Activity No.6

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Research Methodology
Group 212032_47
Problem of How to promote digital transformation in
study Colombian enterprises?
It is important in Colombia that our companies
have more technology because it would improve
you think
them and return to the most competitive, efficient
you can
and error-free national industry of their regional
and international competitors. This would be a
good decision for companies to decide to invest in
between the
for the
of scientific

Type of Research: Descriptive research refers to research

research design, question creation and data analysis that
will be carried out on the subject. It is known as
an observational research method because none
of the variables that are part of the study is
Phases of Describe each phase including the information
the collection and the final presentation of results.
Conceptual Phase:
Historically, Society has formally given
universities and research centers the almost
exclusive mission of knowledge production;
however, nowadays the trend is to expand this
mission in order to meet the demands of the
economically productive sectors and the society in
general. This broadening of the purpose has, in
turn, demanded the universities a
reconceptualization and organizational re-
configuration so as to be able to perform the
of production, storage and transfer of knowledge,
thus inserting market logics into the academic
environments and turning knowledge into a
tradable product. This paper intends to show a
coherent panorama of the concept of technology
transfer, starting from an exploration of the
literature and selecting authors that are
remarkable for their trajectory, depth and the

Methodological Phase:

Since the appearance of the University as an

institution, its reason for being has been the
creation and transfer of knowledge. However his
mission is gone
appropriate to the complexity of today's society.
The company has formally assigned to universities
and research centers, the almost exclusive
knowledge production mission, and as a result of
the challenges advances in the so-called basic
sciences (physics, chemistry, biology,
mathematics, among others), scientists acquired
a high status before society (Durán et al., 2003).
With the industrial revolution occurs a break in
the application of knowledge towards
the engineering that later develops as sciences
own. In the twentieth century, world wars and the
cold war drive new sciences such as robotics,
biotechnology, computer science and
telecommunications, deepening, extending and
diluting the boundaries between the so-called
sciences basic and applied sciences, or in other
terms, between science and technology

Empirical Phase

Technology transfer is a essential tool for

generating sustainable economic development
over time, but so that it can play the role to the
one who is called, there must be conditions
appropriate social, among which stands out an
entrepreneurial mindset in
scientists and a scientific mentality in
non-inventor entrepreneurs, to enable
interdisciplinary team building
with ease of understanding each other. The
universities are the calls to generate this kind of
cultures in their students, teachers and

References author = { López G., María del SocorroMejía

C., Juan CarlosSchmal S., Rodolfo},
title = { Un Acercamiento al Concepto de la
Transferencia de Tecnología en las
Universidades y sus Diferentes
Manifestaciones },
year = { 2006 },
journal = { Panorama Socioeconómico },
keywords = { Transferencia tecnológica;
modelos de transferencia tecnológica;
innovación.; Technology transfer; models of
technology transfer; innovation. },
issn = { 0716-1921 },
language = {Español},
url = {
id=39903208 },

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