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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Agusan del Sur

Region XIII
Computer Research Network Inc. (CRNI)
“Boon or Bane: Life of Teenagers in the Modern Technology”

A Research Presented to the faculty of
Computer Research Network Inc.
(CRNI) Trento Agusan del Sur

In Partial fulfilment of
the Requirements in
Practical Research I

Abalayan, Epiver E.
Aguilar, Kaye E.
Albar, Hanzel L.
Ayala, Leonil Niño P.
Brina, Queenie L.
Cerbo, Mary Rose D.
Fabay, Jane G.
Peñaranda, Honey Faith V.
Table of contents

Chapter I


Purpose of the study------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

Research Question---------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

Theoretical lens-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

Significance of the study-------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Definition of terms---------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Delimitation and Limitations--------------------------------------------------------------------5

Organization of the study------------------------------------------------------------------------5

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature--------------------------------------------------------------------7

Chapter III


Research Design----------------------------------------------------------------------------------16

Role of the researcher---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Research participants---------------------------------------------------------------------------17

Data collection------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18

Data analysis---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19

Ethical Consideration----------------------------------------------------------------------------2

Chapter I



The internet has been a boon and a curse for teenagers (J.K Rowling).

The technology is one of the factors of why the world is advancing, many jobs are put in

ease and if you want to find answers in an instant the internet you can acquire that

certain information with one click, with new gadgets invented every year and many

forms of technology arises we can’t avoid the fact that teenagers lives are affected by

the negative circumstances of the technology.

Take Internet for example the internet has been has been a popular technology

in the teenagers and with new high-tech gadgets and smart phones that most teenagers

are intrigued by these stuffs they are most likely very late to sleep at night busy posting

in social medias instead of doing their homework, playing games online, and especially

most teenagers cannot live without using their the internet even just a day. By these

circumstances teenagers lifestyle is affected as well, by these instances since most

teenagers today fritter on playing games, surfing online, drowning in their posts, and

social media stuffs but what they are forgetting is to exercise their body that they should

also join interactive recreational activities, go outside play sports and enjoy the fresh air.
But despite from all of internet is the reason why the world is now connect wirelessly

we are able to connect to other people who are far away. But also the

technology such as the internet has been beneficiary for the teenagers and with the

new technology teenagers won’t be having a hard time doing their projects in school.

But the real point is among these situations does advanced technology was really a

boon or a bane especially under the influence of the internet?

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this research is to determine the lives of teenagers under the

modern era of how teenager’s lives revolve around the advanced technology. We are

concern about the lives of many teenagers that are bound in the technology so we

conducted this research in order to investigate how they do in their schooling and

lifestyle. We also aim to figure out if the technology such as the internet is the cause of

the many negative effects of the lives of the teenagers and how internet helped the lives

of teenagers, we will figure out if the internet is a boon or a bane of the lives of the

teenagers under the modern time and advanced technology.

Research Question

These questions highlight the issues of the research that we are conducting:

 How internet does help the teenagers from their lives?

 How teenagers’ lives changed under the advanced technology?

 What are the specific problems that teenagers faced in the internet?

Theoretical Lens

This study is connected on the theory of Internet Theory (Huber, 1995). The

theory is useful for our research since explained the factors of the internet and how the

internet works which is helpful for our study since it tackles the internet and how the

internet affects the lives of teenagers. It aims to capture the reason why teenagers are

addicted to the internet investigating how they are addicted to it and capture the

answer if it is a boon or a bane.

Internet Theory (Huber, 1995) The Internet can be described as a communication

system, consisting of certain components between which certain interactions are

observable to an observer. The environment provides a structural coupling between the

Net and its support from the environment. The environment "holds" the system and

provides the relevant resources and supports to maintain the systems functions. All

communication takes place in the system and the only thing which can take place in the

system is communication and nothing else. But not just the communication brought

internet to the world it is also the path to finding information with ease, internet also

brought many negative effects to the world such as the most popular one is

cybercrimes. Moreover the question is still unanswered in the Internet Theory (Huber,
1995) though the theory itself did not discuss anything about the teenagers we are able

to identify the process of how the internet system works.

