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European Journal of Electrical Engineering

Vol., No., Month, Year, pp. **-**

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Instructions for Preparing Papers for European Journal of Electrical Engineering

Aaa Surname1*, Bbb B. Surname2, Ccc C.C. Surname3
Affiliation, address
Affiliation, address
Affiliation, address

Corresponding Author Email: ABSTRACT

Received: In this proposal, plan and usage of a versatile inserted framework to screen and
Accepted: record key parameters of a conveyance transformer like load currents, Voltage
level and encompassing temperature. The possibility of on-line monitoring
Keywords: framework coordinates a Wireless-Fidelity (WI-FI) Modem, with an
LAPVIEW, IoTs, distribution transformer, independent single chip microcontroller and diverse sensors. It is introduced at
Arduino microcontroller, current sensor, the circulation transformer site and the above parameters are recorded utilizing
current transformer, etc. the analog to digital converter (ADC) of the installed framework. The got
parameters are prepared and recorded in the framework memory with a constant
access on LabVIEW. In the event that any irregularity or a crisis circumstance
happens the framework sends a trigger to over-burden insurance hardware
which turns off the circuit and the IOT stage and LabVIEW containing data
about the variation from the norm as per some predefined guidelines modified
in the microcontroller for the protection of the transformer. This framework will
assist the transformers with operating easily and distinguish issues before any
cataclysmic disappointment.

1. INTRODUCTION 3) Timely discovery information won't be sent to

monitoring focuses in time, which can't pass judgment on
In control frameworks, distribution transformer is distribution transformers three-stage harmony
electrical gear which disseminates capacity to the low – 4) A monitoring framework can just screen the task state or
voltage clients straightforwardly, and its activity condition is watch.
a critical part of the whole distribution arrange task. Task of 5) Against take the power, and can't screen every single
distribution transformer under appraised condition (according helpful datum of distribution transformers to diminish costs.
to detail in their nameplate) ensures their long life. Anyway
their life is fundamentally diminished in the event that they 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT:
are subjected to over-burdening, binging about startling
disappointments and loss of supply to countless in this way Transformers are among the most bland and costly bit of
affecting framework dependability. gear of the transmission and distribution framework.
The monitoring gadgets or frameworks which are by and by Customary monitoring health state of transformer not
utilized for monitoring distribution transformers have a few exclusively is sparing likewise adds to expanded unwavering
issues and inadequacies. Maybe a couple of them are quality. Previously, support of transformers was done in view
specified beneath. of a pre-decided calendar. Numerous monitoring frameworks
1) Ordinary transformer estimation framework for the most utilize control transporter correspondence to send
part recognizes a solitary transformer parameter, for example, information, yet the power bearer correspondence has a few
control, current, voltage. While some ways could identify burdens: genuine recurrence obstruction, with the expansion
in separate the flag lessening genuine, stack changes realized
multi-parameter, the season of procurement and activity
vast electrical clamor. So if utilize control transporter
parameters is too long, and testing speed isn't sufficiently
correspondence to send information, the constant information
transmission, unwavering quality can't be ensured. As
2) Detection framework itself isn't solid. The principle indicated by the above necessities, we require a distribution
execution is simply the gadget unsteadiness, poor hostile to transformer ongoing monitoring framework to recognize
sticking ability, low estimation precision of the information, every working parameter activity, and send to the monitoring
or even state monitoring framework ought to be no impact. focus in time. It prompts internet monitoring of key
operational parameters of distribution transformers which can
give valuable data about the health of transformers which will
push the utilities to ideally utilize their transformers and keep
the advantage in activity for a more drawn out period. This
will recognize issues before any genuine disappointment
which prompts a noteworthy cost investment funds and more
prominent unwavering quality. Far reaching utilization of
portable systems and Wi-Fi gadgets such modems and their
diminishing expenses have made them an alluring choice for
voice media as well as for other wide territory arrange


