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The Lgbtq movement

In an article by Nicole Neroulias, the titled “ Washington governor signs gay marriage

law” is addressed the information about what happens on February 13, 2012. Neroulias uses a

unique writing style to put all the information and even a similar movement in other places into

the article. The article also shares an interesting perspective of the anti-LGBTQ side at that time.

However, Neroulias didn’t choose to focus on the negative side much, she provided essential

knowledge about this event instead.

Washington governor signs gay marriage law begins with the information that

Washington state is the seventh in the nation that put same-sex marriage into law. Governor

Christine Gregoire signed the opponents of the measure. Neroulias also remarked that in

California the same-sex marriage still be ban. This information shows that there is still a group of

people that are not open-minded to LGBTQ. Making the readers realized that the problem of

despising gay never disappear as in some state still treat them as the different level with straight.

What stood me out the most in this article is one sentence that was said by Joseph

Backholm. He said, “Marriage is society’s way of bringing men and women together so that

children can be raised by, and cared for by, their mother and father.” I can’t believe that there are

still people who think like this. I said not currently, but 2012 was just eight years ago and

LGBTQ was fighting for their right for their whole life and straight people still did not accept

them. Some people didn’t think that being conservative would hurt anyone. Nonetheless, that

group of people never think of being viewed with contempt as they do to LGBTQ.
In the last part of the articles, the author provided a little bit of information about events

in other states that also sign same-sex marriage into law. Neroulias called it “similar efforts

elsewhere.” In this last part says supporters of LGBTQ in Maryland and New Jersy also pushing

similar statutes about same-sex marriage. This made me feel very proud of those people who try

to support the LGBTQ and give them equality as they deserve. I know from the whole article that

in that years there is not a big change in a same-sex marriage that much as there are a number of

people that ban this, but at least we see the change in a lot of people.

Consequently, this whole article by Nicole Neroulias talks about 3 main things,

including, Washington governor signs gay marriage law in February 13, 2012, California and

some other states ban same-sex marriage, and others state that also make same-sex marriage to

legalize. From all the information we may conclude that there is a change in how people think

about LGBTQ. However, that didn’t mean that every single person could accept them. As we can

see there is still some other state that bans this or even people around us still insult them. As far

as I can tell, from this fact it is hard for many LGBTQ to come out with their parents because

they might think that their parents could not understand what they are feeling and the biggest fear

of them might be they don't want to make their family disappointed and ashamed because of

them. I hope that in the future those LGBTQ could live a peaceful life and be treated equally

with straight.
Nicole N. (2012). Washington governor signs gay marriage law,


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