Significance of the Study

We are confident that this study would explain how internet affects the lives of

teenagers in the modern society if it is a boon or a bane. From this study we are able to

attain information about the teenagers living in the modern era affecting their lives as

well as their problems that they are facing in their lives including lifestyle and how they

connect with others people. We are assured that this study will expand and include the

ideas about the saying of J.K. Rowlings (2012) and the Internet Theory (Huber, 1995) as

the vision of our study about the internet affecting the lives of teenagers if it is a boon

or a bane.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are used in this study we researched and facts with a

common reference.

Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the

Internet protocol suite to link devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that

consists of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to

global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking
technologies. The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services,

such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web

(WWW), electronic mail, telephony, and file sharing.

Delimitations and Limitations

The focus on this study is to distinguish the lives of teenagers affected by the

internet and the case is that the internet has been both positive and negative to the

teenagers but there will be only one reason and one outcome and it should be a boon or

a bane. The study was able to acquire information on the teenager’s experiences from

their lifestyle and how they use the internet.

As said by (Rowling, 2012) that the internet is a boon and a bane to the

teenagers and the factors are that the internet gave ease to educate their selves and

improve their self-esteem by connecting with others socially and boost up their

confidence but it also shows that internet gave teenagers prone to many negative doing

such as crime acts such hacking. There should be many teenagers that must be studied

in order to cope up with the answer.

There were some difficulties with this research since it is a qualitative research

and it has limited number of sample size. We also deal with difficulties of choosing the

right answer for we fear to have selected bias choice. (Koks, 2015)

Organization of the Study

In our presentation of our study there are different ideas and concepts that discussed by

every chapter. The difference of concepts from every chapter is that it is presented with

details and clear information and understanding.

Chapter 1. It introduced the case being studied. The important of the study emphasized

on this study. It will be followed and discussed the purpose of this study that aims to

distinguish the lives of teenagers living in the modern technology affected by the

internet. Next is the presentation of the theoretical lens that links to the research study.

Then we acknowledge the significance of the study and the people who are benefited by

the information. Important words are also defined clearly to have better understanding

of the text. Last is the delimitation and limitation of the study presented including the

participants of the study.

Chapter 2.It includes the review of the literature and other related studies about the

internet. The focus of the review is the following instance in the lives of teenagers

influenced by the internet. It includes the Theory of the internet which is the Internet


Chapter 3.This explains the design and methodology employed in this study.
Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and

in-depth search done by the researchers. This will also present the synthesis of the art,

theoretical and conceptual framework to fully understand the research to be done and

lastly the definition of terms for better comprehension of the study.

Related Literature

According to Huber(1995) that we can describe the Internet as a system

operating in a certain environment. The Internet can be described as a communication

system, consisting of certain components between which certain interactions are

observable to an observer. The environment provides a structural coupling between the

Net and its support from the environment. The environment "holds" the system and

provides the relevant resources and supports to maintain the systems functions.

For instance, the supply of current, the computer hardware, the material cables of the

telephone networks, the buildings in which the terminals are housed and of course the

user is strictly part of the environment of the Internet. They are no components of the
system itself. All communication systems are operationally closed systems. That simply

means that no system can function outside the system. All communication takes place

in the system and the only thing which can take place in the system is communication

and nothing else. Therefore the Internet can be described as an autopoietic system

which produces the components out of which it exists out of the components of which it

consists. The components are single communication units and they produce further

communications (replies, answers, e-mail, discussions, news groups, etc.). In this

mechanism of continuous production and reproduction of the various components of

the system selective interactions take place. Certain links between certain components

are used more often than others. Through that process, which is a temporary, time-

based mechanism, a certain actual structure is established in the Internet.

