview
is mixed with elements of Roman Catholic Christianity. An example of the above
can be seen in the celebrations of Lenca indigenous people identified by
anthropologist Anne Chapman as Los Hijos del Copal y la Candela.

As for its physical heritage, Honduras has a number of historical monuments,

the fruit of the heritage of our indigenous, colonial past and republican life.

2. Ecotourism

Like any other country with a lot of plant wealth and paradisiacal places,
Honduras has given greater importance to ecotourism, promoting its beautiful
landscapes that are now protected by the state to avoid: the predation of its
vegetation, fauna and the ecological deterioration of its beautiful beaches and
majestic places.

Places that are real ecotourism in our country.


The main area of the Celaque National Park is located in the Lempira
department, but also includes parts of the Copán and Ocotepeque departments.
It is the most impressive cloud forest in Honduras due to its physical dimensions
and its immense biological content. From the city of Gracias you can see a wide
plateau on a cliff with high walls.

The highest river in Honduras is born in this plateau, it moves smoothly until it
reaches the edge and it precipitates in a jump that is observed in almost the
entire valley. Nine other rivers flow from the plateaus and slopes supplying
crystal clear water to at least 100 communities, including the historic city of
Gracias. The high rocky walls of Celaque are an attraction for mountaineers.
This national park is the habitat of the largest population of wildlife in the
country's cloud forests, including endangered species such as the jaguar, the
ocelot, the white-tailed deer, the goldfinches and the quetzal.


National park that is located in the department of Francisco Morazán. It has two
educational centers, one in Jutiapa and the other in El Rosario, with several
trails to give environmental or natural education to hikers. La Tigra is a cloud
forest at 2,270 m high, offering facilities for overnight stays.


Conquering the top of Pico Bonito is like conquering all the natural beauties of
Honduras. From its peak, and those of other peaks in the area, you can enjoy a
wide variety of landscapes, including Bahía de Trujillo, the mountains of Yoro
and Punta Sal. Pico Bonito, in the department of Atlántida, is a challenge for the
mountaineers, since to reach their last stages requires a lot of effort and
training. The hills and mountains that make up this National Park belong to the
Cordillera Nombre de Dios.
3. Adventure trip

Honduras offers excellent conditions for the practice of adventure tourism. We

have the second longest coral reef in the world, offering excellent conditions for
diving and snorkeling. Lush unexplored jungle areas waiting to be discovered
and ideal for expeditions that include hiking and rafting, white water rivers with
rapids of class III, IV, and V for rafting.

Canopy´s with more than 20 falls (sections) for lovers of adrenaline, mangrove
lagoons with a rich biodiversity for the practice of Kayaking and night
observation of birds and crocodiles, mountains of cloud forests ideal for lovers
of hiking

4. Sun and beach tourism

The coral reef that surrounds the island of Roatan is the second largest in the
world. It is a permanent source of attraction and entertainment for those who
enjoy diving. Easily available is the training necessary to participate in an
adventure through a wonderful underwater world, with all the appropriate
security and help. If deep diving isn't for you, you can try snorkeling in Roatan. It
offers a vision of marine life that will never be forgotten.

There are several well-developed communities with their own attractions, such
as Coxen Hole, French Port, West Bay, West End, Puerto Real, Punta Gorda,
Oak Ridge, Barbareta and the island of Morat, Jonesville, etc.

Each of these small towns or communities have their own charm, and each one
is worth seeing.

The island of Roatan in the Caribbean Sea is surrounded by several cays and
small islands. It is a true paradise on the north coast of Honduras, Central
America. The blue sky, wonderful turquoise waters, and a warm sun will
welcome you to Roatan, Honduras. Roatan is an island with several beaches
that is distinguished by its tranquility, and its crystal-clear waters that will make
you enjoy the sea as if you were in a huge natural pool
Utila is an island in the Caribbean approximately 29 km from the Honduran
coast. The island is 11 km long and 4 km at its widest point, surrounded by vast
coral reefs with abundant marine life. A population of around 2,500 inhabitants
make this island their home in the insular department of Honduras: Islas de la

Utila borders the Mesoamerican Coral Reef, the second largest coral reef after
the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. With more than 60 dive sites including
underwater caves and numerous wrecked boats, diving is always interesting.
Utila is equally famous for being one of the places where it is possible to swim
with the whale shark while it makes its migratory path close to Utila. This fish
can reach between 12-18 meters in length.

5. Gastronomic tourism

Honduran cuisine is quite varied, as it contains pre-Hispanic, Spanish, Creole

and, to some extent, African elements, as is typical of the entire Central
American Atlantic coast.

Traditional Honduran cuisine is strongly dominated by seafood and corn, which

is an indigenous crop that is part of the food base of the pre-Hispanic peoples of
Mesoamerica who inhabited the region. The typical food of Honduras is based
on meat, poultry and fish, tortillas, beans, rice, dairy products such as local
cheeses and butters, vegetables or legumes, and fruits. Coffee as an aromatic
drink is not lacking throughout the national territory to accompany breakfast,
dinner or any time of day as a welcome element on a visit.

