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D. Hernandez

1. I’m currently quarantined in Las Vegas, Nevada. 2. I am quarantined because of coronavirus.

3. If I could be anywhere else, it would be in Belize. 4. These is what it looks like

5. I would take my family and my phone.

6. To entertain myself I would go swimming by the waterfall.

COVID-19 Quarantine Photo Essay, p. 1

J. Vences

Where am I now? I’m at home doing homework from all of my


Why am I in quarantine or in lockdown? Well, that's because the coronavirus is

spread out and we need to stay home so we
won't get it or make it worse.

Where would I go? Why? I would go to an island, because I like the

ocean and the sand, but with no people that
are sick.

What does it look like? It has ocean houses. It is just a small island
where you're calm and relaxed.

What would I take with me? I would take my family, lots of food, and
games to play.

What would I do to entertain myself I would read a book (action) and another side
and learn? where I can color, and I would like to learn
how to play the guitar.

COVID-19 Quarantine Photo Essay, p. 2

Estefany Rivera

a. Where am I now? b. Why am I in quarantine or in c. Where would I go? Why?

In my house. lockdown? In an island.
I am at home fulfilling the All in quarantine. I would go to an island to be
quarantine with my family. I am in quarantine because of a alone in a very passive place. It
coronavirus from China that would be an escape from all this
has paralyzed and killed most madness that is happening right
people around the world. In now.
addition to being a dangerous
and deadly virus.

d. What does it look like? e. What would I take with me? f. What would I do to entertain
To look at the sky. Important things. myself and learn?
In many parts of the world the It would take my family, pets, Explore the area.
sky could not be seen but now food, drinks, personal items, I would go to explore the place
as everyone is in quarantine and phones. with my family, to know the
the contamination has type of flora and fauna of the
decreased and now the sky place, as well as its beach.
becomes clean.

COVID-19 Quarantine Photo Essay, p. 3

I. Cabrera Quezada

a. Where am I now? b. Why am I in quarantine or in c. Where would I go? Why?

I am currently at home, I would go to Cuba, my country, my
rigorously complying with all the I am in quarantine due to the land, to be close to my family and
indications that our government situation facing the country and the share beautiful moments with them.
is giving. rest of the world due to the pandemic
that has taken the name of Covid 19. It
has affected many countries in the
world, leaving a great balance of
infestations and deaths, where our
country it has become the scene of this

d. What does it look like? e. What would I take with me? f. What would I do to entertain
I would take my family here on this myself and learn?
My Cuba is an island that is side with me so that we can all meet
located in the Caribbean Sea. together and spend beautiful moments. I would visit the beaches. I would
It is known for its wonderful know a little more about the culture,
landscapes and for its colorful from my roots of my ancestors. I
environment that makes it an would take the necessary time to
ideal place. learn a little more about my origins.

COVID-19 Quarantine Photo Essay, p. 4

C. M. Sanchez - Hernandez

a. Where am I now? b. Why am I in quarantine or in c. Where would I go? Why?

Stay at home lockdown? I would go to Turkey to learn
I am in my house respecting I’m in lockdown because there is a their language and to learn
the rules that the government coronavirus outside and people are about them, their food and
Set and do online classes getting sick and infected. clothes.

d. What does the place look e. What would I take with me? f. What would I do to entertain
like? I would take my family clothes, myself and learn?
The place looks very pretty water, snacks, first-aid kit, and a I would go to the castles and
because there are castles, camera to take pictures. learn about the past, taste their
food, and their clothes are food, and take pictures.

COVID-19 Quarantine Photo Essay, p. 5

M. A. Diaz Mata

Where am I now? Why am I in quarantine or in c. Where would I go? Why?

I am at home. lockdown?

What does it look like? What would I take with me? f. What would I do to
entertain myself and learn?

COVID-19 Quarantine Photo Essay, p. 6

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