The principal problem one must face is the unobservability of the processes going on in

the Net. The only way to observe interactions with a certain home page or server is the

amount of electronic mail, the count of log-ins into a certain page or the number of

subscribers to a e-magazine or a discussion group. So we can only talk in a highly

selective perspective which depends on where we are located, when we look into the

Net and how, about the actual structure of the Internet as accessible to a certain

observer at a certain moment. But we can talk about its organization as opposed to its

structure. Humberto M. Maturana and Francisco Varela have tried to define the

difference between organization and structure. The organization of a system consists in

the necessary relations which define the system. The structure of a system consists in

the actual relations between the components which integrate the systems as such.

Therefore the organisation of a system like the Internet can remain invariant while it

maintains its identity without disintegration. Structures can vary provided they satisfy

the organizational constraints of the system.

The theory is related to the advance technology and the internet as well is the main

claim of the theory is discussed and we are able to understand how the internet works.

Related Studies

Young, B. (2006), “A Study On The Effect Of Internet Use And Social Capital On

The Academic Performance”. This study examined the condition of Internet use and

social capital, as well as its effects on teenager’s academic performance. We analyzed

survey data of 361 high school students. The study findings suggest that the Internet

expands its reach to teenagers’ school life. First, students are more reliant on the

Internet to access to information that is involved in school life as well as entertainment.

Second, teenagers tend to manage their social capital through the Internet. Third, the

result of regression analysis indicates that Internet use time irrespective of purposes is

less likely to influence academic performance, while in-degree centrality and ego-

network efficiency are more likely to exert positive influence on academic performance.

The Internet exerts increasingly more influence on our everyday life. Internet-based

activities expand their reach beyond the economic and social fields. A growing number
of Internet users spend their leisure time in the cyber community. Recent studies

indicate that age is more important than schooling or income in determining Internet

use (The Korea Economic Daily, 2004). Consequently, it is not surprising that 94.8% of

teenagers use the Internet (Ministry of Information and Communication, 2005). This

propensity suggests that teenagers may consider the cyber space as a real rather than


virtual space. The Internet has a Janus face. On the one hand, it gives every facility for

us. More importantly, it is usually considered as a window of opportunity for the

alienated. On the other hand, anonymity in the cyber space makes people insensible to

abuse on the Internet. It brings about all sort of antisocial actions, infringement of

intellectual property right, and leakage of private information. Despite the two-edged

effect, it is clear that we cannot live without the Internet. Especially unlike the previous

generation not exposed to the cyber culture before socialization, the influence of the

cyber culture on the teenagers’ socialization is rapidly growing. In this sense, the social

activity of teenagers in the cyber community is a barometer indicating the future image

of our society as well as teenagers themselves. The rapid development of information

technology has caused significant changes in the social network pattern. There are two

contending perspectives on the orientation of these changes. One is that, as individuals

spend more time on the Internet, it necessarily reduces available time for people to

interact with others. As a result, Internet use results in decreasing intensity of social

interaction in the off-line world. The other is that, as the Internet expands opportunities

for people to interact with others, it contributes to increases in not only intensity but
also the scope of social interaction (Howard et al., 2001; Nie, 2001; Orleans and Laney,

2000; Pruijt, 2002 Wellman et al., 2001). Orlean and Laney (2000: 57) identified these

opposite perspectives with the zero-sum and non zero-sum game perspective. The

former assumes that the use of media and technology is more likely to reduce the

opportunity for users to engage in existing personal relations, while the latter assumes


that the media and technology are more likely to expand the opportunity to engage in

personal relations by increasing the demand of social interaction. From this perspective,

activities in the virtual and real space are not contradictory but complementary in

producing and strengthening social capital. Internet use is assumed to make up for a

weak point of social capital embedded in the real space by increasing communication. A

complicated network emerges from Internet interaction. This network has attributes

such as cooperation, voluntariness, and sharing information. These attributes are

exactly coincides with the characteristics of social capital. Some other studies focused

on how individual propensity and attitude toward social interaction affect Internet use.

Nie (2001) argued that the frequency of Internet use was positively related to sociality.

According to this study, those who joined in social activities more actively had stronger

inclination to use the Internet, and subsequently the frequency of Internet use had

negative relations with the frequency of communication and social contact with others.

