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write short note

Open tender and limited tender

earnest money and security deposit

material at site account
stock and non stock item
Works demand plan heads for various type of s&t department works
Productivity linked bonus
School passes
Minor penalties
Fill in the blanks
extended form of AFTC is audio frequency track circuit .
normal aspect off automatic signal is green.

maximum energization of QTTA2 track relay is 300% of its pickup value

Block overlap in MACLS territory is 180 metres
S&T works of replacement are sanctioned under plan head ---
Mechanical lever frameOVERHALLING IS DONE IN 5 years
time delay release of overlap can be reduced to 60 seconds with approval of CSTE.
Extended form of MSDAC e is multi section digital Excel counter
Extended form of GPS global positioning system
Extended form of COIS coach operation information system
Extended form of tpws train protection warning system
Maximum power output of vhf set provided at station is 25 what
Headquarter of RDSO Lucknow
IVRS stands for integrated voice response system
Standard form of CUG is closed USER GROUP.
minimum visibility requirement for MACLS distant signal in section provided with single distance
is 400 metre

Point machines used for operation of 60 kg normal turnout has throw up 143 mm
Earth resistance of blocks comments shall not be more than 10 home
gap between stator bar and bottom plans after stock rail should not be more than 1.5 mm

Write 10 names of languages in 8th schedule of constitution of India

Explain in brief the rule of rajbhasha rule 1976
As per rajbhasha rule 1976 what are the qualification for knowing that a person has got working
knowledge of Hindi
Write short note on
Compassionate appointment
Leave encashment
School passes
Standards of financial propriety
Budget orders and allotment
Write in tabular form the aspect control chart in double distant territory
Draw a typical sketch of signalling on a DOUBLE LINE station with common loop on one side
and hot Excel siding taking up from common loop line .
Draw the distant and inner distant signal control circuits.
What is rute locking why it is required
what are the conditions to be proved for clearing up HR signal.

What are essential of automatic block system on double line as per general rules.
Write minimum 10 items of Pre commissioning checklist of electronic interlocking.
Write five advantages of inter electronic interlocking over panel interlocking
Write full form of

Draw the signalling plan for standard 2 four line station on a route provided with common loop
with automatic signalling on one side and absolute block working on the other side show
signals track circuits points other controls and various distance and number them as per the
practice standardization on NCR.

Write selection table for any home signal for reception on loop line with overlap set towards
main line.

Write short note on crank handle interlocking.

draw the schematic diagram of IPS showing various module considering the line wise
segregation required for fore line station provided with BPAC on both side and loop line Excel
Water what is the purpose of half notch in double line IRS block instrument and how will you
check its effectiveness

Write short note on cascading of signals

Write short note on IBS.

What are the essential requirement before interlocking of a. will you carry out
interlocking test of a signal say S1 having track circuits tc1 tc2 tc3 tc4 and TC 5 from approach
to overlap and points 101 and 102 in route and 105 in overlap each having crank handle
Briefly describe the utility of data logger
indicate difference between QSPA1 and QNN1 relays and where are these used.

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