A. Block Diagram of Proposed Design:

Figure3.2: Arduino Microcontroller
Figure 3.1: shows the proposed implemented block
C. Tranformer:
diagram of the monitoring and protection system. All blocks
are explained in the below sections.
The Current Transformer ( C.T. ), is a type of “instrument
transformer” that is designed to produce an alternating
current in its secondary winding which is proportional to the
current being measured in its primary.
Current transformers reduce high voltage currents to a
much lower value and provide a convenient way of safely
monitoring the actual electrical current flowing in an line
using a standard ammeter. The principal of operation of a
current transformer is no different from that of an ordinary

Figure 3.1: Block Diagram

Figure 3.3: Current Transformer
B. Arduino Microcontrollers Block:
D. Temperature sensor LM35
One of the destinations for this venture is to build up a The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit
cheap, solid and efficient controller for the framework. the temperature sensors, whose output voltage is linearly
decision of the microcontroller is crucial to accomplish the proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) temperature.
This microcontroller is predicated on the AT mega 328.
There square measure aggregate of twenty pins (0-19) out of
that about six square measure simple information sources
which may even be utilized as broadly useful pins, an artistic
resonator of recurrence 16MHz, A USB affiliation, an impact
jack and a push. It contains everything required to help a

Figure 3.4: Temperature Sensor

E. WIFI module
The Wi-Fi Module is an independent SOC with
coordinated TCP/IP convention stack that can give any
microcontroller access to your Wi-Fi organize. The WIFI is
able to do either facilitating an application or offloading all the authors are affiliated to the same organization, type that
Wi-Fi organizing capacities from another application affiliation just once.
processor. Every WIFI module comes pre-customized with
an AT order set firmware, which means, you can essentially 4.2.3 Superscripts
connect this to your Arduino gadget and get about as much To match authors and their own affiliations, please insert
Wi-Fi-capacity as a WiFi Shield offers (and that is simply out numerical superscripts, i.e., “1, 2, 3, 4 …” followed by a space,
of the crate)! The WIFI module is a to a great degree after name and, correspondingly, before affiliation. If all the
financially savvy board with an enor3.mous, and regularly authors are affiliated to the same one organization, any
growing, network. number is no need.
Do not forget to denote the corresponding author with a
superscript asterisk (*). You may offer emails of all co-
authors. But in the final version of your manuscript, only one
valid email of the corresponding author will be kept.


5.1 Equations

(1) Tool: You are strongly recommended to use

Figure 3.5: Diagram of WIFI Module MathType ( to edit equations.
F. LABVIEW Interface: Microsoft Equation Editor is also acceptable. (Insert | Object |
Graphical programming dialects allow a characteristic, Create New | Microsoft Equation or MathType Equation).
instinctive man-machine collaboration. Accordingly, “Float over text” should not be selected.
graphical programming has increase plenteous quality over (2) Format: The size of equation is 10 pts. Remember to
the past numerous years, fundamentally because of a few leave 10 pt spacing both above and below an equation. Set
researchers and specialists have polished upgrades in the equation flush left, without indenting it.
(3) Numbering: Make sure that placing and numbering
programming because of comprehension in graphical
of equations is consistent throughout your manuscript.
programming apparatuses.
References to the equations should be as Eq. (1). Make the
LabVIEW (a frame for Laboratory Virtual Instrument number of an equation flush-right. For example:
Engineering Workbench) could be a framework style stage
and improvement surroundings for a noticeable simulated
b  b 2  4ac
dialect from National Instruments. x1,2  (1)