Several researchers also expressed their anxiety about the negative effect of Internet

use (Nie and Erbring, 2000; Shenk, 1997). They suggested that social interaction in cyber

space costed no less than off-line interactions. Online interaction necessarily imposes
burden on social actor’s everyday life. Blanchard and Horan (1998) reported that only

participation in on-line activities involved in the Parents Teacher Association (PTA) of an

elementary school and in an information board of local residents increased the

frequency of face-to- face interactions. According to this study, the regionally based


Internet activity is more likely to increase off-line interactions than spatially dispersed

Internet activities. Internet use pattern and degree are closely related to the peer group.

Teenagers consider a friend network and peer group culture embedded in the network

as a significant others for them. Consequently, their network exerts a great influence on

internet use. Also, family is no less important than friends in personal relations. Yang

(2003) examined how Internet use affected the degree of satisfaction in personal

relations and social activities. The result reports that Internet use time was positively

related to contact time with friends, but negatively associated with frequency of

conversation with parents. In other words, Internet use contributes to increases in social

capital with friends, but impedes to keep good relations with family. It is not easy to

conclude whether Internet use contributes to social relations or functions as an

obstruction. Such question would be not only difficult to answer but also fruitless. We

should rather investigate the context and the medium through which on-line social

relations are formed. As teenagers are more reliant on the Internet for various activities

in everyday life, Internet use sways the quality of individual life by transforming off-line
social interactions. In this sense, Internet use is closely related with interpersonal trust

and maintaining social collectivity. Therefore, Internet use of teenagers is an important

issue that deserves much research attention.

Previous studies on Internet use of teenagers have been inclined to concentrate on

Internet addiction (Na, 2004; Kim, 2004; Kim, 2002; Lim et al., 2004; Son, 2003). These


studies have suggested alternatives by investigating conditions of Internet addiction.

However, their efforts had some limitations in that they considered individual social-

psycho attributes as a cause and an effect simultaneously. Also, their focus on the

negative aspect of Internet use hampered to develop further discussion. The implication

drawn from these studies is that we can launch an effective policy for Internet addiction

by analyzing the school environment that is an important factor for students.

Another study by Mohammed(2017) that Incorporating technology usage within Saudi

university education is an initiative of relatively new provenance and one that has been

struggling to secure rights and recognition, similar to how a new country struggles to

establish internationally recognized sovereign boundaries. It has been suggested that

the application of technology should indeed encouraged and even be incorporated,

routine part of students' daily activities within clinical activities and basic sciences. The

most important element that supports the use of technology in the educational system

is the Internet. E-learning has become one of the fastest-moving trends in education

and poses a promising alternative to traditional learning. Studies have shown that
people learn considerably better from a combination of both words and images (which

technology enables) than merely from words alone.4 Technology helps students

become independent, proficient member and researchers.

The changing role of physicians in the new health care environment provides a stronger

impetus than ever before for these ideas to be incorporated. Nevertheless, using


technology in the classroom is a methodology not widely implemented in Saudi

universities. Abouchedid and Eid stated that “The overwhelming traditional knowledge

delivery system for higher education in the Arab world demonstrates the pronounced

information (IT) gap between Arab countries and the developed world”.

Research has indicated a need to change and revise the curriculum within health

colleges to cope with this revolution in technology because technology is becoming a

highly important source of maintaining currency and gaining knowledge within the

health profession. Research has demonstrated that smartphone applications and the

Internet are introducing a new degree of responsiveness and flexibility within

educational processes. This responsiveness is facilitated by the ease with which content

can be updated, instruction can be personalized, information can be accessed,

information can be distributed, and content can be standardized.

Increased implementation of technology will increase students' comprehension of

content and development of skills in such areas as analytical reasoning, problem solving,

information evaluation, and creative thinking. In KSA, there is a dire dearth and paucity
of information regarding the effect of technology usage on learning achievement.