6. Hunting Tourism

I could have put him in animal tourism, but this type of tourism has a different
relationship with animals that is quite different from the other category. In this
case one does not travel to appreciate animals, but to kill them.

This is one of the types of tourism that moves the most money in Africa where
big game drives a lot of dollars. There was talk a few months ago that killing
elephants as the king of Spain did in his day can cost a figure close to $ 60,000.
7. Scientific Tourism

A very powerful type of tourism in countries such as the United States or France
and one that is booming in Spain is scientific tourism that puts research and
science environments above everything else. Learning is the main argument for
all those who dare to investigate this type of tourism, which ranges from seeing
how geologists work to mathematical routes through different cities.

8. Cruise Tourism

One of the types of tourism that has suffered the most from the crisis and that
seems to come out "afloat" again. The drop in cruise prices make this one of the
most attractive possibilities to enjoy the sea and the large port cities for a few
hours. Cruise tourism makes you experience the feeling of being in a hotel while
you travel across the sea with all the facilities that the hotel service provides:
accommodation, meals, entertainment, swimming pools, gyms and above all

9. Sports Tourism

Sports tourism is difficult to classify since it is carried out by very different types
of people. We can find the assets that want a complete immersion in a sport
such as surfing, a sport in vogue for sun and beach tourists. We can also find
mythomaniacs who visit mythological places for any sports fan, the tourist of
soccer stadiums is very common in this case. And we can also find the tourist
who travels to see specific sporting events such as the Olympic Games, World
Games or any other type of competition.

10. Spiritual Tourism

More based on health than on religious matters, spiritual tourism is gaining

adherents with the passage of time. Spiritual retreats in nature or in
monasteries are the order of the day and it is a great option to rest and
disconnect a bit from all the stress that surrounds us.

11. Tourism to Study

Another type of tourism that seeks tranquility is the one that serves to study,
whether it is to leave the usual place to clear the mind or the one that looks for
specific places that can help the study.

12. Ethnographic Tourism

Ethnographic tourism seeks to get to know a specific culture as closely as

possible, for it we can do the immersion via tours, exchanges or directly to the
adventure, dialoguing with the local people. Folklore tourism could be included
in this type of tourism as it delves into the traditions of the visited site.

13. War tourism

Yes, there is war tourism and I am not referring to seeing places where wars
have happened in former times, but to places that are currently at war. Although
we think that there are few places in such a situation, the reality is that more
than 20 countries are currently in the middle of a war. High-risk tourism,
although many of the wars that are active are considered by the United Nations
(UN) as "low intensity" conflicts.

14. Historical Tourism

Without straying too far from war tourism, this type of tourism has many aspects
of places that have marked history and, yes, wars have written many pages.
However, not everything has to be warlike, the vestiges of the past that can be
seen in the old quarters of most cities can be a good example of historical

15. Fear Tourism

Living a horror movie is possible and this type of tourism is increasing over the
years. Visiting dark places is no longer a thing of the past, now going to see
where Count Dracula used to live falls short and people look for much more
macabre places like the torture museum in Amsterdam, the famous island of
dolls in Mexico or visiting Patarei prison in Tallinn (Estonia) where there are
said to be countless ghosts.

If you like the Iker Jiménez ‘Cuarto Milenio’ program, this may be one of your
favorite types of tourism. Dare to try it!
16. Backpacking Tourism

Who hasn't wanted to take the backpack and a couple of changes and go on an
adventure? In Europe this type of tourism is recovering and it is increasingly
common to see young people hitchhiking on national roads in search of a new
destination and especially a new adventure.

17. Nature Tourism (Mountain)

If you want to flee from the masses on your vacation there is nothing better to
disconnect than the mountain. Perhaps not so much in winter with winter sports
activities as skiing, which is also part of this type of tourism, but it is for the rest
of the year where hiking or mountain biking monopolize this sector.

18. Sustainable tourism

In which respect for nature is paramount is on the rise and in Spain we can
enjoy countless places to practice it. Please don't miss the North of Spain!

19. Morbid Tourism

Going to see the concentration camps where the Nazis killed millions of Jews
seems to be one of the highlights of visitors to Germany, as well as seeing
Hiroshima, the place where one of the atomic bombs was dropped in World War

20. Museum Tourism

If there is something made exclusively for tourists, it is museums. If what you

want to see on the trip is works of art, there are many essential places for any
self-respecting museum addict. The best museums in the world (according to
TripAdvisor users)

New York Metropolitan Museum of Art (M.O.M.A)

Musée D’Orsay, Paris (France)

Chicago Institute of Art

Prado Museum, Madrid (Spain)

Louvre Museum, Paris (France)

National Heritage Museum and Winter Palace, Saint Petersburg (Russia)

National Gallery, London (UK)

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

Vasa Museum, Stockholm (Sweden)


We have a country with many tourist beauties that everyone can see and that in
this pandemic that everyone is experiencing, and that when this ends many
people will be able to see the tourist potential that Honduras has.

TurismoTop. (14 de Junio de 2020). Obtenido de

MabelCajal. (14 de Junio de 2020). Obtenido de

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