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Describe a place in other countries where you would like to work for a

short time.
You should say:
where you would like to go
what kind of work/job you would like to have
when you would like to go
and why you want to work in that

I would like to share with you about Pattaya ,a tropical island with exotic
sensations where i would like to work for a short time. Pattaya is a city on
Thailand’s eastern Gulf coast which has the name for its secluded beaches and
stunning coastlines.

Regarding my work, I think i would be a environmatal photographer.

After graduation would be the perfect time for me to do the work which has
been my long-standing personal wish.

This is due to the fact that, I always dying about photography and I have a
deep longging to convey the beauty of nature via my unique photos.

Beside, It is the place to go to get away from it all, and I never get tired of just
staring into crystal clear water I have never seen, then i will have a chance to
try the feeling of sea kayaking with waves bobbing up and down from both

Last but not least, throught my photos, people will raise their awareness of
motherland protection, natural ecosystem and our environment.

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