5.2 Measurement units and numbers

AUTHOR INFORMATION Please use the SI set of units as much as possible.
Wherever the application domain uses a different set of units
4.1 Paper title widely, please minimize the use of non-standard units or non-
standard symbols for those units. For example, the use of “a”
Paper titles should be written in upper-case and lower-case for year (annum) is depreciated and the use of “y” is
letters, not all upper-case, e.g., “Instructions for preparing encouraged instead. Similarly, “h” should be used for hours
papers for European Journal of Electrical Engineering”. Do instead of “hr” and “t” instead of “ton” or “tonne”. It is
not use capital letters for prepositions, articles or important to take care of the case in which the measurement
conjunctions unless one is the first word. units are typed. E.g. “Km” does not mean “kilometres”, but
Avoid writing long formulas with subscripts in the title; “Kelvin-meters”.
short formulas that identify the elements are fine (e.g., “Nd– When providing numerical values followed by
Fe–B”). measurement units, please leave a regular space or non-
breaking space between each value and the measurement
unit. This also includes percentages and degrees Celsius (e.g.
42 % or 35 %, 234 °C, 504 K). This rule also applies to the
4.2 Author information unit for litre, which is recommended to be capital “L”.
The authors are encouraged to render the numbers
4.2.1 Name specifying the dot as a decimal separator and the comma as a
Full names of authors are required. The middle name can thousand separator. Please use the British style for numbers –
be abbreviated. i.e. 1,000,000 and not 1000000 or 1 000 000.

4.2.2 Affiliation
Different affiliations shall be listed in separate lines. Do 6. TABLES AND FIGURES
not insert any punctuation at the end of each affiliation. If all
6.1 General
(1) Briefly and descriptively title each table and caption
each figure. Place figure captions below the figures whereas
table titles above the tables. Please do not include captions as
part of the figures or put them in “text boxes” linked to the
figures. Also, do not place borders around the outside of your
(2) All the table titles and figure captions should be
centered, Times New Roman font and 10 pts in size. Just
capitalize the first letter of words, phrases and sentences
which are included in tables and figures.
(3) Reference each table and figure within the text by
writing: e.g., Table 1 or Figure 1 (instead of Tab. 1 or Fig. 1). Figure 1. Cavity geometry
If possible, place tables and figures in the order mentioned in
the text, at top or bottom of page, as close as possible to text
(4) Allow 10 pts spacing between the table title and the
table (or between the figure and its caption). The equal
spacing is allowed between the table or figure and the
following text. (a) Temperature field

6.2 Tables

Words within a table should use 9 pts. The table number

should be in bold type.
In general, if a table is too long to fit one page, the table (b) Velocity vector field
number and heading should be repeated on the next page
before the table is continued. Alternatively, the table may be Figure 2. Three heat sources
spread over two consecutive pages (first an even numbered,
then an odd-numbered page) turned by 90, without repeating
the heading. Here is an example: 7. CONCLUSIONS

Table 1. Table title It is mandatory to have conclusions in your paper. This

section should include the main conclusions of the research
Heading1 Heading 2 Heading 3 and a comprehensible explanation of their significance and
Table size can be edited relevance. The limitations of the work and future research
Notes: 1. If you must attach a note for further explaining some data in the directions may also be mentioned. Please do not make
table, please use 8 pts font size here. 2. If more than one note is to be another abstract.
attached, please number them with “1, 2, 3 …” and separate them with a
period or a semicolon. 3. The right and left borders of the note area must be
aligned in relation to those borders of the table above it no matter what the
table size is. 4. Please distribute your notes evenly between the margins. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