Rather, studies conducted within KSA have found that students are used to a

comparatively more traditional model of learning. However, the comprehensive use of

technology would create a good environment facilitative of learning. This approach

would shift education from the classical approach (which has not prioritized students'


pursuit of understanding) toward the deep-meaning approaches that would help

students seek a true understanding of the central principles, themes, and applications of

any given area of study. Using technology would support the active learning of students

in an educational environment designed to help students achieve meaningful learning –

which, in turn, could result in positive, cumulatively progressive gains in learning

Chapter III


This chapter presents the research method used, the respondents, the

instrumentation, administration of instruments, and the procedure of analysis.

Research Design

The researcher utilized exploratory method using qualitative approach in

gathering information about the present condition. Mittal, V. (2010),defined exploratory

research as a qualitative research typically involves techniques such as focus group, in

depth-interviews, ethnography, and metaphor elicitation. Rather than being a substitute

for quantitative research, exploratory research when conducted properly can be a

useful and necessary complement that allows the researcher to fully understand the

needs, motivations, judgments, perceptions, and intentions that customers bring to the

table. By following the guidelines described here, marketing researchers can ensure that

they maximize the upside potential of their research project while minimizing the

downside.The qualitative style is utilized to make a descriptive detail of the data

gathered. It is a purposive process of gathering, analyzing, classifying and tabulating

information about prevailing conditions, beliefs, processes, trends, cause-effect

relationships and then making adequate and accurate and interpretations about such

data with the aid of statistical method. It needs smaller but focused samples in which

data are categorized into patterns that are used as primary basis for organizing and

reporting results.


Qualitative research involves the examination, analysis and interpretation of

observations for the purpose of discovering underlying meanings and patterns of

relationships, including classifications of types of phenomena and entities, in a manner

that does not involve mathematical models (Krathwohl, D. R., 2009).

Role of Researcher

As the researcher of this research that we are conducting, we are in cord to

investigate and analyze the lives of the teenagers under the modern technology. In fact

as teenagers ourselves and the researcher of this topic we are focused and determined

in conducting this research.

We have figured out that teenagers are very much familiar to the internet

especially to the modern society that we are living in, that is why we are using the

explorative research in order to find the answer if the internet is really a good thing for

the teenagers or it’s just another inventions just to harm us. In behalf of the team of

researchers since we are teenagers ourselves are motivated to seek the answer that we
are going to find the exact and precise answer for the question that many of us has

asked and none many researchers are investigating.

Respondents The principal respondent of this research is generally focused on

the teenagers, teenagers that are addicted or have not used internet or teenagers that

have not engaged the modern technology.


Data Collection

This qualitative explorative study, we have tackled several data collection

methods. These are the following: identifying the resources; identifying the participants;

interviewing respondents; proofreading and analyzing; and approving participants’

answers. In identifying the resource, we will list down the status of teenagers that are

addicted to the technology same for the teenagers that are not particular to such

technology. To figure our how they’ll react to the internet as we will interview them.

In identifying the participants, we will gather up teenagers that are very

particular to the technology together with teenagers that are not really particular of it

and we will investigate how they’re answers if they can really say if the internet is a

boon or a bane.

Interviewing respondents, we will interrogate and investigate the respondents

using the questionnaires that we will be readying for the conducting the interview for

the teenagers. Proofreading and analyzing of the respondents answers will be taken
with much caution and make sure to make it accurate especially in the language of what

the respondents are using we will take considerations and analyzing their answers

thoroughly if their answers are effective or nonsense.

Approving the participants answers will be the approving of the answers of the

teenagers of how they reacted to the questions that are given to them, we will further


investigate their answers to approve their answers if the modern technology is a really

good thing for teenagers.

Data Analysis

The answers of the respondents will be analyzed by the researchers using their

experiences since we are teenagers ourselves we will distinguish of how their answers

of the teenagers that are very particular to such technology and to the teenagers that

are not very particular of it. We will also further examine their answers by verifying their

answers to make sure it is accurate and precise for our qualitative research.

