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I. Complete the following sentences with is/ are /was or were

1. Today IS her birthday. She IS 23. Last year she WAS 22.
2. Yesterday IT WAS very cold, but today IT IS hot.
3. I m not hungry. So I ate a sandwich an hour ago.
4. I feel OK this morning, but yesterday I WAS very tired.
5. I like your new jacket. waS it expensive?
6. They didn´t buy that shoes, they WERE very expensive.

II. Complete the following sentences with am, is, are or was, were
(affirmative or negative)

1. _____IS______ Look my new bag , It __so beautiful

2. _____IS______ ___ she your brother’s girlfriend?....... No, is his ex
3. ____WAS____ My dad studied in that school, he said it __ grey.
4. _____were___ My grandparents live in Lima, They __ in Cuzco on
5. ____WERE___ Maria and Julian __ my classmates, I really missed them!
6. _____ARE___ Joe and Julio __ my co-workers, we have to work on
different projects

III. Complete the passage with the correct verb in its past simple form:

(see, not want, sleep, call, be x 2, go, find, meet, want, decide, buy, sit,

Last weekend WAS a great weekend for James. On Saturday he SLEPT until 12 o
´clock, then he SAT in his chair outside his house, because the day WAS hot and
sunny, After that he CALLED his friend Charles and they DECIDED to go to the
In the afternoon, James WENT surfing at the beach and then he FOUND some great
videos in YouTube and SAW them.
In the evening, James and Charles MET at the cinema.
James WANTED to buy ice cream, but Charles DIDN’T WANT so they, BOUGHT pop
corn and soda. They HAD a great time.
IV. Circle and correct the mistakes in the following sentences, if the sentence is
correct, put OK

1. There wasn´t any good books at the library __________WEREN’T______________

2. Marie weren’t French. She were(WAS) Polish __________WASN’T_____________
3. He born in Arequipa in 1995 _____HE WAS BORN IN AQP______
4. They played volleyball (the) last week ___________OK__________________
5. I payed to much for that blouse ? ___________PAID_______________
6. She was sick yesterday, but now is better ___________OK_________________
7. Where Carlos and Mary was (WERE)born? _____WHERE WERE C…_______
8. Last summer I (I) was in Paris ____________OK________________
9. My mom and my dad wheren´t at my party ____________WEREN’T____________
10. Carina cook pasta yesterday. ____________COOKED______________
11. Maria brought(BOUGHT) a house last week ______________?________________
12. They prefered that seat _________PREFERRED____________
13. She visited us ago five minutes (AGO) _____________OK_______________
14. Carlos spent a lot of time in your house yesterday ____________OK________________
15. Thank God, somebody stopped that terrible noise last nigh _______NIGHT______________

V. Complete the newspaper story about a fire. Put in the past simple forms
of the verbs. (Fight, see, find, start, be x 2, die, call, arrive,
try, enter, BRING)

Two people DIED in a fire in Ellis Street, Oldport yesterday morning. They WERE Herbert and
Molly Paynter, a couple in their seventies. The fire STARTED at 3.20 am. A neighbour, Mr Aziz,
SAW the flames and CALLED the fire brigade. He also TRIED. to get into the house and rescue
his neighbours, but the heat WAS too big. The fire brigade ARRIVED in five minutes. Twenty
fire-fighters FOUGHT the fire and finally WAS it under control. Two fire-fighters ENTERED the
burning building but FOUND the couple dead.

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