6.3 Figures Acknowledgement section is not numbered and presented

after the conclusion. Use the singular heading even if you
Please make sure that the captions are on the same page have many acknowledgments. Avoid expressions such as
with the relevant figures and tables. Please keep captions “One of us would like to thank ...” Instead, write “This work
short – taking preferably one line. If a caption is a complete is supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant
sentence, place a period at the end of it. If not, then place no numbers: xxxx, yyyy).”
punctuation at the end.
Figures and captions must be centered. Any word, number,
shape and symbol on figures must be discernible when the REFERENCES
page zoom level stands at 120%. We suggest that you use one
of the following Open Type fonts: Times New Roman, In order to give our readers a sense of continuity, we
Helvetica, Arial, Cambria, and Symbol, when preparing your encourage you to identify in your papers the articles of
figures. similar research published in past issues of the journal. Please
Various figures can be accepted. Several examples cited do a literature check of the papers published in the journal in
from papers published in previous IIETA journal issues are as recent years.
follows. Please pay special attention to how much line Literature included in your references list must all be
spacing is allowed in different cases: mentioned in the text. Please number all the pieces of
literature in the order of their appearance in the text and mark
them with Arabic numerals in square brackets, such as [1],
[2], [3]. Please do not make these numerals superscript either
in the text or in the references list.
The digital object identifier (DOI) should be attached to
the end of a reference if the reference has one indeed. You cannot be typed should be entered in black ink. Symbols
may find DOI at should be italicized throughout the text.
You may imitate the following examples to prepare your Please make a nomenclature originally in a table and then
references: hide all the borders so that the symbol column and the
meaning column can be aligned from the top down. A
[1] Magrini, A., Lazzari, S., Marenco, L., Guazzi, G. template for nomenclature is as follows.
(2017). A procedure to evaluate the most suitable
integrated solutions for increasing energy performance
of the building’s envelope, avoiding moisture problems.
International Journal of Heat and Technology, 35(4): NOMENCLATURE
[2] Bejan, A. (2015). Constructal thermodynamics. B dimensionless heat source length
Constructal Law & Second Law Conference, Parma, pp. CP specific heat, J. kg-1. K-1
S1-S8. g gravitational acceleration, m.s-2
[3] Chen, W.K. (1993). Linear Networks and Systems. k thermal conductivity, W.m-1. K-1
Wadsworth, Belmont, 123-135. Nu local Nusselt number along the heat source
[4] Costa, T., Zarante, P., Sodré, J. (2013). Simulation of
aldehyde formation in ethanol fuelled spark ignition Greek symbols
engines. In: Sens, M., Baar, R. (eds) Engine Processes.
Expert Verlag, Berlin.  thermal diffusivity, m2. s-1
[5] Bentley, R.E. (1998). Handbook of Temperature  thermal expansion coefficient, K-1
Measurement Vol. 3: The Theory and Practice of  solid volume fraction
Thermoelectric Thermometry. Springer Science & Ɵ dimensionless temperature
Business Media. µ dynamic viscosity, kg. m-1.s-1
[6] Williams, J.O. (1993). Narrow-band analyzer. Ph.D.
dissertation. Department of Electronic Engineering, Subscripts
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
[7] SIMUL8 Corporation. SIMUL8 – Process Simulation p nanoparticle
Software., accessed on Jan. 17, f fluid (pure water)
2015. nf nanofluid
[8] Reber, E.E., Michell, R.L., Carter, C.J. (1988). Oxygen
absorption in the earth’s atmosphere. Technical Report APPENDIX
TR-0200 (4230-46)-3. Aerospace Corporation, Los
Angeles, California, USA. (1) Appendix. If there is an Appendix section in your
[9] Motorola Semiconductor Data Manual. (1989). paper, please place the section after Nomenclature and follow
Motorola Semiconductor Products Inc., Phoenix, USA. the format of the text body.
(2) Footnotes. It is recommended that footnotes be
NOMENCLATURE (3) Permissions. You are responsible for making sure
that you have the right to publish everything in your paper. If
Each paper should have a separate nomenclature section you use material from a copyrighted source, you may need to
that lists in detail and unambiguously all the symbols used in get permission from the copyright holder. You need to seek
the text and their definitions. Do not use the same symbol for permission to use a figure or table if it has not been changed
two or more different meanings or definitions; similarly, do in any substantive way from the original or if it does not plot
not use more than one symbol for one variable/parameter. or compile data readily available to anyone. You need to seek
Each dimensional symbol must have SI units mentioned at permission to quote material if you use it in a way
the end. All dimensionless groups and coefficients must be competitive with the original material, that is, if your use of
indicated as dimensionless after their definitions. All Latin the material will harm the rights of the original publisher
symbols (dimensional and dimensionless) should be listed in and/or author. This criterion holds true regardless of the
an alphabetic order. All Greek symbols follow the Latin length of the quote. If the quoted material will not be used
symbols. Subscripts and superscripts follow Greek symbols competitively, you need only to cite the original source.
and should be identified by a minor heading. Symbols that Please consult your own legal adviser if you have any
questions about what may need permission.

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