It is essential to review and revisit the data that we have acquired in order to

track their experiences of how they’re answers towards the question that we have

prepared for them and so we can conclude their answers in one thesis statement. We

will perform investigations of ourselves in their answers and dig deeper to inquire more

significant information that we can gather and to further more analyze the participants


As a qualitative research it is generally often questioned by positivists, it is

because the qualitative research reliability and validity are not specifically addressed in

the same way as the quantitative research does. However is has a distinct evaluation of

the qualitative research is wide and more expressed than quantitative research, we


have conducted the research with reliable resources and deeply search by liable sources

in the internet.

The credibility of our research is liable for the information that we have inquired

and acquired are websites that are accurately observed and is written by professional

journalist, authors, and researchers. To check the credibility of our findings and

interpretations, the respondents are in a liberty to read and examine the narrative for

their approval for us to check that findings and interpretations are correct.

Another aspect that we should consider is that the research should produce a

good confirmability. Confirmability in a qualitative research assumes that ever

researched had a vision of things and understanding towards their study. To keep the

audibility of our study we will use voice recorders, voice mails, and note-taking so that

we can achieve a successful confirmability for our research study that we are

Dependability is also an aspect that our research that we ensured will apply for

we have kelp all records and phrases of our research process were kept and easily

accessed and can be read with eased and understanding. When we said all records we

mean to keep all records of the note-taking, voice recording, and voice mailing.

And lastly we have transferability in our research which refers to the extent of

results and findings of our study applied and gained in the contexts or to the

participants. If we are going to conduct our research in a far place then we will be


active, forceful, and powerful towards our research and study thoroughly in order to

acquire that certain information.

Ethical Consideration

As a researcher it is our responsibility to secure our participants to their safety,

protection as a respondent that give their trust to us. We are also responsible to keep

the information by the hand of the researcher, because many teenagers give the

negative side of using of it.

Considering my participants being one who experience the good and bad effects of the

modern technology we are give them an authority by using their dialect to express their

feelings and give their different experiences to it. We follow the ethical standards that

pointed by (Boyatzis, 1998; Mack et al, 2005), the following are: respect for persons,

beneficence, justice, consent and confidentiality.

Respect for Persons

We need to respect and accommodate the respondent ability for not them to

feel bad and discourage you as researcher, we don’t look down the respondent

knowledge or something that make them to confuse. Before hand, we will need to get

the respondents consent, to be part of the study. We also get the consent of parents for

all the respondents before conducting the research. This will be done to pay a respect

for the individual participation concerned for the study.


Consent It is one of the most important way of showing respect to the persons

during research (Creswell, 2012). The purpose of this is to be aware to them that they

are involved to your research. Written consent was provided for them to get their

approval. After getting their approval they will be actively participated your purpose to



It was require a commitment of minimizing the risks to the research participants.

The information from the participants must be kept in order not to put each participant

into risks. We need to make the participants always protected, so that the information

was not left unattended or unprotected.

In the results and findings the safety of the participants that system were used.

Means, the participant’s identities were hidden. All the data and proof from the

participants such as video tape, notes, and voice record must be destroyed after the

data were being analyzed.

Some participants are afraid to express their true feelings because of the fear

that give to them as the consequences to what their talking about. We will extra careful

with the questions and due to respect was given to this study.



It requires a reasonable allocation of the risks and benefits as results of the

research. It is important to acknowledge the contributions of all the participants as they

generally part of the success of the research. They must be given due credits in all their

endeavours (Bloom and Crabtree, 20016). They were not able to spend any amount

during the interview. Sensible tokens were given to them as a sign of recognition for

their efforts for the study. We hope that through this study they will get freedom to

whatever negative experiences they had as they teach non-readers and maintain a good

name into what positive contributions they could offer in this study.

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Abouchedid, K (2004) E‐Learning Challenges In The Arab World: Revelations From A Case

Study Profile [Online] Available:

Research 2: Methodology Sample [Online] Available:

CHAPTER 3 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: Data collection method and Research tools

[Online] Available:


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